FRANK SCOTT—The increasing threats posed by capitalist economics that bring luxurious splendor to some only by creating grotesque misery for others have increased to become immediate rather than long-term problems for all of us and not just some of us. The present mass murders taking place in Israel and Ukraine are immediate problems for tens of millions but the profit seeking assault on all of nature puts all humans in terrible jeopardy.
Frank Scott
Frank Scott
FRANK SCOTT, Senior Contributing Editor • Hailing from the San Francisco Bay area, Frank Scott, a man of Voltairean powers of observation, doesn’t beat around the bush. Not only is Frank a great geopolitical analyst, but he is also an outstanding political moralist reminding the reader that illegitimate power must be held accountable and that citizen rights evaporate in the absence of truth enabling lucid participation in the struggle. Since 2007, he has stayed busy, posting more than an article a week at
FRANK SCOTT—The effect of the Holocaust on 21st century life continues to be as profound, and dangerous, as its impact on the previous century. What is euphemistically called “The Middle East Problem” was really created by the western holocaust, and dumped on the people of the Middle East. The solution to this problem involves the West confronting its own responsibility, and ending its punishment of the Arab world, especially the Palestinians, who have absorbed generations of abuse and had a horrific, biblical vengeance visited upon them for something they never did.