22-Year Old Commits Suicide At Capitol Protesting the 1%

Pam Martens | wallstreetonparade.com


[dropcap]A[/dropcap]t approximately 1:07 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, April 11, during the annual Cherry Blossom Festival celebrating springtime in the Nation’s Capitol, a 22-year old man took his own life with a gun on the Capitol grounds with a protest sign taped to his hand. According to the Washington Post, the sign read: “Tax the one percent.”

Yesterday, the Metropolitan Police Department released the young man’s name. He was Leo P. Thornton of Lincolnwood, Illinois. Based on what is currently known, the young man had traveled to Washington, D.C. for the express purpose of making a political statement with his sign and then ending his young life.

The Chicago Tribune reported that “Thornton’s parents filed a missing persons report on the morning of April 11 after he never came home from work on April 10, Lincolnwood Deputy Police Chief John Walsh said.”

Those are the tragic facts of the incident itself. But there is a broader tragedy: the vacuous handling of this story by corporate media. The Washington Post headlined the story with this: “Rhythms of Washington Return after Illinois Man’s Suicide Outside Capitol.” The message he delivered to his Congress – tax the one percent – has yet to be explored by any major news outlet in America in connection with this tragedy.

Was the message of Leo P. Thornton of Lincolnwood, Illinois a critical piece of information for this Congress to hear at this moment in American history. You’re damn right it was. Outside of Wall Street’s wealth transfer system, provisions in the U.S. tax code are the second biggest wealth transfer system to the one percent. Together, these two systems have created the greatest income and wealth inequality since the economic collapse in the Great Depression. They threaten a repeat of the 2008 financial collapse because the majority of Americans do not have the wages or savings to support the broader economy.

President Obama clearly understands what is going on. Whether he can get Congress to act is quite another matter. In his January 20, 2015 State of the Union speech, Obama stated:

“…let’s close the loopholes that lead to inequality by allowing the top one percent to avoid paying taxes on their accumulated wealth. We can use that money to help more families pay for childcare and send their kids to college. We need a tax code that truly helps working Americans trying to get a leg up in the new economy, and we can achieve that together. We can achieve it together.”

The President was talking about one of the two biggest tax giveaways to perpetuate the one percent in America – the “step up in basis” at death. Having previously advised regular working folks on investments for 21 years, I can assure you that the majority of Americans have never heard of this giveaway to the rich which has been in effect for decades.

Here’s how it works: let’s say you bought 1000 shares of stock in 1950 for $20,000 and those shares have now grown to $2 million. If you sold the stock now you would owe long-term capital gains taxes at a rate as high as 23.8 percent (the 20 percent top rate on long-term capital gains plus a surtax of 3.8 percent which is levied on higher incomes). But if you hold that asset to your death, it will get stepped-up to the date of death value, effectively wiping out any capital gains taxes that are due for your heirs on this asset. The asset will be included in your estate at its current market value but under current law, each individual can exclude $5.43 million from Federal estate taxes.

Hundreds of billions of dollars in capital gains avoid being taxed each year under this perk for the super rich. It is, after all, the super rich who own the majority of stocks in this country. (You can read the President’s full Fact Sheet on making the tax code more fair here.)

Leo P. Thornton failed to get the attention of the corporate media with the sign he taped to his hand but he may have channeled his thoughts to Dean Baker of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Yesterday, the same day that Thornton’s name was released to the public, Baker wrote a detailed article on another tax perk that is minting billionaires all over Wall Street – the so-called “carried interest” tax perk.

Hedge funds, venture capital and private equity firms, all use the “carried interest” maneuver to avoid paying taxes at the rate paid by the middle class wage earner. Baker writes as follows:

“The reason most of us have seen little gain from economic growth over the last three decades is that the rich have rigged the rules to ensure that money flows upward. Through their control of trade policy, Federal Reserve Board policy, and other key levers of government, they have structured the market to weaken the bargaining power of ordinary workers and benefit the CEOs and Wall Street crew. As a result, the typical worker has seen almost none of the gains from economic growth over the last four decades…

“Many issues in tax law are complicated; the fund managers’ tax break is not. It’s just a good old-fashioned rip-off of ordinary taxpayers for the benefit of the wealthy. The basic point is very simple. The fund managers’ tax break allows managers of hedge funds, private equity funds, and various other investment funds to have much of their pay taxed at the capital gains tax rate rather than the tax rate applied to wage income.

“At present, this will typically mean a savings of almost 20 percentage points since the capital gains tax rate for the rich is 20 percent, compared to a 39.6 percent tax rate on ordinary wage income. The people who benefit from this tax break include some of the richest people in the country…”

“The fund managers’ tax break is real money for the people affected. In the case of a fund manager looking at $100 million in carried interest income, the tax break will mean an additional $20 million in their pockets…

“Surely it is possible to envision a less corrupt Congress that doesn’t make up tax rules exclusively to benefit the very rich. It is also difficult to see how the economy benefits from creating tax loopholes that cause people to spend their time gaming the tax code rather than doing productive work.”

Today, the infrastructure of the United States is in decay. Students are struggling under $1.2 trillion of student debt. In 2014 the Federal Reserve released a study showing that 52 percent of Americans would not be able to raise $400 in an emergency by tapping their checking, savings or borrowing on a credit card, which they would then be able to pay off when the next statement arrived. But Wall Street CEOs and hedge fund managers are still partying and raking in obscene compensation like there is broad-based prosperity in America. And on top of that, they’re enjoying obscene tax loopholes.

If a 22-year old falls in the Capitol and no one hears his message, did he die in vain? We urge everyone reading this to write your own obituary for this young man and his message and share it on your social media site.


    My gratitude to Greanville Post for running this story. I for one will not forget Thornton. 


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Fatal Protest of Income Inequality Largely Ignored by Mainstream Media


Sign of the Times?

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]hances are good you’ve never heard the name Leo P. Thornton, even though his story made national news last week. Sort of.

Metropolitan police examining Thornton's bags, suspecting him first as a terrorist.

Thornton, a resident of Lincolnwood, a Chicago subrub, died after shooting himself on the west front of the Capitol just after 1 p.m. Saturday. No one else was hurt. The U.S. Capitol Police said Thornton had a backpack and a suitcase, which triggered a lockdown so the bags could be searched. Police say Thornton also was carrying some type of protest sign.  The really terrible thing is that, basically ignored by the media, his desperate attempt to send a message to the public at large barely caused a ripple in the self-absorbed pursuits of his compatriots.

Leo P. Thornton, a twenty-two-year-old from Lincolnwood, Illinois (a Chicago suburb), stood on the steps of the US Capitol just after 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 11—smack-dab in the middle of the annual DC Cherry Blossom Festival—and shot himself in the head.

Channel-surfing on the radio as I was driving up to Baltimore that afternoon, I landed on a local news station and heard a report that a man had shot and killed himself at the Capitol. The area was cordoned off, and the Capitol building was still on lockdown as police inspected a package left behind by the shooter. Traffic was a nightmare everywhere, the report said, as all the folks in DC for the cherry blossoms flooded out of the area. This is a big deal, I thought, and scanned other stations to get more information. I couldn’t find a single other mention of the event anywhere.

The next day the Washington Post ran a short article, “Rhythms of Washington return after Illinois man’s suicide outside Capitol,” in which US Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine was quoted as saying that bomb units had inspected a suitcase and backpack left at the scene, and they determined the incident wasn’t related to terrorism. At a news conference, Dine also stated that Thornton had held a sign “related to social justice,” but wouldn’t say exactly what the sign said. (Dine seems to favor obfuscation. Just one day before the shooting it was reported that he’d submitted a letter of resignation as police chief, after which he issued a vague message to his employees expressing his “continued commitment” to the force.)

Why not report what the sign said?

“Explanations remained elusive Sunday for what may have helped drive…Leo P. Thornton, 22, to commit suicide—and to do so in one of the nation’s iconic places,” the Post article noted. But several paragraphs later: “A witness said people who saw the sign told him it read ‘Tax the one percent.’” ABC News interviewed a witness who confirmed that the sign said “something about taxing the one percent.” Law enforcement sources told ABC News that the sign was taped to Thornton’s hand. Certainly they could confirm what it said. So, again, why the mystery? And why would Thornton’s motive and selection of location seem so elusive? The Capitol is where lawmakers make laws, including those related to taxation. At the time, the US House of Representatives was considering repealing the estate tax (and on April 16 they voted 240-179 to do just that). Isn’t it reasonable to posit the suicide was a protest of the tax system that gives major breaks to the wealthiest Americans?

I still don’t understand why Leo P. Thornton’s story wasn’t told in more depth and detail.

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ive days after Thornton’s suicide, Washington Post columnist Petula Dvorak mentioned it in connection to another incident that occurred at the Capitol—this one involving Florida mailman Doug Hughes, who on April 15 landed his gyrocopter on the west lawn of the Capitol in hopes of delivering 535 letters to members of Congress urging them to reform campaign finance laws. “This spring looks like it might give us a bumper crop of homegrown, daffy activists who pull both intrepid and tragic stunts,” Dvorak wrote. Her flippancy, along with that of so many individuals’ comments to reports on Thornton’s death (“Occupy Wall Streeters are nut jobs,” “another insane lefty,” etc.) seemed like insufficient commentary, but that’s probably because it seemed to be about the only commentary available from mainstream sources.

Granted, Thornton’s death was different than some of the other high-profile shooting deaths of late. He was both the victim and the perpetrator, and no one else was hurt. I do think a case can be made that shooting oneself in public, in view of others, and in this case in view of children, is a violent act. But the American public is subject to violent stories, pictures, and videos all the time. Even suicides are considered news. Naturally, German pilot Andreas Lubitz comes to mind—he killed 149 others along with himself, so it was understandably a huge story. But then the lone suicide of dermatologist-to-the-stars Fredric Brandt on April 5 was also widely reported.

To take one’s life for a cause seems unfathomable, even immoral, to most people. Futile, too. Espousing the value of this “one and only life,” humanists certainly don’t support the concept of martyrdom. But I still don’t understand why Leo P. Thornton’s story wasn’t told in more depth and detail. To report the facts is not to sanction them. To explain or hypothesize about someone’s actions is not to valorize them.

We know so very little about Leo P. Thornton. We have no idea if he was actively involved with others to address income inequality, or if he took a stand on other social justice issues. We don’t know if he was active on social media or what his interests were. We haven’t heard from any friends about his personality or behavior. We haven’t seen his face. And that’s probably just the way his grieving family wants it. So let me just say this: Leo P. Thornton had a message taped to his hand. His message was tragically delivered and barely received. While we don’t know the rest of it, his story, it would seem, ends there.

[box] Jennifer Bardi is the editor-in-chief of the Humanist magazine and a senior editor at TheHumanist.com. [/box]


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How America’s Aristocracy Extends Its Global Control

Eric Zuesse

Some of this man's footprints in the highest spheres of power. He also polluted Harvard, of course.

Summers has left his sordid imprint on the highest spheres of American power. He also polluted Harvard, of course, accidentally reopening the question of what elite US universities do in their “non-academic” time.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s has been well documented even by the BBC, in their 1992 classic documentary about the CIA’s (still-ongoing) Gladio Operation, America’s CIA basically took control of the international racist-fascist (i.e., ideologically nazi) movement after World War II, by protecting and hiring Hitler’s Nazis and their key aristocratic eastern European supporters undercover. The Gladio Operation was just one branch of a broader CIA strategy, developed by Allen Dulles and originally carried out by his protégé James Angleton, to use, for the purposes of America’s aristocracy, nazis’ intense racism, by retargeting it away from Jews and toward Russians, so as to weaken first the Soviet Union, and, then, after the end of that, Russia itself. (U.S. President Barack Obama’s involvement with Ukraine is very much a result of this post-WW-II pro-nazi Dulles-Angleton program.)

There were many other branches of this strategy, one being by the World Bank and IMF to introduce capitalism into the former Soviet states in a manner that would privatize their formerly government-owned assets to aristocrats in the West and in the formerly Soviet nations by means of insider fire-sales which enabled these state-assets to be picked up by cooperating local insiders at non-market super-low prices and thereby have these new “oligarchs” (the local copies there of Western capitalism’s own aristocrats) as being secret agents of the U.S. aristocracy, who would thus be extending the American aristocracy’s control eastward. Mark Ames has succinctly recounted this operation, and David McClintick did the major report on it prior to Ames. That operation was headed by Lawrence Summers, who, at the time, was on leave from Harvard’s economics department to run the World Bank and so to infiltrate into the newly ‘capitalist’ (actually the emerging oligarchic) economies of the east, economics advisors such as Andrei Shleifer and his local Russian operative Anatoly Chubais (though the question as to whether Shleifer was himself connected to the CIA has not been definitively answered), to establish the corruption there in the optimal way, both to subordinate those new aristocrats to America’s own, and also to weaken those countries in order to make them effectively vassal nations to the U.S. aristocracy. The corruption was rampant, and the roles of both the World Bank and the IMF in it were clear: both of those financial institutions operate closely with the CIA. 

Regarding whether Professor Summers works with the CIA, that’s unknown. However, the financial disclosure form for Summers as he entered the Obama Administration in 2009, at


showed that most of his income the prior year was from the international investment firm of D.E. Shaw & Co., in the form of a salary of $1,248,747, another salary of $183,750, a distributive share of partnership of $2,596,171, and another distributive share of partnership of $1,159,955, totaling $5,188,623. Summers had joined that company in 2006. Wikipedia’s article on D.E. Shaw & Co. says that, “After the Russian debt default in 1998, the company suffered losses in its fixed-income trading.” One might reasonably suppose that the multi-million-dollar value which Summers held for that investment firm was related to his insider knowledge from having overseen the privatizations of formerly communist countries. If Summers had not also been serving as a CIA asset while at the World Bank and Harvard, then one might wonder why not, especially considering the harm that Summers did to Russia (the CIA’s target to weaken), and also considering the CIA’s institutional hatred of Russia — a hatred so well served by Summers. If Summers was not an off-the-books CIA asset in that operation, then the question would be: Why didn’t they pay him? He was a powerful weapon in the war that they wage for the global dominance of America’s aristocracy.

The ruthless mafioso Boris Berezovski, naturally a Washington associate in plundering Russia.

The ruthless Boris Berezovsky,  was a complex and gifted man who became a reliable Washington associate in plundering Russia. Some Western media have painted him as an avatar of democracy resisting “Putin’s tyranny”, but Berezovsky had been at one time a powerful supporter of Putin’s ascendancy in the post-Yeltsin period.  His pro-US stance caused a rift between the two that only grew as time passed.

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]urthermore, on 14 April 2015, Graham Stak in Business New Europe’s bneintellinews bannered “The Rise and Fall of the Russian Oligarchy,” and he revealed that, “Newly declassified documents from President Bill Clinton’s administration, released to bneIntelliNews, show how Putin’s candidacy [to lead Russia] was a compromise after a fierce battle for power in Russia between pro-US oligarchs [headed by Boris Berezovsky] and pro-state conservatives [headed by the former KGB chief Evgenny Primakov]. At stake was not just power in Russia, but the crucial question of Russia’s relationship with the West.

Berezovsky’s seven bankers [Berezovsky himself, Vladimir Gusinsky, Mikhail Fridman, Vladimir Vinogradov, Aleksandr Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Vladimir Potanin]” owned not just the banks but also the major Russian TV networks and especially Berezovsky’s own ORT-TV ‘news’ operation, which was Russia’s biggest. Berezovsky also “was involved in corrupt schemes such as siphoning funds from state-owned national carrier Aeroflot, as well as benefiting from crony privatizations,” and that’s precisely the type of person whom America’s aristocracy wanted to be controlling Russia, as their agent. Russia’s leader Boris Yeltsin was torn between the two sides, and he appointed to be his successor a lower-level former KGB operative, Vladimir Putin, in a surprise move that Yeltsin intended to satisfy both sides, both the independent-Russia side that Primakov favored, and the ‘pro-West’ (actually pro-vassal-state-of-America’s-aristocracy) side that were the client-beneficiaries of the Harvard Economics Department team, who were appointed by Bill Clinton, who was aiming to take over Russia for America’s aristocrats.

Bill Clinton: A phony and a war criminal, like all US presidents—at least those in recent memory. All candidates are carefully vetted for their venality.  (DonkeyHotey, via flickr)

The scoundrel Bill Clinton: A slick phony and a war criminal, like all US presidents in recent memory. He was instrumental in extending NATO and US power to the very heart of Russia, and betraying the working class big time at home and abroad . He also unleashed the banksters on an unprotected public by lifting the remaining Glass-Steagall injunctions. The cartoon makes him look funny—and therefore harmless—but there’s nothing really funny about what this crook did to America and the world.  (DonkeyHotey, via flickr)

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]nother side of Bill Clinton’s operation for the U.S. aristocracy was the expansion of NATO eastward to Russia’s borders, so as to terrorize Russia into vassalage to ‘democracy’ and ‘the West’ and ‘Europe’; i.e., to America’s aristocracy (which is actually fascist, as are all aristocracies), not to any authentic democracy at all. On 19 April 2015 I headlined “NATO Increasingly Surrounds the ‘Russian Threat’,” and described how Bill Clinton started the process of extending NATO after NATO’s alleged opponent, the Soviet Union’s Warsaw Pact, had dissolved and ended in 1991. The alleged reason for NATO’s existence turned out not to be its actual reason for existence (since that reason, communism, was gone), which turns out to have been to serve as the marketing arm for U.S. armaments-producers, which constitute 56% of all global arms-sales. UK is only 11%. Russia is only 8%. France is only 6%. All others are below 2%. NATO is the American aristocracy’s arms-merchandising organization. It whips up fear and hatred of Russia, in order not only to weaken Russia, but also to boost U.S. aristocrats’ control over other aristocracies (whose governments purchase those weapons). NATO’s authentic function continues on, even though communism is gone and no longer a threat [technically never was, as communism is far preferable to capitalism—Eds], either to the United States, or to any other nation. The taxpayers, and the war-ravaged publics, are the people who pay the prices for this; America’s aristocracy get all the benefits from it.

Bill Clinton not only followed through on his predecessor, George H.W. Bush’s, con of Russia’s hopeful and well-intentioned leader Mikhail Gorbachev, by expanding — as did his successors GWB and Obama — NATO instead of abolishing it (which he should have done), but he also terminated the Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall Act, which after the 1929 crash (and until Clinton ended it in 1999) blocked the megabanks from gambling with depositors’ money in ways that would leave future U.S. taxpayers in hock to pay the losses whenever those megabank gambles lose money (such as in 2008); and, so, Clinton introduced a “heads I win, tails you lose” relationship between the aristocrats and the U.S. public. He exacerbated that by blocking Brooksley Born’s proposed regulation of derivatives-trading. These two Clinton actions created the (unregulated) Wall Street actual but unprosecuted crime-wave that produced the post-2008 explosion of the U.S. federal debt from the still ongoing “QE” bail-outs of the mega-banks’ counterparties (the aristocrats). Clinton was the ultimate anti-Democrat, if “Democrat” is understood in the sense of FDR’s tradition, the pre-Reagan dominant tradition. He was the Reagan ‘Democrat,’ and the ultimate model for Obama’s Presidency: the anti-FDR ‘Democrat.’

Clinton also introduced the international race-to-the-bottom in wages and in consumer and environmental protections, via the American aristocracy’s trade deals, NAFTA, etc., which are now being greatly intensified by Obama in his proposed secretly negotiated (and perhaps soon to be blindly approved by the aristocracy’s Congress) TPP, TTIP, and TISA. In Obama’s proposed versions, panels of international corporations will override the laws of individual nations regarding the environment, consumer protections, product safety, investor protections, workplace safety, wages, etc., so that voters will no longer have any significant say over these types of matters, but only the controlling stockholders in those international corporations will. Obama has had virtual 100% support of Republicans in Congress for these trade deals, but the Democratic leader Harry Reid essentially blocked the deals while he headed the Senate; and, now, his successor, Charles Schumer, has switched from pro to anti on them, because victory for Obama’s trade-deals would mean, essentially, victory in the whole ballgame for the Republican Party. While the U.S. aristocracy has owned the Republican Party ever since Abraham Lincoln was shot in 1865, that aristocracy has now come to own also the very top, the national, level of the Democratic Party. But there still remains enough of a progressive power-base at work in local Democratic Party primary elections to provide significant blowback against any merely local Democratic politician who becomes so blatantly a sell-out to the aristocracy as Obama is as the nation’s President. Schumer, in other words, has decided not to end the Democratic Party — or, at least, not yet, to end it (as Clinton did end it, at the national level — DLC, etc.).

What used to be the Republican Party (in the sense, for example, that John Loftus and Mark Aarons understood the contest between the two Parties to be in their 1994, pre-Clinton-era, Secret War Against the Jews, which portrays the fascist — even to the point of nazism, or racist fascism — U.S. aristocracy, as operating almost entirely via the Republicans’ Dulles brothers and their agent James Angleton) has now become instead the actual one-party-state U.S., in which both political Parties are doing the bidding of America’s aristocracy, not only against America’s public, but also against all other aristocracies, to control the entire world.

The results have been a globally increasing inequality of wealth, a rampant global corruption, and a succession of local wars in which the U.S. aristocracy, and its energy-partners the Saudis and other Sunni oil aristocrats, finance and sponsor actions to support their global plan, which U.S. President Barack Obama stated to West Point’s graduating cadets on 28 May 2014, and which is really more anti-Russian than anti-‘terrorism,’ because the U.S.’s Arabic-aristocratic partners are the actual financiers of Islamic jihad, which is the ideology of Wahhabism, the Sauds’ true ideological commitment (which America’s aristocracy hopes to restrain but places as lower priority than is the defeat of Russia); so, here is what Obama told those cadets, about their career-obligation now, as future U.S. military officers:

“The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed [his intended word here was actually ‘past’] and it will be true for the century to come. [He’s telling future officers that all other  nations are ‘dispensable’.]

“But the world is changing with accelerating speed. This presents opportunity, but also new dangers. We know all too well, after 9/11, just how technology and globalization has [his intended word here was actually ‘have’] put power once reserved for states in the hands of individuals, raising the capacity of terrorists to do harm. Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. And even as developing nations embrace democracy and market economies, 24-hour news and social media makes [his intended word here was ‘make’] it impossible to ignore the continuation of sectarian conflicts and failing states and popular uprisings that might have received only passing notice a generation ago.

“It will be your generation’s task to respond to this new world.” 

Thus, the assignment, of the U.S. military, as set forth there, is economic in nature. But it’s carried out by military means. Despite the liberal rhetoric, which as usual is lying to say that military force is the ‘last resort,’ it’s the last resort only in the same sense that to a lender, the enforcer of a debt is the ‘last resort’: the lender’s side of a loan is nothing without the real threat of coercion; and, similarly, the American aristocracy’s continued dominance of the world would end without the U.S. military to back it up. Obama was telling the U.S. military that, when Russia, China, the other BRICS countries, and Russia’s Shiite allies Iran and Syria, say no to America’s aristocracy, the U.S. military’s assignment will be to go after those resistors, to kill them with bombs and everything else, in order to force them to comply with the demands of America’s aristocracy.

“Most [rank-and-file Democrats] just don’t care enough to find out, nor even to think things through. They virtually invite being deceived. They’d rather stay in their idealogical fantasyland…”

However, deception is the aristocrat’s first preference, it being a cheaper alternative as compared to the use of bullets and body-bags. (Similarly: lenders prefer not to need to pay enforcers; in this sense, the military really is “the last resort,” just as any carrying-through with a threat will inevitably be.) Thus, for example, on Saturday April 18th, the Sydney Morning Herald, in Australia, headlined “Barack Obama plays China card in TPP sales pitch,” and reported that, “Fast-track [approval] for Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal has Republican support but many Democrats doubt its purported benefits. US President Barack Obama warns of China’s intentions to fill any gap left open if Trans-Pacific Partnership fails.” America’s President is now trying to use an anti-China scare tactic, to drum up support for keeping the public out of the determination as regards whether national governments should become replaced by an international aristocratic dictatorship, on many important types of matters (via Obama’s trade-deals). His implicit message (and hoax) is that the public’s enemy isn’t their own nation’s aristocracy; it’s instead an entire alien people, specifically the Chinese. “‘If we do not help to shape the rules so that our businesses and our workers can compete in those markets, then China will set up rules that advantage Chinese workers and Chinese businesses,’ he said.” Part of his implicit message is that low-wage countries should remain low-wage countries. He carried that idea through at the start of his Administration, in Honduras — a land of grinding poverty, where he perhaps helped to overthrow a progressive democratic President and then he definitely locked-in a fascist regime, which the rest of the hemisphere outright opposed. As a consequence of Obama’s action (which was spearheaded by Hillary Clinton), Honduras went backward instead of forward.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n the China matter, just as in the Russia matter, and just as in the international trade-deal matter, Barack Obama can rely upon congressional Republicans to vote for what he wants, but most congressional Democrats will vote against it, because he’s really a closeted Republican, who talks a liberal line but follows through with it on only ethnic and gender issues, which for lots of the Democratic Party’s electorate, are the only issues that they really care about. The aristocracy care little-to-nothing about those matters; it’s safe for Obama to pretend about matters like those — and, for example, Blacks still support him, even though they’re suffering the most economic harm of any group under his Presidency. The culture of Blacks, just like that of Jews and other minorities, has trained them to think racially, above all; and this is what the aristocracy needs, so that the broad majority middle class will blame the minorities and the poor, those even weaker than themselves, instead of blaming the fraction of 1% who actually hold the real power and so shape the views that are held by everybody else — including by those middle and lower classes. Hostility, for perceived injustices, then pours forth upon “Jews,” “Blacks,” etc., instead of upon that fraction of 1% who actually control things (see the summary here). (And, furthermore: it’s also worth keeping in mind, in this context, the broader reality, beyond that of merely one’s own nation, that the “World’s Richest 0.7% Own 13.67 Times as Much as World’s Poorest 68.7%.” In other words: inequality is so enormous that, worldwide, the richest 0.7% “own 41% of the planet’s private assets. The world’s richest 8.4% own 83.3%. The world’s richest 31.3% own 97%. So: the bottom 68.7% own just 3% — and the richest 0.7% own 13.7 times as much as that. Furthermore, the gini, or measure of inequality, is higher — more unequal — in the U.S. than in all but five other nations on this entire planet.)

The aristocracy enjoys playing the public for suckers (like Obama’s touted “China” threat), because the public’s very real and incontrovertible suckerdom then reinforces, in aristocrats’ minds (and in their agents, such as Obama and Summers) the contempt they hold regarding the public.

Regarding the TTIP with Europe, the first and only independently produced economic analysis of that deal, published October 2014, finds that it would harm the public and benefit only owners of large international corporations; and that’s the very same finding which has been similarly published regarding the TPP with Asia, on 16 April 2015.

obama-islamic-stateBarack Obama’s ultimate reward for his ample services to America’s aristocracy will probably be basically like Bill Clinton’s: leaving an enormous financial-and-power inheritance for his heirs, his daughters and their husbands and children. Abolition of inheritance-taxes (and of the affiliated gift-taxes) is a core issue for any aristocracy; and, though President Obama has never openly supported the Republicans on it, he has approved the continued lowering of those taxes upon unearned wealth, while the federal debt has been soaring (against future generations’ earned  wealth) to pay for the bailouts and wars that have been floating America’s aristocrats on an ever-rising cloud of increasingly concentrated wealth (in largely unearned  hands, which is what any aristocracy inevitably favors above all earned  wealth).

This is called by them ‘the opportunity society.’ (Read all about it there, from Obama, and also from self-acknowledged  Republicans. But, of course, Obama is playing the ‘good cop,’ to their “bad.” Larry Summers does the same. Their propaganda-line sounds as if it comes from central headquarters.) As if equality of opportunity can actually rise while inequality of wealth is rising. It can’t really happen. The PR line is only for fools. The aristocracy enjoys playing the public for suckers, like that (and like Obama’s touted “China” threat), because the public’s very real and incontrovertible suckerdom then reinforces, in aristocrats’ minds (and in their agents, such as Obama and Summers) the contempt they hold regarding the public. Which, in turn, causes aristocrats — many of whom are actually stupid themselves — to think that somehow they deserve what they have inherited, and that their heirs will, too. No wonder, then, how it came to be that so many of them aren’t merely fascists, but are outright nazis — racist fascists. It all makes sense. They believe in the moral rightness of what is inherited. Even though that belief is blatantly stupid — even ridiculous. It’s widespread among aristocrats.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here is no mystery about why things have come to this point. It’s the way things are and have always been. It’s ‘God’s way.’ It’s ‘nature’s way.’ It’s psychopathy’s way. But is it good? Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Lawrence Summers, and Republicans, clearly think so (regardless of what especially ‘Democrats’ among them might say). But Franklin Delano Roosevelt, an authentic democrat (and not merely a nominal one who adopted the ‘Democratic’ label in order the more effectively to serve his aristocratic masters), thought not. (After all, as FDR relentlessly pointed out: it’s basically “Might makes right.”) The ideological sea-change in America (to “Greed is good; the wealthiest are the best”) occurred when Ronald Reagan came into office. We are still fundamentally in the Reagan era. Ever since he was elected, the Barry Goldwater of 1964 has, in effect, been ideologically America’s President, but national ‘Democrats’ have been trying to find liberal terms for his “Conscience of a Conservative.” They do this to pretend that it’s somehow “liberal.” And that that “liberalism” is somehow ‘progressive.’ But it’s not. It’s the opposite of progressive; it is regressive. In other words: it is conservative. It goes backward. That entire political system is based on lies (not just on errors, but on outright frauds), though most of its believers aren’t aware of the fact. (Most of them just don’t care enough to find out, nor even to think things through. They virtually invite being deceived. They’d rather stay in their idealogical fantasyland. I deal with the actual history of this entire matter, of political and economic ideology, in my latest book.)

So: those are the forces that have produced the politics and government that exists, regardless of the politics and government that would be the best, or even good, or even just okay, for most people. Injustice and oppression are natural, even though they are also evil. And: just because something is natural doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s inevitable. Only the most extreme conservatives believe that “Might makes right.” The fact is: Might makes likely. And, real progress is always unlikely. But it does happen, especially in the best of countries. America’s great Founders defeated the aristocracy of their time. [Moe precisely, only Britain’s aristocracy, setting down the foundations for a new aristocracy at home.—Eds]  Gradually, an American aristocracy has arisen to take its place. But, with what’s now known, perhaps those people can also be defeated; and, this time, because of what is now known, it might be able to be done in a way that will prevent any future aristocracy from forming here. The situation is far from hopeless. It is bad, but progress really is possible. And progress should be the goal.

[box]Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity, and of Feudalism, Fascism, Libertarianism and Economics. [/box]



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Wave of assassinations in Ukraine targets critics of Kiev regime

Alex Lantier  

It is with the conscious collaboration of a corrupt press, as we have in the United States, that Fascists do their dirty work everywhere. 

Anti-fascist Ukrainian journalist Oles Buzyna has been murdered by the fascist monsters created by the US.  The irredeemably filthy American media therefore remains silent in the face of such crimes.

Anti-fascist Ukrainian journalist Oles Buzyna has been murdered by the fascist monsters created by the US. The irredeemably filthy American media therefore remains silent in the face of such outrageous crimes.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n the lead-up to the May 9 celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany at the end of World War II, there has been an accelerating wave of political assassinations targeting critics of the Western-backed, far-right regime in Kiev.

Yesterday evening, a group calling itself the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)—the name of a Ukrainian fascist militia that collaborated with Nazi forces in carrying out ethnic genocides of Jews and Poles during World War II—claimed responsibility for the killings. In a statement emailed to opposition legislators and political commentators, it also gave “anti-Ukrainian” persons 72 hours to leave the country or be killed if they stayed behind.

It pledged to carry out the “complete extermination” of enemies of Ukraine and a “merciless insurrectionary struggle against the anti-Ukrainian regime of traitors and Moscow toadies,” according to a report in Der Spiegel .

The killing spree began this week with the murder of journalist Sergey Sukhobok. On Wednesday evening, Oleg Kalashnykov was found dead in his home in Kiev. He was a former parliamentarian from the Party of Regions and a close ally of President Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian politician ousted in a NATO-backed, fascist-led putsch in February of 2014 that installed the current regime in Kiev.

The trail of blood of Oles Buzyna and other victims of Kiev's fascist goons leads directly to Washington.

The trail of blood of Oles Buzyna and other victims of Kiev’s fascist goons leads directly to Washington and other Western capitals.

According to Interior Ministry advisor Anton Heraschenko, killers were waiting for Kalashnykov outside his residence and shot him when he returned.

Before his death, Kalashnykov indicated that he had received death threats over his call to commemorate May 9. He addressed a letter to his friends warning that “open genocide on dissent, death threats, and constant dirty insults” had become the “norm” since he publicly raised the issue. He reportedly added in the letter that Ukraine was under Nazi occupation.

On Thursday, pro-Russian journalist Oles Buzyna was shot and killed near his house in Kiev by two unidentified masked gunmen firing from a car. Buzyna had edited the Segodnya newspaper, a pro-Russian publication financed by Ukraine’s richest oligarch, Rinat Akhmetov, a multi-billionaire who was also one of the leading sponsors of Yanukovych’s Party of the Regions. Also killed on Thursday was Neteshinskiy Vestnik editor Olga Moroz.

“Political responsibility for the killings rests with the imperialist powers that oversaw and backed the Kiev putsch…”

The killings were the latest in a spate of deaths of high-profile opponents of the Kiev regime. The victims have largely been political and media associates of the faction of the post-Soviet Ukrainian business oligarchy tied to Akhmetov, Yanukovych and the Kremlin oligarchy in Russia. Other deaths include:

* Aleksey Kolesnik, former chairman of the Kharkov regional government, found hanged on January 29;

*Stanislav Melnik, a Party of Regions member reportedly close to Akhmetov, found shot in the bathroom of his Kiev apartment on February 24;

*Sergey Valter, the mayor of Melitopol, found hanged before his trial on February 25, leaving no suicide note;

*Aleksandr Bordyuga, the deputy chief of Melitopol police, found dead the next day, in his garage;

*Mikhail Chechetov, a former member of the Party of Regions, who jumped from the window of his 17th floor apartment in Kiev on February 28, leaving a suicide note;

*Sergey Melnichuk, a prosecutor who fell from a 9th floor apartment in Odessa on March 14.

Russian and Ukrainian officials have traded accusations of responsibility for the killings. Speaking on a call-in television show, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and said of Buzyna’s killing, “It is not the first political assassination, we have seen a series of such killings in Ukraine.”

Officials in Kiev offered up dubious arguments to blame the killings on Russia. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called the killings “a deliberate provocation which plays into the hands of our enemies, destabilizing the political situation in Ukraine.”

In the meantime, officials and far-right parliamentarians in Kiev have openly endorsed and celebrated the murders. While lawmaker Borys Filatov rejoiced that “one more piece of sh*t” had been eliminated,” Irina Farion, a lawmaker of the fascist Svoboda Party, attacked Buzyna as a “degenerate” and hoped that his “death will somehow neutralize the dirt this [expletive] has spilled… Such ones go to history’s sewers.”

Political responsibility for the killings rests with the imperialist powers that oversaw and backed the Kiev putsch. They have encouraged Kiev to wage a bloody civil war against pro-Russian regions of eastern Ukraine and covered up its reliance on fascistic, anti-Russian forces. In the resulting political atmosphere, opponents of the Kiev states can be murdered without investigation and with political impunity.

What is occurring in Ukraine is a warning to the international working class. With the support of Washington and its European allies, which are moving to train the neo-Nazi militias that make up much of the Ukrainian regime’s National Guard, an ultra-right regime has emerged in a major European country.

With Ukraine’s economy disintegrating and its population resisting Kiev’s attempts to reinstate the draft to wage war against eastern Ukraine, Kiev is seeking to crush domestic dissent and relying ever more directly on the far right. Terrified that mass opposition might coalesce around the May 9 holiday, it has banned public discussion of communism. It also rehabilitated the UPA and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN).

This is the culmination of a series of police state measures by the Kiev regime that have enjoyed the full support of its NATO backers. During last year’s Ukrainian legislative elections, opposition candidates, including Pyotr Symonenko, the Stalinist Communist Party of Ukraine’s (KPU) former presidential candidate, were physically attacked by fascist thugs.

Even before the murder of Buzyna, Kiev regime officials and sympathizers were demanding draconian punishments of journalists who oppose the regime. Last month, Ukrainian Minister of Information Policy Yuri Stets demanded that journalists in the breakaway eastern Ukrainian Donbass region serve prison terms of eight to 15 years.

In an account on Facebook of a speech he had given at Harvard University, pro-Kiev regime commentator and political analyst Yuri Romanenko boasted that he had argued for murdering pro-Russian journalists and summarized his arguments.

“The Ukrainian army must selectively and carefully eliminate Russian journalists covering the situation in Donbass. We need to direct Ukrainian army snipers to shoot people wearing PRESS helmets, making them priority targets,” Romanenko wrote. “Since the media represent a destructive weapon and allow Russia to operate not only in the war zone but across Ukraine, taking out several dozen journalists in the conflict zone will reduce the quality of the picture presented in the Russian media and, therefore, reduce the effectiveness of their propaganda.”

The murder of Kalashnykov, Buzyna and their political associates emerges directly from the foul political atmosphere produced by such ranting. It is an indictment of the NATO powers backing the regime in Ukraine and the illusions peddled by the Western media and corrupt pseudo-left groups that the right-wing protests on the Maidan and the February 2014 putsch were part of a democratic revolution.

While these forces insisted, without any proof, that the murder of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was a crime carried out by the Russian government, they are maintaining a hypocritical silence as the Kiev regime’s internal opponents are gunned down in the streets.

 ALEX LANTIER is a senior editorial writer with wsws.org.



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Choosing Life


Food and Farm Comfortable Cows

AP / Carrie Antlfinger

The affable, soft-spoken dairy farmer stood outside his 70-stall milking barn on his 230-acre family farm. When his father started farming there in 1950 were about 800 dairy farms in New York state’s Orange County. Only 39 survive. Small, traditional farms have been driven out of business by rising real estate prices, genetic manipulation of cows, industrial-scale hormone use that greatly increases milk production, wildly fluctuating milk prices and competition from huge operations that have herds numbering in the thousands.

I grew up in the dairy farm town of Schoharie in upstate New York. The farmers would let me pick through the rocks in their stone walls as I searched for fossils of Crinoid stems, Trilobites, Eurypterids and Brachiopods. I was in numerous cow barns and pastures as a boy. I have a deep respect for the hard life of small dairy farmers. They are up at 5 or 6 in the morning for the first milking, work all day and milk the cows again in the late afternoon. This goes on seven days a week. They rarely take vacations. And their finances are precarious.

When I was in Minisink recently it was the first time I had been on a dairy farm as a vegan. I do not eat meat. I do not eat eggs. I do not consume dairy products. I no longer accept that cows must be repeatedly impregnated to give us milk, must be separated immediately from their newborns and ultimately must be slaughtered long before the end of their natural lives to produce low-grade hamburger, leather, glue, gelatin and pet food. I can no longer accept calves being raised in horrific conditions before they are killed for the veal industry, developed to profit from the many “useless” males born because dairy farms regularly impregnate cows to ensure continuous milk production.

Once the right of the powerful to exploit the powerless—whether that exploitation is of animals by humans, other nations by an imperial power, other races by the white race, or women by men—once that right is removed from our belief system, blinders are lifted. On my visit to rural New York state I saw dairy farming in a new way—as a business that depends on the enslavement of the female reproductive systems of animals, animals that feel pain, suffer and love their young.

“As long as they keep breeding back they [the cows] can stay here,” the farmer said to me as he stood in mud-splattered rubber boots. “That is three to four lactations. We get a few that get up to eight or nine lactations. They don’t calve until they are 2-year-olds. You add about four lactations to that and it is about seven years. We try to breed for better production. The biggest reason for cows leaving the herd is not breeding back. Then we send them to a livestock market and they are sold for beef.”

The normal life span of a cow is 20 to 25 years. The life span of a cow on a dairy farm, one whose reproductive system is often speeded up through administering hormones such as estrogen and prostaglandin, is five to seven years. At points during the final four or five years of their lives, ovulating cows are restrained in a “rape rack” and inseminated with a sperm gun that is thrust deep into their vaginas. Once their milk productivity decreases, usually after a few pregnancies, they are killed.

As I talked with the farmer he lifted a bag of powdered milk inside the barn. He explained that if a cow gives birth while other cows are in the milking stalls the mother is separated immediately from the baby and is milked. If a cow gives birth at night it is milked the following morning.

“When you separate the calf from the mother, isn’t it difficult for the mother?” I asked.

“The animal rights people think so,” the farmer said. “I don’t really notice.”

He conceded that the calves cry when they are taken from their mothers but said it was “because they are hungry.”

Removing the calf “is the way it has to be done,” he said. “If the cow gets dirty and the calf suckles the cow, it can ingest manure and mud. There are different types of diseases it can get. There is one, Johne’s disease, that is really bad.”

I have been on enough dairy farms to know that at least some mothers bellow, cry, refuse to eat and exhibit anxiety when their newborns are taken away. And I know that newborn calves cry when they are separated from their mothers. I can’t blame the farmer for not acknowledging this suffering. I myself did not acknowledge it before I became a vegan. I too witnessed, but overlooked, the suffering of cows on dairy farms. I reasoned it “had to be done.”

Farmers often display genuine affection for the animals they abuse and send to slaughter. They do this by normalizing the abuse, believing that it is a practical and unquestioned necessity, and by refusing to emotionally confront the suffering and fate of the animals. This willful numbness, this loss of empathy and compassion for other living beings, was something I encountered frequently in the wars I covered as a reporter. Prisoners could be treated affectionately, much like pets—the vast disparity of power meant there was never a real relationship—and then killed without remorse.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap] culture that kills, including for food, must create a belief system that inures people to suffering. This is the only way the slaughter of other sentient beings is possible. This numbness allows us to dehumanize Muslims in the Middle East and our own poor, unemployed, underpaid and mentally ill, as well as the more than 9 billion land animals killed for food each year in the United States and the 70 billion land animals killed for food each year across the world. If we added fish, the numbers would be in the trillions.

Gitta Sereny in “Into That Darkness,” her book based on interviews with the commandant of the Nazis’ Treblinka death camp in Poland, Franz Stangl, who was apprehended in Brazil in 1967 and sentenced to life in prison, describes how Stangl fondly recalled certain individual Jewish prisoners who worked in the camp before they were exterminated. When she asked him what happened to those Jews, “the answer was precisely the same, in the same tone of detachment, with the same politely aloof expression in his face. ‘I don’t know.’ ”

Sereny wrote:

Would it be true to say that you finally felt they weren’t really human beings?

“When I was on a trip once, years later in Brazil,” he said, his face deeply concentrated, and obviously reliving the experience, “my train stopped next to a slaughterhouse. The cattle in the pens hearing the noise of the train, trotted up to the fence and stared at the train. They were very close to my window, one crowding the other, looking at me through that fence. I thought then, ‘Look at this, this reminds me of Poland; that’s just how the people looked, trustingly, just before they went into the tins. …’ ”

“You said tins,” I interrupted. “What do you mean?” But he went on without hearing or answering me.

“… I couldn’t eat tinned meat after that. Those big eyes which looked at me not knowing that in no time at all they’d all be dead.” He paused. His face was drawn. At this moment he looked old and worn and real.

“So you didn’t feel they were human beings?”

“Cargo,” he said tonelessly. “They were cargo.” He raised and dropped his hand in a gesture of despair. Both our voices had dropped. It was one of the few times in those weeks of talks that he made no effort to cloak his despair, and his hopeless grief allowed a moment of sympathy.

“When do you think you began to think of them as cargo? The way you spoke earlier, of the day when you first came to Treblinka, the horror you felt seeing the dead bodies everywhere—they weren’t ‘cargo’ to you then, were they?”

“I think it started the day I first saw the Totenlager [the subcamp that housed the gas chambers] in Treblinka. I remember Wirth [Christian Wirth, the first commandant of Treblinka] standing there, next to the pits full of blue-black corpses. It had nothing to do with humanity, it couldn’t have; it was a mass—a mass of rotting flesh. Wirth said, ‘What shall we do with this garbage?’ I think unconsciously that started me thinking of them as cargo.”

“There were so many children, did they ever make you think of your children, of how you would feel in the position of those parents?”

“No,” he said slowly, “I can’t say I ever thought that way.” He paused. “You see,” he then continued, still speaking with this extreme seriousness and obviously intent on finding a new truth within himself, “I rarely saw them as individuals. It was always a huge mass. I sometimes stood on the wall and saw them in the tube. But—how can I explain it—they were naked, packed together, running, being driven with whips like …” the sentence trailed off.

“Could you not have changed that?” I asked. “In your position, could you not have stopped the nakedness, the whips, the horror of the cattle pens?”

“No, no, no. This was the system. Wirth had invented it. It worked and because it worked, it was irreversible.”

“Because cruelty is inescapable in confining, mutilating, and slaughtering animals for food, we have been forced from childhood to be distracted and inattentive perpetrators of cruelty … ,” Will Tuttle writes in “The World Peace Diet.” “As infants, we have no idea what ‘veal,’ ‘turkey,’ ‘egg,’ or ‘beef’ actually are, or where they come from. … We find out slowly, and by the time we do, the cruelty and perversity involved seem natural and normal to us.”

“By consuming the dead animal (or products, such as dairy and eggs, that necessarily involve the killing and hurting of animals) right now, we demand that more animals be killed tomorrow…”

The veal industry was created solely to profit from the 4.5 million male calves born and at one time discarded on dairy farms each year. Female calves go into the same system of reproductive slavery as their mothers or, if there are too many, are also sold for veal. When they are only a few days or weeks old, veal calves are chained at the neck and locked into crates so tiny they cannot move and develop their muscles. This makes their flesh more tender. They live in darkness, immobilized in these crates, for three or four months, fed a liquid diet filled with a heavy infusion of chemicals to prevent disease before they are slaughtered.

The animal agriculture industry is an integral part of the corporate state. The corporate state’s exploitation and impoverishment of workers and its poisoning of the environment, as well as its torture and violence toward animals, are carried out because of the obsession for greater and greater profit.

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]ows on U.S. dairy farms once produced an average of 10,000 to 15,000 pounds (milk is often measured in pounds) a year but now are bred and engineered, often through hormones, to produce 30,000 to 40,000 pounds a year.

“When my parents first started, most of these farms had 30 or 40 cows,” the farmer at Minisink said. “People milked by hand or the early milking machines. Everybody started switching over to automatic milking machines and vacuum systems. The cow was milked in the pail and then the milk was dumped into the milk can. The can held 100 pounds, 12 and a half gallons. The cans were put in a cooler and then you took the cans to the local creamery. There was a creamery here in Unionville, one in Westtown, one in Johnson, one in Slate Hill. Slowly the creameries started closing up. In the early ’60s they switched over to the bulk tanks. Instead of cans the milk was piped into a bulk tank that cooled it off. A truck came and picked it up. When that happened, a lot of farms went out of business. People did not invest in the bulk tanks. They just quit.”

Sherry Colb writes: “The animal we consume may already be dead, but other animals who will be created and used for food in the future are not. By consuming the dead animal (or products, such as dairy and eggs, that necessarily involve the killing and hurting of animals) right now, we demand that more animals be killed tomorrow. … In essence, buying and consuming products is how we communicate as consumers to producers, and the message is this: ‘Keep making your product, and I will keep buying it.’… [W]hen a person demands a type of product, he becomes morally implicated in the production of that type of product.”

“[W]e are invested in seeing the consumption of animal products as normal … ,” Colb writes. “We are inclined to rationalize what we do, and we experience what social psychologists call ‘cognitive dissonance’ when we sense a conflict between our own regular, day-to-day behavior and our deeply-held values.”

A society that sees all life as sacred, including the lives of animals, no longer exploits life, including that of other human beings and the ecosystem, for personal empowerment, pleasure or profit. Ceasing to be omnivores, we cease to be numb. We restore balance not only to the earth—animal agriculture is the primary engine behind the ecological devastation of the planet—but to our lives. We break down the emotional walls that permit us to exploit living beings and kill them.



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