Opposing Beijing Olympics Human Rights Watch Echoes Anti-China Extremists & Debunked Claims


Caleb T. Maupin

With the Winter Olympics set to take place in Beijing next month, the anti-China lobby is hard at work, looking to politicize the event and further damage China’s image internationally. The same cast of characters from the Neocon Right-wing are walking onto the stage.

Leading the charge was Mike Pence who spoke before the Heritage Foundation all the way back in July, saying, “President Biden should make a clear and unequivocal demand that the 2022 Winter Olympics be moved from Beijing unless China comes clean on the origins of COVID-19 and immediately ends the persecution of the Uighur people. The Olympics should only take place in countries that respect fundamental human rights and the well-being of mankind.” (https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/the-current-state-us-china-relations)

Peter Navarro, the crackpot anti-China hack who worked in the Trump administration after a career making sponsored documentaries, used his platform on FOX Business to make similar statements on November 15th writing: “The Beijing Winter Olympics offer a golden opportunity for Biden to exert pressure on Communist China on all of these issues.” (https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-meeting-china-xi-trade-climate-human-rights) Prior to working with Trump, Navarro was considered fringe by most academic economists, and since 2020 he has been a promoter of the “Stop the Steal” claims that China somehow teamed up with Venezuela to rig the US elections and remove Trump.

While heated words against the Beijing Olympic Games from the usual suspects shouldn’t be surprising, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has jumped in with a very out of character criticism specifically directed at sponsors. HRW’s China director Sophie Richardson wrote: “There are just three months until the Beijing Winter Olympics but corporate sponsors remain silent over how they are using their influence to address China’s appalling human rights record.” (sic)  Human Rights Watch aims to use its influence to pressure companies like Coca-Cola and Airbnb not to sponsor the games.

“To politicize sports by fabricating lies and rumors and undermining the Olympic cause is unpopular and will never succeed,” said China’s foreign ministry spokesperson, Wang Wenbin.

The double-standards and selective outrage demonstrated by HRW in this instance is massive. Is HRW seeking a boycott of events in Britain where journalist Julian Assange sits in prison? Has HRW ever called for events in the USA to be cancelled or lose sponsorship because of Guantanamo Bay, the heavy handed repression of Black Lives Matter protesters, or the numerous unilateral illegal invasions and occupations the USA has carried out over the years?

Facts Don’t Match Hysterical Allegations

The basis of the outage for HRW is not real documented events but rumors that don’t match the facts. The claim that “genocide” is being conducted against Uygurs doesn’t add up. From 2010 to 2018, the Uygur population in China’s Xinjiang Autonomous region grew at a faster rate than the region’s population overall. Uygurs were exempt from China’s notorious “one child policy” before it was ultimately scrapped in 2015, and were known to have large families, often 9 or 10 children.

Typical anti-China demonstration using the usual performative assets the West has in abundance for precisely such occasions. Meantime, the Western media and public figures oblige.

China invested $5.2 billion into public health in Xinjiang in 2017, with spectacular results including an increase in life expectancy. Infant and maternal mortality rates were cut in half according to a study published by the Lancet in 2019. Promoters of the “Uygur Genocide” use photographs of the newly built medical clinics as “proof" that birth control is somehow being forced on the population. (https://thegrayzone.com/2021/02/18/us-media-reports-chinese-genocide-relied-on-fraudulent-far-right-researcher/)

Zamira Dawut, an individual rolled out by the BBC as a victim of forced sterilization by Chinese officials has been documented to have never studied in a vocational center as she claimed and had never been sterilized. Her claims, treated as undisputed fact by western media, have been thoroughly debunked by public records. Many of the individuals cited as “missing” or “disappeared” by Ugyur separatists have been found living perfectly normal lives either in China or abroad.

Furthermore, the Chinese government has a policy of not only allowing local customs and traditions to continue, but sponsoring them and helping them flourish. The Chinese government has either built or refurbished a number of mosques in recent years. Claims about the abuse of graveyards or outlawing of local customs have been widely debunked. Journalists have freely visited Xinjiang and seen local Uygurs freely observing festivals, religious ceremonies and other customs.

Adrian Zenz: Another Non-Reliable Extremist

The source for almost all of these claims about persecution of Uygurs is yet another discredited extremist, this time a German religious fanatic tied to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. The widely cited Adrian Zenz is the author of a book entitled: “Worthy to Escape: why all believers will not be raptured before the tribulation,” in which he referred to homosexuality as “one of the four empires of the beast,” predicted that Jews would either be “refined” or “wiped out” in a “fiery furnace,” and called for the “scriptural spanking” of disobedient children.

Zenz is also opposed to notions of gender equality and takes a number of traditionalist positions that render him to be viewed as a political basket case in modern, socially liberal Germany. Yet HRW repeats his claims as undisputed facts and uses them as the basis for shaming Olympic corporate sponsors. (https://www.mfa.gov.cn/ce/cgjed//eng/xgxw/t1857365.htm)

Rhetoric against the Olympics is expected from the likes of Mike Pence, Peter Navarro, Mike Pompeo and Adrian Zenz. These are individuals tied to the ideological neoconservative cold war right wing. Despite the 20th century long being over, they are operating with an outdated playbook, waving God and the Bible as amulets to ward off “the commies.”

However, Human Rights Watch purports to be a credible, balanced organization that renders data in an objective way to advance the universal goals of improving civil liberties around the world. Biden presented himself as a relief from the wild-eyed fanaticism of the Trump administration.

While China’s economy continues to grow and its reputation around the world has greatly expanded due to the Belt and Road Initiative and other successful development projects, anti-China moves laced with hysterical, non-factual allegations are only serving to further isolate the United States from the international community. The Olympic Games will proceed regardless of Biden’s diplomatic boycott and HRW’s call for pressure on corporate sponsors.

The only thing in question is the role of the United States in global affairs, which is increasingly being rolled back despite their increasingly shrill tone, as China speeds forward.

Caleb Maupin has worked as a journalist and political analyst for the last five years. He has reported from across the United States, as well as from Iran, the Gulf of Aden and Venezuela. He has been a featured speaker at many Universities, and at international conferences held in Tehran, Quito, and Brasilia. His writings have been translated and published in many languages including Farsi, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese. He is originally from Ohio. As a reporter with RT.com, Maupin's focus has been the United States. He has had many intense interactions with US State Department spokespeople including John Kirby, Mark Toner, and Heather Nauert confronting them about diverse issues like Syria, Russia, and the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons. Maupin was the primary US correspondent for RT’s international broadcasts during the 2016 Presidential elections. He reported from both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, and also directly from the riots in Oakland, California, during the aftermath of the vote.  


Rev. 11.11.20

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China’s Excellent, Very Good Year


Godfree Roberts

2021 was the best year. Ever.
The robust growth of the domestic market also further stabilises the economy.

Amidst global gloom, 2021 was the best year in modern Chinese history. Here’s what they accomplished:

  • poverty. 
  • ownership. 
  • Kept Covid death rate at 0.6% of America’s.  
  • Grew the economy $2 trillion PPP, the fastest growth ever.
  • richest country on earth.
  • Became the world’s biggest overseas investor.
  • market. 
  • Produced one new billionaire and 300 millionaires every workday. 
  • Completed new train lines in seven countries, including Laos’ first.
  • Ran 15,000 cargo trains to and from Europe, up 30% YoY.
  • Joined RCEP trade pact, with 30% of global GDP and of the world’s population.
  • Sold $140 billion retail online in 24 hours (Amazon’s record is $5 billion).
  • Launched the first central bank digital currency.
  • Dominated scientific research and issued the most patents of any country. 
  • Built three exascale computers that won the Gordon Bell prize for high performance computing.
  • quantum computer 10,000x faster than Google’s Sycamore.
  • quantum communications network.
  • Brought  online two gas-cooled Pebble Bed nuclear power plants. 
  • Fired up two thorium-fueled reactors, eliminating uranium from power generation.
  • Released a Covid treatment that reduces hospitalizations and deaths 78%.
  • energy savings.
  • renewable energy.
  • stations, giving Tibet better 5G service than New York.
  • lasers, 1,000x faster than radio waves. 
  • Operated the world’s most powerful solid rocket engine, with 500 tonnes thrust.
  • Flew three hypersonic missiles around the planet. 
  • Released a fractional orbital bombardment missile from another missile at 17,000 mph.
  • Simultaneously commissioned three warships, becoming the world’s biggest navy.

Expect China to maintain this pace through 2022 by launching, among other things, the first, greenfield, automated, 21st century city for six million knowledge workers. With 70% woods and lakes, the loudest sound will be birdsongs.


The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of  The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience. 

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Why India will likely ally with China, not with U.S.



Eric Zuesse

(L-R) Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin pose in front of a sand sculpture ahead of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Summit in Benaulim, in the western state of Goa, India, October 15, 2016. Things have changed a great deal since, with a lot of ups and downs, but the situaiton may be finally rectifying in favor of Eurasian peace.


British imperialism, the very same master; i.e., enemy; as the American public had and — ever since 1945 — still has, though this time in the form of a united UK-&-U.S. Deep-State aristocracy, who control the U.S. Government, behind the scenes). The world is now splitting-up, into two. One side is the pro-imperialist (or “neocon”) side (the conquerors of Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Guatemala, and many other countries), which includes all of the Axis Powers during WW II (Germany, Italy, and Japan), plus almost all of the other EU nations, plus Israel, plus almost all of the Western-Hemisphere countries. It’s headed (behind the scenes) by the U.S.-and-UK billionaires. On the opposite side are the nations that the imperialist nations (the united fascist billionaires) target. They are: China, Russia, Iran, and their allies, all of which targeted nations are ideologically committed anti-imperialist nations. 

Therefore, virtually all wars and coups after WW II have been wars and coups by the U.S. and its allies, to conquer (take control over) additional nations (nations that hadn’t yet buckled to them). That (the aggressiveness of the imperialist nations) is just a historical fact, about the world during the years after 1944, and it is now driving the remaining targeted nations (principally China, Russia, and Iran) toward closer-and-closer cooperation amongst themselves, so that if  WW III happens, then it will be between the imperialist nations on the one side, versus the anti-imperialist nations on the other. It would be a nuclear-war-updated version of the WW II Axis (pro-imperialist) nations versus the Allied (anti-imperialist) ones. (Churchill was imperialist, but he was forced by FDR to suppress his imperialism during WW II. Truman instead adopted Churchill’s imperialism.) All of the former Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) would then be led by the Rhodesist UK-U.S.-Israel team.
Given this reality, India has recently been tending to get off the ideological fence that it has been sitting on ever since 1947, to side increasingly with its fellow-anti-imperialist nations. If it finally (decisively) does so, then that would become the most momentous blow yet against the Rhodesist UK-U.S.-Zionist joint global empire ever since the UK itself lost India on 15 August 1947. India would then no longer be “neutralist.” It would instead become an additional enemy of the imperialist powers. It would become allied with China, Russia, and Iran, against the imperialist powers — including, finally, at long last, against the UK, which was India’s former master.
For a long time, I was hesitating to say that India seems likely to go with the anti-imperialists, because the indications that India was trending in this direction concerned only recent decisions by its Government, not anything that’s rooted deeply in Indian public opinion which would separately indicate deep-seated cultural support, ideological Indian-cultural support, for any such radically new commitment by its Government — a geostrategic earthquake-in-the-making, in the world’s second-most-populous nation. But, finally, I believe that I have found that ideological-cultural support to exist, in India, and will describe here the evidence for it.
I should start by noting that I had wrongly predicted, on 1 August 2020, that “India and Brazil Are Now the Global Worst Coronavirus Nations”, and I had based that false forecast for India upon (regarding covid-policy-effectiveness) “The key isn’t so much the healthcare system, as it is the public health system. And that’s quite evidently poor in all three of the worst-performing countries: India, Brazil, and U.S.” However, UNLIKE the U.S. and Brazil, India has turned out to have a far better public-health system than I knew. That’s because India has a population who respect their Government. Respect for the Government is a sine-qua-non, essential, in order for any public-health system to be able to function effectively. Without it, the public won’t trust their Government’s public-health requirements (such as masking, vaccinations, etc.) to protect them against a pandemic. But, as things have subsequently turned out, the Indian people DO trust their Government, almost as much as the people in China do.
On 9 December 2021, Morning Consult Polls headlined  “The U.S. has a lower vaccination-rate than any other country tracked besides Russia.” China and India had the highest percentages of willing, the lowest percentage who said that they are “unwilling” to be vaccinated, in all of the 15 surveyed countries. Earlier, Morning Consult had headlined, on 15 July 2021, “The U.S. has a higher rate of vaccine opposition than any country tracked besides Russia.” (The questions had been identical in both surveys.) China and India turned out to have the highest vaccination-rates. Each polling had surveyed 75,000 “nationally representative samples of adults. (In India, the sample is representative of the literate population).” (Illiterates are especially difficult to survey, anywhere.) The 9 December polling showed only 1% each in China and India to be “unwilling” to be vaccinated, and it found 87% of Chinese having already been “vaccinated”, and 86% of Indians having been “vaccinated.” In Russia, where the vaccination-opposition was the highest, 20% were “unwilling” and 43% had been “vaccinated.” In America — the second-worst performer on this factor — 19% were “unwilling” (19 times higher than China’s 1%) and 67% had been “vaccinated.” In the 15 July polling report, 30% of Russians had said they were “unwilling,” and 19% of Americans did. 2% did in each of China and India. The opponents to vaccination seem to be the most-solidly implacable anywhere — 19%, in both pollings — in America.
Previous polls have shown that, whereas Russia’s President, Putin, is highly trusted, Russia’s Government is not. So: Russia is a mixed bag, partly like America, and partly like China (where both the leader, Xi, and the Government, are enormously trusted). Russia has turned out to have been performing, on both disease-cases and disease-deaths, better than U.S. but not nearly as well as either China or India. Vladimir Putin came into power in Russia in 2000 committed to undoing the Americanization of his country as much as possible, but he never undid its libertarianism and therefore Russia’s covid performance is turning out to be nearer to U.S. than to China. In this sense, India, which has also become much Americanized, might actually now be moving away from America at a faster clip now than is Russia. This would put India closer to the anti-imperialist bloc.
What is important in those polls is that they display a deeper-rooted socialism in India than in Russia. (America is rather extremely toward the libertarian/neoliberal pole of ideology, which is opposite to socialism. Almost all developed countries are more socialistic than is America.) Perhaps Russia’s having once HAD an empire, whereas India did not, is the reason why India is now moving more clearly now toward the anti-imperialist bloc, which is being led by China, Russia, and Iran.
Additionally confirming those hypotheses is the “Edelman Trust Barometer 2021” which surveyed in 27 nations. One subhead in it is “A TRUST RECKONING FOR CHINA AND THE U.S.” It showed that the highest 3 nations on overall trust in the country’s various institutions, in both 2020 and 2021, were: India, China, and Indonesia, all at 72% to 82%. U.S. scored in the bottom 30% of nations,  #19 in 2020 at 47%, and #21 in 2021 at 48%. Japan was in the bottom 10%, at #25 (42%) in 2020, and #26 (40%) in 2021. The Edelman rankings also showed that the highest 4 nations (in the 74%-80% range) on “Willing to vaccinate” were, in order from the top: India, Brazil, Mexico, and China. U.S. was #20, at 59%. Japan was #24 at 54%. Russia was #27 (last) at 40%. The global average on this was 64%.
Specifically trust in the Government, in those 27 nations, was the highest in #s 1 and 2 tied, being China and Saudi Arabia (82%), #3 UAE (80%), and #4 India (79%). U.S. was #19 (42%). Japan was #22 (37%). Russia was #24 (34%). South Africa was #27 (and at 27%).
Though Russia has BECOME anti-imperialist due to America’s increasing attempt (along with its NATO) to conquer it, India is increasingly becoming anti-imperialist. Russians and Chinese are anti-imperialist by urgent necessity, in order to protect their nationhood or sovereignty over their own territory, which the imperialists covet. However, India is becoming anti-imperialist now because of the UK-U.S. (Rhodesist empire) now forcing the world to choose-up “sides.” (This is happening in regard to the imperialists trying to break Taiwan off from China, and trying to force Donbass back into Ukraine.) Fence-sitting won’t, any longer, be allowed by the imperialists. They demand a commitment, or a stronger commitment, to the imperialist bloc.
The big barrier to India’s decisively joining the anti-imperialist side (including China) is a 2009 India-China border-conflict in a mutually contested region, Arunachal Pradesh. However, on 2 December 2019, the Financial Express headlined “Exercise Hand-in-Hand 2019: Troops from India, China to conduct joint drill this week”, and reported that throughout the following decade, the two countries had been increasing their mutual trust. In addition to this, the still-contested region has only around a million population and isn’t of geostrategic significance; so, if it were to stand in the way of India’s Government decisively joining the anti-imperialist side, then China’s Government would be foolish not to simply tell India’s, “Fine, that’s part of your territory.” With that minor concession, China could effectively win India as being a member of their team, against the global aggressors. But things seem to be drifting that way anyway. However and whenever India’s Government might happen to make that decision, it would be a wrenching break away from the deep cultural roots that England’s empire had planted in Indian culture, ever since 1614, when the world’s first stock company (which had been formed in 1600), the British East India Company, started to take control over India, which ultimately meant also to train India’s aristocracy in the English language and customs, so as to make them representatives of the British monarch. This would be the final divorce of India from Britain’s aristocracy. And, of course, China already went through that divorce when Mao beat out Chiang Kai-shek for control over China, in 1949, which was a huge defeat against the Rhodesists.
The stark covid-policy differences between, on the one hand, China and India, versus, on the other, America and its NATO-and-Japanese-and-Australian allies, might be the canary-in-the-coal-mine indicator of WHICH WAY  GEOSTRATEGIC FENCE-SITTERS (such as India) WILL GO. Independent countries where the population trust their Government will tend to go with the anti-imperialists, while independent countries that don’t (such as Ukraine) will tend to side (as Ukraine did in 2014, due to Obama’s coup) with the fascists (who, after Hitler, are and have been solidly in the Rhodesist camp).

Investigative historian They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

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Putin and Xi plot their SWIFT escape


Pepe Escobar

Vladimir Putin got straight to the point. At the opening of his one-hour and fourteen-minute video conversation with Xi Jinping on 15 December, he described Russia-China relations as “an example of genuine inter-state cooperation in the 21st century.”

Their myriad levels of cooperation have been known for years now – from trade, oil and gas, finance, aerospace and the fight against Covid-19, to the progressive interconnection of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU).

But now the stage was set for the announcement of a serious counter-move in their carefully coordinated ballet opposing the relentless Hybrid War/Cold War 2.0 combo deployed by Empire.

As Assistant to the President for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov succinctly explained, Putin and Xi agreed to create an “independent financial structure for trade operations that could not be influenced by other countries.”

Diplomatic sources, off the record, confirmed the structure may be announced by a joint summit before the end of 2022.

This is a stunning game-changer in more ways than one. It had been extensively discussed in previous bilaterals and in preparations for BRICS summits – mostly centered on increasing the share of yuan and rubles in Russia-China settlements, bypassing the US dollar, and opening new stock market options for Russian and Chinese investors.

Now we’ve come to the crunch. And the catalyzing event was none other than US hawks floating the – financially nuclear – idea of expelling Russia from SWIFT, the messaging network used by 11,000+ banks in over 200 countries, as well as financial institutions, for rapid money transfers worldwide.

Cutting off Russia from SWIFT would be part of a harsh new sanctions package developed in response to an ‘invasion’ of Ukraine that will never happen – mainly because the only ones praying for it are professional NATO warmongers.

Profiting from a strategic blunder

Once again, an American strategic blunder offers the Russia-China self-described “comprehensive strategic partnership” the chance to advance their coordination.

Ushakov put it very diplomatically: it’s time to bypass a SWIFT mechanism “influenced by third countries” to form “an independent financial structure.”

That amounts to a serious game-changer for the entire Global South – as scores of nations yearn to be released from a de facto US dollar dictatorship, complete with recurring Fed quantitative easing circus packages.

Russia and China have been experimenting with their alternative payment systems for quite a while now: the Russian SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages) and the Chinese CIPS (Cross Border Interbank Payment System).

It won’t be easy, as the most powerful Chinese banks are deep into SWIFT and have expressed their reservations about SPFS. Yet, they will have to inevitably integrate prior to the launch of the new mechanism, possibly in late 2022.

Once the most important Russian and Chinese banks – from Sberbank to the Bank of China – adopt the system, the path opens for other banks across Eurasia and the Global South to join in.

In the long run, SWIFT, prone to non-stop American political interference, will be increasingly marginalized, or restricted to Atlanticist latitudes.

Bypassing the US dollar, on trade and all sorts of financial settlements, is an absolutely central plank of the ever-evolving Russia-China notion of a multipolar world.

The road will be long, of course, especially when it comes to offering a solid counterpoint to the US-controlled global financial system, a maze that includes the humongous investment houses of the BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street variety, with their interlocking shareholding of virtually every major multinational company.

Yet a SWIFT escape will rapidly gain momentum, because it is inextricably linked to a series of developments that Putin-Xi touched upon in their conversation, the most important of which are:

1. The progressive interconnection of BRI and EAEU, offering expanding roles to the BRICS-run New Development Bank (NDB) as well as the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
2. The increasing geopolitical and geo-economic reach of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), especially after the admission of Iran in October.
3. And crucially, the upcoming Chinese presidency of the BRICS in 2022.

China in 2022 will invest deeply in BRICS+. This expanded BRICS club will be linked to a development process that includes:

1. The consolidation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) – a massive East Asia trade deal uniting China, the ASEAN 10 and Japan, and South Korea, as well as Australia and New Zealand.
2. The African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA).
3. And the memoranda of understanding signed between the EAEU and MERCOSUR and between the EAEU and ASEAN.

Anchoring West Asia  

Yaroslav Lissovolik, one of the world’s leading experts on BRICS+, argues that it’s now time for BRICS+ 2.0, operating in a system that opens “the possibility for bilateral and plurilateral agreements to complement the core network of regional alliances formed by BRICS countries and their respective regional neighbors.”

So if we’re talking about a major qualitative jump in terms of economic development across the Global South, the question is inevitable. What about West Asia?

All these interconnections, plus an escape from SWIFT, will certainly profit the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), arguably the flagship BRI project, to which Beijing plans to annex Afghanistan.

CPEC will be progressively connected to the future Iran-China corridor via Afghanistan, part of the 20 year Iran-China strategic deal in which BRI projects will be prominently featured. Iran and China already trade in yuan and rials, so settlements between Iran and China in a non-SWIFT mechanism will be a given.

What happened to Iran is a classic example of SWIFT becoming hostage of imperial political manipulation. Iranian banks were expelled from SWIFT in 2012, because of pressure from the usual suspects. In 2016, access was restored as part of the JCPOA, clinched in 2015. Yet in 2018, under the Trump administration, Iran was once again cut off from SWIFT.

None of that will ever happen with Iran joining the new Russia-China mechanism.

And that leads us to the interconnection of China’s BRI expansion in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. The reconstruction of Syria may be largely financed via the non-SWIFT mechanism. Same for China buying Iraqi energy. Same for the reconstruction of a Yemen possibly hosting a Chinese-owned port, part of the “string of pearls.”

Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Israel may remain in the US financial sphere of influence, or lack thereof. And even if there is no BRICS nation anchoring West Asia, and no regional integration economic agreement on the horizon, the role of the economic integrator is bound to be eventually played by China.

China will play a similar role to Brazil anchoring MERCOSUR, Russia anchoring the EAEU and South Africa anchoring the SADC/SACU.

Both BRI and the EAEU will get a tremendous boost by bypassing SWIFT. You simply can’t go multipolar if you trade using (devalued) imperial legal tender.

BRI, EAEU and those interlocking economic development agreements, combined with digital technology, will be integrating billions of people in the Global South.

Think of a possible, auspicious future spelling out cheap telecom delivering financial services and world market access, in a non-dollar environment, to all those who have been so far cut off from a truly globalized economy.

Pepe Escobar is a Brazilian journalist and international policy analyst whose column "The Roving Eye" for Asia Times Online regularly discusses the multi-national "competition for dominance over the Middle East and Central Asia." Escobar is also a frequent commentator on Russia's RT and Sputnik News, telling The New Republic in 2012 that he was not troubled by its Russian sponsorship: I knew the Kremlin involvement, but I said, why not use it? After a few months, I was very impressed by the American audience.

The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

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Putin, Xi running circles around Biden’s hybrid war

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By Pepe Escobar posted with permission and cross-posted with AsiaTimes

Washington hawks float expelling Russia from SWIFT but Moscow’s budding geo-economic alliance with Beijing will keep the money flowing

Screenshot of the recent Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin phone call. Screenshot photo: Mikhail Metzel / Pool / TASS

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin spent an hour and 14 minutes in a video conversation on Wednesday. Geopolitically, paving the way for 2022, this is the one that really matters – much more than Putin-Biden a week ago.

Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, who generally carefully measures his words, had previously hinted that this exchange would be “extremely important.”

It was obvious the two leaders would not only exchange information about the natural gas pipeline Power of Siberia 2. But Peskov was referring to prime time geopolitics: how Russia-China would be coordinating their countercoups against the hybrid war/Cold War 2.0 combo deployed by the US and its allies.

While no substantial leaks were expected from the 37th meeting between Xi and Putin since 2013 (they will meet again in person in February 2022, at the start of the Beijing Winter Olympics), Assistant to the President for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov did manage to succinctly deliver at least two serious bits of information.

These are the highlights of the call:

  • Moscow will inform Beijing about the progress, or lack thereof, in negotiations with the US/NATO on security guarantees for Russia.
  • Beijing supports Moscow’s demands on US/NATO for these security guarantees.
  • Putin and Xi agreed to create an “independent financial structure for trade operations that could not be influenced by other countries.” Diplomatic sources, off the record, say the structure may be announced by a joint summit in late 2022.
  • They discussed the Biden-hosted “Summit for Democracy,” concluding it was counterproductive and imposed new dividing lines.

Of all of the above, the third point is the real game-changer – already in the works for a few years now, and gaining definitive momentum after Washington hawks of the Victoria “F**k the EU” Nuland kind recently floated the idea of expelling Russia from SWIFT – the vast messaging network used by banks and other financial institutions to make money transfer instructions – as the ultimate sanctions package for the non-invasion of Ukraine.

Putin and Xi once again discussed one of their key themes in bilaterals and BRICS meetings: the need to keep increasing the share of the yuan and ruble in mutual settlements – bypassing the US dollar – and opening new stock market avenues for Russian and Chinese investors.

A 100 yuan bill and Russian 10 ruble coins. Photo: AFP / Demyanchuk /Sputnik

Bypassing a SWIFT mechanism “influenced by third counties” then becomes a must. Ushakov diplomatically put it as “the need to intensify efforts to form an independent financial infrastructure to service trade operations between Russia and China.”

Russian energy businesses, from Gazprom to Rosneft, know all there is to know not only about US threats but also about the negative effects of the tsunami of US dollars flooding the global economy via the Fed’s quantitative easing.

This Russia-China drive is yet another dimension of geoeconomic, geostrategic and demographic power rapidly shifting towards Eurasia and possibly foreshadowing the advent of a new world system related to other matters Putin-Xi certainly discussed: the interconnection of Belt and Road with the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), the expanded reach of the  Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the coming Chinese presidency of BRICS in 2022.

The US – with US$30 trillion in debt, 236% of its militarized GDP – is virtually bankrupt. Russia-China have already experimented with their alternative payment systems, which will inevitably integrate.

The most important banks in both countries will adopt the system – as well as banks across Eurasia doing business with them, and then vast swaths of the Global South. SWIFT, in the long run, will be used only in exceptional cases if China and Russia have their way.

Maidan redux

Now to the heart of the geopolitical puzzle.

Ushakov confirmed that the Russian Federation has submitted proposals on security guarantees to the US. As Putin himself had confirmed even before talking to Xi, it’s all about “indivisible security”: a mechanism that has been enshrined all across the territory of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe since a 1975 summit in Helsinki.

Predictably, under orders of the powers that be, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg already rejected it.

Both Xi and Putin clearly identify how Team Biden is deploying a strategic polarization gambit under good old divide-and-rule. The wishful thinking at play is to build a pro-American bloc – with participants ranging from the UK and Australia to Israel and Saudi Arabia – to “isolate” Russia-China.

That’s what’s behind the narrative thunderously splashed non-stop all across the West – to which Biden’s Summit for Democracy was also tied. Taiwan is being manipulated against Beijing while Ukraine is being literally weaponized against Russia. “China aggression” meets “Russian aggression.”

Russian and Chinese soldiers embrace.


Beijing has not fallen into the trap but has asserted at different levels that Taiwan will eventually be integrated into the mainland motherland, without any ludicrous “invasion.” And the wishful thinking that massive American pressure will lead to cracks inside the Chinese Communist Party is also likely generating zero traction.

Ukraine is a much more volatile proposition: a dysfunctional nightmare of systemic instability, widespread corruption, shady oligarchic entanglements, and poverty.

Washington still follows the Zbigniew Brzezinski-concocted Maidan plan laid out for cookie distributor Nuland in 2014. Yet seven years later, no American “strategist” has managed to understand why Russia would fail to invade Ukraine, which has been part of Russia for centuries.

For these “strategists”, it’s imperative that Russia face a second Vietnam, after Afghanistan in the 1980s. Well, it’s not going to happen because Moscow has no interest whatsoever in “invading” Ukraine.

It does get more complicated. The ultimate fear dictating all US foreign policy since the early 20th century is the possibility of Germany clinching a new version of Bismarck’s 1887 Reinsurance Treaty with Russia.

Add China to the combination and these three actors are able to control just about the entire Eurasian landmass. Updating Mackinder, the US would then be turned into a geopolitically irrelevant island.

Putin-Xi may have examined not only how the imperial hybrid war tactics against them are floundering against them, as well as how the tactics are dragging Europe further into the abyss of irrelevance.

For the EU, as former British diplomat Alastair Crooke points out, the strategic balance is a disaster: “The EU has virtually ruptured its relations with both Russia and China – at the same time. Washington’s hawks wanted it. A ‘European Brzezinski’ certainly would have advised the EU differently: never lose both in tandem – you are never that powerful.”

No wonder the leadership in Moscow-Beijing can’t take anyone in Brussels seriously – be it assorted NATO chihuahuas or the spectacularly incompetent Ursula von der Leyen at the European Commission.

A faint ray of light is that Paris and Berlin, unlike the Russophobic Poland and the Baltic fringe, at least prefer having some sort of negotiation with Moscow over Ukraine as opposed to slapping on extra sanctions.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (left) meets Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing on March 23, 2021. Photo: AFP / Russian Foreign Ministry / Handout / Anadolu Agency

Now imagine Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explaining the ABCs of foreign policy to a clueless Annalena “Grune” Baerbock, now posing as German foreign minister while displaying a fresh mix of incompetence and aggressiveness. She actually placed the phone call.

Lavrov had to meticulously explain the consequences of NATO expansion; the Minsk agreement; and how Berlin should exercise its right to pressure Kiev to respect Minsk.

No leaks about it should be expected from Ushakov. But it’s fair to imagine that with “partners” like the US, NATO and the EU, Xi and Putin should conclude that China and Russia don’t even need enemies.

Pepe Escobar is a leading Brazilian-born geopolitical analyst and correspondent widely published (and appreciated) in progressive publications around the world. 

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