PAUL EDWARDS—What he can and must be blamed for is his long, disgraceful, and devious career as a phony, smarmy, glad-handing flack for Big Money as the Senator from MBNA, his vulgarly cynical two-faced record on race relations, his Chickenhawk cheerleading for every military crime and folly, his rah-rahing for our fubar debacles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and finally, now, in his dotage, funding and embracing mass murder by Nazi Israel in Gaza and a grossly evil proxy war in Ukraine that bids fair to trigger World War III.
ALEKS—Much of what we will discuss in this article will deal with the number of Russian casualties, as alluded to in the introduction. Russia suffered a horrendous number of dead soldiers within the first few weeks of the conflict, maybe up to 10,000. That’s the price of big arrows on modern battlefields with full intelligence/information/reconnaissance/artillery/drone coverage of the battlefields.
However, (up to) 10,000 dead is still a price that would have been worth paying to achieve the goals in Ukraine without going into a full-scale war. Had there been an agreement in Istanbul that would have terminated the conflict, ensured the rights of Russians in Ukraine, and kept Ukraine out of NATO and NATO out of Ukraine, one could remotely argue that “it was worth it.”
We all know what happened instead. As with all agreements that are not guaranteed with a gun on the West’s head, the West will ignore or scrap it at will. As happened with the Istanbul agreement.
ROBERT JENSEN—Given how little we know about the etiology (the cause or set of causes) of gender dysphoria, there’s not much we can say about what transgenderism actually is in definitive terms. But whatever one believes transgenderism is, it can’t be both a routine part of healthy human diversity and a condition requiring medical treatment. If one isn’t ill in some way, why would one need such treatment? Simply saying there are lots of different types of trans people doesn’t get us any closer to understanding what the terms mean.
ERIC ZUESSE—In order for this switch to happen, the megadonors will first need to offer to the Biden family sufficient inducements in order to persuade them to persuade Joseph Biden to withdraw. If Biden won’t do that, then the individuals upon whose generosity he has been relying for legal protection and for a luxurious and honored post-Presidency, and for their support to the Biden family, will instead abandon them, as defective goods, for their ultimate disloyalty to them.
PAUL EDWARDS—Nothing can save this nation because it has ceased to be a nation. A nation is a political entity that represents and defends the interests of a people. America, in contrast, is dirty Capitalism embodied. It is an enormous machine whose only purpose is to grind out profit for its owners, the vacuous billionaire coven.
It has no ideal, no ethic or principle, and so, no animating spirit at its core. If it ever had, beyond lust for money and the power to get it, that spirit has burned out in the bonfire of those vaunted, never implemented, virtues that were its best-selling points.