BRIAN BERLETIC—As Ukrainian forces continue military operations in Kursk, Russia, the actual line of contact continues to crumble as Russian forces advance. Ukrainian progress in Kursk was due to a lack of Russian troops which are now flooding the area to contain and then roll back Ukrainian troops. Russian advances along the line of contact consists of overtaking extensive Ukrainian defensive positions. The Kursk incursion will raise the cost for Russia, but ultimately will accelerate the collapse of Ukraine’s own fighting capacity. US JASSM cruise missiles are being considered for Ukraine, a critical munition required for any future operation against China and a munition that is not produced in quantities equal or larger than even Russian-made cruise missiles. JASSMs are air-launched, meaning their use will be restricted by Ukraine’s small number of military aircraft capable of launching them.
EDITOR—Garland explores the many reasons why the Democrats have become the ruling oligarchy’s “perfect party”, the party of choice, “the endless war party”, since the Dems have the most gullible and brainwashed membership in the US, with a mentality akin to an abused wife, ready to believe anything, including the tallest tale of them all in recent history, the Russiagate Hoax. The Dems’ rank and file will swallow anything as long as it hurts Donald Trump, always regarded by this expertly conditioned mass as the “greater evil”. And while many in the Republican base have at least developed a robust dislike and distrust of the “system”, “the Washington insiders”, etc, their misguided reason to follow Trump, the Dems’ continue to believe in the fantasy of a flawed but working democracy. (It should be noted, though, that the GOP establishment is completely loyal to the oligarchy that owns both parties, in reality two faces of the duopoly. This makes the GOP at present a rather unstable, fractured entity, from the ruling oligarchy’s viewpoint).
EDITOR—Martin Scorsese narrates his journey through his favourites in Italian cinema. Few people will be unmoved.
EDITORS—NATO territory has not only expanded and moved closer to the Russian border; it is actively being equipped for operations. Corridors for rapid access of NATO forces to the frontier (the so-called military Schengen) have become operational; new military bases are being built and existing ones are being upgraded; the physical presence of US and allied forces in the region is increasing; military, air and naval exercises are becoming more intensive and extensive. Washington’s announcement that it intends to deploy intermediate-range missiles in Germany in 2026 draws parallels with the so-called Euro-missile crisis of the early 1980s, which was considered the most dangerous period of the Cold War after the Cuban standoff in October 1962.
EDITORS—International affairs and security analyst Mark Sleboda joins the show to break down Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive, including what Putin is preparing for Ukraine as the NATO-backed invasion crosses a red line that cannot be taken back. This stream will cover all the most important stories in geopolitics today with a heavy emphasis on the Russia-Ukraine conflict that has just accelerated its dangerous path to WWIII.