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Israelis Follow Their Hebrew Bible! ‘God Ordered, Take Their Land Which I Give Thee and Kill Everyone’ 

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Jay Janson
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Genesis 15:18
"On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates."

Deuteronomy 2:16 2:17
"You must not let any living thing survive among the cities of these people the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. 2:17 You must completely destroy them the Hethite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite as the Lord your God has commanded you."

Joshua 6:21
"And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword."

Samuel 1 15:3
"Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass." (Christian Standard Bible)

'Rabbi Dov Lior, a national- religious leader and the chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba and Hebron, published a letter on Monday saying that Jewish law permits destroying the entire Gaza Strip' [Jerusalem Post, July 23, 2014]

A rabbi whose yeshivah is being funded by the government shamelessly calling for the murder of an entire population. Wiping them all out. This happened. And nothing is being done to stop him or silence him or even defund this guy yet to this historian's knowledge. "Controversy Over Sephardi Chief Rabbi's Comments on Gaza" (Israeli Hebrew newspaper Haaretz, March 15, 2024).

Israeli pilots know that they kill children when dropping massive amount bombs on city centers, the bombardment these pilots carry out resulting in the death of exponentially monstrously more civilians, including children, than died in the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack. Western media outlets portray the pilots as heroes who did not intend to kill non-combatants, but they have bombed homes, residential buildings, mosques, schools, universities, bakeries, shops, hospitals, U.N. facilities et al. As of October 13, 2024, the U.N. has reported over 41,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli airstrikes since October 7, 2023

Have the pilots been made to feel that God is on their side in any and all circumstance? during the 2014 bombing that took 2,200 lives? during Operation Cast Lead (2008–2009) when approximately 1,400 Palestinians were killed, including a large number of civilians, while Israel lost 13 soldiers? during Operation Pillar of Defense (2012) when over 160 Palestinians were killed, while only six Israelis died? during Operation Guardian of the Walls (2021) wherein over 250 Palestinians were killed, including women and children, and 13 people in Israel died? during the long merciless Israeli invasion 1982 war in Lebanon in which from 10,000 to 20,000 were killed and which led to the abominable bloody massacre at Sabra and Shatila?[statistics provided by AI ChatbotGTP]

All to seize the land [that supposedly] 'God gave their ancestors' more than seventeen centuries ago.

Albert Einstein letter to Jewish philosopher Eric Gutkind dated January 1954

"For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people" I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them."

Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the New York Times on December 4, 1948, co-signed by several prominent intellectuals and Jewish figures. The letter specifically referred to the Deir Yassin massacre (April 1948), in which over 100 Palestinian civilians were killed by the Irgun and other forces, calling it an example of the group’s brutality. It also warned against Menachem Begin's politics of expansionism and aggression. The letter represented a moral appeal against the rise of extremist nationalist movements within Zionism (but Menachem Begin came to be Israel's sixth prime minister).

In spite of Einstein's efforts, the Palestinians Arabs, while still suffering British military occupation as a colony since the end of the First World War, became expelled and/or re-colonized after the Second World War by another group of armed Europeans through a genocidal civil war planned and provoked by Anglo-American machinations.

The State of Israel from its creation has been in bed with a US war-investing business elite that once heavily invested in Hitler, was itself anti-Semitic in outlook, coldly indifferent and even complicit during the Holocaust its investments had made possible.

The billions of US dollars spent on munitions and weapons of mass destruction to kill Palestinians who keep on attacking fighting for rectification of the heartless injustice done them, could have been used to begin to compensate Arabs made destitute refugees by the criminal seizure of their lands, homes and properties.

But then where would faith in the Bible be? And U.S. support for Israel's military with the latest high tech bombs and war planes? And Israeli support of the many U.S./NATO regime-change wars in the oil rich nations of the Middle East? And the billions in profits for the investors in U.S. and European giant weapons manufacturing corporations like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, and BAE Systems (UK), Airbus Defense and Space (EU), Leonardo (Italy), Thales Group (France) and Rheinmetall AG (Germany), whose CEOs are most probably well educated and knowledgeable about the Bible.

Post Script


As journalists in the West sought to portray the war on Gaza as complex and nuanced rather than the genocide it was accused of approaching by a U.N. court, a flood of social media posts from Israeli soldiers suggested they regarded it as anything but.

"Journalists Are War Criminals! It is not just leaders, it is not just soldiers, it is journalists; journalists are war criminals. ...the reality that is constructed around us is constructed by liars."

Apparently, for a considerable amount of Israeli soldiers war against defenceless Palestinian civilians can be great fun, and worth sharing with society at large.

An Al Jazeera feature length investigation exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year-long conflict.

Israeli troops laugh as they blow up a mosque in Gaza. For the most part, soldiers posted material in their own names on publicly accessible platforms and often gave details of when and where the incidents depicted took place.

Al Jazeera began collecting these videos and photos, compiling a database of more than 2,500 social media accounts.

A soldier told a man being tortured: “Nothing prevents us from killing you. We could just kill you all. That’s normal. No one will deter us, and no one will call us to account.”

The behaviour displayed in the photos and videos ranges from crass jokes and soldiers rifling through women’s underwear drawers to what appears to be the murder of unarmed civilians.

It reveals a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to demolitions of neighbourhoods and murder featuring wildly joyous grins and laughing while watching terrifyingly huge fiery explosions.

Could it possibly be Bible based 'Schadenfreude'?         (Schadenfreude is a German word that means to take pleasure in someone else's misfortune. It is a combination of the German words Schaden, which means "harm" or "damage," and Freude, which means "joy".)



"The Oppressed Will Rise!"                                             
Eventual Rebellion of Those Who Have Been Subjugated

       Back in 1956, Moshe Dayan, Israeli military leader and politician, commander of the Jerusalem front in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War spoke thusly at a funeral.

"Let us not cast the blame on the murderers today. Why should we deplore their burning hatred for us? For eight years they have been sitting in the refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we have been transforming the lands and villages, where they and their fathers dwelt, into our estate" a sea of hatred and desire for revenge is swelling"

OCTOBER 7, 2023!
As Reported in Hegemonic Western Media

On Oct. 7, the militant Palestinian organisation Hamas based in Gaza led a brutal invasion of Israel. Israel accuses Hamas of killing 1,200 people, mainly civilians, however the major Hebrew newspapers have carried Israeli military admissions that firing from Israeli Apache Helicopters and tanks accounted for some of the Israeli civilian deaths. Hamas, which is also the democratically elected government of the Israeli open air prison of Gaza, claims most Israeli casualties were military.

By October 17, ten days later, the Israeli armed forces had bombed to death more than 5,000 Palestinians in Gaza, mostly women and children, at times dropping 2,000 pound bombs on apartment buildings, and had cut off all water, food and fuel to Gaza.

On that same 17th day of October 2023, Dr. Norman Finkelstein gave a talk at the University of Massachusetts labeled, "The Struggle for Justice in Palestine: Past, Present, and Future."

"Palestinians have been trapped in a concentration camp for twenty years" as "the international community had abandoned them, and whatever tactic they attempted, including nonviolent resistance, had no impact on freeing them from that concentration camp." [Dr. Norman Finkelstein]

China to International Court of Justice:

"Palestine has ‘inalienable right’ to armed resistance.  "Palestinian ‘use of force to resist oppression is an inalienable right’ and cannot be equated with terrorism."

UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese, tweeted on X, April 8, 2023

"Israel can't claim it has a right to defend itself from the people it oppresses and whose land it colonizes,"

Right away, on October 9, Israel's defence minister announced a "complete siege" of Gaza, describing the Palestinian fighters who attacked Israel over the weekend as "human animals." "We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza," Gallant said. "There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything will be closed." [Oct. 9, 2023 HuffPost]

Once Reported - Thereafter Made to be Forgotten

'Erase Gaza': War Unleashes Incendiary Rhetoric in Israel


Nov 15, 2023 - "Erase Gaza. Don't leave a single person there," Yair Golan an Israeli politician and senior military officer, said in an interview with Channel 14 on Oct. 15. New York Times Nov. 15, 2023

An Israeli rabbi urged the killing of women and children in the Gaza Strip and said he considered it a response to the teachings of halakha, or Jewish law.

It came from Eliyahu Mali in a video that was widely circulated Thursday on social media.

Mali heads the Shirat Moshe religious school in Jaffa in central Israel, where students serve in the army.

He claimed that those described as "vandals" in today's war are “the children of the previous war whom we kept alive, and in reality, it is the women who produce terrorists.”

“Whoever comes to kill you with this concept does not only include the young man aged 16, 18, 20, or 30 who is now pointing a weapon at you, but also the future generation (the children of Gaza), and those who produce the future generation (women of Gaza), because there is really no difference,” he said.

Since October 7, 2023

A Reconstructed 'Reality' in Gaza, Reconstructed by Western Media' Wars Enabling Journalists

Portraying the Annihilation in Gaza as 'Acceptable,' 'Excusable,' and/or a 'Reasonable and 'Proportionate' 'Necessary' Defensive Reaction,' and Not Seen as Genocide.

(",,wars can be started by lies, - then kept going by lies!") —Julius Assange

Hamas "beheading 40 babies"

- headlines and the front pages of countless western news outlets. U.S. President Biden claimed to have seen "confirmed photos of terrorists beheading babies," and that "Israeli women were raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies"

This is journalism that projects thinking the wholesale destruction of Gaza to eliminate Hamas is morally justified.


Babies beheaded lie-anglo papers

As usual, the vilest headlines came from the Anglo-American press.

Hamas is pictured as bloodthirsty savages.

'Hamas beheaded 40 babies, baked another in an oven, carried out mass, systematic rapes, and cut a foetus from its mother's womb.'

An Israeli first responder to the October 7 terror attack has claimed that Hamas terrorists roasted a baby in an oven in shocking video testimony. Asher Moskowitz, of the United Hatzalah first responder group, published a video of himself speaking to a camera, delivering his witness account.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken describing in graphic detail - an incredible Hamas attack on an Israeli family watched and heard by this writer on C-Span, but now blacked out of the Internet.

"The father's eye gouged out in front of his kids. The mother's breast cut off, the girl's foot amputated, the boy's fingers cut off before they were executed.Then their executioners sat down and had a meal."

Efforts by the United Nations to investigate these claims being obstructed by Israel have gone unreported.

NEWS Le Monde April 3, 2024: "On October 10, official Israeli accounts relayed a sordid but unfounded allegation. Six months later, it continues to circulate, fuelling accusations of Israeli disinformation."

Western Media Journalists Avoid Mention of IDF Videos Showing Israeli soldiers Laughing as Universities, Mosques, Hospitals, and Apartment Buildings Are Blown Up

As hegemonic news media makes sure this macabre inhuman slaughter in Gaza goes on and on, we can recall what hero publisher of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, cried out during the barbaric U.S.—UK led war on Iraq.  Assange suggested we ask ourselves:

"Of the complicit media, (which is the majority of the mainstream press), what is the average death child count that could be attributed to each journalist?"

"When we understand that wars come about and are continued as a result of lies peddled to the British public and the American public and the publics all over Europe and other countries then who are the war criminals?"

"Journalists Are War Criminals!"

"It is not just leaders, it is not just soldiers, it is journalists; journalists are war criminals. ...the reality that is constructed around us is constructed by liars."

Julian Assange spoke succinctly about those media journalists who read us selected, bent and twisted one-sided news to disinform, blind or subtly trick the public to support, accept or ignore ongoing atrocity wars even when massive amount of lives are being taken.

Julian Assange has brought to our attention the pleasant-looking evening news anchor who captivates TV audiences with alternating joviality and gravitas, asking whether they should be seen as insidiously evil as they generate support for horrific suffering, death, maiming and destruction.

Media Falsified 'Search for Peace in the Holy Land

For seventy-five years, the powerful media of the 'Colonial Powers renamed 'Free World' and finally 'the International Community of Nations' have kept up a murderously deceitful pretence of trying to bring peace to Palestine and the oil rich Middle East. A quick glance at the provisions of the 1946 proposed UN partition that were fully expected and obviously intended to incite violence and create deadly conflict, permanent hostilities, destabilisation and facilitate Western imperialist penetration, exposes this pretending to search for a peace which that financial element that rules the United States and Wall St. has never wanted.

75 years of pro-Israel journalism for the same U.S. war investing business elite that once heavily invested in Hitler, was itself anti-Semitic in outlook, coldly indifferent and even complicit during the Holocaust its investments had made possible.

Since October 7, Israel has blocked, food, water, electricity and fuel from entering Gaza, with the unholy desired effect of the present famine with children now dying of malnutrition. This has been rarely mentioned in pro-Israel journalism.

Commercial newscast time is almost entirely devoted to the hostages, with almost never a word regarding the thousands of Palestinians, many children, the hostages were taken to exchange.

Journalists of the U.S.-Led Hegemonic West Are Responsible For Prolonging the Genocide of Their Fellow Human Beings - almost Half of Them Children! -by delaying the world from putting an end to Israel's American provisioned and supported slaughter of Palestinians through air strikes and famine.

How many more children will soon die because Journalists working for the giant entertainment/news corporation conglomerates of the U.S.A.-led hegemonic colonialist West have for twelve months been underreporting this inhumane blockade of life-sustaining aid, focusing its audiences attention instead on Israeli propaganda of mostly lies of horrendous atrocities during the Palestinian freedom fighters guerrilla attack on October 7, 2023, which Western journalists never fail to label a terrorist attack by Hamas repeating 'which the U.S. and other nations have cited as a terrorist organisation.'

This article is dedicated to the indescribably inhuman horror of death and destruction being brought down upon Palestinians, especially on thousands of their children.

For one whole year Israel has rained death. maiming and terror down upon a more than 2.2 million of God's children in Gaza. As of early October 2024, the ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in the deaths of around 17,000 Palestinian children since October 2023, according to reports from local authorities and humanitarian organisations, with UNICEF warning of the unimaginable horrors faced by Gaza’s children during the relentless Israeli attacks. Many of these children are not only victims of the violence but also suffer from severe psychological trauma, physical injuries, and the loss of parents.

Today's seemingly ubiquitous accessory to wars CIA overseen hegemonic international media must and will eventually be taken down by a growing alternate media and new media from powerful greatly populated countries like China, India and other prospering nations of the awakening South. Today's twisted realities and their mass murderous history will soon be apparent even to Americans, who, along with the victims of its wars, will benefit from the truth.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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“Wartime Cafe” EP12: Hadi Kobaysi “What after Iran’s retaliation? Regional or World War?”

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Laith Marouf

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Investigating war crimes in Gaza I Al Jazeera Investigations

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Al Jazeera Investigative Unit

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As an information organ funded by Qatar, a Gulf kingdom with equivocal postures regarding US imperialism and Israel, and still seen by many as an ally of Washington, Al Jazeera's journalists have had a hard road to follow, often being forced to pull their punches. Still, despite its flaws, Al Jazeera (like the banned RT America), is superior to Western mass media as a news source, and easily far more reliable when reporting on the Israeli genocide of Palestinians and its brutal war on other members of the Axis of Resistance. That's why Al Jazeera has been frequently the target of brutal attacks by the Empire and its tentacles, especially Israel, in various theatres—from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.—the subject of outright murders, bombings, harassment, defamation, and other outrages never perpetrated on the docile Western media poodles.

Oct 3, 2024 #aljazeeraenglish #lebanon #israel

Al Jazeera English
Oct 3, 2024 #aljazeeraenglish #lebanon #israel

This feature length investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year long conflict. The I-Unit has built up a database of thousands of videos, photos and social media posts.

Where possible it has identified the posters and those who appear. The material reveals a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighbourhoods and murder. The film also tells the story of the war through the eyes of Palestinian journalists, human rights workers and ordinary residents of the Gaza Strip. And it exposes the complicity of Western governments – in particular the use of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus as a base for British surveillance flights over Gaza. “The west cannot hide, they cannot claim ignorance. Nobody can say they didn’t know,” says Palestinian writer, Susan Abulhawa.

This is “the first livestream genocide in history … If people are ignorant they are wilfully ignorant,” she says.

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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RECAPITULATING: So the Russian incursion in Ukraine was unprovoked, eh?

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Don Hank Substack

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Ukronazi sadism

So the Russian incursion in Ukraine was unprovoked, eh?
Editor's Note: The brave Russell Bentley died under rather murky circumstances, apparently on the battefront, on 8 April 2024. Cruelly ironic, he may have been killed by Russian servicemen who mistook him for an American spy.  For obvious reasons, the official Wikipedia page on him cannot be trusted, so caution must be exercised in reading the details about his bio and death. Perhaps some day, hopefully in the near future, we will know what really happened. Bentley's death is no doubt a loss for the cause of anti-imperalism. 

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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