In Memory of Ella, the deer

She will live on in our hearts.
Killed without provocation, by a debased human being. 
—The Editors


A Facebook page has been dedicated to her memory.

OpEds: Oh What Fun It is to Kill Our Fellow Creatures

By Dick Meister

No comment. Let your inner decency tell you what this is all about.

No comment. Let your inner decency tell you what this is all about.

In the matter of gun control, our main concern is rightly for the human victims of mass shootings. But what of the other defenseless animals that die at the hands of humans?

Of course it’s tragic that so many young people and others have been slain by wielders of military-style assault weapons. And it’s certain that such weapons should be limited to military uses and recreational target shooting.


“When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man, we call him a vandal. When he destroys one of the works of God, we call him a sportsman.” – Joseph Wood Krutch


But what of the hunting rifles that are cited as legitimate simply because they are not rapid-fire weapons, the guns that are used by hunters to kill so many of our fellow beings in the name of sport?

This is not to argue that tighter controls should – or should not – be put on guns used in hunting. But we should recognize the more than 12 million U.S. “sportsmen” who wield the guns for what they really are.

However much they attempt to romanticize what they do, it amounts to this: They are people who find great fun – many claim even deep meaning – in hunting down and killing fellow creatures of the winged and four-legged variety. They are animal killers. They are not sportsmen.

They find it amusing to stalk and kill other animals. For some, it’s even more than amusing. They find hunting to be downright spiritual, if not orgasmic.

Consider Tom Stienstra of the San Francisco Chronicle, one of the country’s leading outdoors writers. He’s written that to hunt is to experience “the raw essence of life and death … to strip away the layers of civilization.”

Stienstra described his thrill in stalking two bucks. He crept along under cover of one large rock and then another until “finally I was ready … My breath quickened. I put a cartridge in the chamber of my .300 Winchester Magnum, took a few easy breaths to calm a pounding heart, then rose above the rock, using it to steady my aim …”

Stienstra, alas, wasn’t able to experience death. For even though he presumably had been freed of civilized restraints, he never got a shot at the animals. By the time he rose to try to catch them unawares, they had vanished. The unarmed beasts had outsmarted one of their human stalkers.
State and federal agencies that deal with hunting generally side with animal killers such as Stienstra, although what’s needed are government efforts to better protect the animals and their habitats.

What we’ve been getting instead are government efforts that expose animals to even greater danger. For one of the agencies’ primary goals has been to overcome public sentiment against hunting that’s come with urbanization, environmental awareness and the growth of the animal rights and anti-gun movements.

But aren’t hunters and their government allies major supporters of attempts by environmentalists to preserve open space? Sure, but they take that position, not for the animals’ sake, but because open space is where the hunters’ prey lives. Without open space, they’d have nothing to shoot at, nothing to kill.

Once, a long, long time ago, we had to hunt and kill in order to survive. But this is the 21st century, is it not?

Dick Meister is a San Francisco-based columnist who has covered labor and politics for more than a half-century as a reporter, editor, author and commentator. Contact him through his website,

The Anti-Vegetarian Agenda Sways Progressives

Paleo Follies

If you’re consuming what you’re growing in the back yard by the fence, you might also be fielding potshots from friends who, at the mention of the V word, react with “Plants have feelings and they choose not to be killed,” “It’s all right for you, but I was just diagnosed with ____ and I have to eat meat,” “Do you know how many nematodes die for your crops?” etc.

Objectors to vegan living have a perennial supporter in the Weston A. Price Foundation, a group promoting animal fats as essential to perfect health. The group seeks universal access to raw cows’ milk, and butter and full-fat milk for babies and school kids.

A former Price Foundation director, the late Stephen Byrnes, wrote The Myths of Vegetarianism—a manifesto attacking vegetarian living as inconsistent with the habits of our Paleolithic ancestors; associating vegan-organic growing with agrochemical use and low cholesterol with suicide; and calling Benjamin Spock’s encouragement to vegetarian youngsters “genocidal misinformation.”the-vegetarian-myth-cvr

In a newer book, this one titled The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability, author Lierre Keith appropriates vital concepts—justice and sustainability—to praise animal agribusiness some more. The Vegetarian Myth associates vegetarians with bulimia, rickets, rage and low test scores, and asserts that animal fats promote longevity. Vegetable cultivation itself brings disease, writes Keith, whereas “no one speaks of ‘the diseases of hunter-gatherers’ because they are largely disease-free.”

The concept of an average healthy caveman (or is it caveperson?) is the Paleo muse. Most Paleo-dieters avoid peas, peanuts and beans; but they do eat a lot of meat, often cooked in animal fats. Most stay away from junk food, processed grains and dairy products, because those weren’t around in the stone age. But Lierre Keith, like the Weston A. Price Foundation, endorses dairy products.

One of Keith’s house guests, we learn, was given eggs, and “stammered in awe” at the offering. Keith explains, “She’d never had eggs from chickens who happily lounged and hunted and lounged some more in woods and pastures, nor cream from heirloom cows who spent contented lives with their heads in the grass.” Keith’s tome gets a “thumbs up” from the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm appears in The Vegetarian Myth as a sound alternative to feed crops, and Salatin as “one of the High Priests of sustainable farming.” Yet Polyface does rely on grain, and likely requires more calories in feed than it produces in food, according tomathematician Adam Merberg.

Lierre Keith claims to suffer from multiple, long-term, degenerative illnesses caused by eating as a vegan for long periods, and reports feeling alive again after returning to flesh foods. Any pangs of conscience? Not very strong ones. “I have looked my food in the eye,” writes Keith. “I have raised some of it myself, loved it when it was small and defenseless. I have learned to kill.”

Keith derides vegans because some of them want to put up fences to protect prey from predators. But moral disdain for carnivorous animals is a common human error—not arising among vegans only.

Keith suggests that eating free-range chickens, grass-fed cows and sheep will bring wolves back. It won’t. Free-range farmers kill predator animals with a vengeance. Keith decries domination, yet promotes beef cattle and dairy cows—animals who would not exist apart from domination. “If we want a sustainable world, we have to be willing to examine the power relations behind the foundational myth of our culture,” writes Keith. But … exactly. How Keith’s book got endorsed by Alice Walker, who famously compared the use of animals to sexism, is anyone’s guess. Pacifica Radio’s San Francisco Bay Area radio station, KPFA, has also promoted the book, saying it’s been called “the most important ecological book of this generation.” (By whom?) Endgame author Derrick Jensen’s cover endorsement for The Vegetarian Mythstates: “This book saved my life.”

And here is another funny thing.

Lee Hall is Legal VP for Friends of Animals, a candidate for Vermont Law School’s LL.M. in environmental law (2014); and the author of On Their Own Terms: Bringing Animal Rights Philosophy Down to Earth (2010). Lee presented work at the nexus of intersex and animal-rights activism at the University of North Carolina Asheville Spring 2013 Queering Spaces – Queering Borders Conference.

Doe made famous for living in cemetery shot dead

Who was this poor animal bothering to be murdered so vilely?
The grotesque inadequacy of government at all levels—from municipal to federal— and the incompetency of the big animal groups in regards to animals is once again demonstrated in plain sight. 

Ella and canine companion. When will these atrocities stop?

Ella and her canine companion. Both orphans already living on the edge of human dominion, but that was not enough. When will these atrocities stop?

Posted: Aug 05, 2013 9:31 PM EDTUpdated: Aug 06, 2013

By Laura McCallister, Multimedia Producer – email
By DeAnn Smith, Digital Content Manager – email
By Justin Schmidt, Multimedia Journalist – bio | email

14 News, WFIE, Evansville, Henderson, Owensboro

A doe who got national attention after she made friends with a stray dog and the two hung out in a cemetery has been shot and killed. (Photo courtesy: Bruce Mathews)A doe who got national attention after she made friends with a stray dog and the two hung out in a cemetery has been shot and killed. (Photo courtesy: Bruce Mathews)

[pullquote] People—especially animal defenders—should understand that the distractions and disorders that pervade our lives and government at this stage of human evolution, issue directly from the misrule of a plutocratic ruling class. It is this clique that debases the media, corrupts government, triggers massive economic crises, drains funds from essential services (i.e., ecoanimal protection), dampens and defunds education, and otherwise causes average humans to live and develop their minds at levels barely above barbarism. [/pullquote]

Ella the deer had been living in Kansas City's Elmwood Cemetery for some time and had become almost a tourist attraction for the area. (Photo courtesy: Stephanie Turbiville)Ella the deer had been living in Kansas City’s Elmwood Cemetery for some time and had become almost a tourist attraction for the area. (Photo courtesy: Stephanie Turbiville)

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -A doe that got national attention after she made friends with a stray dog and the two hung out in a cemetery has been shot and killed.

  • Doe made famous for living in cemetery shot dead

    Security staff at the cemetery found her Sunday evening just feet from the cemetery’s chapel. She survived an attack earlier this year. Cemetery officials said they are heartbroken at the cruel and senseless crime.

“She had been shot once through the right shoulder. You can’t try to make sense out of it,” said Bruce Mathews, a cemetery board of trustees member. “Someone with a hard heart and a confused mind. I’m being kind when I say that. She meant something different to everybody who came down here. … The rational mind can’t make sense of anything like this. Who would do it?”

Ella had been living in Kansas City’s Elmwood Cemetery for more than two years and had become almost a tourist attraction for the area.

“She has been a presence here ever since,” Mathews said. “I like to say that she was a wild animal, not a pet. But she was family.”

She was very docile and cemetery officials said they didn’t think she’d survive in the wild.

“I think she stayed because she was born here. It was the only home she ever knew. She loved people but didn’t like the cars or the mowers. She was something very special to the cemetery,” Mathews said.

Ella was born Memorial Day 2011. Cemetery officials don’t know exactly how her mother got into the cemetery.

When Ella was 3 months old, her mother was struck and killed by a vehicle on Truman Road, leaving the young doe an orphan. She stayed around the cemetery and seldom left, even following mourners or those tending graves or attending weddings at the chapel. She loved the chapel area.

“Whenever we had a wedding or funeral at Armour chapel, she would come and stand in the doorway and watch the whole proceedings,” said Mathews, who had championed Ella’s cause and took numerous pictures of her. “If there was a funeral, she would blend in and become part of the proceedings. That was part of her charm.”

Some had asked why she wasn’t taken to a wildlife preserve.

“We were told early on by the department of conservation not to try to catch her. For good or bad, this was her home,” Mathews explained.

And soon her final resting place. Mathews knows her spirit will linger.

“We will miss her, but we hope people remember the joy she brought to their lives,” Mathews said. “She brought life to this place of the dead. She was born here. This is the only home she ever knew. She’ll be here.”

Police have few leads, and Mathews doesn’t know if the killer will ever be caught.

“In the grand scheme of things, this is nothing like a grieving mother,” he said. “We have too many in this part of town that have lost a child from a senseless act of violence.”

A group of people who said they cherish the deer after spending some time with her have already put together aFacebook group in hopes of raising some money for a memorial for her at Elmwood Cemetery. Many are voicing their outrage over the shooting on the page.

More than 36,000 people are buried at Elmwood Cemetery. Wayside Waifs will cremate Ella, and her ashes will be scattered near her favorite places at the cemetery.

“It is no stretch to say that she brought joy and life to this 43-acre oasis in the “heart” of Kansas City. We have all been blessed in our own unique ways,” Mathews said.

The stray dog that began hanging out with the deer at the cemetery last year was taken to the Wayside Waifs animal shelter when people got worried how she would cope with the upcoming winter. The dog was named Moxie and is now living with a family.

If you have any information that could help capture Ella’s killer, call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS. The cemetery has received offers of up to $1,500 in rewards, but hasn’t established anything yet.

The board will meet later this week to consider how best to remember Ella.

Tell us your thoughts at KCTV5’s Facebook page. Click here.

Copyright 2013 KCTV (Meredith Corp.) All rights reserved.

Guest Editorials: The Buddha’s last lesson was for humane work

Prefatory Note:
test-tube-burger-2.pngThe reports that test-tube burgers are finally a reality, and that in the near future humans may at last, after many thousands of years, begin replacing the meat from cows and other conveniently designated “food animals” with meat produced without animal suffering, is colossal good news for animal defenders everywhere. Of the many atrocities we visit on animals, factory farming is without a doubt the most harrowing form of animal enslavement, but, of equal importance, it is also a lethal ecological activity of global dimensions. I wish there were hyperbole in this, but there isn’t. Just Google factory farming and the environment and hundreds if not thousands of pages will turn up.

Thus, in good faith, no one with any degree of awareness about today’s troubled world can claim innocence about this connection.  Indeed, any person who gives a damn about the environment, who is serious about the way our species and its institutionalized business tentacles are destroying the only planet we have, regardless of how deeply s/he cares for animals, should stop eating them, strictly on account of this dreadful effect. In  fact, no true environmentalist can munch on animal foods without falling into a huge contradiction. The guest editorial we reproduce below was penned by the publisher and editor of ANIMAL PEOPLE, Kim Bartlett and Merritt Clifton, in 2003, but the thoughts, sentiments, and information remain fresh and germane to the new development that now captures our attention. —Patrice Greanville


[Originally published SEPTEMBER 2003]

The ANIMAL PEOPLE editorial team will be traveling in China when most readers receive this edition. We will meet with many of the people who are building pro-animal institutions in the world’s most populous nation, will visit the Animals Asia Foundation sanctuary for rescued bile farm bears in Chengu, and will then join delegates from throughout Asia at the Asia for Animals conference in Hong Kong.

Hosted by the Hong Kong SPCA, Asia for Animals is to focus on dogs and cats­­but dogs and cats are eaten in many parts of Asia, while the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome epidemic of 2002-2003 established the relationship of live markets selling dogs, cats, and wildlife as meat with the spread of human disease.

Any discussion of humane work inevitably circles back around to the first and biggest of all humane issues, and perhaps of all ethical issues: killing animals for meat.

“History’s first ideological and philosophical argument may have been the conflict between vegetarianism and carnivorism, depicted in the rivalry between Cain and Abel,” wrote Richard Schwartz in Judaism & Vegetarianism(1988).

The vegetarian Cain eventually murdered Abel, the herdsman favored by God. Scribes and scholars have struggled over interpretations of the allegorical story ever since, while affirming the importance of the ethical issues it raises by including versions in Jewish scripture, the Christian “Old Testament,” and the Quran.

Moses appears to have retained leadership of the Hebrews by bringing forth a set of Ten Commandments which omitted explicit mention of animals in declaring “Thou shall not kill,” while introducing as part of “Mosaic Law” a set of rules for humane slaughter and the care of work animals.

In effect, Moses may have introduced the compromise accepted by most humane institutions ever since. He may have agreed that animals could be eaten if they were raised and killed “humanely” because this was the most he could convince others to accept.

The Brahmins, who were perhaps also refugees from Egypt, in comparably ancient times appear to have introduced abstention from meat to India as a central tenet of upper-caste Hinduism. When Brahmin teachings were corrupted by the continued practice of animal sacrifice among tribal peoples they conquered, Mahavir and Sidhartha Gautama Buddha founded Jainism and Buddhism as vegetarian Hindu reform movements.

Reconciliation of Buddhism with meat-eating came long after the Buddha’s own time and far from his homeland, where followers remembered more vividly that he was killed when someone slipped a morsel of pork into his begging bowl.

The symbolism of that incident is relevant today to animal advocates of every religion, or none.

The point the Buddha made by his death, however accidental, is that if an animal advocate accepts eating meat in any form, that ethical compromise can ultimately poison the cause. If animals may be killed for meat, for example, it is difficult to argue that it is unethical to kill animals in experiments which might benefit millions of people and some animals too. If animals may be killed for meat, certainly it is not more harmful or disrespectful of their lives to use them for entertainment, or to wear their hides and pelts.

If any of this may be done with animals of one species, why not with animals of other species? Why not with humans?

Troubled by such questions, but reluctant to risk alienating donors, the secular humane societies of recent times have mostly compromised, like Moses, sacrificing moral clarity to institutional pragmatism.

Formed in 1824, the London SPCA in 1832 foreshadowed the direction of the cause for nearly 200 years by ousting Jewish financial saviour Lewis Gompertz because he urged that SPCA functions be vegetarian. Then, having attracted the broader support that the meat-eaters feared Gompertz would alienate, the organization in 1840 became the Royal SPCA by in effect giving up opposition to vivisection to win a royal charter.

That created openings for the rise of the next generation of British animal advocacy groups, including the National Canine Defence League, now a world leader in promoting dog-and-cat welfare but originally an anti-vivisection society.

Causes grow by developing institutional influence; becoming corrupted, at least in the vision of the most determined reformers; splitting, and eventually revitalizing themselves.

Critical to understand, in either building or revitalizing a cause, is that a reformer succeeds to the extent that the reformer is able to make the public feel uncomfortable enough about abuse and injustice to seek the creation, improvement, or replacement of institutions.

A reformer is thereby an instrument of social instability. Institutions, however, even when built by reformers, do not actually exist to solve the problems that motivate reformers. Rather, institutions exist to alleviate the discomfort that afflicts society as result of the work of reformers. The central purpose of any institution is to restore and maintain social stability.

This may be achieved by solving the problems that motivate reformers, but may also be achieved by providing the public with a means of assuaging their consciences through pretending that something is being done about the problems, whether that is true or not.

Reformers are by nature radical; institutions are conservative. Radicals serve ideal visions; institutions serve reality.

Thus, in the name of reality, the American Humane Association and American SPCA during the 1890s gave up opposition to sport hunting (and later, to use of shelter animals in research) to gain, respectively, the franchise to operate orphanages for New York state and the New York City animal control contract. These economically stabilizing deals lasted until 1950 and 1994.

The late Cleveland Amory cofounded the Humane Society of the U.S. in 1954 in hopes of forcing the AHA and ASPCA to retract their endorsement of the use of shelter animals in research, as they eventually did. Amory meanwhile started the Fund for Animals in 1968 to oblige both organizations and HSUS to stand up against sport hunting.

Amory won that struggle, too, and along the way came to a critical realization. Decades before Amory died in 1998, he understood that even though he himself never succeeded in becoming a vegetarian, and even though the Fund has little direct involvement in dietary issues, Fund policy and Fund events had to eschew meat-eating, as the first and strongest defense against loss of moral leadership. Amory endorsed the adoption of vegetarianism as a central goal of the animal rights movement and agreed with ANIMAL PEOPLE that humane societies should not serve meat at public functions, as a gesture toward integrity, even if every member eats meat at every meal at home.

Less meat can succeed

Humane society directors and board members who fear losing donor support if they quit serving meat at public events might note the fundraising success of the San Francisco SPCA, raising $11.5 million per year, and Best Friends, which raised $15.7 million last year. The SF/SPCA has officially practiced and promoted vegetarianism for approximately ten years; Best Friends has been stalwartly vegetarian from inception.

The Richmond SPCA, of Richmond, Virginia, has not been nearly that brave, but did quietly de-emphasize meat during a recent three-year series of weekly luncheons that raised $14.2 million to build a new shelter and bankroll an effort to make Richmond the first no-kill city in the U.S. South.

The fundraising achievement is especially noteworthy because Richmond is a third the size of San Francisco and much less affluent. Unlike the SF/SPCA and Best Friends, the Richmond SPCA is not nationally prominent, and does not have a support base extending beyond just a few miles up the Shenandoah Valley. Neither is Richmond noted for warmly receiving change. The last time anyone led a revolution in Richmond may have been during the 1863-1865 struggle remembered locally as the War Between the States.

Fought in a futile effort to preserve slavery, that war remains fresh in memory in the Shenandoah Valley. The American SPCA, Massachusetts SPCA, Pennsylvania SPCA, and Women’s Humane Society of Philadephia were all begun soon afterward by Abolitionists who extended their concerns to animals, but the first “humane society” in Richmond may have been the insane asylum for depressed and destitute ex-slaveowners depicted by Ross Lockridge Jr. in his 1948 novel Raintree County. The character played by Elizabeth Taylor in the 1957 filmRaintree County briefly inhabited the asylum, but she cannot quite be claimed as a fictional Richmond SPCA alumnus because the present humane society was formed a generation later, in 1891, albeit with overlapping community support.

Knowing that local controversies may smolder for generations, and already under bitter attack from traditionalists for moving toward no-kill sheltering, Richmond SPCA executive director Robin Starr did nothing to draw attention to her de-emphasis of meat.

She also compromised considerably. “We served no red meat,” Starr told ANIMAL PEOPLE. “Most of the meals were fish. Some were vegetarian, and a few were chicken.” As ANIMAL PEOPLE has often pointed out, the universe of suffering is greatly expanded instead of reduced, if in lieu of eating one pig or cow, people eat more than 100 chickens or fish. In ecological terms, raising the chickens or catching the fish is far more harmful. Yet meat-eaters tend to perceive giving up red meat as a first step toward giving up meat entirely, and vegetarian converts often go through a phase of eating fish or chicken instead of red meat before becoming vegetarians in earnest.

Wholly meatless meals could still become controversial in Richmond, and Starr is anxious about the possibility. Her experiment with de-emphasizing meat, however, was a resounding success. Week after week, instead of asking anyone to make a donation on the spot, Starr gave her guests donation envelopes to take home. The SF/SPCA is noted for raising 25% more money per city resident than the U.S. norm­­but the donation envelopes returned to the Richmond SPCA 33% more per city resident than even the SF/SPCA brings in.

Though concerned in day-to-day work almost exclusively with dogs and cats, the Richmond SPCA embraces as its mission “leading the way for the South in a new standard for compassionate treatment of animals,” meaning all animals. In Richmond the example as regards eating animals remains inconsistent, but Starr recognizes the imperative implicit in the no-kill philosophy that no sentient being should be treated as a mere commodity.

The influential No Kill Conference series of 1995-2001 featured meatless meals from the start, and so has the Conference on Homeless Animal Management & Policy (CHAMP), succeeding it. Though some of the organizers and sponsors are vegetarians, some are not; but even among those who are not, there seems to be unanimous agreement that killing animals should not be part of advancing the idea of compassion for animals.

This is a significant turnabout from the agrarian attitude that once prevailed in humane work. Fifty years ago the hottest topics in animal advocacy were the introduction in Congress of the first edition of the bill that in 1959 became the Humane Slaughter Act, and the formation of two San Francisco SPCA subsidiaries to promote regionally and nationally the use of decompression chambers to kill homeless dogs and cats.

Under the direction of Richard Avanzino, 1976-1998, the SF/SPCA led a successful national drive to abolish animal killing by decompression, and in 1994 San Francisco became the first U.S. no-kill city, but in the 1950s the attitudes of major humane organizations toward farm animals and companion animals appear to have differed mainly as regards the disposal of remains. Farm animals were to be eaten, while longtime Massachusetts SPCA education officer William Allen Swallow postulated in The Quality of Mercy, a 1963 “history of the humane movement in the United States,” that the future of the cause would be running pet cemeteries.

There were contrary voices, including E.B. White, who published the anti-meat children’s classic Charlotte’s Webin 1952; Elizabeth Lewyt, who with friends cofounded the no-kill North Shore Animal League in 1954; Walt Disney, whose 1955 animated feature Lady & The Tramp exposed the plight of homeless dogs and cats more vividly and realistically than any previous screen treatment; and Alice Harrington, who founded Friends of Animals in 1957 to operate the first low-cost pet sterilization program in the U.S.

All, however, were so far outside the mainstream that Swallow mentioned none of them, even though in retrospect they were perhaps the most presciently influential animal advocates of their era.

Kim Bartlett, president and publisher of ANIMAL PEOPLE (AP), has spent all her adult life working for animal liberation, advancing the cause via publications, tireless personal on-site activism (cat and dog and other animal rescue), and the incubation of new animal defense organizations around the globe.

AP’s editor Merritt Clifton is one of America’s leading environmental and animal issues journalists. A reporter, editor, columnist, and foreign correspondent since 1968, specializing in animal and habitat-related coverage since 1978, Clifton was a founding member of the Society of Environmental Journalists, and is a four-time winner of national awards for investigative reporting.