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Joseph Conrad insightfully wrote in his book Lord Jim: You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends“. The same can be said about a nation. So, it should be a clue to any observant person, that the forces of the extreme right, and those who are hoodwinked by them, lead the charge against Venezuela, with a relentless hybrid war and smear campaign.

The USA and its allies are at the head of this campaign. Their motives lie undoubtedly in the desire to take control of the nation’s immense oil reserves, plus its gas, gold and lithium. As well, the USA is imposing collective punishment on Venezuelans with illegal sanctions for daring to assert their sovereignty in deciding that only they, the Venezuelan people, in fair elections, can determine their governance.

Can anyone doubt that the forces of the extreme right are ascendant in geopolitics?

In the USA, the extreme right grows bolder and stronger each day. Under the leadership of Trump, a narcissistic man whose speeches are tinged with rage and absurdities, they violently mobbed Capitol Hill in Washington while denying the results of the election won by Biden. The world looks on in astonishment and dismay as Trump is poised to win the presidential elections on Nov. 5, especially now that he can drape himself with the cloak of martyrdom. His core supporters are very forgiving, or have highly selective memories, or are simply infatuated by the self-proclaimed savior from the continuing decline of their country. During Trump’s last presidency, illegal sanctions against Venezuela became extreme and he threatened military invasion. The Venezuelan vice-president Delcy Rodríguez, in defining fascism stated that: “…it not only manifests itself in expression of hatred, violence and death but also forms of economic fascism, such as the US criminal blockade imposed against Venezuela.”[1]

The hopeful exceptions in Europe are those of the UK and France whose recent elections amazingly sidelined the far right. But it seems everywhere else we see extreme right parties – some could be considered as openly fascist – rise in Spain, Germany, Estonia, Serbia, Finland, Hungary, Italy and Switzerland. Some of these parties form the government or part of it, some have legislative representatives where before they had few or none, and some are in opposition nipping at the heels of governments. But their presence is palpable, and menacing. The far right in the European Union always vote to malign and attack Venezuela.

In Canada, the main opposition party, the Conservative Party, is moving further right under a mediocre leader, Poilievre, who leads the polls against the Liberal Justin Trudeau. The strategy of Poilievre is typical of the far right that hide their real aims under an ad hominem campaign: that is, very scarce in providing solutions and virulently blaming and insulting the person of Trudeau. It is proving so effective that if the Liberal Party was smart, it would replace Trudeau and deflate the campaign of the Conservatives.

Both the Liberal and the Conservative parties of Canada, in their rush to kowtow to their powerful southern neighbour, have unjustly and mean-spiritedly lashed out against Venezuela, a nation that has not harmed Canada nor any Canadians. They have imposed illegal sanctions, organized and led the now defunct Lima Group, a cabal of far-right governments that pushed for “regime change” in Venezuela, broke diplomatic relations with Venezuela so that not even consulates are allowed, and denied the right of Canadian/Venezuelans to vote in the last Venezuelan presidential elections and upcoming one.

In Latin America, Brazil’s would-be dictator, the erratic Bolsonaro, led an attack on the Brazilian Congress a lá Trump. While in power, he managed to sideline both Dilma Rousseff and Lula with legal injustices of lawfare. He is not in power now but is still not a political pariah and not behind bars, as he should be. His disdain for the Venezuelan government was such that only the Brazilian army was able to persuade him against invading Venezuela.

In Argentina, Javier Milei is a prime example of an extremist leader with a disordered mind, saying publicly: “I’m the king of a lost world! I’m the king and I will destroy you!”[2]. Melei is bent on dismantling social rights and attacking anyone who opposes him. He has taken it upon himself to insult the Venezuelan government and president whenever he can. The Argentinian embassy in Caracas has become a haven of the far right.

So, in this sea of rising far right extremism, there is a country in open defiance that fights the violence and deceptions of fascism, the racist elites and the predatory corporations. A government that is on the side of the working classes, that zealously protects their social benefits and welfare and their Human Rights and champions the environment. That country is Venezuela, whose Constitution, on its first page, proclaims itself a democratic society, participatory, multiethnic, and pluricultural, with the values of liberty, solidarity and the common good.

The far-right forces, backed by Washington and the fascist, racist Venezuelan elites, have never ceased to try to destabilize the nation and overthrow the government. In 2014 they were responsible for a series of virulent street violence that led to 43 deaths, 878 injured and millions in damages. In 2017 they continued with 121 deaths and 1,958 injured, including the horrendous death of a young man, Orlando Figuera, who because of his dark skin, “looked Chavista” and was burned alive on the street.

These violent events were portrayed by the world media as “protests” carried out by “people who wanted democracy”, and even “students”, when in fact they were carried out by thugs and criminal gangs, paid in dollars. I myself actually witnessed on the street a man dolling out dollars to a bunch of “protesters”. The supposed, rules-based, “international community” totally ignored these violations of the peace and Human Rights of the Venezuelan people, and some even had the gall to blame the government for the opposition’s violence. They just keep gushing out the lies.

Currently, in this presidential year, the violence is simmering. The Attorney General has denounced at least five attempts to murder the president,[3] and a series of sabotages of the nation’s electrical system. A Colombian guerrilla group, which is in the midst of peace negotiations, revealed that far-right leaders of Venezuela had asked them to carry out violent acts on the border to disturb the coming elections. [4] These events have been linked to the darling fascist “candidate” of Washington, Maria Corina Machado, and is being investigated.

The presential elections are on the 28th of July. There are 9 candidates from opposition parties. The candidate of Washington, Maria Corina Machado, cannot run because in 2014 she was barred for malfeasance (refusing to disclose the origin of donated funds) and representing a foreign government – Panama – while being a deputy of the National Assembly. Later in 2023 this barring from office was reimposed by the Comptroller General and ratified by the Supreme Court of Venezuela because Machado called on the USA to invade Venezuela.[5] Her stand-in is unknown to the public – an elderly political hack, Edmundo Gonzalez.

Machado is a scion of two very wealthy elitist families. They are elites that have traditionally obtained their wealth by being the willing vassals of the USA, which allowed them to join in the looting their own country, and in recent years, have been partners in crime with Colombian narco-gangs and other criminals. Machado enthusiastically believes in using violence to gain power, including repeatedly asking the USA to invade Venezuela. [6] Gonzalez for his part, is implicated in the financing and logistics of the death squads in El Salvador.[7]

What is there for the world media to object to about Venezuela? A nation beleaguered by far-right groups and governments, struggling to keep its sovereignty, its resources and to protect its people. Why does so much of the world media back far-right forces linked to violence and plunder? Are news outlets, journalists and newspapers being paid to do so?

Since its inception the Bolivarian governments of Chávez and Maduro, have nurtured social rights and benefits, championed indigenous rights and women’s rights, poured state funds effectively and efficiently, into food security, education, health services, infrastructure, and an astounding public housing program that in 7 years has built 5 million units.

The canard invariably levelled at Venezuela, is that Nicolas Maduro is authoritarian. This is without foundation, but it is the imperial script and is repeated ad nauseum. These accusers have obviously never been to Venezuela, never visited the 40,035 Communal Councils spread all over the country that hold in their hands the development of their communities. They have never attended a meeting of any of the 1,401 Communes and have never attended any meeting of the Presidential Counsel of the Communes (Consejo Presidencial de las Comunas) whereby the President is advised directly by the communes, as part of his cabinet.

As well, those who say there is an authoritarian regime in Venezuela are completly ignorant of the 28,791 registered social movements in the country that carry out a whole host of varied social and political activities. The country is a hot bed of free, creative, democratic participation. This stimulates its artistic communities in a clear and wonderful fashion. Nobody “reins in” the free-spirited actors, artists, dancers, or musicians. The Bolivarian Revolution has been enhanced and advanced by the unleashing of creative talents that previously had been blocked by elites.

Once I was passing by Caracas’ largest theatre which had been “in possession” of the upper-class elites. Previously, “ordinary” people were not welcomed nor could afford the entry tickets; therefore, I was pleasantly surprised to see a very long line-up of “ordinary” people waiting to be let in. It turned out that they were lining up to hear a classical music concert featuring the music of Mahler. The theatre now is a favorite venue for all sorts of popular events where the people are welcome and they know it.

The people of Venezuela are very music- literate. The musical education program “El Sistema” has a lot to do with this. “El Sistema” is now world famous, more than 25 countries have established musical education programs directly based on it. Venezuela’s National System of Orchestras and Chorus boasts 443 centres, 120 juvenile orchestras and 60 children’s orchestras, with the participation of approximately 350,000 youths.

Heart-warming Venezuelan achievements such as this are rarely covered in the mainstream media while this week, for example, they rush to publicize the arrest of Machado’s ‘head of security’ for violence against women, and blame the authorities. You have to wonder about their motives.

Venezuela is definitely “contra mundum”, that is, against a world where fascism, with its violence, rapaciousness, lies, disregard for peace, nature, human rights and welfare is on the rise.

That is a world worth opposing.

Venezuela is at the vanguard of the defence of democracy, socialism and humanity itself. Its struggle is not just to defend a government, a president or a party, but a political and social system based on the Human Rights of the people, and their peaceful coexistence with others in the region and the world.

That is a world worth defending.

About the Author(s)
María Páez Victor, Ph.D. is a Venezuelan born sociologist living in Canada.


Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Obesity rules! America, Britain, and other countries in the “collective West” getting progressively fat.

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Annotated by Patrice Greanville

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Obesity is extremely common in America, as well as the UK, and parts of Western Europe, and for many the cause is the same: working class background, unsteady employment, or long stretches of unemployment, and economic insecurity. They constitute a "precariat". So their situation is nothing to laugh about. This precariat, say our betters, is fueling the rise of populism.

USA's Obesity Epidemic: Heart Attack Grills, Fat Camps and Plus-Size Beauty Pageants | Documentary

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The Philippines: Why it is Choosing US Destruction Over Chinese Construction

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The Philippines: Why it is Choosing US Destruction Over Chinese Construction

The Philippines: Why it is Choosing US Destruction Over Chinese Construction

While the ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to dominate headlines, occasionally news stories surface regarding growing tensions in the Asia-Pacific region as well. Driven primarily by the US, these headlines also include the proxies Washington is using to stir up an Ukraine-style conflict in the region.

Among these proxies is the Southeast Asian archipelago nation of The Philippines.

The South China Morning Post in a late June 2024 article titled, “China-Philippines ties on ‘brink of total breakdown’: unpacking the collapse,” would claim to provide an explanation as to why once constructive ties between Beijing and Manila have deteriorated into what may possibly become a destructive confrontation.

The article describes how concrete pillars of a rail project being built with China, have since been torn down, and instead, construction in the Philippines now consists of military bases to be used to point missiles atChina.

The article claims:

What began as a story of infrastructure cooperation has morphed into an epic tale of betrayal and confrontation, the once-chummy relationship between Manila and Beijing giving way to escalating geopolitical rivalry.

As with many pro-Western accounts of growing Chinese-Philippine tensions, the article omits the political transition from the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte to that of now President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., and how the independent foreign policy of President Duterte was overwritten by the pro-Washington policy of President Marcos Jr.

Maritime disputes treated as minor bilateral concerns to be worked out with Beijing under President Duterte, were escalated into a growing conflict under President Marcos Jr. with US backing, meant to serve as the very pretext to cancel and literally tear down joint Chinese-Philippine projects and replace it with the expansion of the US military’s footprint across the Philippines.

Beijing claims growing tensions specifically over the Second Thomas Shoal, a mostly submerged shoal in the South China Sea, followed the breaking of an agreement with China to suspend Filipino resupply missions to a grounded WW2 ship at the shoal during the Duterte administration. Under the Marcos Jr. administration, resupply missions resumed with Manila, claiming no such agreement was ever made.

China has since released audio recordings of the agreement, causing Manila to backpedal and claim the agreement was not official.

The question becomes, why has Manila decided to choose confrontation with Beijing rather than cooperation?

The answer is Manila did not choose between confrontation and cooperation, Washington did. Far from defending Philippine sovereignty from “Chinese aggression,” growing tensions between China and the Philippines is a direct result from the Philippines’ own sovereignty already being stripped from it through its political capture by Washington.

The US, through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED*) and adjacent organizations has invested for decades millions of dollars a year to influence and interfere in the internal political affairs of nations around the globe, including the Philippines, to shift the respective foreign policies of targeted nations from serving their own best interests to serving Washington’s.

US government-funded media outlets in the Philippines like Rappler, founded by Maria Ressa, a dual US-Philippine citizen, former CNN employee, who also works directly for the NED* as well as receiving funding from the NED*, have an entire section on their homepage dedicated to news about what they call the, “West Philippine Sea.” 

The US-funded media platform fits into a wider strategy of manipulating Philippine public perception regarding China, specifically to poison the Philippine public against China.
In this specific instance, Rappler and others aim at convincing the public that China poses a threat to Philippine sovereignty and territorial integrity while convincing the Philippine people to allow US military basing on their own territory and to redirect more public funds from development and infrastructure, to be spent instead on military spending including on facilities for US troops to operate out of, and on US weapons sold to the Philippines itself.

Recently, Reuters exposed other instances of the US government deliberately and malicious manipulating the Philippine public with the intent of poisoning them against China.

In its investigative report, “Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic,” it admits:

[The clandestine operation] aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

Reuters, citing US officials and healthcare experts, admitted that the campaign wasn’t based on a “public health perspective,” but simply aimed to “drag China through the mud,” and endangered the lives of the Philippine public in the process.

While Washington has convinced the Philippine public through US government-funded media that China poses a threat to the Philippines, in actuality it is the US government itself demonstrably harming the Philippines and its people through what are admitted are deliberate lies.

Its campaign to poison the Philippines against China, resulting in canceled public infrastructure projects in exchange for a US-backed military build up threatening to drag the country into armed conflict to fight Washington’s adversary on its behalf and at the Philippines’ own expense is only the most recent chapter in a long, sad story of Washington’s abuse and exploitation of the Philippines.

Washington’s History of Manipulating, Abusing the Philippines 

Omitted from pro-Western coverage of the current tensions between the Philippines and China and the supposed threat an “expansionist” China poses to the Philippines, is the fact that it was the US who actually colonized the Philippines from 1899-1946, brutally suppressing a war for independence fought by the Philippine people against American occupation.

The US State Department’s own Office of the Historian admits US forces, “burned villages, implemented civilian reconcentration policies, and employed torture on suspected guerrillas,” resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Filipinos.

The US State Department’s Office of the Historian also discussed a “policy of attraction,” which was “designed to win over key elites and other Filipinos.”

Even after the US officially recognized Philippine independence in 1946, through first the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and then the NED*, the US continued a “policy of attraction” meant to manipulate both the Philippine government and its population to serve US interests even at the expense of the nation’s own best interests.

While those in the Philippines, including Rappler, claim that the NED* is not equivalent to the CIA and that the NED* is “promoting democracy” rather than regime change, the Western media itself over the years has admitted that the NED* was created specifically to take over regime change operations previously carried out by the CIA to make such operations more politically acceptable.

A 1997 New York Times article titled, “Political Meddling by Outsiders: Not New for the U.S.,” would discuss the role the NED* plays in US interference around the globe and specifically in regard to China itself.
The article would admit:

[The US Congress} routinely appropriates tens of millions of dollars in covert and overt money to use in influencing domestic politics abroad. 

The National Endowment for Democracy*, created 15 years ago to do in the open what the Central Intelligence Agency has done surreptitiously for decades, spends $30 million a year [the actual amount is probably several times higher, with fluffy accounting] to support things like political parties, labor unions, dissident movements and the news media in dozens of countries, including China.

More recently, The Guardian in 2004 admitted the US NED* and its subsidiaries carried out regime change operations in Serbia, Georgia, Belarus, and Ukraine.

And in 2011, the New York Times would admit the so-called “Arab Spring,” was the result of years of preparations carried out by the NED* in cooperation with US-based tech giants like Google and Facebook preparing opposition groups from North Africa and the Middle East to overthrow their respective governments.

It is not that the NED* has previously engaged in regime change, it’s that the NED* itself is a regime-change organization and those receiving funding from the NED* play a role in undermining a nation’s sovereignty and aiding the US in politically capturing that nation.

It shouldn’t be a surprise, then, that US-funded organizations lying about public health or national security threats would also lie about their own funding and their relationship to those in Washington providing it.

Washington’s Anti-China Agenda is Objectively Threatening the Philippines 

It can be objectively concluded that it is not in the Philippines’ best interests to escalate an ordinary maritime dispute with China into a potential conflict involving the US military on Philippine shores and along its coastlines, and ultimately serving Washington’s open ambitions to contain China.

exports go to China, while only 14% (less than half) go to the US.

imports come from China, with only 6% coming from the United States.

Does starting a war over a grounded WW2 ship on a submerged shoal with its largest trade partner serve the Philippines’ best interests? Or does it serve Washington’s interests at the expense of the Philippines? The SCMP article already illustrated how badly needed public infrastructure has literally been torn down in exchange for escalating tensions with the Philippines’ largest trade partner, China.

One needs not guess where this will lead the Philippines if it continues to serve US interests by escalating tensions with China because the same process is already well underway in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, the US successfully poisoned the population against Russia through likewise US government-funded media and political organizations, installed into power a pro-Washington government, militarized the nation, and aided in precipitating a conflict with neighboring Russia resulting in a self-destructive war Ukraine is irreversibly losing.

The US is repeating this process in the Philippines. It spends money funding organizations like Rappler to convince ordinary people, otherwise looking out for their best interests, to choose war over economic opportunities, real development, infrastructure spending, better healthcare, and better education.

It requires constant effort to convince people that somehow hating and confronting their largest most important economic partner, on behalf of their former colonial master, is somehow in their best interests.

Genuinely Defending Sovereignty 

Nations in the region must secure not only their borders with armies, shores with navies, and airspace with air forces, but also their information space, political space, academic and cultural space, all from foreign infiltration and capture. The price is just as high as when a foreign nation breaches these spaces as when they breach borders, shores, and airspace.

Bills should be passed to prohibit foreign interference, banning NED* and other foreign-funded organizations and political parties. Investments should be made in creating genuine local media outlets. Academia should be made up of qualified professors with real-world skills to teach students how to build up their nation, not divide and destroy it. Culture should be preserved, celebrated, and added to, rather than undermined, defamed, and erased.

A nation that has a military to secure their physical domains but have left all other domains unprotected – even overrun by foreign influence and interference – have failed just as badly as if they failed to stop an outright military invasion.

Ukraine is a living – or more accurately – dying example of what failure to genuinely protect a nation looks like.

While people in the Philippines are meant to believe China is a threat and that fighting against China is in their best interests, the fact that they’ve been turned against China in the first place means they’ve already lost to foreign invasion – not by China – but by their old and now renewed colonial rulers in Washington, and not along their shores, but within their information and political spaces.

*- is banned in Russia

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Hamas Has Not Lost, Therefore They Win

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The brave and devout Palestinian people, still turning to Allah (via)


After October 7th, 'Israel's' stated goal was eliminating Hamas. Specifically, destroying the Al Qassam Brigade's ability to 1) leave Gaza 2) launch rockets 3) exist at all. On all three counts 'Israel' has lost. As spokesman Abu Obeida (who is notably not dead) said in late May, “despite their genocide war and indiscriminate destruction, our fighters have been and remain vigilant against the enemy force.”As Henry Kissinger (who thankfully is dead) said, “The conventional army loses if it does not win. The guerrilla wins if he does not lose.” And Hamas has not lost. 'Israel' is winning the genocide and losing the war.

Let me show you, using footage from Hamas HQ (largely via the Resistance News Network on Telegram). This is just a fraction of the information out there, which may be news to western audiences, but which is all over Arabic satellite TV and social media, ie the people that 'Israel' is supposed to be deterring.


Before we get into it, note that I'll use 'Hamas' and 'Al Qassam Martyrs Brigade' interchangeably though they are (having evolved in the crucible of assassination and infiltration) operationally separate. Also note that I, up to a point, use Hamas as the representative of the entire Resistance, which actually comprises many groups, most notably Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the PFLP (commies), the Mujahideen Movement, and even the armed wing of Fatah. You can read more about the whole Axis of Resistance here, but I think that's too much detail for this article. I also use the term White Empire to refer to 'Israel', America, Germany, the UK, Australia and all of the colonizers and colonized because they are, to us at the bottom, one phenomenon.


First we'll discuss how Hamas is winning tactically, then strategically anon.

Tactically, Al Qassam can still penetrate 'Israel', they can still fire rockets, and their leadership still has full command and control. 'Israel' has won against hospitals and lost the plot to Hamas.

1) Ground

The main problem on October 7th—from the 'Israeli' perspective—was that the Palestinians got out of the Gaza 'envelope'. On that day, Hamas broke down walls, flew paragliders, disabled 'Israeli' spy cameras and towers, attacked their military outposts, and took hostages to exchange for the thousands of hostages 'Israel' holds in horrific conditions. The Resistance called this operation the Al Aqsa Flood, and has outlined their reasoning on it in this document, written in English for you. I encourage you to read it yourself.

Our Narrative-Operation Al-Aqsa Flood
Hamas's own description of what on October 7th, and why they did it

This 'problem' is not solved. October 8th, 9th, 10th, nth have been attempts by 'Israel' to stuff the Palestinians back inside the envelope and burn it, but it hasn't worked. 'Israel' has razed the earth, but Hamas is literally underground. This completely upends all imperial counter-insurgency tactics. The Empire may figure out tunnels someday (or maybe not), but right now, they're completely flummoxed.

Hence, in a small but significant operation on June 6th, Al Qassam was able to pop up outside the perimeter fence, and hit the 'Israelis' all over again. This was really a disproof of concept. The conceptual border around Gaza that forms 'Israel's' psychological security blanket is still broken. And, indeed, southern 'settlers' have still largely not returned.

As Al Qassam said in a statement, “In a landing operation behind the (enemy) lines, the Al-Qassam Mujahideen were able to breach the fence and attack the headquarters of the enemy division operating in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.” The IOF acknowledged that one of their soldiers was killed, and three Palestinians martyred. This was a small operation but with big significance because of where it happened. Hamas is still pushing the envelope.

Inside Gaza, 'Israel' cannot secure an inch of ground. They can invade and occupy almost anywhere, but they can't hold anything. As the 'educated martyr' Basil Al-Araj wrote in his '8 Rules',

Since the Palestinian Resistance is underground, the IOF is always outflanked (in three dimensions). It doesn't matter what the map says if your enemy is taking the metro. Thus the Resistance lets the IOF take land, monitors them from underground, plans meticulous ambushes, and then pops out and executes them. There are countless videos like this, I'm just selecting a recent one (from May 22nd). Bear in mind that this happens every day that the 'Israelis' are in Gaza. As the Al Qassam video says:

At dawn on Tuesday, 22/5/2024, the fighters of Al-Qassam carried out a complex operation, setting up a tight ambush against a zionist special force that penetrated north of Beit Hanoun. The fighters detonated a Ra’adiya explosive device in the infantry force, a Shuath explosive device in the rescue force, and after 6 hours, after additional forces advanced to evacuate the dead and wounded, the fighters sniped 3 soldiers, including a senior officer.

See for yourself:

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Again, I have seen countless videos like this. This selection is just based on recency, I can't even go through them all. Like the Nazis in Stalingrad, the Bizarro Nazis of 'Israel' have completely fucked themselves by reducing Gaza to rubble. They made a mess and now Hamas is rubbing their nose in it. There's no way they can find the tunnel entrances under all that shit, but Hamas can find them. This is a huge tactical problem because the IOF is always surrounded (in the third dimension, as mentioned). Hamas is literally playing 3D chess while the IOF is playing checkers.

In one crazy example that I already discussed a few weeks ago, multiple 'Israeli' tanks park in an area without securing it. Because they practically can't, their Air Force made such a mess of it. Hamas militants are able to emerge surrounded by tanks, literally touch one, and place explosives directly up its ass. You can see an IOF soldier right behind the tank, their situational awareness is null while the Al Qassam fighters are Metal Gear Solid.

Via Hamas In Action (Day 221)

Once they place the charges, they run back to the tunnels where another guy is waiting with an RPG (homemade Yassin 105s) to hit the other tanks, just as the charges go off. The guys look simple (they're just out there in tracky bottoms and sandals) but the coordination and planning is highly sophisticated. Al Qassam's bullet discipline is legendary. They make every shot count. Again, note that I (and everybody in the Arab world) have seen this happen over and over again. The IOF is hopeless against anyone who shoots back, and the Resistance is still shooting, mashallah. There is no deterrence when you look like dumbasses, which is how 'Israel' has looked for this whole campaign.

Despite the massacrely bloody rescue of four hostages (with American help, cynically disguised as an aid convoy), the flow of battle (not genocide) is still with the Resistance. As Hamas Political Bureau member, Izzat Al-Rishq said:

Despite the occupation's claim to have destroyed all Hamas brigades in Gaza, it was only able to liberate its captives through a difficult and complex operation and under massive firepower eight months after the start of the war, facing fierce resistance, which cost it heavy prices, contradicting its claims.

The resistance is still at the heart of the battle and has a lot up its sleeve, and the battle is back and forth. At a time when the occupation announces the release of four captives, after eight months of war, this is evidence of a strategic failure in achieving its declared goals.

Al-Qassam Brigades are still increasing their yield of enemy captives, and the best evidence of this is what happened in the qualitative operation in Jabalia at the end of last month. The enemy is trying hard to hide its real losses in the operation to free its captives, but the final word always belongs to the resistance. This operation will not change the final price the occupation will be forced to pay.

After eight months, three nukes worth of bombs, and the support of America and the whole White Empire, 'Israel' simply cannot bury the Palestinian Resistance. They can 'take' land, they can massacre innocents, but they cannot accomplish their stated goal of eliminating or even meaningfully degrading Hamas. All they've done is degrade their reputation and eliminate their own soldiers. How do you bury what's already underground? The IOF is just joining Hamas there, but in coffins.

2) Air (Artillery)


Rumble("play", {"video":"v4z4ch6","div":"rumble_v4z4ch6"});
Hamas has no air force, but the entire Resistance has invested in fuck-off missiles

Hamas has no air force but artillery remains the 'god of war'. For decades, the Axis of Resistance (led, technologically, by Iran) has prioritized 'stand-off' missiles. The technology transfer has included manufacturing, many of these weapons are homemade, across the Resistance. Hamas has its own small but functional military-industrial complex underground, which is bonkers.

On October 7th, Hamas fired at least 3,000 rockets into occupied Palestine and haven't stopped firing since. These rockets are often shot down, but this is an advantage in and of itself. 'Israel' is spending millions of dollars to shoot down tens of thousands of dollars worth of rockets. Hamas is bleeding 'Israel's' coffers, overwhelming its Iron Dome, and the settlers around the Gaza 'envelope' still can't resettle. As I've discussed, 'Israel's' Iron Dome is simply broken in the north (against the more powerful Hezbollah) and it's increasingly ineffective in the south against Hamas. More and more of these rockets get through, and Hamas has strategically not used the good stuff yet.

Hamas has a wide range of missiles, with the number usually denoting the range (the M90, for example, goes 90 km). Some of the rockets (as you can see in the 'promo' video above) are quite sophisticated, but even the small mortars are a constant irritation to the IOF. Just look at this Al Qassam fighter, having a coffee while reloading his mortar. These guys can do this shit all day, and 'Israel' can't do shit about it.

As the Palestine Chronicle says, “The video has predictably ignited Arabic social media with comments about the bravery of Palestinians, 242 days after the start of the Israeli genocide in Gaza. The video also contains a message to the Israelis, that the Resistance is prepared to fight a long war, and that repelling invading Israeli forces in Gaza has now become a routine, as in drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.” 

Artillery is the god of war, and Hamas is unbroken and unbowed. Their artillery is still firing and increasingly hitting, as the Iron Dome becomes the Iron Sieve from sheer exhaustion.

3) Command and Control

The Al-Qassam's military leadership of Mohammed El-Deif, Yahya Sinwar, and spokesman Abu Obeida are household names across the Middle East, and they're still living. This is a huge problem for 'Israel'. Many field commanders and soldiers have been martyred—as you can see, these operations are insanely risky—but the military leadership (within Gaza) is completely intact. 'Israel' has responded by assassinating Hamas leaders abroad or killing the political leadership's children and grandchildren in Gaza, but they're just mindlessly lashing out. Hamas's brain-trust inside Gaza is still going strong.

Like the Americans when they invaded Iraq, the 'Israeli's' have released a deck of playing cards with high-value targets.

This guy is supposed to be Mohammed Shabana, a field commander in Rafah, but it is actually Mohamed Shabana, an Egyptian sports writer. A football commentator. This has made 'Israel' a laughingstock around the Arab world which, again, is the opposite of what they're trying to do. Machiavelli said a prince could be feared or loved, but they cannot be laughed at. This is fatal to anyone trying to project power, and 'Israel' is just a killing joke right now.

I won't go on in this section because what can I say? The Al Qassam leadership is completely intact in Gaza. Far from decapitating them, 'Israel' hasn't harmed a hair on their bodies. Though it does look like Abu Obeida has lost a bit of weight, peace be with him someday, inshallah.

'Israeli' Strategy

So far I've been analyzing 'Israel's' stated goal which is, of course, bullshit. 'Israel's' actual goal is ethnically cleaning Palestine once and for all. Genocide most foul. As Abu Obeida said, ‘genocidal war and indiscriminate destruction.’ So now let's look at what 'Israel' is actually doing, and how they're still fucking that up.

'Israel' is completely open about their genocidal intentions in Hebrew and open enough in English. Just hit auto-translate on a Zionist's post if you want to singe your eyebrows off. As 'Israel's' Minister of National Insecurity Itamar Ben-Gvir has saidwhen asked “Dad, what is the solution for Gaza?”

Occupation, settlement, and encouragement of migration. Only in this way can we solve the problem of Gaza. To occupy all the land, to settle in all the land, and—of course—to encourage the voluntary [?] migration of as many people as possible to other countries. We need to live in security.

relevant part is this:

I fear Allah (just the Arabic word for God) and I apologize for taking this out of context. Netanyahu is trying to make it look like he has some biblical command, while he's really just trying to duck corruption charges. What 'Israel' is doing is really just colonialism 101. The British did this in the Uva Province of Sri Lanka, ask anybody in the south and they probably have some story like this. Killing everyone and salting the earth. The general colonial policy in case of rebellion is massive retribution, kill or subjugate/enslave everyone. 'The seed of Amalek' was really just mendacious marketing, and it worked within 'Israel'. Soldiers sing about it before committing war crimes and this genocidal rap song went to #1 in Israel. Those racist rappers say:

We brought the whole army on you and I swear there will be no forgiveness
Tffi, the children's of Amalek
All the units are ready? (Listen up)

The rappers added death threats to Mia Khalifa and Dua Lipa for good measure. This seems bonkers but 73% of 'Israelis' said (in March/April) that their military response had been 'about right' or 'not gone far enough'. Once you separate out Arabs trapped inside, it's even worse. Only 4% of Jewish 'Israelis' think the military response has 'gone too far'. This is a population in the throes of genocidal mania even more than Nazi Germany, and they've dragged Hip Hop into it.

Again, just hit auto-translate on random 'Israeli' posts if you want to strafe your eyeballs. Genocidal rhetoric is quite common and open in Hebrew and they don't even try to hide it in English. The western media does, but the 'Israeli's' don't give a fuck. As the former header of the occupation National Insecurity Council, Giora Eiland, wrote:

The international community warns us of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this, as difficult as that may be. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer and reduce casualties among IDF soldiers. And no, this is not about cruelty for cruelty’s sake, since we don’t support the suffering of the other side as a goal but as a means.

Thus actual aim of 'Israel' in Gaza today is the same as their aim since the Nakba began in 1947. Kicking the Palestinians out and taking their land. Hitting them so hard they never complain again. The truth is not that complicated. But the lie is.

I mention this not to point out that 'Israel' is hypocritical or heinous, though they are. I mention this so that we understand the strategic thinking behind the tactics. 'Israel's' tactics make no sense if you believe that they're actually trying to eliminate Hamas, but they make total sense once you realize that they're attacking hospitals, homes, and food/water supplies on purpose. 'Israeli' is not following the Clausewitzian strategy of engaging and annihilating the enemy's forces. They are trying to annihilate Gaza entirely. To understand this as a continuous 'Israel' policy just listen (or, ideally, don't) to this hate crime recorded by children and posted by their national broadcaster:

Autumn night falls over the beach of Gaza
Planes are bombing, destruction, destruction
Look the IDF is crossing the line
to annihilate the swastika-bearers

In another year there will be nothing there
And we will safely return to our homes
Within a year we will annihilate everyone
And then we will return to plow our fields

This is actually an updated version of a 1948 poem, which they've made explicitly genocidal instead of implicitly so. As you can see the Nakba (catastrophe) is still going and culminating in the genocide of Gaza. October 7th was the beginning of the end, not the beginning at all.

I mention the difference between stated and actual goals because it's a big reason why 'Israel' has not eliminated Hamas. They're not trying to. I suppose the logic is that Hamas is a people's movement therefore kill all the people, but this just isn't practical, to be quite bloodless about it. Complete genocides are basically impossible in the modern era. 'Israel' has certainly killed or wounded at least 10% of the population of Gaza, but there's still 90% to go! And then the West Bank after that, and the people in occupied Palestine, and the surrounding diaspora. In addition to being evil, this genocide is just not feasible. Sadism is not, in itself, a strategic position, but that's what 'Israel' is standing on.

Hamas Strategy

Hamas, on the other hand, is a rational actor. They have their guns and they're sticking to them. As Hamas's famously unkillable Khaled Mashal said in the past,

Dear sister, nations are not easily liberated. The Russians sacrificed 30 million people in World War II, in order to liberate it from Hitler's attack. The Vietnamese sacrificed 3.5 million people until they defeated the Americans. Afghanistan sacrificed millions of martyrs to defeat the USSR and then the US. The Algerian people sacrificed six million martyrs over 130 years. The Palestinian people are just like any other nation. No nation is liberated without sacrifices.

Blood sacrifice seems to be required for true liberation. I wish it wasn't so, but that's how it goes. If you watch interviews with Hamas members these are dudes who were into the gym, or studying, or entirely normal things once. They have simple dreams, but they were born into a nightmare. Many of them are orphans, the children 'Israel' didn't kill in previous incursions. Before you condemn them A) shut the fuck up and B) ask yourself, what would you do in their situation? One of my favorite quotes (which I've seen on the tents of student protest in the US) is “whoever is in solidarity with our corpses but not our rockets, is a hypocrite and not one of us.”

June 9th, 2024.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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America’s Clown Car Politics

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The GOP clown car. The Democrats have their own. (Donkey Hotey)

As the clown car of American politics careens through ever shrinking fiery hoops, it begs the question, why don't they just stop? Why don't they remove the clown makeup, get a better car from China, and put the guns down? The rest of the world would still sell them stuff for the rest of the century, even without all the murdering and extortion. This is unfortunately impossible.

The American clown car, by design, has no brakes at all. American politics just has two accelerators, one red and one blue. Voting consists of mashing furiously on one of the two pedals, hoping that something other than smoke and silk scarves will come out, and it never does. That's the whole joke! America was founded as a tax-evasion scheme for unreconstructed slavers and it's working exactly as intended. All of the 'declarations' and 'rights' were just so much clown make-up.

Since the 13 colonies, America has been a big Ponzi scheme, destroying the present and selling futures on it. When they ran out of 13 colonies they took 65 more 'states and territories'. When they couldn't work the natives hard enough, they brought in people from Africa. When all that land and all that labor wasn't enough, they declared Manifest Destiny over South America too. When that wasn't enough they 'helped' Europe by conquering them and took their colonies too. Today only about five countries are truly free, America's enemies. They enslaved the globe and called it the 'free world'. But the point is to make everything expensive, and denominated in dollars. It's really a long con.

America is a Ponzi scheme because, well just do the napkin math yourself (this won't be exact at all, but good enough). America has promised $35 trillion to creditors and revised GDP down to $28.26 trillion last year. And their GDP is mostly smoke and silk scarves, AKA horseshit. America can't pay off their debt without spooking the horses, but as long as they don't have to, it doesn't matter. As long as some new suckers buy their treasuries (tribute), they can pay off the old suckers. A classic Ponzi.

The problem with Ponzis is that they have no reverse gear. You can't suddenly turn a Ponzi scheme into a real business, you have to keep pushing the fraud further and further or lose it all. Schemes have to get more and more fantastic, you have to keep the bluff going. Slowing down on the horseshit for an instant spooks the horses, there's a run on the bank, then it's revealed that you're actually bankrupt. So you keep hustling. You can only accelerate, there is no brake or reverse. But no scheme can go on forever. As God said in translation (he spoke Arabic):

“They are planning a scheme, and so am I: so bear with those who deny the truth, and let them be for a little while.”

Call it what you want, research it how you will, everything that exists must not exist for much longer. Everything thing that lives must die, artificial as well as natural life. God is the most erudite way to understand this and economics the most vulgar. But all roads lead to the collapse of Rome. Every great city has expanded to its carrying capacity and collapsed, it's just a force of nature. The world was our Petri dish for thousands of years and we've run millions of experiments. Countless men have tried to rule forever and 100% have failed. Ask Gilgamesh. As Allah told his prophet after Jesus, “Say, ‘Roam across the earth and observe what was the end of the sinful ones. Do not grieve over them, nor feel distressed at their schemes.”  What goes up must come down. If you're a vulgar secularist, ask your homie Newton.

For an idiot's idea of how mathematically fucked America is, let's return to the numbers above. $35 trillion in debt and say $30 trillion in GDP. Debt in your own currency is theoretically infinite, but haunted by what Keynes called 'animal spirits.' Spook the horses and suddenly everything goes apeshit. And the horses (re: the investor class) are already getting antsy. American interest rates are rising, from nearly 0% for years to 5.5% now. We'll round up to 6% for napkin purposes.

By the Rule of 72 (72/6), American debt will thus double every 12 years*. But because America is ruled by fools, interest rates will probably get worse. Investors will start to smell bullshit and demand bigger 'coupons', 10%, then 20% like in the late 1970s. Exponentials get absurd quick, and exponentials mixed with animal spirits is a heady brew. Like that last round of tequila when you know you really shouldn't. It never ends well.

America is trying to start multiple wars with major trade and resource partners. Any one of its problems are problematic, together it's a fuckupalypse of epic proportions. Americans don't do anything by half-measures, including collapse. It's go hard or go home. In this case, both.

sounds racist. It's all made up numbers, but at some point it just looks absurd. At some point someone is going to call bullshit, and everyone else is going to follow in a mad stampede to the door. It's already happening by trickles, soon enough it will be a flood. America right now is sitting on a huge amount of repressed consumer, corporate, and national debt that they're just holding back with a cork until they can get their sock puppet Biden re-elected.

The fact is that America is overdue for a recession (it's called the business cycle). America's has a huge market panic every 10 or 20 years, and then a complete meltdown every century or so. And the big one is coming. The Great Schizophrenia will make the Great Depression look like a picnic. It'll be mayhem on Wall Street. Soon enough Jericho will make a capital call, and then all the walls will come down. As Satan said, when he was in New York, “I'd get ready for one of those Class-A, New York-style pigfucks.”

We are living through the last Golden Bull Market—the final worship of false idols—before Allah finally roasts the place like he promised multiple times, through multiple prophets. People followed Profit itself, but that was the Devil. Feel for yourself. “Awfully hot, isn't it?” as Satan said. Monkeys are falling out of trees already. Great apes will be falling out of towers shortly.

The only thing keeping the American Scheme going this long is war. Force. War is the basis of their culture, it is their founding myth, it has been their blood right for all but 16 years of their vile and violent existence. More Americans probably sleep with a gun by their bed than a Bible. Jesus is at the border, getting electrocuted. The poor are at their doorstep, getting beaten by cops. As Chris Hedges said, war is a force that gives us meaning. And of course blood money is good money. The only thing this fallen city follows is the money. And now their luck has run out.

Teddy Roosevelt, the man's man's President, said ‘speak softly and carry a big stick.’America today, however, led by the wizened Joe Biden and the weeping Antony Blinken, ‘speaks loudly and carries a limp dick.’ The Empire has no clothes, and is still trying to fuck everybody. It's both evil and embarrassing. It's OK to be evil, but being laughed at is fatal for an Empire. And people increasingly don't take America seriously anymore. The natives are in open revolt, and even imperial citizens find American leadership revolting. It is, as I said, a clown show, and nobody finds these killer clowns amusing anymore.

America lost in Afghanistan, to dudes with Toyota Hiluxes and patience. They limped off from the graveyard of empires saying ‘'tis but a scratch,’ but they're dead men walking. Now they've lost land and air supremacy to Russia, naval supremacy to Yemen, and moral supremacy to Palestine. The only thing left is white supremacy, and that's gone rancid long ago. Nobody's buying that shit, and at some point somebodies stop buying treasuries. Then it's Ponzi scheme over.

If the war machine doesn't work then nations stop paying tribute (buying treasuries) and the Empire can't fund more war. It's a vicious cycle which starts slowly but speeds up, because compound interest is exponential. So many empires end up like this, overextended in war and over indebted at home. If anything, America is speed running the process. Rather than chilling out and enjoying their old age, they're trying to start World War III with just their dick in their hands. As the American creed goes, live fast and die young.

Americans are finally figuring out they're not in the driver's seat of their Empire, they're in the trunk. Republicans keep yanking the steering wheel hard to the right and Democrats move it back two millimeters, expecting applause. They're still heading the same direction, just doing different sex acts in the backseat. Nobody's in the driver seat at all. The car is 'self-driving' and has been since corporations became sentient in the 1600s. And it just wants to run creatures over to feel the bumps. Look, it makes a line go up! There's no way out of this from within this. You just have to go through it, and 'it' is a wall.

You can see the walls closing in, as Americas Ls come faster and furioser. Their leaders are complete clowns and the fiery rings get smaller and smaller. It must be dawning on some of the increasingly unpacified children in the back that there is no turning this clown car around. In the end, it just explodes. That's the big finale. Boom.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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