Putin’s State Visit to Vietnam

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Karl Sanchez
karlof1’s Geopolitical Gymnasium

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Putin's State Visit to Vietnam

Putin and Vietnam’s President To Lam meet under the watchful gaze of Uncle Ho. 

Ba Dinh Square with the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in back center where Putin participated in a wreath laying ceremony. The presidential mansion is the yellow building with red roof on the far right with Hanoi in the background. Other government buildings are located in the near vicinity.

This is where Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam’s independence on 2 September 1945. Not included in the 89-image photo shoot was one of the Monument to the Fallen Heroes, although this description’s provided: “The main part of the memorial, more than 12 meters high, is made of white granite in the form of four adjacent arches with gilded vaults, oriented to the sides light.” Putin laid a wreath there too. It appears that all the venues for the visit are all in a tightly concentrated area around/within the Square. The grand reception was held at the President’s Palace,

after which Putin met with President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Tranh Thanh Man. A larger meeting was held between the Russian delegation and between Vladimir Putin and the General Secretary of the Central Committee Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong. Negotiations were held in the building of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Here’s the Kremlin’s read-out of the visit:

An official welcoming ceremony was held on the square in front of the residence of the Vietnamese head of state Vladimir Putin by Vietnamese President To Lam.

Vladimir Putin and To Lam held Russian-Vietnamese talks with the participation of official delegations.

Within the framework of the state visit, a number of bilateral documents were adopted and signed. In the presence of the heads of state, a ceremony was held to exchange documents, the leaders made statements for the media.

The Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam adopted a Joint Statement on Further Deepening Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in the Context of the 30th Anniversary of the Implementation of the Russian-Vietnamese Treaty on the Foundations of Friendly Relations.

The President of Russia held separate meetings with the top leadership of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Vladimir Putin held talks with Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong and Speaker of the National Assembly of Vietnam Tran Thanh Man.

Further, at the Grand Opera House in Hanoi, Vladimir Putin and President of Vietnam To Lam met with graduates of Soviet and Russian universities. At the end of the event, the leaders listened to a concert program. Then a solemn receptionwas held on behalf of the President of Vietnam in honour of the President of Russia.

The President of Russia also took part in wreath-laying ceremonies at the Memorial to the Fallen Heroes and the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

At the end of the visit, Vladimir Putin answered questions from Russian journalists.

I didn’t find anything spectacular in the Joint Statement, which is rather similar to that issued by Russia and China. The list of bilateral documents is more interesting:

15. Memorandum on Mutual Understanding and Cooperation between the Russian Road Research Institute and the Institute of Transport Science and technologies of Vietnam.

Prior to the concert held at the Colonial Era French Opera House, a conversation with graduates of Soviet and Russian universities was held:

Vladimir Putin: Dear friends, good afternoon!

I am sincerely glad to meet with graduates of our country's universities and once again find myself in the circle of reliable friends of Russia.

I have the warmest and kindest memories of our similar meeting in the same format in Vietnam in 2001. Just like then, people who have sympathy and love for Russia and its people have gathered here today. Therefore, all the applause in my address is directed to the Russian Federation and its people, who also have very good feelings towards Vietnam.

All of you have studied the Russian language and the history of our country, and there is no need to even ask for the help of translators, they will be out of work in this format today. But I am sure that you, by virtue of your knowledge of the Russian language, are of course aware of what is happening in Russia now, how our country, our economy, science, and society as a whole are developing dynamically. You are familiar with our independent foreign policy. And we certainly appreciate it very much.

This is also important for us, of course, because many of you work in responsible positions in public authorities, scientific, socio-political organizations in Vietnam and have succeeded in business.

The fact that you have achieved success is first of all, of course, your personal merit, the result of your personal business qualities, your diligence and desire to master new knowledge, thoroughly master the chosen profession. But I hope that this is not least related to the quality of education that you have received in our country.

It is very important that you convey your good feelings for Russia to your relatives, children, and relatives who may never have been to our country, but I hope they show interest in it. In general, it is difficult to overestimate your contribution to strengthening Russian-Vietnamese relations, which, as stated in the Joint Russian-Vietnamese Statement adopted today, are of the nature of a comprehensive strategic partnership.

I would like to emphasize that Russia has always sincerely respected the courage, perseverance and heroism of the Vietnamese people in the struggle for their independence, as well as the hard work of the Vietnamese people, who passed through the most difficult trials with honor, defended the independence and freedom of their Fatherland, their vibrant culture and rich historical heritage.

I believe that the struggle for our historical roots, for our traditional values is an extremely important aspect for any state, for any country and for any people who want to be preserved as such and preserve their identity. This is what the peoples of our two countries have in common, and we are proud that in your glorious heroic victories there is also our contribution – the contribution of the Soviet Union, which did a lot to restore Vietnam: to develop its economic and defense potential, to solve acute social problems, to train highly qualified personnel of various specialties.

The outstanding Vietnamese statesman, son of the Vietnamese people Ho Chi Minh, who always thought about the future of his native country, about the education and training of Vietnamese youth, wrote: "For higher education, it is necessary to combine scientific theories with practice, adopt advanced technologies from other countries and implement them in the construction and development of the Fatherland, taking into account the specific conditions in the country." Having received excellent education, advanced knowledge and skills in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia, tens of thousands of Vietnamese young engineers, doctors, builders, teachers, and economists returned to their homeland to make it better: build cities, roads, train and treat people, create new industries, factories, and ensure reliable state security.

Currently, more than three thousand Vietnamese citizens study at Russian universities, and in total, about 75 thousand Vietnamese have been educated in our country. And, of course, we intend to continue to promote student exchanges, academic mobility, and the launch of joint educational projects and university programs in every possible way.

I am confident that based on the strong traditions of friendship and mutual assistance, we will continue to consistently develop the Russian-Vietnamese partnership, set new ambitious goals and objectives, and we will definitely achieve success.

I want to thank you for your attention.

I would like to thank you for your attention and interest in Russia, in the Russian language, and in working together.

I congratulate you on what you have achieved in your life, and I am sure that you will do even more for the benefit of your Fatherland, for the benefit of Vietnam, and for the benefit of Russian-Vietnamese friendship.

Thank you very much.

Moderator: We sincerely thank you, President Vladimir Putin.

Dear friends!

Vietnam and Russia share a deep and strong relationship that has been proven and proven over time. This is an invaluable asset of two countries and two peoples – Vietnam and Russia.

President Vladimir Putin has already visited Vietnam four times, and he always pays special attention to our country and people.

Now we would like to invite all our delegates and friends to talk with Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

We sincerely invite Professor, Doctor of Science Nguyen Dinh Duc, President of the Engineering and Technological Institute of the Vietnam National University, Chairman of the Vietnam-Russian Friendship Society of the Vietnam National University, post-graduate student of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Please take the floor.

Nguyen Dinh Duc: Good afternoon!

Vladimir Putin: Good morning.

Nguyen Dinh Duc: Dear President Putin,

That's what the Vietnamese people call you. I am very glad to see you. Today is a day off, and meeting today in this hall is a great honor for me and for many people.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Nguyen Dinh Duc. I am a professor at Vietnam State University. I defended my PhD thesis at Moscow State University, and then my doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Machine Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. So I have almost 20 years of my life and work in Russia. All my youth was spent in Russia, and it became my second home.

Although many years have passed and I rarely spoke Russian, I still can't forget the Russian language. I can't forget the wonderful, beautiful, young years of my life in Russia. To this day, the love in my heart remains for Russian culture, for the Russian people.

Moreover, I am very proud to have studied in Russia, one of the world's largest countries in science, which helped me become a professor at one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam today, a Vietnamese professor with international recognition.

So, Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich, I would like to take this opportunity to once again express my gratitude to Russia and the Russian people.

I am confident that thanks to your visit, comprehensive cooperation between the two countries will be fully developed and promoted by the leaders of the two countries, reaching a new level.

I would like to ask you a question, Mr President.

I know that you recently stated at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum that in the next six years Russia will be among the top ten largest countries in the world in terms of research and innovation. Please tell me, in what area is science and technology more developed in Russia now? And what areas have the most potential opportunities for cooperation with Vietnam in the field of science and technology? What are the new decisions and initiatives proposed and adopted by the leaders of the two countries during your visit to promote cooperation in the field of science, technology and innovation?

Thank you very much. Good health and good luck!

Vladimir Putin: Thank you.

First of all, I would like to thank you for your very kind words to Russia and congratulate you on the successful development of your career, your scientific career, first of all, because you have used the knowledge that you gained in Russia in the best possible way to serve your people. This is the first one.

Second – at the end of your speech and question, you wished me good health. And thank you very much for that. This is one of the most important priorities – people's health. Therefore, one of the priorities of our activities in the field of science is precisely population conservation, and this is connected with various areas of scientific research: both theoretical and applied scientific research.

This is everything that concerns human health, life expectancy, and not just duration, but quality of life. What does this mean? This is genetics, biology in the broadest sense of the word, bioengineering, and so on.

We all know that today all the most promising discoveries are made at the intersection of sciences. I mentioned genetics, biology, and theoretical medicine, but this is impossible to imagine without the development of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Therefore, all this is a priority.

Just recently, in one of our science cities, we discussed the prospects for the development of Russian science and defined the main directions and tasks of this development.

In order to achieve obvious results in this important area, which is related to the health and life expectancy of people, of course, we need to pay the necessary attention to environmental protection, and this is also one of the areas. In modern conditions, the endless and mindless exploitation of natural resources, especially in the face of climate change, becomes almost impossible. But we must approach this very carefully, with an understanding of where we are in terms of developing alternative areas in the energy sector, in what historical perspective and what role will be assigned to hydrocarbons. I will now wrap up all this for our cooperation.

We must ensure the security of our countries, which means that we must think – sadly, but we must also talk about this – about modern weapons systems, including those based on new physical principles. This means that we must develop engineering and train specialists. This means that we should think with you about the development of our research in the field of outer space, space exploration, both near and far space.

We have a lot of areas to work together in. And if you ask yourself what is most relevant for us, of course, now, we know that we are working closely in the energy sector, we are working closely within the Tropical Center. There is a lot to work on, and there are concrete achievements. It is clear that these specialists will be in demand there.

But if we are talking about the prospects of our cooperation in the more distant historical perspective, we need to look beyond the horizon and build our research in these very important areas, on the results of which the future of not only our economies, but also the sovereignty of our states will depend. All this should be the focus of our attention.

In general, we discussed this today with the President, the Secretary General, and the Prime Minister, building our cooperation in these important areas.

Let me thank you for your question and wish you further success, I hope, in cooperation with your Russian partners.

Le Minh Ngoc: Hello, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Vladimir Putin: Hello!

Le Minh Ngoc: My name is Le Minh Ngoc, I am a lecturer at the Russian Language Department of Hanoi University.

I studied in Russia in the late 90s and 2000s. Although I have been back home for quite some time, I continue to work with the Russian language. And I always want as many of my fellow citizens as possible to visit Russia, to see the vast, beautiful country with its beautiful and kind people. I want as many Vietnamese as possible to become, like me, a bridge between our countries.

In connection with our joyous event today, I would like to ask the following question. Now many of our students, schoolchildren, and their parents ask: how will knowing Russian help them in their future career?

And I want to ask: What does Russia plan to do and what areas will you work in in the coming years to help Vietnamese students studying Russian expand their employment prospects?

Thank you very much.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you for your love of the Russian language.

You study and teach Russian, and this is already a specialty. Why? Because you were just talking about Russian history and Russian culture, which is also an area of knowledge. Russian literature and art in the broadest sense of the word are part of world culture. And of course, in order to be guided in general by the achievements that humanity has achieved in this area, in the field of culture, knowledge of Russian culture is very significant.

Speaking Russian in itself makes it possible to discover not only the Russian soul and Russian art, but also to use it to gain relevant knowledge, which you have done and is still being done by three thousand people who are currently studying in Russia, and 75 thousand who have graduated from universities in the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union-some of them are located in here. You need to choose the areas that are of the greatest interest to you.

I have already talked about what we are doing in Russia and what we consider promising. This is just what came straight to mind. In order to achieve results in all these areas, for example, we will actively engage in the development of artificial intelligence – and we have achieved very good results, I want to tell you.

We have such companies as Yandex and Sber, which are certainly achieving leadership positions. Or, for example, Rosatom is the undisputed leader in such innovations as research in the field of nuclear technologies, and I will say a few more words about Rosatom. These are really leading positions in the world. There are practically no such developments as in Russia in any country in the world. Is it promising or not? Yes, this is very promising from the point of view of theoretical physics, nuclear physics.

We have just launched a world-class installation in one of our science cities, which explores questions related to the beginning of the "life" of our universe. It studies directly the first seconds of the universe's existence after the so-called Big Bang. This is very interesting, but not only from the point of view of learning how the world works. Remember what Einstein said? He was asked: why did you take up physics? Because I wanted to understand where it all came from, how it all started in the world, what the world consists of.

These studies are also being conducted in Dubna and in some of our other centers, such as the Kurchatov Institute of Nuclear Physics.

There is also a practical direction for this research – a peaceful atom. Our company Rosatom is a leader, an undisputed leader in the world: it builds 22 units for power plants in a number of foreign countries – and we are developing this direction in Russia. These are the most reliable and safe nuclear power plants in the world.

We have now agreed with our colleagues that we will set up a nuclear research center in Vietnam, a research center. What is it related to? Including what we started with – medicine, because modern opportunities in the field of the atom create additional, sorry for the tautology, opportunities for treating people, for preventing diseases, including those of a genetic nature. There is a lot to work on here.

I'm not even talking about other areas, including those related to defense and security. We have a lot of areas of research that we can be proud of and that are very promising, including because we have planned quite large budget investments in certain areas of this research.

Everyone can choose the most promising area of training according to their interests – of course, this is primarily due to the interest of a person – and decide on their future profession.

Therefore, the choice is up to those who are determined to find their own path in life, and the sooner this is done for any person, the better.

Question: Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich!

My name is An. It is a great honor to be here with you. Before that, I watched you only on TV, now - in one space.

I'm the head of the eye surgery department here [in Vietnam]. I would like to say that Russia is our second homeland. My grandfather, father and I all studied in Russia. My grandfather was the CEO of a shipbuilding company, my father is the CEO of an airline, and I'm where I am now. Therefore, the quality of Russian education is not even a question.

Thanks to the fact that I studied in Russia, and my supervisor was Svyatoslav Fyodorov's right-hand man, we were able to get six utility model patents, inventions and win first place during the General Indian Ophthalmology Conference. So for me, I think this is a huge victory, and this is only thanks to the Russian education.

About the question. I would like to ask – the question is more related to medicine, with ophthalmology.

Now a lot of Vietnamese citizens are going blind from corneal diseases. I know that in Russia there are very strong centers of the eye tissue bank at MNTK "Eye Microsurgery". It's always been a dream of mine – how would I do it to set up an eye bank like this here, so that we can do corneal transplants in Vietnam?

In the end, I would also like to thank you for choosing to come to Vietnam and wish you the best of health. To me, you are a symbol of power. I wish you good luck and return to Vietnam again.

Vladimir Putin: First, I mention your Russian language. You speak with almost no accent. What does "practically" mean? No accent. And that's great. First.

Second. You said that it is only through education that you have achieved such results in your profession. I think that first of all you have achieved these results thanks to your hard work and talent. Of course, without education, it is impossible here, especially since this is a special, special field of activity.

Third, if you think that I am such an expert on all the issues that will be raised here, you are mistaken. But I will do my best to help you and create the bank you mentioned.

I wish you further success.

Reply: Thank you very much.

Vladimir Putin: Indeed, who doesn't know, I can say that Svyatoslav Fedorov is one of our outstanding surgeons in the field of vision and eye treatment. He created a globally recognized system of treatment for his patients, put this treatment on stream, and achieved outstanding results. And of course, you're lucky to get exactly where you need to go, which is great.

Thank you very much.

Do Hong Kuan: Dear President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Dear President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam To Lam, Dear comrades and friends!

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Do Hong Kuan, which means "Red Army" in Russian. I was a student and then a post-graduate student at the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory in Moscow. I was a composer and musician. I am now the chairman of the Vietnam Literature and Art Union.

I would like to ask you two questions today, Mr President.

First question. As you know, Russia, like Vietnam, has heroic historical traditions. This is a very nice tradition, and we are proud of it. Please tell me, Mr President, how is the education of historical traditions organized among young people in Russia today?

Vladimir Putin: You know, the first thing I want to say is that both in the Soviet Union and in other countries, including Vietnam, the directions of work with young people are being developed in one way or another.

First of all, what should I pay attention to? This work should be very modern. It should not be boring and inefficient, and in no case should it be ineffective. It should not be, most importantly, formal. As soon as young people feel formalism, this work loses its meaning in the same second, especially in the modern world connected with the Internet and free access to any information.

It is impossible to restrict access to a huge flow of information. Therefore, there is only one way to overcome the negative trends associated with this, and that is to be more convincing in the information field. For the peoples of the former Soviet Union, for Russia today, and for Vietnam, such opportunities exist precisely because of outstanding examples of patriotism and heroism, in this case of the Vietnamese people, especially related to the pages of the struggle for independence and sovereignty, for the unification of the country.

This is what we need to educate young people on, but we need to do it in a talented way, not in a cool way, as we say. Of course, you can educate entire generations on this, but you need to do it, of course, in an elegant, modern way, in modern ways to bring this information to the desired target audience. This is not an easy job, but if we want to have a future, we need to do it today, in the way I said. First.

Secondly, this does not mean that the forms that have developed in your country were in the Soviet Union or originally in Russia, and that these forms need to be somehow destroyed. No, these forms, of course, need to be preserved, only filled with the necessary, interesting content and, as they say now in our country – in fact, not only in our country – with modern content. And of course, we need to look for new forms and opportunities.

We have done this in our country-we have created a "Movement of the first" for young people, children. The Armed Forces are developing their own platform related to training personnel for themselves in the future, with patriotic education. There are other directions as well. The earlier this work starts, the better.

The most important thing is that everything, of course, comes from the family, so the task of the state is to support families in this regard, to set up society in such a way that it itself and from within organizes this process of education. If this is not achieved, it is almost impossible to do it at the formal and administrative level.

It seems to me that if we understand all these components of educational work, we need to build our work in a modern way, and this work should change every day, because life changes every day. Then we will definitely be successful.

Do Hong Kuan: The second question is related to music. We in Vietnam know that you are very fond of music. Can you tell us what you think about the role of music, culture, art and literature in the cultural life of every nation?

Thank you.

Vladimir Putin: I was in Yakutia before leaving the territory of the Russian Federation, first to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and then here. This is a very large region of the Russian Federation. In terms of area, it is about the same as the whole of India – such a huge territory. In this audience, you probably don't need to talk, you probably know about it.

A music school for children was organized there in the early 2000s. Moreover, local authorities bring children from all over the republic, gather talented children from all over the republic, and they practice music there. And they do it how? At first, they just study at school, a specialized music school, and then it all goes to the conservatory – the Higher School of Music at the same venues. This is how musicians are prepared for the republic and for the whole of Russia. My children also asked me questions about music, culture, and art.

You just asked about parenting. But education should be based first of all on our traditional values and on the values of our culture, and first of all on the national culture, but based on the fact that the national culture of each nation and state is part of a multinational world culture. Of course, we should be proud of this and focus on it.

As for music, I would like to say the same thing that I said in Yakutia, namely: after all, this is an art that is not connected with words, is not connected with any meanings that are expressed in written or oral creativity. It's just related to sounds. The magical penetration of sound directly into the heart without any language accompaniment is extremely important. It brings people together. Here you don't need knowledge of foreign languages, you just need a sense of beauty, and it is also brought up.

In this sense, music is an absolutely international art form that unites peoples, and this is its enormous strength. I envy you, I envy the fact that you have devoted part of your life to this.

We probably need to finish up. But since you are all graduates of Russian universities, in this sense, I feel that you have not yet lost your student status, and students are always associated with a certain student democracy, so let's go beyond our official meeting and discuss one issue by sector. If you feel like it, just raise your hand.

Q: We know that you love the piano, you love music. I want to know, tell me: what is your favorite Russian song?

Vladimir Putin: You know, I would prefer not to answer this question, because it will have some formal, administrative consequences. I just really love Russian folk art and Russian classics.

I would not divide the art of music according to a national or state principle. It seems to me that to divide on the basis of nationality, to restrict on the basis of nationality, to prohibit something on the basis of national or state principle-this is complete nonsense. You just need to enjoy the art and let people do the same.

Therefore, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Schubert, Liszt, Borodin, Mussorgsky, and Glinka are all people who have made a huge contribution to the development of world art. And we need to give all people around the world the opportunity to enjoy this creativity.

Question: Hello, President Vladimir Vladimirovich!

My name is An. I completed my master's degree at St. Petersburg State University.

Vladimir Putin: We are "odnokorytniki". (Laughter.) I graduated from it, too.

Question: Yes. I'm very happy about it.

Now I am engaged in tourism. I have a question for you: what measures will Russia and you take to solve the current difficulties in the tourism sector?

First of all, we currently have no direct flights between Vietnam and Russia – namely, between Hanoi and Moscow.

And also about the payment. In payments between our travel companies – Vietnamese and Russian-we pay large interest rates for the exchange rate difference. It is very difficult for us to continue developing tourism between the two countries.

Vladimir Putin: When you were studying in St. Petersburg, you were probably called Anya there, right?

Remark: Yes. Anechka and Anya.

Vladimir Putin: Anechka, thank you very much for these questions, and I will explain why. Because you drove the puck in the direction of Russia, I will now send you a return puck.

Here's the thing. Of course, we must address these issues from two sides. Of course, tourism exchange is a very important area of our cooperation, both from a humanitarian and economic point of view. This is a fact.

In some countries, for example in Turkey, our tourists leave five billion dollars a year – for a second, this is a good contribution to the development of a friendly neighboring state. Of course, the distances here are different, between Russia and Vietnam, but nevertheless the growth potential is very large.

Unfortunately, there are also elements of outside influence. For example, the Vietnamese operator refuses to technically service our Aeroflot Airbus planes.

You are all graduates here, we can assume that we are one family, so we must speak frankly. These are issues of tertiary sanctions from third countries. We won't go into details now, but you understand what I'm talking about. We need to solve this. Can I? Yes, you can. But the Vietnamese operators are also faced with difficult conditions, and this is a task that we must solve together. First.

The second is about calculations. There are problems here that we discussed at every level of today's talks: with the President, the Prime Minister, and the Secretary General. There are issues related to calculations, and this is also not a problem created by us – I mean Russia and Vietnam – but also a problem created from the outside, but it can also be solved.

There are issues related to switching to payments in national currencies, including rubles. It is easy to do this, you just need to appoint authorized banks that would not be afraid of tertiary sanctions that do not work in third countries. Technically, there is nothing complicated in this, you just need to build this work administratively.

Finally, there are issues that are on our side, purely on the Russian side. For example, Vietnamese friends have extended the length of stay of Russian citizens in Vietnam. We should do the same on the territory of the Russian Federation. Now Vietnamese citizens have the right to apply for, say, electronic visas, but they make it possible to stay in Russia for only 16 days. I told the Foreign Minister today: We will extend this period, just as our Vietnamese friends have done for Russian citizens staying in your country.

Reply: Thank you very much. [My Emphasis]

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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A New Strategic Treaty; Vietnam Next

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Karl Sanchez

karlof1’s Geopolitical Gymnasium

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Crooke Updates Himself: “Walking the Precipice”

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Karl Sanchez
karlof1’s Geopolitical Gymnasium

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Crooke Updates Himself: "Walking the Precipice"

ABOVE: Democrat Adam Schiff, virulent Russophobe. In te dame class of scum as John McCain, Lindsay Graham and the rest of the Neocons. The US Congress is crawling with them, and so is the "think tank industry", and much of the media, assigned the role of disseminating "the right information." All of them as shills and tools of the actual largely invisible billionaire ruling class. This establishment has long (and cynically) demonised Russia for a multitude of fake crimes, includng accusing Moscow (and not Israel!) of “election interference”, when, in reality, it is they who are the ones committing acts of war against Russia, and meddling maliciously in the affairs of other nations around the globe.

Alastair Crooke has done something I’ve never seen him do—update his most recent writings and conversations with a new column less than 48 hours later. His two previous writings and chat with Judge Napolitano are here and here. Today he wrote again at Al-Mayadeen,Walking the Precipice,” which I see Larry Johnson has mirrored at his website, too. It’s not just a reassessment, although it is in part. Rather, it’s a reassessment based on new information that’s just come to light as you’ll discover. IMO, if you were concerned at the end of Crooke’s chat with the Judge, you’ll be even more concerned now. And yes, this discovery has preempted what I had further planned to provide today and will become part of my afternoon work. Will Russia and/or China make any outward reaction to the new information? Here it is:

Diverse European voices are desperately warning that with the Ukraine project spiraling towards débacle, a humiliated West is left with little choice but to escalate drastically, and bring NATO -- in some form, whether limited or not -- into the fight. 

The former British (Conservative) MP Andrew Bridgen states that this strategic shift (whose speed caught the Europeans unawares), is forcing Europe to face war with Russia. 

In fact, Bridgen warns: ‘We (Britain), are ‘already at war’ with Russia. This is the real reason, he explains, why Rishi Sunak has called an early election -- he refuses to be a ‘war time president’.  He is effectively handing over ‘the baton’ to Keir Starmer (probably to fly away to California after 4 July -- voting day). “The Generals” have warned Sunak that the order ‘had come down’ for war with Russia. And Sunak does not wish to be part of it.

Whether Bridgen is right or not on the specifics, there is undoubtedly a chorus out there saying the same thing. Is this cacophony of sudden war warnings merely that which (Matt Taibbi calls) an example of the ‘Elephant Erasure Project’?  By which we are constantly being instructed not to see the elephants in the room.

And there are a lot of them: Open borders; plunging standards of living; high prices; runaway debt and dropping ratings for Biden. Add to that, the White House is continuing to arm the Israelis and green-light the Rafah military operation -- at the very moment that the ICJ has ordered destruction of lives stopped. A plain oxymoron.

Of course, Team Biden is ‘not for turning’ on its “ironclad” support for the Israelis, yet the only thing that is clear is that the war-warning is not necessarily literally true -- except in wanting to truly scare and divert us from the ‘Elephants’.   

The 'informing class' now no longer even has the decency to tell us who, or what they are”. When one reads ‘news’, we have no idea whether it is an off-grid White House ‘briefing’, or one of those aggressive releases of intelligence, telling us yet again that truly Russia is on the ropes, and about to collapse. 

The NYT  did warn what might be coming in their pages as “America sought to match Putin and 'beat the master' at his own information warfare game”. That formal Times launch of the “full-fledged information battle,” went so far as to have Jake Sullivan explaining that the problem with the [Iraqi] WMD episode was not that spreading an intelligence-concocted lie “from this very podium” was wrong, but that it was done for the wrong reasons, i.e. to start rather than stop a war:

So which is it?  Is the narrative of being on the precipice of real war with Russia ‘deception’ designed to divert us from the herd of elephants grazing quietly for now, though with their presence likely to loom large as the election campaign reaches full-spate?

On the one hand, the very idea that Europe is equipped or capable to fight a real war is absurd. But equally, there are enough idiots around, hyped on delusions of long-past grandeur, to do something stupid.  Interestingly, former British MP Andrew Bridgen implicitly acknowledges this risk, but adds that thank goodness it is Putin who stands on the other bank!

While on the other hand, everything in the West today revolves around the manipulation of narratives and crafting the winning meme. The ‘other’ narrative to ‘coming war’ (according to Reuters) is that President Putin wants a Ukraine ceasefire ASAP -- and on current contact line frontlines -- because he is terrified at the prospect of having to launch a further mobilisation to finish the Special Operation.

This is pure disinformation, yet might it serve as the conjunct narrative to the fear narrative of the West resolving to walk the very edge of the precipice of war with Russia? And might this tight-rope policy be allowing the Biden Campaign to assert it is ‘winning’ in Ukraine; Putin is portrayed as trembling before the threat of warversus the Behemoth of the combined economic and military power of the West. A partial western Ukraine will indeed survive, according to this narrative, to become a future NATO and EU member.

What this war narrative isn’t is news. “The information it imparts, if one bothers to sift through it,” Taibbi quotes Walter Kirn saying, “is information about itself; about the purposes, beliefs, and loyalties of those who produce it: the informing class.”

Two questions arise: First, is Sullivan about stopping WW3, or starting it?

And secondly, returning to the Bridgen interview, he says the order ‘has come down’ to the Generals and was conveyed to Sunak.

So which is it?

Netanyahu invoked in a statement on October 28 at the outset of the Israeli ground invasion in Gaza: “Remember what Amalek did to you”, quoting the biblical verse where Yahweh commanded the Israelites to wipe out the enemy nation of the Amalekites down to their babies and animals. (South Africa submitted Netanyahu’s statement at the ICJ as evidence of the Israeli genocidal intent in Gaza.) 

Well, Netanyahu has done it again (on 20 May). He invoked Amalek in response to the news that the ICC was seeking an arrest warrant against him. “This time”, Mondoweiss reports, “Netanyahu is using the same reference to rally the nation against its enemies — which apparently now includes the ICC and the ICJ — using coded language in the Hebrew version of his rant against the Court”.

“The version of the address that he delivered in English (is here). The Hebrew version was different. It ended with a Hebrew phrase — “Netzah Israel lo yeshaker” — which means “the Eternal One of Israel shall not lie”. This was the phrase he directed at “the lies at The Hague,” as he said in the statement. The significance of this phrase will not be apparent to the general public, as it draws upon loaded codes in both biblical and Zionist history and mythology. 

Mondoweiss continues: 

“The phrase itself comes from Samuel I, 15:29. Context here is everything. King Saul was admonished by the prophet Samuel for not completely eradicating the Amalekites — Saul had spared their king, Agag, and “the best of the sheep and cattle,” which the Israelites “were unwilling to destroy completely.” According to the Bible, this level of annihilation was not enough - and displayed King Saul’s supposed weakness. That is why the Prophet Samuel admonished the biblical king: 

The Lord anointed you king over Israel. And he sent you on a mission, saying, ‘Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites; wage war against them until you have wiped them out.’ Why did you not obey the Lord? Why did you pounce on the plunder and do evil in the eyes of the Lord?

“Saul seeks to defend his actions, but Samuel delivers an uncompromising message: 

You have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you as king over Israel!” 

“This was the sentence Netanyahu used at the end of his Hebrew address reacting to the ICC application. He implies the Court order is directed against the entire State of Israel. In other words, he is sending a message that he will not make the same mistake as King Saul - through not completely eradicating Amalek. He will go all the way in Gaza. He will continue into Rafah. He will “wipe off the seed of Amalek,” as Israeli soldiers were recorded chanting back in December.

“‘Netzhah Israel lo yeshaker” forms the acronym, “NILI.” NILI was a Zionist underground spy ring that operated during WWI between 1915 and 1917. It was an intelligence-gathering group that worked for the British against the Ottomans, who still ruled Palestine at the time … Netanyahu’s invocation of “the Eternal One of Israel shall not lie” isn’t just a biblical reference to the dangers of not going all the way in annihilating Amalek (who, in this instance, are the Palestinians that remain in Rafah and the rest of Gaza) — it is also a historical reference to the Zionist movement’s defiance of power when it is unfavourable to the Zionist cause”. 

Just to be clear, what is being hinted at in the above Hebrew quotation about the annihilation of Amalek can only be achieved in a climate of crisis and chaos (Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich said this explicitly some years ago), otherwise the global isolation and attrition of the Israelis will quickly calcify and strangle the Cabinet’s aim to establish the Zionist State across all the Land of Palestine, in a ‘New War of Independence’.

Netanyahu paradoxically possesses more leverage over key institutional power-structures in the US than does the White House to pursue his government’s second “War of Independence”. Is the ‘order going out’ – an order that suggests the Israelis require a wider crisis to pursue its path less noticed within wider mayhem? 

Is spreading the lie that longer-range missiles supplied by the US to Ukraine is a game-changer done to start, rather than stop a war?  Or is it deceptive messaging with an eye on November?  Whichever it is, the consequential harsh response from Russia will upset that election calculus. [Bolded Italics My Emphasis]

One thing is certain. Those of us privy to the information provided by Crooke and others now know critical information not known by the masses. Sure, we’re trying to inform via our media outlets, but they don’t reach as far as BigLie Media. I’m sure we’ll be tarred as alarmists—Chicken Littles—but the overall context we provide is what proves our claims—”Context here is Everything!”

Black band


last Friday by Judge Napolitano, Ray McGovern and Larry Johnson, the International Court of Justice’s verdict about the Zionist’s Genocide now goes to the UNSC for enforcement consideration that will likely be vetoed by Biden, meaning the Outlaw US Empire is even more guilty than ever as a co-Genocidalist and that no Chapter 7 enforcement of the ICJ’s ruling will follow. However as that panel of three pointed out, the UNGA which brought the Zionist state of Occupied Palestine into existence can vote to have it expelled—an outcome the Empire cannot block. There are other points the verdict generates that will impact those nations who abide by the Genocide Convention which will mean an end to all commercial interactions with the Genocidalists, which IMO ought to include the Empire as THE clear co-Genocidalist. The German government issued a surprise that if the ICC issues its warrants upon the ICJ’s verdict that it will arrest those people if they set foot in Germany, which is a decision Norway already made.

At the end of his latest, Simplicius noted Speaker of the House Mike Johnson “has now openly declared the U.S. does not follow international law, because no international law supersedes American sovereignty.” My comment at his site notes that Johnson swore an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution, and that it now contains within it the entire contents of the UN Charter which the Outlaw US Empire’s been continually breaking since 24 October 1945 and is most certainly now given its status as a co-Genocidalist in Palestine. IMO, Johnson has committed Treason and at the least has violated his oath of office and must be evicted from Congress at minimum.

The brink of dissolution: Neurosis in the West as the levee breaks.” But before we get to that, here’s some crucial words from Lavrov in reply to Pavel Zarubin for the “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” TV program from Tashkent:

Question: If I can ask a global question, the United States and the Western elites as a whole cannot but understand that they are hitting our vital and fundamental interests and what is happening – this has always been unthinkable. Why do they do this?

Sergey Lavrov: They have realised that their goal is to prevent Russia from becoming stronger, to contain our country, and they are seriously talking about "decolonising" Russia (in Russian, "dismembering"). For them, this is a strategic task.

When we showed that we would not put up with this and would not allow Ukraine to be used as a direct threat to our security, a tool for the destruction of everything Russian in historical Russian lands, they began to take such actions.

As I understand it, these conversations reflect, in a sense, hopelessness and the understanding that they will not achieve their goal by ordinary honest means, which are used in international law even during hostilities. It's like "agony."

Question: Do they believe that by pitting the two peoples against each other and unleashing hostilities between the two closest peoples who have blood ties (brothers, sisters, wives), we will quarrel and part ways for decades to come?

Is this their goal?

Sergey Lavrov: Apparently, this is the goal. They did this for more than two decades, if not 30 years, immediately after the disappearance of the Soviet Union. Their goal was to destroy everything Russian, from language to influence in this territory, which they wanted to take for themselves. It was also planned to create military bases on land and on the Sea of Azov there. And they looked at Crimea with great claims. The plans were as follows. They counted on it.

But as always happens when they wake up a Russian bear, our people have rallied unprecedentedly. These are not empty words. We saw this during the presidential elections in Russia and we see this in the daily activities of our enterprises and public organisations. The same can be said about the Russians who lived in the former Ukrainian territories. They are threatened on a daily basis. The Nazi regime continues to use Western weapons to strike civilian targets, towns, and cities. Despite this, the Russians who now live in the liberated territories firmly reaffirm their commitment to the Russian world in all its senses. Their commitment to Russia, from which they were separated for various reasons (President Vladimir Putin often spoke about this), but they have never (this is now clearly confirmed) perceived themselves as separate from Russia.

The West, as often happens with its strategists, got exactly the opposite result.

Question: We see that the West is making more and more bellicose statements at all levels. Our position is more cold-blooded and concrete. How high is the risk that they will imperceptibly cross the very line when we respond in such a way that it does not seem little?

Sergey Lavrov: I assure you that they will not be able to cross this line unnoticed. [My Emphasis]

Remember the above when watching the trio’s chat more bellicose statements at all levels. Our position is more cold-blooded and concrete. How high is the risk that they will imperceptibly cross the very line when we respond in such a way that it does not seem little?

Sergey Lavrov: I assure you that they will not be able to cross this line unnoticed. [My Emphasis]

Remember the above when watching the trio’s chat linked up top. Also recall the roots of the Anti-Russian and Anti-Communist Crusades, which IMO ought to be lumped together into a whole and includes the ultimate aims behind the two world wars that Medvedev scratched the surface on with his essay and as other have shown in much more depth. All of this is extremely serious but few seem to realize just how serious. Which bring us back to Crooke’s SCF essay:

The paradox is that Team Biden – wholly inadvertently – is midwifing the birth of a ‘new world’. It is doing so by dint of its crude opposition to parturition [giving birth]. The more the western élites push against the birthing – through ‘saving Zionism’; ‘saving European Ukraine’ and by crushing dissent – perversely they accelerate the foundering of Leviathan.

President Xi’s double farewell hug for President Putin following their 16-17 May summit nonetheless sealed the birth – even the New York Times, with customary self-absorption, termed the warm embrace by Xi as ‘defiance of the West’.

The root of the coming dissolution stems precisely from the shortcoming that the NY Times headline encapsulates in its disdainful labelling of the seismic shift as base anti-westernism.

It reflects the myopia of not wanting to see or hear that which stands so plainly in clear sight before one: If it were simply “anti-West” – nothing more than negation of negation – then the criticism would have some justification. Yet, it is not mere antithesis.

Rather, the near 8,000-word joint China-Russia statement evokes the very elemental laws of nature itself in sketching the West’s usurpation of the fundamental principles of humanity, reality, and order – a critique which maddens the collective West.

David Brooks, the U.S. author who coined the term BoBos (Bohemian Bourgeoisie i.e. the metro-élites) to chart the rise of wokeism, now asserts that ‘liberalism’ (whatever that means today) “is ailing” and in retreat. The classic ‘liberal’ zeitgeist lay upon a foundation of commitments and moral obligations that precede choice – our obligations to our families, to our communities and nations, to our ancestors and descendants, to God or some set of transcendent truths.

It tends to the tepid and uninspiring, Brooks says; “It avoids the big questions like: Why are we here? What is the meaning to it all? It nurtures rather, the gentle bourgeois virtues like kindness and decency – but not, as Lefebvre allows some of the loftier virtues, like bravery, loyalty, piety and self-sacrificial love”.

To be clear, Brooks, in a separate piece, argues that by putting so much emphasis on individual choice, pure liberalism attenuates social bonds: In a purely liberal ethos, an invisible question lurks behind every relationship: Is this person good for me? Every social connection becomes temporary and contingent. When societies become liberal all the way down, they neglect (as quoted by Brooks) Victor Frankl’s core truth that “Man’s search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life”. [There’s no longer any introspection, self-examination, and certainly no looking in the mirror.]

The joint Xi-Putin statement therefore is not just a detailed work-plan for a BRICS future (though it is indeed a very comprehensive work plan for the BRICS summit in October). Russia and China rather have put forward a dynamic vision of concrete principles as pillars for a new society in the post-Western future.

By playing straight into the primordial sources of meaning that are deeper than individual preference – faith, family, soil and flag – Russia and China have picked up the pieces and born-up the mantle of the Bandung Non-Aligned Movement through promoting the right of national self-determination and an end to centuries old systems of exploitation.

Yet how and why can the West be said to be accelerating its own dissolution? [Shared Emphasis]

The NY Times gives the clue to the ‘why’: The old ‘Anglo’ obsession with a defiant Russia that the West has never been able to bend to their will. And now, Russia and China have signed a joint statement somewhat similar to the ‘no limits’ friendship declared in February 2022 but reaching further.

It portrays their relationship as “superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation … ”.

Put starkly, this breaches the long-standing western rule of triangulation: the U.S. must stand with either the one, Russia or China, against the other; but never should China and Russia be permitted to band together versus the U.S.! – a doctrine sanctified in western ‘canon law’ since Mackinder’s time in the 19th Century.

Yet, that ‘two versus one’ is precisely what Team Biden inadvertently have ‘done’.

What then, constitutes the ‘how’?

The problem with the western solutions to any geo-political problem is that they invariably comprise more of the same. [Shared Emphasis]

The combination of this deep disdain for Russia – subsumed into the undercurrent fear of Russia as a putative geo-strategic competitor – invites a western recourse to repeating the same triangulation approach, without due reflection on whether circumstances have changed, or not. This is the case here and now – making for a ‘clear and present’ risk of unintended and damaging escalation: A prospect that might midwife the very thing that the West most fears – a loss of control, spiralling the system down into freefall.

The Mistake:

Ray McGovern, a former U.S. Presidential briefer, has chronicled how as “Biden took office in 2021, his advisers assured him that he could play on Russia’s fear (sic) of China – and drive a wedge between them. This represents the ‘mother of all errors’ of judgement, because it brings about the circumstances in which the western ‘Order’ may dissolve”.

“This [presumption of Russian weakness] became embarrassingly clear when Biden said to Putin during their Geneva summit … let me ask a rhetorical question: ‘You got a multi-thousand-mile border with China. China is seeking to be the most powerful economy in the world and the largest and the most powerful military in the world’.”

McGovern observes that this meeting gave Putin clear confirmation that Biden and his advisers were stuck in a woefully outdated appraisal of Russia-China relations.

Here is the bizarre way Biden described his approach to Putin on China: At the airport after the summit, Biden’s aides did their best to whisk him onto the plane but failed to stop him from sharing more ‘wisdom’ on China: “Russia is in a very, very difficult spot right now. They are being squeezed by China”.

‘Yes’: More of the same! Biden was trying, on the advice of his experts, to insert the ubiquitous western ‘wedge’ between Russia and an ‘BIG’ China.

After these remarks, Putin and Xi spent the rest of 2021 trying to disabuse Biden of the “China squeeze” meme: This mutual effort culminated in the Xi-Putin ‘no limits’ friendship summit of that year. If the advisers had been paying attention however, they would have threaded a long history of Russo-Chinese rapprochement. But no, they were ideologically frozen in the view that the two were destined to be eternal enemies.

Doubling Down on the Mistake. It gets worse:

Then, in a 30 December 2021 telephone conversation, Biden assured Putin that “Washington had no intention of deploying offensive strike weapons in Ukraine”. However, Foreign Minister Lavrov has revealed that when he met Blinken in Geneva in January 2022, the U.S. Secretary of State pretended he had not heard of Biden’s undertaking to Putin on 30 December 2021. Rather, Blinken insisted that U.S. medium-range missiles could be deployed in Ukraine, and that the U.S. might be willing to consider limiting their number.

Making An Egregious Mistake Worse

In August 2019, when the U.S. withdrew from the treaty banning intermediate-range missiles in Europe, the U.S. had already deployed missiles in Romania and Poland (saying their purpose was ostensibly ‘to defend against Iran’). However, the tubes installed are deliberately configured to accommodate nuclear warhead equipped, cruise and ballistic missiles; but here is the rub: it is not possible to determine which missile is loaded, as the tubes have lids to them. The time for these missiles to reach Moscow would be 9 minutes from Poland, and 10 from Romania.

But if, as Blinken threatened, missiles might be installed in Ukraine, it would drop to only 7 minutes (and were it to be a hypersonic missile, which the U.S. does not yet possess, it would be a mere 2-3 minutes)

Just for clarity, this (i.e. Ukraine) is Russia’s existential war which it will fight, no matter what it takes. Beijing is fully aware of the high stakes involved for Russia (and ultimately for China, too)

The Consequences to relying on the ‘Same Tactics Again, and Again’ Threats and Pressure).

On 18 May in Moscow, in the wake of the latest Xi-Putin summit – as MK Bhadrakumar notes – Lavrov predicted an escalation in western weapon supplies to Ukraine, reflecting not only the Biden’s election need to be seen ‘facing down Russia, but also the reality that “the acute phase of the military-political confrontation with the West” will continue, in “full swing”.

The western thought processes, Lavrov said, are veering round dangerously to “the contours of the formation of a European military alliance – with a nuclear component”. Lavrov lamented that “they have made a choice in favour of a showdown on the battlefield: We are ready for this”. “The agenda to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia militarily and otherwise – is pure fantasy and it will be resolutely countered”.

European military inadequacy explains, presumably, the mooted notion to add a nuclear component.

Put plainly, with the U.S. unable to exit or to moderate its determination to preserve its hegemony, Lavrov sees the prospect for increased western weapons provision for Ukraine. The discourse of military escalation is in fashion in Europe (of that there is no doubt); but both in the Middle East and Ukraine, western policy is in deep trouble. There must be doubts whether the West has either the political will, or the internal unity, to pursue this aggressive course. Dragging wars are not traditionally thought to be ‘voter friendly’ when campaigning reaches its peak. [My Emphasis]

The election angle was also discussed by the trio. The McGovern essay linked to by Crooke is a must read, which is why I linked it again. Also linked is an interview given by Putin to Xinhua News I was completely unaware of since it never appeared on the Kremlin website. Even though the text is in English, I’ll post it as a standalone item. Ever since the 4 February 2022 Joint Declaration was made and published, I’ve cited its great importance which few shared. We’ve since had the 2023 and now the 2024 Joint Declarations that ought to make it clear that neither Russia or China are bluffing, and of course, there’s their actions that provide the ultimate proof to those of us watching. It might have been different if the Outlaw US Empire had delayed its aggression on China via Taiwan until its Ukraine gambit was over, but hubris from Wolfowitz onward has ruled while those holding the doctrine he composed have ruled the Empire ever since—even during Trump as he began the Trade War with China. Add to the mix what the Zionist source said during the trio’s chat and was published at various online sites about their goal now being to spark a World War to allow them to complete and cover for their Genocidal crime. Here’s the scoop from Pepe Escobar’s Telegram:

At minute 11:00, Judge Nap refers to an e-mail he received from a military/intel source. This is what the source told him:

“Today I listened to an extensive interview with an IDF ex-intelligence officer. His position was clear, WE ARE, he said, AIMING TOWARDS A WORLD WAR. Israel therefore, shouldn’t stop itself from implementing some of the most radical measures befits actions will be measured retroactively in the context of the brutal world conflict to come.”

That's THE ultimate explanation for the Hegemon/vassals non-stop frantic escalation in the intertwined Forever Wars front - from Gaza to Novorossiya.

It makes it sooooo clear who's REALLY running the show.

And the whole planet is being held hostage.

Will Russia or China ignore what was said? I remind readers this was last Friday. Team Biden will also know what was said and that the cat’s out of the bag. What sort of damage control happened over the weekend given the number of important events? I was busy taking a break as both my wife and I needed to get away, and one excellent source for such things is quiet at the moment with medical issues—Moon of Alabama. There’s increasing speculation that Raisi’s helicopter crash was caused by sabotage. Will the ICJ’s verdict and this other revelation cause Russia/China to rethink enforcing the existing UNSC resolutions on Palestine as a means of preventing the war wanted by the Zionists since it’s 100% clear the Zionists will not cease and desist? Since most Neocons are also Zionists and Evangelicals all rolled into one crazy mixture and Trump’s really no better than Team Biden when you look at who he hired and his behavior, what’s the outlook if people don’t awaken and vote for Jill Stein? Will there even be an election given the nutjobs at the helm? I’m sure plenty of opinions on those questions and more will be made in comments.

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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Dmitry Medvedev on Borders & Boundaries

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Karl Sanchez

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News 2739
  • If you approve of this article, please share it with your friends and kin.
  • Help us expand our reach. Defeat appalling hypocrisy. Lies cost countless lives.
  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at:

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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality.

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Zionist Deterrence Myth Shattered: Rejoice!

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Karl Sanchez

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Zionist Deterrence Myth Shattered: Rejoice!

The most despicable regime on the planet that Occupies Palestine and is run by what some term Zionazis with plenty of reasons current and historic has now seen what they so proudly declared to be their Deterrence Weapon—overwhelming force to be visited onto any challenger to the Zionist Genocide Project—shattered by Iran’s well measured and legal retaliation for the Zionists' many crimes, the most recent being the utter destruction of International Law by bombing the Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus to murder several Iranian Generals.

Unlike the Zionists who prefer to attack and murder civilians, Iran chose to attack the military assets responsible for the Zionist attacks, where Iran appears to be quite successful. On the technical military aspects, I defer to the excellent article Simplicius composed which shows some of the same videos I saw last night of multiple missile strikes in a very tight grouping. Just one note, many of the photos shown claiming to be downed Iranian missiles are merely the booster stages of Iran’s multistage missiles that often have a manoeuvrable warhead and possibly impact at hypersonic speeds. The informed word is Iran’s attack was very limited, and it issued a statement saying it was satisfied with the results and no further punishment would be required unless the Zionists retaliated.

Two very important geopolitical outcomes were quickly made. First, Russia announced that Iran was acting well within its rights under the UN Charter and that Russia has Iran’s back, something that was hinted at two years ago but is now 100% overt. The second item is Biden’s saying the Outlaw US Empire won’t aid the Zionists if they decide to retaliate. A third minor development was Jordan’s acting in the Zionist defence. Other items would be the Emirati and Saudi relief that they’d reached peaceful relations with Iran as it’s now very clear just how strong Iran really is.

In closing this short note, I must strenuously endorse this Michael Hudson interview with Ania K., “Gaza: The Strategic Imperative,” that provides some of the hidden context to this longstanding conflict. I’m so very tempted to provide an excerpt, but the choices are too many, and I do want readers to read or watch what Michael has to share.*

News 2739
  • If you approve of this article, please share it with your friends and kin.
  • Help us expand our reach. Defeat appalling hypocrisy. Lies cost countless lives.
  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

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