The Cat Came Back

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The lost cat poster we never posted, because we'd get too many cats. Poster by Luna and her friends at school we have a new cat called Sita I asked to write the part about the poster and everything after .pippi is the best.

I don't mean to write all bummers all the time, I actually live in permanent summer. For the past week, however, I have been really bummed, because my cat took a runner.

Pippi is a street cat who walked in off the street as a kitten. One night, almost exactly a year later, I left the window open and he walked out, unbidden. We looked for him all week but gave up because people kept bringing us other cats of a similar jathiya. Then one day Pippi just walked back into our lives, meowing for his dinner like nothing happened. I'm told that this is normal for cats, who are not really domesticated, but I felt painful abnormal. Now the cat is under house arrest, complete with a tracking collar.

It's strange, what pains. I can write about all the death and destruction in the world and feel one level of bad, but what really hurt was losing something so small and personal, which wasn't really lost at all. I write about the wide world but my world is actually very small. I rarely leave my house, let alone my spot on the couch. The only thing I'd move my laptop for was that cat, and I missed him terribly when he was gone. I was walking around like my cat had died (which he could've) and was unable to enjoy anything. It's only now that he's come back that I feel anything close to normal.

Someone asked where the cat went and our uncle said WILL CHECK AND REVERT. We, of course, have no idea and never will. The cat wasn't even having a bad time, he was probably out chasing tail, but his absence still consumed my waking moments and I felt miserable. It's the rainy season and whenever it monsooned I felt the worst, thinking that Pippi was out there wet and alone. He probably wasn't, he came back well-fed and only a little flea-infested. But not knowing means imagining the worst. There's no particular insight here, it's just my view. For me, a good day is looking out the window and petting the cat. That's all I do. When he was gone, for me, everything was ruined.

Cat back under house arrest with new kitten

But now, in one bit of good news, everything is all right with my world. We actually have two cats now, because we had another kitten arrive in the interim (pre-planned, coincidental, and even more guilt inducing). I couldn't really enjoy this new kitten without my old cat, but now that he's back I can, though I can't say they enjoy each other.

I won't say that all is right with the world, because my writing is certainly not about that, but all is right with my world. The cat came back. Mashallah.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Evelyn Samarajiwa, 1924-2024

I'm trying to write this as my children squall around me, much as Achchi tried to go to the bathroom while taking care of my baby sister, who gleefully pulled all the toilet paper to the floor. Achchi physically raised us, and it's physically painful now that she's gone. I remember imagining her death as a young child and it was the saddest thing I could imagine. Now she has died and—even thirty-something years later, even after 100 years of good life—it still hurts. I thought I had pre-grieved but it doesn't work.

Me and Achchi in Vancouver, Canada, 1983 or 1984

Achchi did many things for many people but I was her grandchild and I was special. She always made me feel special and nothing can shake that belief that I was. Even as a hoary old adult, Achchi still looked at me like I was a baby. Like I was a sheer bundle of joy though I had long since unpacked into melancholy adulthood. Even as her mind was going, Achchi still looked at me like I was God's gift for just showing up. Now no one will look at me like that. That child dies with her. That person, that perception, that universe is just gone.

Achchi was ready to go—she had told me for years—but I was never ready to let her. I always told her to wait, for this great-grandchild, for that visit, for me to be home. In the selfish way of a grandchild I always asked for more and—in the selfless way of a grandmother—she always gave it. But two months after her 100th birthday, her mind slipped away and her body gave out. When I left for my wife's graduation, Achchi went into hospital and then hospice and I knew it was coming. I've known it was coming for years and felt it coming for weeks but somehow it all comes at once. Achchi always indulged me as a grandchild and I always thought that there was an exception for me. Now I know that there's not. Death comes for everyone.

Achchi had a good run, a full century, a good Christian life with a just reward, if God wills it as I pray They do. Achchi had a small house but she made it a mansion in heavenly terms. I grew up with so many people who I thought were also grandchildren but they weren't, Achchi just loved a lot of people like that and took care of them without thinking. Her home was always open, not just to us, but to anyone. One of my not-actually-cousins was with her on her last day, just as Achchi was with so many people before. I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful that's in me.

So much of what I am—my fundamental tender-heartedness—comes from my grandparents. The political beliefs in my family are wildly different (and seem to skip generations) but the practical motivation is the same. Politics is an adaptation to different material realities, but the spiritual chain is, I think, unbroken. I must say that I'm worse than my grandparents—I have much more but I don't do that much—but I want to be more like Achchi, I do. God knows we had less of her for years and now we have none at all.

I look at my own children, and the lessons we try to teach them. To be kind. To help people. To give. For my grandmother these were Christian values, for my grandfather these were Christian Socialist values, and they lived them in action. It doesn't actually take a lot of education to arrive at the same conclusions, you could just pay attention in preschool, or read the red parts of the Bible. Share. Care. Be nice to each other. I'm thankful that my kids got to know their great-grandparents, and that their not-so-great parents carry some of those lessons in our blood.

Early this year, Achchi was a bit agitated and kept asking about her 'service'. So her daughter-in-law (my mother) helped organize a church service for her, what I called a pre-funeral until nobody laughed and I shut up. Everyone got up and said nice things about Achchi while Achchi said “what?” But she could still read the speeches and she understood what was going on. Now all the old people want one. Achchi was happy, she literally got her flowers while she was living. She started her final decline after that. Her 100th birthday was her last milestone.

Achchi was lucky, she had a good run—a full century—and a graceful exit surrounded by people that loved her. You can't ask for much more, but as her selfish grandchild I still somehow expected it. Achchi always looked at me like her baby and here I am, still bawling at forty-one. Achchi was a teacher, she was a mother to many, she was a servant of God, but I'm mourning something else entirely. I'm mourning a grandmother, that purest of relationships, if everything works out. Evelyn Samarajiwa was the grandmother that raised me with her own hands. Now I physically feel let down. She's gone and I am alone. Or not.

Now my children are back, crawling all over me, like I crawled over my grandparents once. They look at these pictures of their Loku Achchi and smile, they don't mourn, they don't know. I can't think or write anymore which is maybe a good thing. The tree of family starts with a lot of roots and a few branches, then the roots die, the branches become roots and life goes on. It doesn't for me but I guess I'm on the dying end now.

Rest in peace Evelyn Samarajiwa, my first and last Achchi. I still love you with the heart of a child that only lived in your eyes. As your eyes close, that child is gone. I pray that my children remember you, and carry your spirit on.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Biden’s Disastrous Debate

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At this point, America is running on genocidal autopilot—like a Boeing 737 MAX—straight into the ground. Biden's debate performance showed the 'center' what everyone to the left and right had been saying for months. Biden is old, has had bad COVID or some other disabling event, and is not fit for the job. In fact, neither candidate would be considered fit for most jobs in America (Trump as an old felon, Biden is merely old) but this is who they're running for President. The whole thing would be a farce if it weren't so tragic for the world. At this point, Biden is effectively brain-dead, but it unfortunately doesn't stop him from killing tens of thousands of people, many if not most of them children.


Joe Biden's age and physical ability is again in the spotlight after First Lady Jill Biden had to help her husband shuffle off the stage at the conclusion of the first presidential debate.

After the debate, if you zoomed in, Biden literally had to be walked off-stage by his wife, who later praised him for 'answering all the questions'  like a kindergartner. Unfortunately, Biden's answers were at best incoherent and at median agonizing. It was like watching ChatGPT reanimating your dead grandfather, who was a horrible person. Biden is a Frankenstein's monster animated by political consultants, but now everyone can say that he's just a dead man walking and the pitchforks are out.

In what I call the 'consultant's coup' the roundtable of political insiders on CNN immediately got the knives out. With weirdly incriminating admittances that they were 'friends' with Biden, people across the privatized propaganda networks stuck numerous forks in him cause he's done. David Axelrod—inexplicably wet for some reason—said that he should drop out, and everyone seemed to concur. Well-paid psychopaths like Tom Friedman and Nicholas Kristof said Biden was a good man but should still drop out. I don't know how someone committing a genocide is a good man, these are all wicked people concerned about appearances above all. The only thing they value is 'optics' and the 'optics' here are definitely not good.

Bad 'optics' just means that the propaganda isn't working. The US system has to present some feasible 'choice' every election, to keep the illusion that they're a democracy going. The entire American system is based on the idea that duopolies or oligopolies are not monopolies, and that choosing between getting shot or stabbed is actually very important and good. It's like the Luxottica mafia, where different glasses shop in the mall are actually owned by the same company, which sucks. Same goes for the 'optics' business in politics. It's a charade which works as long as people can't see it. But 80 million Americans visibly saw that they were conned tonight, and it ain't a good look.

The deeper historical fact is that America has always been ruled by property (ie, Corporate AI) and once you understand this everything makes much more sense. As the late Gore Vidal (shout-out Tor Guttorm Syvertsen) said, “There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat.”   At founding, only propertied white men could vote and they still rule the roost, even once the Whigs came off. These inchoate interests must coalesce around a human person every four years, but this is just another corporate spokesman. Americans will have huge battles in the Cable-TV Colosseum about which group to beat and what to do with their genitalia, but nothing that messes with business as usual gets messed with at all. Just as any company uses humans in its marketing campaigns, America Inc uses humans in its political campaigns.

The only requirement is that the human be alive, which Joe Biden failed in public today. The 'LIVE' next to Joe Biden's image on the TV screen was his goal for the next 90 minutes and, while he did not actually die, his campaign did. The consultant's coup was on him immediately, in a string of Op-Eds that certainly looked pre-planned in their sameness. Honestly, it all looks like a campaign—like they executed in Ukraine or Pakistan or even Sri Lanka—to subvert any human votes and let the machine just choose the candidate themselves.

Liberal democracies all over the world are not even pretending to pretend anymore, unelected leaders are currently running the UK and the EU into the ground, not to mention all the places they've couped or corrupted (Peru and Pakistan, most notably). In the Heart of Whiteness itself, Democratic insiders have conveniently pushed someone they knew was senile through the primary process, nullifying all human votes. Now they can theoretically just select the candidate themselves at an 'open' convention. It's certainly not open to voters, who are increasingly superfluous and not even marketed to. As David Goldman said:

Call it the fool's-based international order: Every government of a major Western country is in chaos. Biden is an embarrassment. Kishida [Japan, I had to look this up] polls at 21%. Macron's party got 15% of the vote in the June 9 European Parliament elections, and the three German coalition parties together got 30%. Britain's Tories poll at 20%. Nothing like this has ever happened before-1968 comes closest. Our Atlanticist elite is dragging the world kicking and screaming into a place it doesn't want to go, and electorates are rebelling.

There are certainly conspiracies afoot, but these are conspiracies of dunces and perhaps impossible to untangle with intelligence. How can analysis untangle what people are just pulling out of their asses? How can humans understand what corporations are really doing? It's like trying to understand 'how' ChatGPT works. It's kinda a black box, and it's literally making stuff up as it goes along. This is how the Corporate AI ruling America rolls. Who the fuck knows? The only thing that's certain is that it's more stupid and evil than you could imagine.

No 'one' is running America anymore, it's just running on autopilot, like the aforementioned Boeing 737 MAXes. Those planes had some shitty programming to push the nose down if some sensors went off, and America has some shitty programming to just bomb places if they sense any perturbation in the force. Which is precisely what 'Biden' is doing, from Ukraine to Palestine he's just immediately bombing like he has no strategy, because he actually doesn't. America was always genocidal but they had some good marketing around it. But now the packaging is peeling off and it's just naked violence. The Empire has no clothes.

As Andy Boreham said,

“The ONLY shocking thing about the presidential debate is the sheer amount of Americans who saw a rambling, lost, senile Joe Biden for the first time ever. Again: US-Americans are among the most highly propagandized in the world. It took live TV to wake them up.”  Even that 'waking up' is only into another level of nightmare. As Tamara Nassar said, “The real scandal is that if Biden were functionally less senile, a full-blown genocide would not have disqualified him in the eyes of US liberals.”

said, the scariest thing is not the Biden is not fit to run for President, but that he is President right now. I'll repeat it again because it repeats every day. I still see a dozen dead children before breakfast. I have actually written that post twice because it keeps happening.

Biden is conducting a genocide right now, while he can't even conduct himself off stage. What the fuck is even happening? 'Who' is even doing the killing here? Don't tell me 'Israel' is controlling America, 'Israel' is just a money-laundering scheme for the military-industrial complex. It's like the spirit of America's founding rapists is really coursing Joe Biden, doing one last round of misidentified 'Injun' killing for the road. As I've mentioned, America is a living (more specifically, dying) version of the trolley problem, where the genocidal trolley is conducting itself. It runs over people regardless, but you can choose what sex acts to perform inside the trolley. This is late-stage Empire I guess. Decadence, destruction, and visible decrepitude.

America, like Biden, is reverting to its base programming, which is genocidal violence. There is visibly no one in charge, and yet there is enough ammo in that arsenal to kill thousands if not millions of people on the way down. And that ammo is assets to military-industrial complex, they want to capitalize on them. So unlike the communist USSR, which disassembled peacefully and democratically, America seems determined to go out the way they came in, with violence, slavery, and environmental destruction. I don't know what to say. As much grim satisfaction as it gives me seeing America crash and burn, I have family and friends in the plane and it's crashing directly into people like me in the Dirty South. Biden visibly died on stage tonight, and the main alternative is some other genocidal maniac. It's not clear who's running America at all, but it is clear where it's going. Straight into the ground, like a Boeing 737 MAX on autopilot.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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How Many Dead Kids Before Breakfast

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How Many Dead Kids Before Breakfast

The author with his son

I'm watching my son drink water nervously. It's my water and there seems to be more backwashing than forward drinking. Then I feel nauseous, not because of that, because of all the children that aren't drinking clean water at all. Gaza is the epicenter of a global epic. The rise and fall of White Empire. It was genocide all the way up, and all the way down. Genocide is the worst because it's the killing of everything, so everything human empathetic feeling is poisoned. We also have families and homes and don't like seeing our children's heads blown off. These are not hard feelings to have. But, by Allah, these feelings are hard.

I was watching a baby girl running across the play area, crying about something. The boy next to me said he was going to hit whoever made her cry, which roused his father from his phone call. “No hitting! No hitting!” “Good fellow,” I thought to myself. Then I thought about the children that have something to really cry about. The kids whose mothers won't sweep them up and make it all right. The mothers who can't do that for their children. That's the thing about a genocide. If you have a heart, it gets you right in the heart.

Drinking water, eating food, going to the bathroom, kids need all of that stuff constantly. My kids are constantly eating, drinking, or pooping and peeing, and everything has to be clean behind the scenes. This is a difficult task when we're travelling through hotels, but it's impossible when you're refugees inside a sealed concentration camp. The mind boggles, the heart shudders, the eyes bleed. Kids always need something, and Palestinian kids are kids like yours and mine. They also have basic needs, which are denied by America's most basic bitch 'Israel'.

Above all, kids need peace. There are parents in Gaza who can't do the most simple things for their children and, worst of all, they are physically and psychologically shattered themselves. When my wife and I are even a little bit stressed it effects everything in the household. I can't imagine what these families are going through, except I can. This is the trauma America and 'Israel' have inflicted on the entire global population. These fuckers had meetings about massacres, and then meetings about the media strategy after that, and then adjusted their stock portfolios accordingly. I feel so much fury. I wish my pen was a Yassin 105, truly.

Kids always need something, and Palestinian kids are kids like yours and mine. They also have basic needs, which are denied by America's most basic bitch 'Israel'.

All this while my daughter was home with her grandparents. Yesterday when I ran out of snacks, I went to their great-grandparents, who will always feed them. Honestly, I think they'd like to eat them. We live in a big extended family, like Palestinians. And 'Israel' has wiped out entire families, bombing shared apartment buildings, shelling them with tanks, or sniping them in the street. No family is intact in Gaza. Every house is damaged and every household bleeds. For those left, life is a fate worse than death. The individual is a lie, and the destruction of the family is death, truly. When you lose someone close to you, you know what it feels like. Now imagine losing everyone close to you. This is a living death for the survivors. May Allah compensate them so generously, their souls are martyred already. Such terrible things are really just a reflection of every good thing in life. Palestine has held up a mirror to the world and it's ugly.

Every good thing is poisoned by this genocide, because genocide is the destruction of everything. Every moment of peace is defiled by this total war. Every little experience is bitter because you know what's underneath. Obviously I forget it all the time, I forget a lot of things all the time, being an adult is mostly forgetting. But then I remember and it all turns to ashes in my mouth. I wonder what my eyes look like now. After Dinesh Anna was murdered, his siblings' eyes never looked the same. Have mine changed? I don't look in the mirror much, besides the black mirror, constantly. And therein I see 10 people murdered before breakfast. Am I fucked up now? Aren't we all? We don't talk about it, which I agree with. I hate talking about feelings. But I still have them.

To be honest, the same genocide that is happening to Gaza was happening to Iraq and Afghanistan before, America has killed at least 4.5 million people since 2001, each of them a whole universe. Genocide is the destruction of people in whole or in part, and America has been on the warpath against Muslims since 9/11. It's been so constant that it's just become background noise, but it's a genocide by any historical definition. America has displaced over 37 million in its War Of Terror, and that's just one theatre in their horrorshow. Gaza is the end of this long genocide, not the beginning at all.

Multimillionaire celebrity comics never bite the hand that feeds them, they only pretend to. With his phoney truthful news, Jon Stewart & Co. fooled a whole generation.

But, to be awful, I was there the whole time, and I didn't say anything. I didn't know. For most of those years I read the New York Times and Slate and watched Jon Stewart and thought I was informed. It was infernal. They missed some really important points, like the genocide that was going on the whole time. They called it Mess O'Potamia on the Daily Show and laughed. We can see it clearly now, the horror, but it was horrible back then too. Genocide was happening to 4.5 million souls during all those 'good' years, but that was buried more thoroughly than their bodies. The truth is that the White Empire was always evil, and the best liberal within it is actually your worst enemy. They waste your time, they waste your mind, and the earth turns to a wasteland while they're publishing reports. As the saying goes, a liberal opposes every war but the current war, and supports every civil rights movement but the current one. As Malcolm Anna said, it's the fox you have to worry about, not the wolf. No offense to foxes.

I grew up around foxes and I grew up thinking things that were positively genocidal like it was completely normal. I thought it was completely normal that America was invading Iraq, Saddam Hussein was bad, wasn't he? Wasn't he hanging out with the Devil in the South Park movie? I laughed. I thought America's enemies were obviously bad, and I had very strong opinions about random countries. I thought it was my business to discuss overthrowing governments and bombing them.  I thought of these ideas myself. What the fuck was I thinking? What were so many people thinking? I was an entirely 'normal' person, and genocide was entirely normal!

That's the absolute mindfuck of this moment. For kids born this century it's pretty obvious that America is evil, but people that remember the 90s, we remember America being the good guys. Very few of us were Noam Chomsky (shout out to the OG haters), we were just normal chumps. I was. Just a fish flopping around in the historical stream of consciousness, not realizing that I was swimming in blood. It was all a bad dream, obviously a nightmare now, but we can't wake up. Now we can see everything happening around us, we can feel our bodies, but we can't move a finger. We're trapped in the American Dream. It's a waking nightmare now.

“No mere mortal can resist, the evil of the Thriller”
—Vincent Price

But back to my kids, because they don't quit. I've got to send the kids to school tomorrow, someplace these Palestinian children haven't gone for nine months now, there's another reflection in the horrorshow mirror again. I see the schools turned into shelters and the shelters bombed to bits. Palestinian lives are a reflection of mine and I can see everything clearer through it. And everything is bloody awful. My own perceptions, my own past, my own children. Everything is corrupted and worse, complicit.

Now I've been through the looking glass and I can't get out, actually. Smashed through it, completely, and there's blood everywhere, some of it mine I feel. Now I've seen things I can't unsee. If you have empathy you have to feel something and, if you don't, go fuck yourself. They say having a kid is like wearing your heart outside your body and I really feel it. I can't watch scary movies anymore, I just watch PG-13 Tamil romances and Chinese soap operas. If anything mildly bad is happening to a kid I turn it off immediately. But I can't turn off the news, can I? I never turn the news on at all, but it seeps in everywhere. There's so much blood, it can't be contained. How many dead children do you see before breakfast? I see a lot.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Hezbollah’s Quarterly Report

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Hezbollah's Quarterly Report

Hezbollah publishes what I call a 'quarterly report'. It's like the jihadi earnings call. The topline numbers (as of June) are that they have conducted 2,125 military operations (total), inflicted 2,000+ casualties on the IOF, and decolonized land 35 km deep into occupied Palestine, unsettling over 230,000 settlers. It's been another bad quarter of genocide from the IOF, and a good quarter of war from the Resistance.

Hezbollah Radwan commando. More than a match for any IDF soldier.

'Israelis' are well aware of this, despite massive wartime censorship. They can see the hills burning themselves, the settlers are deeply unsettled.Yesterday alone, 30 attack drones and 150 rockets targeted 15 military sites in occupied Palestine. Residents of 'New Galilee' have threatened to secede unless the government does something about it. Mainstream ministers like Smotrich and Ben-Gvir are calling to attack Lebanon now, to put an end to it, but the generals know better.

While 'Israel' has been pre-occupied with a genocide in the south, they have lost the north. As I discussed earlier, Hezbollah has been systematically eye-poking the cyclops and, now, half the time the sirens don't even go off. Hezbollah can fire at will and the Iron Dome is broken. 'Israel's' border points have been dismantled and they're completely open to ground invasion. 'Israel's' problems compound every day the attrition goes on, and it's been nine months of daily attacks now. 'Israel' can certainly bomb Lebanon whenever they want, but now Hezbollah can bomb 'Israel' whenever they want. The strategic calculus has been rocked.

You can see this from the raw numbers in the quarterly report:

The Raw Numbers

Here's all the data compared to the last 'quarterly report,' and not in Arabic. Also note that when I say Q1 or Q4 I'm approximating, I think they use the Arabic calendar. If you read this like a bloodless business report, it's fascinating what the changes from Q4 to Q1 tell you. Lots of growth in key verticals, while certain SKUs are less popular.

The low-growth areas are actually the most interesting. For example, Hezbollah is attacking relatively fewer border points (only up 14%) and using less sniper and machine guns (+6%). This tells you that Hezbollah is no longer engaging the IOF at close range, because the IOF has retreated further away. The IOF has largely abandoned the physical border, so there's simply less to shoot at. 'Israel' has retreated 35 km back. You can see this from the numbers also, because Hezbollah is using more long-range munitions, to hit them deeper and deeper in the rear.

What this means, strategically, is that 'Israel' is now completely open to ground attack. The Radwan Force can run for 35 km before 'Israel' even sees or can engage them. What Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in an October 2023 speech has come to fruition.

What has taken place since October 8th is unprecedented, that all the Israeli positions from the sea to the heights of Shebaa Farms and (inaudible) [are reeling] under daily intensified offensive operations, targeting these posts and what's in between: tanks, armoured vehicles, drones, clusters of personnel, and above all, technical installations which are the eyes and ears of Israel.

Hezbollah has been hitting the old border for nine months and it simply doesn't exist anymore, there's a new border, and 'Israel' is getting closer and closer to being wiped off the map, inshallah. Strategically, this 'softening up' means that Hezbollah can march in anytime they want. And they have a small army dedicated to doing just that. The Radwan Force was formed for the explicit purpose of taking Galilee. Since the commander Hajj Radwan was assassinated in 2006, his very angry reincarnation has been training, planning, and preparing for this moment. Now 'Israel' has to ask itself the Dirty Harry question, “Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”

Below: Indian channel HT report on Hezbollah capabilities.  This was published in January (2024), but it already predicts an all-out conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. 

A full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah is brewing amid growing tensions. The Lebanese group has released video of its Radwan fighters in action near the border. The video shows a sniper unit of Radwan Force carrying out a mock operation. Israeli military experts suspect Hezbollah might be planning a big attack like the one carried out by Hamas on October 7.

I'll repeat because it's important. As of June 2024, Hezbollah can penetrate up to 35 km deep without A) running into many 'Israeli' soldiers and B) being 'seen' by 'Israeli' commanders. 'Israel' will certainly massacre citizens in southern Lebanon, but they'll lost northern 'Israel'. This changes the balance of the power in the region. The line of contact has physically moved into 'Israel', which has never really happened.

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Rumble("play", {"video":"v4zh8qo","div":"rumble_v4zh8qo"});

ABOVE: A Hezbollah-produced video showing the Radwan unit in action. Seems like the imperial system has sabotaged the soundtrack. If so, the images and captions still tell the story. 

You can also see that the line of contact has moved from the numbers alone. Both long-distance drone attacks and attacks on command centers are up 82%. Hezbollah is able to target deeper into occupied Palestine, and hit formerly well-protected targets. The Iron Dome is the Iron Sieve now, and 'Israel' is looking like 'macaroni in a pot,' as Cardi B said. For days at a time, the settlements are literally on fire. 'Israel' can't cover it up.

Hell, the Iron Dome can't even protect itself anymore, attacks on platforms are up 50%. The line of contact is moving further and further south, from 20 km deep in April to 35 km in June (+52%). Now Hezbollah is able to hit military factories (3 total), destroy military airships (2), and shoot down expensive drones (7). They're even able to make 'Israeli' fighter jets turn around and flee. 'Israel' no longer has air supremacy at all. There's a new king in the north, and he's a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (what Sayyed means).


What you can see in this quarterly report is that Hezbollah has a long-term plan and they've made investments accordingly. Hezbollah has been preparing to invade 'Israel' since 2006, when it seemed like a pipe dream. But they invested and now it pays off. Hezbollah had a detailed plan to disable 'Israel's' eyes and ears and border outposts first, and immediately after October 7th, they put it in action. And they have a plan for each step on the escalation ladder, leading to liberation in full.

Hezbollah bunker with a DShK heavy-machine gun. Food and water supplies can last 2 months or longer.

Hezbollah Toophan ATGM (tank killer). Hezbollah now also had a good supply of Russian-made Kornets, one of the best anti-tank weapons around.

Hezbollah has graduated to the use of drones and UAVs.

'Israel' has no response to this, and also no capacity, since they're a bit tied up with genocide right now. Whenever 'Israel' idly assassinates a commander—like Hajj Abu Taleb this week—they get hit literally 100 times harder. Whenever they bomb a village, they raise another battalion for the Resistance. After decades of trying to beat these people into submission, the people remain resistant, and 'Israel' just gets weaker and weaker. And so the historical abomination 'Israel' is slowly being pushed into the distance. 35 km of Palestine is that much closer to liberation.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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