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Eric Zuesse

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Of humble beginnings, and a devout anticommunist, Missourian Harry Truman left his mark in history, for the worse, but, as usual, larger forces determined the nation's course.

Dr. Marco Soddu’s excellent 13 December 2012 study of “Truman Administration’s Containment Policy in Light of the French Return to Indochina” makes clear that (unlike FDR) President Truman’s historical understanding was poor and vulnerable to shaping by advisors who themselves had poor understanding, or perhaps ulterior motives.

President Roosevelt was far more of a strategic thinker than Truman was, and therefore was far less manipulable. In his 1 January 1945 Memorandum for the Secretary of State (Stenttinius, whom Truman viewed as being soft on communism and therefore Truman replaced him on 28 June 1945, even before deciding irrevocably to start a Cold War), FDR made clear that, “I still do not want to get mixed up in any Indochina decision. It is a matter for post-war.” And, “I made this very clear to Mr. Churchill. From both the military and civil point of view, action at this time is premature.” The aristocracies of both Britain and France were obsessed to continue their empires post-war. FDR held them off, but Truman was strongly inclined to yield to them whenever doing so would be “anti-communist.” He was simply manipulable. He never really understood what FDR’s vision was of the post-war world, nor cared. In fact, on 29 August 1945, in a conversation between Madam Chiang Kai-shek and Truman, “Madame Chiang recalled that President Roosevelt had spoken of a trusteeship for Indo China, whereupon the President stated that there had been no discussion of a trusteeship for Indo China as far as he was concerned.” This far, just a month, into the Cold War (supposedly against communism instead of for forming an all-inclusive global U.S. empire) that he now was committed to, he still had never even thought about what FDR’s vision for the post-WW2 world had been. To Truman, communists personified evil: to him, they were psychopaths and demons — end of story.

By contrast, here was the reason why FDR strongly favored for existing colonies to become taken over, after the War, by the U.N. (which FDR had, since August 1941, been planning to be quite different from what Truman made it), as trusteeships of the U.N., on the road quickly to independence (and Chiang knew at least something about this but Truman either didn’t, or else lied to say he didn’t):

Memorandum, President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State

FDR—Though a plutocrat by birth and acculturation, he was as decent and visionary as a bourgeois statesman can be.

January 24, 1944

I saw Halifax last week and told him quite frankly that it was perfectly true that I had, for over a year, expressed the opinion that Indo-China should not go back to France but that it should be administered by an international trusteeship. France has had the country — thirty million inhabitants — for nearly one hundred years, and the people are worse off than they were at the beginning. As a matter of interest, I am wholeheartedly supported in this view by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and by Marshal Stalin. I see no reason to play in with the British Foreign Office in this matter. The only reason they seem to oppose it is that they fear the effect it would have on their own possessions and those of the Dutch. They have never liked the idea of trusteeship because it is, in some instances, aimed at future independence. This is true in the case of Indo-China. Each case must, of course, stand on its own feet, but the case of Indo-China is perfectly clear. France has milked it for one hundred years. The people of Indo-China are entitled to something better than that.
F[ranklin] D. R[oosevelt]]

Another sign of bad faith on the part of the United States against the Soviet Union — besides the Marshall Plan and Operation Gladio (both instituted by Truman) — seems to have been America’s public refusal to accept as being anything other than ‘communist tricks’ the repeated efforts by the Soviets to restore the U.S.-U.S.S.R. joint national-security cooperation that had existed prior to 25 July 1945. America’s responses to each of those Soviet initiatives were insults, instead of welcoming the Soviet proposals and working behind the scenes with them to obtain progress toward the type of world order that FDR had intended — a world order policed by the United Nations, not by the united imperialistic fascists. For example, on 19 September 1959 at the U.N. General Assembly, the Soviet Representative headlined “Declaration of the Soviet Government on General and Complete Disarmament” and presented a series of proposals including:

“Declaration of the Soviet Government on General and Complete Disarmament”

September 19, 1959
P. 14:
The Soviet Government proposes that the programme of general and complete disarmament should be carried out within as short a time-limit as possible — within a period of four years.
The following measures are proposed for the first stage:
The reduction, under appropriate control, of the strength of the armed forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China to the level of 1.7 million men, and of the United Kingdom and France to the level of 650,000 men;
The reduction of the armed forces of other states to levels to be agreed upon at a special session of the United Nations General Assembly or at a world conference on general and complete disarmament;
The reduction of the armaments and military equipment at the disposal of the armed forces of States to the extent necessary to ensure that the remaining quantity of armaments corresponds to the level fixed for the armed forces.
The following is proposed for the second stage:
The completion of the disbandment of the armed forces retained by States;
The elimination of all military bases in the territories of foreign States; troops and military personnel shall be withdrawn from the territories of foreign States to within their own national frontiers and shall be disbanded.
The following is for the third stage:
The destruction of all types of nuclear weapons and missiles;
The destruction of air force equipment;
The entry into force of the prohibition on the production, possession and storage of means of chemical and biological weapons in the possession of States shall be removed and destroyed under international supervision;
Scientific research for military purposes and the development of weapons and military equipment shall be prohibited;
War ministries, general staffs and all military and paramilitary establishments and organizations shall be abolished;
All military courses and training shall be terminated. States shall prohibit by law the military education of young people.
In accordance with their respective constitutional procedures, States shall enact legislation abolishing military service in all of its forms — compulsory, voluntary, by recruitment, and so forth. …
(4) Conclusion of a non-aggression pact between the member States of NATO and the member States of the Warsaw Treaty

Editor's Note: Reflect for a moment on the above. Here is a bold proposal that could have significantly altered the course of human history, for the better, and it was being tendered by the much demonised Stalin and the communist Soviet Union. Such ideas never came from the sanctimonious and ever duplicitous West. 

The U.S. response came a few months later at the “Conference of the Ten Nation Committee on Disarmament”:
“Conference of the Ten Nation Committee on Disarmament”

22 March 1960
Final Verbatim Record of the Sixth Meeting
Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva
P. 36:
Mr. Eaton (United States of America): I have no intention of entering into this discussion on foreign bases. I think the discussions that we have had here this morning have indicated that we shall run into political problems at the very earliest stage, problems on which earlier conferences have foundered. I would only say that the forces of my Government are only employed outside my own country and within my own country for the purpose of defending both ourselves and those of our allies who wish to be associated with us, who welcome our troops as a part of theirs and as a part of the allied defences, and for no other reason. Whenever the time comes when these troops need not be employed, for defensive purposes only, there need be no doubt in the mind of anyone here that those forces will be withdrawn.
“Conference of the Ten Nation Committee on Disarmament”
24 June 1960

Final Verbatim Record of the Forty-Sixth Meeting, Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, p. 4:
Mr. Nosek (Czechoslovakia): What did Mr. Eaton propose? He proposed the introduction of control measures. … exclusively with measures of control, that is with the old and well-known requirement of the United States — the introduction of control over armaments. Apparently with a view to misleading world public opinion, which requires a concrete discussion of general and complete disarmament, the United States representatives are beginning to prefer — for tactical reasons — to call those measures not “partial measures” but “initial steps” on the road to general and complete disarmament under effective international control.

“The United Nations and Space Security: Conflicting Mandates” p. 17:

This [obfuscation and evasion by the U.S. (which on p. 16 was referred to as merely “proposals directed towards the establishment of control without disarmament”)] ultimately led [on 28 June 1960] to the USSR, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania not attending the 48th meeting of the Ten-Nation Committee, which signalled the end of these discussions in the Committee.

The U.S. Government refused to discuss the Soviet Union’s proposal for all war-weaponry to be placed under U.N. command, and decision-making only by the U.N., to enforce only U.N. laws — no longer under the command of individual nations (such as by the U.S. regime’s “international-rules-based [i.e., not international-law-based] order.”

Who benefited from America’s refusal even to discuss what had been U.S. President FDR’s aim for the post-WW-II world? The beneficiaries are what Eisenhower when leaving office called the “military industrial complex,” and are basically America’s hundred largest military contractors, especially the owners of the largest weapons-manufacturing firms such as Lockheed. Ike had served them well, and then three days before leaving office warned the public about them so as not to be blamed (along with Truman) by historians, for having created it.

Meanwhile, the German industrialists (such as this) who were likeliest to have been the individuals who had funded Hitler’s rise to power, were let off scot-free at the Nuremberg Tribunals after the war was over. Furthermore, as Bishnu Pathak documented in his 21 September 2020 “Nuremberg Tribunal: A Precedent for Victor’s Justice”, those Tribunals were, even at the time, widely condemned even by the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and by the chief U.S. Prosecutor at the Tribunals, as being a “sanctimonious fraud,” a “high-grade lynching party” and nothing more than victors’ ‘justice’, instead of any respectable precedent-setter for the U.N., but Truman and the other leaders of the victor-powers simply did not care — and the U.N. became built upon that acceptance of victors’ ‘justice’: no improvement. One cannot say whether FDR would have caved to that if he had not died first, but certainly the U.S. that followed after him has been the type of tyranny that he had always been scheming to prevent both for the U.S. and for the world.

Nuremberg defendants—The trials seemed to mete out some harsh justice but in reality the Anglo-Americans and the French did their best to save and incorporate Nazis into the global anti-communist crusade, the first "Cold War". This pattern of high-handed hypocrisy continues to this day, with consequences that have put the world on the brink of a nuclear Armageddon.


Furthermore, the OECD or Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development was set up in 1948 nominally in order ‘to stimulate economic progress and world trade,’ but actually to administer the Marshall Plan. The OECD was just another anti-Soviet U.S. organization, but, since the cash that it was distributing was going to Europe, its initial membership was those countries and it was headquartered in Paris, so as not to seem to be an extension from the U.S. Government. The organization changed its name to OECD in 1961 so as to hide from historians that it had previously been called the OEEC, which was clearly traceable to the Cold War. The CIA-edited and written Wikipedia says that “In 1948, the OECD originated as the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC),[7] led by Robert Marjolin of France, to help administer the Marshall Plan (which was rejected by the Soviet Union and its satellite states).[8]” However, it wasn’t “rejected by” them, but instead rejected them — just like the Marshall Plan itself rejected them.

The 1989 masterpiece by Christopher Simpson, Blowback: The First Full Account of America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Disastrous Effect on The cold war, Our Domestic and Foreign Policy, documented the U.S. regime’s comprehensive employment of ‘ex’-Nazis in order to assist its goal of conquering ‘communism’ but really Russia. Then, on 7April 2024, I headlined a supplementary account, “How & Why the UK, U.S., and Canada, Governments imported Nazis into Canada”, which I closed by saying: “And this is how it came to be that the pro-Nazi Ukrainians in Canada have been organized and effectively represented while the others (the non-Nazi Ukrainians) were suppressed; and, above all, how it came to be the case that America’s armaments-manufacturers and their NATO have thrived while coup-after-coup and invasion-after-invasion have continued to expand the U.S. empire up till the present moment.” All of this was an extension from Truman’s private decision on 25 July 1945, and its extension by Bush’s secret decision on 24 February 1990 to continue it even after communism in Russia would be ended in 1991. Furthermore, my 23 March 2024 “How Germany Is Still Controlled by Nazis” documented yet further, that as regards the anti-Russian aspect of Hitler’s nazism, there was no real change in Germany when the U.S. regime took it over from Hitler (and the rest of it from Gorbachev), other than the necessary cosmetic changes in the new unified Germany, which, of course, required outlawing any public displays of anti-Semitism (as-if Hitler had hated only Jews — Jews were instead his main hatred, but he also hated — and aimed to enslave — all Russians, and, indeed, all Slavs).

I especially recommend reading Christopher Simpson’s masterpiece, because it’s the best book yet done on the then and continuing fraudulence of the U.S. regime’s allegations that the comprehensive denazification of Germany’s Government, which FDR had been intending, and which was central to his planning for the post-WW2 world — and which all three of the Allies, FDR, Stalin, and Churchill, had supported — was carried out, instead of effectively aborted, by Truman and by Eisenhower (with Churchill’s support of aborting it), and by all successive U.S. Presidents and European stooges since then. The inside-the-book excerpts at the Amazon site for Simpson’s masterpiece, give a fair indication of the book, including its “Series Introduction,” by Mark Crispin Miller, which says that, “For over half a century, America’s vast literary culture has been disparately policed, and imperceptibly contained, by state and corporate entities well placed and perfectly equipped to wipe out wayward writings,” including the history that this book documents.

The U.S. Government’s National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) had very reluctantly commissioned it, with an obligation to publish it, but then refused to publish the work because NARA’s top official refused to allow it. The team of investigators, headed by the work’s author, Simpson, finally found a publisher for the work, which was then, and since, suppressed. On 13 November 2010, Eric Lichtblau, whose chaotic anecdotal narrative book The Nazi Next Door was to be published in 2015, was the New York Times reporter headlining “Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says”, and the newspaper introduced it by saying that, “An internal history of the United States government’s Nazi-hunting operation provides gripping new evidence about some of the most notorious Nazi cases of the last three decades. The Justice Department kept the 600-page report secret for the last four years, releasing a heavily redacted version last month to a private research group that sued to force its release. A complete version was obtained by The New York Times.” The 600-page complete unredacted secret report, titled “The Office of Special Investigations: Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust”, by Judy Feigin from the U.S. Department of Justice, and dated December 2006, was linked-to in the online version of the article, and it stated, flat-out, on its page 33, that “Congress’ overriding concern at the time was in helping refugees escape communist rule.” In other words: the U.S. Government’s ‘anti-communist’ (actually pro-U.S.-empire) obsession, ever since Truman took over, included assisting Nazis and their supporters to become “refugees” in America and in its (after WW2) colonies (‘allies’). And this has continued, likewise secretly, ever since U.S. President GHW Bush on 24 February 1990 started telling America’s European stooges to secretly continue the ‘Cold War’.

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Tucker Carlson: Putin, Navalny, Trump, CIA, NSA, War, Politics & Freedom

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Lex Fridman • Tucker Carlson

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Please watch this video and THEN read the critique below, prepared by historian Eric Zuesse. 

Feb 27, 2024 Lex Fridman Podcast
Tucker Carlson is a highly-influential political commentator. You can watch and listen to him on the Tucker Carlson Network and the Tucker Carlson Podcast.



Lex Fridman, 27 February 2024, 3 hours long
[FRIDMAN] What do you think of Putin saying that [a] justification
for continuing the war [in Ukraine] is denazification [of Ukraine’s government]? - [CARLSON] I thought it was one of the dumbest things I'd ever heard. I didn't understand what it meant, denazification.
- [FRIDMAN] It literally means what it sounds like. - [CARLSON] Yeah, I mean I have a lot of thoughts on this.
I hate that whole conversation because it's not real, it's just ad hominem. It's a way of associating someone with an evil regime
that doesn't exist anymore. But in point of fact, Nazism, whatever it was,
is inseparable from the German nation. It was a nationalist movement in Germany. There were no other Nazis, right?
There's no book of Nazism. I'm like, I wanna be a Nazi. What does it mean to be a Nazi? There's no idea, there's no...
I mean there's no, "Mein Kampf," is not, "Das Kapital," right? "Mein Kampf," is like, to the extent I understand it,
it's like he's about the Treaty of Versailles. Whatever, I'm very anti-Nazi. I'm merely saying there isn't a Nazi movement in 2024.
It's a way of calling people evil. Okay, Putin doesn't like nationalist Ukrainians.
Putin hates nationalism in general, which is interesting. And of course he does. He's got 80 whatever republics
and he's afraid of nationalist movements. He fought a war in Chechnya over this. So I understand it, but I have a different,
I'm for national, I'm for American nationalism, so like I disagree with Putin on that, but calling them Nazis, it's like,
I thought it was childish. - [FRIDMAN] Well, I do believe that he believes it. - [CARLSON] I agree with that.
'Cause I was listening to this because in the United States everyone's always calling everyone else a Nazi. You're a Nazi.
Okay. But I was listening to this and I was like, "This is the dumbest sort of not convincing line
you could take." And I sat there and listened to him talk about Nazis for like eight minutes. And I'm like, "I think he believes this."
- [FRIDMAN] Yeah, and I actually have had a bunch of conversations with people who are living in Russia, they also believe it.
Now there's technicalities here, which the word Nazi, the World War II is deeply in the blood
of a lot of Russians and Ukrainians. - [Tucker] I get it, I get it. - So you're using it as almost a political term, the way it's used in the United States also,
like racism and all this kind of stuff. So, you can really touch people if you use the Nazi.
- [Tucker] I think that's totally right. - But it's also to me a really like disgusting thing to do.
- [Tucker] I agree. - [FRIDMAN] Because, and also to clarify, there is neo-Nazi movements in Ukraine,
which is, they're very small. You're saying that there's this distinction between Nazi and neo-Nazi, sure.
But it's a small percentage of the population, a tiny percentage that have no power in government
as far I have seen no data to show they have any influence on Zelensky
and Zelensky government at all. So really, when Putin says denazification,
I think he means nationalist movements. - [CARLSON] I think you're right. And I agree with everything you said,
and I do think that the war, the Second World War occupies a place in Slavic society,
Polish society, central Eastern Europe that it does not occupy in the United States. And you can just look at the death totals.
Tens of millions versus less than half a million. So it's like this eliminated a lot of the male population of these countries,
so of course it's still resonant in those countries. I get it.
I just, I think I've watched, I don't think I know I've watched the misuse of words,
weaponization of words for political reasons for so long that I just don't like, and though I do engage in it sometime, I'm sorry,
I don't like just dismissing people in a word. Oh, he's a Nazi, he's a liberal or whatever. It's like, tell me what you mean,
what don't you like about what they're doing or saying? And a Nazi especially, it's like,
I don't even know what the hell you're talking about. - [FRIDMAN] What troubled me about that is because he said that that's the primary objective currently for the war.
And that because it's not grounded in reality,
it makes it difficult to then negotiate peace because like what, what does it mean to get rid
of the Nazis in Ukraine? So like he'll come to the table and say, "Well, okay, I will agree to do ceasefire
once the Nazis are gone." Okay, so can you list the Nazis? - [CARLSON] I totally agree. Plus can you negotiate with a Nazi?
- [Lex] Right, exactly, exactly. - [CARLSON] No, I totally agree with you. - [FRIDMAN] It was very strange. But maybe it was perhaps had to do
with speaking to his own population and also probably trying to avoid the use of the word NATO
as the justification for the war. - [CARLSON] Yeah, yes, that's all... Of course, I don't know, but I suspect you're right on both counts.
But I would say it points to something that I've thought more and more since I did that interview,
which was like two weeks ago, I guess. I didn't think he was like,
as a PR guy, not very good. Like he's not good at telling his own story. The story of the current war in Ukraine
is the eastward expansion of NATO and scaring the shit outta the Russians with NATO expansion,
which is totally necessary. Doesn't help the United States. NATO itself doesn't help the United States. And so I'm not pro-Russian for saying
that I'm pro-American for saying that. And I think that's a really compelling story, 'cause it's true. He did not tell that story.
He told some other story that I didn't fully understand. Again, I'm not Russian. He's speaking to multiple audiences around the world.
I'm not sure what he hoped to achieve by that interview. I will never know. But I did think that like this guy
is not good at telling his story.

Regarding Carlson’s “There were no other Nazis, right?” it was wrong, because the ideology exists in every country, sometimes without being directly associated with Germany’s Nazi (capital “N”) Party (not merely with its (lower-case “i”) ideology; but in other instances — such as very much in Ukraine — The West is strongly supportive of, and largely even copying and employing insignia of, Germany’s Nazi Party itself (such as, for example, Ukraine’s Azov Battalion is, and Ukraine’s Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine — renamed the “Freedom” or “Svoboda” Party, by the CIA, as a condition for America’s supporting it) is. The founder and leader of the Azov Battalion Andrei Biletsky even modelled his battalion’s “Ukrainian Social Nationalism” on Hitler’s National Socialism — i.e., on Germany’s Nazi Party. And Ukraine’s Right Sector Party is headed by Dmitriy Yarosh, who was the COO of the coup and the head of its paramilitaries who carried it out for the U.S. Government; its CEO was Andrei Parubiy, a co-founder of the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine, and he visited in DC with Congressional leaders on 25 February 2015 to lobby for more weapons.

Here is a video from the BBC interviewing some of the “far-right” fighters who had been organized (by the United States Government and its billionaires) behind the scenes of Obama’s coup which overthrew in February 2014 the neutralist Ukrainian democratically elected Government and replaced it with rabidly anti-Russian leaders who had been selected by Obama’s organizer for the coup, Victoria Nuland (shown here on 27 January 2014 instructing the U.S. Ambassador in Kiev whom to get placed in charge as soon as the coup will be completed). The Nuland-selected new leader of Ukraine did get that appointment, and then quickly replaced the top generals with ones who immediately started to plan to ethnically cleanse pro-Russians and Russian-speakers to be eliminated from Ukraine’s population so that in any subsequent ‘democratic’ election ONLY Ukrainians who supported or at least accepted this ethnic cleansing against pro-Russians would be still around to be electing future political leaders of Ukraine, so that the U.S. Government would be using Ukraine as its nearest colony to The Kremlin only 317 miles or a five-minute U.S.-missile-strike away from decapitating Russia’s central command in Moscow.

The CIA had carefully selected each one of the “far-right” (actually nazi, or racist-fascist haters of primarily Russians — even more than, as Hitler’s did, against Jews) Ukrainians, who actually carried out the U.S. take-over of Ukraine so as to use it as the springboard for a planned U.S. version of what had previously been Hitler’s “Operation Barbarossa” to conquer and absorb Russia — to do, for America, what Hitler had tried but failed to do for Germany.

Here is the reality of nazism in Ukraine and its carrying-out the U.S. agenda there:

Note: This video packs many "inconvenient" truths about the origins of the current war in Ukraine so the underhanded scum that runs the Anglo disinformation machine (in this case their Google/YouTube component) have decided to put obstacles, or outright shadowban such material. The pretext here is they worry (!) about hurting our sensibilities, so the video presentation is age-restricted and ONLY available on YouTube, where they can show it or delete it any time they wish. Sometimes, when you see this notice, the video is simply not there. As a result we had to nvest plenty of time searchng for it on an independent channel, and THEN work its code to present it through Rumble, which still does not follow the Deep State guidelines to kill the First Amendment. You'llsee it below this ugly and intrusive black box. 


!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embedJS/uukz21"+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");


Rumble("play", {"video":"v4eah53","div":"rumble_v4eah53"});

Here is yet more of that: Censorship, that is. (The author of this critique, Eric Zuesse, seems unaware that these videos are being sabotaged by YouTube.) The video account that uploaded this invaluable video has gotten all of 76 subscribers, and the mind-boggling quantity of 112 views in 9 years! Yea,censorship, especially underhanded censorship as YouTube practices, works. The Deep State can rest easy. 

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embedJS/uukz21"+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");


Rumble("play", {"video":"v4easpc","div":"rumble_v4easpc"});


Here is a news-report about one of the U.S.-backed-and-funded ‘Neo-Nazi’ (i.e.: racist-fascist) organizations’ training-camp for Ukrainian children. (Where it says “A young boy holds a mock weapon and creeps behind a wooden fence as he takes part in drills at the summer camp” this “wooden fence” is shown festooned with German Nazi Party insignia but the right-wing newspaper makes no note of, nor comment about, that incredibly significant fact.) This is a multi-generational operation by the CIA going all the way back to its founding in 1947, by Harry Truman, warping FDR’s ww2-only OSS against the German nazis — against the Nazi Party, the original nazis — to become instead the newly-created U.S. regime’s coup-and-subversion machine, to grab control ultimately over the Soviet Union and now Russia, so as to achieve the world’s first all-encompassing empire. Carlson and Fridman appear to be ignorant of all of that history. Not only is Putin rational to be determined to denazify Ukraine but he’d be derelict in his duties to the Russian nation if he weren’t.

Back in the WW2 years, western Ukraine sympathized with Hitler against Stalin, but eastern Ukraine sympathized with Stalin Against Hitler; and, then, after the war, the CIA (Truman) organized the former allies of (agents for) Hitler to become funded and built as the CIA’s “Operation Gladio” (a “stay-behind army” of local nazis in Europe to assist the U.S. regime’s efforts to turn their local nation’s population against Russians and for the U.S. regime’s goal of ultimately becoming the entire world’s government — the all-encompassing U.S. empire). Promptly, the OSS agent Hugh Angleton retired and transferred to his son the CIA’s James Jesus Angleton (and his boss Alan Dulles) Hugh’s list of 3,000 ‘former’ Nazi secret agents, to become recruited and working now for ‘America’, to finish successfully what had been Hitler’s failed Operation Barbarossa campaign to conquer Russia. The cover-story for it was “anti-communism,” but the reality was imperialistic racist-fascism: though no longer in service to Germany’s Gpvernment but to America’s, and still aiming for an all-encompassing global empire — now America’s, no longer Germany’s. And now focused as obsessively against Russians as the Nazi Party of Germany was obsessively focused against Jews.

The lower-case “nazism” is the ideology; the upper-case “Nazism” is only the German variety of that: Hitler’s political Party. (Similarly, the lower-case “fascism” is the ideology whereas the Italian variety of that is is only the Italian variety of that: Mussolini’s Fascist Party.) But the IDEOLOGY can be, and IS, active in every country, and is ultimately being funded now by U.S.-and-allied billionaires throughout the world. Although the U.S.-and-allied version of nazism is focused mainly against Russians, and the German version (its Nazi Party) was focused mainly against Jews, both are examples of imperialistic racist-fascism. This, for example, is the reason why America’s version can and does have a Jewish nazi, Volodmyr Zelensky, as the U.S.-controlled Ukrainian government’s head-of-state. And perhaps one of the reasons why Carlson and Fridman have been fooled to think that “there isn't a Nazi movement in 2024” is that today the main targets of nazis aren’t Jews — in fact, Ukraine’s nazis are primarily against Russians, and Israel’s nazis (which are almost all Israelis now) are now clearly genocidal against Gazans, if not ultimately so against all Palestinians — even in the West Bank.

Carlson’s “And I think that's a really compelling story, 'cause it's true. He did not tell that story. [1:34:32] He told some other story that I didn't fully understand.” was an important and entirely correct point: At PR, Putin is a failure. (As I had headlined on February 10th, “Putin’s PR Incompetency — the Tucker Carlson Interview as one Example”.) However, as a geo-strategist, Putin has certainly out-witted his enemies, so that — despite America’s being the masters at PR — Russia is thus far winning against the U.S. empire. (That fact makes America’s controlling aristocracy even angrier against Russia.)

The nazi ideology thrives in The West, but even many intelligent commentators in The West are unaware that it does. They focus on the nationality or religion of the imperialistic racist-fascists, or else on its primary victim-targets, instead of on the ideology itself, which is what nazism is.

To assert that the nazi ideology thrives in The West is certainly not to say that most people in Western countries are nazis. Perhaps the only country where most of the population are nazis is today’s Israel; but, for example, the voting-percentages show clearly that nazis are only between 2 to 5% of Ukraine’s population. However, since the U.S. installed that 2 to 5% into the top levels of Ukraine’s government, nazism is clearly flourishing there.


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Why Israel will almost certainly lose its war in Gaza (even if Israel exterminates all Gazans & steals all Palestinian land)

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Eric Zuesse

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Why Israel will almost certainly lose its war in Gaza (even if Israel exterminates all Gazans & steals all Palestinian land)

Refugees in Khan Younis, V. Beeley

Refugees in Khan Yunis, a zone heavily bombed by the Israelis. Khan Yunis is a city in the southern Gaza Strip; it is the capital of the Khan Yunis Governorate in the Gaza Strip. (Credit: Vanessa Beeley)

No country in the world (not even the United States) has violated as many international laws and Resolutions from the General Assembly of the United Nations as Israel has. Until now, nothing has been done to enforce international law upon Israel’s Government, because America’s Government is a permanent member of the U.N.’s Security Council and has always vetoed anything that would authorize such enforcement against Israel — and, consequently, America’s Government has granted carte blanche to Israel’s Government: complete immunity to do whatever it wants.

But that international legal immunity for Israel is almost certain to end soon, because the U.N.’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) is now considering whether what Israel is doing to Gazans constitutes “genocide” (planning, and carrying out, the extermination of a civilian population) — the most severe of all violations of international law. And, in the process of that consideration, the Court listened to testimony at hearings during from 19 February to 26 February, in which “Over 50 nations presented testimony to the ICJ on the legality of the Israeli occupation, with the majority offering stirring arguments for Israeli accountability, and justice for the Palestinians. An Advisory Opinion is expected sometime this summer.” Almost certainly, that advisory opinion will recommend international trials to be held at the International Criminal Court, in which trials Benjamin Netanyahu, and maybe even his partner in this genocidal case Joe Biden, will be formally charged with the international crime of “genocide,” plus of “the acquisition of Palestinian territory by force” (the illegal Israeli expulsions of Palestinians and replacing them with Israeli settlers) as well as of other violations of international criminal laws. Since these are not merely national laws, but are international ones, it would create entirely new worldwide legal precedents, which — for example, the Nuremberg Tribunals after WW2 failed to do (they were instead victors’ ‘justice’ parading as-if they were authentic impartial international-law tribunals carrying out the laws of a worldwide Governmental system that didn’t actually exist prior to the creation of the United Nations — which wasn’t yet up-and-running at that time).

On the final day of these genocide-by-Israel hearings, David Kattenburg, an independent journalist based in the Netherlands town of Breda, reporting from the Court at The Hague, headlined on the #1 website covering the Israeli operation to exterminate the Gazans, “Mondo Weiss”, an article titled “World Court hearing on legality of Israeli occupation ends following week of testimony”. He provided there a breathtakingly good summary of the six-day-long hearings — everyone should read it, because it is clear that not only will Israel become an international pariah nation and face vastly more comprehensive legal international sanctions than any (all of which are illegal under international law) of the sanctions that the U.S. Government has imposed and enforces against countries such as Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and North Korea, but he also showed that the U.S. itself will become, at the very least, enormously isolated internationally, as being, if not a co-defendant alongside Israel, then close to being as much of an international pariah as Israel itself will become from this (no matter what its verdict will be). As Kattenburg’s lengthy summary makes clear, the economic damage to the United States, even from merely a conviction of Israel (but none against America), would be enormous. However, if the U.S. itself will be a target in its verdict, then either the existing international legal order will collapse, or else the U.S.’s empire will. And the U.S. Government’s proposal to replace existing (U.N.-based) international law, by instituting a U.S.-generated “international rules-based order,” in which the U.S. Government will determine those “international rules,” would be not only dead, but finally and ignominiously buried. Finally just gone. So, this case could turn out to be the one in which international law will — at long last — assert itself against the U.S.-and-allied efforts to replace it by America’s “international rules.”

Donkey carts have often replaced cars in Gaza as there is practically no fuel available. The starving animals, also targets of snipers and bombs, have suffered as much as humans.

The Middle-Eastern journalist Steven Sahiouni was factually correct in his February 23rd statement that “The moral authority of the US has been ripped from Washington, DC, by the power of the genocide and war crimes in Gaza, carried out by Israel while using weapons sent to Tel Aviv from the US State Department. Biden’s fingerprints are all over the murder weapons.”

Kattenberg’s article quoted from the “six days of oral pleadings and 57 written statements filed by UN member states and three organizations – the League of Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the African Union.” He noted that “With a few exceptions, Israel’s allies seem to have accepted the inevitability of an ICJ Advisory Opinion, and are now in damage control.” He also pointed out that:

Israel’s allies push court to not render an opinion

Having concluded oral sessions, the International Court of Justice can either accede to the General Assembly’s request for an Advisory Opinion or — exercising its discretionary power — it can decline to do so, something it has never done.

The U.S., Canada, UK, and a handful of other states – among these, Zambia, represented this morning by its lavishly wigged Solicitor General, and Fiji, clearly a friend of Israel, who referred to the General Assembly’s Advisory Opinion request as a “distinctly one-sided” “legal maneuver” to side-step the ‘Peace Process’, assigning legal consequences on just one of the parties to the ‘conflict’ – are hoping for a first.

If the court does issue an opinion about Israel’s occupation, the U.S., Britain, Zambia, and Fiji argued, it should refrain from delving into the exceptionally complex root causes of the situation.

However, if, at this stage, after the ICJ has previously voted (on 26 January 2024) (by margins of — out of 17 judges — 15 to 2 and 16 to 1) as having found a credible case on which to try Israel’s Government possibly for violating severe international laws against genocide, permanent illegal military occupation, and other such laws, will then ultimately decide to advise the International Criminal Court to hold a trial of Israel on such charges, then here are what Kattenburg identifies as possible consequences of such a decision (a decision which is extremely likely to result):

It will “help set the stage, politically, for what is regarded as legitimate in the international community, at the halls of the United Nations, in capitals of states around the world, when they’re dealing with the question of Palestine,” Canadian international law scholar and State of Palestine legal advisor Ardi Imseis told Mondoweiss, on the first day of hearings.

“Most particularly, because the occupation is unlawful and an internationally wrongful act, third states would not be allowed to continue to engage the State of Israel, the occupying power, in relation to the occupied Palestinian territory, in the same way that they have done over the past 56 years,” Imseis said.

“[A] serious breach of a peremptory norm entitles states other than the injured state to take countermeasures against the responsible state as a legal consequence of that breach,” legal counsel for the Dutch Foreign Ministry, René Lefeber, confirmed to the ICJ last week. The Netherlands did this in late January, cutting off the provision of F-35 spare parts to Israel.

The U.S. government will also be under the gun. Recent U.S. sanctions against violent settlers, and Antony Blinken’s confirmation that Israeli settlements are “inconsistent” with international law, suggest increasing willingness to hold Israel accountable for its breaches of peremptory norms, as required under international law.

Strategic lawsuits promise to proliferate.

In response to the ICJ’s January 26 provisional measures order against Israel, U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White cited “undisputed evidence” that “the ongoing military siege on Gaza is intended to eradicate a whole people and therefore plausibly falls within the international prohibition against genocide.”

Judge White “implored” U.S. officials “to examine the results of their unflagging support” for Israel.

A decisive Advisory Opinion is certain to put wind in the BDS movement’s sails.

This past November, shortly after the start of Israel’s assault on Gaza, the Norwegian Pension Fund completed the withdrawal of its half-billion dollar investment in Israel Bonds.

Last week, four Norwegian universities reportedly terminated ties with Israeli counterparts.

And, as the ICJ drafts its Advisory Opinion on the legality of Israel’s occupation, it will also be building the factual basis for its genocide ruling two or three years down the road.

“I’m hopeful,” Giulia Pinzauti told Mondoweiss, in a café down the street from the Peace Palace.

“Everybody’s talking about genocide, as if that’s the only issue,” says Pinzauti. “Clearly, there’s a much bigger problem concerning the legality of the occupation and Israel’s discriminatory practices in the occupied territories. So that’s why I think this Advisory Opinion is extremely important … a good setup for hopefully the merits of the case concerning the Genocide Convention because it puts things in a much broader context.”

In the meantime, says Pinzauti — who teaches a course about the ICJ at Leiden University – the ICJ’s upcoming Advisory Opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s prolonged occupation promises to transform the political landscape.

“It’s difficult for judicial decisions to change things on the ground, and that’s where impacts are really needed,” Pinzauti told Mondoweiss. “I’m hoping that judicial decisions or pronouncements or advisory opinions will help shape state policies in a way that can make effect on the ground where it’s really, really needed … I think it can provide the foundations for a just and lasting peace.”

Even just the visual evidence [MUST SEE: Compelling text and pictures] is hard to interpret reasonably in any other way than that Israel’s bombings of civilian neighborhoods and buildings are intended to kill as many of the residents of Gaza as quickly as possible.

In short: The U.S. Government would be faced with a choice either to join with Israel in being rejected by virtually all countries, or else to abandon Israel to the international judgment that Israel is a global pariah — for America to cease-and-desist its association with Israel.

However: if the latter — abandonment — is to be the outcome of this, then how would the U.S. Government justify the 25,000-tons+ of U.S.-made weapons-and-ammunition it has already donated to Israel to carry out this genocide? If America is already well past the point where it is clearly a participant in what Israel has been and is doing to Gaza, then won’t America clearly be in a damned-if-you-do, and damned-if-you-don’t, change its position on Israel predicament — where the world’s abandonment of Israel will then inevitably rub off irretrievably onto the U.S.’s own “brand”? If so, then what else would be the likely consequence of this, than the end of the period since 1945 during which America was the world’s leading nation? Not ONLY would Israel lose its almost-only patron, but that only patron would no longer carry the international cloutthat it formerly did. The entire Western World would be shaken out, to becoming reputational dust.

The ultimate end of this story, for Israel, seems likely to be the end of the nation of Israel. The entire Trumanite program would then be shattered. Whereas FDR (and his advisors) had been quietly planning to blockBritain’s creation of a Jewish nation in Palestine, Truman passionately supported the British plan. He was the anti-FDR.

America has sunk itself in — so deeply into — being Israel’s top (and often only) patron, so that if Israel goes down, then the U.S. empire itself could likely terminate. The ignominy to Israel could do that: terminate the American empire.

This seems likely to be the moment in history when either the U.N. will be reformed into the vision that FDR had of it, or else it will become whatever it will, with no real leadership, and perhaps just hobbling along that way.


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NAVALNY: How the N.Y. Times Heroizes Russia’s Most Infamous Traitor

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Eric Zuesse
Nick Cruse • John Helmer

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How the N.Y. Times Heroizes Russia’s Most Infamous Traitor

Navalny being marched to jail. He was guilty of fraud, among other things, although this is rarely mentioned. (TGP screenshot)

Here is from the front page of the 18 February 2024 Sunday New York Times:

“Why Navalny, Sacrificing His Freedom and Ultimately His Life, Had to Return”

There was one question that Russians repeatedly asked the opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny, who died in a remote Arctic penal colony on Friday, and he confessed that he found it a little annoying.

Why, after surviving a fatal poisoning attempt widely blamed on the Kremlin, had he returned to

Russia from his extended convalescence abroad to face certain imprisonment and possible death? Even his prison guards, turning off their recording devices, asked him why he had come back, he said.

“I don’t want to give up either my country or my beliefs,” Mr. Navalny wrote in a Jan. 17 Facebook post to mark the third anniversary of his return and arrest in 2021.

“I cannot betray either the first or the second. If your beliefs are worth something, you must be willing to stand up for them. And if necessary, make some sacrifices.”

That was the direct answer, but for many Russians, both those who knew him and those who did not, the issue was more complex. Some of them considered it almost a classical Russian Greek tragedy: The

Continued on Page 8

PUTIN CRITIC Alexei A. Navalny, 47, endured. Obituary. PAGE 26

That’s the Sunday N.Y. Times, and it’s the U.S. Government’s line, too. So: here was the reality about Alexei Navalny:

Though in America and its allies Navalny is presented as an anti-corruption campaigner who long aspired to replace Putin as Russia’s leader and who was in prison in Russia because Navalny was so popular there that in a fair-and-square democratic election, Navalny would beat Putin, Navalny was actually almost universally despised within Russia, and not for any reason pertaining to corruption, nor for his wanting to become Russia’s President.

Though the dominant public image of Navalny in the United States and in its ‘allied’ countries (America’s colonies) is that of his being an anti-corruption campaigner in a very corrupt Russia, and of his being Russia’s most-popular opponent against Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, and therefore was blocked by Putin from running against Putin, and who was even poisoned by Putin, but — amazingly — survived that poisoning by Putin, and was therefore imprisoned by Putin, so as to prevent Navalny from being able to run against him in a free and fair democratic election in Russia, the dominant public image of Navalny inside Russia is and has been that of his being a CIA-MI6 asset who was a racist-fascist traitor who would sell-out his country for anything so long as he could become its leader, just like Benedict Arnold was in early U.S. history, when the then U.S. Vice President Arnold worked with the intelligence services of Britain’s King George III in order to become America’s leader so as to restore the United States to British control — America as being again merely another British colony. (That ploy, by Arnold, failed, of course.)

Navalny was quickly converted into a persecuted "dissident" and later "martyr" by the Western media. Here an item appearing on Newsweek (US)

Typical of the view regarding Navalny that’s popular in the U.S. and in its allied countries was a news-report from Britain’s Reuters on 6 May 2021, titled “Defiant but cornered: Jailed Kremlin critic Navalny’s movement is on the ropes”. It opened:

He has been poisoned, jailed and his close aides are either being prosecuted or have fled abroad. His anti-Kremlin opposition movement is now also likely to soon be outlawed as extremist.

Yet Alexei Navalny and his supporters continue to work on ways to remain a thorn in President Vladimir Putin’s side, even as one of his most important financial backers says the movement in its current form is finished and will take time to rebound.

In the eyes of the Kremlin, the only half-meaningful political weapon the Navalny camp has left is its campaign for tactical, or what it calls “smart” voting against the ruling United Russia party in a parliamentary election in September, according to three people close to the Russian authorities.

Navalny’s supporters are set to be barred from that election via a court case, due to unfold later this month, and planned legislation unveiled on the parliamentary website on Tuesday that would ban “extremists” from running for office.

A court, meeting in secret, is considering a request from Moscow prosecutors to have Navalny’s network designated “extremist” for allegedly plotting a revolution, state media have reported. Russia’s financial monitoring agency has already added the network to a list on its website of groups involved in “terrorism and extremism”.

In response, Navalny’s movement has redoubled its call for sympathisers to vote for other opposition parties in September, however unpalatable they may consider them.

Typical of the view of Navalny that is popular inside Russia itself are the following:

An RT news-report on 1 February 2021 headlined “Top Navalny aide asked alleged British spy for millions in funding, intelligence video released by Russia’s FSB claims to reveal”. Back in 2012, Russia’s equivalent of America’s FBI had a hidden camera in position filming, and recording, Navalny’s top aide trying to persuade a person he thought to be an MI6 (UK’s CIA) agent that MI6 should annually donate tens of millions of dollars to Navalny’s organization because doing this would provide billions of dollars of benefit to UK corporations if Navalny would then succeed and become Russia’s leader. It was a sting-operation filmed by Russia’s Government.

Navalny was also known in Russia as a far-right ethnic supremacist. Here is a video that he posted to youtube on 19 September 2007, under the title of “НАРОД за легализацию оружия” meaning “PEOPLE for the legalization of weapons”:



He said there that all Russians should get guns in order to kill Muslims who are infesting Russia, which would be like swatting big flies or stamping on big cockroaches.

Later, he decided that demagoguing against Russia’s “corruption” was far likelier to win him the backing of the U.S and its allies than demagoguing against Russia’s Muslims would. This was when U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media began presenting him as the ‘democratic’ alternative to Vladimir Putin, who has always been vastly more favorably viewed by Russians than Navalny has been. On 5 September 2020, right before the latest Russian Presidential election, the internationally respected Levada polling organization in Russia reported that the top choice of Russians to lead the country was Putin at 56%, the second-from-top choice was Zhirinovsky at 5%, and Alexey Navalny (shown there as Алексей Навальный), was the third-from-top choice, at 2%. In the 2018 Presidential election, Zhirinovsky polled at 13.7%, Grudinin polled at 12.0%, and Putin polled at 72.6%. The actual election-outcome was Putin 76.69%, Grudinin 11.77%, and Zhirinovsky 5.65%. There were many polls and Navalny was never any serious contender for Russia’s Presidency. The U.S. regime lies as it usually does.

That’s what Russians knew about Navalny. And, of course, it’s very different from what the publics in U.S.-and-allied countries knew and know (or, at least, believe) about him.

Here was some typical May 2021 propaganda that was published by U.S.-and-allied regimes about Navalny:

On May 22nd, Japan Times ran a Reuters report, “How Russia’s new gulag tries to break convicts like Alexei Navalny”.

On May 23rd, the Wall Street Journal headlined “Russia’s Navalny Fights to Stay in Public Eye in Putin Standoff”.

On May 4th, the Washington Post columnist Vladimir Kara-Murza headlined “Russia just took a big step back toward the Soviet Union”, and said: “Last week, for the first time since the Soviet era, the Kremlin officially classified opposition to its rule as a criminal offense. … Moscow prosecutors suspended the activities of the nationwide organization of Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin’s most prominent opponent. Navalny is currently incarcerated in a prison camp after surviving a state-sponsored assassination attempt last year.”

Navalny, though he actually was favorably viewed by only around 2% of Russians (as indicated in polls there), was widely publicized in U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media as having instead the highest support by the Russian people of anyone who might challenge Vladimir Putin for Russia’s leadership. It’s a lie, and always has been. Other politicians had far higher polled support in Russia — but none was nearly as high support by Russia’s voters as Putin was.

Back in 2017, the British firm of WIN/Gallup International issued “Gallup International’s 41st Annual Global End of Year Survey Opinion Poll in 55 Countries Across the Globe”, which sampled 1,000 persons in each country in order to determine in each one the percentage of the public who rated “Favorable” and who rated “Unfavorable” each of the following 11 national heads-of-state (listed here in descending order of their net favorability, or “favorable” minus “unfavorable”): Merkel, Macron, Modi, May, Xi, Putin, Saud, Netanyahu, Rouhani, Erdogan, and Trump. (Merkel globally scored highest, Trump lowest.)

This was an extraordinary poll because it reported not only the job-approval percentages worldwide for each of those 11 heads-of-state, but also the job-approvals for that person within that leader’s own nation — by his or her own countrymen, citizens. Who would be in a better position to evaluate a nation’s leader than the citizens of that country are? Can the people who don’t live there be reasonably be expected to be better-informed of that than the people who do live there are? Hardly.

Amongst Russians, the score for Putin was 79% Favorable, 11% Unfavorable, for a net score of +68%.

Though Germany’s Merkel had the highest score worldwide, her score in Germany was only 54% Favorable and 44% Unfavorable, for a net of +10.

Macron’s net score in France was -1%.

May’s net in UK was -18%

Rouhani’s in Iran was +37%

Erdogan’s in Turkey was +22%

Modi’s in India was +72% (that’s 84%-12%)

Trump’s in U.S. was -23% (35%-58%) — the worst of all.

The following leaders weren’t surveyed in their own countries: Xi, Netanyahu, and Saud.

So: Putin’s net +68% score amongst his own country’s population was second ony to Modi’s — and, whereas Modi had been in office for only 3 years, Putin had led Russia for 17 years, and was a very firmly established high performer in these figures. Here were some of the reasons for this.

To say that Navalny had enough public supporters for him to have become elected as Russia’s President is like alleging that the former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke had enough public supporters for him to have become elected as America’s President.

Contrast the case regarding Navalny with the case of Julian Assange, who has been in prison now for over a decade without having been convicted of anything at all except for jumping bail on a fraudulent rape-charge that even the two alleged victims acknowledged didn’t actually happen:

The Assange case legally involves the Governments of U.S., UK, and Sweden (as well as his home country, of which he is a citizen but which Government likewise opposes him: Australia), but, by contrast, the Navalny case legally involves only the Government of Russia, but has been taken up by all of the countries that are trying to conquer Russia — the U.S.-and-‘allied’ countries.

poisoning him, or else convicting him of something and then executing him. On 4 January 2021, a British judge nixed Assange’s defense case: “I reject the defence submissions concerning staying extradition [to U.S.] as an abuse of the process of this court.” Earlier, her handling of Assange’s only ‘trial’, which was his extradition hearing, was a travesty, which would have been expected in Hitler’s courts, and which makes clear that UK’s courts can be just as bad as Nazi courts had been. However, the U.S. regime’s efforts to grab Assange continued on. Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and the overwhelmingly compliant U.S. Congress, are all to blame for that dictatorial regime’s pursuit against this champion of truth-telling; and the same blame applies to the leadership in UK. The UK regime has, throughout the Assange matter, been fronting for its hegemonic imperial master, the U.S. regime. On 10 December 2021, BBC bannered “Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, court rules”. Blatantly, both America and England lie in order to refer to themselves as being democracies. In fact, America has the world’s highest percentage of its residents in prisons. It’s the world’s #1 police-state. Is that because Americans are worse than the people in other countries, or is it instead because the thousand or so individuals who collectively control the nation’s Government are, themselves, especially psychopathic? Evidence will now be linked-to on that question: America has been scientifically examined more than any other country has, in regards to whether it is an aristocracy, or instead a democracy, and the clear and consistent finding is that it’s an aristocracy, no democrachy at all. And it clearly is that at the federal level. (Here is a video summarizing the best single study of that, and it finds America to be an aristocracy, because it’s controlled by the richest few). And Norway’s aristocracy had also been part of this scandal. It is an international scandal, and keeps getting worse.

U.S.-and-allied press, who claim to be for the public’s right to know regarding all matters of national and international policies, have been overwhelmingly hostile toward him and slanted in favor of the regime against him. For example, on 11 April 2019, the day that Trump got the new President of Ecuador to allow Britain to sieze Assange at Ecuador’s London Embassy nearly 7 years after Assange had first sought refuge in that Embassy in 2012, Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post headlined its editorial “Julian Assange is not a free-press hero. And he is long overdue for personal accountability.” They wrote:

Contrary to much pro-WikiLeaks propaganda, Mr. Assange had no legitimate fears for his life, either at the hands of CIA assassins or, via extradition, the U.S. death penalty, when he fled to the embassy of what was then an anti-American government. Rather, he was avoiding transfer to Sweden pursuant to a seemingly credible sexual assault charge lodged against him in that country. He then proceeded to abuse the hospitality of his South American hosts, most egregiously by presiding over what an indictment by U.S. special counsel Robert S. Mueller III described as Russian intelligence’s use of WikiLeaks as a front for its interference in the U.S. election. Democratic Party documents stolen by the Russians made their way into the public domain under the WikiLeaks label. Ecuador’s new, more pragmatic president, Lenín Moreno, cited Mr. Assange’s more recent alleged involvement in the release of confidential Vatican documents, along with threats against the government in Quito, as reasons to oust him.

lied psychopathically in order to deceive them into supporting the entirely lie-based invasion and subsequent destruction of Iraq; so, clearly, the vast majority of Americans are willing to be lied-to by their Government and its ‘news’-media constantly for decades. They don’t learn from experience but instead from propaganda. It’s as-if the American mass robotically follows the leadership of their aristocrats, America’s billionaires. And so they believe that this is a democracy, no aristocracy. That is the fundamental neoconservative belief — it is that the public in America rule, no aristocracy do. No wonder, then, that America leads the hanging-party against Assange globally.

                  Editor's special addendum.           

The two items below are self-explanatory. In the first one, RBN's incomparable Nick Cruse not only demolishes the ludicrous notion being propagated by the establishment flunkies and top politicians that their CIA regime-change asset, certifiable fraudster, and despicable traitor Alexei Navalny, was a brave hero, BUT, equally important, Nick and Misty out the repugnant collaborationist role of fake leftists like Cornel West and Bernie Sanders, who, as expected, have now joined the chorus of praise for Navalny, comparing this transparent Western tool to genuine heroes like Assange, Mumia, and even Mandela.

About Sanders, we have long known that he was no more than a thinly-veiled sheepdog for the imperialist status quo—an unreliable socdem at best. West's motivations are more difficult to explain, except for his longsanding cringy, namby-pamby liberaloid personality (I started disliking and distrusting West when he was busily promoting Obama! How long, how many degrees, does it really take to spot THAT kind of phony?). Fact is, you don't need to do a lot of diligence on Navalny to learn what he was all about. Just start by reading what the Western presstitutes and other high officials of the West and legion of flunkies always said about him. Did the Western media—run and owned by scumbags—ever heap praise on a genuine patriot of Russia, the Soviet Union, or any other nation in the crosshairs of the State Dept.? Of course not. What the Western media say in such political matters is never about truth. Never. No, West's intellectual laziness in this case is inexcusable. And we are being generous.

As previously mentioned, Navalny had been groomed by Western intel to do the dirty in Russia. Yale's "World Fellows" program—of whch he was a graduate—is a busy color revolution incubator (one of many the US establishment has created) for individuals deemed useful in future meddling around the globe. The roster of such "graduates" boasts fellows like Carlos Vecchio, for example, Venezuela's "Ambassador" to the US under Juan Guaido's "presidency." 

In the second addendum, John Helmer, just about one of the most authoritative independent journalists on Russian questions (yes, they still exist) suggests that we calm down with the phony hysterics and begin where we ought to, with an impartial medical evaluation. Navalny, despite his exterior and relative youth, was not a tower of strength. He was seemingly frail. No to mention West intel may have played a role in his demise. After all, his "uselfulness" quotient to the West may have been deemed as dispensable due to his possibly long sentence, and urgency —with Ukraine virtually collapsing any day—to dilute the good will accumulated by Putin through his recent interview with Carlson. 


Get it right, bro. Alexei Navaly was a neo nazi who was despised in Russia. 
WARNING: Nick Cruse is the shortest path to a genuine education in real leftist politics


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DISGUSTING: How Americans View Israel’s Goal of Exterminating Gazans

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Eric Zuesse

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How Americans View Israel’s Goal of Exterminating Gazans

They not only by a 3 to 1 margin deny it, but they support what the International Court of Justice has determined to be a prima-facie case that Israel is genociding the Gazans — support the genocide without knowing about it and without having seen, much less considered — any of the voluminous evidence on which the Court had reached this decision. Here are relevant polls of Americans:


Do you think that the attacks on Jews were genocidal in nature or not genocidal? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023; December 13-14, 2023; January 17-18, 2024)
October 2023, December 2023, January 2024
75%, 73%, 74%
Not genocidal
25%, 27%, 26%
Do you think the Hamas killing of 1200 Israeli civilians on Israel can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians or is it not justified? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18 2023, December 13-14 2023, January 17-18 2024)
October 2023, December 2023, January 2024
Can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians
24%, 27%, 25%
Not justified
76%, 73%, 75%
Do you think the United States is doing too much, about the right amount or not enough to resolve this conflict? (Gallup, December 1-20, 2023)
Too much 19%
Right amount 41%
Not enough 39%

Here is the Democrats-versus-Republicans breakdown of the Gallup Dec. 1-20, 2023, “Americans Divided Over U.S. Support for Israel and the Palestinians”:

Do you think the United States supports [Israel/the Palestinians] too much, about the right amount or too little?

% Too much, % Right amount, % Too little%

U.S. support for Israel

U.S. adults
36 Too much
38 Right amount
24 Too little

26 Too much
37 Right amount
37 Too little



U.S. support for the Palestinians

U.S. adults




Dec. 1-20, 2023
Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.


Whereas only 16% of Republicans think that there is “too little” support for the Palestinians, 49% of Democrats do. Whereas only 15% of Democrats think that there is “too little” support for Israel, 37% of Republicans do. So: Republicans are far more supportive of genociding the Gazans than Democrats are. This fact will significantly reduce the turnout-to-vote by Democrats on Election Day 5 November 2024 and thereby greatly increase the likelihood that Biden will be defeated and Trump elected to be the next President. As I have previosly documented, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had already made clear in 2017 in an historic court case that America’s news-media ignored, that both American political Parties are private corporations that are owned and controlled by a self-selecting group of lobbyists and successful politicians who in turn represent only America’s billionaires and a few of its centimillionaires, and that this was the reason why RFK Jr. (who had and still has far higher net-favorability ratings from American voters than any other U.S. Presidential candidate does) had quit the Democratic Party and launched his own (likewise billionaires-funded) Presidential campaign on 29 September 2023. The DNC had already decided that it would rather lose with Biden than win with RFK Jr. This was the collective judgment by America’s politically active billionaires. (And, as a group, a far higher percentage of billionaires than of the general American public are politically active.) So, those primaries would be thouroughly rigged in ways that would assure Biden’s receiving the Party’s nomination; and, when RFK found that this was so, he switched to running as an independent. But in any case, only those few political megadonors control whom will be advertised and promoted in their news-media to voters to select from to become the next U.S. President. This is the reason why the American people are overwhelmingly supportive of, and don’t even know about, Israel’s ongoing genocide or else ethnic cleansing of the Gazans. (It will become at least partially an ethnic cleansing instead of 100% a genocide against the residents of Gaza if Israel can succeed in its efforts since at least 16 October 2023 to find foreign countries willing to accept as forced immigrants at least some of the residents in Gaza.) Americans don’t even know that the political primaries are merely political theater, not political reality (which is determined ONLY by the political megadonors). It’s a fact that is unpublishable in the U.S. (and in its colonies or ‘allies’).

This fact also helps to explain the reason why U.S. President Biden has made clear by his decisions and actions that no matter how much the global approval of the U.S. will decline in the wake of the genocide or ethnic cleansing of Gaza by Israeli troops armed with U.S.-made weapons and artillery and U.S. intelligence-assistance from satellites, he has determined to continue partnering with Israel’s Government until it becomes completed. So: this isn’t only a genocide by Israel, it is likewise a genocide by America. And just as Hitler and his financial backers implicated the German people and their allies in their criminality; so, too, do Biden and Netanyahu and their financial backers do that in regards to their criminality. But these are not decisions that are being made by any king, but instead by an aristocracy — an aristocracy of billionaires, in both Israel and America. The head-of-state merely repesents them. These are collective decisions by an aristocracy of perhaps fewer than a thousand extremely wealthy individuals. And, in each case, their population fall in line behind it. No substantial opportunity is presented for them to know otherwise. In America and its colonies, this is called “democracy.” America’s Government peddles it throughout the world.

The brilliant lawyer and geostrategic analyst Alexander Mercouris discussed the likely legal, diplomatic, and military, consequences from this, here:

That provides an all-encompassing account, all within just 19 minutes, and the only thing that I can add to it is that it appears to me that Biden is trying to do everything possible to limit the targeting of possible international prosecutions so that ONLY officials of Israel, and none of himself or any member of his Administration, will be carried out for these unquestionable international war crimes. I would speculate further that perhaps when Biden made the deal with Netanyahu, part of it was that Netanyahu agreed in advance that he would never do anything to indicate that America’s providing the weapons etc. had anything to do with the decisions that Israel’s Government made regarding Gaza. (Obviously, if a case will be brought to court that Biden might be an international-war criminal, that might reduce the vote for Biden, especially because Democratic voters are far more concerned about Palestinians than Republicans are. So: Biden would be extremely concerned to prevent that.)

I close with this, regarding not Gaza, but Russia:

What is Scott Ritter? A courageous truth-teller? A hater of the U.S. Government? Or both?


I remember him, as the former U.N. weapons-inspector in Iraq, telling the American people before we invaded and destroyed Iraq in 2003, that the U.S. Government was lying to the American people about it and was manufacturing ‘evidence’ that Saddam Hussein still had and was developing WMD. I’ve followed him now for ten years and never yet found him to have lied.

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