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Paul Edwards

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Despite the imperial media efforts to slander his image and bury his judicial torture, Assange was fortunate to have a global network of dedicated followers who never wavered through the years.

Julian Assange is free.  After thirteen years of unrelenting and unwarranted persecution, nearly seven confined in an embassy by colluding, criminal governments, and five more in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison in England, he is free.

In exchange for his freedom and the dropping of a laundry list of baseless, bogus charges against him by the U.S government, he was forced, for his freedom, to plead guilty to one: conspiring to acquire and disclose U.S. national defense documents.

In an era when the United States has committed a vast catalog of vile, unthinkable horrors, and amassed a catalog of the most flagrantly, damningly criminal humanitarian abuses of any empire in the history of the world, the sadistic persecution of Assange stands out as uniquely vicious and perverse.

Assange’s offense, the act that cost him fourteen years of his life, unimaginable mental suffering, and some physical damage, was to collect and release incontestable evidence that showed the world the moral putrescence of The American Empire in action.

The most visually shocking element was a video, taken by the perpetrators’ cameras, of what came to be called “the collateral murder” event in which American military helicopters machine-gunned unarmed civilians on the totally baseless supposition that they were enemies of the American occupation.  It is so clearly an irresponsible assassination that no defense of it is possible.  It is just one of the countless ghastly murders committed routinely by ignorant, indoctrinated, sub-human, American grunts.

This was included in a dump of horrific information, including the Afghanistan and Iraq “war logs”, acquired from Bradley, later Chelsea, Manning, a young Army intelligence operative whose conscience simply could not permit concealment of American brutality, and falsity in covering their crimes.  She was convicted by a military court and sentenced to 35 years in prison for her courageous part in exposing American war crimes, and later released by the Obama after seven years served.

Another major Wikileaks dump that stunned the rulers of the American National Security State was the “Vault 7” dump.  This detailed, comprehensively, the fact that the CIA was performing electronic surveillance and cyber warfare on its own citizens.  It exposed the vast array of intrusive, clandestine systems and tools the agency used to spy on citizens through their phones and other devices, and prompted porcine Secretary Pompeo to label Wikileaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service”.

A third source, among the many that threatened the American government and its political apparatus, was the dump of the emails of the Democratic National Committee that showed it had been run as organizational support for Hilary Clinton’s campaign, and to shut down the challenge of Bernie Sanders.  It was the reality exposed in this release that turned the entire Democrat Party into a vengeful and dishonest enemy of Assange.

The common characteristic of all Wikileaks’ efforts was to shine the light of truth on what the U.S. government was doing while concealing those activities from their own people.  In the corrupt and diseased view of the rulers of The Empire that America had long become, this was deeply criminal and could not be allowed.  The rulers, the Capitalist elite and its lackeys, are not wrong in fearing such exposure, because if the American people were ever to know how corrupt, dishonest, cruel and murderous their whole leadership caste has become, it would not last until sundown.

The release, or what might better be called the escape, of Julian Assange, by no means signals, or even begins to suggest, the prospect of some ethical new day in The Empire.  The Empire suffered a serious and humiliating defeat in being forced, against its will, to find a way to be rid of him, whom they had failed to “terminate with extreme prejudice”, as the old CIA phrase had it.  It could only tolerate this shameful loss of face because it saved it from the far greater one which would have buried them in guilt and infamy if they had brought him to trial.  Then the world would have seen the depth of their villainy and degradation paraded nakedly and hence made undeniable.  So no, there is no question of benign justice in allowing him to walk free.

Rather, the end of the long ordeal of Assange simply shows how fearful and hostile this stumbling, failing empire is of losing its strangle-hold on its citizens’ minds and loyalties, and how violent, devious, and unscrupulous it will be in order to continue to rape and destroy the world for the detestable Capitalist cell that controls it.

Assange’s great crime, in the bloodshot, clouded eyes of aging empire, was his courage, for which they hoped to kill him.  They planned to, if they couldn’t get prison and solitary to do it.  The comedy, insofar that the idea may be admitted, is that, like so much else that The Empire has plotted and gloated over lately, the sorry third-string minds of the morally stunted yo-yos that run it have buggered it up completely, and ended up tarred and feathered, pants down and shortcomings on display.

Assange’s freedom is a moral triumph for humanity.  Whatever else may come in the precipitous decline of The Empire and its noisy Lilliputians, whatever new and ignominious exercises in impotence it may perpetrate, we are entitled, indeed, compelled, to celebrate this one, brief, shining moment when, in the face of determined and dedicated malevolence and malign intent, a man of integrity and noble purpose was still able to confront and assault a monstrous engine of destruction and prevail.

Hail, Julian!  You, the Spartacus of your era, have fought for us all and won!

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Paul Edwards

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Professional grifters Biden and NATO chief Stoltenberg figuring how to engineer more wars to maintain the widely despised but extravagantly profitable "International Rules-Based Order".

This one just ahead, though it will not agaudy idiot’s delight.  You might call it “exceptional”.

You have an addled, unprincipled Bozo in office, a career pimp for Big, Dirty Money, whose son is up on a Federal gun rap who, whoring and coke blitzed, sold the Grifter-in-Chief’s name to Eurotrash hoods for bags of Franklins, running against a sleazy, bloviating, con man, and ham-handed serial abuser convicted for paying hush money to an emeritus porn queen, who belittled his diminutive tool, going head to head for all the marbles.

This, then, is the glorious end result of the Grand Democratic Experiment crafted by our deified forefathers.  This is the nunc dimittis for the Land of The Free.  And it was long predicted.

H.L. Mencken, assessing our system, put it this way, ages back.

…all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre—the man who can most easily, adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a vacuum.  The Presidency tends to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

We reached that milestone elections ago.  Now we have men running who are not mere defectives, but blatant psychopaths.  Well, you ask, what does it matter, in a country that’s clearly insane, when lunatics have been running the asylum all along?

It doesn’t.  The Machine is on autopilot.  The Executive Wanks are clowns hired to moon the supine electorate, selling odious bullshit as Deep Strategic Thinking, salubrious for the Great Unwashed.  It’s a pompous, Stuffed Shirt Goon Show, to con vacuous boobs into believing their gullibility will be rewarded.

In astronomy, the term White Dwarf describes the remnant of a great star in its final death throes, that has dissipated all of its once tremendous energy and, no longer having the force that made it burn, brilliant and vital, has collapsed and shrunken into irreversible decline that will end with its total dissolution.

What are the sure indicators of the demise of a star of empire?  The first is that its rulers deny what they know: that it’s over.

An empire at apex is supremely confident, in control of the world, and ignores internal critics.  At ease with its power, it does not deny its crimes, much less squirm to excuse them.  All other nations pay it homage, often tribute.  It does not vaunt its power or boast its image.  Its force speaks volumes without words.

America does not deserve to be called The Empire anymore.  It belongs in the junkyard of colossal failures like Weimar, Czarist Russia, and the sick, conflicted French Third Republic.

Externally, it is riding a chain of disastrous failures in war, and snubs and rebuffs in diplomacy.  Its financial hegemony, once absolute, has so eroded that the dollar’s dominance is shaky and foredoomed.  Its once giant industrial engine has seized up—our only exports are devices to kill people—and we import everything we can no longer make from our biggest declared enemy.

Our Congress, Stock Market, and Supreme Court are rank whore houses and casinos, peopled by sleazeballs, grifters and flimflam men, our Treasury and Federal Reserve are wizards in the dark art of making money from nothing, and our hugest billionaires pay no taxes, as working paupers foot the bill for their owners.

In a vast economic crisis in which millions work for wages they can’t live on, Capitalism kills human labor in favor of automation, the majority own nothing, and even those with medical insurance go broke if they get sick, our government—bitchslapped in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria—sends billions to Nazi Israel to support its genocide, and bankrolls a war that Ukraine lost on day one.

Meanwhile, Congress’ insane concerns are sealing the border, forbidding abortion, censoring free speech, and investigating each other.  It is so grossly, obviously incapable of functioning, has so totally, slavishly abandoned independent thought and action, and is so hysterically lost in probing the outer boundaries of human stupidity that, by itself, it signals national collapse.  And there is nothing you, or anyone, can do to prevent it.

Trump or Biden will only exacerbate dysfunction in the mudpit of governance.  The parties are enthusiastically making everything worse by their obvious disinterest in anything but money, and their cynical boosting of those loopy, ludicrous Pagliaccis, their defective Duces, in a scenario straight out of Lewis Carroll.

When was the last time you could discuss your country’s political affairs with a neighbor without explosive laughter or fisticuffs? We’re done.  Over.  Franklin said we had a Republic, if we could keep it.  We haven’t. We sold it.  To The Money… The Lords of Capitalism took it all and left us nothing.  Kristofferson wrote, and Janice sang, “Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.”   In that sad and ironic sense, we still have our freedom.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Paul Edwards
Crossposted with Information Clearing House

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In this era, as our government is putting itself to such trouble to help us understand what they need us to understand, as they want us to understand it, and to give us the tools to help us believe what they know we should believe, language matters.

A New Battle of Communications

Our government is so concerned with the forms of information that it has identified all types that are out there for us.  Real information is the kind our government provides you to protect you from mis-, dis- and mal- information.  Mis- is information our government knows is wrong.  Dis- is the kind it finds misleading, while Mal- is just intentionally malicious.  Everything is now being done to identify and exclude—as opposed to censoring—all kinds of information except that which is good for you.

And this battle—for it is a battle—is not just about information.  It extends to all of etymology, because our government’s deep concern with words and their true meanings is vital.  It is critical that the meaning of words be exactly what our government means them to mean, or rational discourse becomes possible.

“Free speech” is a term of such perfect, indisputable meaning that it cannot be challenged by rational minds, yet it has recently been attacked by those who would invalidate it.  It clearly affirms one’s right to say anything at all, no matter how rash or wild, without let or hindrance, that is affirmed by our government.

The extremist (sic) threat

There are “extremists”—which, btw, refers to those who attack anything our government defends—who would subvert the hallowed doctrine of Press Freedom by refusing to acknowledge that the essence of it is to present, fully and fairly, openly, and without the least bias, the information our government provides.  Can there be a worse violation of that freedom than to work to undermine its truth as some so-called “journalists” do?

In that light, the term “real journalist” is specific to those beacons of integrity who report, always and only, the actions and events our government has vetted and authorized as true.  Those who seek to obfuscate or distort the truth by refusing that information are a threat that must be silenced and punished.

This is not to “censor” them.  Proper oversight of disinformation can never be censoring.  Censoring happens when anything officially true is denied or falsified to the public.  Treasonous “so-called journalists” do it, reporting wild, unauthorized stuff.  Press Freedom is far too precious to allow our enemies to do that.

Israel introduces a new concept of architecture to the people of Gaza.

One term with only a single true meaning has come under attack by slackers and evil-doers but has now been codified precisely by our government: “Anti-Semitism”.  That attacks have been made on its meaning is a measure of the contempt in which our American Democracy is now held by so many students, and a vast majority of our voting public, infected by misinformation.

At last! Simply and Succinctly — Anti-Semitism Properly Defined

Fortunately, our Congress has clarified this term and made it law that “Anti-Semitism” is exactly this: conveying, by word or deed, any criticism of the State of Israel.  That ends the controversy.

Some will say there has never in our history been a legal ban on criticizing a government, and this is true.  Our answer is that there was never a need for one, because there has only been one Chosen People, one nation among all others, that is favored by God.  A nation so favored must be reverenced and protected above all others, or God will be displeased, and who knows what He might do?  Would you discredit his justice?

The attempt to obscure and obfuscate the meaning of “Anti-Semitism” has resulted in trials for Israel and for our government, its greatest ally.  The recent gory, bloody, mindless, lunatic, ugly, vicious, rabid, unprovoked massacre by Hamas on October 7th, required that Israel defend itself, continually, for seven months, in Gaza.  In this defense against their powerful, heavily armed and supplied enemy it was necessary for it to employ military force.

Everyone is complicit

Since, as Israel’s highest officials stated, the entire population of Gaza is complicit and all its people are therefore soldiers, in self-defense, Israel has had to bomb, dynamite, and destroy all of it, along with many thousands of its brutal defenders, most of whom were elderly, female, children, and unborn babies.  This is war, which has been well-defined elsewhere.

Anti-Semitism—defined above—has raised the unjustified cry of “Genocide”, in total defiance of what the word means.  The term arose from the Nazi effort to annihilate Jewry in WWII, and is defined precisely to mean the effort countries make to destroy Jews.  Jews, who survived their great historic genocide, have vowed never to let it happen to them again.  The murder in Gaza is obviously not genocide, because it is not happening to Jews.

There has been a great outbreak of Anti-Semitism due to misuse of the term “genocide” in the disturbance in Gaza, and much of America has promoted it.  Our government is working hard to atone for its citizens’ error by judiciously modifying their speech.

* * *

Okay… it’s satire, but we are being choked to death on this kind of bullshit thinking.  When does this passive, mentally castrated genuflection to institutionalized deceit end?  Are we determined to crucify ourselves on the cross of demented groupthink?

Paul Edwards is a writer and film-maker in Montana. He can be reached at:|
Scroll down to see also the author's bio box below

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Paul Edwards

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Well, that’s a relief.  The Empire’s PR people came out right after the massacre at Crocus to tell us that it had nothing to do with Ukraine, much less with them.  They said they warned Putin that an attack was likely at a music event or something.  Of course, they couldn’t tell him where, because they didn’t know, you see.

The thing that comes to mind hearing The Empire’s solemn, bald faced denials of responsibility for the Moscow mass murders is the story of the man caught by his wife in flagrante, and as she stares at him, naked and erect, he yells to her, “Hon, it’s not me!”

I have no sound information on the Crocus horror, and so can draw no firm conclusions about it.  Anything I offered would be baseless opinion which, although very much in vogue among The Empire’s mouthpieces nowadays, does not make it past my Superego as a usable mode of operation.

Stating as fact that which cannot be verified or which is patently untrue, as in the case of most of what we are informed is real information, as opposed to the “mis”, “dis”, or “mal” types that our government is so intent on eliminating, is not a practice I can subscribe to.  I prefer to defer judgement and confess ignorance rather than to make assertions that are untethered to the reality they address.  Of course, I’m not your government.

What seems to be certain is that a few men of Tajik nationality killed over 140 people.  They were caught on the way to the Ukrainian front and are imprisoned with a number of their fellows who are said to have had some role in it.  That’s it.  There is no information on their motive, and only rumors as to sponsoring or backing, including some in our media speculating that Putin did it himself, in order,  they say—as in the Nord Stream blowup—to injure himself and his national interest.  The reasoning in The Empire’s press strongly resembles Medieval Scholasticism, or the headlines once run in the Volkischer Beobachter, but there it is.

The aftermath of the massacre is being met in Moscow with a deafening silence which the simple take to mean that it is being gagged down as a bad break that will be forgotten, but that ain’t necessarily so.  One can’t be sure, but a betting man would conclude there is deep, thorough investigation going on that will lead to sound conclusions and, perhaps, spectacular behaviors.

In contrast to the Crocus case, there seems to be no doubt that Nazi Israel took out the Iranian Embassy annex in Damascus, killing a leader of the Quds Force.  Iran has vowed to revenge the act, but again, there is official silence as the matter is investigated.

According to the latest data, at least 144 people were killed and 551 people were injured as a result of that terrorist act. At the same time, 95 people are considered missing or unaccounted for.

The prudence evinced by both injured states in exercising such restraint is both fortunate for the world and wise, since retaliation, however justified, is likely to bring on regional or even world war.  The fact that each attack was so violent and carried out on home territories—an embassy is considered part of its home country—makes the patience shown in responding to them amazing.

The quietly charged atmosphere around these provocative hits has a distinct resemblance to the tense, foreboding days in Europe after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914.  Before the horrendous bloodletting of WWI, there were a couple of weeks during which those who realized what threatened was cataclysmic held their breath in hopes of a rationality that didn’t come.  This is no prediction.  These grim events may resolve themselves in some way that avoids an eruption.  The nations involved, however incensed and insulted, may find a means of avoiding an arbitrament of force, but the fact remains that massive power blocs are in open confrontation.

What is worse is that The Empire, desperate from a string of losses and humiliations that only benefitted the War Machine—admittedly, the driving power of this sick, delaminating relic of a hegemon—and unable to face its own demotion from world boss to a sort of lethal raging granny, will continue to tempt fate with its advanced case of national dementia.  It will not relent until it gets the real war it seeks in which it will be, for the first time in its short history, thrashed within an inch of its life.  My, that will be a hard surprise to the great majority of braindead Americans.

Rhetoric can be wounding, but superior weaponry annihilates.  And The Empire doesn’t have it.  None of it.  Russia, in contrast, does.  The Empire is still basking in the glory of the incineration of Dresden and the battle of the Coral Sea.  It is as prepared as it can possibly be… for World War II.  Or even Korea or Vietnam…  But its mighty arsenal of yesteryear will be as ineffectual against hypersonics as Polish cavalry was against the Panzer Korps.

The wild card in all this is Nazi Zionist Israel.  The last six months have been as perfect a demonstration of the behavior of a nation that has not only lost its moral compass and threadbare cloak of civilization, but has even laid its rotting, repugnant soul open for the world to see, and smell.  One has to conclude that the word “Israel” must mean “murder” in Hebrew.  This psychotic entity attacked Iran directly and sees no reason to even lie about it, and the vicious affront is an act of war that demands commensurate or greater response.  And it will come.

Then, if Israel chooses, the dogs of real war can be loosed, and the range of complications becomes imponderable.  Once again, as always with Israel, Aunt Sam’s Empire is caught on its back foot by Zionist hubris, and will be pulled into any hairy stuff Herr Netanyahu precipitates.  Not that our geriatric politburo wouldn’t be keen to break a lance for our nation’s Zionist Jewish owners.  After all, as Nancy, Mitch and the whole Crone and Geezer High Command have vowed, it is—to paraphrase that old monster, George Wallace—“Israel today, Israel tomorrow, Israel forever!”

The bughouse lunacy of The Empire in its senescence is so stark that it would be risible if our lives weren’t tied to it.  But they are.

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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Paul Edwards

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Mural of late archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero, recently canonised. So CIA goons in that poor country also murdered a saint, but US Catholics —80 million Americans—hardly noticed.

You have to hand it to The Empire of Capitalism when it comes to the variety of tactics it has devised for breaking and destroying countries that attempt to refuse its arrogant overlordship.

Sure, military assault and destruction are the big item lately—in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine—and those disastrous, bungled pratfalls were big moneymakers for the War Machine.  Our Command and Control apparatus, laughingly referred to as our “democracy”, utterly contemptuous of its lobotomized, morally dead citizenry, does what the inner circle of its Capitalist owners require to maximize their profits, and losing “wars” is of no consequence since there is arguably more profit in that than in winning them, whatever that might mean.  Either way they cash in, and getting American boys killed is of no concern to them.

So, “war” heads its list of tactics but not to the exclusion of other effective means of destroying small nations for plunder.  It has subjected the whole of Central and South America forever with bullying and violence, empowering the sleaziest whores in their “elites” to run them as extraction zones and money brothels for The Empire’s banks and partner pirates.

GRUESOME WORK: Death squad victims in El Salvador. Thank you, CIA. Try to explain that on your evening news. The savagery is intentional for intimidation purposes.

It has used its CIA—its nasty corps of sick, bumbling psychos—to facilitate this calumny, and wherever thought necessary, to hire murderers to take out anyone who resisted in a roster of nations around the world.  It even tried this form of demolition, and nearly succeeded, in attempting to reduce giant Russia to beggary and ruin but that, as it turned out, was beyond its capability.

Lately, the amanuenses of The Empire, its “Free Press”, long reduced to sniveling bawdry, have been strident in advising us braindead readers and watchers, that Haiti is spiraling down into chaos because its legitimate government has been ousted by violent, predatory gangs.  Oh, my!

One of the true wonders of The Empire’s Propaganda Bureau— that “Free Press”—has been how it has learned to do what it pretends to be real reporting on an event while leaving out or eliminating anything that might convey the truth of the matter.  The major news outlets and print media are filled every day with the most transparent and egregious bullshit in the interest of keeping the great mass of American naifs from ever knowing anything true about anything that concerns them.

One of the true wonders of The Empire’s Propaganda Bureau— that “Free Press”—has been how it has learned to do what it pretends to be real reporting on an event while leaving out or eliminating anything that might convey the truth of the matter. 

The story of the corruption and decomposition of the American press into its stinking, deliquescent corpse is long and grim, having intensified after Vietnam where some young studs in the trade still insisted on telling the truth—Brown, Halberstam and Sheehan, notably.  This persistence put some truly stunning and devastating holes in the stonewalling of bald, cynical lies that the military and State Department used to defend the indefensible, much like what Nazi Zionist Israel is doing now to try to mask their race murder in Gaza, and showed it for what it was.

When young Sy Hersh broke the story of the maniacal horror of the My Lai murders, the fake face of this phony, lying empire was broken in the eyes of all the world.  Hersh, one of the true greats of the trade, has long since been banished from all mainstream outlets as a mind and voice that will not whore his integrity to the degraded and disgraced requirements of our ugly, contemptible, official PR dog and pony show.

William Shirer wrote revealingly of this rolling takeover of the American news biz, as far back as post-WWII years, and a comprehensive and temperate documentation of the sorry selbstmord of American journalism is now out in Patrick Lawrence’s biographical, “Journalists And Their Shadows”.

The rotting of our press has enabled the soft tactics of The Empire through its cosmetic work—similar to an undertaker’s sprucing up a stiff with paint and perfume—to decorate and render pleasing the vicious, inhuman evil with which The Empire has eviscerated and bled out whole peoples.  Cuba, belongs high in that catalog, and Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and on and on, but none has been more villainously manhandled and raped than Haiti about which The Empire now expresses old maidenish distress that it has come to such inexplicable failure.

As little as Americans know of how their country works today, they know less, nearly nothing, of their actual history, and that which is known they seek, in great numbers, to ban as a serious threat to their self-esteem.  In the early 20th century, America—pre-empire—bullied, beat up, and brutalized the whole Caribbean until it made all those islands and small nations into the money pits of Capitalist masters.  United Fruit owned whole countries, as did various oil and sugar barons and big banking hyenas.

Of all those ripped-off and looted states, none was more grossly violated than Haiti because its people were black, therefore meat for lynching by our sanctimonious racist hypocrites.  Marines made it into a whorehouse and grab-bag for our Capitalist brutes and blackjacked it into submission, ceding it to vicious, depraved Papa Doc and his Tonton Macoutes, as CEO for white financial pirates. When he finally ran to rot on the Riviera and efforts were made for independence by patriots, the banks and “free market” ghouls had their overlord—yours and mine, I’m talking about—crush them and reimpose the chaos and larceny of The Empire.

The Empire’s vile role, shameful and horrifying everywhere, was nowhere more nakedly malevolent than in Haiti to this day.  And now, this addled, stupid, senile collapsing empire’s panjandrums are clutching their pearls and clenching their sphincters over this sudden, unforeseen unpleasantness they just can’t understand.

This, of course, is no surprise.  They don’t understand anything but brutality and crime, in the hallucination of hegemony that they dream of and have lost forever.

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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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