Constructing the Terminator—A Top-Down Approach

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Fred Reed
Annotated by Patrice Greanville

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Constructing the Terminator—A Top-Down Approach

These days, not unreasonably I think, people wonder whether artificial intelligence will produce an electronic being superior to, well, us. Others of darker imaginings ask whether we don’t face the arrival of a real-life Terminator. Science fiction? These days, it has a short shelf life.

Actually, the superior being has probably already happened, if so far in bits and pieces. Let us consider what these bits are, and their assembly into a Terminator, whom we will affectionately call Arnold.

First, Arnold’s mental capacities. Then, its robotic physicality.

Breadth of knowledge is usually thought a sign of intelligence. Arnold, with a Wi-Fi link in his head, would know everything on the internet, books, history, quantum physics, the weather in Chengdu, geography, and just about everything else. Yes, I know, we are all used to this, and it looks like mere lookup and not intelligence. Wait a minute.

With his Wi-Fi link, Arnold could translate fifty or sixty languages into each other, in seconds. If I could do that, you would think me quite a bright fellow. We are used to it, and people are never impressed by what they are used to.

Editor's Note The digital revolution has raised the ante to the stratosphere for the globalist capitalist class as it has turbocharged the old incurable disease of capitalism: overproduction.  For those who have been sleeping under a rock the last 300 years the following may help: The industrial revolution's advances gradually made more and more workers "superfluous" from the standpoint of the Lords of Capital, but the latest advances in. robotics and AI promise to make almost ALL workers redundant, with huge production in most areas of industrial and agricultural production using only intelligent machines. Capitalism's way of distributing such enormous wealth according to its infamous "social relations" is well known: the lion's share for the capitalists, a tiny share for the still employed workers, and the rest to the unemployment rolls, and let the state figure a way to keep them from starving. Except that with the state in the hands of the same greedy (by definition) capitalists, the tax revenues will only shrink precisely when they need to expand, so salvation "by dole" will become impossible.  What then?

Computers have beaten the world’s best players at chess and Go and defeated the national Jeopardy champion. If the victorious machines are not online, they easily could be. These capacities are usually regarded as requiring intelligence.

Since all of these things happened at least three days ago, they are ho-hum and not too interesting. But then we have to consider–drum roll, squalling of trumpets–ChatGPT and suchlike. Chat is the omnipotent humanizer, combining all the foregoing into a great Being. Chat can hold conversations, write essays and poetry often indistinguishable from those produced by humans and, weirdly, containing literary insight and psychological perceptiveness. So why is something–Arnold’s head in this case–that knows everything, writes business proposals and collegiate term papers, speaks fifty languages, does graduate-level mathematics, and plays championship chess–not– superior to the common run of humanity?

Note that as lagniappe Arnold’s head as herein described can generate images from text, talk in different voices, write songs, and perhaps sing them.

Now let us consider Arnold’s more-corporeal being. Here we will ponder Boston Dynamics, the robotics-design firm. The company has produced Atlas, a robot remarkably similar to the Terminator when its pseudo-flesh was stripped away. The video is worth watching. Atlas, doubtless the Terminator under an assumed name, is an actual, really and truly, functioning humanoid robot. He walks, does gymnastic flips, finds stuff where it is and carries it to somewhere else. It is, so far as I know, the first potentially scary robot. If it can find a box, carry it upstairs and put it on a table, it could find an intruder into the warehouse, carry him downstairs to the basement, and stuff him into a wood chipper.

(Boston Dynamics does not offer Atlas for this purpose.) Yet. In fact it just retired him as obsolescent and presumably is working on something more alarming.

Just now, Atlas seems an engineering exercise. He certainly cost a megabundle to figure out. But should he prove profitable for some purpose, such as guard duty or actual work, in mass production his cost would drop sharply. His metal parts are unlikely to cost horrendously. Software, once written, is almost free. Here I speculate, but the code for housekeeping–making him walk, see things, and so on, may be aboard, but if he were equipped with Wi-Fi and ChatGPT, all of that would come wirelessly.  If, say, a hundred thousand were built for industrial use, which is what Elon Musk has in mind for his Optimus robots, they would be controlled by the local buyer’s Wi-Fi,

Unless bad guys hacked them and ordered them to do bad things, or simply planted code so that at a later date they could be ordered to go on a rampage or do something nefarious.


OK, that’s silly. I think. But Apple updates the software of millions of iPhones now with little effort. Why not hundreds of thousands of humanoid robots?  Could evil hackers tell them to stuff bosses into the wood chipper? This could be a major selling point.

But if these things become practical, as Elon Musk promises, what does a warehouse manager make of mechanical workers that quote Hamlet to him?  Or human workers make of Arnolds who work twenty-four seven without rest except to recharge, who remember where everything is infallibly, and do complex calculations in milliseconds?

Or, a robot could be a cute little panda, becoming best friend to your daughter of four years. ChatGPT is well beyond just answering recorded questions. Kind of creepy, a child becoming emotionally attached to a being not really a being. I assume that a little girl cuddling a doll knows it isn’t a real baby. Hmmmm.

As a minor but related note, now sells audiobooks read by a computer. I have listened to a couple of them, and could not tell the voices from human.

It is worth bearing in mind that robotics advances rapidly, and artificial intelligence is in its infancy. Image recognition is now routine, understanding of speech by computers, well developed. I encounter estimates that humanoid robots suitable for factory work will cost twenty thousand dollars in mass production. These things are some way from being useful as, say, soldiers, but “some way” may mean fifteen years. If you consider the cost of human soldiers –recruiting, training, feeding, and explaining to their mothers why they are dead–buying robotic soldiers and storing them in warehouses looks like a good thing if practical.

Methinks the world doth change overmuch. Many today in their fossil years remember Dick Tracy’s two-way wrist radio, which we knew to be impossible because vacuum tubes could never be made small enough.

Regarding the Biden-Trump debate, am I the only one horrified? Two grown men, calling each other names like twelve-year-old school boys, bravado and bluster, playing to an audience ignorant and fit prey for platitudes. Trump narcissistic, Biden confused, neither remotely qualified to run a country.  The whole world is laughing.

Anyone may repost this column without further permission.

What about Robocop, Fred?

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Ignorance, Its Uses and Nurture (Or Why US democracy Is an illusion)

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Fred Reed

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Ignorance, Its Uses and Nurture • First run April 24, 2024

Democracy may not be the silliest idea concocted by man but, for anything larger than a small town, it is crackpot. It consists in the idea that a public, on average knowing almost nothing, can choose leaders in popularity contests among provincial lawyers who know little more and are required to know nothing, except how to get elected.

In a democracy, this ignorance is both a protected quality, like motherhood, and a valued resource. By common consent, the ruled do not look too closely at the mentality of elected rulers, and the rulers speak solemnly of the wisdom of the people, who have none. Reporters will ask, “Senator, what are your views on Afghanistan?” but never, “Senator, where is Afghanistan?” or “Can you spell Afghanistan?”

To plumb the depths of democratic puzzlement, we might, by means of polls, ask how many voters can name three cities in China apart from Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Or how many can name even those cities. Or how many know even one date in Chinese history, or can name a single province. Yet they know that China is perfectly dreadful and dangerous.

Ask what countries border on the Caspian or Black Sea. Or, seriously, how many  have ever heard of the Caspian. In today’s politics, these are not quiz-show trivia but influence Washington’s choice of our next war’.

See how many have heard of the Minsk Accords. If they have not, they lack a hamster’s grasp of the Ukraine war. What they think they know probably comes through CNN and MSNBC, assiduous hawkers of the not so.

Gallup: Twenty-one percent of Americans believe the sun revolves around the earth.

Fifty-four percent of Americans read below the sixth-grade level.

A good bet is that the lower third in intelligence of the population knows nothing at all of international affairs and exceedingly little of national.  Given the appallingly poor schools in the cities, another good bet is that the proportion of blacks cognizant of international geography or politics is vanishingly low. (In this, Fred is probably surprisingly wrong.—Ed).  Since Latin American cardiac surgeons and system programmers do not swim the Rio Bravo to pick oranges in Florida, the Hispanic percentage is unlikely to be greatly better. Taken as wholes, none of these three groups is remotely qualified to vote.””

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) stunned attendees at a high school solar eclipse event Monday by claiming the rock-solid moon is a “planet” that is “made up mostly of gases” — before adding she still wants to be “first in line” to learn how to live there.

I suggest sending her. She is the former top Democrat on the House Science Committee’s space subcommittee.

By common consent, the ruled do not look too closely at the mentality of elected rulers, and the rulers speak solemnly of the wisdom of the people, who have none...


While little more than a third of respondents (36 percent) could name all three branches of the U.S. government, just as many (35 percent) could not name a single one.

In reading, 628 Patterson High School students took the test. Out of those students, 484 of them, or 77%, tested at an elementary school reading level. That includes 71 high school students who were reading at a kindergarten level and 88 students reading at a first-grade level. Another 45 were reading at a second-grade level. Just 12 students tested at Patterson High School were reading at grade level, which comes out to just 1.9%.

While people who read political columns online are likely of intelligence above the average, I wonder how many who rail against capitalism, socialism, fascism, racism, and terrorism can define the words.

I recently checked the bios of the members of the House committee on China to see how many read, write, or speak Chinese. None.  Thus do we make policy regarding the most important foreign country on the planet.

A friend, a former US Senator, once estimated, dead serious, that ninety percent of the Senate doesn’t know where Myanmar is. If you and I, dear reader, do not know this, it probably doesn’t matter. The Senate engages in foreign policy.

It is important to note that intelligence does not by itself confer the capacity to vote. I know people way into the upper percentiles who do not have the time or the interest to worry about foreign policy, for example. There are engineers, neurosurgeons, mathematicians, journalists, musicians and artists, whose minds just don’t run in political directions, especially involving obscure countries on the other side of the world. Neurosurgeons have families who merit attention, journals to read to keep up with their fields, perhaps a hobby or two, and don’t have much left over to worry about a new Russian pipeline across Mongolia, wherever that is.

People I have met of IQ 190 or better, maybe four (of whom I assuredly am not one), have had the memory and analytical capacity to, I think, approximate an understanding of politics, history, and so on. These people are so rare as to be almost non-existent. The rest of us at best can know bits and pieces.

For example, my knowledge of Caucasian politics consists entirely in the fact that Washington wants to put military bases in Georgia to help surround Russia.  I am blankly ignorant of Congressional and state politics, agricultural policy, or much about what Blackrock is doing around the world. There is too much to know, and too little wit to know it with.

If we ignore exceptions and degrees, the public can be regarded as a vast semi-comatose polyp that knows only whether it is comfortable or cold and wet and has enough to eat. If the economy is good, people will vote for incumbents, whether these have any responsibility for the prosperity or not. If wars can be fought without inconveniencing them, in places not actually within their visual horizon, they will pay scant attention. They will not concern themselves with education as long as their children get good grades, however unrelated to anything learned. Their interests are local, though they can be stirred up over this football team or that, this Trump or that Biden, or morality plays about police brutality or the righteous heroism of Ukrainians.

Taking into account the aforementioned poor education, controlled media, and American anti-intellectualism—Americans seem to dislike the obviously intelligent—and you have a polity utterly incapable of anything approaching functional democracy. Rev the people up over the Super Bowl or morality tales about the Ukraine or Russia and they will do anything desired. Roll over. Bark. Beg. Nothing to it.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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Fredwitz on War (Speaking Truth to the Powerless)

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Fred Reed
Fred on Everything

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As this illustrious column charges resolutely into the future, a few thoughts on geopolitical doings may, or for that matter may not, be of interest. I’ll try.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, massively different understandings exist. In   America and countries controlled by it, it is believed that Russia invaded without provocation to begin reconstituting the Soviet empire, the Ukrainians are bravely fighting to save their country, and eventually, all of Europe and the West must give them the weapons they need to oppose totalitarianism. Friends of mine in Washington are passionate about this and display Ukrainian flags in their yards.

Most of the world takes a far more favorable view of Russia, refusing to take sides, among them China, India, Mexico, almost all of South America, Central Asia, ASEAN, the Arab world,and black Africa. Many countries continue trading with Russia. Recently 130 countries attended Russia’s Economic conference in St. Petersburg. Russia is a major source of grain, petroleum, gas, fertilizer, these wanted by much of the planet.

Further,, the Ukraine looks, from outside of the Usasphere, to be just another of America’s unending imperial wars. If you follow news from non-Western sources, you see that nobody believes America’s protestations about spreading democracy, fighting crime, promoting human rights, and so on.

Another reason, frequently mentioned in the international blogosphere, is the legacy of colonialism. conservative friends poopoo this, having no grasp of its emotional power. The countries supporting America against Russia are the former colonial powers. The countries declining to oppose Russia are those colonized. Many have been militarily attacked by the former colonizers: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya. They have noticed this. In former times most of the world outside Europe has been invaded, occupied, and exploited. They remember.

The hostility is very real. Further, the Usasphere almost seems deliberately to encourage the animus. For example, recently a Romanian official made what he apparently thought was a clever remark likening Africans to monkeys. This went viral. An African official, maybe Zambian, said in a close paraphrase, “The West enslaved us for centuries, and now they want to lecture us on human rights?” One of the major hacks running Europe, I forget which, recently said that Europe was a garden and the rest of the world a jungle. (Josep Borrel, EU's chief diplomat—Ed.) This also went viral. Websites from Latin America often say ironically, “Aquí en la jungla….”

Outside of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, students of geopolitics see the US as having deliberately promoted the current war. In 1991 when the USSR collapsed, there were 16 countries in NATO which immediately began expanding eastward in obvious military encirclement of Russia with, today, thirty-one countries. When the American coup in Ukraine in 2014 put an American puppet in Kiev, if Russia had not annexed Crimea the American fleet would have been in Sevastopol, US bases in Crimea, and US nuclear missiles eight minutes from Moscow. Washington was simultaneously encouraging accession of Georgia to NATO, which would have put American forces on Russia’s border and an a thin Azerbaijan away from the Caspian. Russia said repeatedly that it would not allow entry of Ukraine in NATO, but the US kept pushing, and thus the war. In a sentence, the war is a carefully planned American imperial enterprise.

Have you heard this on CNN? How many Americans have ever heard of Sevastopol? Or, probably the Caspian?

The effects of the war?  By cutting Europe off from the cheap Russian pipeline gas on which its economies depended, and forcing it to buy pricey American LNG, the war both tightens American control over Europe, makes lots of money for US petroleum companies,and makes European industry less competitive. It also ensures that Europe will buy many tens of billions of dollars worth of American arms. From Washington’s point of view, what’s not to like?

So, while Bidenites offer the war as a courageous defense against barbarism, much of the world sees it as Washington’s using Europe and Ukraine in an attempt to weaken Russia before moving on to China, as officials in Washington have admitted. China is quite aware of this. So, hundreds of thousands of dead Russians and Ukrainians. Perhaps more important in the long run, Washington has succeeded in causing Russia to shift its commerce eastward, selling to China and India and beginning to isolate the Usasphere. Europe may well regret this.

Now, the Grand, Indomitable, Horrific, and Really Scary Motingator Ukrainian Counter-offensive: It is a botch, as anyone familiar with America’s forgn policy and its military would have expected. Here it is, step by step, following Fred’s First Law,  an American war begins with overestimating American power, underestimating the enemy, and misunderstanding the kind of war it is getting into.

Step one: Overestimate America’s capacities. NATO’s superior technology, armament, tactics, and training would overwhelm the Russians. But didn’t.

Step Two: Underestimate the enemy. Russian training, morale, and weaponry could not possibly stand up to Ukrainians trained and armed by NATO,so the Slavic horde would collapse. But didn’t.

Step Three: Give the Russians plenty of time to build heavily fortified defensive lines. They did. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Step Four: Give up any hope of surprise. Of course, there was never any hope of surprise. Satellites do that.

Step Five: With half-trained troops using many cast-off weapons from other countries with which they are barely familiar, attack carefully prepared defenses across open terrain against an enemy with control of the air and massive superiority in artillery.

Step Six: Express surprise at the outcome.

If you do not believe that Washington runs on equal parts of arrogance, fantasy, and incompetence, here is former CIA director and US Central Command chief General David Petraeus who predicted on June 6, two days into Kiev’s southern offensive, that “the Russians will prove to be more brittle than the expectation is” when faced with Western-supplied armour, also claiming that Moscow’s troops were poorly trained, equipped and led and exhausted after a year on the front line without a break.”

Petraeus is not the only appalling dunderhead in the Miraculous City, but he is quite a good dunderhead. A freaking CIA director is clueless about exactly what he is supposed to know about?

America’s hugely expensive intelligence agencies catastrophically failed to estimate the military capacities of both the Ukraine and Russia, the effectiveness of weapons used by both sides, the weakness of the Russian economy, the degree of support for the war among the Russian population, the degree of world support for Washington, the effectiveness of sanctions, and the degree to which the confiscation of Russian financial reserves would drive the world away from the dollar.  Washington’s financial sanctions were going to bring Moscow to its knees. Remember Biden crowing that “the ruble is rubble”?

As the war goes increasingly badly for Washington, the hawks double down, sending more potent weapons. Desperation grows in the Potomac bubble. Huge egos are on the line, elections and, probably, the future of the Empire. How crazy will they get?

In Washington, particularly dangerous are the aged, sometimes senescent draft-dodging pussies of the ancient war on Vietnam, now turned into Depends Napoleons. Among them, Biden, Bolton, Trump, Bush II. To avoid libel charges, I will do nothing to identify this example.

Leadership? In America’s colonies, Ursula Borderline and Stoltenberg seem pedestrian, limited, and better suited to being motel managers than war leaders. Zelensky is the only one who seems to have brains, but combined with the character of an Amway salesman. Compare these to Lavrov, Putin, Xi Jin Ping, Zakharova, all smart.

Federal outlets, such as the NYT,  the WSJ, the Wapo,  the networks and social media, displayed their unequaled capacity for not acquiring information. They told us that the Russians were out of missiles. Except they weren’t. The Russians were out of artillery rounds. Except they weren’t. The Russian population was turning against Putin. Except it wasn’t. Russia was retreating before the Ukrainians. Except they weren’t. And so on.


We come, gasping, to Taiwan. As many in Washington have explicitly said, the purpose of the Ukraine is to cripple Russia and even break it into several countries under American control before moving on to China, Washington’s real target. The same approach is being used that was used with the Ukraine: push toward a “red line” that China cannot ignore until Beijing either surrenders, which it won’t, or fights.

Why does Washington care about Taiwan? A major, major reason is that Taiwant has TSMC, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the world’s largest and most advanced chip fab. America cannot make the most advanced chips, Taiwan and South Korea being supreme in this as the technological center of gravity of the world moves eastward. Before Trump started the “trade” war, actually a new Cold War, TSMC sold chips to any who wanted them. Washington realized that it could not compete with China in many fields if the Chinese could buy chips from Taiwan (also Chinese, note). Thus the urgent need to control Taiwan.

And of course, a victorious war against Beijing would cement American hegemony, the purpose underlying all of everything.

Thus, though the American public is not being informed, Washington is rapidly and systematically doing things that can only be preparation for war with China. Among them is getting Japan to rearm. Selling nuclear submarines to Australia to Deter China. Running the Australia-UK-US naval treaty aimed at China (AUKUS). Running the Quad naval treaty (US-India-Japan-Australia). Arming Taipei with massive arms sales. Opening or reopening four military bases in the Philippines. Getting basing rights in Papua-New Guinea. This is rapid preparation for war with China, boys and girls.

What is going through the minds of the China hawks? Do they think China will back down, as they apparently expected that Russia would in the Ukraine? Do they expect a quick, decisive victory as they always do, though their own think-tank Rand has said they would likely lose? Do they have no exit strategy or plan B as they never do, in case things do not go as expected? Do they have any idea of the effects of starting a world war with a country that supplies almost everything to almost everywhere? Stay tuned. News at eleven.

Memorial Day: I Am Going to Kill the Next Person Who Says “Thank You for Your Service.”


LVT P5 AMTRAC. What we drove in my AMTRAC Battalion in Danang. Designed as a Landing vehicle, it had the gasoline tank in the bottom so that, when the Marines decided to used them on land around minefields, they were death traps. We were rushed into the war half-trained. Happy Memorial Day.

"Our elites–I use the term very loosely–hold soldiers in contempt and usually avoid military service, certainly as enlisted swine."

This might be a good time to consider militaries, war, and the sorry pogues in Washington who incite them.

Memorial Day? Why do governments celebrate those they have just sacrificed in the last war? Answer: To stir up group solidarity–we call it “patriotism”–so they can be more readily sacrificed in the next war. There is much of this, emanating presumably from New York’s ad agencies. Catchy slogans: “The Few, the Proud.” Air Force flyovers at the Super Bowl creaky veterans of WWII hobbled forth to thunderous applause, and stage props in a calculated jingoism. This ensures that young men, impelled by boredom and the yearnings of unsatisfied virility, will rush to the flag in the inevitable next war.

Why? Not for any good reason. wars are not about anything. They are just wars. They are what we do, year after year, century after century. Why? In the nature of things, the smart, avaricious, amoral, ambitious,  and manipulative rise. The government is a sieve for finding those least suited to govern. They will kill numbers without a twinge of conscience, fifty-five million in WWII, a million or two in Southeast Asia, so far a couple of hundred thousand in the Ukraine. Countries and soldiers submit to this because they are herd animals. War, instinctive, is in the blood. We make war as genetically as army ants.

Soldiers are not noble. Consider. The Israelis years back caught Adolf Eichmann, tried him for his part in the attempted extermination of Jews, and hanged him. His defense was that he was only following orders. The Jews didn’t buy it.  But why don’t we hang the American fighter pilots, for example   who bombed Iraq and killed thousands of people who had done nothing wrong? They too were only following orders.  They knew perfectly well what they were doing. Should we hang them? Why not?

In the gelded press of America, wars are bloodless and theoretical. They are less theoretical for the little girl of seven years in Baghdad, screaming as her intestines droop out of a belly opened by jagged shrapnel, with blood pooling round her feet, while her mother goes shrieking bugfuck crazy as she watches her child bleed to death and can do nothing about it.

You think this doesn’t happen? Just what do you think shrapnel does to a soft young belly. Maybe you need to see a war.

After a minute or two the little girl will drop to the ground because of blood loss. She will gasp and gurgle as heart and lungs, no longer with blood flow, try to work and she will probably look to her mother for help, and then lose consciousness, though her organs will try to work for another  few minutes.

Pilots are paid to do this, and get medals for doing it. There is nothing noble about soldiers. They are hit men as much as Guido and Vito in the employ of the Gamvinos.They will, and do, bomb, burn, and machine gun anyone. This is noble? How many of the enlisted men in Iraq knew where they were?

In human affairs, instinct rules. We are as territorial as dogs. When a strange dog appears on what Fido regards as his land, he rushes forth and barks furiously. If an ancient Russian Tu-95 prop driven converted bomber approaches American airspace, pilots sprint frantically toward waiting fighters to roar into the air to bark at the intruder. Grrr. Woof.

The military is often ridiculous, but it is fun. Until the shooting starts, fun is important to militaries. Watch night flight ops on the deck of a carrier in open ocean. Thirty knot wind over the deck, smell of burned kerosene, laconic chatter on commo links, howl of incoming plane at mil power, WHUMP!, tail hook engages. It is wild, orgasmic a video-gamer’s dream, but real.

Think parachuting, driving tanks, night scuba insertions on training missions and extractions by helicopter. (Soldiers go in like suppositories and come out like teeth.) There are the CICs of antiaircraft cruisers and the sonar spaces of nuclear submarines, full of screens and knobs. all appealing to the male love of controllable complexity. None of this is rational.

One reason why wars so often fail to turn out as expected is that soldiers are emotional, not rational, governed by steroid chemistry and the excitement felt by twelve-year-olds playing Capture the Flag. They are romantics pretending to be realists. Have you ever watched  your favorite football team, three points behind in the last five seconds of the game, QB falling back, falling back, dodging tacklers as the star running back streaks downfield, the desperate Hail Mary pass, and you are on the edge of your seat? Luke Skywalker flying his X-wing fighter if that is what it was, boring in on the Death Star, or whatever he bored in on? The Charge of the Light Brigade? Same glandular response.

Another reason for military failure is officer-rot. In decades of covering the armed forces, I noticed that officers often possessed physical courage, but not  moral courage.  In long periods without wars that have to be won, they become careerists, seeking promotion over all else. PowerPoint commandos, Perfumed Princes, They are submissive to authority, those who are not usually leaving after their first tour.

A lieutenant does not get promoted by telling the colonel that his reorganization of the logistic chain is hopelessly wrong. Today’s officer corps  panders hard to political fads such as sexual peculiarities, race over competence, and so on. They know what this does to morale and combat effectiveness, but will not risk that fat retirement by saying so. They will not report catastrophic defects in the expensive new weapon because they are angling for a juicy retirement job with the manufacturer.

It is not quite true that wars are entirely hardcoded in the genes. War profiteers, meaning in large part the arms industry, love them. From the standpoint of, say, Raytheon, a victorious war is bad because the contracts dry up. The same is true of a lost war. What is wanted is a long war not dangerous to America, as for example Viet Nam, Afghanistan, or the Ukraine. The dead and mutilated? What the hell. The earth is probably overpopulated as it is.

Governments know well how to work our instincts, which are those  of hyenas. The pack instinct is in us all. I remember in Marine boot these many years ago the excitement and exhilaration of running in close formation, thumpthumpthump of boots, Lefrylefryfefryright,chanting in chorus: “If i die on the Russian front, bury me with a Russian cunt.” “Luke the Gook comes marching by, stick your bayonet in his eye.” “I know a girl who lives on a hill, she won’t do it but her sister will.” Thumpathumpathump, lefryelefrye. It is exhilarating, adrenal. And it works.

Military training is not the instruction of heroes in waiting to engage in the defense of country. It is the calculated manufacture of barbarians. Soldiers need to be stripped of all elements of civilization, replacing these with  a savagery and lack of morals or mercy, these inevitably morphing in many men into sadism.

In Parris Island we learned how to place a bayonet in an enemy’s kidney so that the shock, agony, and massive blood loss would quickly incapacitate him. I think this was more to instill savagery than as practical soldiery as it was not clear how I, with my bayonet, might be behind an enemy. We also learned how to break a man’s neck. (Get him from behind in a choke hold, jerk him sharply backward while falling forward, snapping his spinal column on the fulcrum of your forearm.)

The US military? A fraud, a money funnel to the arms industry, a laboratory for social experimentation, a tool for wrecking countries that we do not need to wreck. Do you believe I exaggerate? Think about it. Carefully.

In a thousand Legion halls we speak proudly of “our boys”sacrificing for their country. No. Soldiers don’t sacrifice. They are sacrificed. In the Legion halls the aging wounded try to believe they they are crippled, in wheel chairs, blind, trying to get a date while wearing a colostomy bag, half mad with the aftermath now called PTSD, for a worthy cause. It is too horrible to admit that they were suckered, used, and thrown aside. But they were. We were.

Patriotism? it is the herd instinct, nothing else. When people praise patriotism, they mean it as an affirmation of membership in the pack. The Japanese pilots who bombed Pearl Harbor were patriots, as were the Germans who invaded Poland. So were those who attacked the Twin Towers. Do we admire their patriotism?

Patriotism? You can be a decent human being, or a patriot, but not both. A patriot supports Washington’s wars, supports any war against any country. Morally speaking, they are just following orders. Moral they are not.

A personal memory that haunts me to this day, that I have mentioned before. On the eye ward, 4B, in what was then Vethesda Naval Hospital, in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, there was a Tennessee kid about five beds down. He was stone blind, half of his face hamburger. I forget why. Grenade, RPG, mortar, something. I remember his high school girlfriend coming to see him. “Johnny, Johnny…oh Johnny….” So much for the wedding and the happy life together.

Thank you for your service.

If young men do not volunteer  to fight in a war of whose location they are unsure, they have traditionally been  conscripted. This does not quite fit the definition of slavery but it is certainly bond servitude. They go for training under threat of heavy jail time. If in combat they desert, scared and not knowing why they are fighting,  in most militaries in most times they were executed. If you believe they like fighting in some remote Afghanistan, offer them the choice of going home with no  penalty.

We don’t even like our troops not most of us. Yes, in the South, among populations of little education, in rural regions, soldiers are in genuine esteem. Among the high social classes, they are shunned. I went through high school in rural Virginia,  aboard Dahlgren Naval Weapons Laboratory, as it was then called, where my father was a mathematician. The daughters of scientists and officers were forbidden to date enlisted men. This made sense, though not for reasons that could safely be expressed. What physical chemist wanted his daughter, being groomed for the University of Virginia or Swarthmore, to get tangled up with and perhaps pregnant by some lowlife who would spend thirty years drinking himself silly and selling fan belts at the NAPA outlet?

Our elites–I use the term very loosely–hold soldiers in contempt and usually avoid military service, certainly as enlisted swine. Among prominent draft dodgers during Vietnam, Biden, Bush II, Bolton, and Trump. Count the Ivy students in combat arms. There might be one somewhere, probably with a brain tumor.

Thank you for your service.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Enlisting in the Military: A Very, Very Bad Idea

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Fred Reed

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An inestimable piece, written by one of the few men who possess the talent and moral honesty to tackle a subject like this.

Times Sq US Armed Forces Recruiting Station, one of the oldest in the nation.

Enlisting in the Military: A Very, Very Bad Idea

If you are a young man wondering what to do with your life, you may consider enlisting in the military. Don’t. Yes, the military has its appeal, or seems to. You may need a job. The uniform looks good. There can be adventure. You might get laid by Asian lovelies in foreign countries.  These things have their appeal. They did for me as a young Marine. But they aren’t worth being mutilated, blinded, or spending the rest of your years in a wheelchair. This can happen. It does happen. And Washington doesn’t give a damn.

Recruiters won’t tell you of this. They are liars. They lied to me. They will lie to you. At the very least, they will talk only about good things that might happen, about college money and job training you might get but probably won’t.  They will make you feel welcome. You are joining a team of brothers, they will say. You are a patriot. You are defending your country.

Don’t believe it. The US military does not defend America. The last time it did this was in 1945, at the end of World War Two. Since then, American soldiers were sent for twenty years to Afghanistan. Is Afghanistan  America?  No. Was it, is it, important to America? No. Then Iraq, Syria, Iraq again, and Serbia, bombing helpless cities. Iraq isn’t America. In my day–I’m an old guy–it was Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, where 63,000 Americans died, and killed huge numbers of peasants who did nothing wrong–for no reason. Washington is now getting ready to start a war with China. China is on the other side of the world.

Let me tell you what the military does to young men, what Washington does. Long ago I was driving a truck near the Marine base in Danang, Vietnam. A bullet came through the windshield. The glass spatter went into my eyes, filling them with blood and blinding me for, as it turned out, several months. I lay for maybe an hour beside the road until a chopper finally came to take me to the Naval Support Activity hospital. For a couple of weeks a Viet nurse gave me a large injection of penicillin every few hours because if the blood got infected, that would be it for my vision.

Across the corridor from me were two Marines whose tank had been hit by an RPG, rocket-propelled grenade. It ruptured the hydraulic lines and the hydraulic fluid had exploded into flames. The two crewmen across from me had gotten out somehow, though horribly burned. I was told they were covered with a plastic sheet that dripped with evaporation from their burns, but I don’t know. The other too had cooked alive, burning, burning, in agony, skin sloughing off, unable to breathe in the flames, desperately trying to find the hatch. The two across from me said they could hear them screaming. It is what the military did to them. It is what the military will do to you.

A recruiter might tell you that I am an old guy, and things have changed. No. They have not. The military still uses tanks, rifles, land mines, bombs, flamethrowers, artillery. Aircraft carriers, important for the upcoming war with China, still carry large quantities of jet fuel and explosives. They are barbecues waiting to be lighted.  You can have your bowels blown out, or burn alive, as easily now as then.

 SIDEBAR—Editor's Note

And then there's the painful conscience. the personal demons, you have to deal with, as this closing scene in Hal Ashby's COMING HOME (1978), one of the best Vietnam films ever made, makes clear. Jon Voigt won a well-deserved Oscar for his role as disabled Vietnam vet. Too bad he later became a semi-deranged reactionary. 

Did Vietnam have anything to do with America?  No. It’s on the other side of the freaking world. Likewise Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq. So why does the military, why does our government do it?

Answer: So the arms industry can make money. And so Washington can try to control the world. Are you willing to die, to spend your life in a wheel chair, to wear a colostomy bag full of your own shit and never have a date because you were gut-shot–so Lockheed-Martin’s stock shares will go up? Don’t do it. Don’t let the bastards use you.

The wars never stop because the money is sweet, the profits enormous. Washington just finished twenty years of killing in Afghanistan , meaning twenty years of juicy contracts. How did this defend America? Now we have Ukraine, so far costing taxpayers over a hundred billion dollars. Is Ukraine America? The United States is falling apart as anyone can see and Washington sends money to Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, Russians and Ukrainians,   have died there, for nothing. But of course most of that money going to Ukraine is used to buy weapons from the arms companies. Follow the dollar.

For Washington, for the arms industry–they are almost the same thing–long wars in distant places are desirable because companies like Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon can keep selling the Pentagon missiles, tanks, helicopters and simple things like gasoline at jacked-up prices. War is about money. Washington cares about money. It does not care about you.

Don’t let them use you.

I’ll tell you another story. I spent about a year on the eye ward, 4B, at Bethesda Naval Hospital as it was then called, just outside of Washington. In hospital wards you see what the military really does to people. There was a guy blind because a defective rifle grenade detonated on the end of his rifle. Another fellow had taken an AK round through the jaw, shattering the bone. The fragments had to be removed, leaving the flesh where his jaw had been hanging down in a formless blob like a wet sock. He ate through a nasogastric tube going through his nose. We called him Jawless.

Military wards are full of such. The one I most remember was a young Marine from Tennessee, maybe nineteen. One side of his face was grotesque hamburger. He was stone blind. I was nearby when his high school sweetheart, maybe seventeen, came to visit him.

“Johnny…Johnny…Oh, Johnny.”

So much for the marriage, I figured. What young high school senior  wants to tie herself for life to a blind horror that she will have to lead around?

The war in Vietnam was lost, of course, but it wasn’t in vain. It made unimaginable profits for the arms industry. Why do you think American wars last so long? If America wins the war, the money stops flowing. If it loses the war, the money stops. Keep the war going, and the money flows.

This is the military the recruiters don’t tell you about. It is the real military.

-want to know the lousy medical care the Pentagon gives the wounded? An incompetent military eye surgeon managed to destroy my remaining good eye years later. To  see the kind of thing that happens, read this at the Unz Review. It will show you what you can expect.

Think what, if you enlist, you will really be doing. Let’s say that you are ordered to fire artillery at some city or village. In your impact zone, a little girl of seven, hit by shell fragments, looks down in surprise as her intestines fall from her stomach, and begins crying, then screaming. This happens, frequently. What do you think hot jagged shrapnel does to a soft young belly. She holds out her arms to mommy for help, this being instinct with the very young, before collapsing from profuse bleeding. Large blood vessels are found in the abdomen. Her mother goes stark bugfuck crazy, desperate to save her daughter but watching her die. It is how we defend America, see.

This is what the military is, what it does. It is what you will be used to do, directly or indirectly.

Those in Washington who will send you to kill people you have never met, and to be mutilated, do not themselves go to war. Rich young men do not enlist. Students at Harvard and Yale do not enlist. The military preys on, takes advantage of, ordinary kids, usually high-school grads, often from the South.

If you are twenty years old, what I am about to say will be ancient history, but I ask you to think about it. The same thing is going on today.

The following men were all of military age during Vietnam, and they now rule the country or did: President George Bush II, Bill Clinton, John Bolton (of whom you have probably never heard, but a major warhawk), Biden, Trump All avoided military service. All now want to send you to wars. To express it clearly, they see you as suckers. Think about it.

I tell you, as one who has been there, who has seen it, don’t let them use you.

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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