Russian Options Against a US Attack on Syria

The object is the defeat and destruction of Russia as an independent world power.

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Pres. Putin with Defense Minister S. Shoigu.

Pres. Putin with Defense Minister S. Shoigu.

The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no negotiations and, at worst, a war between Russia and the USA.

The key thing to understand in the Russian stance in this, and other, recent conflicts with the USA is that Russia is still much weaker than the USA and that she therefore does not want war. That does not, however, mean that she is not actively preparing for war. In fact, she very much and actively does. All this means is that should a conflict occur, Russia would try, as best as can be, to keep it as limited as possible.

In theory, these are, very roughly, the possible levels of confrontation:

1) A military standoff à la Berlin in 1961. One could argue that this is what is already taking place right now, albeit in a more long-distance and less visible way.

2) A single military incident, such as what happened recently when Turkey shot down a Russian SU-24 and Russia chose not to retaliate.

3) A series of localized clashes similar to what is currently happening between India and Pakistan.

4) A conflict limited to the Syrian theater of war (say like the war between the UK and Argentina over the Malvinas Islands)

5) A regional or global military confrontation between the USA and Russia

6) A full scale thermonuclear war between the USA and Russia

During my years as a student of military strategy I have participated in many exercises on escalation and de-escalation and I can attest that while it is very easy to come up with escalatory scenarios, I have yet to see a credible scenario for de-escalation. What is possible, however, is the so-called “horizontal escalation” or “asymmetrical escalation” in which one side choses not to up the ante or directly escalate, but instead choses a different target for retaliation, not necessarily a more valuable one, just a different one on the same level of conceptual importance (in the USA Joshua M. Epstein and Spencer D. Bakich did most of the groundbreaking work on this topic).

The main reason why we can expect the Kremlin to try to find asymmetrical options to respond to a US attack is that in the Syrian context Russia is hopelessly outgunned by the US/NATO, at least in quantitative terms. The logical solutions for the Russians is to use their qualitative advantage or to seek “horizontal targets” as possible retaliatory options. This week, something very interesting and highly uncharacteristic happened: Major General Igor Konashenkov, the Chief of the Directorate of Media service and Information of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, openly mentioned one such option. Here is what he said:

“As for Kirby’s threats about possible Russian aircraft losses and the sending of Russian servicemen back to Russia in body bags, I would say that we know exactly where and how many “unofficial specialists” operate in Syria and in the Aleppo province and we know that they are involved in the operational planning and that they supervise the operations of the militants. Of course, one can continue to insist that they are unsuccessfully involved in trying to separate the al-Nusra terrorists from the “opposition” forces. But if somebody tries to implement these threats, it is by no means certain that these militants will have to time to get the hell out of there.”

Nice, no? Konashenkov appears to be threatening the “militants” but he is sure to mention that there are plenty of “unofficial specialists” amongst these militants and that Russia knows exactly where they are and how many of them there are. Of course, officially, Obama has declared that there are a few hundred such US special advisors in Syria. A well-informed Russian source suggests that there are up to 5,000 foreign ‘advisors’ to the Takfiris including about 4,000 Americans. I suppose that the truth is somewhere between these two figures.

So the Russian threat is simple: you attack us and we will attack US forces in Syria. Of course, Russia will vehemently deny targeting US servicemen and insist that the strike was only against terrorists, but both sides understand what is happening here. Interestingly, just last week the Iranian Fars news agency reported that such a Russian attack had already happened:

30 Israeli, Foreign Intelligence Officers Killed in Russia’s Caliber Missile Attack in Aleppo

Sputnik news agency quoted battlefield source in Aleppo as saying on Wednesday. The operations room was located in the Western part of Aleppo province in the middle of sky-high Sam’an mountain and old caves. The region is deep into a chain of mountains. Several US, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari and British officers were also killed along with the Israeli officers. The foreign officers who were killed in the Aleppo operations room were directing the terrorists’ attacks in Aleppo and Idlib.”

Whether this really happened or whether the Russians are leaking such stories to indicate that this could happen, the fact remains that US forces in Syria could become an obvious target for Russian retaliation, whether by cruise missile, gravity bombs or direct action operation by Russian special forces. The US also has several covert military installations in Syria, including at least one airfield with V-22 Osprey multi-mission tiltrotor aircraft.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]nother interesting recent development has been the Fox News report that Russians are deploying S-300V (aka “SA-23 Gladiator anti-missile and anti-aircraft system”) in Syria. Check out this excellent article for a detailed discussion of the capabilities of this missile system. I will summarize it by saying that the S-300V can engage ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, very low RCS (“stealth”) aircraft and AWACS aircraft. This is an Army/Army Corps -level air defense system, well capable of defending most of the Syrian airspace, but also reach well into Turkey, Cyprus, the eastern Mediterranean and Lebanon. The powerful radars of this system could not only detect and engage US aircraft (including “stealth”) at a long distance, but they could also provide a tremendous help for the few Russian air superiority fighters by giving them a clear pictures of the skies and enemy aircraft by using encrypted datalinks. Finally, US air doctrine is extremely dependent on the use of AWACS aircraft to guide and support US fighters. The S-300V will force US/NATO AWACS to operate at a most uncomfortable distance. Between the longer-range radars of the Russian Sukhois, the radars on the Russian cruisers off the Syrian coast, and the S-300 and S-300V radars on the ground, the Russians will have a much better situational awareness than their US counterparts.

It appears that the Russians are trying hard to compensate for their numerical inferiority by deploying high-end systems for which the US has no real equivalent or good counter-measures.

There are basically two options of deterrence: denial, when you prevent your enemy from hitting his targets and retaliation, when you make the costs of an enemy attack unacceptably high for him. The Russians appear to be pursuing both tracks at the same time. We can thus summarize the Russian approach as such

1) Delay a confrontation as long as possible (buy time)

2) Try to keep any confrontation at the lowest possible escalatory level

3) If possible, reply with asymmetrical/horizontal escalations

4) Rather then “prevail” against the US/NATO – make the costs of an attack too high

5) Try to put pressure on US “allies” in order to create tensions inside the Empire

6) Try to paralyze the US on a political level by making the political costs of an attack too high

7) Try to gradually create the conditions on the ground (Aleppo) to make a US attack futile

To those raised on Hollywood movies and who still watch TV, this kind of strategy will elicit only frustration and condemnation. There are millions of armchair strategists who are sure that they could do a much better job than Putin in countering the US Empire. These folks have now been telling us for *years* that Putin “sold out” the Syrians (and the Novorussians) and that the Russians ought to do X, Y and Z to defeat the AngloZionist Empire. The good news is that none of these armchair strategists sit in the Kremlin and that the Russians have stuck to their strategy over the past years, one day at a time, even when criticized by those who want quick and “easy” solutions. But the main good news is that the Russian strategy is working. Not only is the Nazi-occupied Ukraine quite literally falling apart, but the US has basically run out of options in Syria (see this excellent analysis by my friend Alexander Mercouris in the Duran).

The only remaining logical steps left for the US in Syria is to accept Russia’s terms or leave. The problem is that I am not at all convinced that the Neocons, who run the White House, Congress and the US corporate media, are “rational” at all. This is why the Russians employed so many delaying tactics and why they have acted with such utmost caution: they are dealing with professional incompetent ideologues who simply do not play by the unwritten but clear rules of civilized international relations. This is what makes the current crisis so much worse than even the Cuban Missile Crisis: one superpower has clearly gone insane.

Are the Americans crazy enough to risk WWIII over Aleppo?

Maybe, maybe not. But what if we rephrase that question and ask,

Are the Americans crazy enough to risk WWIII to maintain their status as the “world’s indispensable nation”, the “leader of the free world”, the “city on the hill” and all the rest of this imperialistic nonsense?

Here I would submit that yes, they potentially are.

After all, the Neocons are correct when they sense that if Russia gets away with openly defying and defeating the USA in Syria, nobody will take the AngloZionists very seriously any more.

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ow do you think the Neocons think when they see the President of the Philippines publicly calling Obama a “son of a whore” and then tells the EU to go and “f*ck itself”?

Of course, the Neocons can still find some solace in the abject subservience of the European political elites, but still – they know that the writing is on the wall and that their Empire is rapidly crumbling, not only in Syria, the Ukraine or Asia, but even inside the US. The biggest danger here is that the Neocons might try to rally the nation around the flag, either by staging yet another false flag or by triggering a real international crisis.

At this point in time all we can do is wait and hope that there is enough resistance inside the US government to prevent a US attack on Syria before the next Administration comes in. And while I am no supporter of Trump, I would agree that Hillary and her evil cabal of russophobic Neocons is so bad that Trump does give me some hope, at least in comparison to Hillary.

So if Trump wins, then Russia’s strategy will be basically justified. Once Trump is in the White House, there is at least the possibility of a comprehensive redefinition of US-Russian relations which would, of course, begin with a de-escalation in Syria: while Obama/Hillary categorically refuse to get rid of Daesh (by that I mean al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, and all their various denominations), Trump appears to be determined to seriously fight them, even if that means that Assad stays in power. There is most definitely a basis for dialog here. If Hillary comes in, then the Russians will have to make an absolutely crucial call: how important is Syria in the context of their goal to re-sovereignize Russia and to bring down the AngloZionist Empire? Another way of formulating the same question is “would Russia prefer a confrontation with the Empire in Syria or in the Ukraine?”.

One way to gauge the mood in Russia is to look at the language of a recent law proposed by President Putin and adopted by the Duma which dealt with the issue of the Russia-US Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA) which, yet again, saw the US yet again fail to deliver on their obligations and which Russia has now suspended. What is interesting, is the language chosen by the Russians to list the conditions under which they would resume their participation in this agreement and, basically, agree to resume any kind of arms negotiations:

  1. A reduction of military infrastructure and the number of the US troops stationed on the territory of NATO member states that joined the alliance after September 1, 2000, to the levels at which they were when the original agreement first entered into force.
  2. The abandonment of the hostile policy of the US towards Russia, which should be carried out with the abolition of the Magnitsky Act of 2012 and the conditions of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014, which were directed against Russia.
  3. The abolition of all sanctions imposed by the US on certain subjects of the Russian Federation, Russian individuals and legal entities.
  4. The compensation for all the damage suffered by Russia as a result of the imposition of sanctions .
  5. The US is also required to submit a clear plan for irreversible plutonium disposition covered by the PMDA .

Now the Russians are not delusional. They know full well that the USA will never accept such terms. So what is this really all about? It is a diplomatic but unambiguous way to tell the USA the exact same thing which Philippine President Duterte (and Victoria Nuland) told the EU.

The Americans better start paying attention.

About the author
The Saker is the nom de guerre of a former Russian military analyst and later founder of the Saker network of alternative info websites.


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THE SAKER: By way of deception thou shalt lose your Empire

The object is the defeat and destruction of Russia as an independent world power.

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In April of 2014 I wrote an article entitled “How the Ukrainian crisis will eventually bring down the AngloZionist Empire” in which I made a list of the similarities between the Soviet Union of the 1980s and Obama’s USA and wrote the following:

What the AngloZionists are openly and publicly defending in the Ukraine is the polar opposite of what they are supposed to stand for. That is an extremely dangerous thing to do for any regime and the AngloZionist Empire is no exception to that rule. Empires often crumble when their own people become disillusioned and disgusted with massive discrepancy between what the ruling elites say and what they do. And as a result, it is not so much that the Empire is faced with formidable enemies as it is the fact that nobody is willing to stand up – never mind die – in defense of it.

Over two years later, watching the Presidential race between Trump and Hillary I am amazed to see how deep and “in your face” the habit of lying, denying the obvious, deceiving and otherwise misrepresenting has permeated the US political discourse.

Neoconned, Hillary Clinton

“Neoconned”. The Neocon vermin is literally drooling in anticipation of a Hillary victory in November. That is bad news for the world indeed, and everything that lives. Parry Prominent Neocons include William Kristol (son of notorious turncoat and professional anticommunist Irving Kristol); John McCain, Robert Kagan (husband of Victoria Nuland), Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Elliot Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz, and many others of equally vile political character.

First and foremost, there is the absolutely unabashed way the corporate Ziomedia is bashing Trump without even so much as a pretense of objectivity or truthfulness. Of course, I always knew that the US propaganda machine was lying and that the media was owned by the US deep state, but at least there was this thin veneer or pseudo-objectivity, of having “both sides” heard. Now this is over. When dealing with Trump, we have Orwell’s “Two Minutes of Hate” but spread over 24/7. Not that Trump does not deserve some of it, [probably most of it, and richly, since he is a despicable bastard] he sure does, but compared to how real scumbags like the Clintons are treated, the lynching of Trump is, I believe, unprecedented and unique. Why does it matter? Because now the masks have been taken off, the pretenses removed, and what you see is the true face of the corporate media as it always was: hateful, hypocritical and totally corrupt. And since a truly free and independent media is central to a functioning democracy, then the total corruption of the media in the USA is also the proof that this country does not have a functioning democracy.

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]econd, there are the completely surreal events happening in Syria: the US betrayal of the agreement signed with Russia, the US threats to attack Syria (in total illegality), the crocodile tears about the humanitarian situation in Aleppo (and the blind eye to Yemen), the mind-blowing hypocrisy of the USA wanting to take the Syrians and the Russians to an international criminal court for war crimes, the now absolutely open support for al-Qaeda (aka al-Nusra, aka Jabhat Fateh al-Sham aka Daesh) and the threats to arm them, the open threats by Admiral Kirby to have Russian aircraft shot down, Russian cities bombed and Russians soldiers come back in body bags – we now see an Administration which has gone completely “mental” over Syria and which does not even know what it is doing. To say that the 1000-4000 US servicemen and contractors currently deployed in Syria are “serving their country” or “defending democracy” or “our way of life” is simply laughable and everybody knows that. But nobody says a word about it. In fact, their presence in Syria is hardly ever mentioned.

Max Boot is one of the most rabidly malicious neocons around, and that's saying something in a bunch in which everyone is either a sociopath or a whore for the imperialist system, or both.

Max Boot is one of the most rabidly malicious neocons around, and that’s saying something in a bunch in which everyone is either a sociopath or a whore for the imperialist system, or both.

This Kafkaesque slouching towards war with Russia is simply never discussed by any pundit or media outlet. It’s like it’s not happening, but of course it is happening, right before our eyes. The Russian officials speak about this every day, so does the Russian media, it is one of the most discussed topics on TV, and yet in the “land of the brave home of the free” this is a kind of Orwellian “untopic” which, by consensus, has no existence, no reality and no relevance: The Neocons’ crazy policies risk turning the USA into a gigantic pile of radioactive ashes, but the topic which preoccupies everybody is Trump’s potty-mouth about women.

I don’t know about you, but I see more nobility in the Titanic’s chamber orchestra playing the waltz “Songe d’Automne” as long as the ship could still float than in the pathetic spectacle which the (equally sinking) AngloZionist Empire offers to us today.

On the external front, the Empire is also doubling down on its lies. Here are a few headlines which were recently seen in 5th columnist newspapers in Russia and their colleagues abroad:

 “Patriarch Kirill bans abortions in Russia”. “Russian women will be forced to give birth”  Patriarch Kirill, along with other religious leaders, signed a statement saying that abortions should not be paid for by the state.
 “Employees will be fired for using Whatsapp or similar messaging services”  State employee are banned from using messaging services to transmit work-related or classified information.
 “Tolstoi and Dostoevsky are now banned from Russian schools”  Various officials are discussing in what grade Russian classical authors should be studied.Table

These are just a few recent examples. Such garbage is published by the pro-western “yellow” press in Russia and by the western corporate media on an almost daily basis.

Of course, the Neocons have always ruled “by way of deception”, as did the Anglo rulers of the British Empire, but in modern Russia they are now hitting a number of obstacles which greatly complicates their work:

1) Putin has done an excellent job slowly but surely booting out the worst russophobes from the main Russian TV and radio channels. Of course, some are left, very deliberately (I explain the reason for that in detail here) but they surely don’t control the media like they did in the 1990s.

2) In the age of the Internet, it takes just days to debunk the lies of Uncle Sam, the Neocons or the Russian 5th columnists (for the latest example see here).

3) Russians remember the 1990s and they follow very closely what is happening across the border in the Nazi-occupied Ukraine and they realize that what the Ukraine is undergoing today is what Russia had to suffer in the 1990s and would have to live through again if the pro-western forces ever came back to power. In a way, you could say that the Russians have been “vaccinated” against the AngloZionist propaganda.

There is no reason to dismiss a priori the possibility that there is a schism inside the US deep state, that one part wants to save the Empire as the expense of the USA (the Neocons) and another wants to save the USA at the expense of the Empire (the Trump supporters).

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] think that while the situation is still much worse in the USA, there are also some very encouraging signs that the lies are beginning to wear off. While there are still millions who believe the Idiot-Box or simply don’t have the energy to think any more, there are also millions who are thoroughly disillusioned, cynical, disgusted and angry at the parasitic elites which rule over them. By and large, the corporate media is deeply distrusted. As for journalists, they are about as respected as lawyers and medical doctors (amazing how these two noble professions got completely discredited by their practitioners in just a few decades!). We can speculate for hours over whether Trump still has a chance to win the next election or not, but I submit that, judging by their panicked actions, the Neocons clearly believe that he might. And that terrifies them. They are clearly afraid that those whom they consider as their dumb serfs might revolt against their rule (as has happened so many times in history).

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] know that there are many out there who do not trust Trump. And I agree with them. I don’t trust him either. However, while I do not “trust” Trump, I admit that it is possible that he really might be a President who would put the interests of the American people first, and the interests of the AngloZionist Empire a distant second. The history of empires is full of situations where one part of the ruling class turned against the other one (SA vs SS, Trotskyists vs Stalinists, etc.). There is no reason to dismiss a priori the possibility that there is a schism inside the US deep state, that one part wants to save the Empire as the expense of the USA (the Neocons) and another wants to save the USA at the expense of the Empire (the Trump supporters). Again, I did not say that this is likely, only that I admit that this is possible. And if that is really a possibility, could it not also be possible that the American people would deliberately vote against their own mass media and political elites, just like the British people chose the Brexit in total defiance of the official doxa? That all the Trump-bashing actually could help him get elected?

Could it be that after losing Russia to their lies, the Neocons will now lose the United States to their apparently incurable propensity to rule by deception?  (They have to rule by deception because their agenda is inherently criminal and amoral. But the sickness has deeper roots, still, as it is actually inherent in the mendacity and sociopathy of capitalist social dynamics and the rule of a privileged, tiny minority accountable to no one outside their circle.—Editors.)

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]or years I used to dismiss the US Presidential elections like a joke, a fraud and an exercise in collective brainwashing. This time around, and for the first time, I think that there is a possibility, however slim, that something of importance might be decided on November 8. The fact that such a possibility even appeared is, by itself, quite remarkable and it is yet another sign of how deep the systemic crisis of the Empire has become. As for the parasites who form the 1% [actually 0.000001%] who run this Empire, they are clearly in a panic mode, probably because they are much better informed than most of us of how truly catastrophic the situation really is.

A Hillary victory will not change any of it. It will only make it much, much more dangerous. With Trump, there is at least a possibility of a gradual, more or less organized withdrawal, a drawdown of sorts, a transition of the USA from being a wannabe World Hegemon into a USA as a major, but “normal”, country. Very much like Russia today, I hope.

With Hillary we can be sure the Empire will double down, continue to lie to itself and the rest of the planet, and deny it all, making the end inevitably very violent, possibly catastrophic. I would not put it past the “crazies in the basement” to prefer a nuclear holocaust (their favorite topic!) to a liberation of the USA, and the rest of the planet, from their demonic power. It is therefore our duty to prevent them from succeeding from destroying our planet.

—The Saker

About the author
 The Saker is a former military analyst and Russian geopolitical analyst and commentator residing in America. He is the editor in chief and founder of the Saker network of sites.  

This article was written for the Unz Review:


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Why ISIS Exists: The Double Game

pale blue horizamericanwaylogo7CARRYING OUT THE CRIMINAL AGENDA OF THE 0.00001% ACROSS THE GLOBE

WORLD NEWS /First iteration 29 NOV 2015
, International Policy Digest


The world faces a lethal, make believe “reality” of almost infinite hypocrisy. 

The western press laments the near impossibility of defeating an organization that didn’t even exist a couple of short years ago. Brand ISIS, the unconquerable, may actually become a truism if the people of the western nations continue to listen to the lies and propaganda of their own governments.

You’ve been told a lot of things about the war in Syria, and clearly most of it is finely crafted war propaganda, which seeks to obscure the forest by showing you an endless series of trees. The trees are gunshots, explosions, and dead bodies. The forest is elusive, vast, covers several continents, and we are only ever given small samples of the terrain. The section of the forest that receives some of the latest scrutiny is not necessarily the crucial part of the story. Beneath the entire forest lies an aquifer, a vast ocean of water that feeds the trees invisibly, silently, yet persistently. Without this water supply there would be no forest to speak of.

But here is where the metaphor breaks. Unlike an underground reservoir, which is impossible to eradicate, the money and weapons transfers to fundamentalist militants can be stopped. The problem is that western so-called “leaders” have done absolutely nothing to stop them.

In fact they rarely mention these sources of terrorist arms, training and funding at all, in public anyway. When acknowledged these become theater, hand wringing, vague excuses rather than concrete action. At other times intelligence services themselves willingly hand over sophisticated weapons to terrorists, such as TOW anti-tank missiles and surface to air “MANPADS” capable of bringing down commercial airliners. The nations most responsible for creating the extremist armies on the ground—Turkey and the Persian Gulf tyrannies—are close allies and even “friends” to US and European political masters.

Establishing the Grand Fraud

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o what in the hell is really going on? Well, war of course. This is what modern war looks like. In particular this latest proxy war targets the multi-cultural, yet authoritarian regime of Syria’s Bashar Al Assad. NATO dislikes Assad because he is an ally of Iran, Russia and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Oil and gas pipeline routes also factor in. Western powers and Gulf States that don’t like Assad have, like a pack of wild jackals, been ripping at Syria since 2011. The primary supporter of ISIS and the Al Nusrah Front is Turkey, which by any objective measure should be considered a state sponsor of international terrorism and isolated immediately.

Sometimes we are even provided short glimpses of the reality, by our own so-called leaders.

Vice President of the United States Joe Biden said: “[Erdogan…the Saudis, the Emiratis, etc.]…poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad, except that the people who were being supplied were al-Nusra, and al Qaeda, and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: “Still, donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said: “I know major Arab allies who fund them [ISIS].”

Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said: “It’s unbelievable and unacceptable that more than 60 nations comprising this coalition that have the most modern aircraft and weapons at their disposal have been conducting their campaign in Iraq for 14 months and IS still remains in the country.”


said: “I think it was a decision, a willful decision.”

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) said: “The Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [Al Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria…The West, the Gulf Countries, and Turkey support the opposition.”

Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan said: “The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the [Olympic] games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us.”

The U.S. State Department said, “Riyadh has taken only limited action to disrupt fundraising for the UN 1267-listed Taliban and LeT-groups that are also aligned with al-Qa’ida and focused on undermining stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan…Al-Qa’ida and other groups continue to exploit Kuwait both as a source of funds and as a key transit point…UAE’s role as a growing global financial center, coupled with weak regulatory oversight, makes it vulnerable to abuse by terrorist financiers and facilitation networks…[Qatar has] been hesitant to act against known terrorists out of concern for appearing to be aligned with the U.S. and provoking reprisals.”

No concrete steps are taken against these state supporters of terrorism. Far from it, they are intimate partners with the United States and form a coalition of the willing to use proxy terrorists to destroy Syria. ISIS has been a main component of this effort for years. It was not until they attacked targets in Europe (Paris), that Western leaders finally decided that they needed to appear to do things differently.

What this coalition does and what it clearly does not do are the telltale signs for understanding these current events. These will require more scrutiny.

The US has manufactured terrorist armies before, notably in Afghanistan, beginning in 1979. And when their Mujahadeen brigades defeated the Soviets, in the late 1980s, many champagne bottles were popped over at the Langley CIA headquarters. Such a wonderful victory for them, Zbigniew Brzezinski was quite proud of his handiwork. Coincidentally, Brzezinski emerged recently to shriek at the Russians, “to convey to Moscow the demand that it cease and desist from military actions that directly affect American assets.” Those “assets” have been the subject of much obfuscation and deceit over these past four years, despite seas of bloodshed. In Syria today, just who is an “American asset,” and who is not?

The most jaw-dropping and damning revelation of the entire Syria fiasco to date is hosted right on the website. It’s received zero mention by the “free” US corporate press, and here it is: “President Obama spoke by phone today from California with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey, at the Prime Minister’s request, about developments in Syria and Egypt. The President and Prime Minister discussed the danger of foreign extremists in Syria and agreed on the importance of supporting a unified and inclusive Syrian opposition. The President and Prime Minister expressed concern about the situation in Egypt and a shared commitment to supporting a democratic and inclusive way forward. The two leaders agreed to have their teams continue to coordinate closely to promote our shared interests. The President gave his best wishes to the Prime Minister and the Turkish people on the beginning of their Ramazan holiday.”

That is exhibit A for the treason trial. I’m quite shocked that I’ve been nearly alone in referencing this outrageously criminal admission concerning US policy in Turkey and Syria. You now have been informed of whom the White House considers an “asset.” The Russians know it too, all too well.

Exhibit B for the prosecution would likely be Barack Obama’s tinkering with the Arms Export Control Act, reported on September 15th of 2013: “The president, citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act, announced today that he would waive the prohibitions in sections 40 and 40A…The prohibitions contained in this section apply with respect to a country if the Secretary of State determines that the government of that country has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism.”

This action can only be described as Orwellian hypocrisy, as the weapons Obama ships to Syrian insurgents meet the stated criteria. The United States is clearly supporting “international terrorism,” with glee. US arms and ammunition have gone to Jihadists all over Syria and Iraq through many pathways. They have murdered many civilians there, and they continue to do so daily. Further, attacking the government of Syria by arming a proxy army is the “Supreme International Crime,” a Crime Against the Peace, a blatant breach of the UN Charter, but it’s happening.



[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he entire world knows that Syria’s radical terrorists are supported by outside states, and yet no sanctions are ever proposed by our “democratic” leaders against those states. When Russia did things in Ukraine that Washington disapproved of immediate trade sanctions attacked its economy and certain named individuals. No such actions are even entertained against Turkish, Saudi, Qatari, Kuwaiti, Jordanian or other supporters of the ISIS terror state. This is clearly because the US, and Barack Obama specifically, consider these terrorists “American assets.” It is the Brzezinski plan for regime change, and it has always been the Brzezinski plan. [Of course, since Washington is the first and most influential force behind these crimes, it is not about to indict itself.-Eds]

They know exactly what they’re doing. Obama’s own Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) told them in 2012 that their actions would lead to an Islamic Caliphate. “ISI could also declare an Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, which will create a grave danger in regards to unifying Iraq and the protection of its territory.”

It’s not ignorance, and it’s not a mistake. It has been the deliberate policy of the United States and its partners to tolerate―and to even support―a terror Caliphate in Syria and Iraq.

Redirections, Red Lines & Rat Lines

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he most important investigative article of the post 9/11 era is arguably Seymour Hersh’s March 2007 expose in The New Yorker: “The Redirection.” Just what was being redirected?

Short answer: everything. The so-called “war on terror” flipped 180 degrees as the US partnered with Sunni extremists to redirect the fight and target Shi’ite Muslims: specifically Assad’s Syria, Maliki’s Shi’ite Iraqi regime, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the big one: Iran. “[The Saudi] message to us was ‘We’ve created this movement, and we can control it.’ It’s not that we don’t want the Salafis to throw bombs; it’s who they throw them at―Hezbollah, Moqtada al-Sadr, Iran, and at the Syrians, if they continue to work with Hezbollah and Iran.”

As Americans went back to sleep, the American empire partnered up with the sponsors of the 9/11 attacks: Saudis and their Wahabbi friends, who can always be counted on to supply money and fanatical fighters. The formula that brought down the Soviets in the 1980s was to be “New American Century” Plan A.

“This is all part of the campaign of provocative steps to increase the pressure on Iran. The idea is that at some point the Iranians will respond and then the Administration will have an open door to strike at them,” Seymour Hersh writes in “The Redirection.”

By the time Syria exploded into chaos in 2011, Obama was in charge, and the strategy had steadily evolved. So had the clampdown on dissenting voices. Seymour Hersh was exiled to the London Review of Books, where his damning revelations would not be broadcast to the American public. In “The Red Line and the Rat Line” Hersh helped expose what was going on in Syria: “A highly classified annex to the report, not made public, described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between the Obama and Erdogan administrations. It pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria.”

In 2011 Obama destroyed Libya by acting as “Al Qaeda’s Air Force” in violation of the Constitution and the UN Charter. He then set his dogs to work moving weapons and fighters from Libya across to the next target on the hit list: Syria.

By June 20, of 2013: “[Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)]…stated that al-Nusra maintained a sarin production cell: its programme, the paper said, was ‘the most advanced sarin plot since al-Qaida’s’ pre-9/11 effort.” (Hersh)

Meaning that the White House was lying throughout that period as to the Syrian rebels’ chemical weapons capabilities. When a staged sarin attack killed numerous civilians in Ghoutta, on August 21 of 2013, Obama was quick to jump at the chance for military action and a new war. That was the “red line” cassus belli that his own administration had floated the previous year. But the actual perpetrators turned out to be Al Nusrah Front working with chemical suppliers in Turkey, aided by Turkish intelligence.

That the Jihadis were the Ghoutta chemical attack perpetrators was confirmed in a Turkish indictment as well as by rebel fighters on the ground near Damascus.

The actions of the White House over this issue betray its hypocrisy, yet again. When Assad was the perpetrator, all the military might of the NATO bloc was to come down on Syria to punish it for its “red line” use of chemical weapons. When the actual perpetrators are Al Nusrah terrorists, working closely with Erdogan’s Turkey, as well as Pentagon and CIA trainees, and ISIS too, there is only a deafening silence. Inaction reveals much when it comes to this Syrian charade. The sarin issue was kicked from history, and the actual deaths of those 500 or so children and civilians remain as meaningless to those in Washington as do any other deaths in their ongoing Middle East blood frenzy.

As for the Benghazi-Gate fiasco, and the death of the US ambassador, the obvious reason for the White House cover-up was disclosed in Seymour Hersh’s piece: “The [Benghazi] consulate’s only mission was to provide cover for the moving of arms,’ the former intelligence official, who has read the annex, said. ‘It had no real political role.’”

Clearly the illegal foreign support to the insurgency in Syria is the reason ISIS exists. It did not spring from nowhere. It did not magically take over parts of two countries overnight. The fact that it is a genocidal, fanatical monstrosity is one of those distasteful qualities that western leaders tend to distance themselves from, but not enough to actually eradicate the quite useful proxy group.

The Fake “War” on ISIS

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s we bob from fraud to fraud in this age of manufactured terror and covert everything, we must remain significantly more vigilant than our predecessors in order to comprehend the schizophrenic nature of US foreign policy today.

As for ISIS we bomb them occasionally but an excuse lingers that bombing is not sufficient. We are told that we will need to take over Syria, with large infantry armies that is if the Jihadists can’t do it successfully on their own. Unfortunately, for people like Zbigniew Brzezinski, John McCain, Bandar bin Sultan, and Barack Obama, the Russians saw the writing on the wall and stepped in to bomb back the terrorist militias. With a legitimate invitation from the government of Syria the Russian air campaign has been quite successful so far.

Back in September of 2014 the NY Times claimed that Barack Obama’s Administration was “Struggling to Starve ISIS of Oil Revenue.” Over a year later Obama had still not bombed the long lines of tanker trucks illegally selling the black market oil to the neighboring countries: that coalition again, with Turkey being the main recipient. Neither did the Times even bother mentioning the obvious US option of bombing the tanker trucks, oil wells and refineries under ISIS control.



[dropcap]E[/dropcap]choing what Nuri al-Maliki had said, Vladimir Putin wielded the big monkey wrench at this last G20 summit, on November 15th: “Channels of finance for terrorist activity must be cut off…This financing, as we found out, comes from 40 countries, including some in the G20.”

Gloves off, Russian President Putin had already accused Washington of backing terrorism across the Middle East. Not stopping there, Putin literally handed Obama Russian satellite photos of 1,000 ISIS oil tanker trucks stretching for “dozens of kilometers.”

The very next day, November 16, “U.S. Warplanes Strike ISIS Oil Trucks in Syria.” For some reason only 116 trucks out of the “1,000” were hit by the US mission. Then the effort mysteriously stopped as soon as the headlines had gone to print. With the policy firmly established in the media, the reality on the ground became irrelevant again.


An ISIS convoy from Turkey, a nation which, with US/NATO approval, has always been key in maintaining the Jihadist plague in the region and beyond.

An ISIS convoy from Turkey, a nation which, with US/NATO approval and encouragement, has always been key in maintaining the Jihadist plague in the region and beyond.

Russia took up the slack on the 18th destroying “500 fuel tank trucks” controlled by ISIS and used to fund their insurgency. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov phrased it: “[T]he analysis of those [US-led] airstrikes during over a year lead to conclusion that they were hitting selectively, I would say, sparingly and on most occasions didn’t touch those IS units, which were capable of seriously challenging the Syrian army.”

In addition to avoiding the illegal oil trade occurring right beneath USAF fighter/bombers for over a year, there is also the matter of approximately 60 ISIS training camps. No training camps have been bombed to date, despite continually churning out “1,000” radical Islamic fighters per month. We can make some educated guesses as to why that is.

Foreign intelligence and special forces (British and Qatari), and potentially US personnel, have operated inside Syria since at least February of 2012. The CIA admits to spending $1Bn per year training Syrian insurgents and boasts that it has “trained and equipped nearly 10,000 fighters sent into Syria over the past several years.” If US personnel aren’t actually inside the territory of Syria, their pets surely are.

We know that ISIS, Al Nusrah, al Sham and Free Syrian Army (FSA) are all allies and work closely together. The FSA Colonel Abdel Jabbar al Olkaidihas plainly told us so. Olkaidi was the direct link to US Ambassador Robert Ford, and so there is no longer any plausible deniability on the subject. There is no legitimacy left for US claims of a “moderate” opposition that somehow exists separate from the genocidal terror armies of head-chopping extremists.


[dropcap]I [/dropcap]would be remiss if I ignored mentioning the oil and gas supplies of the Middle East. The routes into Europe are hotly contested. With the Ukrainian gas pipelines coming from Russia, western leaders want alternatives in order to weaken the bear. Other proposed energy routes to the south include Syrian territory, that same territory ISIS now claims as its “Caliphate.”

It also needs to be mentioned that German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has admitted: 760 German citizens have joined ISIS and 200 of them have returned home to Germany. Earlier this year it was reported that100,000 fake Turkish passports had gone to ISIS fighters.

Turkey remains the headquarters and logistical center of ISIS. The west, NATO, and their Gulf tyranny partners, have opened Pandora’s Box. It still hangs wide open.


joe-giambroneJOE GIAMBRONE

  • His 2011 short film The Container won the one-minute juried prize at the Sundial Film Festival in his hometown of Redding, Ca.
  • Again in 2016, he has taken the one-minute category with The Real Reason You Should Recycle. 
  • His non-fiction freelance journalism appears at International Policy Digest, WhoWhatWhy, Counterpunch, Globalresearch, Foreign Policy Journal, High Times, OpedNews and numerous other online outlets.

He continues to write, to film, and to adapt various works across media.

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The signs are there: Does US Plan a Major False Flag Incident in Syria?

black-horizontalDispatches from

stephen-lendman     False flags are a longstanding US tradition, dating at least from the mid-19th century.

With the filthy American media and its numerous Western accomplices lending a hand, anything is possible.

011026-F-4884R-006 Operation Enduring Freedom, Oct. 26, 2001 --Following early morning bombing missions, an F-18 ÒHornetÓ flies in the post-contact position during an aerial refueling mission with a KC-135R from the 319th Air Expeditionary Group. The 319th AEG is deployed to a forward deployed location in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. U.S. Air Force photo by Tech Sgt. Scott Reed (RELEASED)

An F-18 Hornet, type of aircraft that might be disguised to appear Russian in what could be a horrible act of international murder.

Notable ones included sinking the USS Maine in Havana harbor in January 1898. The Spanish-American War followed.

Southeast Asian war was launched after the fake August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident. The 9/11 false flag was the mother of them all, endless wars of aggression following, America raping and destroying one nation after another.

False flags in Boston, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Orlando and elsewhere blamed innocent patsies for state-sponsored terrorism.

Days earlier, Canadian journalist Christian Borys tweeted “(t)he US is painting their F/A-18s to match the paint schemes of Russian jets in #Syria…”

Was it for training purposes or something more sinister? Will a major false flag follow Hillary’s ascension to power or sooner? Will greater US war on Syria explode, risking direct confrontation with Russia?

Will US warplanes painted to appear Russian be used for simulated aerial combat ahead of the real thing coming?

Put nothing past neocon lunatics infesting Washington. Global war may explode under Hillary’s leadership next year. The possibility should terrify everyone.



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STEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( ) Visit his blog site at



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Russia Checkmates US in Syria: Expect More Terrorism, Not Nuclear War

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Assad supporters: nOt exactly the image conveyed by the Western media.

Assad supporters: not exactly the image conveyed by the Western media.

Dateline: Thu, 06 Oct 2016 22:58 UTC

© Sputnik/Andrey Stenin

IFrom ‘Russian aggression in Europe’ to ‘annexing Crimea and fomenting civil war in Ukraine’ to ‘shooting down passenger planes’ to ‘hacking American democracy’ to ‘bombing innocent civilians and hospitals’ (and bunny rabbits) to ‘creating the European refugee crisis’ to having a monopoly on ‘state-sponsored doping’ and ‘supporting terrorists in Syria’, there doesn’t seem to be much that Russia hasn’t done to royally screw up the planet.

Of course, the astute reader will have noticed that most of these allegations come from American politicians, political pundits and newspapers.

In recent weeks, the level of anti-Russian vitriol coming out of places like the US State Department has reached such a pitch that we all might be excused for taking up yoga in anticipation of the moment when we must perform the necessary maneuver to kiss our collective arse goodbye in a global nuclear conflagration.

But the existential threat of a ‘hot war’ between Russia and the USA is more the stuff of nightmares and propaganda than reality. The reality is that the ‘exceptional’ USA is all out of options, including nuclear, when it comes to impeding Russia’s emergence as a major world power with global influence.


Over the course of the last 70 years, the USA and its allies have expanded their control (by one means or another and in one form or another) over most of the planet, with the notable exception of Russia and China. When the Soviet Union ‘fell’ in 1991, there was much jubilation and anticipation in the halls of power in America – jubilation that capitalism had triumphed in the ‘clash of civilizations’, and anticipation of a boon for American multi-national corporations as Russia’s vast energy resources would be ‘opened up’. During the 1990s, determined efforts were made by Western agents to seize control of Russia’s resources. But then along came Vladimir Putin.

Elected president in 1999, Putin spoiled the West’s looting spree, kicked out or assimilated the Russian oligarchs and their Western buddies, and progressively took back control of Russia, its resources and people. But securing the homeland was only the first step for the president with the ‘gunslinger’s gait‘. Putin also embarked on a quiet but profound modernization of the Russian military, all the while highlighting Russia’s interest in cooperating with the West and making nice with its politicians.

That American supremacy is based on manipulation, coercion, threats and physical attacks against those who cannot defend themselves should be self-evident for any serious student of history. Yet the primary objective of the Western press has been to keep this fact from the wider public while touting American ‘humanitarianism’.

But Western predatory, militarized capitalism still had its sights on Russia, and the assumption in Washington was that Russia would eventually capitulate to the fait accompli of the New American Century. After all, US-led ‘globalization’ had made it all but impossible for any country to forge an independent path; even Russia with its vast oil and gas resources (on which Europe depends) couldn’t ignore the political reality of Washington’s imposing control.

If Russia needed a reminder, that was available in the form of ‘destabilization’ efforts by Western-backed ‘open society’ NGOs inside Russia and the obvious fact of Europe’s complete subservience to American dictates. In addition, US military prowess was being consistently shoved in Putin’s face with the continual expansion of NATO in Eastern Europe.


Nuland and Pyatt hand out cookies in Kiev, December 2013

By 2013, and much to Washington’s frustration, Putin still held to the outdated concept of national sovereignty and Russia’s right to expand its influence and partnerships abroad, in particular in Syria and Iran. So Washington decided that a clear message to ‘get with the program’ was needed. That warning came in early 2014, in the form of a Western-backed coup d’état in long-term Russian ally and historical ‘buffer country’ against NATO, Ukraine.

An embarrassingly pro-Western client regime in Kiev was installed with the clear implication that Russia would soon be denied access to its historical Black Sea port in Sevastopol which facilitated Russian naval access to the Mediterranean. One of the goals of the US-sponsored coup in Ukraine was very likely to distract and delay Russia from taking an active military role in Syria, which had just a few months previously brokered a diplomatic deal to dispose of Syrian stockpiles of chemical weapons, thus preventing ‘shock and awe’ in Syria at the eleventh hour.

The Ukraine coup was a ‘bridge too far’ for Russia and when millions of ethnic Russians in Crimea recoiled at the idea of being ruled and abused by neo-Nazi stooges in Kiev, Russia facilitated an independence/accession referendum and Crimea, along with the Black Sea port of Sevastopol, became part of Russia with the support of 96% of voters. When ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine reacted the same way as Crimeans, and demanded their independence and potential accession to the Russian Federation, the Russian government ensured that, at the very least, they had the means to defend themselves from Kiev’s onslaught.

Washington, of course, was outraged at the idea that any nation-state would dare challenge its ‘exceptional’ right to act globally as it sees fit, even when it meant royally screwing over that nation. But the point being made to Washington was that Russia was not only in a position to defend itself at home, but also its interests in the ‘near-abroad’.

That American supremacy is based on manipulation, coercion, threats and physical attacks against those who cannot defend themselves should be self-evident for any serious student of history. Yet the primary objective of the Western press has been to keep this fact from the wider public while touting American ‘humanitarianism’. When you have complete control of the airwaves, it’s easy to spin a turkey shoot against an inferior army, and the subsequent resource grab against a defenseless population, as liberating people in a war for freedom against a ‘brutal dictator’.

But even those few countries that avoided being turned into vassals of Empire, like Russia, were never expected by Washington to be in a position (or have the temerity) to directly challenge America’s ‘national interest’ in controlling the world. When Russia did so in Ukraine, the world got its first glimpse of the truth behind American supremacy, and from this moment on, the supreme confidence and wishful thinking of US policy-makers became their greatest weakness.

"Toyota Akbar" —It has never been explained who bought and how these numerous brand new Toyota trucks ended up in ISIS hands.

“Toyota Akbar” —It has never been explained who paid for these numerous brand new Toyota trucks and how they ended up in ISIS hands. © The

Faced with being checkmated in Ukraine and loudly denouncing Russia’s ‘annexation’ of Crimea, you might think that this was the opportunity for the USA to ‘nuke Russia’, or at least begin to prepare the ground for such. But apparently that wasn’t an option. Surely a more conventional military confrontation was possible and would succeed in putting Russia ‘back in its place’? A fleet of warplanes and ships sailing up the Black Sea to liberate Crimea should have solved the issue, right? It seems that that wasn’t ‘on the table’ either.

No indeed, what the brilliant minds in the Pentagon – with every fiber of US military muscle at their disposal – came up with in response to being slapped in the face over Ukraine, was lots of name-calling, baseless accusations and slander of every imaginable type against Russia. They even went so far as to shoot down a Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine and blame it on Putin himself, a desperately despicable move aimed at generating grist for the anti-Russia black propaganda mill.


Washington Outmaneuvered in Syria

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]y mid-summer 2015, relative calm had been restored in eastern Ukraine, but the conflict in Syria was still raging. Launched in 2011 by armed ‘rebels’ aiming to overthrow the Syrian government, the outbreak of this ‘civil war’ had nothing to do with the Syrian people. Instead, within a year, Syria was flooded with foreign mercenaries from dozens of countries, all very well-armed and organized.

Who, exactly, facilitated their move into Syria is still unknown, although it is known that many came from Libya which had been destroyed by NATO forces in 2011, and it seems rather coincidental that the ‘refugee crisis’, involving the transit of hundreds of thousands of people across the Syrian border, exploded around the same time.

In one of the most transparently farcical episodes of American foreign policy interventions (at least since 1979 in Afghanistan), the US State Dept. – which had been calling Assad a ‘brutal dictator’ for at least 2 years – declared the foreign jihadi army to be ‘freedom fighters’. By 2014, with the Syrian military holding its own and Assad winning re-election in a landslide victory that international observers agreed was free, fair and transparent, the fully formed and battle-ready ‘ISIS’ appeared and joined the US’ war against Syria and its people.

Born out of ‘al-Qaeda in Iraq’ under al-Zarqawi, which itself was partly a creation of the US military, ‘ISIS’ and ‘al-Nusra’ (aka ‘al-Qaeda in Syria’), all united under the black banner of pirated ‘Islam’, have been armed and protected by US forces in Syria and used to achieve the US imperial goal of taking control of the country. Mindbogglingly, fighting these same terror groups has been given as the reason for the US military presence (covert initially, but now overt) in Syria.

So it was not surprising that, throughout 2014 and most of 2015, as ISIS rampaged westwards across Syria and claimed responsibility for a string of brutal mass murders in Europe and the Middle East, the vaunted US-led coalition did nothing to check its advance. As a result, by the summer of 2015, the Syrian army was being hard-pressed by Washington’s terrorists, and the future of the Assad government was in doubt.

With a NATO bombing campaign (a rerun of Libya in 2011) to depose Assad looking increasingly likely, Russia chose to intervene to protect its strategic interests in the region and rid Syria of America’s jihadis. In doing so, Russia both called the US’ bluff that it was ‘fighting terrorists’ in Syria and removed any remaining doubt that the US and its ‘allies’ are, in fact, long-term sponsors of Islamic terrorists.


‘Hot war’ between US and Russia


[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o how far will this go? The suggestion that the Syrian conflict could ‘spiral out of control’ and end in a nuclear war between the USA and Russia is not credible, for several reasons. The people who direct US foreign policy are fundamentally sick people. Their overriding and insatiable lust is for wealth and the illusion of power it affords them. A global nuclear war would make that wealth and power unavailable to them because the majority of the people and infrastructure that provide it would be gone.

The only plausible scenario in which the US would launch a nuclear strike against Russia would be if the chickenhawks in Washington felt assured of their ‘first strike’ capability, i.e. where Russia could not strike back. It is widely accepted, even in the halls of power in the US, that this is not possible. But even if it were, the prelude to such an attack would undoubtedly involve severe aggression by the US against Russia because it would do so safe in the knowledge that it could nuke its inferior adversary at any time. As of yet, this hasn’t happened, indicating that any such action would threaten US hegemony.


S-400 Triumf on display in Red Square. There’s a lot more where these came from. (© Sputnik/Alexander Vilf)

In their confrontation over Syria, we have again seen no evidence that the US has this level of self-belief. In fact, the opposite is true. As already noted, in their verbal attacks and black propaganda against Russia, US politicians grow more hysterical by the day. Every imaginable slur is cast, and every one is provably false. This is not the behavior of a country that feels it holds all the cards, but rather one that feels it is about to lose, and lose big.

So what can we expect next from the USA? Recent noises out of the Pentagon suggest they are thinking about directly attacking the Syrian government and military. Whether or not they can actually do that with impunity is, however, highly doubtful. Having watched the way the US handles ‘regime change’ in countries like Iraq and Libya, Russia has no doubt anticipated such a scenario.

Russia has installed S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems at its Hmeimim Air Base in Latakia, northwestern Syria. This week an S-300 system was delivered further south to the Russian naval base at Tartus, to “ensure the safety of the naval base [there] and ships located in the coastal area”. These systems are designed to defend against aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles and have a range of 250 and 400km.

I’ve suspected for a while that the Russians have installed more than just the above two missile systems in Syria. Just today, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed my suspicion, warning the US that there are “numerous” S-200, S-300, S-400 and BUK air defense systems up and running in Syria, and that they will be used to protect both the Russian and Syrian servicemen manning them, as well as the servicemen distributing humanitarian aid across the country. “Therefore,” said Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson General Igor Konashenkov,

“Any missile or airstrikes on the territory controlled by the Syrian government will create a clear threat to Russian servicemen. Russian air defense system crews are unlikely to have time to determine in a ‘straight line’ the exact flight paths of missiles and then who the warheads belong to. And all the illusions of amateurs about the existence of ‘invisible’ jets will face a disappointing reality.”

So Russia has stationed similar systems in other areas of Syria, and some of them are under the control of the Syrian army. If the US chooses to attack the Syrian army, then it will be in a position to defend itself, i.e. US planes will be shot down. With its carefully crafted image as the ‘world’s one superpower’ – an image that must be kept intact, at all costs – the shooting down of even one US warplane would be a severe psychological blow to America. And this goes way beyond military prestige: one such blow too many might be enough to ‘shake market confidence’ and cause serious damage to the dollar as ‘global reserve currency’. For all their bluster and psychological derangement, the US ‘reality-creators’ do cautiously, intuitively remember, at every turn, to protect, reinforce and project that illusion of invincibility.


The Empire has no clothes

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]merica’s whole schtick since 9/11 has been to ‘project’ its military power and thus deter, in advance, any adversaries from committing to military maneuvers that potentially run counter to its interests. Phrases like ‘force posture’ and ‘projecting force to outlying regions’ are sprinkled liberally throughout those infamous PNAC (Project for the New American Century) documents from the 1990s.

An American admiral recently brought the point home when he declared that the coastlines of Russia and China would no longer be ‘no-go zones’ for the US Navy. Where before the Pentagon had previously labeled such regions ‘A2/AD’ (‘anti-access/area denial’) – meaning, essentially, that its vessels and other military hardware are sitting ducks in those zones – henceforth the Pentagon considers them, for purposes of communication (i.e., propaganda directed at adversaries, and also the American public), to be very much accessible because, in his words:

“Have no doubt, the US Navy is prepared to go wherever it needs to go, at any time, and stay there for as long as necessary in response to our leadership’s call to project our strategic influence.”

In other words, in response to being checkmated in Syria, they are declaring that the US military can go anywhere it wants, and do anything it wants, not because it is actually capable of doing so but because it wants to be seen as being capable of it. In short, America must project the illusion of being all-powerful.

Russia is in the ascendancy now, so it can begin to dictate terms. Just yesterday, the Russian government announced that it was unilaterally withdrawing from a bilateral treaty with the US on disposal of plutonium from decommissioned nuclear warheads, citing repeated US violations of the deal. Not only that, Russia won’t recommit to the treaty until the US meets the following demands:

  • Washington must reduce its military presence in NATO member-states to the number they were at the moment of signing the plutonium disposal agreement on September 1, 2000.
  • Repeal of all sanctions against Russian regions, persons and companies introduced by the US over Russia’s response to the Kiev coup, while also paying compensation for damages caused by them, including the damages caused by the counter-sanctions that Russia was forced to impose on Western governments and companies.

Faced with these unpalatable realities, carefully crafted by superior Russian diplomacy and military strategy, Washington will probably resort to exploiting its jihadi army by supplying them with anti-aircraft ‘MANPADS’ in a futile attempt to create its much-desired ‘no-fly zone’ and achieve its objective of seizing control of Syrian resources.

But neither Russia or Syria are likely to back down in the face of blatant American bombast, and if one more Russian or Syrian aircraft is shot down by the West’s jihadis, open season will undoubtedly be declared on them. The result will be more wailing and gnashing of teeth, bluff, bluster and lies from Washington, and not much else.

So rather than fret over being wiped out in a nuclear war, perhaps we should be much more concerned about the prospect that, as they continue to be outsmarted and outgunned by Russia and its growing cadre of allies, the stewards of the crumbling American Empire, in a final desperate and futile attempt to retain control over their vassal states, their populations and resources, will lash out in all directions, creating years of chaos, misery and death for untold millions across the globe, including lots of ‘terror attacks’ in Europe, and even the US homeland, to distract the population from seeing the illusory nature of America’s power.

In contrast, a nuclear war to end it all quickly might eventually seem quite appealing.

—Joe Quinn

Joe Quinn is the co-author of 9/11: The Ultimate Truth (with Laura Knight-Jadczyk, 2006) and Manufactured Terror: The Boston Marathon Bombings, Sandy Hook, Aurora Shooting and Other False Flag Terror Attacks (with Niall Bradley, 2014), and the host of's The Sott Report Videos and co-host of the 'Behind the Headlines' radio show on the Sott Radio Network.  An established web-based essayist and print author, Quinn has been writing incisive editorials for for over 10 years. His articles have appeared on many alternative news sites and he has been interviewed on several internet radio shows and has also appeared on Iranian Press TV. His articles can also be found on his personal blog

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