The Russian Threat Epidemic: A Cynical Manufactured Dagger at the Throat of Humanity

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By Billy Bob
Chief Editor, Blowback Roundtable


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The sociopathic Western ruling elites keep stirring the dogs of war...This is a Capital crime.  A new Nuremberg tribunal is now urgently needed.

"Britain needs to "train and equip a citizen army" to prepare the country for war: Army chief warns boosting military numbers in preparation for a conflict will be a "whole-of-nation undertaking."—Daily Mail.

"There could be war in Sweden... Russia's war against Ukraine is a step, not an end goal, for the ambition to establish spheres of influence and tear down the rule-based world order."—Swedish Minister for Civil Defense Carl-Oskar Bohlin

"We do not know what will become of Russia in three years. We need to prepare a strong national defense to be able to meet an uncertain and unpredictable world."—-Norwegian General Eirik Kristoffersen

"Last week Boris Pistorius, the German defense minister, said Vladimir Putin may choose to attack a NATO country within five to eight years. Earlier this month, General Micael Bydén, the head of the Swedish armed forces, said Sweden needed to “prepare themselves mentally” for the outbreak of open conflict with Russia."—Yahoo News

"The Netherlands should not think our safety is guaranteed because we are 1,500 kilometers away [from Russians]," "The Netherlands should be seriously afraid of war, and our society should prepare for it...Russia is getting stronger."—Martin Wijnen, Commander of the Royal Netherlands Army

One of the sychos, Swedish Civil Defence Minister

One of the "Atlanticist" political whores or psychos selling us war—you decide: Swedish Minister for Civil Defense Carl-Oskar Bohlin. Contrary to their carefully cultivated image, the Scandinavians have long been on the fascist side—they were so during WW2, and they are today as eager appendages to Washington.


It's important to remember the context and the chain of events that took place prior to all the recent pronouncements and hand wringing from Western "leaders" about the "threat" of war with Russia.

Keep in mind, it was the West that promised peace in our time, trade, mutual prosperity, and that NATO would not move even one inch closer towards the East if the Soviet leadership agreed to break up the Soviet Union. It was the West that guaranteed a future predicated on partnership, goodwill, respect for sovereignty, and a relationship of equals under the law, if only the Soviet Union would dismantle itself and join the "Western world order."

It was the West that broke their promises and gobbled up nation after nation as they moved to encircle Russia. It was the West that destroyed Yugoslavia on false pretenses. It was the West that engaged in color revolutions against Georgia and Ukraine. It was the Western oligarchy that infiltrated the former Soviet satellite republics and the countries of the Eastern block, in an effort to place their compliant lackeys into power. It was the West that replaced the rule of law with the "rules based order" which they alone defined and selectively enforced according to their own geopolitical interests.

Likewise, it is the Western oligarchy headquartered in the US that dominates and controls the sovereignty of the Baltic States, the Nordic countries, Poland, Bulgaria, and all the rest (save Hungary, Slovakia, and Belarus). It is the West that has worked tirelessly to get another Yeltsin into power and, for decades, has demonized Putin and worked to overthrow his government.

What is absolutely crystal clear in all this context and what is beyond any rational dispute, is the fact that the Western oligarchy never ended their war against Russia. Their words and promises were simply lies and a tactical strategy to achieve total victory and the conquest of Russia. Many in Russia were fooled for quite some time, including Putin himself who has acknowledged this fact.

A world where sovereignty is respected, and where equal nations coexist in peace and prosperity, was never on the table. This illusory promise was dangled in front of foolish and naive leaders like Gorbachev and Yeltsin... even Putin spent decades pursuing in vain the false promises of the Western oligarchy.

"It is the Western oligarchy headquartered in the US that dominates and controls the sovereignty of the Baltic States, the Nordic countries, Poland, Bulgaria, and all the rest (save Hungary, Slovakia, and Belarus). It is the West that has worked tirelessly to get another Yeltsin into power and, for decades, demonized Putin and worked to overthrow his government..."

But the truth is now out. The hoax has been exposed. The world sees clearly the nature of the West and its inexorable drive for total global domination (or "full spectrum dominance" as the Pentagon describes it). Thinking people can objectively assess the facts and understand what is really going on. This is not a case of "Russian aggression". This is a case of self-defense and the refusal to relinquish sovereignty to the Western oligarchy. This is a case of Russia not being able to bend anymore and refusing to capitulate or surrender.
Russia is fighting for the promises that were made in 1989. Russia is fighting for its sovereignty and is demanding the world what it was promised, in exchange for dismantling the Soviet Union, and joining the Western economic order. Russia is fighting for a world comprised of equal sovereign states, united under the same system of international law and a shared commitment to mutual peace and prosperity. Russia is fighting because to do otherwise would regress humanity and put it at the whim of the merciless exploiting class of Western oligarchs that have violently squandered their superpower status for over 75 years.

Russia is fighting against Western imperialism that never once had any intention of allowing any country to have sovereignty. Russia is fighting against a hubristic, psychopathic, amoral, violent, and dishonest force that is seemingly incapable of changing course and that is determined to plunge the world into turmoil, chaos, and deprivation, or the ultimate nothingness, if it cannot rule supreme. Russia is fighting against a power-mad class of billionaires and their legion of propagandists and politicians across the globe that are absolutely dedicated to obfuscating all of the above.

So let us not be fooled by these poison-mouthed vipers, quoted at the top, who have been bought and paid for by the Western oligarchs. Let's not allow them to pretend that Russia is a "threat" to anything other than their own tyrannical ambition for total global domination. Let's not allow them to pretend that Russia ever had any choice other than to surrender or fight. If these liars were honest, they would admit that war is necessary because Russia refuses to surrender its sovereignty. If these liars were honest, they would admit that they will violently resist any effort to implement the vision they pretended to offer back in 1989 and which they laughably pretend to stand for today. If these liars were honest, they would admit that they will eagerly plunge the world into war, chaos, and economic depression before they give up their quest for full spectrum dominance and total global supremacy.

Consider these insightful and inspiring words of truth from the telegram channel "Megatron" and notice the similarities that exist now and that existed over a hundred years ago when Lenin inspired the Russian people to take their country back from the Russian oligarchy:

"European senior officials are preparing the psychological terrain among the people, that we (and I, as a resident of Europe) should prepare for war with Russia. Get ready to be thrown into the fire and die for a group of globalists in Washington. Europe and European citizens must not succumb to this propaganda. Because tomorrow we will wake up in the same situation as in Ukraine. Elites in bunkers and on yachts in Miami, while armed Nazis will hunt us down the streets and send us to the front like cannon fodder."

People need to wake up. People need to understand that we are opposed to the same class of people that Lenin, Stalin, and Mao opposed throughout the 20th century. Let's not allow the false liberal nonsense of the ruling class propagandists to obfuscate the fact that the class war continues today, in very much the same way as it existed 100 years ago. Our enemy is the same. Their motivations, interests, and desire for absolute supremacy, has not changed one bit in the last 100 years. They still view the working class as a threat and enemy that needs to be pacified through mountains of propaganda and motivated to support ruling class narratives and agendas with both carrots and sticks. Socialism (the identification and pursuit of working class interests within an ever-changing kaleidoscope of material conditions), is still the solution that stands in direct opposition to the current system, which is predicated on identifying and pursuing the political and economic interests of the wealthy elites.

Let us not be dogmatic regarding the implementation of certain modes of production but let us understand that we will never be able to achieve systemic improvement through good-faith experimentation, trial, and error, until we put in place a government that is actually concerned with furthering the interests of the vast working class majority (socialism). As long as the oligarchy remains in power, there can be no hope of improvement because they have no interest in anything other than the maintenance and furtherance of their own obscenely disproportionate share of wealth, power, and privilege.

Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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BLOWBACK: Everything is in Motion

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Streamed live 7 hours ago

1/16/2024 Episode 45 of Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline with special guest Ian Kummer
Everything is in motion, 2024 is going to be a memorable year.
What is the US ruling class going to do with Joe Biden? Unlikely they'l let him play the president a full four more years. So what is being prepared, now that one pretense to democratic process after another—primaries, what candidates can run, free speech, etc.—are being simply deleted by a shadowy power? The panel makes fun of the media nonsense about Russian meddling in favor of Trump; they wonder how Putin managed to get Iowa to go overwhelmingly for Trump, while spending undetectably small sums. Same as during the 2016 campaign when no one could establish that Moscow itself had spent one dime to influence the vote in America (Moscow sees US elections for what they are, a bourgeois fraud; they apply Marxian analysis after all). All they could show, despite the insufferable noise, was that some private entities bought some space in Facebook, etc., for ALL candidates, investing the grand sum of about $5,000, an almost invisible amount in S electoral contests. The panel also reminds everyone that the European vassals' ruling cliques are terrified of a possible Trump victory. They fear a dismantlement of NATO and other catastrophes, despite the fact that Trump is not exactly a cogent or reliable thinker, put charitably.

The Transatlantic alliance—the US, the EU satrapies, Australia and New Zealand, etc.—fear Trump because they have to "sell" him what they regard as "obvious", such as the expansion of NATO, the continuing war on Russia and China, Iran, etc., and so on, whereas with a certifiable, semi-demented Neocon like Biden they have no problem getting him to endorse their schemes. 

The panel also discusses Biden's (the Empire's) options in regard to the Israel/Palestine conflict. It's clear the Empire, and especially the Biden admin ·from the p.r. standpoint) has only bad options. If Biden allows Netanyahu to go on genociding the Palestinian people, while hypocritically pretending to be opposed, the reputational damage is enormous. If he orders him to stop, and freezes all financial and military support, he gets in serious trouble with the powerful Zionist lobby, and major factions of the US empire itself. Either way, it's clear that the US, the EU and Israel have suffered already a major defeat in their propaganda war, with possible lasting consequences, and, despite their arrogant moves to amplify the war, such as in Yemen or Iran, they may end up losing the war or dragging the whole world into a nuclear confrontation.

Lastly, South Africa's complaint against Israel for systematic genocide before the ICJ poses its own can of worms. For one thing, it's widely understood that the ICJ has long been a tool of the Empire. However, too much has happened, appearances need to be kept, and the ultimate outcome is as yet difficult to predict. Hence the title of this episode: Everything Is in Motion.

Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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BLOWBACK: Propaganda and Loss of a Legend

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Blowback w. Regis Tremblay, Ian Kummer



Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. You can reach him on his Facebook page HERE.

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On Israel and the Mainspring of US Policy in the Middle East: Who Is Really Setting the Agenda?

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editors log bluePATRICE GREANVILLE

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Billy Bob

B. Netanyahu receiving standing ovation from fellow depraved criminals in the US Congress.

Does this question permit a categorical answer?
First run 3 Jan 2024

If the Israeli lobby were truly the tail wagging the US dog, the US would have started a war with Iran long ago. But, the US knows that there is no viable military option to defeat Iran. So, in this situation, the imperialistic interests of the US ruling class trump the regional interests of their Zionist proxy. Those who claim that Israel dictates US foreign policy, are simply mistaken.
Israel and Ukraine are examples of imperialist proxies who are willing to wage war, kill, and die in order to promote and advance the interests of imperialism while simultaneously advancing their own odious ultranationalist political projects.
Overlapping interests explain why and how this relationship exists and operates. The oligarchs and ultranationalists of both Ukraine and Israel rely on the US for their military and economic support while the US benefits from a foreign population that is willing to do its dirty work... dirty work that does not result in a backlash from the empire's domestic population.
The US ruling class has learned from its mistakes and understands that it would receive tremendous resistance from its domestic population (as it did in Vietnam and Iraq) if US troops were asked to die in Gaza or Ukraine. So, proxies become essential for the empire's strategy of maintaining global hegemony.
Imperialist war is the ultimate expression of exploitation. The transfer of wealth, from the bottom to the top is its primary function. Savvy capitalists, who care only about increasing their share of wealth, power, and privilege, are experts at exploiting deeply-held tribalistic ideologies including nationalism, ethnic chauvinism, and religion, in order to further their control over resources and markets.

While Zionists heavily influence US foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, they don't ultimately control it, argues the author

Identity politics, racism, and a strong affiliation with one's group, promote an "us versus them" mentality which is easy to manipulate both domestically and internationally. This has always been the approach of the imperialists as they re-drew borders in a way that avoided racial or religious homogeny. Their new borders inevitably promoted inequality and diversity where a religious, ethnic, or racial minority, was often empowered to rule over a majority population group.
So whether it was the Sunni minority in Iraq ruling over a Shia majority, or the Tutsi minority in Rwanda, ruling over the Hutu majority, the imperialists were keen to draw up borders that promote diversity in order to facilitate their divide and rule agenda.
This brings us to the ideology of Zionism and the psychopathy that has resulted among far too many self-identified Zionists who put their own warped perspective of what is best for Israel, above any other possible consideration of decency, morality, or justice.
Since well before 1948, Zionism has advocated and proliferated truly despicable and genocidal policies, including racism, terrorism, ethnic cleansing, mass murder, and land theft, in order to benefit the Zionist colonial project and the creation of "Greater Israel". Far too many Zionists are eager to endorse genocidal policies against those who are obstructing their political agenda. Far too many Zionists are eager to lie, cheat, steal, and murder, if it benefits their evil project. Far too many Zionists have lost their humanity and are trapped in an insanely tribalistic mentality that is incapable of recognizing its own psychopathy. Far too many Zionists demonstrate a jaw-dropping cluelessness and hypocrisy when they embrace the "victim" identity while simultaneously advocating for the most barbaric and cruel acts of genocide that our planet has seen in generations. Their inhumanity is threatening the existence of their colonial project and their misguided efforts to "protect and defend" at any cost, their shitty, racist, apartheid state, is only quickening its collapse.
What a tremendous tool these people are from the perspective of the imperialists. What tremendous exploitative value these narrow-minded brainwashed partisans have for those intent on maintaining Western hegemony in lands far far away. It's no wonder that Zionism has been so empowered, supported, embraced, and promoted within the most dominant and influential political, as well as religious circles. It's no wonder that all the politicians and all the organized religious institutions, and all the billionaire-owned media platforms, incessantly praise and support Israel and uphold the lie that Zionism is a virtuous ideology.
This multi-generational ad campaign can end though, just as quickly as it began. The minute Zionism becomes a liability for the empire or the minute Israel decides it is no longer interested in promoting imperialist interests, it will be dropped like the bad habit that it is. The Western ruling class doesn't really have any loyalty to Jewish people, or to any of their colonial projects. The ruling Western elite isn't truly principled when it comes to protecting the state of Israel (or Ukraine for that matter). They only truly care about themselves and their own wealth and power. Not a single one of our ruling elites would sacrifice anything to help the Israelis or Ukrainians, unless they could get something out of it.
Karl Marx was absolutely correct when he observed "The ideas of the ruling class are, in any age, the ruling ideas". But there comes a time when humanity must wake up from its propaganda induced stupor and recognize that we all must live on this planet together and it makes no sense to continue to allow a tiny minority of psychopathic elites to get away with their divide-and-conquer scam by pitting us against each other for their own material benefit. People need to wake up, embrace humanity in all it's full and glorious diversity, and let the elites know that they aren't going to be able to use our differences to pit us against each other anymore.
We are ready for a world that is opposed to imperialism. We are ready for a world united around a single humanity and not fractured by an infinite number of ever-changing "identity groups". The world is changing and there is a great opportunity to prove to ourselves as a species just what we are capable of, when we identify and reject the selfish and inhumane motivation and machinations of the bourgeoisie.

Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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The discussion focuses on the impending defeats currently faced by the ruling Western establishment, on both the Ukraine and Palestine fronts. The panel ponders the various ways in which these defeats will take shape in 2024 including the West’s betrayal of Volodymyr Zelensky, and the extent to which other Western proxies like Egypt’s Al Sisi and Jordan’s King Abdullah can maintain their regime given the universal disgust that is elicited by their complicity in the ongoing Palestinian genocide. Also Ian Kummer's blog at

Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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