EDITORS—We know that America has been fighting the Battle of the Bulge for a long time, and losing, but its usual partner in crime, Britain, is also afflicted by the fat epidemic. In this powerful documentary we get an inside look at the NHS hospital fighting the obesity epidemic in the UK. Subscribe to Our Stories: https://bit.ly/3lzSXhv One of the UK’s biggest and busiest obesity units opens its doors to allow an exclusive insight into the battle with the bulge. Sunderland Royal Hospital is at the heart of one of the fattest places in the country and deals with thousands of patients turning to surgery to beat their obesity. But before they go under the knife, they need to come to terms with why they’re overeating. At 47 stone, 29-year-old Terry is one of the biggest patients the unit has ever treated.
ROOSEVELT HOUSE INSTITUTE—Roosevelt House hosts a special evening featuring Nancy Isenberg, author of the groundbreaking bestseller White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America, in conversation with Frank Rich, Writer-at-Large for New York Magazine, and Bill Goldstein, Public Programming Curator for Roosevelt House. Isenberg, the T. Harry Williams Professor of history at Louisiana State University, has updated the paperback of White Trash to include updated reflections on the 2016 presidential election. As Isenberg and Rich will discuss, the voters who boosted Trump all the way to the White House have been a permanent part of our American fabric, from the earliest British colonial settlement to today’s hillbillies. Isenberg’s White Trash upends assumptions about America’s supposedly class-free society – where liberty and hard work were meant to ensure real social mobility.
PAUL EDWARDS—What he can and must be blamed for is his long, disgraceful, and devious career as a phony, smarmy, glad-handing flack for Big Money as the Senator from MBNA, his vulgarly cynical two-faced record on race relations, his Chickenhawk cheerleading for every military crime and folly, his rah-rahing for our fubar debacles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and finally, now, in his dotage, funding and embracing mass murder by Nazi Israel in Gaza and a grossly evil proxy war in Ukraine that bids fair to trigger World War III.
EDITORS—The team demonstrates that far too many Democrats have become members of a cult inured to facts or reason, and which in this case will happily and stubbornly go down with the Biden ship. Apparently, not even Biden stalwarts like Rob Reiner can inject a measure of common sense. Their attitude almost guarantees another Russiagate—and worse than that as the country descends into a terrain that not even the ruling class managers are sure to control.
BRUCE LERRO—If any of you think that some hodgepodge of long discredited socialist party, communist party and raging anarchists are going to help move France forward, we don’t agree.
Had Le Pen’s party won there probably would have been no more arms to Ukraine, and a death knell for the EU and another nail in the coffin of NATO. They also would have reversed Macron’s austerity measures. Russia would have been invited into Europe to provide cheap gas.