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Garland Nixon

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Why the U.S. is increasingly unfit for world leadership

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Eric Zuesse

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Why the U.S. is increasingly unfit for world leadership

Andrey Sushentsov, the leading professor at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s MGMO University, and one of Russia’s top geostrategists, headlined on June 28th, “Why the Russia-US conflict will outlast the Ukraine crisis: Moscow must look at Washington as a long-term threat”, and he opened:

The desire of the US to dominate and its refusal to see other countries as equals, willing and able to assume equal responsibility for peace and stability, is the short answer to the question of why Moscow-Washington relations cannot get out of the current state of crisis. This attitude also leads the US to the same difficulties in its relations with China, India and even some of its own allies, such as Turkey.

The Russian and Chinese position is buttressed by the principle that peace is the result of compromise between the major centers of power, and that without their mutual agreement – without equality, mutual respect, a willingness to recognize each other’s interests, and adherence to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs – a stable order is impossible. The US believes, however, that peace is a deterministic given, and that no special effort is needed to maintain it. This leads to paradoxical solutions: the more weapons, the more peace. The West is not yet ready to become just one of the Atlanteans holding up the sky. It still believes it should be in charge. ...

$1.5 trillion each year on its military (half of which is funded outside of the U.S. Defense Deprtment so as to fool the world to think that it’s instead only around $900 billion per year), while its federal Government’s debt has risen by $5 trillion in the past four years, which is only $1.25T per year, which is only 83% as much as the nation’s annual military expenses are, which means that all other expenses by the U.S. federal Government will inevitably soon be reduced each year by around $250 billion per year. Those non-military annual expenses constitute $5T ($6.5T minus $1.5T), so that from now on, the non-military part will be reduced by 5% ($.25T/$5T) each year, or else the growth in the federal debt will be $1.5T per year instead of $1.25T per year, or else the current $1.5T U.S. annual spending on its military will be cut down to $1.25T per year, which would mean that the very top priority of the almost 100% neoconservative U.S. Government, which is its military spending, will have to become annually reduced at least by 5%, by that almost 100% neoconservative Government, which won’t happen unless there is a Second American Revolution, which replaces all of these officials by Government officials who will be like what professor Shushentsov says will be needed in order to prevent yet further build-up to a WW3 global nuclear annihilation. 

the billionaires who control the U.S. elected officials by means of their political donations, lobbyists, news-media, think tanks, etc., will see their net worths decline because foreign investors will be withdrawing. So, that path forward will be even less acceptable to them than the other paths will be.

Perhaps the neoconservatives will say that this is Russian propaganda, or Chinese propaganda, or Iranian propaganda, or by some other country that neoconservatives hope to conquer, but they won’t be able to contest any of this by the numbers, because all of these numbers come from the U.S. Government itself. The actual propagandists are the neocons themselves, and they are funded by U.S. billionaires, who have been profiting from all of this. By contrast, nobody has paid me anything in order to research and write this. I always write only what the data display. In the case of my own country, the U.S., what the data display is why the U.S. is increasingly unfit for world leadership. The neoconservatives (including all U.S.-and-allied billionaires) are that reason why. They, themselves, are the reason. And they have enough money to be able to destroy America — and maybe the world.

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News 12131
  • and Hamas is the only party rejecting it reminds me of that time they kept insisting that the real president of Venezuela was some random guy—Juan Guaido—they chose for the position.
  • They’re just trying to impose a narrative which has no factual basis whatsoever by rote repetition and sheer media power.—Caitlin Johnstone.

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“War Is Making Us Poor!”

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John Rachel

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Why did I write this book at this time?

It’s simple.

America is at the end of its ropes. It’s in a tailspin. It’s accelerating its own decline and demise. If we as a nation are not consumed by a nuclear war, then we will be cannibalized by horrible policies which will eventually lead to our destruction as a functioning nation.

Our fortunes are declining on every front. Our international standing is plummeting. Our power is shrinking. Our economic viability is fatally compromised. As a society, we are unraveling, increasingly more divided, constantly bickering and at each others throats. Desperation is the new normal. We are losing our sense of what it is to be “an American”.

While not the sole cause, it is our military and foreign policy which is largely responsible. We have lost our perspective and are now incapable of cooperation with and respect of other countries. We see the main thrust of this in our militarization both overseas and at home, and our exclusive exercise of military power when dealing with the rest of the world. It’s our way or bombs away. Now with our provoking Russia and China, we are crossing existential red lines. It’s Russian Roulette with bullets in every chamber.

Domestically, the U.S. — despite the propaganda and spin — is a mess. A crash — a HUGE crash — is coming. The U.S. as a country is becoming insolvent. Individually, we are in debt up to our eyebrows. And both are only getting worse. The U.S. now pays $1 trillion annually just to service the national debt. That debt is increasing by $1 trillion every three to four months. As individual citizens, with inflation so severe, people are so overwhelmed, they’re charging food on their credit cards. There’s no end in sight to any of this, other than a complete implosion.

In order to slow, and hopefully prevent, our complete bankruptcy, I say we have to target the DOD. As I explain in the book:

“Can we blame all of America’s crises and deficiencies on the military? Perhaps not directly. But we certainly can blame our chronic inability to find the money to fix things on the endless wars and exorbitant DOD budgets.”

The DOD consumes the biggest portion of our national budget. That makes it the “Achilles heel” for the entire edifice of catastrophic priorities.

Folks, it’s time to get real. We’re at an existential moment in our history as a nation and society. If we don’t begin to act decisively and immediately, then it’s all over.

Understand, our current national leaders will not solve the problem. They continue to exacerbate the problem. They are the problem. At the end of this very short volume, I’m offering a controversial but realistic proposal. It’s a modest beginning but at least it’s a beginning. I see nothing else out there other than whining and pleading to the very people who are responsible for the disaster, an exercise in futility.

We can still save America from collapse. But hesitation, no matter how conveniently rationalized, will guarantee failure.

Here is the link to the book . . .

The overall message is addressed throughout the rest of the website. Start here . . .

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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POLL: Half of French youths are willing to die to help U.S.-&-allied billionaires take over Russia.

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Eric Zuesse
Eric's Substack

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French youth

French youth—confused, manipulated, disgusted with the liberal authoritarian status quo, but unable to see who the real enemy is.

POLL: Half of French youths are willing to die to help U.S.-&-allied billionaires take over Russia.

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Of course, those youths aren’t aware that this is what the war in Ukraine is actually about — they’ve instead been deceived to think that it’s an imperial war started by Putin in 2022, rather than an imperial war started by Obama in 2014 when Obama’s Administration engineered a very bloody coup which removed the democratically elected neutralist President there and replaced him with a rabidly anti-Russian U.S.-selected leader who immediately started an ethnic-cleansing campaign to get rid of enough of the former President’s voters so that when future elections would he held in Ukraine, only rabidly anti-Russian rulers would be elected, and that this ethnic-cleansing campaign to solidify Obama’s coup started the war in Ukraine — Putin did not. The goal of Obama (and of the billionaires who had funded his political campaigns) was to get Ukraine into NATO so that America could place a nuclear missile there only 317 miles, or five minutes of missile-flying time, away from The Kremlin — checkmate against Russia. Those French youths don’t know anything about any of that, because their nation’s ‘news’-media hide it from them.

Their nation’s ‘news’-media had similarly hidden from their parents the unassailable fact that in 2003 when the U.S. invaded and destroyed (that video had been quickly removed by youtube) Iraq, it was 100% on the basis of lies to the American people (just as the U.S.-and-allied war in Ukraine against Russia is), and that America is no democracy but instead a profoundly corrupt country whose Government is controlled by its billionaires, who are determined to extend their empire throughout the entire world. And these youngsters also don’t know that France’s billionaires, like the billionaires in all other U.S. colonies, are part of the American international gang and are likewise determined to take over Russia for the American empire.

any dictatorship, even today. This American dictatorship is a collective dictatorship, it’s an aristocracy instead of a monarchy, but it’s really no better than a one-person dictatorship, such as Hitler wanted to impose.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. 

Thanks for reading Eric’s Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Max Blumenthal : US sailors Defending Israeli Genocide

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Judge Napolitano

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Max Blumenthal : US sailors Defending Israeli Genocide

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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