Hamas Has Not Lost, Therefore They Win

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The brave and devout Palestinian people, still turning to Allah (via)


After October 7th, 'Israel's' stated goal was eliminating Hamas. Specifically, destroying the Al Qassam Brigade's ability to 1) leave Gaza 2) launch rockets 3) exist at all. On all three counts 'Israel' has lost. As spokesman Abu Obeida (who is notably not dead) said in late May, “despite their genocide war and indiscriminate destruction, our fighters have been and remain vigilant against the enemy force.”As Henry Kissinger (who thankfully is dead) said, “The conventional army loses if it does not win. The guerrilla wins if he does not lose.” And Hamas has not lost. 'Israel' is winning the genocide and losing the war.

Let me show you, using footage from Hamas HQ (largely via the Resistance News Network on Telegram). This is just a fraction of the information out there, which may be news to western audiences, but which is all over Arabic satellite TV and social media, ie the people that 'Israel' is supposed to be deterring.


Before we get into it, note that I'll use 'Hamas' and 'Al Qassam Martyrs Brigade' interchangeably though they are (having evolved in the crucible of assassination and infiltration) operationally separate. Also note that I, up to a point, use Hamas as the representative of the entire Resistance, which actually comprises many groups, most notably Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the PFLP (commies), the Mujahideen Movement, and even the armed wing of Fatah. You can read more about the whole Axis of Resistance here, but I think that's too much detail for this article. I also use the term White Empire to refer to 'Israel', America, Germany, the UK, Australia and all of the colonizers and colonized because they are, to us at the bottom, one phenomenon.


First we'll discuss how Hamas is winning tactically, then strategically anon.

Tactically, Al Qassam can still penetrate 'Israel', they can still fire rockets, and their leadership still has full command and control. 'Israel' has won against hospitals and lost the plot to Hamas.

1) Ground

The main problem on October 7th—from the 'Israeli' perspective—was that the Palestinians got out of the Gaza 'envelope'. On that day, Hamas broke down walls, flew paragliders, disabled 'Israeli' spy cameras and towers, attacked their military outposts, and took hostages to exchange for the thousands of hostages 'Israel' holds in horrific conditions. The Resistance called this operation the Al Aqsa Flood, and has outlined their reasoning on it in this document, written in English for you. I encourage you to read it yourself.

Our Narrative-Operation Al-Aqsa Flood
Hamas's own description of what on October 7th, and why they did it

This 'problem' is not solved. October 8th, 9th, 10th, nth have been attempts by 'Israel' to stuff the Palestinians back inside the envelope and burn it, but it hasn't worked. 'Israel' has razed the earth, but Hamas is literally underground. This completely upends all imperial counter-insurgency tactics. The Empire may figure out tunnels someday (or maybe not), but right now, they're completely flummoxed.

Hence, in a small but significant operation on June 6th, Al Qassam was able to pop up outside the perimeter fence, and hit the 'Israelis' all over again. This was really a disproof of concept. The conceptual border around Gaza that forms 'Israel's' psychological security blanket is still broken. And, indeed, southern 'settlers' have still largely not returned.

As Al Qassam said in a statement, “In a landing operation behind the (enemy) lines, the Al-Qassam Mujahideen were able to breach the fence and attack the headquarters of the enemy division operating in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.” The IOF acknowledged that one of their soldiers was killed, and three Palestinians martyred. This was a small operation but with big significance because of where it happened. Hamas is still pushing the envelope.

Inside Gaza, 'Israel' cannot secure an inch of ground. They can invade and occupy almost anywhere, but they can't hold anything. As the 'educated martyr' Basil Al-Araj wrote in his '8 Rules',

Since the Palestinian Resistance is underground, the IOF is always outflanked (in three dimensions). It doesn't matter what the map says if your enemy is taking the metro. Thus the Resistance lets the IOF take land, monitors them from underground, plans meticulous ambushes, and then pops out and executes them. There are countless videos like this, I'm just selecting a recent one (from May 22nd). Bear in mind that this happens every day that the 'Israelis' are in Gaza. As the Al Qassam video says:

At dawn on Tuesday, 22/5/2024, the fighters of Al-Qassam carried out a complex operation, setting up a tight ambush against a zionist special force that penetrated north of Beit Hanoun. The fighters detonated a Ra’adiya explosive device in the infantry force, a Shuath explosive device in the rescue force, and after 6 hours, after additional forces advanced to evacuate the dead and wounded, the fighters sniped 3 soldiers, including a senior officer.

See for yourself:

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Rumble("play", {"video":"v4z43y1","div":"rumble_v4z43y1"});

Again, I have seen countless videos like this. This selection is just based on recency, I can't even go through them all. Like the Nazis in Stalingrad, the Bizarro Nazis of 'Israel' have completely fucked themselves by reducing Gaza to rubble. They made a mess and now Hamas is rubbing their nose in it. There's no way they can find the tunnel entrances under all that shit, but Hamas can find them. This is a huge tactical problem because the IOF is always surrounded (in the third dimension, as mentioned). Hamas is literally playing 3D chess while the IOF is playing checkers.

In one crazy example that I already discussed a few weeks ago, multiple 'Israeli' tanks park in an area without securing it. Because they practically can't, their Air Force made such a mess of it. Hamas militants are able to emerge surrounded by tanks, literally touch one, and place explosives directly up its ass. You can see an IOF soldier right behind the tank, their situational awareness is null while the Al Qassam fighters are Metal Gear Solid.

Via Hamas In Action (Day 221)

Once they place the charges, they run back to the tunnels where another guy is waiting with an RPG (homemade Yassin 105s) to hit the other tanks, just as the charges go off. The guys look simple (they're just out there in tracky bottoms and sandals) but the coordination and planning is highly sophisticated. Al Qassam's bullet discipline is legendary. They make every shot count. Again, note that I (and everybody in the Arab world) have seen this happen over and over again. The IOF is hopeless against anyone who shoots back, and the Resistance is still shooting, mashallah. There is no deterrence when you look like dumbasses, which is how 'Israel' has looked for this whole campaign.

Despite the massacrely bloody rescue of four hostages (with American help, cynically disguised as an aid convoy), the flow of battle (not genocide) is still with the Resistance. As Hamas Political Bureau member, Izzat Al-Rishq said:

Despite the occupation's claim to have destroyed all Hamas brigades in Gaza, it was only able to liberate its captives through a difficult and complex operation and under massive firepower eight months after the start of the war, facing fierce resistance, which cost it heavy prices, contradicting its claims.

The resistance is still at the heart of the battle and has a lot up its sleeve, and the battle is back and forth. At a time when the occupation announces the release of four captives, after eight months of war, this is evidence of a strategic failure in achieving its declared goals.

Al-Qassam Brigades are still increasing their yield of enemy captives, and the best evidence of this is what happened in the qualitative operation in Jabalia at the end of last month. The enemy is trying hard to hide its real losses in the operation to free its captives, but the final word always belongs to the resistance. This operation will not change the final price the occupation will be forced to pay.

After eight months, three nukes worth of bombs, and the support of America and the whole White Empire, 'Israel' simply cannot bury the Palestinian Resistance. They can 'take' land, they can massacre innocents, but they cannot accomplish their stated goal of eliminating or even meaningfully degrading Hamas. All they've done is degrade their reputation and eliminate their own soldiers. How do you bury what's already underground? The IOF is just joining Hamas there, but in coffins.

2) Air (Artillery)


Rumble("play", {"video":"v4z4ch6","div":"rumble_v4z4ch6"});
Hamas has no air force, but the entire Resistance has invested in fuck-off missiles

Hamas has no air force but artillery remains the 'god of war'. For decades, the Axis of Resistance (led, technologically, by Iran) has prioritized 'stand-off' missiles. The technology transfer has included manufacturing, many of these weapons are homemade, across the Resistance. Hamas has its own small but functional military-industrial complex underground, which is bonkers.

On October 7th, Hamas fired at least 3,000 rockets into occupied Palestine and haven't stopped firing since. These rockets are often shot down, but this is an advantage in and of itself. 'Israel' is spending millions of dollars to shoot down tens of thousands of dollars worth of rockets. Hamas is bleeding 'Israel's' coffers, overwhelming its Iron Dome, and the settlers around the Gaza 'envelope' still can't resettle. As I've discussed, 'Israel's' Iron Dome is simply broken in the north (against the more powerful Hezbollah) and it's increasingly ineffective in the south against Hamas. More and more of these rockets get through, and Hamas has strategically not used the good stuff yet.

Hamas has a wide range of missiles, with the number usually denoting the range (the M90, for example, goes 90 km). Some of the rockets (as you can see in the 'promo' video above) are quite sophisticated, but even the small mortars are a constant irritation to the IOF. Just look at this Al Qassam fighter, having a coffee while reloading his mortar. These guys can do this shit all day, and 'Israel' can't do shit about it.

As the Palestine Chronicle says, “The video has predictably ignited Arabic social media with comments about the bravery of Palestinians, 242 days after the start of the Israeli genocide in Gaza. The video also contains a message to the Israelis, that the Resistance is prepared to fight a long war, and that repelling invading Israeli forces in Gaza has now become a routine, as in drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.” 

Artillery is the god of war, and Hamas is unbroken and unbowed. Their artillery is still firing and increasingly hitting, as the Iron Dome becomes the Iron Sieve from sheer exhaustion.

3) Command and Control

The Al-Qassam's military leadership of Mohammed El-Deif, Yahya Sinwar, and spokesman Abu Obeida are household names across the Middle East, and they're still living. This is a huge problem for 'Israel'. Many field commanders and soldiers have been martyred—as you can see, these operations are insanely risky—but the military leadership (within Gaza) is completely intact. 'Israel' has responded by assassinating Hamas leaders abroad or killing the political leadership's children and grandchildren in Gaza, but they're just mindlessly lashing out. Hamas's brain-trust inside Gaza is still going strong.

Like the Americans when they invaded Iraq, the 'Israeli's' have released a deck of playing cards with high-value targets.

This guy is supposed to be Mohammed Shabana, a field commander in Rafah, but it is actually Mohamed Shabana, an Egyptian sports writer. A football commentator. This has made 'Israel' a laughingstock around the Arab world which, again, is the opposite of what they're trying to do. Machiavelli said a prince could be feared or loved, but they cannot be laughed at. This is fatal to anyone trying to project power, and 'Israel' is just a killing joke right now.

I won't go on in this section because what can I say? The Al Qassam leadership is completely intact in Gaza. Far from decapitating them, 'Israel' hasn't harmed a hair on their bodies. Though it does look like Abu Obeida has lost a bit of weight, peace be with him someday, inshallah.

'Israeli' Strategy

So far I've been analyzing 'Israel's' stated goal which is, of course, bullshit. 'Israel's' actual goal is ethnically cleaning Palestine once and for all. Genocide most foul. As Abu Obeida said, ‘genocidal war and indiscriminate destruction.’ So now let's look at what 'Israel' is actually doing, and how they're still fucking that up.

'Israel' is completely open about their genocidal intentions in Hebrew and open enough in English. Just hit auto-translate on a Zionist's post if you want to singe your eyebrows off. As 'Israel's' Minister of National Insecurity Itamar Ben-Gvir has saidwhen asked “Dad, what is the solution for Gaza?”

Occupation, settlement, and encouragement of migration. Only in this way can we solve the problem of Gaza. To occupy all the land, to settle in all the land, and—of course—to encourage the voluntary [?] migration of as many people as possible to other countries. We need to live in security.

relevant part is this:

I fear Allah (just the Arabic word for God) and I apologize for taking this out of context. Netanyahu is trying to make it look like he has some biblical command, while he's really just trying to duck corruption charges. What 'Israel' is doing is really just colonialism 101. The British did this in the Uva Province of Sri Lanka, ask anybody in the south and they probably have some story like this. Killing everyone and salting the earth. The general colonial policy in case of rebellion is massive retribution, kill or subjugate/enslave everyone. 'The seed of Amalek' was really just mendacious marketing, and it worked within 'Israel'. Soldiers sing about it before committing war crimes and this genocidal rap song went to #1 in Israel. Those racist rappers say:

We brought the whole army on you and I swear there will be no forgiveness
Tffi, the children's of Amalek
All the units are ready? (Listen up)

The rappers added death threats to Mia Khalifa and Dua Lipa for good measure. This seems bonkers but 73% of 'Israelis' said (in March/April) that their military response had been 'about right' or 'not gone far enough'. Once you separate out Arabs trapped inside, it's even worse. Only 4% of Jewish 'Israelis' think the military response has 'gone too far'. This is a population in the throes of genocidal mania even more than Nazi Germany, and they've dragged Hip Hop into it.

Again, just hit auto-translate on random 'Israeli' posts if you want to strafe your eyeballs. Genocidal rhetoric is quite common and open in Hebrew and they don't even try to hide it in English. The western media does, but the 'Israeli's' don't give a fuck. As the former header of the occupation National Insecurity Council, Giora Eiland, wrote:

The international community warns us of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this, as difficult as that may be. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer and reduce casualties among IDF soldiers. And no, this is not about cruelty for cruelty’s sake, since we don’t support the suffering of the other side as a goal but as a means.

Thus actual aim of 'Israel' in Gaza today is the same as their aim since the Nakba began in 1947. Kicking the Palestinians out and taking their land. Hitting them so hard they never complain again. The truth is not that complicated. But the lie is.

I mention this not to point out that 'Israel' is hypocritical or heinous, though they are. I mention this so that we understand the strategic thinking behind the tactics. 'Israel's' tactics make no sense if you believe that they're actually trying to eliminate Hamas, but they make total sense once you realize that they're attacking hospitals, homes, and food/water supplies on purpose. 'Israeli' is not following the Clausewitzian strategy of engaging and annihilating the enemy's forces. They are trying to annihilate Gaza entirely. To understand this as a continuous 'Israel' policy just listen (or, ideally, don't) to this hate crime recorded by children and posted by their national broadcaster:

Autumn night falls over the beach of Gaza
Planes are bombing, destruction, destruction
Look the IDF is crossing the line
to annihilate the swastika-bearers

In another year there will be nothing there
And we will safely return to our homes
Within a year we will annihilate everyone
And then we will return to plow our fields

This is actually an updated version of a 1948 poem, which they've made explicitly genocidal instead of implicitly so. As you can see the Nakba (catastrophe) is still going and culminating in the genocide of Gaza. October 7th was the beginning of the end, not the beginning at all.

I mention the difference between stated and actual goals because it's a big reason why 'Israel' has not eliminated Hamas. They're not trying to. I suppose the logic is that Hamas is a people's movement therefore kill all the people, but this just isn't practical, to be quite bloodless about it. Complete genocides are basically impossible in the modern era. 'Israel' has certainly killed or wounded at least 10% of the population of Gaza, but there's still 90% to go! And then the West Bank after that, and the people in occupied Palestine, and the surrounding diaspora. In addition to being evil, this genocide is just not feasible. Sadism is not, in itself, a strategic position, but that's what 'Israel' is standing on.

Hamas Strategy

Hamas, on the other hand, is a rational actor. They have their guns and they're sticking to them. As Hamas's famously unkillable Khaled Mashal said in the past,

Dear sister, nations are not easily liberated. The Russians sacrificed 30 million people in World War II, in order to liberate it from Hitler's attack. The Vietnamese sacrificed 3.5 million people until they defeated the Americans. Afghanistan sacrificed millions of martyrs to defeat the USSR and then the US. The Algerian people sacrificed six million martyrs over 130 years. The Palestinian people are just like any other nation. No nation is liberated without sacrifices.

Blood sacrifice seems to be required for true liberation. I wish it wasn't so, but that's how it goes. If you watch interviews with Hamas members these are dudes who were into the gym, or studying, or entirely normal things once. They have simple dreams, but they were born into a nightmare. Many of them are orphans, the children 'Israel' didn't kill in previous incursions. Before you condemn them A) shut the fuck up and B) ask yourself, what would you do in their situation? One of my favorite quotes (which I've seen on the tents of student protest in the US) is “whoever is in solidarity with our corpses but not our rockets, is a hypocrite and not one of us.”

June 9th, 2024.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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How The US Army Has Been Defeated

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Captured imperial military equipment on display in Moscow

How The US Army Has Been Defeated

The US military has three main branches, which have all broken. The US Army snapped in Afghanistan and now—by proxy—in Ukraine. The Navy broke against Yemen, and the Air Force has lost air supremacy in the Middle East. All the baubles on all the branches have been comprehensively stomped by Russia.

I'll cover each branch in turn, starting with the Army.


The US Army was once an ‘expeditionary force’ but now it's just an expensive farce. Under Bush the Younger, America was able to land troops on any continent, but under Biden the Old, they're monumentally incontinent. Under Bush the Elder, America could put boots on the ground in Iraq, but Biden the Senior can only yell at clouds in Ukraine. How the mighty have fallen.

In another time, the execrable Jonah Goldberg said, “every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.” But those 'crappy little countries' like Vietnam and Afghanistan actually defeated America. What message does he think the world has gotten? America's war machine is going out of business, and Ukraine is its last fire sale.

The World War II Misattribution Error

Before we get to that, let's go back. The deep problem with the American Army goes back to World War II, and the fact that they think they won it. America deployed a huge amount of post-war propaganda against their own population, and their elites have made the mistake of believing it. As Biggie said in his 4th crack commandment, “never get high on your own supply.”

The United States did not win World War II, all the movies about saving privates aside. As the WWII Museum states, “For most of the war, 75–80 percent of the Wehrmacht had to be deployed in the East, a preponderance dictated by the sheer size of the front, and 80 percent of German war dead perished there: about four million of the five million German soldiers killed in World War II.” Growing up in America, however, you do not learn this at all. I certainly didn't. I thought the war was won by America and because of the Holocaust, none of which is true at all. America did a fraction of the fighting, a fraction of the supplying, and sent Holocaust refugees right back to the camps. Through the magic of lights, camera, and action, however, they took all of the limelight.

mindfucked those donkeys in France got.

People in France who lived through WWII attributed victory to the USSR while people who watched movies about it attribute it to the USA. It's the same across Europe, and of course the USA. The victory lap after WWII was a stunning propaganda coup but, this ended up decapitating a generation of American brains. They learned nothing from history.

During World War II, the US Army went in very force light. Knowing that they didn't have enough warriors, they relied (over-relied) on aerial bombing and war crimes. As former Secretary of War Bob McNamara said, “If we lost the war, we’d all have been prosecuted as war criminals.”

The notoriously under-manned US Army in WWII relied largely on (mostly aerial) war crimes in lieu of war fighting. Because they literally could not get to the battlefield for much of the war, they relied on bombing, which at that time was incredibly inaccurate. They just lit entire cities on fire, most of which had little or no military significance. Americans today point to these war crimes as an excuse for 'Israel' but it's like, ‘no dude, it was bad then also.’ As former General Mark Milley recently said at some arms dealer conference,

Before we all get self-righteous about what Israel's doing, and I feel horrible for the innocent people in Gaza that are dying. But we shouldn't forget that we, the United States, killed a lot of innocent people in Mosul, Iraq. That we, the United States, killed 12,000 innocent French civilians—and here we are on the 80th anniversary of Normandy—on the prep fires for Normandy. We destroyed 69 Japanese cities—not including Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We slaughtered people in massive numbers – innocent people who had nothing to do with their government.

What the flaming fuck are 'prep fires'? Lighting civilians on fire does not actually 'prepare' anything in military terms. Ask the Nazis how razing Stalingrad went for them. This is a uniquely American concept, which they foolishly thought worked instead of learning anything from the Soviets. They call this concept 'strategy bombing,' even though it has little or even negative strategic value. America did not and could not learn anything from the USSR, which meant that they do not actually know how WWII was won.

Sun Tzu said that if you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will lose every war, which is precisely what America has been doing for decades now. But nobody told Master Sun how much money there was in losing, especially if the wars were on the other side of the world. That was the real lesson that America learned from World War II. That war was profitable.

Thus America applied the wrong lesson from World War II to Korea and Indochina where, unsurprisingly, it also didn't work. Because it hadn't actually worked in Europe either. Americans propagandized themselves, and millions of Asian had to die for their ignorance (and filthy lucre). America lost or drew those wars. It could have been another way, but westerners (it was all one White Empire after America conquered Europe) still haven't learned. Behold Professor John Mearsheimer's exchange with professional idiot Piers Morgan,

Morgan: How does any country defend itself from an existential threat like the Nazis without, by your categorization, committing war crimes?

Mearsheimer: Well, if you look at how the Soviets fought, who were basically responsible for defeating the Nazis in World War II, they did not commit many war crimes in the process of defeating the Wehrmacht. It was basically a ground war where the Soviets, the Red Army, rolled up the Wehrmacht. There were no bombings of cities, no dropping of nuclear weapons.

Morgan, of course, has never looked at how the Soviets fought. Very few people in the West have. It's nowhere in the education system, nowhere in their films, and nowhere in their media. They live, not in history, but in propaganda. And so they completely miss how WWII was actually won, as opposed to how it was spun. Americans (and even the Europeans and Japanese they conquered) swallowed the yarn about carpet bombing and nuking civilians and this has become a full-blown tapeworm, eating their brains like RFK Jr's.

American military elites thought they were exempt from the eternal law of warfare, which that you have to put soldiers in the field and sacrifice them. They thought they found a 'cheat code' in the form of mass murder of civilians, AKA industrial terrorism. Better killing through technology. The Americans missed the point that—without the Red Army doing the actual fighting for them—this didn't work. They also missed the follow-up points that it didn't work in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, or anywhere at all. Because war never came home, they never had to do their homework, and thus learned nothing and failed history.

The fact is that dropping millions of tonnes of ordnance on ordinary people has no military value and, in fact, only hardens resistance. It, of course, has monetary  value, which is why the Americans keep doing it. All of those failed wars were very successful for their military industrial complex, which now specializes in dropping very expensive bombs on very poor people. Believing their own propaganda about World War II has corrupted their capacity to fight actual wars against people who can actually fight back. Like the reincarnated Red Army.

The Last Last Empire

World War II didn't actually end in 1945. The Americans conquered Europe and Japan, assimilated Nazis into NATO and NASA, deported the Jews, and continued Hitler's project of fighting Slavs and Commies for another few decades. When World War II actually ended in 1991, Americans took another deep bong hit of its own propaganda, which they're still reeling from. Like Jesse in Breaking Bad when the ATM fell on that guy's head, they took street credit for something that just happened.

Russia fell over largely of its own accord, and to America's surprise and disappointment. That bitch-ass Gorbachev was a good partner to them, and they missed him. As former Ambassador to the USSR Jack Matlock said, “The point is that we did not bring down the Soviet Union,” argued Matlock, “though some people would like to take credit for it now, and some of the chauvinists in Russia would like to accuse us of it. It just isn’t true.”

Indeed, in January of 1991, Bush the Elder wrote to Soviet Premier Gorbachev, (via Serhii Plokhy's book), “No one wishes to see the disintegration of the Soviet Union,” wrote George Bush to Gorbachev in the same letter. He was not trying to mislead the Soviet president. Bush and his administration indeed did not intend to kill the Soviet Union by pushing for Baltic independence.”

As Anatolii Cherniaev from the Soviet side wrote, “What actually happened in the USSR that year was what happened in ‘their day’ to other empires when history exhausted their potential,” wrote Cherniaev in retrospect, summing up the outcome of 1991. By that reasoning, the Soviet collapse simply concluded a process that had begun in earnest at the dawn of the century and was accelerated by the two world wars: the disintegration of world empires and their disappearance from the political map.” [NOTE: Although the Soviet Union had a necessary sphere of influence, it was NOT an empire in the sense of exploiting weaker nations in the Western style.—Ed.)

The interesting point here is that this is a process which would (and does) apply to all world empires. What goes up must come down. All of the world empires were collapsing due to larger historical and environmental forces and this just happened to the USSR before the USA. But they were both in the same queue. The collapse of the USSR should have put the fear of mortality in the US but instead they thought they were immortal, like fools. This is why one should never get high on their own supply. It feels great, but what goes up must come down.

The Blue Red Army

Americans really thought Russia was finished after 1991, and that they had finished them off. Sun Tzu said, “Warfare is the art of deception. So when you can, feign incapacity.” This is unnecessary with Americans. They deceive themselves with aplomb.

America treated Russia's red lines about NATO as so much cocaine and just snorted at them. Even in 2023, Europe's High Representative Josep Borrell echoed John McCain, saying, “Russia is an economic dwarf, like a gas station, whose owner has an atomic bomb.” This is a gross mischaracterization and, either way, it was his gas station. The White Empire has truly got high on their own supply, gassing themselves up while literally cutting off the gas to themselves. It is redundant quoting Sun Tzu about fools, but the Master said:

And so I say, “Know the enemy; know yourself, and you will meet with no danger in a hundred battles. If you do not know the enemy, but you know yourself, then you will win and lose by turns. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will lose every battle, certainly.

The White Empire knows neither the enemy nor themselves, a sure recipe for losing. European vassals don't even know what continent they're in (Asia) and their American masters are actually and metaphorically senile. In 2022, Joe Biden said, “As a result of these unprecedented sanctions, the ruble almost is immediately reduced to rubble. The Russian economy — (applause) — that’s true, by the way. It takes about 200 rubles to equal one dollar. The economy is on track to be cut in half in the coming years.” This wasn't even true when Biden said it (the ruble around 100 at the time) and the ruble went onto be the best performing currency that year. This year (2024) the Russian economy is growing faster than the US, Germany, and the UK. Maybe being a gas station with nukes isn't such a bad business model and Russia is really much more than that.

As Andrei Martyanov said in said in his book Losing Military Supremacy:

In fact, it seems this economy which was “left in tatters” [Obama] or was the economy of a “gas station masquerading as a country,” [McCain] is the only other economy in the world which can and does produce the whole spectrum of weapons ranging from small arms to state-of-the-art complex weapon- and signal- processing systems.

Now note that this was published in 2018, that's how long sanctions have not been working. As Martyanov continued,

It took the complete and embarrassing failure of the West’s economic sanctions on Russia for the West to recognize that the actual size of Russia’s economy is about that of Germany, if not larger, and that Russia was defining herself in terms of enclosed technological cycles, localization and manufacturing long before she was forced to engage in the war in Georgia in 2008.

Very few people realistically care about Russia’s Stock Market; the financial markets of Germany are on an order of magnitude larger. But Germany, not to speak of South Korea, cannot design and build from scratch a state of the art fighter jet, and Russia can. Germany doesn’t have a space industry, and Russia does. The same argumentation goes for Russia’s microelectronics industry and her military-industrial complex, which dwarfs that of any “economic” competitor to which Western “economists” consistently try to compare Russia, with the exception of US and China, and then on bulk only, not quality.

As was stated earlier, and is worth reiterating, third or second world economies do not produce such weapons as Borey-class strategic missile submarines or SU-35 fighter jets, or stealth SU-57 fighters, for that matter. They also do not build space-stations and operate the only global alternative to US GPS, the GLONASS system.

US sanctions against Russia had already failed multiple times, and yet they kept repeating them. This is one definition of insanity. Another definition is when your mental world becomes completely divorced from physical reality, which is precisely what happened to late-stage White Empire. What they call the 'rules-based order' is just free-basing their own propaganda and calling it a strategy. They didn't understand what the Red Army did and they don't understand what the reincarnated Blue Red Army can do. They know neither the enemy nor themselves, which is why they're losing Ukraine, certainly.

The Russo-Ukrainian War

In Afghanistan, they lost on points and had to retreat. This will probably mark the historical fall of the American Empire, but I'll focus on the Russo-Ukrainian War, where they could not even show up. In the Russo-Ukrainian War, the US Army has lost by default. They talked a lot of shit but never showed up. The American military is all sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Somewhere deep in their deep state, America knows that they can't take on Russia. The Russian Army has now been rebuilt to the point that it's stronger than America's. America's vaunted military budget is just a measure of corruption and it literally cannot manufacture enough artillery anymore. Just like in World War II, the Russian military has better matériel, more experienced men, and more ability to muster both on the battlefield. America has not moved physically closer to Asia, and their military-industrial complex has depreciated into dust. The American military has been bombing weddings for so long that they've missed their own funeral.

America's military thinkers are functionally brain-dead now. They have an entire class of professional idiots across media and think tanks and in the government itself. America has been felled by a fatal case of what Bryan MacDonald calls Russophrenia, “a condition where the sufferer believes Russia is both about to collapse, and take over the world. Since 2013, instances of this ailment have reached epidemic-like proportions in certain parts of Washington, London and Brussels.” At some deep level, however, they at least have some self-preservation. As much shit as they talk about Russia, they won't confront them directly. Which is an L.

For all the noise America makes about Russia, they are fundamentally too scared to take the field themselves. Not just because it could go nuclear, but because America would also lose a conventional war and they know this. Many of America's nukes are literally too old to be used reliably, and they don't have any reliable response to drones and hypersonic missiles. They're hiding behind proxies because they're pussies (as in pusillanimous).

You can see the inherited and, I suppose, inherent difference in fighting styles between modern Russia and America. It's the same pattern they followed in World War II. America goes in force-light (or in this case without forces at all), while the USSR/Russia actually put boots on the ground. Russia has pointedly not carpet bombed Ukraine because it has little strategic value. They have certainly bombed, but they bomb targets, unlike the Americans who generally bomb everything and ask questions later. Russia has followed the classic Clausewitzian doctrine of engaging and destroying the enemy troops, even at the cost of many dead Russian soldiers. Where they have bombed 'dual-use' infrastructure—like energy—it has been years into the war, not the first thing they do like the Americans in Iraq. There are massive military casualties in Ukraine, but not massive civilian casualties like in occupied Palestine. Civilian casualties are actually collateral in the Russo-Ukraine War, as opposed to the main course consumed by 'Israel' and America (same thing).

America has tried to equip and train the Ukrainian Army in the American/NATO model, and it doesn't work against someone that can actually fight back. Often on the same battlefields, they are learning how World War II actually played out. WWII was won by men and matériel smashing into other men and matériel, not by firebombing cities and killing civilians. And in the ruins of the historical USSR they are learning why that empire fell. Not because Reagan yelled at a wall, but because complex empires are prone to falling apart, including the White Empire they inherited from the British et al.  (NOTE: The century old global capitalist encirclement and arms race imposed on the USSR did not help, either, nor the incessant propaganda that eventualy seduced influential sectors of soviet society.—ED)

Please note that my point here is not that Russia are the 'good guys' here. I think Russia is sane and coherently run, but that's irrelevant in this context. Especially if you consider Russia an enemy, you should try to understand them, and not just imbibe your own propaganda. The enemy is a great teacher, but the greatest guru is facts on the ground, which are as follows. The US Army has been comprehensively defeated (or drawn) everywhere it took the field, and now it can't actually take the field anymore. They are literally a spent force.

The Depreciation Of The US Army

The fighting forces that invaded Iraq and Afghanistan simply do not exist anymore, they have depreciated into dust. America's military infrastructure is old and its young are too unfit and unwilling to serve. People often cite American military spending, but that's just a measure of corruption. They spend $90,000 for a bag of nuts and bolts. Like everything else in America, the military-industrial complex has been financialized—AKA cannibalized—down to the bone. They're as bust-out as Red Lobster. Unlimited shrimp and unlimited war crimes are done. I have gone into some detail about how the US military is physically falling apart and I won't expand on it further here.

My only point, as always, is look around. For all the noise America makes about Hitlers everywhere, where is their army? They're pushing proxies in front of them while their main force is actually retreating. America and their merry men are like the shrinking balls in Snatch. They're getting bombed in Iraq and kicked out of Niger right now. It takes them two months to build a landing pier in Gaza and their pre-positioning ships catch fire on the way over. The main sign of the US Army's failure is its absence. For all the fuss America makes, where the fuck are they?

I am old enough to remember when America was able to invade places just 'cause they felt like it, and we all had to deal with it. They were a truly 'expeditionary force'. Now they're just an [expletive] farce. The matériel has depreciated, the men have molted, and the budget is all corruption and interest payments now. America cannot invade countries, they cannot control sea lanes, and they cannot declare no-fly zones. That's all in the past. All branches of American military power have been broken, and when the bough breaks, the cradle shall fall.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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How The US Navy Has Been Defeated In The Red Sea

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How The US Navy Has Been Defeated In The Red Sea

In the latest episode of America's Long Retreat, the reincarnation of Dwight D. Eisenhower has gotten spanked in the Red Sea.

One on each butt cheek, they have been hit by Yemen. On May 31st, Yemeni spokesman Yahya Saree Telegram'd that, “the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a joint military operation targeting the American aircraft carrier “Eisenhower” in the Red Sea. The operation was carried out with a number of winged and ballistic missiles, the hit was Accurate and direct, thanks to Allah.” The next day, they hit Ike again. The US denied but I trust Saree because, unlike the White Empire, the Resistance has never lied to me. And the Eisenhower slunk off, and went quiet.

On the other butt-cheek, America just hit themselves, they've been into budgetary BDSM for decades. They parked a bunch of depreciating assets near unappreciative natives and, surprise surprise, they got shot at. America can shoot these missiles down, but by throwing Lamborghinis and Patek Phillipes at them. Insanely expensive and low-production bespoke missiles they can only reload in certain ports. Meanwhile they're sitting ducks in the Red Sea, knowing that at any time their enemies can just overload them. Yemen, Hezbollah, Iran, the US fleet is in range of everyone, and everyone is laughing at them. Operation Prosperity Guardian my ass. After they deployed, they made shipping worse.

Source: Wikipedia, I'm embarrassed to say

The sailing reputation of the US Navy has been tarred and feathered in the Red Sea. They're getting ridden out on a rail in front of the whole Arab World. It's the Suez Crisis all over, except Britain actually had a Pyrrhic victory for a moment. America's just had L after L in the Red Sea. They tried suing for peace even, and got ignored cause Yemen just wants the genocide to stop.

In the Battle of The Red Sea, it actually doesn't matter whether Ansarallah scored direct hits or not. The fact is that the Eisenhower turned tail and ran. This has been the law of battle since humans had tails. The loser runs, since time immemorial and, for whatever reason, Ike had to run.

In fact, the whole US military is visibly in retreat now, all over the world, covered by a massive smokescreen of propaganda and proxy armies. We discussed the US Army's retreat from Afghanistan before and its failure to take the field in Ukraine at all. The White Empire is showing its tail to everyone, and spinning tales about it. But tales, unlike tails, can be unspun.

If you read boring accounting reports and history—as I'll recount here—you can see that the White Empire is not re-establishing hegemony. They are violently hemorrhaging power all over the world, most notably in the Red Sea. You can tell from all the blood, especially the blood of innocent children (because the Empire hates a future without it). You can also tell from the absence of Empire, the places it simply can't show up (like Ukraine), or has to retreat from (like Afghanistan, or the Red Sea). Joe Biden is a good representative of America. They're both visibly dying and should go home.

The story of US Naval Collapse is deep (just read any INSURV report), but herein I'll focus on the superficial attack on its flagship the USS Eisenhower (CVN 69). This attack tells the whole story in microcosm. Mashallah, the greatest naval power in the world has been defeated by a people without a navy. All credit to the free people of Yemen, Ansarallah, and Allah. They have defeated the US Navy in the Red Sea.

Historical Preamble

As I discussed in my general theory of empires, many empires conquer land, but colonial empires are distinguished by conquering (and militarizing) the sea. They move guns one way and loot the other way and that basically defines the whole colonial enterprise. It's basically piracy. This was the racket the US inherited from the British after World War II.

World War II was defined by the USSR fighting to preserve itself and the Western Allies fighting to preserve their empire. As Andrei Martyanov said, “Preserving its Empire superseded Britain’s concern with bearing a fair share of the Allied war effort, and seeing the Nazis, with whom many in the British elite had sympathy, bleed the USSR, was not an anathema.” As then US Senator Harry Truman said, “If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don’t want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances.”

The proof is in the blood pudding. Tens of millions of Soviets died destroying 80% of the German Army while the Allies were tooling around with irrelevant 'fronts' like North Africa. Just an excuse to secure imperial territory, especially around the Middle Eastern oil fields. The US certainly helped Russia with lend-lease, but more important was the British lend-lease program, in which America took British bases as collateral. Britain, in fact, surrendered territory to America to avoid Germany, and remains America's bitch to this day. They have relentlessly propagandized their own people so much that Britain thinks they won World War II, but the UK is just another illusory flag in the real White Empire. To us on the bottom of the boot in the Global South, it's all one phenomenon. America is just the latest headquarters of the same joint-stock companies that broke our joints and put us in stockades centuries ago.

I give this long preamble not to ramble but to point out the historical currents we're merely circling. Down the train, ultimately. The Middle East is the literal middle of the maritime world, connecting the ancient Mediterranean and monsoon trade routes through the modern Suez Canal. It was the center of British power until they lost it in the Suez Crisis and it was the center of American power until they lost it now. Now the center cannot hold, the falcon cannot hear the falconer, you know how it goes. Mere 'chaos' is unleashed upon the world, which is just the white man's word for freedom.

Maximum Amble

America made a big show about securing the Red Sea, sending a carrier group and gathering a few (mainly) Europeans for a murder cruise. But free Yemen has slapped them all silly, in front of the whole world.

It's increasingly obvious that America's naval empire has no clothes because Yemen pulled off its fig leaf, the USS Eisenhower. The Eisenhower recently fled the fuck away from Yemen (we'll get to that) and you can see it here doing exercises with the Italian ship ITS Cavour. As you can see next to its Italian friend, the Eisenhower looks like shit. The rust pattern on its port hull even looks like an inverted Yemeni flag, lol. The most iron of ironies.

The commander of the Eisenhower is an absolute moron named Chris “Chowdah” Hill who hands out cookies to debt slaves that can't go home. Their term keeps getting extended, which is not compensated for by endless Taco Tuesdays. With his photo ops in lieu of serious operations, Chowdah unintentionally communicates the actual state of the US military, which is completely unserious. Chowdah quite unironically posted this a few days ago:

Another 23-yr old nuclear reactor operator was called to the bridge today. He’s from San Antonio, TX and manages months at sea by “taking every day one at a time.” His grandpa literally served on the IKE and did the same exact job as him! How wild is that?

Yes, how wild is that indeed. The grandchildren of the first crew are serving on the same vessel and the Captain of the Good Ship Cookieshop thinks that's a good thing. It just shows how insanely old and outdated the US flagship is. The dying USS Eisenhower scares anyone about as much as dead Dwight D. Eisenhower does. They're both artifacts from last century.

Trying to impress anyone with the USS Eisenhower in 2024 is like pulling up to the club in a 1977 Lincoln Continental. And not a pimped out Lincoln, but one that's been driving through salt-water for nearly 50 years with poor maintenance. Let me zoom in on the Yemen tagged vessel here:

This thing is a rust bucket. The Eisenhower is like the rest of America's infrastructure. Crumbling. Their roads, railroads, and sea roads are just physically falling apart. Concrete and steel aren't alchemy, they physically depreciate in 30–40 years. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The Eisenhower has a physical end of life, scheduled for 2027, but they keep extending it, like they can extend physics. This USS Eisenhower should be in the retirement home, not bombing homes.

Worse than just age, the entire US fleet has been badly maintained. Every time INSURV (the JAG of auditors) releases a report, the condition of the fleet gets worse. They report this about aircraft carriers (CVN) in general:





This Eisenhower, in particular, has been ‘ridden hard and put away wet,’ as the cowboys say. I can't find the Eisenhower (CVN 69)'s material inspection report but you can learn a lot from the maintenance schedule. Ike's innards were last inspected (to great fanfare) in 2016, after a gap of 10 years and 1,400 days at sea. This is way beyond spec.

By law (Title 10), every ship is supposed to be inspected every three years. The Eisenhower is six years overdue for its last inspection. In fact, nearly half of the entire fleet is overdue. As the latest INSURV report says, “As of 30 September 2022, there were 154 of 353 (43.6%) vessels, subject to inspection, that exceeded a 3-year inspection periodicity.”  Which is to say half the fleet is missing regular maintenance, and none of it's in good shape. And all INSURV reports is the bare minimum. They report ‘does it have a gun?’ but not vital stuff like ‘does the gun fire?’ These auditors just kick the tires, they don't report combat drills, like whether the signal goes from the radar to the guns, etc. The total budget for the report is listed as $3,200 lol.

INSURV does do 'demonstrations,' but it pointedly doesn't include them in the public report. As they say, “INSURV conducts demonstrations to determine the effectiveness of integrated systems in an operational environment. While these demonstrations are graded, the scores are not factored into the ship's IFOM. However, deficiencies that arise from the demonstrations do affect the calculus of the associated functional.”

IFOM is just another military acronym that means ‘How Fucked Are We?’  The answer is very fucked.

To return to the still homicidal re-incarnation of Dwight D. Eisenhower, the CVN 69 is the second-oldest aircraft carrier in the fleet. It has also been the busiest carrier in the fleet for five years now. It hasn't announced an inspection for 9 years, which is very bad for billions worth of machinery. Worst of all, it's 9 months into a 7-month deployment, after which the CHECK ENGINE light comes on and you need to service the thing. The corrupt Raytheon stooge running the Defense Department keeps extending the Eisenhower's deployment for 'strategic reasons' but machinery gives a fuck about your strategy. Depreciation is the silent killer and he's already on board.

There's one lesson I learned long ago, which I'll repeat because it was once news to me. You have to maintain vehicles or they fall apart. Any time and money you save in the short term is lost forever when the thing just falls apart. I only took my first car (in Sri Lanka) to the shop when it broke down. I was living my best life, driving a compact car through national parks, driving it on the beach in the hot sun, etc. Then—when Sri Lanka built its first highway—I took the old Vitz out for a spin and the engine just melted. All those years of 'technical debt' came due all at once. I learned the hard way, if you don't do regular car maintenance, you're guaranteed car trouble.

When I got married things were different. My wife came with a dowry (I joke) of two big dogs and a car. Once the dogs fought inside the car and spilled out onto Park Road, where a crowd gathered to watch and futilely splash water on the bloody, idiotic animals. The car was family maintained, meaning I couldn't ruin it with my usual death by negligence. Every seven months the driver would just take the car and disappear for a day or two. It was annoying and it cost a bunch of money for seemingly nothing, but 11 years later that car is still running, and running well. And the jeep was old to start with, it has 165,000 km on it. That's the power of maintenance. It lets you reach the true lifetime of a vehicle, and even extend it.

An aircraft carrier is really a floating vehicle with millions of other machines on it, all of which need maintenance. Also thousands of people, who are not magically revived by cookies. The iron law is that if you don't take care of your machines, your machines won't take care of you. And the Eisenhower is simply not fit for purpose. As its retreat from the Red Sea has shown.

The Battle Of The Red Sea

On May 31s, Yahya Saree, the military spokesman of Ansarallah, (who has never lied to me) said (via Telegram):

[American-British] airstrikes have caused damage to the Hodeidah Radio building, as well as the Coast Guard building in the port of Saleef, in addition to a number of commercial ships in the port. This represents a clear targeting of civilian objects, a blatant violation of all international laws, and a full-fledged war crime.


In response to these crimes, and within the right to respond to the American-British aggression, and in continuation of triumphing over the oppression of the Palestinian people, the missile force and the naval force of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a joint military operation targeting the American aircraft carrier “Eisenhower” in the Red Sea. The operation was carried out with a number of winged and ballistic missiles, the hit was Accurate and direct, thanks to Allah.

Then the next day they hit the Eisenhower again. As Saree said (Telegram):

The naval forces, the missile force, and the unmanned air force of the Yemeni armed forces, with the help of God Almighty, carried out six military operations as follows: The first targeted the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the northern Red Sea with a number of missiles and drones, which is the second targeting of the carrier within 24 hours. The second targeted an American destroyer in the Red Sea and was directly hit by a number of drones.

After this, the US government (which has always lied to me) said there was no damage, but nonetheless started to leave the area. Then that moron Captain Chowdah reposted an old Instagram reel of the deck like no one would notice, except of course they did, adding mystery to mayhem. I believe Yemen—but for my thesis—whether or not the Eisenhower was hit is actually irrelevant. I believe Saree, but seeing is ultimately believing. And everyone can see the Eisenhower fleeing, and going quiet.

My broader point in these essays is that the loss of the US military is visible through its absence. It's furiously throwing proxy armies in front of it to cover what is actually a full-blown retreat. Thus my earlier point was that US Army has lost by its absencein Ukraine (it's too scared). The current point is that USS Eisenhower has lost by its absence in the Red Sea.

Remember that this is a ship which can only reload certain munitions in Newport News. This is an old ship that has been overused and is now two months late for its minimum maintenance. Buried in the propaganda, you can see how heavy the battle has been.

According to Lt. Cmdr. Lauren Chatmas, the strike group’s aircraft have flown more than 12,100 sorties, totaling over 27,200 flight hours, and they’ve launched more than 350 air-to-surface weapons and more than 50 air-to-air missiles. The warships have each traveled more than 55,000 miles, and they’ve launched more than 100 Standard and Tomahawk missiles. In all, the strike group has gone after about 430 either pre-planned or dynamic targets in its mission to defend U.S., coalition and merchant ships.

I won't even get into the point that the mission has failed, and that the Americans have reduced traffic in the Red Sea since they militarized it. Just look at the amount of ordnance the Eisenhower has lost. They fired ‘more than 100 Standard and Tomahawk missiles.’  Well, the entire US Tomahawk order for 2023 was 55. And they cost $1 million each. And the factories to build more don't really exist. Across every category of artillery, America is simply running out of bullets, including sea artillery.


America keeps announcing bigger and bigger military budgets, but they're just advertising their own mounting corruption. It's made up money chasing shut-down factories. The Pentagon is literally unauditable and the US military cannot procure anything. They don't even make these ships anymore, and they'd require Chinese resources to attack China it. America has long been the gang that can't shoot straight, and now they're just running out of parts and ammunition.

Whether Yemen hits the Eisenhower or not, its physical presence in the Red Sea is just not physically sustainable. For example, the US Navy cannot physically reload its (8os era) MK 41 Vertical Launch System at sea. For other munitions and supplies it has to go all the way back to Newport News, in America. The USS Eisenhower stormed in the Red Sea like Scarface, screaming “OK, I'm reloaded!”  OK, but then what? You have to reload again and again in war, otherwise you just end up like Scarface, face-down and floating. This is why they're limping back to port now, irregardless of Yemen spanking them.

The truth is that an aging aircraft carrier is more of a liability than an asset now. The more the Ike tries to swing at Yemen, the more it exhausts its finite resources. Yemen was going to hit it at some point, and now that point has come. The Eisenhower's terminally online Captain just made things even worse with a clumsy cover-up. The lie that everything is fine is peddled by privatized propaganda outlets in the west, but the rest of the world (especially the Arab world) isn't buying it. Those are the people the ghost of Eisenhower was supposed to intimidate, but they're just laughing now, which an Empire based on terrorizing everyone into submission can't afford. Now America's bluff has been called.

America has now lost on land to Afghanistan and on sea to Yemen. They keep picking on the poorest people in the world, and getting their asses handed to them. When you're trying to project power, this is not a good look.

Suez Crisis Part Deux

In a sign of how much we are circling the drain this isn't the first humiliation in the same place. It's all just a little bit of history repeating. As the historian Rashid Khalidi said about the Suez Crisis that official ended British hegemony:

Suez also gave a final push to the tottering hegemony over the Arab world which Britain and France had sometimes shared and sometimes disputed for over a century. It exposed their weaknesses, encouraging Iraqis, Algerians, Adenis, and others to liquidate their last footholds in the region. Arab leaders ceased paying attention to London and Paris, turning instead towards Cairo, Washington, and Moscow. Finally, because it involved Israel in overt collaboration with the old imperial powers, and in an invasion of the territory of an existing Arab state, the Suez crisis established an image of Israel in the Arab world, and a pattern of conflict with it, which had an impact perhaps as important as that of the 1948 war.

The Rashi Khalidi chapter, which I include because it's hard to find

They say history repeats, but in this case, I'd say it's one historical process. The turd state of 'Israel' just requires a double-flush. So here we are again, with Yemen taking the place of Egypt as decolonial plumber, and American hegemony going down the drain.

The whole reason for this battle is, in fact, unreasonable from the American side. Yemen's only demand is that 'Israel' stop the genocide. America stepped in to support genocide and, in classic American fashion, made things worse for themselves and their vassals in the process. Now all imperial ships are blocked and shipping rates (especially for the idiots in Europe) are skyrocketing. America took a limited blockade of 'Israel' and turned it into their own funeral, which Europe got the bill for. Couldn't happen to worse people.

Now the US Navy, whose entire modus operandi is securing the seas for imperial trade, can't even secure its own ships. In just the most obvious example, the USS Eisenhower has literally blown its load and has to pull back. This is a lesson literally every counter-insurgent for the last 50 years has learned, that you can just wait the Americans out. The Americans may have the watches, but the natives have the time, as the Taliban said. Yemen has just applied the lesson at sea.

Insurgents know that the Americans will kill children, but that in battles against men, they always retreat. Since Vietnam, through Afghanistan, and now in both Ukraine and Palestine at once. Now the loss of the Red Sea is America's Suez Crisis, their prestige will not recover after this. Its aircraft carriers will die of old age in a decade or so and it can't build them anymore. They lose by default, whatever Yemen does, and Yemen is doing a lot. They're incredibly strategic and innovative, and have the added advantage of fighting a naval battle from land. Hitting the USS Eisenhower with a few drones is nothing militarily, but historically it's a whole page turning.

In their valiant and honorable defense of Palestine, Yemen have dealt the US Navy a fatal blow to their prestige, without even having a Navy. Through sheer missile power and what Scarface called 'balls', the free men of Yemen have sent the USS Eisenhower slinking over the horizon, the crown asset of a clown Navy. There's no coming back from this for America. This is their Suez Crisis moment. The US Navy has been defeated in the Red Sea.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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The Unique American Empire

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“Let me tell you about American exceptionalism.” (Still from American Psycho)

The White Empire under America is historically unique. Many empires have conquered earth, a few have conquered sea, but only one has dominated air so completely. America is the final and most fearsome avatar of White Empire, which had all the elements under its command. Earth, water, and air all bowed to its superior firepower. But that's all ending now. The White Empire is already history. It just takes a while for the bloody pages of history to dry.

Terms (White Empire)

The greatest whiteness of the White Empire is that it just blends into the background, like the white space on this page. I made up the name White Empire cause I got tired of repeating America+Europe+UK+Canada+Australia+Occupied Japan+Occupied Korea, etc. The greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world He didn't exist. White Empire is like this, and this is an American innovation. The British Empire was proudly Rule Britannia but American Empire is the amorphous Rules-Based Order. Whose rules? Their rules. But they don't come out and say it. They are the hypocritical hegemon, and this has been remarkably effective. They just blend into the background and all the blood seems to come out of nowhere, from these random 'conflicts'. What's America doing in the middle of all of them? “Helping”. Total bullshit. They are the nameless evil, which is why I come out and name them. Call it White Empire, American Empire, America, it is what it is.

Names, names, the devil has so many names. They're all irrelevant when we don't even see the planes bombing us, or the bureaucrats taking our food away. It's all one continuous White Empire to those on the bottom, in what they call the Global South. For the people under unrelenting centuries of colonial power, White people just take turns beating us with different excuses. First it was because we didn't believe in their God, now it's because we do. Today all of the colonial countries ruled by America and they lecture us with secular values instead of religious ones, none of which they practice or believe. Same shit, different day, as my historical thesis leads.

"The greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world He didn't exist. White Empire is like this, and this is an American innovation. The British Empire was proudly Rule Britannia but American Empire is the amorphous Rules-Based Order. Whose rules? Their rules. But they don't come out and say it..."

The nature of Whiteness is that it just blends into the background, like the whited-out apartment of the titular serial killer in American Psycho. That singular psycho kept his furniture covered and newspaper on the floor, as a more convenient background for ax murdering. The collective psychosis of White Empire does the same thing. They use 'international' institutions to cover up their war and siege machinery, and spread newspapers to sop up the bleeding. This unnamed, untamed empire is the backdrop of centuries of war and violence, culminating in the wild fury of genocide we're witnessing in Gaza. A new world struggles to be born and, as Gramsci sorta said, this is the time of monsters.

For a certain generation, asking them about White Empire is like asking a fish about water. “What the fuck is water?”  We swim in this world of endless bloodshed like fish swim in a world of endless water. The constant violence of the Empire is just the constant background, not foreground. We can't even perceive it, at least I couldn't for many years. The White Empire is clear, it's invisible, it's default. As the martyr soldier Aaron Bushnell said, “this is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.” Indeed, we take so much for granted that is outright abominable.

Until recently, America felt free to kill anybody, anywhere, anytime. To coup any nation, anywhere anytime, and then sanction their grandchildren's children if they defied. Aggression was just their sovereign right, and they were quite sanctimonious about it. America can point nukes at everyone, and has used them on innocent civilians. But if anyone even thinks about nuclear power that's a crime that their children must be traumatized for. America got the British government to arrest an Australian citizen (Assange) on American charges, like those countries don't exist at all. Because they don't. It's all one White Empire. In the same way, America got Canada to arrest a Chinese national for violating US sanctions, because Canada doesn't exist either. It's just America's chapeau. Can you see the contours of the White Empire now, as the background becomes foreground when you focus?

The White Empire is just a neocolonial mob family, with 'made' nations that can do whatever they want, and unmade (undeveloped) nations that get preyed on. If anyone tries to investigate a 'made' country like 'Israel', the mob boss will actually threaten the judges families. The G in G7 stands for Gangster, or Genocide if you're on the wrong side of it. This highly abnormal and amoral state of affairs is ‘what our ruling class has decided will be normal’. But none of this is normal. It's all evil.

America is the White Empire is the Evil Empire. What Americans fantasize about fighting in the dark of their movie theaters is what they actually walk into, as they step out. It's all one military-industrial multiplex, with politics as the real entertainment division. Totalitarianism, authoritarianism, fascism, every accusation is a confession. America is the most evil incarnation of empire ever known (selling your own rape-borne children into slavery? dropping nukes on civilian populations?) and, to invert Fidel Castro, history will not absolve them.


let me spit. As the final avatar of White Empire, America commands all four elements, earth, water, air, and fire. Or at least it did command them, now it's all going to shit. Let's go through how we got here.


America actually lost its ability to field land armies in Afghanistan. They haven't been able to take the field since, despite yelling at lots of people and throwing proxies in front of them. They're actually covering their retreat. The mad kingdom without a king went to the graveyard of empires and actually died there, the signal just hasn't reached their zombified brains yet. America simply can't raise the men (who are either too overweight, insane, or unwilling) or the matériel (it's all depreciating rapidly) to wage a land war in Asia, let alone three, like they're trying to. Their budget is just a measure of corruption, not power. Their bellicosity is bluster. America can't project land power at all anymore. The earth element is lost.


I'll dwell more on water because water is is what made colonial empires different. Genghis the Khan and Alexander the Great went as far as a horse could go but could conquer no further (the Khans did try to sail, but unsuccessfully). The vast majority of ancient Empires were land predators, certainly not global naval powers. Even though China could make treasure ships the size of the Niña, Pinta, and the Santa Maria combined, they didn't want to. They came to places like Sri Lanka, gave gifts, and never came back. They were rich already. They didn't need anything.

The warring tribes of Europe, however, were a different story. They were needy. These savages lived in the most solar poor peninsula of Asia and had evolved to be especially violent and greedy. The Mediterranean Sea gave them lots of naval training, and they later used it to sail across the larger seas. Their ships were far inferior to the Chinese but, unlike the Chinese, they needed them. Necessity was the true mother of colonization, not innovation or exploration. Europe was poor and they attacked the places that had resources and wealth. They incarnated their greed as corporations and, once they did, baby gotta eat.

The reason for colonialism is not actually that complicated, and it explains why colonialism, racism, and climate change are, in fact, one phenomenon. Note that I said Europe was solar-poor. Solar energy (which also drives the winds) was really the only potential energy back then, with animal (including human) labor to make it kinetic. Even biomass (burning wood) requires sun to grow it, solar energy is what the burning releases. Even wind is ultimately driven by temperature differentials created by the sun.

Colonialism is described as a scramble for wealth, but what is wealth really measuring? All currency is just a call on future energy, the ability to make a stripper dance on a pole or the world to spin around a unipole. As Vaclav Smil said, energy is the universal currency. And that's what the mad colonial scramble was for. The rest of the world had the sun and the population to grow things. The sun is also why people down here are darker. Our pigment is a visible measure of solar energy. It's like we're charged up and White people are visibly depleted. Racism is just an excuse for energy vampirism, if you think about it.

Physics abhors an energy imbalance, and it is this force that colonialism uncorked. There was vastly more energy in the south than the north, and the colonizers made it into a circuit, using water as a conductor. This had been done at small scales before. Ancient empires (like the Egyptians or the Indus Valley) were usually connected along a river, because it's hard to move things or people without the magic of water. Land-based empires are of course possible, but very difficult to maintain without the pre-modern version of the Internet, the conductive power of water.

Water was what made colonialism possible, and it was initially a 'renewable' enterprise, adding just wind power, labor, and biomass. Sailing ships could take massive weights across massive distances and suddenly all of that potential solar energy of the south began flowing north (and back around) via the kinetic energy of oppressed people and slaves. Racism was the human processing of a physical fact, that the sun-poor were robbing the sun-rich, and wanted to justify it. Climate change is just the consequences of these acts, because moving energy around has consequences.

Moving matter and energy does 'work', and work creates heat, as per the first law of thermodynamics. We ignore this at our peril, hence the peril today. Water made this all possible. It was the original conductor which enabled the first global empires, what I call one White Empire, because what's the difference between the Dutch, Portuguese, and British to people like me? Just different ships over the horizon, come to take our stuff and sap our energy. Water is what lubricated this lunacy. The original White Empire was a water nation, but air is what made it into an apex predator indeed.


Water empires were good enough for scoring filthy lucre. The stock market actually peaked in the South Sea Bubble and hasn't recovered since.

GFD: Stocks for the Very Long Run: The UK-100 and 327 Years of British Equity History

But enough is never enough when you've incarnated your greed as corporations, and given them the world to feed on. The discovery of fossil fuels meant even more (stored) solar energy to turn into 'work' leading, of course, to greater heat and entropy. Thermodynamic laws are real, unlike the vulgar laws of economics. While economics happily books profits every quarter, physics marks its ledger by centuries, and then rips up the economic ledger entirely. Thus it goes with what we so proudly call progress and history.

The immense potential energy and density of fossil fuels (especially oil) enabled airships, which was a world-warping change. Whereas World War I was fought with, mostly horses, World War II was fought with mechanized vehicles and planes (and lots of horses as well). Whereas WWI was the water-based colonial powers fighting amongst themselves, WWII was the water-phobic Hitler trying to leapfrog them all through fossil-fuelled land and air warfare. World War II was really the inter-imperial battle for a new type of empire, one that marshalled all the elements using the effective magic of fossil fuels. Millions of undead solar slaves that you could pipe through a tube. But Hitler didn't win that war. The racist totalitarian state that inspired him did. America. After World War II finally ended in 1991, they became the fire nation that ruled. And they ruled the air above all.

To this day, most commercial airplanes are made by the USA (Boeing) or their backyard bitch France (Airbus). Not that other countries didn't or couldn't make planes, it's just that the White Empire dominated. America inherited sea lanes and naval bases from the British, but its real contribution to White Empire was aviation. The most terrifying power of the US military is its ability to deploy a fully functional Burger King anywhere in the world overnight, followed by its ability to deliver nuclear weapons through the same mechanism.

America of course still relies on naval and land power. Like the many horses used (and abused) in World War II, old forms of energy use don't entirely go away, new consumption just stacks on top of them. America, however, is distinct from other empires because it commands both air and space power at a frankly godlike level. They can rain down death from above wherever they want, and frequently do. But they're not actual gods, because they can't control the weather, and the actual gods are teaching them as we speak. That's what climate change is. The revenge of the weather gods, largely unworshiped and besmirched for centuries now. This is their aeon.

The fact is that all this power, all the energy that colonialism unleashed (and capitalism capitalized on), has thermodynamic consequences. The first law of thermodynamics says that perpetual motion machines are impossible (ie an economy that grows forever) but White Empire has based its entire existence around that impossibility. Infinite growth forever on a finite planet.

Another implication of the first law is that work makes heat, and when you apply this to an economy that's supposed to double every generation (what you get at roughly 3% annual growth), things get crazy real quick. If we keep doubling the work we do every generation (a 2.3% growth rate), the waste heat alone boils the oceans in 400 years. Conventional economics obviously kills us over just a few centuries, but it makes a killing next quarter, so who gives a shit. As Keynes said, in the long run we're all dead, speaking for all dead economists.

The second law of thermodynamics is basically that tea gets cold, energy differentials settle and you end up with unpalatable muck. AKA entropy. The frenzied movement of energy around the world—first by land, then water, then firepowered air—has left only a massive mount of garbage and waste heat in the long term. All of our vaunted progress, it's just a fart in the wind, geologically speaking. Everything we measure as GDP is garbage, most of it within a year, all of it within geological timescales. Meanwhile the waste heat and radiation lasts much longer and is our only real legacy to future scientists, should they dare play with these dark arts ever again.

This process started when we first captured the elements via agriculture, increased when we moved them along water in river valleys, accelerated when we moved them across the waters of the ocean, then we really started cooking with gas with aviation. But all of these processes have a logical, mathematical end according to the most basic laws of physics. What goes up must come down. Disorder is easier than order. Fuck around and find out. The fall of America is really a part of the much greater fall of White Empire, and the even greater fall of the containing ecosystem. It's wheels within wheels, and the wheels are all coming off this century.


I've digressed but I hope it's digestible.

America is a historically unique Empire because it marshalled all the elements, but we are nearing the logical conclusion to this deep delusion. It is a blasphemous idea that the elements were ours to marshal in the first place and the gods are slapping us back into place. As they have done to every empire, ever, though it always seems surprising. Every empire that tried to conquer the earth has turned to dust, every empire that used water (via rivers) has seen it dry up, every empire that sailed the seas has gone under. Air is a seemingly supreme power but we still can't control the weather and—on a long enough timescale—the weather still controls us. The one aspect about American Empire that's not unique is that all empires must fall. Dumbasses to ashes, dust to dust.

Please scroll down to read about the author's background.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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How ‘Israel’ Has Lost The North

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How 'Israel' Has Lost The North

'Israel' has completely lost the north of occupied Palestine. It's under fire and on fire every day now. Hezbollah has methodically eye-poked 'Israel's' intelligence outposts and is literally blasting them in the nuts every day, on camera. The map above shows the new line of control for occupied Palestine, as reported by the thinking man's Der Stürmer, Haaretz. 'Israel' has lost it.

Eyes And Ears

It's fascinatingly boring how Hezbollah did this. For months their videos have been methodically mundane, blowing up this communication tower, that building, that listening station. It seemed like a bunch of nothing, but it adds up. Hezbollah had a list of 'Israel's' eyes and ears in the north and has spent months methodically eye poking them, like Odysseus and the Cyclops. Now—however big the IOF might be—they're effectively blinded.

As Hezbollah opens bigger and bigger gaps in 'Israel's' air defenses, they can send bigger and more missiles in, with better and better penetration. For 'Israel', this attrition is a compounding problem. Their air defenses are a connected system and the network is increasingly returning 404. Take for example, the destruction of the $230 million dollar SKYDEW blimp/spy balloon.

This balloon is designed to detect low-flying drones and missiles, especially important as this is the vector most used by the Resistance. SKYDEW can stay up much longer (and relatively cheaper) than planes, and can 'see' much further than ground-based systems. It was also placed in a highly strategic area that let them cover attacks from Syria, Iraq and—to a lesser degree—from Hezbollah, specifically on the port of Haifa. But now the party's over. Look at the balloon now:

SKYDEW is now as shriveled and useless as Joe Biden's nutsack. This is a big loss, which also signals a big breakdown. As the SKYDEW 'Target Card' (from Hezbollah intelligence) says, it was “protected by an electronic monitoring and jamming system against drones and UAVs (Drone Dome),” and “secured by three layers of missile interception systems: Iron Dome, David's Sling, and Hetz [Arrow].” That all got sliced through like the layers of an onion, leaving only Zionist tears behind.

The northern front is porous now, and the 'settlers' more than anybody knows it. As Moshe Davidovitz—head of the Asher regional council—said, “Ten rockets fell in the center of the country and the media is in an uproar — the country is in turmoil,” he wrote. “But every day dozens of rockets are fired towards the confrontation line settlements and the Galilee, including anti-tank missiles and suicide drones, and the country remains silent. Once again, it's proof that the north is not being counted.”

Meron Air Base, one of 'Israel's' two main bases (Via)

Hezbollah of course, has counted the north. They have a list of 'Israeli' military targets and they go through them one by one. Take, for example, the Mount Meron Air Surveillance Base, one of the two main bases in 'Israel'. This is what the IOF says about the base, in a 2016 article by Maariv (via translation):

One of the senior officials of the Air Force adds: "The air control system is crucial for the operational capability of the Air Force. Its main duty is to protect the occupied airspace. Through the control system, we activate all capabilities to protect the sky, including helicopters, aircraft, missiles, and other classified systems."

And this is what Hezbollah intelligence released, as they were bombing it:

Firstly, the Meron Air Surveillance Base is located on the summit of Mount Jarmaq ["Mount Meron"] in northern occupied Palestine, the highest peak in occupied Palestine. Meron Base is the sole center for administration, surveillance, and air control in the northern part of the usurping entity and there is no major alternative to it. It is one of two main bases in the entire usurping entity: "Meron" in the north, and the second being "Mitzpe Ramon" in the south.

The Meron Base is responsible for organizing, coordinating, and managing all air operations towards Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Cyprus, and the northern part of the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, this base is a main center for electronic jamming operations in the aforementioned directions and is staffed by a large number of elite officers and soldiers of the zionist forces.

Secondly, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance at 07:50 AM on Saturday, January 6, 2024, as a part of the preliminary response to the crime of assassinating the great leader Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri and his martyr brothers in the southern suburb [Dahiyeh] of Beirut, targeted the Meron Air Surveillance Base with 62 missiles of various types, inflicting direct and confirmed hits.

I know the demonic testicles of Meron Air Base well, having seen Hezbollah come at them like sperm to an egg, over and over in countless videos. They've been relentless. It honestly gets boring because the whole thing never fireballs, but each small hit adds up. Each time a hole in 'Israeli' air defenses opens, the hole only gets bigger, because of Hezbollah is damaging complex, interconnected systems.

Middle East expert Laith Marouf, a resident of Lebanon, confirms Indrajit's analysis—

Black bandNow the Meron base can barely defend itself, let alone the region. 'Israel' has responded by assassinating Hezbollah (and Iranian) leaders, but the Resistance just names missiles after the martyrs and send more. This is a battle of attrition and Hezbollah is paying attention while 'Israel' is mindlessly lashing out. 'Israel' is completely distracted by a genocide in the south, and has lost the battle for the north.

After months of this boring de-administrative work, Hezbollah has finally gotten to the good stuff. 'Israel's' northern air defenses today are like a ragged old mosquito net that the dog chased the cat through. It's full of holes, and big ones. Hezbollah can increasingly fire at will, with increasingly accurate weapons. For example, here is Hezbollah taking down a SKYSTAR 330 by drone-striking its Battalion 869 operator literally in the nuts.

In this case, Hezbollah targeted not the spy balloon itself, but the balloon controllers, in three locations at the same time. With the operators eliminated, the balloon drifted out of control, landing in Lebanon where some kids recovered it. This is the state of 'Israel's' eyes and ears in the north. They're on the ground.

Iron Done

'Israel' has nothing worth calling an air-defense in the north anymore. The Iron Dome is done. Hezbollah can fire at will, and has for every single day for seven months now. Iraqi Resistance missiles are flying right over them, towards Haifa. Iran can overwhelm the entire national system whenever it wants. 'Israel' can still offend the conscience, but they're missile defenseless now. Even Hamas is hitting them, from within traumatized Gaza. It's open season, and the 'settlers' know it.

'Israeli' settlers openly bemoan their unsettled state all over the Hebrew press. Some settlers were so Pyrrhicly pissed they threatened to secede from the entire abomi-nation and form the new State of Galilee. As The Jerusalem Post (the ethnic cleanser's preferred real estate supplement) said,

The straw that broke the camel's back was the prime minister's answer at the cabinet meeting to a question by Benny Gantz, as reported by N12. Gantz wondered if the residents would return to their homes on September 1, for the start of the school year, and Netanyahu replied, "What's the worst that will happen if they return a few months after September 1?"

This is of course the worst that can happen. The entire premise of 'Israel' is that they can do whatever they want and fuck everyone else. If the Iron Dome doesn't work, 'Israel' doesn't work, and the Iron Dome doesn't work. It's the Iron Sieve now. Holy warriors have poked it full of holes

This is a huge problem because the Iron Dome is not just 'Israel's' physical defense mechanism, it's their psychological defense mechanism. It's what makes the whole colonial project believable, that they can piss off everyone in the region and suffer no consequences. Belief in the 'Iron Dome' is belief in 'Israel' and neither is believable anymore. Thus the northern 'settlements' have emptied out and they're not coming back anytime soon. As the Resistance News Network (RNN) said (on May 29th):

930 settler houses in northern occupied Palestine have been damaged by Hezbollah rockets in 86 settlements since October 7th, according to the zionist Ministry of War.

In Al-Manara for example, 130 out of 155 houses were destroyed. "Metulla" has just 34 residents left in the settlement, at most. "Kiryat Shmona," one of the largest settlements, has seen its population plummet from 24,000 to under 4,000, and 124 houses have been damaged within it.

This comes as over 200,000 settlers in the north are displaced by the resistance, having built their own refugee camp. Some want to secede from "Israel" and build their own state, while others, such as the settlement of "Margaliot" have severed their ties with the entity as of yesterday.

Perplexingly, the IOF reportedly plans to significantly cut down the number of soldiers it has on the northern border and nearby settlements, citing funding reasons, or perhaps to lessen the number of targets available to Hezbollah.

Let's look at one example of Hezbollah eliminating one target, an Iron Dome battery. They systematically do this over and over. This Al Jazeera report describes how Hezbollah first gets the battery to reveal itself by firing bullshit at it, then hits it with the real shit:

At 3:30, exclusive footage reveals the monitoring and reconnaissance operations that enabled Hezbollah to uncover the positions of "Iron Dome" batteries stations near the settlement of "Kfar Blum" using a tactic called "fire luring." The footage reveals that Hezbollah launched munitions toward the sites and documented the interception process carried out by the "Iron Dome," which enabled Hezbollah to execute a high-precision qualitative operation.

The scenes at 4:25 reveal a successful targeting of the "Iron Dome" batteries, without them being able to detect, track, or thwart the attack. Then, exclusive photos obtained by Al Jazeera show Hezbollah's intelligence penetration of the IOF soldiers in these newly established sites, and the ability to document the geographical details and the size of the fortifications used.

Hezbollah has done this over and over, methodically hunting and seeking Iron Dome batteries one by one. Given that the rest of their surveillance equipment is decimated and they can't even see what's coming, 'Israel' has to then draw its military assets further and further from the border. Otherwise this is what happens:

This is the moment Hezbollah hits “the garrison unit of Barkat Risha with an Iranian Almas top-attack ATGM [Anti-Tank Guided Missile].” 'Israel'—unlike Hezbollah and Hamas—has not spent the last 20 years tunneling underground, so their soldiers are all exposed without the Iron Dome. Take also, for example, the IOF's 769th Brigade Headquarters, or what's left of it.

The colonial condom is full of holes and 'Israel' is pregnant with a Palestine reborn. When the soldiers leave, the settlers have to leave also, it's a total failure of colonization. This is not a strategic retreat, it's strategic defeat. This is not a solution, just dissolution. But it's all 'Israel' can do. They've lost control of the north and, worst of all, they've lost control of the tempo of this war. Hezbollah can keep turning the heat up and up until 'Israel' is cooked. Behold Kiryat Shmona (occupied al-Khalisa), which is literally on fire right now:

This is directly because the Iron Dome is not intercepting drones and Hezbollah has fire control of the whole region. Hence it burns. Settlers now see a 'welcome' board that's literally melting. The message is clear. 'Fuck off'.

I have watched this process play out for the past seven months, and now the grapes of wrath bear fruit. Hezbollah has fire control over the north, while 'Israel' is retreating further and further. The collapse of the northern front also opens up 'Israel' for attack from Syria and Iraq, which can fly straight through. This is all causing massive psychological damage to 'Israel' because the Iron Dome was their safety blanket, and now they have to face the skeletons under their bed alone. This is all because Hezbollah had a strategy while 'Israel' was just ratchety, bombing ambulances and homes with no military value. Now 'Israel' has lost northern Palestine and it's not coming back. This is decolonization in action. 'Israel' has lost the north and a liberated Palestine is slowly coming into view.

Please scroll down to the bottom of this page for a bio blurb of the author.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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