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Incorporating Billy Bob's Dispatches
Logo art by Alexander Zavaly*

There are simply not too many world affairs roundtables like this on the Internet or any other platform. The collective West's near universal censorship under various pretexts, and the whorish, suffocating commercial nature of most of its media, impose stingy parameters on truth, and the breadth and depth of any discussion of the important topics that humanity should be focusing on. In this context, it is therefore vital to locate sane and wise voices capable of sorting out what is truly happening in the world, people capable of empowering the mass public with the insights necessary to organise an effective self-defence. Billy Bob's Dispatches and his Blowback roundtables provide that kind of resource. In Blowback he has gathered people of impressive intellect, moral passion, and political acuity who have the added charm of being totally accessible and unpretentious. Invest some time with these people and you'll emerge richer in insight and hope.

* From the collection “Epical Cats” of Painter Alexander Zavaly, to whom we express our comradely gratitude.
Biden's "Big Boy" NATO Summit
Biden’s “Big Boy” NATO Summit
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The Weaponization of Ignorance
The Weaponization of Ignorance
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The Carcass Vs. the Buffoon
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