EDITORS—Active Measures discusses the arrests of journalist Richard Medhurst in the UK and Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France, as the climate of censorship and systemic elimination of free speech grows in the name of protecting the people from “misinformation”. Of course, it is the ruling elites who reserve the right to define and change anytime they wish) the definition of “disinformation”.
Kit Klarenberg
Kit Klarenberg
Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions.
EDITOR—The United Kingdom has played a massive role in the Ukrainian military’s suicide mission in Kursk – and they want you to know about it. Reporters Klarenberg and Rubinstein analyse the bizarre behaviour of the UK’s ruling elites as they press on with their plans to bring down Russia at any cost, and probably increase the chances of a horrendous global conflict.
KIT KLARENBERG—A major component of the Integrity Initiative scandal was the organisation’s construction of cloak-and-dagger “clusters”. These were – and may well remain today – clandestine networks of journalists, scholars, politicians and military and intelligence operatives, which the Initiative could mobilise to disseminate black propaganda, therefore influencing policy and perceptions, targeting domestic and overseas adversaries. One little-known example of the potency of clusters was an aggressive campaign to falsely connect Julian with the Kremlin.