Chile’s Student Movement Leads the Way

Progressive Prospects for Michelle Bachelet’s Second Term

Chile's President Michelle Bachelet (C), Senate President Isabel Allende (L), and outgoing President Sebastian Pinera applaud after Bachelet was sworn in to office in Valparaiso, March 11, 2014. CREDIT: REUTERS/MAGLIO PEREZ

Chile’s President Michelle Bachelet (C), Senate President Isabel Allende (L), and outgoing President Sebastian Pinera applaud after Bachelet was sworn in to office in Valparaiso, March 11, 2014.


I want to pay special homage to my father and to all those who gave their lives in the fight to recover democracy,” an emotional Isabel Allende said upon taking office as the Senate President this Tuesday. Allende is the daughter of Salvador Allende, the former socialist president of Chile who died during a US-backed military coup in 1973. “I know he’d be proud to see his daughter in this role.”


Later that day, Allende, (different from the novelist with the same name, who is a distant relative), passed the presidential sash to left-leaning President Michelle Bachelet as she entered her second term in office. The two embraced warmly; it was the first time in Chilean history the sash had been passed between two women.

This historic event marks a crack in the legacy of dictator Augusto Pinochet, an event he and his allies probably believed would never be possible when they oversaw the bombing of Allende’s presidential palace, the systematic torture and murdering of thousands of people, and the application of a disastrous neoliberal economy.

Bachelet’s return to the presidency, and her promise for structural changes to Chile’s educational and political system, is the result of a decades-long struggle to move out of the shadow of the Pinochet dictatorship, and is one of the fruits of the more recent student movement for a better society.

The success of Bachelet’s second term will depend on how well she can move forward with progressive plans to benefit a population besieged by one of the most stratified income inequalities in the world, and how well she meets the demands of the hundreds of thousands of students who have taken to the streets in recent years.

Bachelet’s Progressive Plans

Bachelet herself was a victim of the dictatorship; she was tortured under the regime, and her father was tortured and died in jail because of his support for Allende. After escaping the dictatorship, Bachelet returned to Chile from exile in 1979 to work as a pediatrician and human rights activist. She later entered politics and was elected president of Chile for her first term from 2006-2010. Though she enjoyed an 80% approval rating at the end of this time in office, the constitution bars a president from seeking a consecutive term.

During the elections in December of last year, she defeated right-wing opponent Evelyn Matthei with a record 62% of the vote. On March 11th, 2014 she took over the presidency from the unpopular neoliberal Sebastian Piñera, one of the richest people in the country and a staunch enemy of the country’s student movement.

Camila Vallejo

Camila Vallejo

Though a major economic powerhouse, Chile suffers from a high level of income inequality. On the campaign trail, Bachelet pledged to tackle such inequality with sweeping structural reforms in the social, economic and political sphere. In her inauguration speech, Bachelet said, “Chile has but one great enemy, and its name is inequality. Only together can we take it on.”

Bachelet has promised to make quality higher education free for all, end state funding for elitist private educational institutions, and raise taxes to pay for the educational reforms. She also plans to try and form a national assembly or plebiscite to rewrite the country’s constitution. Chile’s current constitution was imposed under military rule in 1980, and re-writing it has been seen by many as a crucial step toward deepening democracy.

Standing on the balcony of the presidential palace where Allende died during the 1973 coup, Bachelet spoke to the crowd gathered in the Constitution Plaza: “My promise is that this plaza becomes the plaza of a constitution that was born in democracy.”

In bringing about a new constitution, Bachelet would be joining her counterparts in Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela, three nations which have also re-written their constitutions in recent years. With a majority in both houses of congress, she may be able to make the constitutional changes a reality, along with pushing through the other promised reforms.

Her plans for the coming years also include raising corporate taxes by 5%, expanding funding for healthcare, and opening a debate in congress on legalizing gay marriage. Bachelet also seeks to legalize abortion in cases of rape or risk to the mother’s or child’s health; according to a study by the University of Diego Portales in Santiago, 70,000 clandestine abortions take place in Chile each year.

While Bachelet’s right-wing predecessor Piñera didn’t have the support he needed in congress to proceed with many of his administration’s plans, Bachelet’s prospects are good; she has a considerable amount of support inside and outside the government as she moves forward.

Student Movement: In the Streets and in the Government

In 2011, students organized the largest protests the country had seen since the end of the Pinochet regime in 1990. Central demands from the student movement have long included free access to quality education and an overhaul of Pinochet’s constitution, a constitution many activists believe keeps neoliberalism and unequal education thriving in the country. The student movement’s pressure for change helped pave the way to Bachelet’s re-election and formed the backbone of what became key promises on her campaign trail.

After winning the elections in December, Bachelet thanked the student movement, saying that her victory at the ballot box was due in part to “the citizens who have marched through the streets in recent years.”

Many students growing up over the past decade in post-dictatorship Chile have demanded more from democracy than their parents, and pushed for changes that expanded the discourse about the type of country people wanted to build and how they could build it – in the classroom, the street and the government. Some student activists directed their energy toward building social movement alternatives to traditional political institutions. Others set their sights on changing the political system from the inside out.

Student movement leader Camila Vallejo supported Bachelet in her second bid for the presidency, and was elected to congress during the December 2013 elections. At a press conference following the December vote, Vallejo told reporters, “Given the result of the elections, we have a majority that allows us to make structural changes. Social movements are pressuring many sectors that were not in favor of change before and that have now changed their mind.” She said, “We were elected because Chile changed.”

Vallejo joined three other student leaders in their twenties in congress; at 25, she is the youngest member of congress. When she entered office on Tuesday, she brought her baby daughter Adela with her. Vallejo said, “I want to be able to tell her when she’s older that she was there with me for the handover of power.”

Some sectors of the student movement do not support the electoral route to change what Vallejo and her colleagues have taken up, and have oriented their momentum into social movements outside the government sphere. Others have pledged to maintain mobilizations to ensure that elected officials carry out reforms.

Allende’s dream for a truly democratic Chile may have been postponed by a US-backed dictatorship, but over the past decade the youth have been marching out of the nightmare of Pinochet, against the empty promises of a neoliberal democracy and toward a better society. Inside and outside the halls of power, the students are leading the way. After taking office, Camila Vallejo said she would keep “one foot in the government and the other in the street.”

Benjamin Dangl’s latest book Dancing with Dynamite: Social Movements and States in Latin America (AK Press) is on contemporary Latin American social movements and their relationships with the region’s new leftist governments. He is editor of, a progressive perspective on world events, and, a website on activism and politics in Latin America. Email BenDangl(at)gmail(dot)com.

Ukraine, the Cheneyites, and Permanent War


maddow1Hello everyone.  Recently, Rachel Maddow posted a fine documentary indicating that the prime reason for the US/UK invasion of Iraq had to do with oil.  For quite some time I have felt that while that was one of the motivations, the underlying one was the drive to create Permanent War, or failing that, the Permanent Preparation for War Society.  I have to come to the conclusion that that is the underlying motivation for the current attack on Russia, through the at-least-in-part US/EU/NATO manufactured upheaval in Ukraine.  This column explains my reasoning.
With every good wish, and have a great weekend, (Dr.) Steve Jonas

Rachel Maddow of presented a very well-documented case for the hypothesis, long-standing on the Left in the U.S. and around the world as well, that the principal reason the U.S. invaded Iraq was for oil. (It had also been thought that the invasion had as a goal establishing permanent military bases in the Western Iraqi desert).  Of course it was known before the invasion that Iraq had no “weapons of mass destruction.” That had been well-documented by the team led by the Chief UN Weapons Investigator Hans Blix. Thus it was widely known at the time that the reason(s) given for the invasion were bogus. (To its credit, in 2013 MSNBC also ran a documentary on the selling of the Iraq War).  Indeed, given the preoccupation with petroleum products and policy of the then chief driver of U.S. foreign policy, Dick Cheney, that it was really for oil (and bases) was a very reasonable proposition. Ms. Maddow has now provided much evidence that it was the case.

Nevertheless, for quite some time I have felt that beyond oil and bases the primary reason for the invasion, coming as it did on the relative heels of the Neo-cons’ wished-for “next Pearl Harbor” 9/11, and with the (totally bogus) claim that “Saddam was behind 9/11,” was to help establish a U.S. policy of Permanent War. And so we come to Ukraine.  Although the situation continues to unfold, let us look at some of what we know as of March 13, 2014.

The U.S. war on Iraq has ended, with US being kicked out by the Iraqis under an agreement made by George Bush with his hand-picked puppet Prime Minister. Pres. Obama, after being pulled into another of those famous “surges” (which while accomplishing domestic political goalstend to make things worse in the field in the long run) is pulling the U.S. out of Afghanistan. North Korea and its very real nuclear weapons are very inconveniently close to China (which happens also to be their only ally). So, that nation is not too useful for promoting Permanent War. The Republic of Georgia thing, even with GW Bush in the White House, didn’t help the Permanent War cause either.  Then we come to the present and President Obama.

As my regular readers know well, going back to before the 2008 election, I am not at all a fan of his on domestic policy or how he deals with the Republicans. However, on certain critical aspects of his foreign policy, it must be pointed out that he has not been totally cooperative with the neo-con/Cheneyite permanent policy of maintaining Permanent War or at least The Permanent Preparation for War Society. Libya was quite complex but he did not put “boots on the ground,” leading to endless conflict involving the U.S. there. He was apparently about to engage in at least selective bombing of Syria, but with some timely help from (oh my) Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, he was able to avoid doing that. (And regardless of whatever else is going on in Syria, apparently the germ warfare weapons have been removed.) He and Sec. of State John Kerry are making what seems to be a serious attempt at finding a settlement for the Israel-Palestine problem, and are putting some pressure on the Netanyahu government to move in that direction. And, even with a Republican Secretary of Defense, military spending is starting to decline somewhat (although in part that is due to the Sequester). For the Neo-con Permanent War team this is all bad news. And so, where to turn?

Hey, how about the old reliable long-time enemy, Russia. Well, yes, that enemy was actually the Soviet Union, but a) there are surely many U.S., especially GOP/Tea Partiers, who really don’t know the difference (and Fox”News” surely won’t help them to determine that fact — I heard at least one F”N” “expert” totally confuse the two), and b) Russia, or the Russian Federation, occupies much of the physical territory of the old USSR. It happens also that Obama was trying to develop and maintain some kind of reasonable relationship with Russia. That doesn’t help either the Permanent War folks either. Neither did the very expensive, very corrupt, with the very-late-to-be-completed facilities, but nevertheless very successful (on the surface at least) Sochi Olympic Games, which just happened to have received enormous and very well-done coverage by NBC in this country. This was despite the wretched new Russian policy in dealing with it LGBT community, one that received GOP support in this country.

And so, as other options for maintaining Permanent War start to disappear, let’s see, the Neo-cons said, how we can once again make Russia (read Red, read the Soviet enemy) into the big, bad, bogey bear, that would justify at least Permanent Preparation for War Society if not Permanent War itself (the latter having become very unpopular with the U.S. people). Further, they would be saying to themselves, if we can make Russia into the enemy and at the same time use our manoeuvring to dump all over Obama, wow! We’ve got ourselves a daily double winner. And with Ukraine that’s what they seem to have achieved.

US Ukraine policy, seemingly run independently by the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland (who just happens to be married to one of the original neo-cons, Robert Kagan) and the NGO the National Endowment for Democracy, along with the European Union and the IMF, has for some time been focused on weaning Ukraine away fromany relationship to Russia, other than a stand-off one at best. They were prepared to do this even if it meant supporting a government that includes open fascists. The latter are descended directly from the pro-Nazi forces that fought alongside the Wehrmacht in World War II, whom they openly celebrate, are openly anti-Semitic, and not only display the swastika, but also the Confederate flag (which would make them feel right at home in a number of states in our Union).

Forces were assembled that overthrew the Ukrainian President (an apparently totally corrupt personage, but democratically elected), when he started to end talks that had been held on having Ukraine join the EU and moved back towards a closer relationship with Russia. (According to Paul Craig Roberts, these forces included paid protesters, paid by guess who, including some recruited from the neighbouring country of Moldova.) The new, “Yats the guy” government of Sec. Nuland is of course talking not only with the EU but also with NATO (as if having the Baltic countries, Poland and Slovakia, all on Russia’s borders, being in NATO were not enough). President Putin’s response was predictable.

Forget about Crimea being majority-Russian or that for several centuries it was part of Russia and then the Russian Federated Soviet Republic. It is home to Russia’s only warm water port, in historic Sevastopol. Presently (that is before this Sunday’s referendum), it is Russia’s under a lease from Ukraine until 2042. Do you really believe that any Russian President would allow a country that most likely will become a NATO member to have effective control (like unilaterally cancelling the lease) over that base? So, if for no other reason, Russia very predictably moved.

And finally, here came the Permanent Warriors, led of course by “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb” Iran, “the US should be in Iraq for 50 years,” Negative Ace John McCain. But then, as if he, Lindsey Graham, and the rest of the Obama-bashers weren’t enough, there came the grand old man of the Permanent Warriors, as Charlie Pierce calls him “The Well-Known Zombie War Criminal Dick Cheney.” He was actually talking about military options short of (for now) actually shooting.

The Neo-con/Cheneyites are wedded to Permanent War or the Permanent Preparation for War Society for three principal reasons: maintaining the military-industrial complex, maintaining U.S.-centered global capitalism, and maintaining as high a fear level among the U.S. population as they can manage, for that is so useful politically for the Republican Party and their patrons. Do they really care about Crimea and the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine? No. But they helped to arrange to overthrow an elected government that was moving back-and-forth between the EU and the Russian trade federation, but would never consider joining NATO.  They then installed one, with, as noted above, local openly fascist support (members proudly wear swastika tattoos), that will go EU/IMF and likely NATO as well.  And so, congrats Neo-Con Cheneyites.  You have forced Putin’s hand, principally over Sevastopol (a place name that once again has great historical significance — think the Crimean War and World War II), and have created just the “enemy” you need for the maintenance at least of the Permanent Preparation for War Society, for some time to come.



Senior Editor Steven Jonas, MD, MPH is a Professor Emeritus of Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook University (NY) and also a protean author/co-author/editor/co-editor of over 30 books. In addition to being a columnist for The Greanville Post and BuzzFlash@Truthout he is the Editorial Director of and a Contributing Author to The Political Junkies for Progressive Democracy. Dr. Jonas’ latest book is The 15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S., 1981-2022: A futuristic Novel, (Trepper & Katz Impact Books, Punto Press Publishing, 2013), and available on Amazon.

US Policy to ISOLATE Russia & EXPAND NATO for Over 20 Yeas a Dismal Failure

Rodrigue Tremblay | Saturday, March 8, 2014 


 [NATO’s goal is] to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.
— Hastings Ismay, first NATO Secretary-General

Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.
— James Madison (1751-1836), fourth American President

The hazards associated with American foreign policy since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 should appear obvious to all, because it is precisely this policy that has caused the crisis in Ukraine with all its negative consequences for the coming months and years.

President Barack Obama was candid in admitting it on March 3, 2014: “we are indicating to the Russians [that] if in fact they continue on the current trajectory they’re on, then we are examining a whole series of steps — economic, diplomatic— that will isolate Russia.”

Well, it is precisely this desire to expand NATO and to isolate Russia by incorporating all the countries bordering Russia into NATO;  i.e., a strategy of geopolitical and military encirclement of Russia, which has provoked that country when it felt threatened in its national security.

This is easy to understand.

rus-vladimir-putin-and-barack-obamaFor example, what would the United States do if a hypothetical Russian Empire were to incorporate Mexico or Canada into a military alliance? To ask the question is to answer it. Why is it so difficult to understand that the best way to start a war is to threaten a country’s vital interests?

The truth is that NATO should have been disbanded after the collapse of the Soviet empire in 1991, and especially after the Warsaw Pact was itself dismantled. Europe should have then moved to build an expanded Europe of nations, large, democratic and peaceful, within a framework of economic and political cooperation and peace. But no! The United States wanted to take advantage of the situation and demanded that everything fell into the military-financial U.S. empire.

That is the source of many problems.

In my book The New American Empire, originally published in 2003, just before the onset of the Iraq war, I pointed out the dangers of the American global imperial ambition and explained the reasons. The Middle East was the first to suffer under this global policy of interventionism. And now, Europe as a whole, most unfortunately, may have to pay the price for this unbridled American hubris, under both George W. Bush and Barack Obama, although that policy goes back to George H. Bush and Bill Clinton.

This is why President Obama and his neocon advisers do not think beyond their nose, as was the case for the not-too-bright George W. Bush, when they adopted such a global imperialist ideology.

In 2008, it just happened that I wrote an article in which I advanced the idea that Europe had a vital interest in disbanding that relic of another age: NATO. Indeed, we must blame European leaders not to have understood that the fundamental interest of Europe was not to blend into the American Empire but rather to build an independent and united Europe. Because that reality has not been well understood, Europe is now running the risk of falling prey to a new Cold War with divisive and ruinous conflicts, while the United States will try to pull the chestnuts out of the fire, with the U.K. as its convenient ally from within Europe.

It may be not too late for European leaders to rectify the situation. This would, however, require wisdom and the courage to tell the American neo-cons who have designed American foreign policy for a quarter of a century that they are not masters of the world and that the European Union has no intention to pursue an aggressive policy of military encirclement of Russia. Point to the line.

Rather, on the contrary, Russia should be invited to join an expanded Europe of nations, large, democratic and peaceful within a framework of economic cooperation and peace.

What is needed of them is vision, insight, and a spirit of independence, which currently seems to be lacking badly in many current European governments.

Carelessness and the current European abdication in letting Washington decide European foreign policy may serve the interests of the American empire, but this could lead Europe to disaster.

NOTE: Now things get more muddy. Details of a leaked phone call between EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister Urmas Paet suggest that the US-backed opposition was responsible for hiring snipers who gunned down protesters in Kiev and not the deposed government of Viktor Yanukovich, as the media widely claimed.


Rodrigue Tremblay is professor emeritus of economics at the University of Montreal and author of the book The New American Empire. He can be reached at:

A Response to Henry Kissinger’s advise on US – Russian Relations and the Ukraine

Kissinger: The face of banal evil in its twilight. Expect media hoopla when this bastard dies.

Kissinger: The face of banal evil in its twilight. Expect media hoopla when this bastard dies.

By Christof Lehmann, nsnbc international

The Omission of NATO’s Low-Intensity Warfare against Russia and the Deployment of GLADIO II, under the Pretext of a purported Lack of US Policy with regard to the Demonization of Russian President Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine, by Dr. Henry Kissinger, in his Washinton Post Article of 5 March 2014

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warned against Western attempts to demonize Russia’s President Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine and stressed that the demonization of Putin was not a policy but a sign of the absence of a policy. Meanwhile, Kissiger fails to recognize that both the violent overthrow of the Kiev government with UNA-UNSO troops, known for having ties to NATO intelligence and GLADIO, as well as the demonization and propaganda against Russia and Putin are, very much, signs of a consistent policy.

Dr. Henry Kissinger

In an article, published in The Washington Post, Dr. Henry Kissinger describes the notion of a war between the USA and Russia as nonsense and stressed that the demonization of Putin is not a policy but a sign of the absence of a policy. Both statements are false.

Kissinger’s statement, that the notion of a war against Russia is nonsense, is correct only to the extend, that one considers a conventional, or worse, a nuclear conflict between the USA and Russia, or the two nuclear armed blocks NATO and CSTO.

The USA is neither planning such a conventional war with Russia or anywhere else. The main emphasis of modern US and NATO military doctrine is on unconventional warfare. The USA and NATO are, however, not only planning, but actively pursuing an unconventional war against Russia.

Admiral James G. Stavridis. Libya a teachable moment and model for future interventions

Admiral ret. James G. Stavridis. Libya a teachable moment and model for future interventions

One of the main architects of this new NATO doctrine of unconventional warfare is the former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander of the U.S. European Command, Admiral James G. Stavridis.

In a 2011 article in Foreign Affairs, NATO`s Victory in Libya. The Right Way to Run an Intervention. Foreign Affairs. March/April 2012. Pp.2 – 7., Stavridis and Ivo H. Daalder, describe NATO’s intervention in Libya as a “teachable moment and a model for future interventions”.

As we know today, US and NATO intelligence services have been involved in preparing the subversion of Libya with the help of Muslim Brotherhood militants and Al-Qaeda brigades since 2007.

The NATO  ”intervention” in Libya was again discussed in the same terms during NATO’s 25th Summit in Chicago in 2012. A 2010 US Special Forces Training Circular, the TC 18-01, describes the strategy of subversion in great detail and stresses that “the USA, for the foreseeable future, predominantly will be engaged in unconventional warfare”.

Stavridis describes the reason for the change of strategy in great detail, in a 2012 Forestal Lecture. Stavridis elaborates on the development of military strategy and technology, starting with the pre World War I period over the two great World Wars, to the post World War II cold war period and the doctrine of mutually assured nuclear destruction.

Stavridis concludes, that the massive casualties suffered during the two great wars and the notion of a nuclear war would be “politically unacceptable” today. Stavridis is, also in this lecture, proposing “unconventional warfare” as the strategy of modern US and NATO warfare. The lecture has been published on the YouTube channel of the Supreme Headquarter Allied Powers Europe and Allied Command – SHAPA ACO.

I am aware of Dr. Kissinger’s statement, that military men, are “stupid animals to be sacrificed”, but I have a difficult time, convincing myself that Dr. Kissinger is unaware of the most significant developments in US and NATO military doctrine. Especially when the “stupid animal” is called Admiral ret. James G. Stavridis. It is within this context that one has to understand Dr. Kissinger’s statement, that the Ukraine could not be the center of a decisive battle between respectively the USA/NATO and Russia/CSTO.

Dr. Kissinger correctly notes the strong historical, cultural, religious and political ties between Russia and the Ukraine, adding the Ukraine has been a part of Russia for centuries. Moreover, Kissinger proposes a status for the Ukraine, similar to that of Finland, adding that the Ukraine should not become a member of NATO.

It would, however, be a tragic mistake to assess Kissinger’s statement and the eventual proposal of similar policies by core NATO member states, as a recognition of the Ukraine’s political independence or as a sign for NATO’s recognition of legitimate Russian security concerns. Kissinger’s statement is, much rather, consistent with NATO doctrine and strategy as discussed above.

A Ukrainian NATO membership would endow radical nationalists with the ability to launch provocations against Russia and to invoke article five of the alliance in case of a Russian response. It would lead to exactly that direct, conventional confrontation, that NATO wants to avoid because it has become unfeasible.

Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton
Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton

Again, Dr. Kissinger’s suggestion that the demonization of President Putin and Russia is not a policy and that it shows a lack of policy is wrong. The false reports about a “Russian Invasion” ,the false reports about “Russian troops without insignia” in Crimea, disseminated by the BBC, the Wall Street Journal and cohorts of other Western media do not show a lack of policy either.

One of the many functions of this “demonization“, as Dr. Kissinger describes it, is to cover-up the fact that top-EU diplomat, Foreign Affairs Chief Catherine Ashton and the Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet knew that members of the NATO-installed Kiev Parliament have given the shoot to kill order to snipers and other gunmen who killed 90 police officers and protesters and blamed it on President Yanukovich and Ukrainian police.

Western media reported very little, if at all, about it after the release of the leaked audio of their phone conversation. Those who did report about it failed to pursue the fact that core NATO countries continue cooperating with MPs, who are known to be mass murderers.

The demonization of President Putin, the demonization of the Crimean Prime Minister, the positioning of the self-defense forces organized by the Crimean authorities as “Russian troops without insignia”, and the description of the need to self-defense as “Russian geopolitical interests” and “separatism” cover up one additional factor, which is NATO’s use of GLADIO armies in Georgia first, and now in the Ukraine.

The “stupid animals to be sacrificed”, as Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Kissinger would designate them, who carried out the mass murder of 90 protesters and police officers, and who injured more than 500 protesters and police officers in Kiev,were troops from the Ukraine’s UNA-UNSO.

The UNA-UNSO is, by no means, a fringe, extreme right wing organization. It is a well trained, well armed, and combat experienced army, that played no insignificant role in Georgia’s war against Russia.

The UNA-UNSO has been a constant and consistent element of the Allied, and later NATO’s “Stay Behind Armies”.


These stay behind armies were established in Western and Eastern Europe at the end of the second world war. They have been known under several designations, depending on in which country they were operating.

The most commonly known designation is the Italian GLADIO. These stay behind armies were, among others, involved in terrorism against civilian, military and political targets in Western Europe during the so-called cold war period.

The main function of their terrorism was the scapegoating of left wing parties and organizations. Among their most known operations, were the bombing of the railway station in Bologna, Italy, the killing of school children in Belgium, and the infiltration of the Italian Brigade Rosse and the kidnapping and assassination of Italian P.M. Aldo Moro. Another function of the stay behind armies was their use as a first line of resistance in case of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe and the resistance against Soviet and later Russian geopolitical interests in Soviet-, now former Soviet republics.

Image: pravy Sector leader Yarosh calles on Top-Russian terrorist Doku Umarov to take action against Russia. -Click on image to enlarge.

Image: Pravy Sector leader Yarosh calls on Top-Russian terrorist Doku Umarov to take action against Russia. -Click on image to enlarge.


In 1992, coinciding with the purported end of the cold war, the British BBC2 broadcast a documentary series that detailed the history of GLADIO. While the revelations about GLADIO and its operations in Western Europe are correct, the BBC documentary suggests that NATO had disbanded GLADIO at the end of the cold war.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It was reorganized and refocused, and began, among others, to embrace Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood organizations such as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group in Libya.

Within this context, it is noteworthy that Dmitry, Yarosh a leader of the ultra nationalist /National Socialist Ukrainian Pravi Sector (Right Sector), publicly called on Russia’s most wanted Islamist terrorist, Doku Umarov, to act against Russia.

The encouragement, styled to the Wahhabi terrorist, was posted on Pravy Sector’s page inVKontakte.

Let us recall the close ties of both core NATO member States intelligence services and Saudi Intelligence to the Chechen terrorists and other Islamist terrorist groups in Russia’s Caucasian republics. GLADIO has never been disbanded.It has been transformed into GLADIO II.

I submit that Dr. Kissinger’s statement, that the demonization of President Putin and Russia over the Ukraine is no policy, but represents a lack of policy is false. Moreover, I submit that it is a willfully made false statement that has the explicit purpose of misinforming the public. More specifically, I submit that it is most likely aimed at misguiding and misinforming the left liberal segment of the public, including US Democrats and European Social Democrats and Liberals.

At closing, I submit that Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Henry Kissinger is one of the most dangerous war criminals and that he should be submitted to the International Criminal Court to be prosecuted.

Dr. Christof Lehmann 9. March 2014

Read more in our extensive coverage of the events in and around the Ukraine with news, analysis and opinion, in nsnbc international – your daily independent.

About the Author

 – Dr. Christof Lehmann is the founder and editor of nsnbc. He is a psychologist and independent political consultant on conflict and conflict resolution and a wide range of other political issues. His work with traumatized victims of conflict has led him to also pursue the work as political consultant. He is a lifelong activist for peace and justice, human rights, Palestinians rights to self-determination in Palestine, and he is working on the establishment of international institutions for the prosecution of all war crimes, also those committed by privileged nations. On 28 August 2011 he started his blog nsnbc, appalled by misrepresentations of the aggression against Libya and Syria. In March 2013 he turned nsnbc into a daily, independent, international on-line newspaper. He can be contacted at nsnbc international at

OpEds—Putin Flouts Obama as Neocons Stew

By Donn Marten, OEN

In the latest episode in the ongoing reality show “Death of a Narcissist’ it is almost painful to see the incredible shrinking president Barack Obama continuing to thrash about on his own hook.  For the second time in six months he has talked much smack in leading the international law violation machine that is neocon U.S. foreign policy towards yet another crisis from which he has no way of emerging victorious. In the late 1980’s dark comedy “The War of the Roses” the divorce attorney played by Danny DeVito wisely offered up his counsel that “There is no winning! Only degrees of losing!” which Obama would be wise to consider.  In choosing  to hold a grudge rather than showing some actual gratitude towards Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s allowing him to wiggle out of a trap of his own making that nearly led to an ugly war in Syria based upon lies the losing will of a very high degree this time around.

In conjuring up a bit of sage wisdom from an old bayou buddy of mine our glorious leader is again “up to his ass in alligators while losing sight of the original idea of draining the swamp” as the ongoing disaster of what was to be a splendid little coup in the Ukraine increasingly resembles one of those movies where a scheme has gone horribly awry. As a result of this latest in a series of misplays the reputation of what used to be the United States of America before it mutated into something called The Homeland is taking another hit. Obama and his stammering goon Secretary of State John “Skull and Bones” Kerry have again badly overplayed their hands and the latest rebuke over their limp-dicked threat of vague “consequences” including economic sanctions over the Russians rightfully securing their strategic assets in Crimea is only the beginning of what is going to be a devastating series of smack downs and retreat.

The Obama-Kerry act is getting pretty tired by now with this new abortion following Syria interruptus and it is clear that there is absolutely no coherent foreign policy in this woeful administration. With credibility having long ago left the building and the rest of the world (with the exception of the US-EU global finance mafia) laughing their asses off at our bare-ass naked emperor on the level of George W. Bush the game is for all intents and purposes over. Hell, Obama can’t even control his own Congress, his own rogue NSA nor after years of hype and political trench warfare manage to get something as simple as a goddamned website to work properly so why should he expect to have any influence over a ruthless, seasoned political animal the likes of Putin?  Enough of the tantrums already – Obama should just do the honorable thing by immediately firing Kerry, Victoria “f*ck the EU” Nuland, authoritarian Cass Sunstein’s wife Samantha Power, Susan Rice and the rest of his over-matched foreign policy team and then just resign – spare us of the next two-plus years of indignity – hell Nixon did it. V.P. Joe Biden is perfectly capable of filling in as an interim captain to get the great star-spangled garbage barge into port where the thing can be fumigated and have the red-white and blue bunting touched up before Hillary takes the helm and sets sail for more gunboat diplomacy- he sure  couldn’t do any worse at his point despite his proclivity for gaffes.

The Washington Post continues to lead the strident push for war on Russia from the fetid cockroach nest of their necon infested editorial page bunker. The latest collection of nasty chicken hawk penned denouncements of Obama’s “weakness’ towards the defiant top Russian features a gaggle of miscreants as well as one of history’s all time great war criminals in Henry A. Kissinger who should do us all a favor and just hurry up and die already. Not that the gospel of the Beltway insider scum is alone in the incredible outpouring of wall-to wall anti-Putin “two-minutes hate” being pumped out 24/7 and the lying about the neo-Nazis supported by the US/EU who provided the street muscle for the Kiev coup but for a paper that had already pretty much hit bottom in terms of credibility it is something to see Jeff Bezos’ new media operation set up a rig and start drilling to new depths. It is impossible to watch or read damned near anything this week without having to be bludgeoned by war machine propaganda that surpasses that of late summer’s Syria sales job that cynically used that shameful war porn video loop of those gassed and dying kids. Thank God for the Oscar Pistorius trial because it is the only thing that provides any relief these days from the Putin hating blitzkrieg.

The WaPo even dredged up the corrupt former Georgia leader Mikheil Saakashvili, a western puppet who came to power in one of those phony color revolutions and was humiliated when his August 2008 illegal incursion into South Ossetia resulted in an ass-kicking delivered by the big bad bear that sent that tie chewing little prick crying home to mommy. The editorial entitled “When Putin invaded my country” is a shameless piece of cookie cutter crap that is chock full of revisionist history and the now flogged to death neocon boilerplate talking point invocations  of “Munich”, “Hitler”, “Neville Chamberlain”, “Churchill”, “Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia” blah, blah, blah. Such a lofty forum is barely indistinguishable from the standard right-wing horseshit that is thrown out by such southern-fried motherfuckers like Rick Perry and Mike Huckabee  at the annual CPAC extravaganza where it is even money that an unwashed draft-dodging baby daddy like Ted Nugent will win the early straw poll for the 2016 GOP nod.

Take the big names like Kissinger and Saakashvila, mix in the standard “take the money and run’ drive-by shooting poison pen columns by longtime propagandists like Jennifer Rubin, Charles Kraüthammer and George Will and you have a textbook example of exactly why the establishment “dead tree’ media is dying and by the constant wailing for relevance through Cold War II  it must really hurt. The aforementioned triad are set up well for their looming retirements which is a damned shame because none of them will ever have to worry about having to go out and get real jobs.

These a**holes just don’t get it do they? They are not going to be able to throw their weight around against a country like Russia as they do with Iraq, Iran and such mighty military powers as Somalia and the island of Grenada. Putin is in a position to tell them to  just go and f*ck themselves and that is exactly what he is doing. The American empire has been reduced to an in hock up to it’s ass future colony of China with an economy that is incapable of producing anything other than death, mass surveillance and the skimmed money that is collected by a large collection of state-subsidized predatory jackals on Wall Street. This is what happens when decades of borrowing to fund the bloated military machine that exists due to never having adequately made the sane transition out of World War II into a victorious and humble nation that could have instead used all of that wasted money that has been chucked into a sucking black hole of murder and thievery to actually build a society that would by now have overcome every one of the catastrophic problems that are now coming home to roost as we stumble towards collapse.

Let’s hope that when Putin delivers the long-deserved rubbing of Uncle Sam’s big nose into a giant pile of his own steaming hypocrisy. Then the rest of the civilized world can get the message and also give a big middle finger to an overstretched and doomed former superpower that has now become the very “evil empire” that was so long used to justify all of the military spending while destroying what was once the most prosperous middle class in world history. All of it pissed away too and especially so in that 21st Century that Kerry so loves to invoke when making a fool out of himself.

There is no winning! Only degrees of losing!


Donn Marten is a free lance writer, activist and consultant who resides in West Central Florida.  I am a concerned progressive who has serious problems with the tragic turn that our society has taken. Of primary importance is the the total corruption of our institutions first and foremost our political system. This would not have been possible without the complicity of a corrupt corporate media and it is imperative to use the alternative media to circumvent the propaganda and get the truth out.

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