We Watched Them Murder Many Thousands of Captive Children in Their Concentration Camp! Woe Unto Us         

Jay Janson

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Many thousands of civilian victims are still buried (and uncounted) under the rubble throughout Gaza, a tiny sliver of land pounded sadistically by 1-ton bombs supplied by America.      

It’s now June of 2024. Nearly 40,000 human beings, mostly women and children are dead, maybe 90,000 injured, many with limbs amputated, and another 10,000 lie buried beneath the ruble of the approximately 80% of the destroyed homes and other buildings of what were the cities of Gaza,

Let’s go back eight months to the beginning of this extraordinary and heartless slaughter happening openly for all the world to see via videos and photographs.

On Oct. 7, 2023 Palestinian Freedom Fighters Broke Out of Israel’s Murderous Illegal Concentration Camp

“The fifteen hundred young men who bursted the gates of Gaza on October 7, 2023 were born into an Israeli concentration camp. They lived for two decades or more in a concentration camp. They had no past. They had no present. They had no future. 70% had no jobs. Half of them according to humanitarian organisations suffered from what is called  severe food insecurity. My Holocaust surviving parents would have cheered their break out.” [The above is quoted from Norman Finkelstein, Ph.D. in political science from Princeton University, a well-known political scientist and author who specialises in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Holocaust studies, whose father and mother were survivors of the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Majdanek. The rest of Finkelstein’s entire family on both sides was murdered during the Holocaust.]
On Oct. 7, the militant Palestinian organisation Hamas based in Gaza led a brutal invasion of Israel. Israel accuses Hamas of killing 1,200  people, mainly civilians, however the major Hebrew newspapers have carried Israeli military admissions that firing from Israeli Apache Helicopters and tanks accounted for many of the Israeli civilian deaths.

By October 17, ten days later, the Israeli armed forces had bombed to death more than 5,000 Palestinians in Gaza, mostly women and children, at times dropping 2,000 pound bombs on apartment buildings, and had cut off all water, food and fuel to Gaza.

On that same 17th day of October 2023, Dr. Norman Finkelstein gave a talk at the University of Massachusetts labeled, “The Struggle for Justice in Palestine: Past, Present, and Future.”

When asked if he condones or condemns the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, Finkelstein invoked the memory of the Nat Turner slave rebellion, the deadliest slave revolt in American history, where 55 white men, women and children were killed. Finkelstein prefaced this by expressing that the people of Gaza,

“have been trapped in a concentration camp for twenty years” as “the international community had abandoned them, and whatever tactic they attempted, including nonviolent resistance, had no impact on freeing them from that concentration camp.”
With these conditions in mind, he went on to reference William Lloyd Garrison, editor of the abolitionist newspaper “The Liberator.” Following Nat Turner’s 1831 revolt, Garrison wrote a column in The Liberator about the uprising. Finkelstein said that while Garrison admitted that the rebellion was shocking and could not be justified, “never once, never once… did [Garrison] condemn the slave rebellion.”

Talking about the Hamas attack Finkelstein said, “It was shocking, “yes.” Can it be justified? “No.” Should it be condemned? William Lloyd Garrison clearly said, “No.” “Neither condemn nor condone it.” Then Finkelstein added,

“I once asked Mom if she was sorry for the Germans in the cities being terror bombed by the U.S. Airforce and the R.A.F..
I wish it were otherwise, but to the last day of my parents life it was unthinkable that they would of had a kind word to say about Germans.”

A Plea for Compassion:

Those Murdered Thousands of Precious Children Are Free From Suffering!  – Think of Them As Angels!  Pity The Insanity of Their Executioners

Post Script:

The Israel Police recently recommended shelving the case against Rabbi Eliyahu Mali of the Shirat Moshe Yeshiva in Jaffa for remarks made in March in which he said Jewish law requires killing Gaza’s entire population, including babies and the elderly.
A rabbi whose yeshivah is being funded by the government shamelessly calling for the murder of an entire population. Wiping them all out. This happened. And nothing is being done to stop him or silence him or even defund this guy yet to this historian’s knowledge.
News Articles and Reports:

  • Haaretz: “Controversy Over Sephardi Chief Rabbi’s Comments on Gaza” (March 15, 2024). This article provides details on Rabbi Yosef’s remarks and the initial reactions.
  • The Times of Israel: “Police Recommend Closing Case Against Chief Rabbi Over Controversial Gaza Remarks” (April 2024). This article discusses the police recommendation to close the case and the ensuing criticism.
  • Al Jazeera: “Israeli Chief Rabbi Under Fire for Calling for Gaza Genocide” (March 19, 2024). This report covers the international backlash and responses from human rights organizations.
To see original offending video click below:

On the other hand, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of rabbis all around the world that accuse Israelis of blasphemy and apostasy in their attempt to co opt the Jewish religion into an Israeli state religion. Click on the eloquent and kindly examples below: Important rabbi says Jews cannot accept Zionism.

Orthodox Neturei Karta anti-Zionist Crusading World-wide sect.

New York Times article re rabbis arrested by Israeli police.
https://www.nytimes.com › rabbis-erez-crossing-protest
Police Arrest Group of Rabbis and Activists Near Gaza

Rabbi Weiss denounces Zionist atrocities in Gaza; cites history of Jews and Arabs living together for thousands of years.

Woe Be Unto Us!

We Continue to Watch The Murder of Ever More Captive Children in Their Israeli Concentration Camp, and Currently, We Idly Witness the Israeli Government’s Intended Starving to Death of Tens of Thousands of the Murdered Children’s Brothers and Sisters!

 Israeli Defense Minister Seemed to Play God Already on October 10, 2023
“There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals.” said Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.


Seemingly to justify the indiscriminate bombing of Gazan cities, the compliant Western media was fed stories of beheaded babies, and other unbelievable statements were made by U.S. President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken but carried on the front pages of European media.

No limit to filth:

From the beginning the Western media has been 100% at the service of the Israeli narrative—no matter how blatantly false. The British press even outdid the Americans.

“I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children,” Biden said in broader remarks, NBC News, 9/11/2023

A Broad General Advisory: Recognize the deadly deception endangering many aspects of life on Earth emanating from Western corporate entertainment/news conglomerates overseen by the CIA for the powerful war investors controlling the American government and the governments of U.S. satellites.

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Money Making Military Will Praise War & Parade During America’s Memorial Day of Solemn Mourning

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Jay Janson

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Money-Making Military Will Praise War & Parade During America's Memorial Day of Solemn Mourning

U.S. Memorial Day, originally intended as a solemn day of mourning for families of dead veterans has long become an opportunity for jingoistic war celebration, deceiving politicians and recruiting officers to parade and glorify warfare as a means to entrap young volunteers for future wars.

Instead of solemn mourning, on Memorial Day, war-promoting corporate media, having tricked so many Americans into fighting and dying in unjust, murderous wars based on lies, now hypes our loved ones' inglorious death as beautiful military service to
entice recruits for their continuing wars.

Remembering ALL Victims of war

We need a memorial day to commemorate all victims of war, especially the civilians. That way people will become aware of the true effect of war and be more ready to oppose war when politicians call for it.

How many tens of thousands of conscience-stricken veterans of US wars in small countries can forget faces of 'enemy' dead? - finding smiling photos of beautiful children and wives in the caps or pockets of their clothes? How many American veterans were ashamed to be murdering guys defending their country against our bombing and invasion. Remembering them with love officially on Memorial Day would shake up the warmongers and challenge lies past and present about our wars.

Let's not limit those Memorial Day moments of silent mourning solely for Americans, who 'gave' their lives in far away places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia just to name a few of the nations invaded by Americans.

To honor only US military dead is to glorify the military mindset. Not only that, but all
around the world via satellite TV, families still mourning their children's deaths or maiming, watch clips of Americans publicly honoring US military who fell attacking their countries.

A pretty slick suckering-in, that military use of the word "honor.' as indiscriminate praise for killing designated enemies of the corporatist-governed US, as if they were enemies of the American people. Honoring them as heroes draws a boy in to prove his manhood. Mourning dead military is a turn-off for boys considering enlisting. Mourning is anti-war! Bad for war profits. "Honoring' is pro-war! War is good for the stock market and the profit margins of U.S. weapons manufacturing corporations, conversantly profitable for the American war investing community suspected of criminal insanity.

The U.S. corporation Lockheed Martin is the world's largest arms-producing and military services company, with arms sales of nearly $60 billion. Raytheon Technologies, Northrop Grumman Corp., Boeing, and General Dynamics Corp. are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th largest in the world.[1]

Let's have U.S. Memorial Day become 'War Victims Day' to foster war prevention. Americans should no longer participate in selective mourning only America's war dead, and instead mourn all victims of war, the millions of civilians, the hundreds of thousands of our designated enemies fallen in their motherlands, and only then, having put others first, as in common humility, will we have the right to mourn the tens of thousands of our very own fellow citizens who sacrificed their lives for, or thinking it was for, the good of our nation.

Mourn Not Honour Americans Who Died in Dishonourable 'Mistaken' Wars for GOP, DEMS and Wall Street Deep State.

Humankind is in an ugly period of suffering in the bloody hands of imbecilic and depraved investors in war, who own the American government and media and who cannot stop themselves from planning war, even terminal nuclear war, since they know that wars make money. Their funded elected politicians and media praise war on Memorial Day.

Memorial Day! Mourn US Soldiers Killed in Criminally Dishonorable Wars in Other Peoples' Countries! Imagining What Many GIs Who Lost Their Lives Might Be Saying On Memorial Day If They Could Speak From Their Graves: 'While our family and friends mourn our absence, conglomerate-owned media, after having used our patriotism to have us fight criminally unjust wars based on lies, now hypes our inglorious death as beautiful military service, blacking out our senseless massacres of millions over the last 60 years.'

Knowledgeable, informed, really patriotic Americans Mourn Firstly the Millions Americans Have Slaughtered and Only Then Mourn U.S. Soldiers.

A Veterans For Peace Memorial Day Press Release might say that VFP, or at least many if not all VFP, first mourn the patriots of US invaded countries that fell fighting against overwhelming odds, and their civilian countrymen and children who fell in harms way of those US invading forces. Nothing less than this can dent the Memorial Day adulation for dying for what Martin Luther King called "atrocity wars to maintain predatory investments."[2]

What Dead GIs Would Say To the World on Memorial Day About Being Praised as Heroes. If they could speak from their graves, GIs who died shamefully killing, maiming and destroying within innocent populations, would appeal to Majority Humanity in the ever targeted and plundered Global South, to effect the same level of solidarity that the racist neocolonial investment banker driven imperialists of the 1st World of mostly Caucasian population display, and bring their five centuries of brutal genocidal Western domination to an end.

A growing number of Americans are now able to include mourning the billions who have suffered under U.S. led permanent war hegemony, and this writer agrees with those peoples historians who understand that America has become weakened by having self-destroyed it's economic advantage through spending wildly, unintelligently and massively on its military,* and China will come to be in financial position to offer U.S. a deal better than war, and bring about war investors' military industrial complex failure to keep power in a war weary U.S.A.

  • U.S. military spending is more than the next ten countries combined  National Priorities Project [3]

Post Script:

This encouraging the honouring and remembering of all victims of war on Memorial Day is not a new idea. It's long been the hope, plan and fervent desire of peace activists.

...as in 2022, the Memorial Day Massachusetts Peace Action Society announced, "Today, Memorial Day, activists will gather to honor and remember all victims of war."

End Notes

1. The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies in the world, 2022 STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL
PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTEhttps://www.sipri.org/visualizations/2023/sipri-top-100-arms-producing-and-military-services-companies-world-2022
2. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Beyond Vietnam -- A Time to Break Silence
Delivered 4 April 1967, Riverside Church, New York City   https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkatimetobreaksilence.htm
3. U.S. military spending is more than the next ten countries combined  National Priorities Project

Please scroll down to examine the author's bio blurb.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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So Genocide as Foreign Policy is Above the Law?

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They Won't Impeach-Prosecute Joe Biden For Illegally Continuing to Supply Bombs Dropped on Homes in Gaza    

Bloomberg US sends ammo to Israel

A recent Bloomberg report detailing US arms approved by the Biden admin to help the Zionist regime. The flow of weapons has never stopped.

Biden has been guilty of breaking a U.S. law against providing U.S. weapons to a nation using them against a civilian population as Israel has been doing openly for five months.

“When the President of the United States becomes aware of the possibility of violations of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), the law mandates specific actions:

Prompt Notification to Congress: The President is required to promptly notify Congress about the potential violations.”

Not only could U.S. President Biden have stopped Israel from continuously bombing the homes of a civilian population, reducing whole cities to ruble and murdering seventy-two thousand of Isreal’s captive, entrapped and illegally militarily occupied Palestinians in Gaza, but Biden was and is legally obligated by U.S. law to have done so by ending his constant replenishing of the bombs, missiles and shells Israel keeps raining down on the Palestinian population of Gaza that is mostly women and children.

When a U.S. President is aware of violations of the defensive use restriction on U.S. supplied weapons, U.S. law requires him to report violations of the use of U.S. weapons to Congress.

When the President is aware of even the possibility of violations of the AECA, the law requires a report to Congress on the potential violations. [1]

Oct 25, 2023
Biden said he's sure innocent people have been killed, and he said that's the price of waging a war.[2]

A War? No! Israel Slaughtering Its Entrapped and Imprisoned Palestinians Cannot be Called a War

No nation can declare war against Its own militarily captive population, because a nation Is legally reponsible tor the well being of its militarily occupied populations. “Israel has a right to defend itself, but can’t claim it when it comes to the people it oppresses [or] whose land it colonizes,” UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese tweeted on April 8.[3]

UN officials have clearly stated, hostilities between an illegally military occupied nation and it’s illegal militarily occupiers cannot be called a war! [3]

January 25, 2024
Time Magazine, reported that a federal court case filed against President Joe Biden and two U.S. cabinet officials for allegedly being complicit in Israel’s genocide against Gazans  moved forward with a hearing on Friday.

sidebar: And then there's this little loophole...highlighted by a British outlet

Their precise location is classified, but somewhere in Israel there are multiple closely guarded warehouses that contain billions of dollars’ worth of weapons owned by the US government.

The stockpile was first established in the 1980s to rapidly supply US forces for any future Middle East conflicts. However, over time, Israel has been permitted in certain situations to draw from its extensive supplies, The Guardian revealed in its reported.

Long shrouded in secrecy, the warehouses are part of an extensive but previously little-known stockpile now facing scrutiny as pressure mounts on the Biden administration over its support for Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.

Israel now appears to be receiving munitions from the stockpile in significant quantities for use in its war on Gaza, yet there has been little transparency about transfers from the arsenal.

In interviews with the Guardian, multiple former US officials familiar with American security assistance to Israel have described how the stockpile enables expedited arms transfers to the Israeli army It can also shield movements of US weapons from public and congressional oversight, they said.

“Officially it’s US equipment for US use,” a former senior Pentagon official said, “but on the other hand, in an emergency, who’s to say we’re not going to give them the keys to the warehouses?”

READ the whole article HERE. (27 Dec 2023)

The case, which names Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin as defendants, was filed by Palestinian human rights groups and individuals with help from the nonprofit Center for Constitutional Rights. Defense for Children International–Palestine v. Biden seeks to stop the U.S. from supporting Israel, which plaintiffs say has cost them the lives of family members, and will be heard in Oakland, Calif.

Feb 1, 2024
After government attorneys argued the court has no standing to decide on what they say is a matter of foreign policy, the federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against Biden but implored his administration to reconsider its “unflagging support” for Israel’s war on Gaza.
U.S. Judge Found ‘U.S. Foreign Policy of Genocidal Bombing and Starvation Crime Unprosecuteable for the principle of Separation of Executive and Judicial Branches of Government. [Intercept, Feb. 1, 2024]

So U.S. Genocide As Foreign Policy is ‘Above the Law?’

Starving a militarily occupied population is a crime against humanity as stipulated in the UN adopted Nuremberg Principles of International Law first used to prosecute high officials of Nazi Germany,

Feb. 8, 2024
Biden issues a superfluous memorandum as a ploy to silence criticism of his non-compliance with existing Arms Export Control Act giving Israel space and time to argue falsely of it’s compliance:

Feb. 22, 2024

The national security memorandum, published on Feb. 8, states that prior to supplying U.S. weapons, a country must give the U.S. "credible and reliable written assurances" that it will use any such weapons in accordance with international humanitarian law.

The Biden administration gave Israel until mid-March to sign a letter, provided by the U.S. on Tuesday, that gives assurances it will abide by international law while using U.S. weapons and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, three U.S. and Israeli officials told Axios, Feb. 22, 2024.[4]

  • For over 5 months hundreds of trucks of food and water, many financially contributed to by American agencies, blocked entry by Isreal military.
  • Countries engaged in conflicts, like Israel, have 45 days from the day the memo was issued to provide the written assurances and have them certified by Secretary of State Tony Blinken.
  • memo requires the administration to provide an annual report to Congress on whether countries are adhering to international law.

(Annual! That’s Once a Year - Kids Are Dying Every Day)

March 19
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael Fakhri, said the United States is ‘complicit’ in the Gaza starvation.[5]

March 21
Oxfam and Human Rights Watch provide evidence of Israel's violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza, undermining credibility of assurances for President Biden's NSM-20 arms policy[6[

March 22,
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited  the Rafah crossing on March 23. Receiving him, regional governor Mohamed Shousha said some 7,000 trucks were waiting in North Sinai to deliver aid to Gaza, Guterres spoke as follows.

"Here from this crossing, we see the heartbreak and heartlessness of it all. A long line of blocked relief trucks on one side of the gates, the long shadow of starvation on the other,"

Many UN and U.S. laws against allowing starvation

The Foreign Assistance Act, which governs U.S. foreign aid, prohibits U.S. security assistance  “when it is made known to the President that the government of such country prohibits or otherwise restricts, directly or indirectly, the transport or delivery of United States humanitarian assistance.”

March 23, 2024
Democratic lawmakers warned the U.S. president that the Netanyahu government's restriction on the delivery of humanitarian aid into Gaza makes Israel 'ineligible to receive continued U.S. weapons. [Haaretz | Israel News]

March 26
As indicated in the title of this article and short chronology, President Biden will for sure not be prosecuted for the facilitating the deaths by bombing and starvation of many tens of thousands of Israel’s captive and illegally militarily occupied Palestinians of Gaza.

No U.S. President was ever legally held to account for the crimes against humanity which he ordered or participated in as part of the very frequently inhumane and massively deadly ‘foreign policy’ of America. However Biden is already today prosecuted in the minds and hearts of the survivors of the U.S. - Israel Gaza genocide and millions, and in time billions, of good people across the globe who have learned, or will have learned, of the great anguish and cruel suffering of the Palestinians for which Biden is ultimately responsible.

Peoples historians will have added Joe Biden to Noam Chomsky’s  continually updated list of all the U.S. Presidents after FDR, who would have been “hanged if the Nuremberg laws were applied.”[7]

Since the end of the Second World War, U.S.A., American presidents and America have able to get away with so much mass murder, so many invasions, bombings of so many smaller nations., for the powerful and wide reach of U.S. media having put Americans up on a pedestal of having saved the world by defeating Adolph Hitler and his Nazis and thus earning the gratitude of all humanity.

With the present U.S. debacle in Gaza, American exceptionality and presidential prestige has evaporated and the U.S. media’s invented story of America’s World War Two grand accomplishment has already taken a hit, and with the rise of media prowess of giant China and now equally giant India, the truth will out.

The president of America’s designated revolutionary enemy Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, has lowered the boom on America’s WWII  lie and it’s present evil support of Israel at the same time.

“Modern Israel enjoys “the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support” of the collective West like Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany before the World War II. The Western elites kept quiet because they were preparing Hitler for him to launch his military power against the Soviet Union, ultimately, Hitler was a construct, a monster created by the collective West.

The criminal military apparatus of the State of Israel also has the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support of the West,” [Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who urged Jewish people who are still true to their roots to end the ongoing “massacre” of the Palestinians.][8]

Although Western media ignored Maduro’s disclosure of what has already been well documented in financial records of America’s major corporations, with the growing media power and rising influence of the enormously populated nations of China and India, the truth of the making of the Second World War will out, and will reduce the present stature of America and it’s chief executives.

There has arisen great hope, in some good part due to today’s Instant world-wide communication capability, that a new multi-polar world led by China and India will bring about humanity being released from five centuries of inhumane Western hegemony violently led during most of the present century by the United States of America.

End Notes
1. The Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (Title II of Pub. L.
Tooltip Public Law (United States)
 94–329, 90 Stat. 729, enacted June 30, 1976, codified at 22 U.S.C. ch. 39) gives the President of the United States the authority to control the import and export of defense articles and defense services. The H.R. 13680 legislation was passed by the 94th Congressional session and enacted into law by the 38th President of the United States Gerald R. Ford on June 30, 1976.[1]

2. Biden says he's worried about civilian deaths in Gaza but questions death toll stats

3.“Israel has a right to defend itself, but can’t claim it when it comes to the people it oppresses [or] whose land it colonizes,” UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese, April 8.

4. https://www.axios.com/2024/02/27/israel-sign-letter-international-law-weapons-us-aid U.S. wants Israeli written assurances on using U.S. weapons in Gaza by mid-March Axios Feb. 22, 2024

5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/27/un-israel-food-starvation-palestinians-war-crime-genocide

6. Israeli Assurances to Use US Arms Legally Are Not Credible

Airbursts of artillery-fired white phosphorus fall over the Gaza city port, October 11, 2023.

Airbursts of artillery-fired white phosphorus fall over the Gaza city port, October 11, 2023.  © 2023 Mohammed Adeb/AFP via Getty Images

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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For 5 Months Evil USA Sent Bombs to Kill Palestinians and Let Israel Block Food to Starve Them 

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

by Jay Janson

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For five long months world hegemonic USA stood by it’s beloved Israel ‘fellow’ ‘democracy’ and with its veto prevented the UN Security Council from ordering Israel to stop annihilating its captive, entrapped and outdoor imprisoned Palestinian population of Gaza, all the while America continued to supply Israel tons of bombs, missiles and shells and was quiet about Israel blocking food and water fuel and electricity from entering Gaza with obvious intent to bring about starvation.

Even now, as many children have begun to die, America still does not force Israel to allow the hundreds of trucks filled with food to enter Gaza.  Instead USA makes a show of air dropping some food and sending some food by sea, at the same time continuing to provide the bombs and missiles so Israel can keep on killing more thousands of starving Palestinians entrapped in Gaza. (At the same time illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank kill and steal more Palestinian land with impunity, as from time to time the officials of colonialist nations of the West occasionally make innocuous statements of disapproval.

On March 19, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael Fakhri, says the United States is ‘complicit’ in the Gaza starvation, and as other UN officials have clearly stated, hostilities between an illegally military occupied nation and it’s illegal militarily occupiers cannot be called a war. Starving a militarily occupied population is a crime against humanity as stipulated in the UN adopted Nuremberg Principles of International Law first used to prosecute high officials of Nazi Germany,

Americans watching and listening to CNN ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and FOX selection of news are indoctrinated to accept Israel’s brutal, often murderous, generations long illegal military occupation of Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. The watchers, listeners and readers of CIA overseen U.S. dominated Western media [1] are made to believe that the Palestinians have no right to fight for their freedom, but…

China at the World Court said: 

“Palestinians have the right to ‘armed struggle’ against Israelis”

On the fourth day of public hearings at the International Court of Justice on Palestinian representatives’ accusation that Israel is creating a permanent and illegal occupation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, China argued that Palestinians have the right to engage in “armed struggle” against Israel.

Chinese Foreign Ministry legal adviser, argued that “in pursuit of the right to self-determination” the Palestinian people have the right to the “use of force to resist foreign oppression and to complete the establishment of the Palestinian state.”

Citing examples of “various people [who] freed themselves from colonial rule” through armed resistance, (for example. Americans from British rule.)

China argues that acts of violence against Israelis by Palestinians are not terrorism but rather legitimate armed struggle. [Times of Israel,March 18, 2024] [2]

Israel’s made-in-America bombing of the homes and city infrastructures of Gaza into ruble while creating starvation that is killing first of all, the more vulnerable surviving children, has enjoyed the full support of the American government, as well as many of the same U.S. corporations that had supported Adolph Hitler’s poor and disarmed Nazi Germany with the investments and joint venturing that built Hitler’s military up to world’s number one war machine in six short years.

US UK reps vote against ceasefire at UNO

DRIPPING BLOOD: UK and US representatives vote against ceasefire at UN. Shameless operatives. But the rest of the West, especially the EU, is equally guilty.

Israel critic Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela, who happens to be of Jewish descent, recently put this succinctly, which was of course ignored by media of the West.

“Modern Israel enjoys “the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support” of the collective West like Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany before the World War II. The Western elites kept quiet because they were preparing Hitler for him to launch his military power against the Soviet Union, ultimately, Hitler was a construct, a monster created by the collective West.

The criminal military apparatus of the State of Israel also has the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support of the West,”Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who urged Jewish people who are still true to their roots to end the ongoing “massacre” of the Palestinians.[Nexus Newsfeed February 20, 2024]

And for its part: ever since its founding, the State of Israel has been in bed with a US business elite that once heavily invested in Hitler, was itself anti-Semitic in outlook, coldly indifferent and even complicit during the Holocaust its investments had made possible. [see Further Reading below]

That wars investing business elite still controls, through its enormously wealthy and broad based CIA, the three branches of the U.S. government, Western media [1] and U.S. military and varying degrees of control or influence over NATO nations and governments of other nations across the world. In 2024, the US has 750 military bases in 80 countries.[4] May God save the Palestinians and the rest of us!

All this is to say that the American government’s complicity in crimes against humanity like genocidal bombing and forced starvation in Palestine is nothing new. The permanent war policy of the Deep State rulers of America can be expected to continue on during the immediate future just as it is ongoing now and has been prevalent in much of the history of the United States of America. American capitalist imperialism has taken the lives of many many millions following in the foot steps of its parent Great Britain, which after the second world war collaborated in U.S. regime change wars protecting their mutual economic interests – read plundering.

The five centuries old militarily colonising of the entire world by the European empires and their colonial offshoots like the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel is coming to its bloody end in places like horrifically unfortunate Palestine and Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, South-Sudan, Haiti and Ukraine, wherein the erstwhile Great Powers appear to be stymied as to what to do next – although at the same time making a ‘confident’ show of their wanting to precipitate a war with China over its province Taiwan.

As a person, who had the good fortune to have lived and worked in China for some very pleasant years, and some good amount of time in other Asian countries and cultures, yours truly feels pretty confident that a happier future awaits us all. I especially believe a better life will take shape for Americans, who presently offer up war. I believe  the older, deeper, and more intelligent culture prevalent in the Orient will make a counter-offer of a richly rewarding peace alternative to U.S. debilitating belligerent confrontation. 

When this might happen depends I believe on the eventual enervation of our present CIA-overseen U.S. and Western entertainment/news conglomerate corporations which will be less able to continue to delude, distract, lie, deceive, twist and distort, select what is news and black out news items, information and history that reveals conspiracy. I foresee a contest, and battle for the minds by a concerted and heavy investment in alternative media from the East.  

Post Script

In our age of instant worldwide communication capability, it’s hard to believe the U.S. supported grotesque, macabre, eye rebounding sickening horror ongoing in Gaza can go on without causing some sort of retribution.

End Notes

  1. “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A,” December 26, 1977, New York Times.                                             
  2. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/china-at-the-world-court-palestinians-have-the-right-to-armed-struggle-against-israelis/
  3. https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/geopolitics/israel-has-the-same-western-support-as-hitler-maduro/
  4. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/overseas-military-bases-by-country

    Learn about Jay Janson's life in the author box below.  (Please scroll)

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J’Accuse! Hegemonic Western Colonialist Media Journalists Are Accessories to Israeli Mass Murder of Children

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Jay Janson

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Hegemonic Western Colonialist Media Journalists Are Accessories to Israeli Mass Murder of Children
by jay janson

Bombed out Rafah, and the attacks are just beginning. The final stage in a deliberate ethnic cleansing operation.

Since October 7, journalists of hegemonic Western colonialist media have made themselves accessories after and then before the fact of crimes against humanity ordered by the Israeli government and committed by Israeli military in their continuous mass murderous bombing and air strikes demolishing homes and entire cities of Israel’s captive Palestinian population in Gaza - indiscriminately killing thousands of residents, 70% [1]of which are women and children. These journalists became accessories after the fact and then before the fact. How?

  • by playing up in headlines, coverage time, emphasis, and repeating [utterly mendacious] Israeli propaganda of incomprehensible and outrageous accusations of horrific atrocities said to have been committed during Palestinian guerrillas’ successful attack on Oct. 7. The beheading of 40 babies, another roasted in an oven, carried out mass, systematic rapes, and cut a foetus from its mother’s womb. All this obviously meant to justify continuous bombing and air striking of Gaza which has been taking 100 [or more] lives of children a day[2]

- by not publishing equal attention getting corrections of the outrageous atrocities afterward admitted to as untrue even by Israel’s own media, leading Western media audiences to tend to condone the ultra-massive bombing and air strikes on Gaza or to see them as somewhat justified or less condemnable. Letting go unreported efforts by the United Nations to investigate these claims being obstructed by Israel.[3]

 - by avoiding the topic of the continuous killing and maiming of children in Gaza, and focusing all their audience’s attention on the West’s demand for the hostages release, rarely if ever, mentioning the some 7,000 [4] Palestinians held in Israeli prisons, and that hostages taken on Oct. 7, were taken to bargain the release of. Not reporting that far more Palestinians have been arrested since the October 7 attacks in Israel than have been released in the negotiated exchange. Among those being held are dozens of women and scores of children.
The majority have never been convicted of a crime, including more than 2,000 of them being held in administrative detention, in which the Israeli military detains a person without charge or trial.[4] All this is not newsworthy for Western media journalism.)

- by avoiding all mention of Israel’s generations-long brutal, and often murderous illegal military occupation of Palestinian lands, the very basic cause of the many years of deadly confrontation of which these past five months is only one episode, journalists of the Western entertainment/news conglomerates, have been apologists for Israel and Israeli intentions to maintain seeking more and more Palestinian land via present genocidal military action and illegal settler colonialism in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.[5]

 - by bringing the world public to accept a preposterous Israeli  ‘Declaration of  War’ on a group of Palestinians already for a long time part of an Israeli captive population under years of Israeli military occupation. (A UN condemned illegal and brutal occupation at that.)

- by not reporting that international law holds that ‘The occupying power is to be held responsible for the well being of the population under its military occupation.’ [Fourth Geneva Convention on International Law]) Western media journalists have deceptively managed selective information in order to have audiences not realise that the events on Oct. 7 occurred during a generations-long ongoing war for Palestinian independence, and that Isreal’s calling it a reason to declare a new war on its already militarily-occupied Palestinians is fallacious.

- by not reporting that on Oct. 8 Times of Israel exposed that for years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, to divide Palestinians from a unity-seeking statehood Israel had allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of the Strip.[6]

Never has a civilian population been more nakedly at the whims of a depraved attacker. Do those IDF pilots ever have nightmares? 

 - by not reporting the worldwide astoundment and deep condemnation of the three U.S. vetos of a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Holy Land and facilitating Israel’s stated intention to continue military action already designated by the International Criminal Court as genocidal.[7]

  • by being spokespersons of Western media deflecting the charge of genocide and helping prevent Israel’s prosecution by avoiding coverage of massive pro-Palestinian demonstrations around the world calling for a ceasefire, and instead focusing attention on a so-called rise in anti-Semitism and mis-characterising demonstrations against an anti-Apartheid Israel as against the Jewish people.

- by simply not reporting reality, the heartbreaking reality that Israel goes on and on killing, maiming and crippling more and more thousands of children.

The most outrageous crime in Western entertainment/news conglomerate journalism is the perverse selection of what is news while hiding 90% of reality. Never mentioning for example, the reality of the immense and deadly suffering of the Palestinians, which is the motive for the very existence of Hamas and other militant groups. For some time many news hours had begun simply covering other world and local events to the exclusion of any mention of the extermination of Palestinians in Gaza. When the journalists are scripted to report the current death toll in Gaza it is without mention of how many of the dead are children trying to keep critical indignation against Israel at a minimum.

For 78 years, the journalists of Western media conglomerates have sought to manage the news in a way to keep the public believing that the colonial powers have been seeking peace in the Holy Land, and ignorant that in 1946, American power over an incipient United Nations of only 56 nations, produced the genocidal stratagem of torching the Holy Land with a phoney, never expected nor intended to be implemented resolution for a crazy quilt partition of Palestine into six noncontiguous areas; the Arab areas entirely noncontiguous; the Jewish areas contiguous by a thread; the designated major area for Jews containing more Arabs than Jews, and meant to immediately provoke a civil war prepared for and expected by the Colonial Powers supported and well armed Revisionist Zionists leadership [8](and the terrorist Irgun led by Menachem Begin whose horrible atrocities were condemned by Albert Einstein in a letter to the New York Times signed by other prominent Jews.)[9]

Nothing in the World More Precious Than Children - Except if They’re Palestinian Children Reported Killed by Israelis

There is nothing in this world more precious than the life of a child unless its death is that of a cold-bloodedly killed Palestinian child, or by now 13,000 Palestinian children and counting, perfunctorily reported with little or no pathos by journalists of the Western hegemonic racist caucasian colonialist giant entertainment/news conglomerates overseen by the CIA.[10]

Do IDF pilots have a conscience? 

For what these journalists of Western media must continue to impress upon to their TV viewing, radio or newspaper reading audience, is that of the prime importance of 100 Israelis hostages still held by Hamas, and the suffering of their relatives, and to never forget that Hamas has been designated by the U.S. and other countries as a terrorist organisation and to understand that the more than 29,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have perished as Isreal is reported seeking to justify exercising its right to defend itself after the Hamas attack on October 7.

In the presentation of ‘the news’ by Western journalists, its the campaign to free the 100 Israeli hostages that dominates the  news as worthy of public attention, even though:

- More than 100 children are killed in Gaza every day on average. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports.

- A child is killed on average every 10 minutes in the Gaza Strip, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the United Nations Security Council.

Julian Assange regarding journalist complicity in war deaths,

“Let us ask ourselves of the complicit media, which is the majority of the mainstream press, what is the average death count attributed to each journalist?” Julian Assange [11]

“It is not just leaders, it is not just soldiers, it is journalists; journalists are war criminals.”[Julian Assange October 8, 2011 during the U.S. U.K. genocide in Iraq]

- More Palestinian children were killed in just the first three weeks of Israeli bombing in Gaza, than in all of the world’s conflicts combined in each of the past three years, according to the global charity Save the Children.[12]

During British BBC and German DW International Evening News, as well as U.S. News Hours Telecasts, this writer often hears lengthly interviews of relatives of Israeli hostages held in Gaza. Listening to the very appropriate commiserating tone in the voice of the interviewing Tele-journalist and to the sorrowful details from the suffering relative of an Israeli hostage drawn out for emphasis brings the thought that:

-  we never once hear the Israeli relative of a hostage asked his or her thoughts about the months of continuous Israeli bombing to death tens of thousands of Palestinians, most of whom are women and children - no mention either of the tens of thousands of Palestinian relatives suffering the Israeli imprisonment of some seven to nine thousand of their families, which was the reason and motive for capturing Israelis, namely, to bargain them in exchange of imprisoned Palestinians, prisoners who include women and children, many held without ever being charged with a crime.

- Excluding from Israeli interviews the subject of Palestinian children’s deaths, maiming, suffering amputations recently often without anesthesia, or even not referring to Palestinians at all, drives a strong message home to the Global South majority of humanity, namely, that in the Holy Land only Israeli lives (White European Jews) are considered precious. The inconsequential current number of thousands of Palestinian Arab lives taken by Israeli bombing is occasionally noted usually dryly without emotion, and almost always with the trailing reminder that the bombing of Gaza is Israel’s response to an attack by Hamas “considered a terrorist organisation by the U.S. and other countries.” in order to lessen any possible outrage.

Worldwide reaching colonialist media journalists will not report the truth that Israel admits Apache helicopters fired on their own civilians running from the Supernova music festival on October 7 - even when Haaretz Newspaper and Tel Aviv Ynet reported it to Israelis.[13]
Western media readiness to re-examine 7 October long after those events took place, for example new charges of rape two months after Oct. 7.  “Israel has the right to defend itself!” Israel has the right to defend itself!” Each and every time Western media conglomerates consider it necessary to report the number of thousands killed in Gaza, media journalists repeat words to the effect that this is “a response to October 7 attack by Hamas -- considered a terrorist group by the United States and European Union.”

"Compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, this is not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal."—Aaron Bushnell (RIP, Brother)

By selective reporting, journalism of the West manages to allow for some sentiment to arise that the Palestinians might be collectively responsible for the actions of Hamas in their killing of 1,139 Israelis and abducting of over 200 and therefore might deserve some of what has been coming to them – (though the journalists never imply anyone deserves to watch their children get blown to pieces). This has been echoed far beyond Israel’s borders. In the US, Senator Lindsey Graham has called for the wholesale destruction of Gaza.[14] Israeli President Isaac Herzog had set the tone as he spoke about how far to assign guilt for the October 7 attack. “It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible.”[15] (No one expresses incredulence that it Includes the children?)

- Where is the human interest curiosity coverage by journalists backhandedly supporting Israel’s crimes by avoiding commiseration when occasionally reporting the deaths of thousands of children. For example, one could certainly wonder how Israeli pilots feel as they often drop 2,000-pound bombs on  homes of families and other buildings knowing that children will be killed, maimed and buried in the rubble? Are some Israeli airmen ashamed? Do others feel they are guiltlessly following orders and bolstered by the various rabbis quoting Bible passages that describe the lands occupied by Palestinians as belonging to the Hebrews.

A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

Rabbi Dov Lior, a national religious leader and the chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba and Hebron, published a letter saying that Jewish law permits destroying the entire Gaza Strip. (Rabbi Dov Lior might have had in mind Biblical passages.)
Deuteronomy 20:16-18:
“ in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.”
I Samuel 15:3
“Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey. ” [New King James Bible]

The prominence of radical Zionist Rabbis like Dov Lior marks the ascendancy of religious Zionist zealotry.

Surely many young pilots are not fanatically religious and are fans of the world’s most famous Jew and long considered the most intelligent human being on Earth, whose feeling was well known,

"For me, the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people" I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them.”[Albert Einstein, in a letter to Jewish philosopher Eric Gutkind dated January 1954]

Your devoted writer, a musician turned archival research peoples' historian activist to battle the genocide promoting and defending media of America’s war investors, who still exercise hegemony over more than half the world, confesses feeling entrapped in a difficult to understand convoluted genocidal situation. Are Israeli soldiers, Western journalists, Israeli citizens and the pro-Israel hostage demonstrators able to put aside and out of mind the cute and adorable appearance of little kids as they play, their charming innocent curiosity, desire to please and excitement while having fun, common to our precious children of all nationalities? Put out of mind, the thousands of little bodies and more thousands traumatised with terror in their eyes.

The indiscriminate carnage and widespread destruction were already evident 3 months ago 

These war-supporting journalists will never recall past news items however appropriate to understanding today’s confrontations if they put the U.S. or Israel in an unfavourable  light, like. For instance, Albert Einstein’s New York Times published condemnation of the terrorist massacres of the Irgun in 1948,[x] or Einstein’s earlier call in 1946 for a government in Palestine under the UN's direct control and a constitution assuring Jews' and Arab' security against being outvoted by each other that would solve the Jewish-Arab difficulties." [17]

"The cruelty is unbearable. The international neglect is unbelievable. The devastation is criminal. Long live Palestine. Down with Zionism."

Despite Einstein's efforts, the Palestinian Arabs, while still suffering British military occupation as a colony since the end of the First World War, became expelled and/or re-colonised after the Second World War by another group of armed Europeans through a genocidal civil war planned and provoked by Anglo-American machinations in order to create a well-armed colony of Europeans in the midst of the Arab nations with oil. Western journalism has long hidden and distracted its world audience from this reality and its subsequent result is synthesised below:

The State of Israel from its creation has been in bed with a US war-investing business elite that once heavily invested in Hitler, was itself anti-Semitic in outlook, coldly indifferent, even complicit during the Holocaust its investments had made possible, and afterward blocked a bill to allow 20,000 Jewish children into the U.S. [18] (a war investing business elite that owned the media conglomerates journalists worked for moulding public opinion.)

Journalists working for U.S. led Western imperialism have avoided background history unfavourable to Israel and Israel’s often less than humane treatment of Palestinian children.

In 1948, 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced from the area that became Israel, and 500 Palestinian villages, as well as Palestinian-inhabited urban areas, were destroyed.[19] In the aftermath of the Nakba, Palestinian land was expropriated on a large scale and Palestinian citizens of Israel were encircled in specific areas.[20] After the Israeli capture of the Golan Heights in 1967, there was a nearly complete ethnic cleansing of the area, leaving only 6,404 Syrians out of about 128,000 who had lived there before the war. They had been forced out by campaigns of intimidation and forced removal, and those who tried to return were deported. After the Israeli capture of the West Bank, about 250,000 of 850,000 inhabitants fled or were expelled.[21]
Israel started building settlements just after capturing the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip in the June 1967 Six-Day War. The transfer by an occupying power of its civilian population into the territory it occupies is a war crime, [22]
As of January 2023, over 450,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank, 220,000 Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem..over 25,000 Israeli settlers in the Golan Heights.[23]

Because of settlers present murderous religious bloodlust violence, even the United States and the UK have been forced to try to save face by introducing visa restrictions against “extremist Israeli settlers.”   The number of attacks has not abated in recent years, with more than 1,400 cases recorded between 2005 and 2021, according to Yesh Din, an Israeli watchdog. More than 90% of complaints were dropped by Israeli authorities, who run law enforcement in settler areas, without charges being filed. And settlers’ tactics are becoming more varied. In recent years some have uprooted olive trees during harvest, depriving many Palestinian families of a source of income.[24]

Journalists Working for U.S. Led Western Imperialism Defend Through News Management An Obvious Western Financial-industrial Capitalism’s Need of Wars very often of Genocidal Confrontation and Maintenance of Deadly Injustice for All U.S. Designated Enemies Which Invariably Takes Lives of Children More Than Adults. America’s most erudite economist Thorstein Veblen assumed depression to be the normal condition in a business-enterprise economy, to be relieved in periods of excitation caused by stimuli not intrinsic to the system (e.g., war, expansion abroad, etc.)[25]

In round table discussion programming Western media CIA subservient journalists of ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CN and PBS will  never choose a humanely rational theme no matter how obvious it is for peace replacing war. Apartheid Israel’s bloody history is a prime example of sidelining rationality and compassion.

Israel has since its founding, received about $300 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance.
The $300 billion of US dollars [x]Israel has spent over more than seven decades since its founding on munitions and weapons of mass destruction to kill Palestinians who keep on attacking fighting for rectification of the heartless injustice done them, could have been used to compensate Arabs made destitute refugees by the criminal seizure of their lands, homes and properties (as commanded UN General Assembly Resolution #194 Dec. 11, 1948) [26]

How very very little has this writer heard or read about the starvation Israel is causing in Gaza? Such deliberate omission is a form of being an accessory to the crime of starving one’s militarily sealed-off captive population.  The Israeli finance ministry said it had blocked deliveries of food for Gaza because the shipments were intended to reach UNRWA, the main U.N. agency for Palestinians, citing allegations that some of its employees were affiliated with Hamas. While many nations stopped contributing to UNRA, little mention is made of the Palestinian children being cared for by UNRA for years.

Western journalists have largely avoided discussion that the mass starvation in Gaza is a direct result of Israeli policy to severely restrict food, water, and medicine to Gaza’s civilian population of 2.3 million, and avoided noting that it could not have been sustained without the tacit support of the Biden administration.

These journalists rarely report UNICEF-released reports documenting hunger in Gaza and warning of an “explosion in preventable child deaths” in the territory, finding that nearly 16 percent of children below the age of two in northern Gaza are acutely malnourished. [27] A full 45 percent of the West Bank population are children under 15 years of age, compared with 50 percent in Gaza. [28] [29]

When UN Secretary-General Guterres stated on October 25.

“It was important to acknowledge that the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished.

  • Western colonialist journalism afterward focused overwhelmingly on Israeli calls for the UN Secretary to resign. [30] and not on the Secretary’s words. Israel-UN spat intensifies after Secretary General says Hamas attacks ‘did not happen in a vacuum’ [Oct. 10, 2023 CNN]
  • In conclusion, the president of a nation under U.S. media journalists constant attack has described the greatest of Western media journalism’s criminal accomplishments: that of hiding the grand truth that the Second World War was made possible by the investments and joint venturing of the wealthy owners of America’s giant corporations arming an economically prostate Nazi Germany for war against the Soviet Union. And has made a comparison of the support of Western media journalism for Israel’s current massacre of thousands of Palestinian children within its genocide in Gaza.
  • “Modern Israel enjoys “the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support” of the collective West like Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany before World War II, The Western elites kept quiet because they were preparing Hitler for him to launch his military power against the Soviet Union, ultimately, Hitler was a construct, a monster created by the collective West. The criminal military apparatus of the State of Israel also has the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support” of the West,” [Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who urged Jewish people who are still true to their roots to end the ongoing “massacre” of the Palestinians.] [32]
  • May this tediously painful to have written article serve to awaken at least a few readers to the criminal role of Western media conglomerates journalists acting consciously or unconsciously as accessories after and before the fact of the mass murder of thousands of children during daily and nightly bombing and air strikes since October 7 and presently causing starvation of hundreds of thousands more children.

-  Julian Assange has brought to our attention the pleasant-looking evening news anchor who captivates TV audiences with alternating joviality and gravitas, asking whether they shouldn’t be seen as insidiously evil as they generate support for horrific suffering, death, maiming and destruction.

Assange seems to have tasked us to awaken a critical number of decent but unwary citizens to the realisation that a trusted prime-time personality of theirs is in fact consciously or unconsciously a war criminal? If it be the latter, perhaps he or she will eventually become aware of his or her complicity.

Wishing to end this writing on a pleasant note and confidence -

Yocheved Lifschitz, an 85-year-old woman who was held captive by Hamas since 7 October shook her captor's hand and said shalom - goodbye in Hebrew, or literally "peace". She described clean conditions inside, with mattresses on the floor for them to sleep on. Another captive who was badly injured in a motorbike accident on the way into Gaza was treated for his injuries by a doctor.

"They made sure we wouldn't get sick, and we had a doctor with us every two or three days."
She also said they had access to medicines they needed and there were women there who knew about "feminine hygiene".
They ate the same food - pitta bread with cheese and cucumber - as the Hamas guards, her daughter Sharone added.[33]

The above pleasant beginning of its article notwithstanding, the BBC journalists had to make up for the peaceful things Mrs. Lifschitz reported about Hamas, by titling the article “ I went through hell, says elderly hostage released by Hamas - BBC in keeping with its Western media pro-U.S.-NATO-Israel war backing commitments and in general and over the long run acting as an accessory to the mass murder of children.

Jay Janson is a legendary 96-year old anti-imperialist activist. Read more about him in the author box below.



  1. ”70% of those killed in Gaza are women and children” warns CARE to UN Security Council, Nov. 2023 https://www.care-international.org/news/70-those-killed-gaza-are-women-and-children-care-warns-un-security-council
  2. Israel-Palestine war: Why is the media ignoring evidence of Israel’s own actions on 7 October? Jonathan Cook, Middle East Eye, 15 Dec. 2023

3.   Israeli military offensives often target densely populated civilian areas in the Gaza Strip resulting in high numbers of Palestinian child fatalities and injuries. In the Gaza Strip, massive ground and aerial military offensives are responsible for the majority of child fatalities.https://www.dci-palestine.org/right_to_a_childhood
4.   ‘Why Does Israel Have So Many Palestinians in Detention and Available to Swap?’ Human Rights Watch Nov. 29 https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap
5.   Hearings have started at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague on Monday in a landmark case in which 52 countries are jointly presenting evidence about the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories.How does Israel’s occupation of Palestine work?
Why do some call it an ‘apartheid’ and what does the occupation look like in practice? Aljazeera Feb 22, 2024 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/22/how-does-israels-occupation-of-palestine-work
6.  “For Years Netanyahu Propped Up Hamas”by Tal Schneider, 8 October 2023, Times of Israel] https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/
7.  US vetoes another UN Security Council resolution urging Gaza war ceasefire. Majority of members voted to call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza that has killed more than 29,000 people. “Voting against it implies an endorsement of the brutal violence and collective punishment inflicted upon them [the Palestinians,”Amar Bendjama, Algeria’s ambassador to the UN
8.  https://worldhistorycommons.org/map-partition-israel-and-palestine Map of Proposed Partion 1946
9.  https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/einstein/1948/12/02.htm
10. “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A,” December 26, 1977, New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/1977/12/26/archives/worldwide-propaganda-network-built-by-the-cia-a-worldwide-network.html
11. War By Media: "Journalists Are War Criminals," Julian Assange “The Reality That Is Constructed Around Us Is Constructed By Liars.” Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier, Oct. 10, 2023https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/war-by-media-journalists-are-war
12. More than 3,600 Palestinian children were killed in just 3 weeks of war AP Nov. 2, 2023  https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-11-1-2023-children-killed-4a352398b32887e60a658e0270f0a021
13. Survivor Speaks: Israeli forces shot their own civilians
You Tube   Israeli Apache helicopters killed own soldiers, civilians on ...New footage corroborates previous reports that say the Israeli military is responsible for many of the Israeli casualties during The Cradle https://thecradle.co/articles-id/11993
IDF combat helicopter targeting Hamas fighters at Nova festival massacre shot some partygoers by mistake, says Haaretz https://news.yahoo.com/idf-combat-helicopter-targeting-hamas-122629406.html
14. 'Level the Place,' Declares Lindsey Graham as Israel Does Exactly That to Gaza and he wasn't the only prominent GOP figure to make such an incendiary call.
        Plainly incitement to genocide. Common Dreams Oct 11
15. "We are working, operating militarily according to the rules of international law, period. Unequivocally, it's an entire nation out there that is responsible. It's not true this rhetoric about civilians not [being] aware, not involved. Absolutely not true," Herzog said (via ITV News).
16. [Rabbi Lior: Jewish law permits destruction of Gaza to bring safety to Israel Jerusalem Post, July 23, 2014 https://www.jpost.com/operation-protective-edge/rabbi-lior-jewish-law-permits-destruction-of-gaza-to-bring-safety-to-israel-368605#google_vignette]
18. The 1939 Wagner-Rogers Bill is the common name for two identical congressional bills that proposed admitting 20,000 German refugee children to the United States outside of immigration quotas. Despite congressional hearings and public debate in the spring of 1939, the bills never came to a vote
19. Collins, John (2011). "A Dream Deterred: Palestine from Total War to Total Peace". Studies in Settler Colonialism: Politics, Identity and Culture. Palgrave Macmillan UK. pp. 169–185.
20. Busbridge, Rachel (2018). "Israel-Palestine and the Settler Colonial 'Turn': From Interpretation to Decolonization". Theory, Culture & Society. 35 (1): 91–115.
21. Zionism and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict have been described as a form of settler colonialism. Patrick Wolfe, an influential theorist of settler colonial studies, considered Israel an example and discussed it in his 2006 essay "Settler colonialism and the elimination of the native". Other scholars who have used a settler-colonial analysis of Israel/Palestine include Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi, Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappe, Fayez Sayegh,.
22. It is a grave breach of Additional Protocol I. Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, “the transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.
23. Gordon, Neve; Ram, Moriel (2016). "Ethnic cleansing and the formation of settler colonial geographies" (PDF).         The Fourth Geneva Convention concerns protected civilians in occupied territory.
24. “A history of settler violence in the West Bank,” The Economist, Feb. 8, 2024. https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2024/02/08/a-history-of-settler-violence-in-the-west-bank
25. . Doud, Douglas, Thorstein Veblen (Washington Square Press, 1966, p. 66.
26. Council On Foreign Relations, Jan. 23, 2024 https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts.
27. Palestine and Israel war heart touching story Feb. 20 YouTube
28. https://www.prb.org/resources/the-west-bank-and-gaza-a-population-profile/
29. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide The Convention defines genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” unanimously adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, on 9 December 1948, during the third session of the United Nations General Assembly.[1] The Convention entered into force on 12 January 1951 and has 152 state parties as of 2022.
30. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/25/middleeast/un-israel-spat-guterres-gaza-intl/index.html
31. https://www.rt.com/news/592798-israel-hitler-comparison-maduro/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Email
32.   https://www.bignewsnetwork.com/news/274132397/israel-has-the-same-western-support-as-hitler---maduro
33. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-6720462

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