John Sanbonmatsu: The Drone Invasion

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 By John Sanbonmatsu Writer, Philosopher, and Magician
Updated Feb 04, 2016

If Jeff Bezos, the billionaire CEO of Amazon (and now also owner of the Washington Post, the second most important newspaper in the US) has his way, thousands of drones could soon be hurtling through the airspace above our heads, delivering millions of packages to Amazon’s customers. Instead of having to wait the eternity of a day to receive their orders, consumers could get them in 30 minutes, or less.

Talk about catering to our worst instincts.


The proposed drones are the latest in a swarm of socially destructive new artifacts, from robots and nanotechnology to genetically engineered organisms, being unleashed on the world with virtually no public accountability. A new technological elite is remaking the world in its own image.

bird-flock_raven_flying__with_alpha_layer__by_netzephyr-d5u242dLast week, lobbyists for Amazon, Google, and other high-tech behemoths scrabbled through the Congress, trying to shape a bill that would reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration to regulate the use of drones in the US. Such is the vast power of the feudal states we call corporations that they will probably succeed.

Critics have pointed out that having thousands of drones buzzing around, particularly in the vicinity of our airports, is a recipe for disaster. Privacy advocates have meanwhile raised the alarming specter of a total surveillance society. Imagine the NSA harnessing the power of drones equipped with high-definition cameras and sophisticated communications equipment, monitoring us in our own backyards, or even our homes.


But the potential for government spying is hardly the worst thing about Amazon’s plan. Rather, it is the damage it would inflict on the natural world, and on our tenuous and fraying connection to it.

There is hardly a square inch of terrestrial space not already subject to some form of private technological control. Nature has been honeycombed with human technics of domination and surveillance. On land, mechanized animal agriculture alone covers one-third of the surface of the earth, annihilating biodiversity, destabilizing the climate, and imprisoning billions of animals in misery. At sea, fisheries fleets scour the oceanic depths using sonar, GPS, and other sophisticated devices, in an unending war of extermination.

Now, the air itself is to be colonized, parceled up, and subjected to the administrative control of private wealth.

Is it really that hard to envision the disastrous result of birds colliding with drones and their sharp-edged rotors?

Is it really that hard to envision the disastrous result of birds colliding with drones and their sharp-edged rotors? And what about the future of citizens’ privacy? And what for? 

But the air is not mere empty space. It is a living medium inhabited by countless billions of beings. And it is the latter who stand to lose the most from a drone invasion.

For 60 million years, birds enjoyed total freedom of the skies. Today, birds have to contend with glass windows, aircraft, wind turbines, shotguns, and other lethal human threats. Companies like Amazon would now also force them to compete for airspace with thousands, perhaps millions, of robotic machines.

Biologists are unsure what the impact of so many drones would be. But the available evidence suggests that they would frighten, confuse, or anger many animals, introducing yet another source of stress and physical hazard into lives already circumscribed and threatened by human encroachment.

But it isn’t just the other species who would suffer under the drones. Our own would, too.

“Their brave new world is already closing in upon us. It is a world of genetically mutilated animals, robots minding our abandoned elderly, drones hovering continuously on the margins of our lives…”

For countless generations, the open sky has been the horizon of human myth and imagination, of our dreams of transcendence and divinity. We too are animals who dwell under the vault of the heavens, who make meaning and take solace in that expanse.

What then would it mean for us to gaze upwards and to see, interposed between us and the clouds, an endless, airborne stream of cheap commodities?

The spiritual loss we would suffer, though less tangible perhaps than the loss of our privacy rights, would be more profound. That a single CEO might now have the power to strip us of this sacred space is frightening, a sign of how thoroughly we have ceded control of our lives to an unscrupulous techno-economic elite.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap] century ago, the sociologist Max Weber warned that bureaucracy and the quest for technical efficiency were replacing the more qualitative aspects of our experiences and relations. Anonymous systems of administration were robbing us of genuine connection and community. Nature had been “disenchanted,” stripped of its magic and mystery.
This “iron cage” of technological rationality, as Weber called it, has become our reality. We feel ruled by bureaucracies and powerful agencies over which we have little control. Corporations anticipate and manipulate our behavior and desires. Robots replace workers, and no longer just on the assembly line. The wealthy effectively elect our representatives for us, deploying lobbyists and consultants to hollow-out what remains of our democratic institutions.
The artifactual world is meanwhile fast crowding out any contact we still have with the surface of the natural one. We feel more comfortable conversing with Siri than with strangers at the gym. Young children know what Skype and Candy Crush are, but few can name any of the trees, flowering plants, or nocturnal animals living in their own neighborhoods.
The trouble is, once an artifact has been unleashed, there is no sending it back into the void it sprang from, no matter how destructive it later proves to be. As philosopher Langdon Winner observes, technological “choices tend to become strongly fixed in material equipment, economic investment, and social habit.” Decisions about new technologies are thus “similar to legislative acts or political foundings that establish a framework for public order that will endure over many generations.”


Bezos: what me worry? “Progress is unstoppable, mate”. (Source:

Technological elites like Jeff Bezos, futurist entrepreneur Ray Kurzweil, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, among others, are thus shaping not only our lives, but the lives of our children and of their children, too. They have arrogated to themselves the right, so they believe, to act as our unelected “legislators,” issuing the laws that will determine the iron cages of the future.

Their brave new world is already closing in upon us. It is a world of genetically mutilated animals, robots minding our abandoned elderly, drones hovering continuously on the margins of our lives. It is a world in which power and wealth flow with terrific efficiency to the top, while toxic waste and material and spiritual devastation get sloughed off onto the poorer, vulnerable masses below. That too is by design.

There is still time for the citizenry to stop Amazon’s mad scheme—if Americans can put down their electronic gadgets long enough to notice how ill-advised and dangerous it is. But stopping the drones alone won’t interrupt our longer-term trajectory. So long as the technological system remains in the hands of a tiny economic elite, slavishly serving their interests, we are certain to lose more and more control over our democracy, our technics, and our lives. It may already be too late.

About the author
 john_sanbonmatsu-a:rJohn Sanbonmatsu teaches political philosophy and ethics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. Sanbonmatsu's writing has appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, the New York Times, and Tikkun magazine, among other places. He is the author of the book, "The Postmodern Prince: Critical Theory, Left Strategy, and the Making of a New Political Subject."

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Inhumane Society: Animal Advocacy’s Capitalist Apostle


By John Sanbonmatsu Writer, Philosopher, and Magician

       “A lie travels halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes…”

That saying has been on my mind lately, as I’ve watched Wayne Pacelle barnstorm the nation promoting his new book, The Humane Economy:  How Innovators and Enlightened Consumers are Transforming the Future of Animals.


Pacelle in one of his many public appearances.

On talk show after talk show, Pacelle, the CEO of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), has been telling American consumers a lie they seem eager to hear, which is that they can have their meat and their consciences too. In truth, they can’t. But that hasn’t kept Pacelle from spreading the myth of “humane” meat—and with it, the myth of “compassionate” capitalism, too.



Back in 2011, Pacelle got together with his friend John Mackey, the libertarian, union-busting owner of Whole Foods, to create the Global Animal Partnership (GAP), a truly Orwellian effort that brought one of the world’s largest retailers of meat under the same roof as the world’s largest animal welfare organization.  Pacelle invited Mackey and Missouri hog producer Joe Maxwell, a killer of some 50,000 pigs a year, to sit on the Humane Society executive board, appointing Maxwell—a man who has said he believes God gave us other animals to dominate—Director for Rural Development and Outreach at HSUS. (Maxwell was later made political director of The Humane Society Legislative Fund, the powerful lobbying arm of the Humane Society.)


Pacelle can be very effective on media: flawlessly poised, cogent, photogenic (some think he's reincarnating 1950's star Victor Mature) he's welcome on many talk shows, and has been for a long time, even before he assumed the helm at HSUS. All the more reason that his message should be carefully scrutinized and criticized when necessary.  Below, Pacelle with Ellen de Generes, in 2012, promoting his book The Bond.


Several prominent animal advocates at the time, including filmmaker James LaVeck and Karen Davis of United Poultry Concerns, publicly accused Pacelle of betraying the animal cause. As it turned out, they were right. The Humane Society’s alliance with Whole Foods was merely the opening gambit in Pacelle’s longer-term strategy to broker an accommodation between the animal movement and the animal industry.

Click here to read's entry for J. Mackey
John Mackey is a member of HSUS's Board of Directors. He is well-known as the founder and president of Whole Foods Markets. Mackey and HSUS president Wayne Pacelle also sit on the board of the Global Animal Project, a Whole Foods-funded animal-welfare rating scheme run by former HSUS vice president Miyun Park.


The Humane Economy is the capstone of this strategy, a book designed to make its reader feel good about the state of the world, and about his or her place in it as a consumer of animals. In chapter after chapter, Pacelle suggests that things are getting better all the time for the animals we exploit and kill. There are new techniques to reduce the use of animals in scientific research, new laws outlawing battery cages for hens, new, non-lethal wildlife “management” methods, new ecotourism companies helping protect endangered species, even new forms of computer animation to obviate the “need” for live animals in Hollywood films.

Pacelle has it backwards.  Capitalism doesn’t promote animals’ interests: it undermines and destroys them.  It was capitalism that created intensive animal confinement in the first place, and it is capitalism today driving the expansion of animal slaughter and the genetic engineering of animals.

According to Pacelle, what’s propelling us toward the animal utopia at warp speeds is the Invisible Hand of the free market.  It’s “the capitalist revolution” and its “powerful forces of innovation,” Pacelle writes, that “drives the humane economy, producing profits…alongside a range of other social benefits.” The most surprising thing about The Humane Economy, it turns outis that it might have been written by Ayn Rand in a sentimental mood.

But Pacelle has it backwards.  Capitalism doesn’t promote animals’ interests: it undermines and destroys them.  It was capitalism that created intensive animal confinement in the first place, and it is capitalism today driving the expansion of animal slaughter and the genetic engineering of animals. We can also thank capitalism for having destabilized the planet’s climate and wiped out half of all animals on the earth in the last forty years.

Pacelle, however, is cheerfully immune to the facts.  Like a capitalist Candide who can see only the good in everyone—or at least, in anybody with money—Pacelle credits the “visionary entrepreneurs” of the billionaire class with funding the reforms sweeping aside the old, ossified order of animal commerce.  A one percenter himself (at a salary of over $350,000 per year), Pacelle seems most to admire other wealthy elites, singling out for praise in his book such people as Henry Ford, billionaire Mackey of Whole Foods (author of the book, Conscious Capitalism), and even Carl Icahn.


Gordon Gecko, the marauding financial anti-hero in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street, was partially based on Carl Icahn’s own exploits. “Greed is Good” was his marching motto.

Readers may remember “the legendary Icahn,” as Pacelle calls him, as the capitalist raider who took over Trans World Airlines (TWA) back in the 1980s, so that he could strip the carrier of its assets and drive it into bankruptcy.  Icahn made nearly a billion dollars from the deal, while tens of thousands of TWA employees lost their livelihoods. Today, Pacelle admires Icahn for his ability to command “fear and respect” from other powerful CEOs.

In the book’s most revealing passage, Pacelle gets Icahn to dial up Don Thompson, the CEO of McDonald’s, to see if together they can’t get Thompson’s company to do something about the unspeakably cruel conditions in which its suppliers now house its millions of pigs. (“The three of us jumped on the line,” Pacelle remarks carelessly, showing us plainer folk how the really important people do things.)

This is Pacelle’s big moment, his apotheosis as an entrepreneurial talent.  Gone are his days in obscurity as a lonely activist, waging courageous but losing battles outside the limelight.  Now, Pacelle is sitting eyeball to eyeball with a ruthless capitalist raider and the head of a $100 billion company, deciding the fates of millions of animals’ lives.

Eventually, Pacelle wins his deal.  McDonald’s agrees to phase out gestation crates—over a ten-year period that will leave hundreds of millions of pigs suffering in agony in the meantime.  In exchange, HSUS issues press releases praising McDonald’s as a “compassionate” company and rewarding it with the HSUS equivalent of the Good Housekeeping seal of approval.

Thus the Faustian bargain Pacelle strikes with company after company, a veritable fire sale of fake conscience, sold in batches for pennies on the dollar. Go ahead, Pacelle tells industry, keep exploiting, killing animals, forever.  Not only won’t we in the animal advocacy movement criticize you, we’ll cheer you from the sidelines and even help you create new markets for your products.  Only, in return, you must make some reforms.  We won’t object to your slitting the throats of millions of gentle calves or lambs; we only ask that you grant them more living space during their short, unhappy lives. Don’t worry about losing money. Whatever costs you incur you’ll more than make up in new sales and profits, once we’ve branded yours a “humane” company too.

In fact, though, there is nothing humane about imprisoning and killing tens of billions of conscious beings, year after year.  As groups like Free from Harm and Humane Myth point out, violence attends every phase of animal agriculture, including its organic variants, from castrating baby pigs or branding cattle with red-hot irons (a practice common on larger organic ranches), to suffocating or grinding unwanted male chicks alive, to herding terrified animals into slaughterhouses to be brutally dispatched.

Such ugly facts have conveniently been left out of The Humane Economy, presumably to spare the reader any moral discomfort.  Pacelle wants to reassure his reader, not to challenge her. No need to become a vegetarian, he says—just reduce your meat intake and buy “humane-certified” animal products.  By helping expand the market for “ethical” meat, you’ll reduce meat consumption overall.

But just as one can’t cure a nation of alcoholics by offering them finer bourbon or artisanal Scotch, Whole Foods isn’t going to wean a nation of meat-eaters off animal flesh by offering them an ever greater variety of boutique animal products, whether grassfed bison or “artisanal” pork.  Despite a decade of explosive sales growth in the market for “sustainable” and “compassionate” animal products, in fact, some 99% of all meat consumed in the US today still comes from factory farms.

Meanwhile, the killing goes on. Contra the misleading impression left the reader by The Humane Economy, the number of animals dying violently at our hands worldwide—150 billion per year—is increasing, not decreasing. Americans today consume nearly four times as much meat than they did in the 1950s; a similar period of explosive growth is now under way in China, the world’s most populous nation.  And guess who’s hard at work persuading the Chinese middle class to eat more beef? The McDonald’s corporation.

So much, then, for Pacelle’s strategy of accommodation.  Pity the animals, to have such an advocate to defend them.


About the author
john_sanbonmatsu-a:rJohn Sanbonmatsu teaches political philosophy and ethics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. Sanbonmatsu's writing has appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, the New York Times, and Tikkun magazine, among other places. He is the author of the book, "The Postmodern Prince: Critical Theory, Left Strategy, and the Making of a New Political Subject."

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Glimmers of hope…Operation Kitten Rescue

KittenRescue1[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s social and ecoanimal activists, or, put more broadly, people who are quite aware of the sordid selfishness and criminality that so many humans are capable of (a feature that in our species frequently translates into systemic, entrenched evil), it is always wonderful to see that in spite of so much pain and corruption there’s always someone who performs an act of kindness toward someone weak and innocent, the best possible manifestation of this extraordinary virtue. When that happens, our batteries are suddenly restored.

Here’s just one example. It made my day and I hope it will make yours. —PG

For more examples of this, see 18 Times Humans Did Heroic Things For Animals. Fortunately, YouTube is rich in this type of content. 


Peter Singer interviewed on BBC’s Hard Talk: discusses human and animal life, stresses equality of interests

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Email the Pope concerning bullfighting

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[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he world is literally choking with terrible issues clamoring for decisive leadership, but unfortunately those who decide, those at the apex of political power in the world’s greatest nations,  are merely shills for those who are causing the wounds. In the developed “West”, which is finally beginning to spin out of control due to the sheer weight of the crimes, rampant inequality, and corruption prevailing in its elites, the battle is still very much one of propagandas. We know of course that the status quo has on its ledger the near overwhelming power of the mainstream media, a machinery that will tell any lie, or suppress any truth, no matter how important, when it suits the agenda of its plutocratic masters. Our side, the side seeking justice and truth, has few resources in this contest, even though social media and online publications such as this have begun to alter the equation.

Pope Francis. (Source :

pope John Paul II

John Paul II

In this dangerous period for the planet it is indispensable that saner, decent and generous voices be heard, instead of the cabal of confusionists, crooks and warmongers parading in the cloak of great statesmanship and peacemaking.

The current Pope began his pontificate with enormous promise, and many saw in him (including this writer) a man who might have the vision and courage to at least denounce the great crimes of our age, that is, US global policies, and Western imperialism itself. This fantastic notion has now collapsed, as the Pope has clearly chosen to play the usual role of Pontiffs, a mere symbolic role without any teeth in his apostolate. (This was already seen during his visit to the United States, when he addressed Congress, to standing ovation, while forfeiting an excellent opportunity to tell that assembly what it badly needs to hear: that US power is the world’s chief malignancy, and that its policies are exactly the opposite of what its media and politicians would like us to believe. Pope Francis should have used that occasion to tell the American lawmakers —and American people—that the world is not being fooled, and that their crimes are being duly witnessed and recorded. Impolitic? Of course. Hugely impolitic. But also desperately necessary. (Berating top politicians and systems is not without precedent as far as the Vatican is concerned, except that the Vatican like all global powers, prefers to berate and insult small powers, the weak, instead of the strong. Pope John Paul II, a Polish reactionary through and through, a friend of Ronald Reagan’s sordid anti-communist interventions, had no compunction being rude to Nicaragua’s Sandinistas, who had the temerity to defy the empire and hold high the banner of Liberation Theology.)

By not choosing that course, the Papacy has once again—as far as the crimes of the West are concerned—collapsed into political irrelevancy. Since Francis is apparently not about to tackle the major issues that would require a confrontation with the global transnationals and their minions, no matter how savage the wars of plunder and environmental devastation can get, let him at least do something for the animals in what we might call the system’s periphery, the area of politics where no real class power is touched or redistributed. So here’s just one issue that the planet does not need to see any longer. Let him raise his voice and instruct his armies to do battle with this cultural evil of bullfighting, long rooted in the misplaced chauvinism of a recalcitrant Hispanic culture and unchallenged dominionism, which the Church itself, opportunistic as always, has supported for far too long. By any standard of decency, it’s about time.—PG


(Featured image credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals)

May I appeal to you to join me in urging the Catholic Church to oppose bullfights?

This campaign began with requests for tweets and Facebook posts. In continuation I am asking for emails to the Pope at, using the following message (copy and paste) or your own words:

Pope Francis, show your concern for creation by condemning bullfights and directing that your Bishops officially proclaim your condemnation.

Fr. Federico Lombardi is the Director of the Vatican Press Office, and the best person to contact to the reach the Pope by email.

Bullfights involve a ritual of prolonged, agonizing torture of bulls for entertainment. Many thousands of bulls are brutally abused in this way each year. The Catholic Church needs to speak out against bullfights partly because of the Church’s ability to exert influence in Catholic countries like Spain where bullfights take place (and originated) and partly because the Church is complicit in this cruelty. Bullfights are promoted, enacted and watched by Catholics; and bullfights and other forms of despicable animal abuse are staged to celebrate fiestas dedicated to Catholic saints. Far from condemning them, many priests are often actively involved in such celebrations.

Your emails will help greatly to strengthen our campaign. Please take the time to send one.

Many thanks,

Virginia Bell
Catholic Action for Animals

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