[dropcap]Organized[/dropcap] brutality and murder by the rightwing —which represents the interests of entrenched wealth—is an…
Filmmaker Robert Greenwald: American Sniper is a ‘Neocon Fantasy’ in Which ‘There’s No Good Iraqi Except a Dead Iraqi’
by TGP STAFF0 minutes readBy Kali Holloway [1] / AlterNet [2] (TGP screen grab from movie trailer.) [dropcap]Filmmaker[/dropcap] Robert Greenwald squared off against former…
[dropcap]After decades[/dropcap] of fascist rule in Chile, Patricio Guzman returns to his country to screen…
Another open letter to the Polish ambassador to the United States, Ryszard Schnepf
by TGP STAFF1 minutes readDear Ambassador Schnepf, [dropcap] Unfortunately,[/dropcap] since my last letter to you (1), the…
Ukraine premier’s pro-Nazi version of World War II: USSR invaded Ukraine, Germany
by TGP STAFF0 minutes readBy Lena Sokoll WSWS.ORG [dropcap]In a recent broadcast[/dropcap] of “Tagesthemen”, the main newscast of Germany’s…