ROBERT HUNZIKER—Bavarians will implement a sweeping set of conservation measures, including: (1) Setting aside 13% of state land in special ecological zones, inclusive of ecosystem infrastructure of hedgerows, meadows, and wetlands (2) Organic agriculture must be practiced in 1/3rd of Bavarian farmland as well as cutting out fertilizers on all state-owned farms to reduce nitrogen pollution (3) Protection of wetlands, waterways, and threatened insect populations by eliminating insecticides as much as possible.
US Policy: Mass Murder of Migratory Birds Not Our Problem
28 minutes readWILLIAM BOARDMAN—One of the ways American fascism works these days is to ignore the rule of law while putting on a great fake show of legal probity. The example here is the Trump administration’s secret reversal of migratory bird protection law, later imposed on the nation by its own authoritarian fiat, making law without the participation of Congress or any other government agency. The administration’s procedure effectively reduces due process of law to the arbitrary ruling of one person. This seems patently unconstitutional on its face, since the Constitution (Article II, section 3) requires that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”
Wake up, spread the word, we’re all needed, including YOU! (Print and use this as a leaflet!)
6 minutes readERIC SCHECHTER—The fact that we are ruled by the rich wouldn’t be so bad if they were actually unified, like in conspiracy theories such as the Illuminati. At least then the handful of people at the top would say to each other, “we few who secretly own this world should take steps to preserve it, so that we and our children can continue to live in luxury on our ill-gotten gains.” No such luck. They are not unified. Each one of them would gladly stab another in the back and steal his stuff if given the opportunity. Each one of them is saying to himself, “I just want to make a quick buck; I’ll leave it to someone else to clean up the mess.” And so the mess keeps getting worse. In particular, the oil companies (like the tobacco companies) knowingly lied for decades about the ill effects of their product.
World traveling cyclist encounters precious gift
1 minutes readDean, a young scot, is biking around the world. He sudenly comes across a stray kitten who easily captures his heart. The rest is history.
Ocean degradation accelerated by global warming
8 minutes readHENRY ALLAN—Another effect of oxygen deficiency includes impairing animals’ ability to see and hear, impeding their ability to find food and escape from predators.One of the causes of oxygen depletion is the use of fertilizers that end up in the rivers like the Mississippi. The river carries these nutrients into the Gulf of Mexico where they fuel the growth of algae which, in turn, deplete the level of oxygen in the waters. This creates regions known as “dead zones” in which marine plants and animals cannot live, let alone reproduce.