My Nuseirat

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Haidar Eid

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Most Palestinians are born amid horrendous destruction. The Zionist assault to "ethnically cleanse" Palestine has been literally going on since 1948.

I am sharing this powerful article written by Haider Eid for Mondoweiss. Haider was someone I met when in Gaza 2012/13.

I was born in the Nuseirat refugee camp and it made me who I am. The Nuseirat massacre will not be the last in Gaza, but like all massacres committed by colonialists, it will be a signpost in our long walk to freedom that will not be forgotten.

"I was born in the Nuseirat refugee camp and it made me who I am. The Nuseirat massacre will not be the last in Gaza, but like all massacres committed by colonialists, it will be a signpost in our long walk to freedom that will not be forgotten..."

Nuseirat, one of Gaza’s eight refugee camps, has become a major component of my national and class consciousness, a place of both destitution and revolution. In the early 1970s, I was a small child when I heard of the clashes between the fida’iyyin, our supermen, and the Zionist “villains.” Stories of heroism and martyrdom in defense of the camp and a lost country called Falasteen were discussed by family, relatives, neighbors, and friends — all refugees from the south of the “Land of Sad Oranges,” as referred to by our intellectual giant, Ghassan Kanafani.

I am writing this piece hours after genocidal Israel killed 274 and injured more than 400 beautiful Nuseiraties, many of whom are my relatives, friends, and students — only to rescue four of its captives. 64 of the victims were children, and 57 were women. Those who were brutally murdered were either going to or coming back from Camp Souk, having their breakfast, playing in the street, going to the Al Awda hospital, cooking food, and visiting relatives and friends, i.e., the timing was chosen carefully in order to kill as many people as possible. 

When will genocidal Biden be satisfied? How many more children have to lose limbs, or be killed? How many mothers have to be murdered or lose their little ones in order to convince the colonial West, led by the United States, that it is time to have a ceasefire? Obviously, the 36,800 killed, including 15,000 children and 11,000 women, with more than 11,000 under the rubble, are not enough. How about the destruction of 70 percent of the entire Gaza Strip? The killing of hundreds of its academics, doctors, and journalists? The erasure of whole families from the civil registry? The closure of its 7 gates? The starving to death of those who refuse to leave or die? 

No, not enough.

Gaza is being annihilated in real-time in front of the eyes of the world. In fact, Gaza has ushered in the beginning of the end of “human rights” as defined and monopolized by the colonial West. Neither the International Court of Justice nor the International Criminal Court or the United Nations General Assembly and its Security Council have been able to stop the genocide and protect my Nuseirat.

And why?

Only because some brown native Palestinians managed to break out of Gaza after over a decade and a half of living under a total land, air, and sea blockade in the largest open-air prison on earth! How dare they shatter Israel and the colonial West’s image of military invincibility

Nuseirat is a microcosm of the genocide. The lives of four white Ashkenazi Israelis are equivalent to the lives of 274 native mothers, doctors, and children. The white world is celebrating this “victory” regardless of the “collateral damage,” as long as the victims are not like “us,” the white gods of this unjust world.

The Nuseirat massacre is not a moment of victory after which Benjamin Netanyahu and his gang of fascist thugs can call it a day. There will be more massacres committed by the same bloodthirsty colonizers.

But Nuseirat, like all massacres committed by colonialists, whether in Algeria, South Africa, Ireland, or other settler colonies, will be a signpost in our long walk to freedom. Only those who stand on the right side of history can read the signs.


About the Author(s)
Haidar Eid is Associate Professor of Postcolonial and Postmodern Literature at Gaza’s al-Aqsa University. He has written widely on the Arab-Israeli conflict, including articles published at Znet, Electronic Intifada, Palestine Chronicle, and Open Democracy. He has published papers on cultural Studies and literature in a number of journals, including Nebula, Journal of American Studies in Turkey, Cultural Logic, and the Journal of Comparative Literature.

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  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Iran’s True Promise Operation: Vanessa Beeley dissects the Iranian attack. (Must watch video)

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Vanessa Beeley

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The grotesque hypocrisy of the West, typified by the whining of Britain's "Gunga Din" Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, who has the gall to accuse Iran (!) of sowing discord in the region (Middle East), makes clear that the imperialist bloc is unwilling and unable to rectify its posture. 

What a beautiful sight, the image of long awaited justice: Iranian missiles passing over the Knesset in Occupied Palestine

I do thoroughly recommend watching this UK Column News special episode in full as 90% is in-depth analysis of the Iranian retaliation against Israel’s egregious attack on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus more than ten days ago:

Also just an extra - video footage of Iranian launch of cruise missiles just released by Press TV:

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Please do consider subscribing to my Substack. I am totally dependent on public donations to keep doing the work I do from the region. Thank you, as always, for all those who have already decided to support me. xx

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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

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Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality.

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US Intel behind attacks in Moscow, Damascus, Iran

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Fiorella Isabel
Vanessa Beeley • Eva K Bartlett
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US Intel behind attacks in Moscow, Damascus, Iran
Fiorella Isabel, Eva K. Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley
Israel bombing of Iran embassy in Damascus

The Israeli attack on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus 10 days ago

Last night I had a great conversation with journalists Fiorella Isabel and Eva Bartlett on the terror attack in Moscow, against the Iranian Embassy in Damascus and the ongoing war expansion by all the Western proxies including Israel. If you prefer to watch on Rumble, the link is here:

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Rumble("play", {"video":"v4ltaaf","div":"rumble_v4ltaaf"});


Craig Pasta Jardula (@yopasta)], insta:fiorellaisabellah


Eva K. Bartlett is a US-born, brave anti-imperialist journalist pushing back against the massive disinformation campaign used by the West to hide the truth about NATO-led regime change ops in Syria and other places in the Middle East, as well as the Ukraine War. Bartlett's Wikipedia page (similar to the treatment dished out to other anti-imperialist journalists like Vanessa Beeley, etc.) is a model of insidious disinformation, proving that in all important political matters this platform is demonstrably fully controlled by the Western intel / security establishment. Since 2019, Eva lives in Russia. 

News 2739
  • If you approve of this article, please share it with your friends and kin.
  • Help us expand our reach. Defeat appalling hypocrisy. Lies cost countless lives.
  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality.

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