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AI Hitachi surveillance system

AI Hitachi surveillance system, one of many


AI technology poses a significant threat to communities that are struggling for liberation. The technology is used to create large surveillance networks accessible to police, military, and private companies. Frequently this technology is installed without the consent or knowledge of the people it surveils. In the United States, AI technology is used to surveil Black and Brown communities and target people for arrest. Abroad it is used for bombing campaigns and genocide.

In August 2023, a GPS tracker was found on a vehicle registered to one of the codefendants known as the Traverse City 3, a trio of queer activists. On September 5, 2023, this same codefendant was indicted on RICO charges related to the movement to Stop Cop City in Atlanta, GA, along with 60 other people. Months later, the State charged the Traverse City 3 with multiple felonies, accusing them of participating in a demonstration at the offices of EOTECH in Traverse City, MI in July 2023. These cases are nothing more than attempts by the State to suppress dissent, a clear example of the State’s use of military and surveillance technology to repress political movements.

The warrants for the arrest of the Traverse City 3 were issued based on the tracked locations of cars registered in defendants’ names. The prosecution is using data obtained from Flock Cameras, which use AI technology to read license plates, collect data on physical car details such as bumper stickers, and allow government agencies to quickly locate a car in locations more than 100 miles apart. After spending over $100,000 in additional security the week after the protest, EOTECH collaborated with the police. The police worked with Flock Safety to track cars registered in the defendants’ names and issue arrest warrants, claiming a connection with the protest at EOTECH. Just as the weapons technology developed by EOTECH is used to do imperialist violence across the globe, surveillance technologies are used to suppress protest here in the so-called United States.

EOTECH manufactures holographic sights for guns—which are widely used by US police forces and all branches of the military—and has contracts with the US military as well as federal and police agencies. Public contract data showed that from 2001 to 2016, EOTECH was paid $24 million for their products. EOTECH gun sights are also used by domestic federal agencies such as the FBI. The widespread use of their technology indicates that EOTECH has likely directly contributed to both colonial military operations abroad as well violent police repression in the US.

Flock Safety, founded in Atlanta, manufactures multiple pieces of surveillance technology: automated license plate readers (ALPRs), gunfire locator systems, and video surveillance cameras. Their ALPR system was the first to create a nationwide database of surveilled license plate information. Identifying data collected by their video surveillance systems is sent to a searchable, national database. According to a February 2023 report from the University of Michigan, this information can be stored indefinitely, and there is little to no regulation at the federal, state, or local levels around who can access it, for how long, or why. Like other AI surveillance technology, Flock ALPRs are sometimes inaccurate and have misread license plates, leading to the targeting and violent arrest of individuals unrelated to particular crimes. By creating a large, indefinite nationwide database of sometimes faulty license plate data, they have created a tool of mass surveillance, where police and state agents can track the comings and goings of people through 4,000 cities and 42 states and manufacture justification for repression and arrest.

Flock has sought to install their cameras throughout the United States, with and without the approval of local governments. Their surveillance technology, while popular with police, has been controversial as people speak out against the proliferation of police surveillance. In 2022, the City Council of Ypsilanti, MI described Flock cameras as an “invasion of privacy.” Despite protests by local people and the city government, the cameras were still installed at entry and exit points to the city. Police and state agencies are not the only entities with access to the Flock database, as private individuals and businesses can also make accounts to access the database. People who are tracked are not able to find out which agencies, businesses, or individuals accessed their information.

More broadly, AI surveillance technology is a growing concern for activists locally and abroad. Security cameras generate huge amounts of data difficult for humans to review and sift through, but AI can be used to look through large amounts of data and generate patterns that are then used by state agencies. In the case of Flock Safety, this data is used to create a so-called vehicle fingerprint, which police can then use to search for vehicle locations across cities, states, and multiple years of data. Another example of this is the Statewide Network of Agency Photos (SNAP), a database developed by Michigan State University, which collected state ID photos from 1998-99 onwards, and fed them through AI facial recognition software. This was done without the knowledge or consent of the public. Facial recognition technology has been shown to misidentify people, especially Black and Brown people. Police departments that use AI surveillance technology do so by collaborating with private companies like Flock Safety, often in secret and without public consent or legislative regulation.

Repression tactics of colonial states are seen first against the most marginalized people living within those states. In the United States, we can look to Project Greenlight in Detroit, MI. This surveillance project was started in 2016, claiming to be an effort to reduce crime. Initially, the city installed cameras in eight or nine gas stations. Since then, cameras have been placed in over 700 businesses including medical facilities and laundromats. This surveillance generates significant amounts of video data of people living in Detroit, a majority Black city. Detroit police reportedly use mobile devices to scan people and track them in real time. People who live near Project Greenlight installations are subjected to the constant green flashing of the light indicating nearby surveillance technology. This technology has not increased safety for people living in Detroit, rather they are subjected to frequent surveillance and police violence as a result of Project Greenlight.

Colonial states outside the United States have also implemented AI surveillance. Studying these surveillance measures and the connections between them is necessary because just as each struggle for liberation is intertwined, the tools for repression are shared between nation-states to curb dissent and expand surveillance.

US police forces are known to exchange tactics and training with foreign militaries, such as the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). In Palestine, Israeli government created a facial recognition database of Palestinians in occupied Hebron. This constant surveillance is psychologically disturbing to people experiencing it and can be used to track people, arrest them, and even prevent them from entering the very neighborhoods they live in.

The Israeli military is also using a piece of AI technology called Gospel in their ongoing genocide of Gaza. It claims that Gospel identifies so-called “targets” within Gaza. The technology produces large volumes of “targets” which are then submitted to analysts within the military to attack. Of course, the euphemism “targets” represents real places and people. While using this technology, Israel has bombed hospitals, schools, and refugee camps. In response to broad international outcry against this genocide, Israel claims they are only targeting the Hamas resistance fighters, but, they say, civilian death is simply unavoidable. Medical experts estimate that the Israeli military has killed 186,000 Palestinian people during the invasion and bombing of Gaza. This includes more than 14,000 children, with at least 21,000 children missing. Within this context, the genocide is one of the first known large-scale uses of AI technology for targeting by a military. By claiming to use Gospel to identify “targets,” the Israeli government has used AI technology to help manufacture consent for indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian people as part of the ongoing genocide. Throughout the genocide, the United States has sent billions of dollars in weapons and monetary aid for weapons purchases to Israel. The United States and other countries are now looking into using AI military targeting software. If Gaza is any indicator, the results will likely be extremely violent and deadly.

The case in Traverse City, MI represents just one example of a collaboration between private companies and government agencies to repress activists using AI surveillance. Through this case, we see an escalation of state repression in line with other escalations, such as the use of RICO and domestic terrorism charges against music festival attendees in Atlanta, widespread police violence against protestors in the 2020 Uprisings, and violent repression of pro-Palestine student encampments this Spring. In this context, it is important to understand how this technology is currently being used and how it might be used for future repression.

In the face of severe repression, communities have always found ways to resist, to support and protect themselves against government violence. By understanding this technology and its role in surveillance, communities can build strategies for keeping each other safe. The increase in violent state oppression means learning from one another, and connecting the dots between repression tactics is only becoming more crucial. From Traverse City to Atlanta, Puerto Rico to Sudan to Palestine, an end to all occupying states and liberation to the land.

Support the defense of the Traverse City 3 by donating here.


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  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Miko Peled: Inside Israel’s ‘Insane Society’ that Systematically Tortures and Rapes Palestinians

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Rania Khalek Dispatches

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Aug 16, 2024
Rania Khalek Dispatches

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To discuss Israel’s intensifying atrocities in Gaza, including its weaponization of rape, Rania Khalek was joined by Miko Peled, the son of an Israeli general and the head of the newly established Palestine House of Freedom in Washington, D.C. Peled is the author of “The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine.” This is just part of this episode.

The full interview is available for Breakthrough News Members only. Become a member at   / breakthroughnews   to access the full episode and other exclusive content.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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What Does It Mean to Be a Patriot? The Case of Scott Ritter

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by Kim Petersen

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Despite his unwavering declarations of patriotism (mixed with criticisms of US meddling abroad), Scott Ritter is an ongoing target of the state security apparatus.

Scott Ritter often sounds like an implacable American Zola. It must irritate the narrative managers in charge of official truths and the purity of US exceptionalism.

Journalist and political analyst Caleb Maupin put out a video “Scott Ritter’s home raided by the FBI.” Maupin affirmed his solidarity with Ritter, a staunch opponent of US militaristic support for Ukraine and Israel.

Ritter’s anti-imperialist stand is nothing new. He first came to wider attention with his opposition to US plans to attack Iraq for having weapons-of-mass-destruction. Ritter, the then United Nations weapons inspector, said that Iraq was “fundamentally disarmed.” History has proven Ritter correct. The US government was wrong.

Nonetheless, many patriots often trot out the canard “my country, right or wrong.”

Scott Ritter, a former US marine intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector, is a fierce critic of US militarism. Yet, he does not equivocate when it comes to his patriotism: “I’m an American Patriot who puts my country and its security first.”

This fidelity called patriotism is universal. For example, it is one of the 12 goals of socialism in China. Generally, it is understood to mean “love of country.” Thus, the Chinese characters for love and country.

Patriotism: “devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.”

To vigorously support one’s country? Right or wrong? And what exactly is a country? Is it specific to a geographically defined dimension?

Country: “a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.”

This definition of country does not clarify precisely the orbit of patriotism. Is it government? It couldn’t be that because people, who consider themselves to be patriots, in countries with elections are often voting governments out. And one can often hear citizens venting displeasure with their government. Does this mean they are not patriots? Ritter, undeniably, does not hide his displeasure with government.

Nation: “a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.”

Well, the United States often describes itself as a melting pot: “a term that was used to describe Americanization in which immigrants adopt American culture and abandon culture from their home country.”

So, US culture is the result of abandoned cultures?

Scott Ritter speaks at Feb 19th Reception After "Rage Against The War Machine"

Previously, I asked why people like Scott Ritter and colonel Douglas Macgregor keep professing their love of the US while pointing out its dishonesty, bullying, war crimes, warmaking, corruption, etc. Why love such a country?

Ritter points out the multitudinous crimes of US empire, the racism, the crimes against whistleblowers and publishers (e.g., Julian Assange), the crimes of US allies (e.g., Israel; it took him a while to realize the evil of Zionism, but credit to him that he rejected a previously held position that he later found to be intellectually and morally untenable), the unfair “trade” practices (e.g., sanctions, theft of another country’s assets), the deterioration of US infrastructure (e.g., water in Flint, MI), the destruction of the environment, the inequality, homelessness, poverty, etc. Yet, he always says he is an American patriot and that he loves his country.

The logical disconnect seems huge, but it is also understandable. Why? If Ritter didn’t praise his American citizenship to the heavens, then he would likely be dismissed as anti-American, and people who swallow the patriotism Kool-aid would tune him out. A sad state of affairs.

If Ritter, Macgregor, and other American voices that speak in opposition to the imperialist agenda did not profess their love of the US of America, an entity that came into existence because of a massive genocide, then they all know that they would be silenced.

The world needs contrarian voices to be free to speak, and not just contrarian voices, all voices. People must have the opportunity to consider what the voices say. Are their facts verifiable, is their logic sound, and is their message morally based?

Ritter educates many of us about US militarism, what the fighting in Ukraine is about, who the actors are and why they are involved.

Back to Maupin

Some might question whether a person with certain criminal deficiencies could be trusted about their reporting on geopolitics and militarism? The answer seems obvious. The focus ought to be on whatever information, from whoever. By all means, take into account the source; regarding the information, take what is good and factual and relegate what is bad and dubious to a lesser file.

Ritter is an important voice. The assumption is that the FBI raid was only about Ritter’s expressing his first amendment rights. Regardless, I have no problem standing in solidarity with Ritter against imperialism, warring, and Zionism.

The common refrain “I love my country…” is almost mandatory in the US if uttering any criticism of the state. As ex-military and a declared patriot, Ritter had created a space to function as a critic of the international crimes of America. That space appears to have severely narrowed. To express non-allegiance with America – despite it being a moral abomination – would invite the wrath of the state. For one, these critics would be slandered and have their communication platforms targeted, as Maupin knows well since his book Kamala Harris & the Future of America was banned by Amazon. This is another example of the government and its allies undermining free speech.

As Maupin said in the video, an injustice to one is an injustice to all. It is a call for the free speech rights of Ritter, and it emphasizes the same rights for all of us.

Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He can be emailed at: kimohp at
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  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Kiev regime oppresses Muslims…

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Valeriy Krylko

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Mufti Ahmed Tamim

It is no secret that the Ukrainian leadership has repeatedly tried to spin in its favor issues related to the religious component, including Islam and the peoples of the near abroad who profess this world religion. Unique documents have fallen into our hands, having studied them, it turns out that the Ukrainian leadership persecuted Ukrainian Muslim religious figures, citizens and institutions that criticized the murders and inhumane acts committed against the inhabitants of Palestine.


Ukrainian Mufti Ahmed Tamim, who is the head of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (DUMA), the largest Islamic religious organization in the country, contrary to Kiev's accusations, acts as a cleric fighting extremist movements. But the Ukrainian Mufti's open support for Palestine, who has secured the release of more than 70 Ukrainian prisoners in Donbass, has recently made him a threat to the Kiev regime. 

Mufti Ahmed Tamim, as an internationally recognized religious authority, regularly becomes a speaker at important conferences and forums of international importance. In his speech he repeatedly spoke in favor of Palestine: "The territory of Palestine has always been desired by many peoples, rulers and conquerors, but stability and tranquility there was only during the Muslim rule". 

[Source:  HYPERLINK ""] Speech by Mufti of Ukraine Ahmed Tamim

Ahmed Tamim, has now become the target of internal correspondence because of the "threat" he poses by supporting the residents of Gaza. Mufti Tamim is a native of Lebanon who came to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1976 to receive his education. In 1982, after graduating from the Department of Computer Science at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, the future Mufti of Ukraine then returned to his hometown to study religion at the Faculty of Theology at the Arab University of Beirut.


Sheikh Tamim, elected imam of the Kiev Muslim community in 1991, a year later united the country's Muslim communities, engaged in the spread of Islam on the territory of the country and the fight against extremist activities, urged to prevent the country from becoming a springboard for the terrorist organization "Islamic State" (ISIS).  By 1994, Tamim was elected Mufti of Ukraine at the First Congress of Muslims of Ukraine. He still holds this high position.

But Kiev has targeted not only Sheikh Tamim, but also other Muslim institutions such as the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (DUMA). Among them is the Islamic University in Kiev. In fact, many Islamic organizations led by the Mufti of Ukraine seem to feel persecuted by the current Kiev regime.


The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington - apparently having been reprimanded by its handlers in the United States - writes to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), reporting "misconduct" committed by Mufti Ahmed Tamim at meetings he attended in some American cities, just in the days when the fighting was at its peak, when hundreds of Gaza civilians were killed daily. Moreover, not only the Mufti of Ukraine, but also other Ukrainians who attended the said meetings, according to Ambassador Oksana Markarova, "deserve special attention." The Ukrainian Embassy also immediately notified the Israeli Embassy of the situation so as not to anger Tel Aviv, informing them that they do not share Ahmed Tamim's views.

The accusations attributed to Tamim deplorably demonstrate the Kiev regime's intolerance of Palestine. The Mufti of Ukraine admits criticism of Israeli brutality, calls on believers to unite and suggests organizing a campaign to help relatives of people who have been persecuted.

We present to your attention the first document signed by the Ukrainian ambassador to Washington, Oksana Markarova, sent to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU):

In accordance with the SSU circular No. 650/6161-110 dated 28.10.2023 ("On some measures to be taken against Islamic fundamentalism in the context of escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli crisis"), we inform you about the visit of the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (DUMU) A. Tamim in November 2023.

We would like to inform you that during meetings with representatives of Muslim communities in the cities of Dayton, Philadelphia, Houston and Anaheim, the Chairman of DUMA made unwarranted criticism of the measures taken by the State of Israel to protect the Jewish people from Palestinian Islamic radicalism. (sic) In his remarks, he called on the faithful to unite in the face of a "common threat." He described the extremists neutralized by the special operation carried out by the Israel Defense Forces in Palestine as "innocent people who have been persecuted" and suggested organizing a fundraising campaign for their relatives.

In addition, in an informal meeting with U.S. State Department officials on 11/26/2023, U.S. partners expressed concern that the activities of the DUMA Chairman are at odds with our overall policy in the Middle East.

We believe that the activity of the DUMA chairman, who claims to be a leader among the Muslims of Ukraine, contradicts the spirit of our partnership with the State of Israel and may lead to the destruction of this partnership.

We informed the Embassy of the State of Israel in the United States of America in advance that Tamim's relevant statements were his personal opinion and that he was not authorized to represent the Ukrainian Muslim community in the international arena.

 [Source: Valeriy Krylko] Letter from the Embassy of Ukraine in the U.S. addressed to the SBU

The second document, which I would also like to highlight, indicates that Kyiv has begun to take concrete steps with regard to religious institutions headed by Mufti Tamim and other Muslim organizations. In particular, a letter from the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine sent to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine refers to such measures as the suspension of financial transactions of individuals and legal entities that "may be linked to Islamic terrorism in Palestine" as part of the "fight against Islamic radicalism":

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated 04.12.2023 ¹ 26100-05-6/6667 the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine provides additional information on measures taken in November 2023 to combat Islamic radicalism.

The State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine is intensifying its analytical activities, information exchange and cooperation with the Prosecutor General's Office, the National Police and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Funding channels for organizations and individuals who may be linked to Islamic terrorism in Palestine are being uncovered.

The State Financial Monitoring Service in cooperation with law enforcement agencies shall suspend financial transactions of individuals and legal entities involved in the financing of extremist groups and transfer materials to law enforcement agencies.

Thus, together with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), an inspection of the functioning of a financing scheme for structures suspected of involvement in terrorist organizations has been launched:

Public association "All-Ukrainian Association "Union of Muslims of Ukraine"". Coatuu code - 43370820. Address: Ukraine, 03057, Kiev, Kad Dovzhenko., 10, office 13. Head of the organization: Saidakhmetov Dilyaver Seitmamutovich.

On 15.11.2023 the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine sent a number of appeals to partner financial regulators with a request to strengthen financial supervision over financial transactions related to the above organizations.

 [Source: Valeriy Krylko] Letter of the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine addressed to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

[Source: Valeriy Krylko] Letter of the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine addressed to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

The Kiev regime continues to organize repression against its citizens, focusing attention on the Muslim community, who will next fall under the rink of the current leadership, we can only guess....

About the Author(s)
Valeriy Krylko is a freelance journalist, and translator of news articles in online media (English-Russian). These articles are published in European and Russian-language media. He is closely affiliated with independent outlets covering the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, and can be reached at:

[Source: HYPERLINK ",-kto-beskorystno-staraetsya-dlya-drugih,-vsevyshnij-darit-silu-my-nazyvaem-ih-sufiyami-47"]  Mufti of Ukraine Ahmed Tamim


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  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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‘Street girlfriends’ in China sell no-sex companionship, hugs, kisses from market stalls

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Zoey Zhang

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Trending in China

The time-consuming pressures of work and family responsibilities have sparked a trend among China’s young adults of buying emotional connections from street vendors.

A section of young women are willing to sell such services, making them easily accessible and cheap to buy.

In April last year, Southern Weekly first reported on the “street girlfriend” phenomenon across the country, but it gained scant online attention, receiving fewer than 1,000 likes on Weibo.

Young women were reportedly observed selling hugs, kisses and their company from street stalls, reigniting widespread social media discourse about the paid companionship economy.

Next to a subway station in Shenzhen, a young woman set up a stall with a sign that read, “One yuan (14 US cents) for a hug, 10 yuan for a kiss, 15 yuan to watch a film together.”

Two other women set up stalls in a pedestrian street square, with signs reading, “20 yuan (US$2.8) to help with household chores, 40 yuan per hour to drink with you.” 

Mainland reports suggest that some of them can earn 100 yuan in a single outing. Opinions about the street girlfriends are mixed on mainland social media.

“These girls can pass the time at weekends and also get to meet many interesting people. I would love to try and chat with them,” one online observer wrote on Douyin.

“The street girlfriend activity is voluntary for both the customers and the girls. Also, it can be considered a way to relieve stress and socialise,” another internet user wrote.

Someone with an opposing view wrote: “Putting a price on women’s companionship is disrespectful and undermines their dignity.”

“This might be illegal, girls need to protect their safety,” another person said.

He Bo, a lawyer from the Sichuan Hongqi Law Firm, told the Post: “The ‘street girlfriend’ service currently operates outside the clear regulatory framework of existing laws and carries the risk of transforming into prostitution or sexual service transactions.

“All sectors of society can guide young people to seek other healthy ways to engage in normal social interactions to meet their social and emotional needs.”

There have been other reports of similar services being offered at other locations on the mainland.

In January, someone shared a photo on Xiaohongshu, saying they saw a young woman set up a stall offering “one-day lover” services in Dali Ancient City, a tourist spot in southwestern China’s Yunnan province.

The photo showed a sign that read, “One-day lover, 600 yuan (US$84) a day. I can offer you the warmest care, including meals together, hugs, kisses, but no sex.”

About the Author(s)
Zoey Zhang is a multimedia reporter who covers ranges of topics including China culture, education, social trends, and Asian human interest stories. She previously interned with the Post on the video desk over the winter of 2022-2023. She holds a master’s degree in Journalism from the University of Hong Kong.


Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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