The Big Lie is pushing the US Empire and its vassals toward social pandemonium, nuclear confrontation, or both

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Billy Bob's Blowback Roundtable
Patrice Greanville


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Trump PA attempt

Trump at PA rally at the moment one of the bullets whizzes past his head. (Click to enlarge the picture and see the trajectory).

The recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump highlights the depth of political, social and moral decomposition currently engulfing American society, and its appalling degree of political ignorance and confusion. Trump's MAGA followers are of course one example of alarming self-delusion, born, understandably, of anger and despair. For we all know that in large measure MAGA is a product of the liberals' treachery, their cold-blooded betrayal of the working class. But the millions who still pledge their loyalty to Joe Biden or the demonstrably criminal Democrat party (the more cynical face of the duopoly, "the Blue Cult"), are no less guilty of massive naivete and self-inflicted ignorance, harder to explain considering that many in this tribe see themselves as well-educated and fairly sophisticated in the art of political interpretation. 

Against this backdrop, it is nauseating to see the rabid partisan hacks on CNN, MSNBC, and innumerable other outlets, lamenting the violent reality that they have created while ignoring and denying their own singular culpability in shaping this fetid status quo. 

Drenched in hypocrisy, the presstitutes and media whores (best personified by cretins like Jake Tapper, Joe Scarborough, Dana Bash, Rachel Maddow, 60 Minutes' Scott Pelley, and so many others of that ilk) have been painted into a corner and must denounce the violence that is the logical response from anyone who truly believes the rhetoric that these media whores vomit nonstop and try to instill as deeply and widely as possible, into the collective psyche.  So, yes, in moments like this, they must lament and denounce political violence while ignoring the fact that the only logical response to the rhetoric that they work overtime convincing people is true, will absolutely inspire violence in anyone foolish enough to believe their lies.  The lamentations are stomach turning because those making them (and their invisible patrons) refuse to be held accountable or to take responsibility for their own tremendous influence in shaping this status quo.

Totalitarian Deception

There is a dearth of honesty and truth-telling from all sides.  Lying with impunity is an absolute and intrinsic feature of oligarchy pretending to be “democracy”.  Despite the pervasive systemic fog, the people are getting more disgusted by the day with what they intuitively perceive as the lack of truth, transparency, accountability, and actual democracy.  Yet they are without options, as the system’s entire existence rests upon a mountain of lies and is intractably divorced from objective reality.  Truth is simply not an option, accountability is impossible, and democracy means nothing less than an end to the current oligarchic system.  So the empire stumbles on as if controlled by a genocidal auto-pilot that can only achieve chaos, anarchy, and destruction.  Meanwhile, the wealthy and powerful have no chance of saving their empire, so they engage in an increasingly frenzied looting of the planet, sacrificing entire societies in the process.

The one thing that the people need and want more than anything, is to see the powerful held to account.  This is Trump's primary appeal: he sells the idea that he is hated by, and opposed to, the corrupt ruling establishment and that he will clean house, throw them out of power, and hold them to account once he takes office. This is the lie that Trump is selling and which he will likely ride all the way into the White House (if he manages to survive).  It is impossible to overstate the significance of how the failed assassination attempt will aid him in selling this idea to the masses.  Of course, once he returns to the White House, he will undoubtedly be every bit as feckless and impotent as he was the last time he was there.  Nevertheless, what a glorious vision Trump is offering.  If we ignore his disgusting nativism and his thinly veiled appeal to some of the worst aspects of white America, what could be more inspiring than the idea of a working-class champion coming to power on a tidal wave of popular support and destroying the corrupt oligarchy that has absolutely engaged in a deliberate (and indeed, experimental) effort to destroy the minds of the American public and led the planet to the brink of environmental destruction as it mindlessly murders its way towards nuclear war?

Trump survives

These images are now political gold. Trump is suddenly perceived by many as an iconic hero, an American Braveheart.

But Trump is nothing more than a callous, self-interested salesman, selling us the idea that he is a genuine Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, or Ho Chi Minh, while he simultaneously upholds the lie that socialism is evil.  I mean, what a fucking farce all of this is.  Trump is trying to sell us on revolution while he must simultaneously pander to the inculcated biases of the masses and affirm that history’s actual and authentic revolutionaries, were “bad”.  This is the pathetic state of Western society:  The lines that divide the people against themselves, to the benefit of the oligarchs are imaginary and not based on any sort of actual fundamental political or economic reality.  What a monumental brainwashing success this has been and what an accomplishment for their system of indoctrination, confusion, and control.  They have succeeded in destroying the minds of the masses and they have divorced the masses from reality itself.  But the oligarchs have miscalculated if they believed that such a state of affairs will be sustainable.  They have miscalculated if they believed that societal brainwashing and the arbitrary factionalizing of the masses into meaningless and nonsensical categories, could achieve a sustainable and perpetual system that they could control, dominate, and exploit in perpetuity.

Like the ideology of Zionism, their self-serving efforts to further their own short-term interests were destined for long term failure, as things would inevitably spiral out of control for the future generations tasked with managing these hubristic and experimental projects.  We are beginning to see the culmination of the capitalist experiment, and it illustrates the need for and superiority of socialism.  As Lenin understood, imperialism is the highest —and most depraved—stage of capitalism, when the internal rot and built-in contradictions reach incurable dimensions. Indeed, as history shows, if left unchecked by an outside force (like a strong communist party), capitalism ultimately results in a monopoly of political power, a brazen tyranny in the hands of a cunning and ever richer and more concentrated wealthy elite which will then use all the tools at its disposal to keep amassing power
to the detriment of the masses.  And when one of these tyrannies manages to subjugate and integrate its rivals, even its class fellows in various lands, the resulting entity, sociopathic by definition, becomes a menace to all living things. This is where we are at.

The Biggest Lie of Them All: Our Malignant Foreign Policy

A recent piece by investigative historian Eric Zuesse zeroes in on this largely submerged (for a reason) aspect of our national identity.  Speaking of the many dishonorable and downright criminal ways the US oligarchy has sought for more than a century to neutralise and destroy Soviet and later Russian power, this vile quest recently manifesting itself in the Ukrainian War project (which always included as one of its main objectives the enabling of a "first strike" capability to insure Moscow's "nuclear decapitation"), Zuesse reminds us that:

To put it bluntly: The U.S. was planning to ‘win’ a nuclear war against the Soviet Union, which then did what it needed to do in order to prevent that from happening. And, subsequently, starting on24 February 1990, U.S. President GHW Bush started secretly and privately instructing his vassals such as Kohl and Mitterrand, that on the U.S. side, the Cold War and the expansion of NATO right up to Russia’s borders, would continue, notwithstanding Russia’s ending the Cold War on its side, and would do this so as to become able to get a U.S. missile as close to The Kremlin as possible and so capture Russia.
Euphemisms such as ‘containing’ Russia would be the cover story for the U.S. regime’s Russia-policy, but America moving forward to become the exclusive controller over all other nations, and weakening the U.N. even further so as to edge it out into irrelevance, was going to be the realstrategy. The goal wasn’t to ‘contain’ the Soviet Union; it was to capture the Soviet Union (add it to the U.S. empire). This was the same GHW Bush who had earlier instructed his agents to communicate to Gorbachev that if the Soviet Union would end, NATO wouldn’t expand “one inch to the east [i.e., toward Russia].” And, so, the entire "collective West” lied to Gorbachev — double-crossed Russia — in order to become enabled to get its missiles sufficiently close (for a first strike) to The Kremlin. The U.S. regime was and is the aggressor in this; Russia is merely defending itself from it. But U.S.-and-‘allied’ propaganda asserts the exact opposite. In fact, the Warsaw Pact (countries that Russian forces liberated from Hitler) were never expanded westward. Nor was any such thing ever intended by Russia’s Government. The aggression (not merely invasions, but also coups, and more) came entirely from America. The propaganda simply lies.

Zuesse somberly concludes:

The U.S.-and-‘allied’ (or actually colonial) publics have been totally lied to, deceived in order to support their Government’s hegemonic imperialist foreign policies, which benefit only their super-rich. It’s tragic, really. If they knew and understood, there’d be an uprising, maybe even a revolution. But they don’t; and, so, they’re just confused and apathetic. The propaganda can achieve that, and does. 

(See, How The West Double-Crossed — and Aims to Conquer — Russia).

The elites don’t have a plan.  They don’t have a vision for humanity based on a genuine and honest commitment and desire to common sense principles of development, peace through mutual prosperity, cooperation, and the uplift of humanity.  On the contrary, capitalists are preoccupied with conquering markets and resources, maximizing short term profit, solidifying political control, and eradicating what they consider to be ideas that are dangerous to their very narrow interests, like collectivism, altruism, and a dedicated effort to overcome humanity’s biggest challenges.  This is the fundamental distinction between capitalism and socialism and the only ideological dogma that truly exists:  Capitalism is a system that serves the interests of the wealthy elite, and socialism is a system that serves the interests of collective humanity.  One is vastly superior to the other, and this is becoming more obvious with each passing day.

The rulers and their proxies in the media need to be held accountable for their lies. They need to be held accountable for their mis-leadership, for their lack of interest in the well being of the masses, and for their cynical manipulation and exploitation of righteous moral principles, in order to further their own ignoble, vile, and murderous, narrow imperialist ends.  Watching the “news” these days couldn’t make this any clearer."


What to do? We certainly don't have the luxury of a great deal of time (or resources) but it's obvious we need to redouble our efforts at mass education and grass roots mobilisation. In this, the creation and defense of "people's media" is essential, for mass communications remains the people's enemies' strong suit and our most disabling weakness. This is now thankfully changing, at a growing pace, thanks to the sprouting of vibrant and highly original alternative media personalities, the dynamism of the Internet, and—perhaps equally important—the sheer unsustainability of a regime of corporate media lies and imbecilic distractions when confronted with unyielding truths. Yes, the system is usually its own worst enemy. Its media reflects its antisocial values, its rotten priorities, and decrepitude. Let's put it out of its misery once and for all. 

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Associate Editor Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. He hosts the Blowback roundatable.  You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.   

Patrice Greanville is this publication's founder and editor-in-chief.

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Prospects for World War 3 (Reposted)

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Black Mountain Analysis

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Dedicated to Andrei Raevsky, the Vineyard Saker

NOTE: Aleks produced this piece back in February of 2023, approximately one year into the war. His predictions were reasonably on target. Obviously, given the number of variables, no one could have foreseen the actual way in which the conflict developed. But because the analysis contains many aspects that have preserved their value entirely, we are reposting it here again. 

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Biden’s senility, and ours

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Asia Times

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Biden’s senility, and ours

Biden (Screengrab)

We have met senility, and he is us.

It isn’t just poor Joe Biden who has aged ungracefully. The wealthy nations of the world are aging and the consequences will be far more painful than the passing humiliation of one Western leader.

Instead of cringing at the president’s agonizing attempts to prove his mental competence, we should look hard in the mirror. Dante couldn’t have invented a denizen of the Inferno who better metonymizes the senescence of the West.

Without an unprecedented (and practically impossible) sea-change in fertility, the working-age population of the high-income countries of the world (above US$16,000 in per capita GDP) will shrink by 20% during the present century. This will have disruptive economic consequences over time. It is already having disruptive consequences in global strategy.

Countries without children are indifferent to their future and apathetic about their present.

Graphic: Asia Times

As Grant Newsham reported on this site July 9, Japan failed to recruit half the military personnel it required last year. Colonel Newsham wrote: “The JSDF has never fought an actual war, but it suffered a crushing defeat last year – missing recruitment targets by 50%.  The year before it was a 35% miss. And for years it has had 20% shortfalls.  Thus, JSDF is something of an old, undermanned and overworked force.”

The Japanese don’t want to fight. Neither do the Germans, whose armed forces have shrunk since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. The Europeans and Japanese don’t want to fight. Why should they? Who will lay down his life for future generations, if there aren’t going to be any future generations?

In 2015, the Gallup Poll asked citizens of more than sixty countries whether they were willing to fight for their country. Japan came in dead last with an affirmative rate of just 11%. By no coincidence, Japan ranks close to the bottom in terms of fertility. Israeli Jews, with a fertility rate of three children per female, are the sole instance in the upper-right-hand quadrant of the chart below.

There is a strong relationship between fertility and fighting spirit among the world’s industrial nations.

Graphic: Asia Times

The Ukraine war engages a few hundred thousand combat troops on the same land where millions fought during World War II. When the Soviets recaptured Kharkov in 1943, they threw 1.2 million men at the city and lost 200,000 of them. Russia has perhaps a hundredth of that number around the city today.

For all the demands on America’s NATO allies to bulk up their armies, the opposite is happening. Japan and Germany, the American allies with economies big enough to make a difference in defense spending, are quietly abandoning their commitments to higher defense outlays.

Japan pledged 43 trillion yen (US$272 billion) in defense spending through 2027, mainly in the form of procurement of US F35s and other expensive foreign hardware. But Japan calculated its procurement costs at an exchange rate of 108 yen to the dollar, compared with around 160 yen currently. That implies a drastic cut in actual procurement.

Germany’s budget negotiations last week, meanwhile, eliminated most of the planned increase in the German defense budget. “I got much less than I signed up for,” complained defense minister Boris Pistorius, “and that really aggravates me.” Germany’s armed forces have shrunk since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In 1989, the country had 12 combat-ready divisions. Today it can’t field one.

China shrank its military as fertility fell. Including reservists and paramilitary police, its armed forces total 4 million, versus 3.4 million active duty, reservists and civilian employees for the US, which has a quarter of China’s population.

But China has reduced the size of its land-based army by half while bulking up its missile capacity, navy and air force. Never again will China launch mass infantry attacks as during the Korean War. It has too few sons and cannot afford to expend them. It prefers the kind of war that’s conducted at a computer terminal in a bunker.

In this case, the Chinese are right. All the cajoling in the world won’t persuade the Europeans to sacrifice their depleted young manhood in land wars. America’s NATO allies will promise to spend more and recruit more soldiers, and their plans will dissolve before the ink is dry.

Japan already has an old-age dependency ratio of 50. That is, there are 50 elderly for every 100 working-age Japanese. Europe will get there by 2035, China by 2055, and the United States by 2075.

Japan has attempted to ease its way into a collective dotage by investing its savings overseas, building a net international asset position of $3.5 trillion (America has a net international position of negative $18 trillion).

China, with more planning and foresight, seeks to harness the labor of hundreds of millions of young workers in the Global South by building infrastructure and exporting its technology. The United States has no plan at all.

Spengler is channeled by David P Goldman. Follow him on X at @davidpgoldman

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Eric Zuesse’s Dispatches: Why the U.S. Regime and Its Colonies Hide the Reality from their Public

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Eric Zuesse

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Truman: probably the worst president ever, although in criminality he has robust competition.

Why the U.S. Regime and Its Colonies Hide the Reality from their Public 

The central reality ever since Harry S. Truman started the Cold War on 25 July 1945has been and is that the U.S. Government is determined to capture Russia in order to culminate and satisfy the craving that America’s billionaires (who control the U.S. Government via their ‘news’-media, think tanks, and other propaganda-agencies) have, to achieve the world’s first-ever all-encompassing and unchallengeable global empire (it’s called “U.S. hegemony”). Just months after Hitler died with that dream for Germany’s Government, Truman took up this banner for America’s Government. It’s too ugly a fact for the empire to allow the public to know. This fact explains not only the U.S. regime’s secretly protecting thousands of ‘former’ Nazis and hiring them for work against the Soviet Union (which had no similar program of hiring Nazis to work against the U.S.), but also the nearly a hundred post-WW2 coups and over 130 U.S. military invasions and occupations of countries throughout the world after WW2 — clearly the world’s most aggressive country ever, with the only possible exception having been Hitler’s Germany. But within the U.S. empire (the U.S. and its nearly 50 colonies), it is unknown because strictly prohibited to assert and even more strictly prohibited to document (think, for example, of the thousands of ‘classified’ documents from 1945 to 1955 — more than 65 years ago — that still are hidden by the U.S. Government and its satellites, and of the uncounted thousands of others that have been released only recently and so heavily expurgated as to be virtually uninterpretable). Why does the U.S. Congress not pass a law forcing the U.S. Government to publish ALL documents in its possession that are more than 30 years old? Why don’t its ‘allies’ do it? And they have the nerve to call themselves democracies! (And to call the nations they aim yet to conquer ‘autocracies’ or ‘dictatorships’!) Only fools can trust such hypocritical regimes, because these Governments lie about themselves vastly more than other Governments do — they have to do it in order to remain in power ‘democratically’ (meaning with elections).

The first fact that they hide is that though elections are a NECESSARY part of any democracy, elections throughout the U.S. empire are only for PR purposes, to fool the deceived public to think that an election is a SUFFICIENT condition in order to BE a democracy. That ridiculous lie is universal throughout the U.S. empire — despite its ludicrousness. For example: Did you know that each of the two political Parties in America, the DNC and the RNC, is a closed self-appointing private club, which has no obligation to its voters — much less to the entire public — and so it can and sometimes does ignore vote-counts in its primary ’elections’, whenever it wants to? And it consists of representatives of the mega-donors, and is funded by billionaires and their agents including lobbyists. For example, these are the reasons why Bernie Sanders, whom no billionaire donated to, actually never had a chance to win the Democratic Party’s nomination, regardless of what the voters wanted. It’s all for show, and the show must go on.

The second fact they hide is the falsehood of the belief that a multi-Party Government is necessarily more democratic than a one-Party Government is. By hiding the falsehood of that allegation, they falsely allege that they themselves ARE a “democracy” because they have multiple Parties (representing different factions within the aristocracy). The ridiculousness of that falsehood is now painfully evident in the indisputable fact that in both the U.S. itself and its main colleague the UK, the two Parties that vie for power — Democrats versus Republicans, and Labour versus Conservative — are indistinguishable from one-another on the key ideological matters:each of the four Parties is the very embodiment of neoliberalism in domestic policies and of neoconservatism in foreign policies. The liberal billionaires and the conservative billionaires are solidly both neoliberal and neoconservative. And ALL billionaires are both neoliberals and neoconservatives (which is why our Governments are). That’s a “democracy”? It is instead a voracious empire, which is ruled on behalf of its billionaires — not of the public.

A regime of "democracy" that is all form and no substance. A cunning oligarchy that relishes empty symbols devoid of real power. Like Barack Obama.

317 miles away, Kotka Finland is now America’s fallback position, 507 miles away. This is real geostrategy, not the fake stuff (such as Annie Jacobsen’s potboiler Nuclear War: A Scenario, which provides an extremely unlikely scenario for WW3’s start, which presumes there’s no imperialistic intent on the part of America’s Government — it’s just nice people making mistakes — and so, her book is, to that extent, divorced from reality — this being the reality that is hidden throughout the U.S. empire).

A personal friend, a U.S. veteran, emailed me today saying, 

Because of Ukraine funding which includes medical care for their wounded, American veterans are being denied health care.

Biden instituted a hiring freeze at VA facilities [see about that here] which has led to appointments for emergency critical care to be 6 months wait or longer which in some cases guarantees death.

I have personal experience in this area, as I am a disabled veteran and found this to be not only true but to get my VA doctor to take a phone call required me calling my member of congress and having her intercede.

When he called back he said to not even try to get care and to use my civilian insurance (which I and very few others am lucky enough to have) and go to a hospital emergency room.  

Of course, Emergency room care costs 12 to 18 times as much as a visit to a retail health clinic, eight to 12 times as much as a visit to a doctor’s office and six to seven times more than an urgent care visit. So: America’s healthcare system is by far the world’s least efficient, because the Government is incredibly corrupt, which is the way things are in any aristocracy, and America is extremely so.

It’s just not being reported to the public, though the signs of it are. For example: on 7 November 2023, Axios headlined “U.S. health outcomes worse than OECD nations on most measures”, which was actually an understatement of the facts:

The U.S. performs worse than the average developed nation on 77% of health status indicators like life expectancy, obesity and opioid mortality rate, according to an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report.

Why it matters: U.S. health spending as a share of gross domestic product yet again far outpaces the other 37 OECD nations while the country continues to have poor outcomes, the OECD Health at a Glance 2023 report shows.

By the numbers: The U.S. ranks 33 out of 38 OECD countries for average life expectancy, after recording one of the largest decreases between 2019 and 2021.

Virtually the only thing that all U.S. billionaires demand from their Government is for it to spend vastly more on ‘defense’ than all other countries do (which means to cut necessary services to the public). And, on top of that, they want it to spend more on healthcare than any other country does. They’ve invested heavily in those sorts of things, and are more concerned about their profits than they are about the country they live in.

The Democrats blame the Republicans, and the Republicans blame the Democrats — and neither blames the billionaires, who actually run both.


By Eric Zuesse

Why George Clooney, Peter Welch, and the New York Times, Are dangerous


Liberals in general, and Hollywood shitlibs in particular, cannot be taken seriously, except as dangerous obstacles to a more genuine democracy.

I opposed the invasion of Iraq by Bush in 2003 — which destroyed that country — even before it was perpetrated. George Clooney, Peter Welch, the New York Times, and other liars or fools of liars, did not.

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bombing of Libya by Obama in 2011 — which destroyed that country — even before it was perpetrated. George Clooney, Peter Welch, the New York Times, and other liars or fools of liars, did not.

I opposed the U.S. arming of Al Qaeda in Syria in order to overthrow Assad in 2012 by Obama — which destroyed that country — even before it was perpetrated. George Clooney, Peter Welch, the New York Times, and other liars or fools of liars, did not.

I opposed the U.S. coup that was perpetrated in 2014 by Obama, Clinton, and Biden, against Ukraine in order to place U.S. missiles there to blitz-nuke The Kremlin — which destroyed Ukraine — even before it was perpetrated. George Clooney, Peter Welch, the New York Times, and other liars or fools of liars, did not.

George Clooney says of our present neoconservative-in-chief, “I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend, and I believe in him. Believe in his character. Believe in his morals.” I do not, and I would never sink so low as to say such a thing as that.

Peter Welch says of our present neoconservative-in-chief, “I have great respect for President Biden. He saved our country from a tyrant. He is a man of uncommon decency. He cares deeply about our democracy. He has been one of the best presidents of our time.” (He thinks that Obama was the best.) I do not, and I would never sink so low as to say such a thing as that.

The New York Times says that we must vote for Biden because Trump is supposedly even worse: “HE IS DANGEROUS IN WORD, DEED AND ACTION: DONALD TRUMP IS UNFIT TO LEAD”. Instead, they want us to vote for the most corrupt President in all of U.S. history.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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We are NATO. And we’re comin’ to get ya

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Pepe Escobar

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We are the world. We are the people. We are NATO. And we’re comin’ to get ya – wherever you are, whether you want it or not.

Call it the latest pop iteration of the “rules-based international order” – duly christened at NATO’s 75thbirthday in D.C.

Well, the Global Majority had already been warned – but brains under techno-feudalism tend to be reduced to mush.

Stoltenberg NATO

J. Stoltenberg—careerist merchant of mass murder.

So a gentle reminder is in order. This had already been stated in the first paragraph of the Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation, issued on January 9, 2023:

“We will further mobilize the combined set of instruments at our disposal, be they political, economic, or military, (italics mine) to pursue our common objectives to the benefit of our one billion citizens.”

Correction: barely one million, part of the 0.1% plutocracy. Certainly not one billion.

Cut to the 2024 NATO Summit Declaration – obviously redacted, with stellar mediocrity, by the Americans, with the other 31 assorted vassal members duly assenting.

So here’s the main 2024 NATO “strategic” trifecta:

  1. Forceful imposition of extra military spending on all members.
  2. Massive hyping up of the “China threat”.

As for the theme song of the NATO 75 show, there are actually two. Apart from “China Threat” (closing credits), the other one (opening credits) is “Free Ukraine”. The lyrics go something like this: it looks like we are at war against Russia in Ukraine, but don’t be fooled: NATO is not a participant in the war.

Well, they are even setting up a NATO office in Kiev, but that is just to coordinate production for a Netflix war series.

Those malignant authoritarians

The outgoing epileptic slab of Norwegian wood posing as NATO Secretary-General – before the arrival of his Dutch Gouda replacement – put on quite a performance. Highlights include his fierce denunciation of “the growing alliance between Russia and its authoritarian friends in Asia”, as in “authoritarian leaders in Iran, North Korea and China”. These malignant entities “all want NATO to fail”. So there’s much work to do “with our friends in the Indo-Pacific”.

The joint declaration directly blames China for fueling Russian “aggression” in Ukraine: Beijing is described as a “decisive enabler” of the Kremlin’s “war effort”. NATO scriptwriters even directly threaten China: China “cannot enable the largest war in Europe in recent history without this negatively impacting its interests and reputation”.

To counter-act such malignity, NATO will expand its “partnerships” with “Indo-Pacific” states.

Even before the summit declaration, the Global Times was already losing their cool with these inanities: “Under the hype from the U.S. and NATO, it seems that China has become the ‘key’ to the survival of Europe, controlling the fate of the Russia-Ukraine conflict like a ‘decisive power.’”

The tawdry rhetorical fest in D.C. definitely won’t cut it in Beijing: the Hegemon just wants “to reach more deeply into Asia, trying to establish an ‘Asia-Pacific NATO’ to help achieve the U.S.’ ‘Indo-Pacific Strategy.’”

Southeast Asia, via diplomatic channels, essentially agrees: with the exception of bought and paid for misguided Filipinos, no one wants serious turbulence across Asia-Pacific like NATO has unleashed across Europe.

Zhou Bo, senior fellow at Tsinghua University’s Center for International Security and Strategy and a retired PLA officer, also dismissed the Indo-Pacific shenanigans even before the summit: we had an excellent exchange about it late last year at the Astana Forum in Kazakhstan.

Whatever happens, Exceptionalistan will remain on overdrive. NATO and Japan have agreed to establish a “highly confidential security information” line, around the clock. So count on meek Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to enhance Japan’s “pivotal role” in the building of an Asian NATO.

Everyone with a brain from Urumqi to Bangalore knows that the motto across Asia, for the Exceptionalists, is “Today Ukraine, Tomorrow Taiwan”. The absolute majority of ASEAN, and hopefully India, will not fall for it.

What is clear is that the NATO at 75 circus is absolutely clueless and impervious to what happened at the recent SCO summit in Astana. Especially when it comes to the SCO now positioned as a key node in bringing on a new, Eurasia-wide collective security arrangement.

As for Ukraine, once again Medvedev Unplugged, in inimitable style, delivered the Russian position:

“The Washington Summit Declaration of July 10 mentions ‘the irreversible path of Ukraine’ to NATO. For Russia, 2 possible ways of how this path ends are acceptable: either Ukraine disappears, or NATO does. Still better, both.”

In parallel, China is conducting military exercises in Belarus only a few days after Minsk officially became a SCO member. Translation: forget about NATO “expanding” to Asia when Beijing is already making it clear it is very much present in NATO’s alleged “backyard”.

A declaration of war against Eurasia

Michael Hudson once again has reminded everyone with a brain that the running NATO warmongering show has nothing to do with peaceful internationalism. It’s rather about “a unipolar U.S. military alliance leading toward military aggression and economic sanctions to isolate Russia and China. Or more to the point, to isolate European and other allies from its former trade and investment with Russia and China, making those allies more dependent on the United States.”

The 2024 NATO declaration actually is a renewed declaration of war, hybrid and otherwise, against Eurasia – as well as Afro-Eurasia (yes, there are promises of “partnerships” advancing everywhere from Africa to the Middle East).

The Eurasia integration process is about geoeconomic integration – including, crucially, transportation corridors connecting, among other latitudes, northern Europe with West Asia.

For the Hegemon, this is the ultimate nightmare: Eurasia integration driving Western Europe away from the U.S. and preventing that perennial wet dream, the colonization of Russia.

So only plan A would apply, with absolute ruthlessness: Washington – literally – bombed Russia-Germany integration (Nord Stream 1 and 2, and more) and turned the vassal lands of frightened, discombobulated Europeans into a potentially very dangerous place, right beside a raging Hot War.


So once again, let everyone go back to that first paragraph of the January 2023 EU-NATO joint communiqué. That’s what we’re facing today, reflected on the title of my latest book, Eurasia v. NATOstan: NATO – in theory – fully mobilized, in military, political and economic terms, to fight against any Global Majority forces that may destabilize Imperial Hegemony.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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