Russia’s Real War on Terrorism v. US Pretense  

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=by= Stephen Lendman

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a meeting in Ankara, Turkey, Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013. On Monday, Erdogan has announced a package of proposals aimed at democratic reform that include lifting some restrictions on the use of the Kurdish language, as well as a further step to liberalize the wearing of Islamic headscarves. The reforms announced Monday were anticipated as key to the Kurdish peace process and for Erdogan's political prospects as he faces local, general and presidential elections in the next two years. (AP Photo)

Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a meeting in Ankara, Turkey. One of Washington’s key partners in utter global criminality.

America is the problem, Russia the solution in the war on terrorism, Putin going all-out to defeat the scourge Obama supports – complicit with rogue NATO partners, Israel and Middle East despots.
No squaring the circle between US and Russian policy is possible because of Washington’s ruthless imperial agenda – wanting dominion over planet earth, willing to risk destroying it to achieve its aims, madness by any standard.
Bipartisan US policymakers support endless wars of aggression, raping one country after another, stealing their resources, exploiting their people, creating societies unfit to live in, eliminating nonbelievers.
Humanity’s survival was never more up for grabs in world history than today. Lunatics in Washington may kill us all. Russia continues going all-out to save us, waging a committed war on terrorism in Syria. Perhaps Iraq is next.
Defeating its scourge requires confronting it wherever it exists – no-holds-barred as permitted under international law, vital to uphold in stark contrast to criminal US policy.
Russia may be our only chance to survive America’s war on humanity. Vladimir Putin, Sergey Lavrov and other officials deserve universal support.
Defeating ISIS and other terrorist groups requires cutting off their funding lifeline. Russia is preparing a draft Security Council resolution stipulating stricter enforcement of SC Res. 2199 – adopted unanimously in February to combat terrorism “by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law, (including) threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.”
It stressed shutting down all sources of revenue for terrorists, including from illicit oil and drug sales, stolen artifacts, ransoms from kidnappings, other activities, and by freezing assets.
Russia’s new draft resolution stresses stricter enforcement than current lax policies – because of US support for terrorism complicit with rogue partners, Putin blasting Turkey for  refining and selling stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil for ISIS.
“Bipartisan US policymakers support endless wars of aggression, raping one country after another, stealing their resources, exploiting their people, creating societies unfit to live in, eliminating nonbelievers [in market fundamentalism]…”
Washington permits it, aiding its terrorist foot soldiers. Its rhetorical support for combating terrorism is a complete hoax, a monstrous deception, concealing its ruthless agenda, waging endless wars on humanity, using ISIS and other takfiri terrorists as imperial foot soldiers.
“We are not happy with the way Resolution 2199, which was our initiative, is controlled and implemented,” Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin stressed.
“We want to toughen the whole procedure. We are already discussing the text with some colleagues, and I must say that so far there is not a lot of contention being expressed.”


Pres. Putin and his FM, S. Lavrov. Two men the world should support. Standing up for principles humanity can honor—and survive.

Implementation alone matters, Washington the main obstacle, saying one thing, doing another virtually always on major geopolitical issues, especially anything related to world peace and stability.
Russia’s new resolution proposes imposing sanctions on any nations involved in illicit oil and other financial transactions engaged in by ISIS and other terrorist groups.
Maj. Gen. Paul E Vallely: Witness for the prosecution of Erdogan and Washington's crimes. As a decent man, and truthteller, he remains the exception in his profession.

Maj. Gen. Paul E Vallely: Witness for the prosecution of Erdogan and Washington’s crimes. He saw Ankara’s [oil] black market firsthand, which means it is well known to US authorities and certainly US intelligence. The big US media keeps mum, of course.

Retired US Army Major General Paul Vallely calls Turkey’s Erdogan a “negative force” for involvement in refining and selling stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil illicitly on the black market.
Vallely said he witnessed Ankara’s thriving black market firsthand – on the Turkish/Syrian border, Erdogan’s claim otherwise a bald-faced lie. Clear, indisputable evidence indicts him and his despotic regime.
According to Vallely, “(h)e has been supporting ISIS since I was over there several years ago. I’ve met some of the black-marketeers along the Syrian border there in Hatay province (Turkey)…(T)hey’re alive and well.”
“Erdogan is a (major) problem, He really is, and if I was ambassador Churkin, not only would I propose something in the Security Council for cutting off the finances, but also doing some kind of action against (him).”
“He is a very, very negative force in that area,” representing pure evil allied with Washington and its other rogue partners, a major threat to world peace and security.
Russia’s chance for Security Council cooperation is virtually nil – whatever resolutions may be passed. Washington is the key problem, not the solution.
Defeating terrorism requires checkmating its imperial ambitions, no simple task for any single or combination of nations – vital to achieve to have any hope for world peace, stability and security.

  lendmanStephenStephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  Visit his blog site at



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America and Turkey: Rogue Imperial Partners

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=by= Stephen Lendman

Erdogan celebrating recent victory.

Erdogan celebrating recent victory. As vile an international figure as one can find. His US-supplied air force bombs the Kurdish rebels but protects ISIL.

Turkey is one of many US imperial partners against world peace, stability and security – both nations waging endless wars of aggression, profiteering from grand theft.

Moscow documented Turkey’s involvement in refining and selling stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil – President Erdogan, his son, one or more other family members, and complicit regime officials profiting directly. 

Putin blasted his lawless enterprise, along with supporting terrorists and committing an act of war by downing a Russian aircraft.  Washington (along with Erdogan—see below) rejects what’s clear for the whole world to see, Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren calling Ankara a “great partner.”


Declared Pres. Putin after the Russian jet was shot down by the Turks: “ISIS has big money, hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, from selling oil. In addition they are protected by the military of an entire nation [i.e., Turkey]. One can understand why they are acting so boldly and blatantly. Why they kill people in such atrocious ways. Why they commit terrorist acts across the world, including in the heart of Europe…”

Warren’s job is lying for his bosses, right up the chain of command to the top, including the joint chiefs of staff, defense secretary, vice president and president – all guilty of high crimes against peace, using ISIS and other Takfiris as imperial foot soldiers, waging naked aggression against one country after another, Turkey caught red-handed profiteering from stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil.

Warren compounded his Big Lie by claiming Ankara partners with America’s nonexistent war on terrorism, “supporting (the phantom moderate) Syrian opposition.”

Turkey backs ISIS like Washington, waging naked aggression on Iraqi and Syrian Kurds – on the phony pretext of combating terrorism.

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter admitted in testimony before Congress that most Turkish “air operations are not directed at ISIL.” None are, Carter stopped short of explaining!

State Department spokesman Mark Toner also ignored clear evidence of Turkish oil smuggling operations, war profiteering he refused to admit. Ankara uses what Russia calls a “living (oil) pipeline” from Syria and Iraq into Turkey unobstructed, along with supplying ISIS and other terrorists with weapons and munitions, as well as providing them safe haven on Turkish territory.

Erdogan’s rogue regime is an enemy of peace, his latest action more evidence of reckless policy – complicit with Washington, doing nothing geopolitically without its OK. 

He imposed a de facto maritime blockade on Russian vessels, passing through the Bosphorus Strait in either direction, preventing free, unobstructed transit.  The waterway is a continental boundary between Europe and Asia, connecting the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara, via the Dardanelles, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

Russian vessels are massed on both sides of the strait in the Mediterranean and Black Sea – Turkish authorities deliberately blocking them for lengthy hours. 

Erdogan’s rogue regime is an enemy of peace, his latest action more evidence of reckless policy – complicit with Washington, doing nothing geopolitically without its OK…He imposed a de facto maritime blockade on Russian vessels, passing through the Bosphorus Strait in either direction, preventing free, unobstructed transit.

What’s happening is in clear violation of maritime standards. Blockade in times of peace between nations constitutes an act of war, a thumb in the eye to Putin, testing his patience, complicit with Washington.

Sputnik News reported dozens of Russian ships moving in both directions held up near the Bosphorus Strait for hours – “a clear violation of international law,” it stressed.

The 1936 Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits gives Turkey control over the Bosphorus waterway and Dardanelles, regulating naval transit.

It guarantees free, unobstructed passage of civilian vessels in peacetime, restricting it for warships not belonging to Black Sea states (Russia very much one of them).

Ankara may legally block passage of foreign warships during wartime, when its security is threatened. It can stop non-military vessels from transiting through the Bosphorus belonging to countries at war with Turkey – clearly not the case with Russia.

Neither country declared war on the other, despite Erdogan’s flagrant act of aggression, downing a Russian Su-24 bomber in Syrian airspace. He’s recklessly playing with fire. If a blockade of Russian vessels continues, anything ahead is possible – Putin discreetly acting to prevent a bad situation from getting worse.

Erdogan is an international outlaw, a dangerous loose cannon, supporting ISIS and other Takfiri terrorists, complicit with Washington against Russia.


The European and Asian parts of Istanbul separated by the Bosphorus Strait and wedged between the Sea of Marmara to the south and the Black Sea to the North.

The European and Asian parts of Istanbul separated by the Bosphorus Strait and wedged between the Sea of Marmara to the south and the Black Sea to the North.

Expect Putin to respond  appropriately, politically and economically, not militarily – waging righteous war on terrorism, not aggressive attacks on other nations the way Washington and rogue partners operate.

 Stephen-LendmanStephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." Visit his blog site at 


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Texac Chronicle No. 10: So What’s for Lunch?

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[box type=”bio”] The Chief Chef at The Greanville Post has offered Texac a position as Senior Associate Chef at La Hollandaise restaurant.[][/box]

NOTE – I was in Dallas the day JFK was murdered, 52 years ago today. I was only 3 1/2 years old, but I remember it. I was always interested in knowing what really happened, and some years later, in my early 30s, I researched the assassination quite extensively. Some of the best information I found was presented in a book and a film by Mark Lane called Rush to Judgement. He interviewed eyewitnesses who were in Dealy Plaza that day. There was a witness, a veteran of WW II, who said with certainty that he heard shots and saw smoke from the “Grassy Knoll” that day. After the Warren Commission cover-up was published, Lane again interviewed his witness, who then said, “Well, I thought I knew what I saw and heard, but after reading the government’s report, I guess I was wrong”. This article is addressed to that witness, and all those like him in the West today…

I have often been asked by my friends and comrades here in Donbass what kind of people live in the USA, asked whether they know or care about what goes on in the world around them. I say there are good people in the US, who care about others and who are smart enough to understand the interconnectedness we all share, that we are all in this together, and that what goes around, comes around. And that is true. For about 2% of the US population. The rest are something else.

The vast majority of US citizens are cowards and fools. The worst kind of cowards, those who are afraid to know the truth, much less actually do anything about it, and the worst kind of fools, those who have deceived themselves, to the point of refusing to consider even the possibility that they may be wrong, even when they are as absolutely as wrong as they can be. That is the truth about most US citizens today, about 98%, by my estimate, based on the fact that only 2% voted for Nader in the year 2000. Nader was the only candidate willing to speak the truth. Only someone who is as described above could have voted for any major party candidate in that election, or in any US election since. I voted for Nader in 2000, I worked on his campaign in Alaska. I’ve never voted since.


(Click to read George’s words.)

[dropcap]V[/dropcap]oting in the USA — what a joke. I used to believe in the system. I voted for Ron Paul back in ’88. I ran for US Senator in Minnesota in 1990. That year, I saw an Anarchist newspaper with a photo of Bush Sr. and Clinton. Above the photo, the headline read , ‘SAME SHIT, DIFFERENT PILE”. I thought that was kind of harsh. It took me ten more years to realize they were right. But I did. How about you? US elections can be compared to a fancy and quite expensive restaurant that has a single item on the menu, but with variations. It’s a shit sandwich, nice and fresh and steaming hot, but you have your choice between white Wonder Bread or organic whole wheat. Of course, they offer every kind of sauce – you can customize your sandwich like a Starbucks Double Mocha Frappe Latte Decaf Cappuccino, but it’s still a shit sandwich. And you may not have any choice whether you have to pay for it or not, but you do have one choice, and that is whether you’re gonna eat it or not. By voting, you take that first big bite. Obama is a bigger war criminal and greater shame to the history of the US than even either Bush was. And whoever comes after Obama, Republican or Democrat, will be worse still. If you vote for either of them, my friends in Cuba have a name for you…

When I went to Cuba, in 1995, I learned that the slang name there for citizens of the US was “Come’ Mierdas”, Spanish for “Shit-Eaters”. Not a very kind sobriquet, but certainly honest and appropriate. People in the US consume a steady and unvaried diet of shit – mainstream news, politics, entertainment, and the food, from McDonald’s, to GMOs, to the filth that contaminates the food produced in factory farms, it’s literally shit.  If a person eats shit for long enough, they eventually get used to it. If they eat it for too long, they start to like it.  That is what has happened to most US and EU citizens today. They eat shit, and they like it, and they are angrily offended by anyone who points this out, and they have exactly zero interest in considering any alternative to the shit they consume on a daily basis.


Only 0.0003% of Americans can identify Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler (USMC). Fewer still can remember what he did or said. Accidental? Yet they know what Britney Spears had for lunch.

The social contract in any civilized society, between each member of that society, can only be based on the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number of people. And by “good”, I mean the greatest opportunity for each citizen of that society to fulfill their potential as human beings. This is impossible when people don’t have access to food security, adequate housing, meaningful work and decent medical care and education, when 400 people own more wealth than 150 million, as is exactly the case in the USA today. In the USA, the social contract is based on the proposition that “I will pretend to believe your bullshit if you will pretend to believe mine”, a “positive” feedback loop based on mutual and self deception that is reinforced and increasingly distorted with every bogus interaction, whether voting, watching the news, or simply being asked “How ya doing?” and answering “Fine.”


The entire history of the USA is based on comforting, but provable and obvious, lies. The USA was founded on genocide and built by slavery. Howard Zinn’s classic People’s History of the United States is an excellent example of how false the prevailing notions, the shared lies, really are. Which is not to say that anyone who has read Zinn’s History is still not fully capable of creating their own false world view. In fact, in the West, there are as many “shit-eaters” on the Left as there are on the Right (ed: for example, the “imperialist left”). Those on the (fake) Left are just as destructive and deluded as their counterparts, their mirror images on the Right, but personally, I find them even more revolting, and I don’t mean in the revolutionary sense….

“The vast majority of US citizens are cowards and fools. The worst kind of cowards, those who are afraid to know the truth, much less actually do anything about it, and the worst kind of fools, those who have deceived themselves, to the point of refusing to consider even the possibility that they may be wrong…”

For example, I know a full grown woman with a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy. She drives a Prius, jogs, is “passionate” about recycling her garbage, is very politically correct, votes a straight Democratic Party ticket and considers herself to be intellectual and Progressive. She grew up pampered in a wealthy conservative family, went to a private boarding school, studied abroad and then married a rich husband.  She reads The New York Times, and thinks she is well-informed. But I have personally heard her say “I don’t want to know.”  “I don’t care about virtues or principles.” “I don’t care about other people.” “There’s no such thing as objective truth”. And she certainly meant it. Quite the philosopher, eh? She owns a couple of bars and makes her money selling alcohol to college students, and spends her time writing maudlin poems. She voted for Obama twice, and gets offended if I asks her if she has any regrets about it. She will certainly vote for Hillary Clinton or whatever crypto-fascist the Democratic Party runs, and will consider herself a superior person for doing so.The cognitive dissonance of her phony self and world view, her attempts to convince herself and others that she is a “good” person, while she does actually nothing of any genuine merit in her life, has made her bitter and resentful of anyone who makes a real effort to improve the state of the world. And the more confused and unhappy she becomes, the tighter she clings to her self-deception, the true source of her misery. How do you reach people like that? I don’t know… But I am trying.


[dropcap]I[/dropcap] know a man, an arch-conservative, who flunked out of college in his early 20’s during the draft for the Vietnam War. Rather than take a chance on getting drafted and actually serving  in a war that he ardently supported, with his words and with his votes, at least until he himself became eligible for the draft, he used his family’s money and political connections to get an enlistment in the Marine Reserves, the surefire way to guarantee he would not have to go anywhere near the actual fighting. Instead, he played soldier one weekend a month and two weeks every summer, safe in the USA. (George Bush, Junior did the same thing. And then there’s Ted Nugent…)  This Marine Reservist was highly offended when I pointed out that real soldiers, like myself, from the regular full time Armed Services did not really consider reservists to be soldiers. His self deception, to this day, extends to his wearing USMC logo clothing much of the time, having “Semper Fi” stickers on all his cars and going to and financially supporting USMC events. What was truly an act of cowardice and hypocrisy, he now points to as an act of courage and patriotism. He has fetishized his self deception to the point where he is proud of his “service” and the objects that are truly the symbols of his shame. But he will pretend to believe your bullshit, if you will pretend to believe his…

The manufacturing of American stupidity.

The manufacturing of American stupidity. It goes on 24/7.

No one—and we mean no one—has dissected American bullshit better and more fiercely than George Carlin.  The most serious comic of his generation, Carlin was perhaps the most incisive underground social critic the US has ever produced. This routine is one of his signature riffs, sparing no one, and leaving no room for cowardly ambiguity.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his total inversion of truth and of reality is pervasive among the vast majority of US citizens. It is exactly what Orwell described as “Double Think” – “To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary…. To use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself – that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypocrisy you had just performed.”  This is the precise mental state of most of the people in The West today, and especially in the USA. It is as dangerous as it is disgusting. People who are capable of such depths of self-deception, such hypocrisy, are not to be trusted. They are not even qualified to have an opinion, much less vote or in any other way attempt to influence the reality they fear and cannot (and will not even try to) comprehend.  As Einstein said, “They are hardly worthy of the brain and spine they were born with.”


T-party militant proclaiming his political sagacity.

And the more erroneous, the more false their perception of reality, the tighter they cling to it, the more threatened and offended they are by anyone who even asks them to consider an alternative view. Because as the old saying goes, “It takes a big man to admit he’s wrong”. So, what must it take to admit that your entire world view is not just wrong, but totally 180 degrees divergent from objective reality, to admit that you have a half eaten shit sandwich in your hand? More than most people can muster, apparently. A mistake is not a “mistake” if it is an intentional lie, even if that lie is told to yourself. And if someone does have the courage and integrity to abandon the comforting lie for the hard truth, they are also forced  to understand, to admit, that they have a responsibility to themselves and to the future of Humanity to do something about it. But it is so much easier, safer, and more socially acceptable to turn on the TV, pop open a beer and pretend everything is OK and will remain so.  Because if you pretend to believe their bullshit, they will pretend to believe yours…

Bravo's Southern Charm celebrity cast: Unrepentantly frivolous. Superficiality as an admired way of life.

Bravo’s Southern Charm celebrity cast: Unrepentantly frivolous and privileged. Superficiality as an admired way of life.

This is the same grotesque depth of self-deception and reversal of reality that allows the Nazis of Western Ukraine to idolize a war criminal like Stepan Bandera, and to try to “rehabilitate” Hitler by saying he was “just misunderstood, and really not that bad”. People who are capable of saying this, and believing it, are capable of crimes beyond the imagination of normal human beings. US citizens who ignore the crimes of their government, at home and abroad (as long as it doesn’t affect them personally) are no better than the “Good Germans” who supported Hitler, and will eventually share their same fate. And deserve to.

Cowards hate the brave, idiots hate the wise, and liars hate the truth. It is a hatred born of fear and envy and gross self-centeredness. Those who are brave and wise and speak the truth are not welcome in the circles of the self-deceived. They are hated there, they are attacked, they are killed. But who can teach someone to overcome their cowardice except the brave? Who can teach a fool how to become wise except the wise? The definition of wisdom is “Having the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting”. Only the truth can expose a lie. Anything else is just another lie.


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he vast majority of US citizens are fools and cowards, and their rulers know this, and act accordingly. The impudence of the rulers of the USA is a measure of the impotence and futility of their subjects. And the rulers are very impudent. Every day, the rulers feel less and less compelled to even try to hide their crimes. Why bother? Obvious false flags like 9/11 or MH17 were executed in a way that shows the perpetrators did not even care if they left incontrovertible evidence behind. The majority of the people will believe what they are told to believe, what it is convenient and comfortable to believe, regardless of the evidence, and they will resent and violently resist anyone who holds the evidence up to the light and asks them to look at it. So they cower in their darkened corners, hugging their chains and licking the boots of their masters, eating their shit, while congratulating each other on their bravery and freedom, snarling at anyone with genuine courage and compassion who tries to help them to see the truth, to do what is right, and to truly be free.

Courage and compassion are the greatest human virtues, but they are not only to be found in the human realm. There are many examples of these qualities being exhibited by animals, so what does that make those creatures, those simulacra of human beings, who are devoid of these very traits?  I say it makes them evil. The old saying about “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing” is not true. People who do nothing when confronted with evil are not “good people”, They are complicit in that evil, and they are evil too. What is “evil”? I have been face to face with cannibals and mass murderers, so I will tell you, because I know. Scott Peck wrote a book called People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil. He described evil as “militant ignorance”, as “a willingness to impose suffering on others in order to avoid one’s own spiritual growth”. Both definitions are spot on, and describe perfectly the US government, the majority of the US citizenry, the Kiev regime and their psychopathic henchmen.

Is there hope? Is there an answer?  I don’t know.  But I will speak the truth, and I will stand up for what is right. I’ve got a brain and a spine, and I’m going to use them, come what may. Even if defeat were to be inevitable, (which I do NOT believe) even if this was the Alamo or Thermopylae, that would never stop me from doing everything I can to defeat this genuine evil that is attacking Donbass and in fact, attacking the whole world.. We are defined by what we do, and what we don’t do. That is what truly tells ourselves and others who and what we really are. Words mean nothing if they are not corroborated and combined with actions. I do not consider myself a “hero”. I am just a regular guy who is doing the right thing. Yes, it is sometimes hard and dangerous, but it’s not that big of a deal. It is also sometimes very cool and very fun, so virtue really is its own reward. But if I’m just a regular guy, what does that make those who have less courage and compassion ( and less grasp of reality) than a water buffalo? It makes them part of the problem. I will help them if I can, with my words and by my example. But I will fight them if I must. There is objective truth, and it is clear to any honest person, who is right and who is wrong here, and elsewhere.

Those who deceive themselves are their own worst enemies, and ours. Our work, our work, speaks for itself, mine and yours, and for us, you and me. We are what we do. If there is hope, it lies with those who are willing to face the truth, and to speak it, and to defend it. And to do something about it. Everybody else is just a shit-eater… So, what’s for lunch?

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 Donbass Correspondent Russell Bentley (aka “Texac”) joined the Novorossiyan Armed Forces Vostok Battalion to fight what he (correctly) sees as the attack on the Donbass people by an illegitimate fascist entity: the Kiev regime installed and supported by the US after a thinly-veiled coup using color revolution technology. His example evokes the deeds of the Lincoln Battalion, the American volunteers who fought in the Spanish Civil War. As his writing gifts abundantly prove, he also channels John Reed and Hemingway in a seamless, formidable  package.

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Confession of a CIA Agent: They gave us millions to dismember Yugoslavia

Please share this article as widely as you can.

"We bribed parties and politicians who enticed hate between the nations. Our ultimate goal was to enslave you!"

by Milos Cupurdija
Originally run on October 10, 2012


My boss, who was formerly a US Senator, stressed repeatedly that some kind of scam would go down in Bosnia. A month before the alleged genocide in Srebrenica, he told me that the town would be headline news around the world and ordered us to call the media.

Robert Baer, ​​a former CIA officer, has authored many books which disclose the secrets of both the CIA and the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. He has been arrested and detained several times. Mitt Waspurh, a personal friend who worked at the Senate and shared information was killed at gunpoint. As a senior CIA operative, Baer worked in Yugoslavia during the 1991-94 period and in the Middle East. He has worked on several documentaries on National Geographic, accusing the Bush administration of waging war for oil.

The interview was conducted live in Canada, during my trip a few days ago. Robert Baer is currently promoting his book “The Secrets of the White House” in Quebec, where we talked. In an interview, we spoke of the background of the war in Yugoslavia.

Where and when was your first job in Yugoslavia?

I arrived by helicopter with three agents. We landed on 12 January 1991 in Sarajevo. Our job was to keep an eye on alleged terrorists of Serbian nationality, who were expected to attack Sarajevo.

Who were the terrorists in question and why were they supposed to carry out these attacks?

They gave us files about a group called “Supreme Serbia” detailing plans to conduct a series of bomb attacks on key buildings in Sarajevo in opposition to Bosnia’s ambition to leave former Yugoslavia.

Did that group ever exist and what exactly you were doing in Sarajevo under CIA command?

No such group ever existed! Our headquarters lied to us. Our mission was to alarm and spread panic among politicians in Bosnia, simply to fill their heads with the idea that Serbs would attack. To begin with, we accepted the story, but after a while we started to wonder. Why were we raising such hysteria when the group clearly did not exist?

How and when did the mission end and did it have a name?

For me it ended after two weeks, and I landed a new job in Slovenia. The operation lasted a month and had the name “Istina” (i.e. “truth”) although it was anything but!

Why did you go to Slovenia?

I received instructions that Slovenia was ready to declare independence. We were given money, a few million dollars, to fund various NGOs, opposition parties and various politicians who inflamed hatred.

Srebrenica a convenient false flag to frame Serbia

"Srebrenica should be blamed on Bosnians, Serbs and Americans – that is us! But in fact everything has been blamed on the Serbs. Many victims buried as Muslims were Serbs and other nationalities. A few years ago a friend of mine, a former CIA agent and now at the IMF, said that Srebrenica is the product of an agreement between the US government and politicians in Bosnia. The town of Srebrenica was sacrificed to give America a motive to attack the Serbs for their alleged crimes...Srebrenica is political marketing!"

Did you have an opinion about the CIA propaganda and did your colleagues think?

Of course, no one turns down a CIA mission, especially when we were all nervous and prone to paranoia! Many CIA agents and senior officers disappeared simply because they refused to conduct propaganda against the Serbs in Yugoslavia. Personally, I was shocked at the dose of lies being fed from our agencies and politicians! Many CIA agents were directing  propaganda without being aware of what they were doing. Everyone knew just a fraction of the story and only the one who created the whole story knew the background – they are [the] politicians.

So there was only propaganda against the Serbs?

Yes and no. The aim of the propaganda was to divide the republics so they would break away from the motherland Yugoslavia. We had to choose a scapegoat who would be blamed for everything. Someone who would be responsible for the war and violence. Serbia was chosen because in some ways it is a successor to Yugoslavia.

Can you name the politicians in the former Yugoslavia [who] were paid by the CIA?

Franjo Tudjman: the rightwing strongman of Croatia, a sector of Yugoslavia with historically heavy pro-fascist leanings and a onetime Nazi ally.

Franjo Tudjman: the rightwing strongman of Croatia, a sector of Yugoslavia with historically heavy pro-fascist leanings and a onetime Nazi ally. He received friendly coverage by the Western media.

Yes, although it is somewhat delicate. Stipe Mesic, Franjo Tudjman, Alija Izetbegovic, many counselors and members of the government of Yugoslavia, were paid as were Serbian generals, journalists and even some military units. Radovan Karadzic was being paid for a while but stopped accepting help when he realised he would be sacrificed and charged with war crimes committed in Bosnia. It was directed by the American administration.

Tudjman visiting Croatian soldiers.

Tudjman visiting Croatian soldiers.

You mentioned that the media was controlled and funded, how exactly did that happen?

This is already known, some CIA agents were responsible for writing the official statement that the announcers read on the news. Of course the news presenters were oblivious to it, they got the news from their boss and he got it from our man. Everyone had the same mission: to spread hatred, nationalism and the differences between people through television.

We all know of Srebrenica, what can you say about it?

Yes! In 1992 I was in Bosnia again, but this time we were supposed to train military units to represent Bosnia, a new state that had just declared independence. Srebrenica is an exaggerated story and unfortunately, many people are being manipulated. The number of victims is the same as the number of Serbs and others killed but Srebrenica is political marketing. My boss, who was formerly a US Senator, stressed repeatedly that some kind of scam would go down in Bosnia. A month before the alleged genocide in Srebrenica, he told me that the town would be headline news around the world and ordered us to call the media. When I asked why, he said you’ll see. The new Bosnian army got the order to attack homes and civilians. These were of course citizens of Srebrenica. At the same moment, the Serbs attacked from the other side. Probably someone had paid to incite them!

Then who is guilty of genocide in Srebrenica?

Srebrenica should be blamed on Bosnians, Serbs and Americans – that is us! But in fact everything has been blamed on the Serbs. Unfortunately, many of the victims buried as Muslims were Serbs and other nationalities. A few years ago a friend of mine, a former CIA agent and now at the IMF, said that Srebrenica is the product of agreement between the US government and politicians in Bosnia. The town of Srebrenica was sacrificed to give America a motive to attack the Serbs for their alleged crimes.

Ultimately why do you think Yugoslavia collapsed and why did your government want to do it?

It is all very clear, the people who incited the war and dictated the terms of the peace now own the companies that exploit various mineral resources and the like! They simply made slaves of you, your people work for nothing and that product goes to Germany and America…they are the winners! You will eventually have to purchase and import what you have created yourselves, and since you have no money, you have to borrow, that’s the whole story with the whole of the Balkans!

Radovan Karadzic, Bosnian Serb leader, one of the fall guys, like Milosevic.

Radovan Karadzic, Bosnian Serb leader, one of the fall guys, like Milosevic.

You were never in Kosovo as a CIA agent, but did you feel any pressure from America?

Of course! Kosovo was taken for two reasons, first because of mineral and natural resources, and secondly, Kosovo is a military base of NATO! In the heart of Europe it is their largest military base.

Do you have a message for the people of the former Yugoslavia?

I have. Forget the past, it was staged and false. They manipulated you, they got what they wanted and it is stupid that you still hate one another, you must show that you are stronger and realise who has created this ! I sincerely apologise! That’s why I have for a long time disclosed the secrets of the CIA and the White House!

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Texac’s Chronicles from the Donbass Front -No. 9: HOMAGE TO THE FALLEN

horiz grey line
First, allow me to present a musical salute to our fallen comrades.

Black Raven – The Cossack Circle Ensemble—
  =   War Diary by Russell “Texac” Bentley  =  


Homage to the Fallen.
Now it’s Eagle Owl
Fedorov Ruslan Petrovich

The Vostok Brigade Continues to Take Casualties in Washington’s Manufactured War

The 'Novi partisani'. Click on this image for best resolution.

‘Novi partisani’, posing in a frigid morning. “Filin”, “The Owl”.  Instructor for Vostok Brigade at Yasynuvata. That’s him in the middle of the second row, looking down.  He was from Makeevka, DNR.  Died on 16 November defending his homeland against US-backed Nazis.  He was 22 years old and recently married to Julia. RESPECT, Brother. (Click on this image for best resolution).


FILIN (the phonetic spelling of Филин, “Eagle Owl”) was an instructor for the Vostok Brigade at Yasynuvata when I joined the Novorussian Army in December 2014 (see ).  He was only 21 years old at the time, but he was already a combat veteran who seemed much older, despite his baby face.  He was someone I respected from the moment I met him. He was a brave and serious soldier and an excellent instructor. He was also a genuinely nice guy.  He was from Makeevka, just outside Donetsk. He was defending the land he was born in from foreign-backed Nazis who were coming here to enslave the Russian speaking people of Donbass. He refused to be a slave and was willing to fight and die to protect others. He was a quiet guy who led and encouraged others by his own example. He was brave, kind and generous.  He was exactly the kind of guy this world needs more of.  Fedorov Ruslan Petrovich, “Eagle Owl” will be missed.”


Eagle Owl

“Fedorov Ruslan Petrovich. Not just a friend of mine, or of Novorossiya, this Hero was an example and a friend to all good people in the world.  We will build a monument to Heroes like this, hopefully in Kiev after we liberate it.”—Texac


Fedorov, with his bride.

Ruslan, with Julia, his bride.

Weddings militia gang ‘Vostok’. TV ‘SV – DNI,’ Issue 230
Ruslan’s Wedding: Civil Ceremony
The people in arms. Life must go on.
Nothing extravagant, nothing grotesquely excessive. But touching in their honesty, comradeship and simplicity.  What a contrast with the decadent West.


Married to Julia in 2014


Graham William Phillips at the wedding of Ruslan and Julia



inHisCoffinThe end—for now.  Nos veremos, compañero!

Novorossiya will endure.
The people rise against the Kiev usurpers.

Published on Mar 10, 2015

This video features a famous song by David Bowie. At the beginning of the video you can see marches supporting Russia that took place in the South-East of Ukraine where the Russian-speaking population is predominating. The marches were a response to Euromaidan in Kiev, where there was Russophobia and elements of neo-Nazism. The video shows us how ordinary people rose up against the violation of their rights and freedoms; against neo-Nazism and political persecution; how ordinary people became warriors; became a heroes, and it doesn’t matter that only for a one day.


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