CAITLIN JOHNSTONE—The two parties are both lying to you and the entire show is fake. US politics is a WWE performance with the audience deeply invested in the outcome of the match, each side of the stadium screaming for their favorite wrestler when the only determining factor is what will make Vince McMahon the most money. It’s all a fake spectacle, and it’s designed to screw you over.
margo stiles
THE SAKER—In the meanwhile, the West is still stuck in its old, ideological ways: imperialism, nationalism and messianic exclusivism on one hand, and a complete surrender to post-modernism, cultural self-hatred, petty minority politics and moral relativism on the other. It is, therefore, no surprise whatsoever that both mainstream camps in the West completely misread Putin and can’t figure out what he is up to.
ED CURTIN—As William Butler Yeats said in another context: “All changed; changed utterly.” But while we live in these end-times, in a new symbolic universe, our sense of spiritual power to stop the nuclear madness has been sapped by our refusal to venture deep into the interior of this enigma and change our minds and spirits enough to change the world.
JIMMIE MOGLIA—just as the film industry is a top-down imposition of official ideology, masqueraded as popular taste, postmodernism is a top-down imposition of a culture exuding from academia, and rooted in the comparatively little known socio-philosophical movement called “Cultural Marxism.” In turn, Cultural Marxism traces its roots to the 1960s and the so-called Frankfurt schools of academics. In my view, “Cultural” and “classical” Marxism have little to do with each other. Yet, cultural Marxism at large has inspired the actual ongoing war against Western European people, nations, culture and values. A war using as weapons the tools of postmodernism, as per the list above.
CBS Working to Kill any Possible Good Will Dividend for North Korea Stemming from Winter Olympics
by margo stiles7 minutes readPATRICE GREANVILLE—Despite this awesome panoply of tools to achieve just about any end, the Winter Olympics in Korea and the increasing talk of a warm-up in relations between Seoul and Pyongyang is giving the empire managers shivers, this being so unexpected, so the propaganda and political organs are working double time to maintain the accustomed imperialist order, a setup which benefits absolutely no one, including 99% of the US population.