Mao Reconsidered: One Hundred Percent Good (Part 1)



Mao and Family

"A benign colossus has walked amongst us..."

The simple facts of Mao’s career seem incredible: in a vast land of 400 million people, at age 28, with a dozen others, to found a party and in the next fifty years to win power, organize, and remold the people and reshape the land–history records no greater achievement. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, all the kings of Europe, Napoleon, Bismarck, Lenin–no predecessor can equal Mao Tse-tung’s scope of accomplishment, for no other country was ever so ancient and so big as China. Indeed Mao’s achievement is almost beyond our comprehension. – John King Fairbank, The United States and China.

The obloquy is easy to understand. Foreign powers vilified him for his independence and communism and charged that he had embarked on a chaotic and fruitless quest for a socialist spiritual utopia. Colleagues like Deng Xiaoping (whom Cambridge double blue Lee Kwan Yew called ‘the most brilliant man I ever met’) and Chou En Lai (who wrung from Henry Kissinger the admission that ‘the Chinese are smarter than us’) stood head and shoulders above any Western contemporary and the humblest of them–and father of the current president–was a general at age nineteen and governor at twenty-two.

They buried him with faint praise because in life, Mao stood effortlessly, head and shoulders above them all, chastening or dismissing them at will while exhausting them with societal upheavals that required a level of heroic exertion that would have killed or maddened lesser men. That was the thirty percent in their verdict, “Seventy percent right and thirty percent wrong” but the Chinese people never accepted that verdict for reasons that will become obvious in the course of this three-part reconsideration.

Mao first came to public attention in 1919 when, aged twenty-six, he published The Death of Miss Chao, a searing account of a girl in his village who committed suicide rather than marry a man she despised: “The circumstances in which Miss Chao found herself were the following: (1) Chinese society; (2) the Chao family of Nanyang Street in Changsha; (3) the Wu family of Kantzuyuan Street in Changsha, the family of the husband she did not want. These three factors constituted three iron nets, a kind of triangular cage. Once caught in these three nets, it was in vain that she sought life in every way possible. There was no way for her to go on living … It happened because of the shameful system of arranged marriages, because of the darkness of the social system, the negation of the individual will and the absence of the freedom to choose one’s own mate”.

In 1927, after escaping execution at the hands of Nationalist forces, he remained a tireless campaigner for women’s rights, “A man in China is usually subjected to the domination of three systems of authority: political, family and religious. Women, in addition to being dominated by these three systems of authority, are also dominated by the authority of their husbands. These four authorities–political, family, religious and masculine–are the embodiment of the whole feudal-patriarchal ideology and system”.

In 1945 he made colleagues promise that, in victory, they would ‘ensure freedom of marriage and equality between men and women’ and, in 1950, his first official act as head of State was to sign the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China, which promised to protect women and children, guarantee gender equality in monogamous marriages, women’s choice of marriage partners, equal pay for equal work, maternity leave and free childcare. (Encountering resistance later, in 1955, he insisted, “Men and women must receive equal pay for equal work. Genuine equality between the sexes can only be realized in the process of the socialist transformation of society as a whole”).

When Mao stepped onto the world stage in 1945, Russia had taken Mongolia and a piece of Xinjiang, Japan occupied three northern provinces, Britain had taken Hong Kong, Portugal Macau, France pieces of Shanghai, Germany Tsingtao, the U.S. shared their immunities and the nation was convulsed by civil war. China was agrarian, backward, feudalistic, ignorant and violent. Of its four hundred million people, fifty million were drug addicts, eighty percent could neither read nor write and their life expectancy was thirty-five years. The Japanese had killed twenty million and General Chiang Kai-Shek complained that, of every thousand youths he recruited, barely a hundred survived the march to their training base. Women’s feet were bound, peasants paid seventy percent of their produce in rent, desperate mothers sold their children in exchange for food and poor people sold themselves, preferring slavery to starvation. U.S. Ambassador John Leighton Stuart reported that, during his second year there, ten million people starved to death in three provinces.

When he stepped down in 1974 the invaders, bandits and warlords were gone, the population had doubled, literacy was 84 percent, wealth disparity had disappeared, electricity reached poor areas, infrastructure was restored, the economy had grown 500 percent, drug addiction was a memory, women were liberated, girls were educated, crime was rare, everyone had food and shelter, life expectancy was sixty-seven and, by several key social and demographic indicators, China compared favorably with middle income countries whose per capita GDP was five times greater.

Despite a brutal U.S. blockade on food, finance and technology, and without incurring debt,Mao grew China’s economy by an average of 7.3 percent annually, compared to America’s postwar boom years’ 3.7 percent. When he died, China was manufacturing jet planes, heavy tractors, ocean-going ships, nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles. As economist Y. Y. Kueh observed: “This sharp rise in industry’s share of China’s national income is a rare historical phenomenon. For example, during the first four or five decades of their drive to modern industrialization, the industrial share rose by only 11 percent in Britain (1801-41) and 22 percent in Japan”. His documented accomplishments are, as Professor Fairbanks says, almost unbelievable. He

  • doubled China’s population from 542 million to 956 million
  • doubled life expectancy
  • doubled caloric intake
  • quintupled GDP
  • quadrupled literacy
  • increased grain production three hundred percent
  • increased gross industrial output forty-fold
  • increased heavy industry ninety-fold.
  • increased rail lineage 266 percent
  • increased passenger train traffic from 102,970,000 passengers to 814,910,000.
  • increased rail freight tonnage two thousand percent
  • increased the road network one thousand percent.
  • increased steel production from zero to thirty-five MMT/year
  • Increased industry’s contribution to China’s net material product from twenty-three percent to fifty-four percent.

But, from Mao’s point of view, that was a sideshow. By the time he retired, he had reunited, reimagined, reformed and revitalized the largest, oldest civilization on earth, modernized it after a century of failed modernizations and ended thousands of years of famines. A military genius (Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery compared his greatest battles favorably to Alexander’s and Napoleon’s), strategist and political innovator, master geopolitician, peasant and Confucian gentleman, Mao was a fine poet, even in translation. In 1946, British poet Robert Payne praised his Snow and Mao replied, “I wrote it in the airplane. It was the first time I had ever been in an airplane. I was astonished by the beauty of my country from the air–and there were other things”.

“What other things?” Payne asked.

“So many. You must remember when the poem was written. It was when there was so much hope in the air, when we trusted the Generalissimo [Chiang Kai Shek]. My poems are stupid–you mustn’t take them seriously”.

North country scene: a hundred leagues locked in ice, a thousand leagues of whirling snow.

Both sides of the Great Wall one single white immensity.

The Yellow River’s swift current is stilled from end to end.

The mountains dance like silver snakes and the highlands charge like wax-hued elephants,

Vying with heaven in stature.

On a fine day, the land, clad in white, adorned in red, grows more enchanting.

This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage.

But alas! Chin Shih-huang and Han Wu-ti lacked literary grace,

And Tang Tai-tsung and Sung Tai-tsu had little poetry in their souls;

And Genghis Khan, proud Son of Heaven for a day, knew only shooting eagles, bow outstretched.

All are past and gone!

For truly great men? Look to this age alone.

He retains the affection of the common people to this day, and ten million of them visit his birthplace each year, dwarfing, by orders of magnitude, the memory of all of history’s heroes combined. Yet we tend to associate his name with famine and chaos which, in our minds, obscure his achievements but, upon inspection, we will see that they are no more valid than the charges of economic mismanagement. They are simply implanted memories and we will examine the first, The Great Famine, in the next instalment.

Excerpted from CHINA 2020: Everything You Know is Wrong. Forthcoming, 2018.


About the Author
SPECIAL EDITOR for Asian Affairs Godfree Roberts (Ed.D. Education & Geopolitics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1973)), currently resides in Chiang Mai, Thailand. His expertise covers many areas, from history, politics and economics of Asian countries, chiefly China, to questions relating to technology and even retirement in Thailand, a topic of special interests for many would-be Western expats interested in relocating to places where a modest income can still assure a decent standard of living and medical care. 

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GODFREE ROBERTS—By the time he retired, he had reunited, reimagined, reformed and revitalized the largest, oldest civilization on earth, modernized it after a century of failed modernizations and ended thousands of years of famines. A military genius (Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery compared his greatest battles favorably to Alexander’s and Napoleon’s), strategist and political innovator, master geopolitician, peasant and Confucian gentleman, Mao was a fine poet, even in translation.
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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 



China’s Overture to Wall Street

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For all the pomp and circumstance of Donald Trump’s Beijing trip, its most interesting outcome was a Chinese overture to the titans of global finance, currently ensconced in Wall Street and London. Given the big banks’ position at the apex of of the Western power structure, the move is highly strategic and bears close watching.

Specifically, the watershed has two components. The first is the accord between CIC, China’s top sovereign wealth fund, and Goldman Sachs to set up a USD 5-billion fund to invest in US companies exporting to China. The choice of American partner is significant, of course. Goldman is the most powerful bank in the US and probably the world, the quintessential Wall Street player. Its alumni routinely occupy top positions in the US government, including the present Treasury Secretary. Where Goldman goes, the US power structure often follows.

Beijing’s other move is to open financial institutions to 51% ownership by foreign entities — something Western global banks have long been clamoring for. The CPC leadership is only too aware of the potential disruption, even sabotage, that could result from a too-fast opening of the supremely strategic finance sector. Over the years, Beijing has never hesitated to slow or suspend the process whenever circumstances warranted. That it is now taking this step means China is confident that domestic and international conditions are ripe.

Editor's Note: Despite the author's optimism, we look with trepidation on the idea of giving certifiable vultures like Goldman Sachs 51% of anything in the top tiers of the Chinese financial structure. This may be a case of necessity to defuse the threat of US attack from within, and if so, well, let's hope it pays off in peace. China needs the time to become stronger and eventually invulnerable. 

Would these moves make China vulnerable to predatory forces behind the Western banks? Probably not. The deal with Goldman is clearly a pilot experiment to bring the icon of Wall Street into the game; it is not big enough to do any real damage, even if things go wrong. But it could become a hook to pull Wall Street’s financial power and know-how in to benefit China and even the Belt & Road Initiative, on predominantly Chinese terms. As usual, Beijing will adopt its time-tested strategy of “feeling the rocks underfoot while crossing the river” — advancing only when the right rocks are felt and retreating otherwise.

The 51%-ownership initiative, by now, is not something China needs fear. One reason the CPC is launching it is because it believes that domestic players are ready for the still-limited competition the move would bring. (Foreign banks’ share of the Chinese financial market is currently less than 2%.) In fact, the opening is not aimed chiefly at attracting more foreign investment, as many international observers erroneously believe. According to industry insiders, it is to further the competitiveness of Chinese financial institutions by obliging them to compete alongside established global entities, in an environment managed by Chinese authorities. That would pave the way for Chinese banks to take on the world.

So the door of Chinese finance has opened another significant notch to global capital. In the past week, Beijing has concurrently introduced other sweeping measures, largely to enhance its ability to oversee domestic financial markets and minimize abuses.

Only time will tell whether the interaction between Western-controlled capital and China will be fruitful. Many will be cynical, given the historical record. But today’s China is unlike anything global capital has ever taken on. Like it or not, the world is increasingly interconnected. And if China and Big Money do find ways to produce win-win, all humanity would benefit.  

About the Author
  worked as an international journalist based in Hong Kong, specializing in Greater China and Asian affairs. He was a top editor at Asiaweek, the Asian newsweekly, and served as founding editor of the magazine's one-time Chinese-language sister publication, Yazhou Zhoukan. Now a private investor and sometime journalism teacher at the University of Hong Kong, Tom also works with some of Hong Kong's leading Buddhist organizations.He was born in Hong Kong, and was educated there and at Columbia and Harvard universities in the United States. 

THOMAS HON WING POLIN—So the door of Chinese finance has opened another significant notch to global capital. In the past week, Beijing has concurrently introduced other sweeping measures, largely to enhance its ability to oversee domestic financial markets and minimize abuses.
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By subscribing you won’t miss the special editions.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 



What if? What if Trump was not the colossal ignorant narcissist asshole everyone has him pegged as? What if there was another script in his secret vest pocket? If so that would explain the continued animosity of the Deep State, despite the seeming eager collaboration of Trump in all its dearest goals, from fleecing the public to endless wars and MIC budgetary expansion. This article lays out the reasoning and facts behind what will seem to many as an highly improbable—if not shocking— proposition. —Editor


Love or hate, war or peace; the good, the bad and the ugly? Let’s see how Godfree Roberts’ crystal ball performed last week.

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The day before US President Donald Trump (DJT) arrived in Beijing, November 8-10, for meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping (XJP), I had Dr. Godfree Roberts on the China Rising Radio Sinoland show to make his predictions about what would transpire ( Godfree made two bold statements, one about Sino-American relations and the other about Korea. For the former, to paraphrase, Godfree said,

Xi understands that Trump needs a crowd pleasing victory back home and will deliver on that goal. China will use its very successful millennial tributary system to help Trump bring home the bacon, and DJT will tacitly integrate his presidency into this ancient diplomatic framework.

Godfree clearly hit a homerun here. Trump was telegraphing success before his arrival, even calling XJP “the King of China”, which is very tributary indeed ( All the mainstream pundits who were gloating that Trump would walk away empty handed have egg all over their faces, as is often true with these ideological communism-socialism-China haters. Xi and Trump helped garner over a quarter of a trillion dollars in bilateral business deals ( The value of these deals is unprecedented in Sino-American relations and may be the second biggest on diplomatic record. The only one bigger that I’ve ever heard of was Xi’s and Putin’s $400 billion gas/oil/pipeline deal (, which I wrote about recently (

Trump was also very vocal about how much he likes and respects XJP, while touting their mutual friendship (, as well as his admiration for the Chinese people and their civilization ( DJT’s granddaughter even sang a Chinese song to “Grandpa Xi”, beamed into Beijing via satellite ( Trump was treated like royalty while in China (  and continuously showed his appreciation for Baba Beijing’s efforts, from the welcoming ceremony to the two first couples’ private tour of the Forbidden City, to the state banquet there. A stratospheric quarter trillion dollars in deals were inked. Trump did well for his people, can claim a big victory back home and Xi represented his citizens honorably.

The whole affair had the feel of a Ming Dynasty state visit, with 600 years of technology layered on top. Thus, we can say Godfree’s prediction that Sino-American relations will start taking on the form of China’s win-win tributary system has serious merit.

The results over Korea were less clear. To be honest, in their joint press conference (, it looked like DJT and XJP more or less kicked the can down the road. Nothing of any great importance was announced, other than the two sides needed each other to solve the problem, it should all happen through the United Nations and military action was not the answer. Given the bellicose aggression the United States has been projecting in Korea, since the end of World War II (see footnote below), one could say that this was an important public acceptance of Asian realpolitik, from typically high handed, “we’ll do whatever the hell we want even if it’s illegal” imperial America. But, this is hardly a headline grabbing victory for Trump.

Then yesterday in Vietnam, Trump again announced that Baba Beijing was working hard on the Korea issue ( So clearly, behind the scenes, a lot is going on that the public is not privy to. This was confirmed by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, when he met with XJP at the end of September, declaring that America was in direct contact with DPRK (North Korea), undoubtedly through the good offices of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (

Thus, Godfree’s hopeful prediction, and he admitted it was a long shot, that some kind of cross border cooperation would be announced did not come to fruition. But, I will make a bold prognostication myself: before Trump leaves the White House, either he or Tillerson will meet with DPRK leader Kim Jong-Un. I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s what Trump wants. In his own inimitable way, DJT said exactly that in an official tweet yesterday,

This tweet is not a Freudian slip. Trump means it.

This is not the first time. In May, 2017, DJT said this about DPRK leader Kim Jong-Un,

If it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, I would absolutely, I would be honored to do it… Most political people would never say that… but I’m telling you under the right circumstances I would meet with him. We have breaking news (

I’ll say most Westerners would never say that, but Trump did. If this transpires, guess where it will happen? In China, of course. I think this is what Xi and Trump are working towards, with mucho behind-the-scenes help from the Russians, who also have some serious historical and border skin in the Korean game. They admitted as much last week ( The problem is Eurangloland will go to war before allowing the Korean peninsula to peacefully reunite (

Trump’s ambitious Asian tour included attending two major regional summits, APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) in Vietnam and ASEAN (Associaton of Southeast Asian Nations) in the Philippines. By

You can say what you want, but as far as Asian-American affairs are concerned, DJT is working hard for his citizens, which is more than can be said about America’s previous presidents, going back as many administrations as you care to argue. Trump even came out and said exactly that ( Listen to his APEC speech in Vietnam. The last president who talked like this was Ronald Reagan and then further back, to John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt ( Love ‘em or not, they all had something other recent presidents have lacked: vision.

One thing is clear. I don’t think we could have survived another four years of deep state, Wall Street elitism in the White House. As much as many people hate DJT, I shudder at the thought of uber imperial Hillary Clinton being president.

Conversely, you may not approve of Trump’s vision, but you know where he stands. He has clearly articulated his intention to defend his country’s interests and improve the lot of the American people [something which in the current US political context may sound like total and complete demagogy of the coarsest sort] but which [in an decent framework] is what any respectable leader should do, who is worth their salt. Sadly, sodium chloride has been sorely lacking in Washington and London since the 1980s, and in Paris since Nicolas Sarkozy was president.

After China, DJT went to communist-socialist Vietnam to meet President Tran Dai Quang. Trump’s delegation inked $12 billion in contracts. While comparatively puny to China’s leviathan showstopper, remember that Vietnam is economically like one province in China, and China has 34 of them, so this amount is about right. In their joint press conference, Trump said something jaw dropping that is utter blasphemy in deep state Washington-London-Paris-Tel Aviv.

…the United States is open to a free and open Indo-Pacific, where strong and independent nations respect each other’s sovereignty, uphold the rule of law and advance responsible commerce. We want our partners in the Indo-Pacific to be proud and self-reliant, not proxies or satellites. (

Trump clearly sees the diminishing marginal returns of the West’s imperial colonial model and in his mind, he hopes to change five centuries of one-sided exploitation, extraction, resource invasions, sacking, pillaging and genocide. Again, love him or hate him, but DJT has a vision that is antithetical to the deep state’s policy of total global domination and destruction.

Now the big question is: what happens when Trump gets off Air Force One in Washington tomorrow, after his successful Asian tour? How does he work through and around the Departments of Defense, Justice and State, the CIA-NSA complex, oil bankers, military contractors, prostituted US Congress and this murderous collective deep state’s equally corrupt mainstream media Myrmidons, without ending up dead like JFK (, or framed and booted out of office, like Richard “I don’t want to go out like Jack” Nixon?

Trump knows why Jack and Dick met their fates. He knows speeches like the ones he gave this week in Asia about working with other countries, not as proxies and satellites, but in mutual respect and on a level playing field is tantamount to him signing his own death sentence. This helps explain why the Department of Justice’s Secret Service, which happily cooperated to help murder John and Robert Kennedy (, has been sidelined by DJT’s own security team ( Smart man. People of influence who speak truth to imperial power usually end up in the morgue ( and

The West’s deep state has imperial wet dreams about turning DJT into another John Kennedy, or at the very least, a Richard Nixon II.

And so it goes. This helps explain why Trump seems to blow so hot and cold. On November 11th, he declared that the whole Russiagate propaganda campaign is obviously fake news (well, DUH!), (, then yesterday he backtracked and hedged that comment ( He has JFK’s fate under wraps with his own loyal security detail. However, he has to throw the deep state Komodo dragons a piece of meat once in a while, if he hopes to not go out like Nixon, which is what these deep state saurians are trying to do, with all these trumped up – pardon the pun – fake allegations.

In closing, when analyzing all the background to these events [using the framework outlined earlier] Donald Trump could be a very brave man indeed, who is risking his life or his historical reputation for his vision of a post-Western imperial world order. It just so happens to be the same vision in China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Eritrea, etc., which—if true— gives me hope.




I am very active about reporting on the Korean peninsula. Learn how the world really works.

Jeff’s journalism about Korea


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Or better yet, buy one of Jeff’s books offered below. 

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Punto Press released China Rising - Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and for Badak Merah, Jeff authored China Is Communist, Dammit! – Dawn of the Red Dynasty (2017). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). He is also currently penning an historical fiction, Red Letters – The Diaries of Xi Jinping, to be published in late 2018. Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on SoundCloud, YouTube, Stitcher Radio and iTunes.

More details about Jeff Brown's background.
 In China, he has been a speaker at TEDx, the Bookworm and Capital M Literary Festivals, the Hutong, as well as being featured in an 18-part series of interviews on Radio Beijing AM774, with former BBC journalist, Bruce Connolly. He has guest lectured at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences and various international schools and universities.

Jeff grew up in the heartland of the United States, Oklahoma, much of it on a family farm, and graduated from Oklahoma State University. He went to Brazil while in graduate school at Purdue University, to seek his fortune, which whetted his appetite for traveling the globe. This helped inspire him to be a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tunisia in 1980 and he lived and worked in Africa, the Middle East, China and Europe for the next 21 years. All the while, he mastered Portuguese, Arabic, French and Mandarin, while traveling to over 85 countries. He then returned to America for nine years, whereupon he moved back to China in 2010. He lives in China with his wife. Jeff is a dual national French-American, being a member of the Communist Party of France (PCF) and the International Workers of the World (IWW).

JEFF BROWN—One thing is clear. I don’t think we could have survived another four years of deep state, Wall Street elitism in the White House. As much as many people hate DJT, I shudder at the thought of uber imperial Hillary Clinton being president.

Jeff can be reached at China Rising,, Facebook, Twitter and Wechat/Whatsapp: +86-13823544196.
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The colossal cost of Washington’s unending wars

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By Bill Van Auken,

Sixteen years of war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria have drained $5.6 trillion from the United States economy, according to a new study entitled “Costs of War” released by the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University.

Gen. Franks: "We don't do body counts." Of course not. Why document your own butchery?

This staggering figure, which is more than triple the estimate offered by the Pentagon itself, factors in huge costs that the US military does not include when tallying up the bills for its wars. These include medical expenses for wounded and disabled veterans, war-related spending by the Department of Homeland Security, and the increased cost of borrowing money to pay for military operations.

The “Costs of War” report does not include spending on US military operations elsewhere in the world, including the escalating intervention in Chad, Niger and throughout the African continent, US participation in the genocidal Saudi-led war against Yemen, and special operations interventions on virtually every continent.

The cost of the wars dealt with in the report is over and above the annual Pentagon budget of nearly $700 billion—a level of military spending that outstrips the world’s next 10 largest military powers combined.

The authors of the report readily acknowledge that the eye-popping $5.6 trillion figure does not begin to cover the immense slaughter, destruction and human misery caused by Washington’s wars. They write:

Moreover, a full accounting of any war’s burdens cannot be placed in columns on a ledger. From the civilians harmed and displaced by violence, to the soldiers killed and wounded, to the children who play years later on roads and fields sown with improvised explosive devices and cluster bombs, no set of numbers can convey the human toll of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or how they have spilled into the neighboring states of Syria and Pakistan, and come home to the US and its allies in the form of wounded veterans...

These are, of course, ledgers that are not kept and figures that are not entered into any columns by those responsible for these wars. “We don’t do body counts,” was the way the Gen. Tommy Franks, the US commander of the invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq put it.

Credible estimates, however, have put the number lives destroyed by the US war in Iraq alone at over one million, while another 175,000 have reportedly been killed in Afghanistan. Many millions more have been wounded and turned into homeless refugees.

The trillions of dollars’ worth of destruction wrought by US wars that have decimated entire societies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen are not the subject of the Brown University report. It does, however, provide a sober view of the vast social wealth of the United States itself that has literally gone up in smoke as a result of American militarism—resources that could have been invested in education, health care and raising the living standards of the working class.

Among the steepest long-term costs not included in the Pentagon estimate of war spending are those associated with the damage inflicted on the people sent to fight these wars, who return with physical and mental problems that are woefully underestimated and underserved.

The American oligarchy rakes in billions in profits from the business of war. The Brown University report came out at the same time that Donald Trump was in Asia combining war threats against North Korea with the hustling of arms sales in behalf of US military contractors. Among the retinue of more than two dozen corporate heads accompanying the president were the CEOs of such defense industry giants as Boeing and Bell Helicopter, Textron.

The report cites a Veterans Administration report from May which states that the demand for services from veterans of the US wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan has increased by 215 percent over the past seven years. While officially the number of troops wounded in action in Iraq and Afghanistan totals 52,000—over 1,700 of them suffering limb amputations and 6,500 of them “severe penetrating brain injuries”—this figure vastly underestimates the real toll. More one million veterans of these wars are receiving disability payments, with roughly 875,000 of them classified as 30 percent or more disabled.

Fully 327,000 of these veterans had been diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury as of August of this year, while roughly one third of those returning from the wars have been diagnosed with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or other mental health issues.

Reflected in these wars, both in the criminality with which they were initiated and fought, and in the way they were funded, are the financial parasitism and socially destructive forms of speculation that pervade the workings of American capitalism.

The $5.6 trillion figure given by the Brown study as the cost of US wars is almost exactly the equivalent of the US national debt in 2001, on the eve Washington’s launching of its “global war on terror.” In the intervening 16 years, that debt has more than quadrupled, attributable in no small part to the ever-growing cascade of military spending.

In an attempt to quell popular opposition to US militarism, successive administrations and Congress have avoided any taxation to pay for the wars, which are fought using “all volunteer” armed forces, consisting in large part of economic conscripts, and with borrowed cash. Instead of including them in the Pentagon’s budget, the wars are classified as Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), treated as unforeseeable emergencies after more than a decade-and-a-half of continuous combat.

Who wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall to hear what Pres, Xi Jinping, a true statesman, says to his wife about Trump, the pathetic,  warmongering figurehead leader of the greatest criminal empire in history. Takes a strong sense of duty to his country and diplomacy, not to tell Trump and his entourage of vultures, to just fuck off.


The price of keeping these military operations “off the books” is a steady rise in the US national debt, whose full weight will be imposed on the backs of the working class through a redoubled attack on living standards and social rights.

According to the report: “Future interest costs for overseas contingency operations spending alone are projected to add more than $1 trillion dollars to national debt by 2023. By 2056, a conservative estimate is that interest costs will be about $8 trillion.”

The American oligarchy rakes in billions in profits from the business of war. The Brown University report came out at the same time that Donald Trump was in Asia combining war threats against North Korea with the hustling of arms sales in behalf of US military contractors. Among the retinue of more than two dozen corporate heads accompanying the president were the CEOs of such defense industry giants as Boeing and Bell Helicopter, Textron.

The wars have been initiated and continued by Democratic and Republican administrations alike. Both parties in Congress have maintained this method of funding them, while voting in lock-step for whatever gargantuan budget the Pentagon demands.

Meanwhile, there is the continuous refrain that there is no money for health care, public education, infrastructure and Social Security. The victims of so-called natural disasters such as Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria—whose toll in terms of human suffering is the product of pre-existing conditions stemming from spending cuts, neglect of infrastructure and mass poverty—are left to fend for themselves. Nearly 60 percent of Puerto Rico’s 3.5 million people are still without power six weeks after Hurricane Maria struck, and 20 percent lack access to safe running water.

The nearly $6 trillion squandered by Washington on its wars of aggression over the past 16 years is also roughly equal to the combined wealth of the world’s billionaires, almost half of which is concentrated within the US.

The threat of Washington’s multiple military interventions coalescing into a nuclear third world war is driven by this immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a parasitic oligarchy, which relies on militarism abroad and increasing repression at home to defend its power and privileges.

Only the working class can answer these threats through the mobilization of its independent strength, independently of the Republicans and the Democrats and in opposition to the capitalist system and its state.

The demand must be raised for the dismantling of the vast US military and intelligence apparatus and the redirection of the trillions wasted on slaughter and destruction to meet the social needs of working people in the US and internationally. This must be coupled with a redistribution of the wealth of the super-rich to solve the pressing problems of housing, education, health care and infrastructure, and the placing of the banks and corporations under public ownership to serve human needs rather than the demand for profit.  

About the Author
 Bill Van Auken is a senior editorial analyst with, a socialist publication. 

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BILL VAN AUKEN—The American oligarchy rakes in billions in profits from the business of war. The Brown University report came out at the same time that Donald Trump was in Asia combining war threats against North Korea with the hustling of arms sales in behalf of US military contractors. Among the retinue of more than two dozen corporate heads accompanying the president were the CEOs of such defense industry giants as Boeing and Bell Helicopter, Textron.
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By subscribing you won’t miss the special editions.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 


Chinese Power: How Will It be Used?

horiz-long grey


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Image by thierry ehrmann | CC by 2.0

In the new era that Xi Jinping declared at the just-completed 19th CPC Congress, China’s power will be more visibly on display in its international relationships. That is likely to give the nation’s ill-wishers much fodder with which to demonize it further. All the more important, therefore, for well-informed onlookers to understand the context of Chinese power projection in the 21st century.

Since the dark days of the late Qing Dynasty, Chinese reformers and leaders of all political persuasion have regarded “fuqiang” (rich and strong) as the ultimate goal of China’s self-improvement efforts. First, of course, the catastrophic consequences of dynastic collapse had to be dealt with. Mao Zedong did that by leading an epic revolution that reunited the nation and restored its sovereign authority.

“Fu” (wealth) then became the historical mission of the Deng Xiaoping era. China accomplished it in spades, becoming an economic superpower and setting many world records in the process. To focus on that monumental task, Beijing’s foreign policy was low-key, risk-adverse and highly accommodating. It was perfectly encapsulated in Deng’s dictum, “Lie low and build strength.”

Now that “fu” is initially accomplished, China under Xi is finally turning to “qiang.” What does exercising strength mean, to the Chinese? Certainly not what the Western powers have demonstrated the past two centuries: hegemonic subjugation of other nations and peoples, looting their resources, and institutionalizing that exploitation via global systems rigged in their favor.

China’s way of exercising power is already apparent the past few years. At the core is an effort to build international ties of a mutually beneficial and largely economic nature. Its quintessence is the Belt & Road Initiative, a vision to turn the entire EurAsian landmass into a vibrant, interconnected hub of human productivity and welfare. Millennia of history show that China is not at heart a predatory power.

But given contemporary realities, the BRI megaproject is more than likely to come under full-spectrum assault from the predatory, militaristic US-led imperium, whose longstanding global dominion it threatens. This is where Chinese strength will come in (together with that of BRI partners). Given EurAsia’s vastness, China will need powerful, state-of-the-art military capabilities simply to protect BRI’s footprint. And that, as President Xi has made clear, is what China is committed to building.

Beijing’s growing power will also be used to defend the nation’s core interests. Those who would challenge it on sovereignty issues can expect significantly stronger pushback. That includes Taiwan, the South China Sea, Diaoyu Islands, Tibet, Xinjiang and even Hong Kong, where local anti-Communists have joined forces with the imperium’s agents to stymie progress for two decades.

A time-honored Chinese maxim on the use of force goes: “If you don’t mess with me, I won’t mess with you. But if you mess with me, I will assuredly mess with you.” Mao and his successors actually stated that, from time to time. Another saying: “A weak country has no foreign policy.” In the 21st century, those adages will likely become the animus for China’s exercise of power.  

About the Author
 Pure Land Buddhist, translator and editor. Global investor. And former international journalist. 

 —Now that “fu” is initially accomplished, China under Xi is finally turning to “qiang.” What does exercising strength mean, to the Chinese? Certainly not what the Western powers have demonstrated the past two centuries: hegemonic subjugation of other nations and peoples, looting their resources, and institutionalizing that exploitation via global systems rigged in their favor.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

By subscribing you won’t miss the special editions.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 
