OpEds: Did the Batman shooter have a vivisection connection and does it matter?

By Ruth Eisenbud
The struggle to expand ethical boundaries:
Is overwhelming force capable of creating a valid moral argument?

The debate on vivisection is one of the thorniest because it cuts so deep into our desire to be protected from dreadful diseases, not to mention that people, in general, have been conditioned to respect “medical science” as pretty much incontrovertible. That’s why so many ethicists, while objecting to hunting, meat-eating or fur coats give animal lab experiments a pass. It’s hot water, and they want no part of it.

Have we lost all sense of compassion in the name of pragmatism and expediency?

By Ruth Eisenbud

Individuals, such as the midnight movie shooter who engage in such violent outbursts may have a troubled background, with possible abuse. In any case these killers have somehow become acclimated to violence as an expression of their inner turmoil.  What has not yet been expressed [and properly explored] in the American media is that the movie massacre killer was a neuroscience student. Neuroscience experiments are among the most gruesome. Animals are restricted and confined for years with mechanisms and brain implants to test reactions to various treatments. Prior to testing food and water is withheld from the already traumatized victims, so that they will perform the tests with enthusiasm, when rewarded with bits of food or water.

Holmes. What prompted him to commit mass murder?  Till recently a neuroscience PhD student at University of Colorado-Denver

In India, dissection is banned for every high school student in every high school of every state. Vivisection is banned on the university and college level. The reasoning for this legislation is to protect living animals from harm as well as to protect the sensibilities of young children and young adults, so that they do not lose their reverence for life. Reverence for life in India is guided by the compassionate religious belief of Ahimsa, which respects both human and animal life.

Reverence for life is not possible in a nation where the predominant religious view is based on dominion of the Judeo-Christian tradition:

‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you shall rest on every animal of the earth, and on every bird of the air, on everything that creeps on the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; into your hand they are delivered. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you; and just as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.’  Genesis

By any measure, this is a mighty convenient mandate. Could it be that “God” is nothing but projections of the human mind and “His” dictates nothing but self-serving instructions?

With this mandate man has the right to harm, exploit, torture, maim and mutilate weak and defenseless animals. With this view, cruel neuroscience experiments are tolerated [and even encouraged] for human advantage. When a troubled individual falls prey to this belief system, it can easily result in extravagant and excessive violence to humans. While we do not yet know the psychological details for this latest mass murderer, it is quite likely that his participation in neuroscience experiments contributed to the grandiose desire to dominate and inspire fear and dread in people casually enjoying a movie on a summer evening.

Eleanor Roosevelt understood the importance of protecting animals from violence to inspire empathy and justice in children:

Pride of the kill.  What a poor excuse for a human being.

Dominion has failed to recognize the perils of its sanctified violence to animals. It is this spiritual failure that is at the heart of a devaluation of life that allows for the slaughter of animals, vivisection, the proliferation of guns, the popularity of violent media /computer games and the need for psychotropic drugs. It is spiritual, systemic poverty that lies at the root of yet another bloody, random massacre of innocent bystanders shopping at the mall, attending classes or attending the opening of a movie on a summer night.

Margaret Mead also understood the implications of sanctioning violence:

“No society that feeds its children on tales of successful violence can expect them not to believe that violence in the end is rewarded”

When we teach our children to inspire dread and fear, substantiated by an unbalanced sense of their importance and power, it is no wonder so many often seek the thrill of terror.

Spiritual wealth:
Only when the monotheistic religions learn to accept the more humane view of unconditional compassion for humans and animals, as expressed by the indigenous Indian religions,  will we see an end to the endless random rampages of dominion:

“I am a Hindu because it is Hinduism which makes the world worth living. I am a Hindu hence I Love not only human beings, but all living beings.” —Gandhi

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Voices of the Wildly Left ( #1)

Excerpts from Links for the Wildly Left (LWL)
Radical thoughts for changing times | Edited by Sean Lenihan
A Facebook group founded by Diane Gee, and kept vibrant by a very dedicated
band of radicals.

Moods  |  Frustration

Jstn Green
My good friend, Keith Farris wrote this awesome comment. I just had to share it (with permission, of course)…

“I am tired of the same old dusty book jacket. Of the time worn refrain of the needle stuck at 33 revolutions per minute. Of the hard copies and the soft copies and the floppies of the same old song and dance. I am tired of your dizzying array of stupefying choices and your sham offering of freedom. Of the vitriol of the cynical, and the self-serving indifference of the apathetic. I have been both at one time or another…sister and brother…and I am tired. I can no longer rest silently, content with the crumbs thrown down from the murderous elite. I have found that – after all – I do have a conscience, and I am nothing if I do not follow it. I choose to live free, without fear of judgement and without fear of retribution. I will strike first, don’t make me draw blood. I’m tired of your indiscriminate murders to fill your pork bellies and your fatbacks, tired of your indiscretionary funds stealing the retirement funds of common folk – or – as you might pejoratively put it the “salt of the earth.” I’m tired of your false idol worshiping and your American idol worshiping and of your carefully scripted “reality” television and what’s Kelly Osbournes bra size and Donald Trumps’ hairline and how many Kardashians are fucking going swimming. I tired of the whole damned sinking ship of fools and I for one will not paddle for you anymore…fuck you.”

Terry Tompkins wrote: “Damn fine thread! Kudos to you Keith for kicking it off with an honest, insightful rant…I echo your “fuck you”. Also to Chip and Joe for their observations regarding complicity and agency. Chip, I also read the Alternet piece on Chomsky. He is, to mind mind, correct in his assertion that we are all, to some extent, complicit. Where I see the difference between those here and those at Goldman Sachs et al, is that it pisses us off and we want to bring it to a halt. Whereas those at Goldman who make the vile decisions are positively orgasmic (without the lovely Judiths help) and want it to go on forever.”

Jenelle Green
Posted today by Chomsky.
Charters were brought up yesterday. Charters define rules for lawful activity. Noam is speaking of the earliest type of Charters that have been decimated.

The Charter of Liberties, is widely recognized to be the foundation of the fundamental rights.
The Charter of the Forest imposed limits to privatization….In the lead in confronting the crisis throughout the world are indigenous communities, those who have always upheld the Charter of the Forests. The strongest stand has been taken by the one country they govern, Bolivia, the poorest country in South America and for centuries a victim of western destruction of the rich resources of one of the most advanced of the developed societies in the hemisphere, pre-Columbus.

Paul Belanger
My heart aches for the victims and families of the tragic shooting in CO last night.

But I have to tell you, my heart aches even more for 123 Americans who die every single day just because they lack health insurance, for the 25% of children in our country who live in poverty, for the millions of families who are homeless due to the greed of our leaders, for the endless list of victims and displaced people due to war by us and others, and on and on.

So seeing Obama on TV this morning saying this is not a day for politics but a day for “prayer” for the victims in CO….I say everyday is not a day for politics.

Jenelle Green from my wall….

I’m completely disgusted by Obama’s speech regarding the Colorado movie theater shooting. He continues to spew “god bless you and god bless America” and says all that matters in the end is how we treat others. He reflected that his kids go to the movies and how sad this event is for America. Really? If he cared about how we treat others and if he really cared about his OWN kids future, he would stop the premeditated killing of others. He is no different than the movie theater killer. If he cared about his OWN kids future, he would make efforts to SAVE the Planet. Lastly, his spewing of the god rhetoric is beyond disgusting. As if faith makes all of this evil okay. When has praying EVER made a difference? ACTION makes a difference.

Sean Lenihan I totally share Jenelle’s disgust. It literally revolted me to watch this incredibly filthy and hypocritical politician scoring some points on this tragic photo op…regaling the nation with more empty rhetoric as if he cared. If he REALLY cared he would have fought for real healthcare reform not the bullshit he chose to endorse, and a million other things where he has shown time and again that he cares zero for the people. And he’s an unindicted war criminal, to boot, engaged up to his eyeballs in the plotting of even greater and more brutal wars.


Floyd Hacker But..that’s what every shitwhistle president does..go on tv & give an absolute bullshit session on behalf of the so called “moralists” out here, it’s like a signal or switch that says it’s ok, capitalism, christianism, the NRA, white supremacy, the Confederacy movement, etc has been apologized to, so nothing more to see here, when in fact, those afore mentioned had an influence on a tragedy like this happening, they count on it, these tragedies don’t occur near enough as far as they are concerned..& it is a good bet, that if indeed this shooter is a white supremacist, or teabagger, then the incident & the shooter will be jumbled up into a pretzel so that no one will ever get the truth of the what’s, why’s, so on..& most Muricans in less than two weeks won’t even remember that it happened, corpo rat Murica will see to that..drown’em in propaganda, garbage, toxic crap, that’s how it’s done..

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The Promised Land

This is the fate of young people today: excluded, but forbidden to opt out.

By George Monbiot, monbiot.com
published in the Guardian 17th July 2012

Hounded by police and bailiffs, evicted wherever they stopped, they did not mean to settle here. They had walked out of London to occupy disused farmland on the Queen’s estates surrounding Windsor Castle. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that didn’t work out very well. But after several days of pursuit, they landed two fields away from the place where modern democracy is commonly supposed to have been born.

At first this group of mostly young, dispossessed people, who (after the 17th century revolutionaries) call themselves Diggers 2012(1), camped on the old rugby pitch of Brunel University’s Runnymede campus. It’s a weed-choked complex of grand old buildings and modern halls of residence, whose mildewed curtains flap in the wind behind open windows, all mysteriously abandoned as if struck by a plague or a neutron bomb. The diggers were evicted again, and moved down the hill into the woods behind the campus: pressed, as if by the ineluctable force of history, ever closer to the symbolic spot. From the meeting house they have built and their cluster of tents, you can see across the meadows to where the Magna Carta was sealed almost 800 years ago.

Their aim is simple: to remove themselves from the corporate economy, to house themselves, grow food and build a community on abandoned land. Implementation is less simple. Soon after I arrived, on a sodden day last week, an enforcer working for the company which now owns the land came slithering through the mud in his suit and patent leather shoes with a posse of police, to serve papers.

Already the crops the settlers had planted had been destroyed once; the day after my visit they were destroyed again. But the repeated destruction, removals and arrests have not deterred them. As one of their number, Gareth Newnham, told me, “if we go to prison we’ll just come back … I’m not saying that this is the only way. But at least we’re creating an opportunity for young people to step out of the system.”

To be young in the post-industrial nations today is to be excluded. Excluded from the comforts enjoyed by preceding generations; excluded from jobs; excluded from hopes of a better world; excluded from self-ownership.

Those with degrees are owned by the banks before they leave college. Housing benefit is being choked off. Landlords now demand rents so high that only those with the better jobs can pay. Work has been sliced up and outsourced into a series of mindless repetitive tasks, whose practitioners are interchangeable. Through globalisation and standardisation, through unemployment and the erosion of collective bargaining and employment laws, big business now asserts a control over its workforce almost unprecedented in the age of universal suffrage.

The promise the old hold out to the young is a lifetime of rent, debt and insecurity. A rentier class holds the nation’s children to ransom. Faced with these conditions, who can blame people for seeking an alternative?

But the alternatives have also been shut down: you are excluded yet you cannot opt out. The land – even disused land – is guarded as fiercely as the rest of the economy. Its ownership is scarcely less concentrated than it was when the Magna Carta was written. But today there is no Charter of the Forest (the document appended to the Magna Carta in 1217, granting the common people rights to use the royal estates)(2). As Simon Moore, an articulate, well-read 27-year old, explained, “those who control the land have enjoyed massive economic and political privileges. The relationship between land and democracy is a strong one, which is not widely understood.”

As we sat in the wooden house the diggers have built, listening to the rain dripping from the eaves, the latest attempt to reform the House of Lords was collapsing in parliament(3). Almost 800 years after the Magna Carta was approved, unrepresentative power of the kind familiar to King John and his barons still holds sway. Even in the House of Commons, most seats are pocket boroughs, controlled by those who fund the major parties and establish the limits of political action.

Through such ancient powers, our illegitimate rulers sustain a system of ancient injustices, which curtail alternatives and lock the poor into rent and debt. This spring, the government dropped a clause into an unrelated bill so late that it could not be properly scrutinised by the House of Commons, criminalising the squatting of abandoned residential buildings(4,5).

The House of Lords, among whom the landowning class is still well-represented, approved the measure. Thousands of people who have solved their own housing crises will now be evicted, just as housing benefit payments are being cut. I remember a political postcard from the early 1990s titled “Britain in 2020”, which depicted the police rounding up some scruffy-looking people with the words, “you’re under arrest for not owning or renting property”. It was funny then; it is less funny today.

The young men and women camping at Runnymede are trying to revive a different tradition, largely forgotten in the new age of robber barons. They are seeking, in the words of the Diggers of 1649, to make “the Earth a common treasury for all … not one lording over another, but all looking upon each other as equals in the creation.”(6) The tradition of resistance, the assertion of independence from the laws devised to protect the landlords’ ill-gotten property, long pre-date and long post-date the Magna Carta. But today they scarcely feature in national consciousness.

I set off in lashing rain to catch a train home from Egham, on the other side of the hill. As I walked into the town, I found the pavements packed with people. The rain bounced off their umbrellas, forming a silver mist. The front passed and the sun came out, and a few minutes later everyone began to cheer and wave their flags as the Olympic torch was carried down the road. The sense of common purpose was tangible, the readiness for sacrifice (in the form of a thorough soaking) just as evident. Half of what we need is here already. Now how do we recruit it to the fight for democracy?


6. Gerrard Winstanley, 1649. The True Levellers Standard Advanced: Or, The State of Community Opened, and Presented to the Sons of Men.

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Facing the Tipping Point of American Civilization

Editor’s Note:  The value of any theory is proved by the accuracy of its predictions and its ability to describe reality. On both counts Marxian theory continues to prove far superior and reliable to bourgeois social science (the latter often an oxymoron if not a hoax when dealing with the political economy, sociology and the rest of the disciplines that profess to track social reality). After more than a century of badmouthing, of being declared irrelevant, obsolete, and even dangerous by capitalist apologists, Marx and Engels stand tall, fully vindicated and more relevant than ever in this time of global crisis triggered by capitalism. As many true socialists have warned over the years, the choice for humanity is clear: it’s socialism or barbarism. —P. Greanville

By Brian P. Stetten 

When on Earth are we going to wake up and begin questioning the very nature of our economic and political systems? In June of last year, Conservative Member of Parliament Cecil Parkinson on BBC made the surreal statement, “The capitalists are destroying capitalism.” He stated this with a certain amount of surprise, as if he was saying to himself, “Why are they doing this? Eventually, they will only hurt themselves.”

Karl Marx warned of this over a hundred years ago. He predicted that capitalism would destroy itself through liquidity crisis, through competition driving down workers wages to the point where they could not afford to buy the products or services they produced, that competition would lead to powerful monopolies that would destroy small businesses.

et the collapse of capitalism never happened. As the worse of abuses and exploitation took its toll on workers, the workers found ways of pushing back. Recently, Times Magazine in its early July issue, in an article “The American Dream-has seen better days-much better”, the author makes it clear that the income inequality between the rich and the poor is even greater than it was during the Great Depression. In actuality, the income inequality has never been this bad throughout America’s entire history. During the Great Depression, labor movements and far left parties united and pushed the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration towards the New Deal. Government regulations were put in place to prevent some of the worst abuses of capitalism. Unions gained more prominence and power. After this period, we had the growth of the middle class.

So, Karl Marx’s prediction was proven wrong, or was it?

As the New Deal apparatus was dismantled over the past four decades, the measures that once saved capitalism are no longer there to protect the system from abuses. Karl Marx is currently being proven correct as a huge transfer of wealth has shifted from 99% of the population, into the hands of less than one tenth of one percent of the total population. A highly class conscious war has been waged on the majority of Americans, and yet we stand by apathetic, hoping that if we just happen to elect that right person, perhaps it will all go away. Ever since the beginning of the Washington Consensus, wages have been stagnant to down for the majority of Americans while those of the elite have increased by nearly three hundred percent. The middle class itself is effectively becoming a dream of days past. Yet the system experiences financial crisis after financial crisis, and each time it becomes far more expensive to bail out the system. However, as Professor Colin Crouch points out in his book, “The Strange Non-Death of Neo-Liberalism”, as the current economic system benefits the top elite so well, they will do anything in their power to make sure it stays in place.

At this point, we have to realize that we are a primarily a society run by transnational corporations, which are effectively tyrannies, with a CEO/dictator at the top, that are only accountable to their owners and no one else. The investor class behind these corporate entities makes key decisions that influence our politics, and their demand for profits completely subordinate human rights and basic human needs. Indeed, the extreme nature of this economic inequality has led to extremely corrupted moral and spiritual values that has distorted the very moral fabric of our society. Chris Hayes in his book “Twilight of the Elites” refers to Desmond Tutu’s observations of the white ruling class during the period of South Africa’s apartheid, and how it dehumanized that very ruling class. However, this is nothing new, but the old maxim of how power corrupts. As the rich elite can buy their way seemingly through anything, there is one set of laws for us and another for them. So for instance, as Jon Corzine was CEO of MF Global, he apparently took $1.5 billion from customer accounts before the firm collapsed, and no one is on the TV screaming that he should go to jail. I found it rather ironic that at the time this was out in the news cycle, a homeless man in Florida was arrested and jailed for stealing a soda from a McDonalds.

It is becoming apparent to more and more people, that the ruling elite have become a mafia. In the robo-signing scandal where documents where fraudulently signed, no one went to jail. CEO Mike Duke of Wal-Mart was involved in covering up bribes to the Mexican government for store locations, and no one is fined or threatened. Bob Diamond of Barclay Bank was involved in a scandal fixing the Libor interest rate that impacts millions of people and literally trillions of dollars in transactions, and you can be sure, he will not be facing any jail time.

The influence of the elite on the politics and the media, has led to what Chris Hayes refers to as a ‘Post Truth Politics” period, where a politician can state absolute nonsense, and it goes by unquestioned. President Obama is described as going on ‘apology tours’, while he is waging brutal wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. Obama is described as a socialist, while corporations are at their most profitable in over 50 years and the stock market is up 60% since the beginning of his administration. At a Republican debate, the audience gives a standing ovation as the presidential candidates raise their hands to the answer of ‘who would bring back torture?

As the moral fabric of our society ends up in shreds, you can see it filter down through the media, and then to our people. Who can forget the behavior of youthful Americans hitting the streets and cheering the death of Osama Bin Laden? What Americans would cheerfully send in donations to George Zimmerman adding up to $150,000 for killing a black youth? Who can forget Tea Party members marching with extremely racist signs? At another Republican debate, audience members cheering on the idea of a fellow citizen dying due to lack of health insurance coverage. This is not surprising if one refers back to C.W. Mills who states that the higher immorality of the elites becomes accepted and essentially a feature of our mass society. In other words, the mass society itself is also left without any moral standards to hold on to, or even rise against.

To the joy of the ruling elite, the conservatives pander to the religious right and use falling moral values as an excuse to attack gay rights or women’s reproductive rights. A type of divide and conquer strategy to keep people’s eyes off their own worsening economic positions. When Barry Pateman interviewed Noam Chomsky in 2011 in a discussion over anarchism, Noam pointed out that the elite have used the corporate controlled media to create a consciousness of subordination among the population that is deliberately intended to suppress normal human emotions of sympathy and solidarity. Noam Chomsky, states, ‘Why threaten Social Security? It’s a normal feeling to care if the disabled widow that lives across town has enough food to eat. However, they are trying to drive that idea out of our skulls. They want you to think, if that disabled widow that lives across town does not have enough to eat it is her own fault because she didn’t save up enough money in her lifetime. Why should you care?” This bizarre Ayn Rand type of morality represents the values of the corrupted elite as they become part of the rest of our society. It is also deeply ingrained in our system of capitalism. Our economic system rewards greed and self-centered behavior and depends on it to thrive. As the economic inequality worsens, the morality declines and the inhumanity floats to the surface. Do we truly want to become a society of backstabbers?

Worse yet is the total failure of our institutions of democracy, as the elite easily buy the politicians through campaign donations, heavily lobby and write their laws, or define their character through the media. Just this past June 15, former Prime Minister Tony Blair of the U.K. admitted that Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corp., pressured him into joining the Untied States in the war on Iraq. Just recently, it has been reported a number of times, that casino billionaire, Sheldon Adelson wants a war with Iran, and he is willing to pay for it. He will donate up to $100 million to former Governor Mitt Romney to get that war at all costs. Sheldon Adelson is the same character that funded the Clarion Project to produce the film ‘The Third Jihad’ with the deliberate intention of promoting Islamophobia.

What right do the elite have to impact our foreign policy to such an extent? What right do they have to influence any of our policy to an extent that benefits their greedy needs or sick desires? They have made a complete mockery of our democracy, and effectively the capitalism itself destroys democracy. With our variant of capitalism, you have a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few and that automatically converts to political power. China has managed to create a very highly effective system of state sponsored capitalism that requires no democracy at all. The notion that capitalism and democracy go hand in hand is simply a myth. Matter of fact, the notion of ‘economic freedom’ those on the right like to push as equivalent to personal freedom is also a false equivalency. Economic freedom for corporate America is the freedom of the rich few to exploit the poor masses. Many deep Marxist thinkers believe that our current form of capitalism is heading toward barbarism. In other words, a world where workers are enslaved to the rich elite who live in gated communities completely out of touch with the rest of society. I think we are already part of the way there.

What should wake up everyone once and for all is that our current system of capitalism may very well drive the human species to extinction. The system simply is not sustainable as you cannot assume infinite economic growth when the world has a finite amount of resources. More to the point, we are a mere five percent of the world’s population, and yet we consume about a third of the world’s resources. We may have only five years to stop carbon dioxide emissions to prevent conditions that will not be survivable by humans, assuming it is not already too late. Once again, the greed of the elite and their control over the political system and media completely controls the discussion and destroys all political will for effective action. As the average global temperature increases and more energy is placed into the system, water vapor content increases in the atmosphere and we have far more energetic storms and unusual storm activity like tornados in Brooklyn or western Pennsylvania. Areas that tend to be dry have increased rates of evaporation and heat waves, areas that typically have precipitation have harsher storms. The results are major wild fires and floods that haven’t been experienced for hundreds of years. Yet the news media will not even connect the increasingly volatile weather with the phenomena of global warming/climate change. The precious profits of the greenhouse gas emitting coal and oil companies are far more important than the future of the human race. Tens of millions are spent on programs to convince the public that global warming/climate change is a mere liberal hoax. Glaciers are disappearing before our eyes while anywhere from a third to half the public is in a state of denial as to what is actually happening. As the glaciers melt, massive amounts of water enter the oceans and that weight is redistributed over the surface of the Earth. Think of squeezing a balloon at one end and seeing the other side bulge. This effect, called glacial rebound, shifts tectonic plates and increases seismic and volcanic activity. Should one be surprised that we have a natural disaster of the month?

It doesn’t get any better, a recent report from the United Nations Environmental Program also warned of the following: about 20 percent of vertebrate species are under threat of extinction, coral reefs have declined by 38 percent since 1980, greenhouse gas emissions could double over the next 50 years, and 90 percent of water and fish samples from aquatic environments are contaminated by pesticides. The oceans are particularly becoming impacted by the increase in carbon dioxide which dissolves in the water and chemically reacts to form carbonic acid. The acidity or pH of the ocean has increased by 30% over the past two decades. Kill the oceans and we kill the well spring of life from whence we originally came. Over half of our oxygen comes from phyto-plankton in the ocean and the rest coming from land based vegetation. That is particularly bad news as we may have killed nearly half the ocean’s phytoplankton. British astrophysicists Sir Martin Reese gives the human race a 50/50 chance of survival over the next 100 years. There are some scientists that believe that is optimistic.

Now, here is the issue. The failure of the Democratic Party to be able to seriously even breach the surface of the above issues is a clear indication that there is no third way possible between neo-liberal policies and a radical anti-capitalist alternative. As both parties have moved so far to the right, you have Republicans acting as fascists and Democrats acting as capitalism apologists. The Marxists are proving that they were right all along as we face barbarism unless we move to a socialist alternative. The very fate of the human race hangs in the balance of whether we can actually change the underlying nature of our economic and political systems. So the question remains, can social mobilization break the resistance of the dominant rich elite class and seriously contest the neo-liberal order? As past experience tells us, it certainly will not come from dependence on the electoral system.

As Brian himself will probably agree, for a man who sees clearly the bankruptcy of the capitalist system, and is so determined to remedy the situation, he shows some curious and interesting incongruencies in his background and even present. With an early start in physics, he eventually switched to a career right within the bowels of the monster, as an equity trader for The Vanguard Group, the second largest mutual fund company in the world. He then used that background to provide stock market commentary on MarketTalk chats for America Online and Multex.com where he was chief market commentator and equity analyst. After that Brian focused on the alternative investments arena, providing consulting services and capital introduction to hedge funds via HedgeCo.net, as well as offering commercial mortgages for investment properties through Capstone Funding.

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BRAVO! Man’s Stealth Moonlit Rescue of a Chained Dog After Law Fails to Help

By Laura Simpson
Written by Stephen West

Zoey in her new digs.

Being the head volunteer at a local animal rescue, I received a phone call from a woman in Montreal, Canada who was communicating with her friend on Facebook about an abandoned dog on the Mexican border. After receiving an approximate location and after investigation, I found that Zoey (a name I gave her), a female American Boxer mix, wasn’t actually abandoned — she was chained up in front of a trailer. Animal Control was monitoring the situation to see if the dog was being fed. After seeing the dog, it was ridiculous to me that Animal Control would be monitoring this situation. The dog was skin and bones, was covered with open sores, and appeared to be deaf and obviously being neglected. The neighbors said she had never been off that chain, ever.

Even her shadow was painful to see.


She’ll never be chained again.

I chose not to wait for Animal Control. They have to go by the law, I don’t. In my point of view, it seems like the laws in abuse cases are there more to protect the pet owner than to protect the animal (and to allow for Animal Control inaction, if desired). Not to mention they would probably euthanize anyway. So whenever I see a situation, I rarely rely on the law to do the right thing.

A Time to Take Action

That night, I decided it was time. However, I got worried at the last minute because I didn’t know how Zoey would react to a stranger approaching her with a flashlight at night. It could be bad. So I didn’t do it.

The next night I went back and didn’t see any lights on in the owner’s trailer so I just walked right up and Zoey was in the doghouse. It was like she had no fight or life in her at all. I had to pull her out by the chain. She was very cooperative. I unhooked the chain and put her on a leash. She walked right away with me. I was worried about her barking but she was completely quiet. It was like she knew she was going to a better place.

Safe at Last and Beginning to Experience Life as a Dog Should

I took her to the vet. Her ear infection was so bad she couldn’t hear. The open sores were the result of being eaten by ants and flies. The whole area where she lived was covered with ants — ants that are big and bite hard.

I kept her for three months until she healed. Someone donated the money to have her chipped, fixed and vaccinated. Everyone at the vet clinic knew her story. While she was there, I got a call from the clinic that someone would like to adopt her. I delivered her the next day. They kept her name. They are a nice family with children and two other dogs, a Chihuahua and a Corgi mix. She has put on a few pounds. I called on Zoey about month after she was in her new home. She’s doing fine with her new family and their two other dogs. The things I miss most about not having her are watching her experience simple things like grass, trees, running in a river and just experiencing normal dog things, knowing she was doing this for the first time.

The neighbors and the woman from Montreal that initiated Zoey’s rescue still thank me today. The neighbors said it was like living next to a concentration camp.

Is There Ever a Time to Break the Law to Save an Animal?

Animal rescuers regularly wrestle with inadequate laws. Most live with the chronic frustration and try to stay within the bounds of their legal rights. Others take matters into their own hands. Is this a black and white issue? Do we have a higher moral responsibility than the law provides? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below and if you have saved an animal in need, and please share your story and photos on The Great Animal Rescue Chase website. Many of the heroes who share on our website are featured right here on Care2.com

Read more: great animal rescue chase, man saves neglected chained dog, vigilante dog rescue

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/man-ignores-the-law-to-save-chained-dog.html#ixzz208VFmYUn

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