Zyuganov to Putin: ‘Form a patriotic front against the imperial west!’

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Gennady Zyuganov

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The great Soviet Marshal Zhukov wrote of the spine-chilling Victory Parade of June 1945 in Red Square: “Nothing could compare to the moment when two hundred soldiers, war veterans, to the beating of drums, hurled two hundred banners of the German fascist army at the foot of the Lenin mausoleum.”

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Zyuganov to Putin: ‘Form a patriotic front against the imperial west!’

Communist leader urges Russian president to reunite the country’s greatest heroes with the people.

The following letter was sent to Russian president Vladimir Putin by Communist party chairman Gennady Zyuganov on 13 April 2023 and is reproduced here with thanks to the CPRF.


Esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich

For all of us, 9 May is a sacred date. Victory over German nazism became a great milestone in the thousand-year history of Russia. It is an abiding pride and spiritual mainstay of our multinational people.

Today, the significance of this date is multiplied many times over. Our Motherland is living through hard times. Driven by greed and lust for dominance, the conquistadors have decided to destroy everything Russian. They are consumed by a demon-possessed desire to take revenge and trample underfoot the legacy of our ancestors. They are planning to ruthlessly burn out the layers of the thousand-year-old Russian culture.

Their hatred is ferociously erupting in long-suffering Donbass. Shells are exploding and flames engulf scenes of conflagration. Blood is being spilled on fields that hitherto had been used to peaceful toil. Many once-bustling cities and villages have been turned into silent ruins.

The sword of the barbarians who think they are masters of the planet knows no compassion. It strikes women, children and old folks – those whose only fault is that they do not want to submit to others’ will, to allow their ideals and values to be desecrated, and to give up their roots and the Russian language. These people are executed for their loyalty to their ancestors, the glorious and victorious heroes who have saved the world from the German fascism and Japanese militarism.

The west’s russophobia is unprecedented. The wish of Washington, London and Berlin to solve the ‘Russian question’ conjures up the grimmest pages of the past: the fires of the Inquisition, the witches’ sabbaths of the Nazis, the acts of the Ku Klux Klan. The globalists who have embarked on the path of terror know none of the ‘red lines’ that normal people observe. Their plan to use ammunition with depleted uranium is direct evidence of the criminal character of their imperialist policy.

We should all understand that a war of annihilation has been launched against us. Its aim is to dismember our country, to enslave the people and turn our lands into a zone of colonial plunder. It is fraught not only with large-scale losses: to lose in this situation means to disappear.

The present challenge is as fateful as the Time of Troubles in the 17th century, the Patriotic War of 1812, the foreign intervention in 1918-20, the clash with fascism during the Great Patriotic War and the treacherous destruction of the USSR. The USA and its Nato accomplices have set about to multiply their vicious achievements of the ‘wild 90s’.

Understanding Russian and Soviet history

Our country has faced dreadful peril many times. Sometimes it seemed that Russia would never rise from the ashes. But time after time the perfidious and arrogant enemies suffered a defeat. Against all the odds our country emerged from the trials – not defeated, but strengthened, more experienced and more beautiful. This amazed Russia’s ill-wishers and seemed inconceivable. Even on the edge of an abyss, our people have always found the strength to unite, to cast aside all the trivia and stand their ground in the face of mortal danger.

The Soviet leadership headed by JV Stalin knew precisely what needed to be done on the eve of the clash with fascism. It gave the best answer to the upsurge of nationalism in the west that had engendered the Hitler monster. The readiness of our people to rebuff any enemy was based on profound Soviet patriotism. Every citizen was brought up in the spirit of selfless service to the Motherland and a readiness to defend it until the last drop of blood.

The Soviet state paid close attention to the teaching of history. In May of 1934 the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR and the CC AUCP(B) issued a decree ‘On the teaching of civil history in Soviet schools’. It declared the teaching of history at school to be unsatisfactory, stressing that coherent presentation of the historical process had been replaced by “abstract sociological schemes”. It stressed the importance of a “correct analysis and correct generalisation of historical events”.

History faculties were reintroduced at higher education institutions. Work started on a unified textbook, which replaced some 60 existing manuals and presented the Soviet era as a logical continuation of our statehood. The new textbook was published in October 1937.

Art was increasingly involved in the fostering of patriotism. During the Great Patriotic War, the film distribution charts were topped by such masterpieces as Alexander Nevsky, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Suvorov and others. They portrayed these historical figures as outstanding defenders of the Motherland.

Such are the real facts, which demolish the myths about the ‘dogmatism’ and ‘blinkered vision’ of the Bolsheviks. When power in the country expressed the interests of the workers and peasants, it was at its best in upholding the interests of our country. The Leninist-Stalinist class approach did not impede but helped the Communist party to profoundly see and steadfastly affirm the close link between the interests of the working people and thoughtful patriotic upbringing.

Successes in the development of the Soviet society were consolidated in the 1936 constitution. The new main law removed all restrictions on civil rights. This applied also to such categories of citizens as the clergy, former agents of the tsarist police and of the secret police department. Under the 1918 constitution of the RSFSR and the 1924 constitution of the USSR, these had not been allowed to vote. Thereby the still fragile Soviet statehood protected itself and the millions of working people whose interests it expressed.

As it grew stronger, Soviet power did everything possible to unite society. This was aided even by such seemingly trivial decisions as bringing back the celebration of the New Year holiday. This is how the Pravda newspaper explained the essence of this policy in a 10 February 1936 editorial: “The party has always opposed any manifestations of the anti-Leninist ideology of ‘Ivans who forget their kinship links’ and would paint black the entire historical past of our country.”

Industrialisation, collectivisation, the liquidation of illiteracy, and the rapid modernisation of the Red Army were combined with close attention to questions of history and culture. All this provided a strong foundation for our victory in the Great Patriotic War. The triumph of the Soviet system in May 1945 was the high point of Russia’s historical path.

The Soviet Union inherited all the best things. The policy of Lenin and Stalin welded the ideas of socialism with the centuries-old heritage of a great power and a great culture. Our worldview was forged like armour. Fascist hordes crashed against it. It turned the USSR into the leader of the movement for lasting peace and social progress. A nuclear missile shield was erected which to this day cools the hot heads of Nato’s ‘hawks’.

Lenin mausoleum: foremost symbol of resistance and victory

This combination of historical values and victories provided the basis of our state’s sovereign development. It acquired some shining symbols. Addressing from the Lenin mausoleum the participants in the legendary parade on 7 November 1941, Stalin said: “You are waging a just war of liberation. May you be inspired in this war by the courageous image of our great ancestors Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutruszov. May the invincible banner of the great Lenin fly over you.”

The feat of the heroes who went straight from Red Square to the frontline outside Moscow is immortal. It is no accident that the historical act of unexampled courage of the defenders of the capital is marked every year by 7 November parades – a tradition that you have supported.

Another symbol was the Victory parade on 24 June 1945. This climaxed with the parade of standard-bearers, of which GK Zhukov wrote: “Nothing could compare to the moment when two hundred soldiers, war veterans, to the beating of drums, hurled two hundred banners of the German fascist army at the foot of the Lenin mausoleum. Let revenge seekers and those who like military adventures remember this!”

The people of our country have always remembered that great triumph. That is why the ‘Immortal Regiment’ commemorative marches quickly developed into a broad popular movement. The families of Russian patriots consider it to be an honour to march in its ranks.

After the victory over fascism, the fusion of socialist ideas and Soviet patriotism brought about further accomplishments. Our resurgent country harnessed the atom and ushered in the space era. The USSR united the progressive forces of the planet and contributed to the collapse of colonial empires. The People’s Republic of China appeared on the world map. Vietnam, the DPRK, Cuba, Laos and other countries opted for socialism. China, which has grown into a superpower, is Russia’s key ally in the face of grave threats. It is clear that the PRC is committed to the cause of the Great October of 1917 and the Great Victory of 1945.

Those who wrecked the Soviet Union were simultaneously destroying our culture and education, and our social guarantees, putting our Motherland on the brink. The ‘stewards of Perestroika’ and cynical ‘reformers’ were forcing our citizens to start hating their country and targeted the things that kept it united: collectivism, justice, and the friendship of the peoples.

The current woes of Russia, Ukraine and other republics of the USSR are a direct consequence of the heinous crimes of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. It was anti-Sovietism and russophobia that were directly to blame for the tragedy of the USSR. It was then that fraternal Ukraine began to turn into an anti-Russian bridgehead. Having failed to stem this process, we are now reaping the bitter fruits of the years when Bandera’s ideas were triumphing. Brothers are killing each other while the Nato organisers of the slaughterhouse are gleefully rubbing their bloodstained hands.

A new ‘crusade’ has been declared against us. The empire of evil has gathered dozens of countries under its banners. Their ruling circles are openly committed to dismembering our country. They are even afraid to declare explosions of the Nord Stream pipeline to be acts of international terrorism. Moreover, our adversaries have set about ‘cancelling’ Russian culture. You, as our head of state, have confronted this historic challenge by declaring the special military operation.

It is the bidding of the time to defend our common home against the fascist riff-raff, the latter-day Teutonic knights and insane followers of Hitler. A particular burden sits on the shoulders of the current Russian generation: to stop the slide toward the abyss. The only guarantee is the power of the nation and its national sovereignty. To score a new historic victory, Russia needs an effective economy, high-class science and education, a robust military potential, and the support of allies across the world.

The key condition for victory is the staunchness of the people and their ideological fortitude in any confrontation. We have the experience of our ancestors, who could respond to mortal danger by uniting. Russia needs to consolidate the healthy patriotic forces for the defence, development and flourishing of our beloved Motherland. Our country needs a ‘social contract’ of a new type, the foundation of which is a respectful attitude to the people, solidarity of the working people, and profound respect for the position of the masses.

A patriotic front against the imperial west cannot grow out of the right of some to oppress and rob others. To form such a front it is necessary to cast aside all the delusions that have been imposed on our country at the tail end of the 20th century. Neoliberal dogma has cost our people dearly. It is high time to recognise that nurturing hatred towards the Soviet era is a harmful and criminal practice.

To achieve victory and solve the major historical tasks, Russia needs to unite around creative ideas and inspiring symbols. During these May days, our people pay homage to the great feat of our ancestors with tears in their eyes and with pride in their hearts. It is not a good idea at such special moments to hide the most important symbol: draping the Lenin mausoleum sends an absolutely wrong signal.

We should see the celebration of Victory Day as a key act of people’s unity. The message and content of this event are sacred. So are all its symbols. The shameful practice of draping the Lenin mausoleum is corrosively destructive and cannot be tolerated.

The military parade on Red Square in May 2023 should carry a special message oriented towards the future. The participants in this parade deserve to be greeted from the stand of the Lenin mausoleum. Such a momentous event would be a powerful symbol of our spiritual fortitude. It is inconceivable without strengthening in the hearts of our citizens the eternal longing for truth, humanity and justice!

It is only from such facts, such events and such revelations that the bellows of Russian history can forge new victories!

Long live our Motherland, a sovereign, proud and just country!

Gennady Zyuganov

Chairman of the CC CPRF, head of the CPRF at the state duma of the federal assembly of the RF

Appendix: Videos of interest

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News 12131
  • and Hamas is the only party rejecting it reminds me of that time they kept insisting that the real president of Venezuela was some random guy—Juan Guaido—they chose for the position.
  • They’re just trying to impose a narrative which has no factual basis whatsoever by rote repetition and sheer media power.—Caitlin Johnstone.

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Why the U.S. is increasingly unfit for world leadership

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Eric Zuesse

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Why the U.S. is increasingly unfit for world leadership

Andrey Sushentsov, the leading professor at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s MGMO University, and one of Russia’s top geostrategists, headlined on June 28th, “Why the Russia-US conflict will outlast the Ukraine crisis: Moscow must look at Washington as a long-term threat”, and he opened:

The desire of the US to dominate and its refusal to see other countries as equals, willing and able to assume equal responsibility for peace and stability, is the short answer to the question of why Moscow-Washington relations cannot get out of the current state of crisis. This attitude also leads the US to the same difficulties in its relations with China, India and even some of its own allies, such as Turkey.

The Russian and Chinese position is buttressed by the principle that peace is the result of compromise between the major centers of power, and that without their mutual agreement – without equality, mutual respect, a willingness to recognize each other’s interests, and adherence to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs – a stable order is impossible. The US believes, however, that peace is a deterministic given, and that no special effort is needed to maintain it. This leads to paradoxical solutions: the more weapons, the more peace. The West is not yet ready to become just one of the Atlanteans holding up the sky. It still believes it should be in charge. ...

$1.5 trillion each year on its military (half of which is funded outside of the U.S. Defense Deprtment so as to fool the world to think that it’s instead only around $900 billion per year), while its federal Government’s debt has risen by $5 trillion in the past four years, which is only $1.25T per year, which is only 83% as much as the nation’s annual military expenses are, which means that all other expenses by the U.S. federal Government will inevitably soon be reduced each year by around $250 billion per year. Those non-military annual expenses constitute $5T ($6.5T minus $1.5T), so that from now on, the non-military part will be reduced by 5% ($.25T/$5T) each year, or else the growth in the federal debt will be $1.5T per year instead of $1.25T per year, or else the current $1.5T U.S. annual spending on its military will be cut down to $1.25T per year, which would mean that the very top priority of the almost 100% neoconservative U.S. Government, which is its military spending, will have to become annually reduced at least by 5%, by that almost 100% neoconservative Government, which won’t happen unless there is a Second American Revolution, which replaces all of these officials by Government officials who will be like what professor Shushentsov says will be needed in order to prevent yet further build-up to a WW3 global nuclear annihilation. 

the billionaires who control the U.S. elected officials by means of their political donations, lobbyists, news-media, think tanks, etc., will see their net worths decline because foreign investors will be withdrawing. So, that path forward will be even less acceptable to them than the other paths will be.

Perhaps the neoconservatives will say that this is Russian propaganda, or Chinese propaganda, or Iranian propaganda, or by some other country that neoconservatives hope to conquer, but they won’t be able to contest any of this by the numbers, because all of these numbers come from the U.S. Government itself. The actual propagandists are the neocons themselves, and they are funded by U.S. billionaires, who have been profiting from all of this. By contrast, nobody has paid me anything in order to research and write this. I always write only what the data display. In the case of my own country, the U.S., what the data display is why the U.S. is increasingly unfit for world leadership. The neoconservatives (including all U.S.-and-allied billionaires) are that reason why. They, themselves, are the reason. And they have enough money to be able to destroy America — and maybe the world.

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News 12131
  • and Hamas is the only party rejecting it reminds me of that time they kept insisting that the real president of Venezuela was some random guy—Juan Guaido—they chose for the position.
  • They’re just trying to impose a narrative which has no factual basis whatsoever by rote repetition and sheer media power.—Caitlin Johnstone.

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No Hope for Shitlibs: Tony Awards Audience GUSHES Over Hillary’s SURPRISE Appearance

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Keaton Weiss • Russell Dobular

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Jun 19, 2024
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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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It turns out Europeans aren’t as sheeplike as the Euroelites thought they were

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Don Hank

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I learned about Europe's unpredictability when I watched the Brexiteers pull off the exit of Britain from the EU. Now alternate parties are coming from behind again, throwing down a stiff challenge.


18 Jun, 2024

Macron just threw a live grenade at his own feet

The French president could be on the verge of regime-changing himself, with his establishment party’s support below that of the opposition

Rachel Marsden (https://www.rt.com/news/599494-france-macron-regime-change/)

By Rachel Marsden, a columnist, political strategist, and host of independently produced talk-shows in French and English.


Macron just threw a live grenade at his own feet.

The latest French national polls show a final face off between the anti-establishment right and left, and the total decimation of President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party. Looks like he may have fooled himself into thinking that dumping all over the political chessboard was a big-brained three-dimensional move.

In the wake of the anti-establishment National Rally party winning the European elections by a landslide, with more than double the score of Macron’s party, the usual suspects started chewing up the scenery with riots and unrest. All the National Rally needs to do is film it to create a campaign ad for themselves heading into the French national elections that Macron called in a double-or-nothing bet with the French people. Because Macron did that. And it’s the National Rally that has long campaigned on the promise of putting an end to it.

It finally looks like enough French voters aren’t scared into denying Le Pen’s party the opportunity. The far-right label just doesn’t act as the kind of knee-jerk deterrent that it once did. And why should it? “France is on the brink of all-out civil conflict,” headlined Britain’s Telegraph. That has happened under Macron, not Le Pen, as he rammed through his establishment agenda piece by piece with his designated prime minister invoking Article 49.3 of the French Constitution to ram through legislation without a vote at least 23 times, totally overriding the democratic process – the second most since the Fifth Republic began in 1958. Its use to move the goalposts on retirees and make them work longer when France is a global taxation champion that robs them of hard earned cash their entire working lives, under the pretext of getting it back when they retire, would explain why the majority of retirees who voted massively for Macron no longer tell pollsters that they will. His support has dropped to just 28%, according to the latest Ifop poll.

‘Our Europe could die,’ Macron says. Who’s the killer?

Read more ‘Our Europe could die,’ Macron says. Who’s the killer?

According to Le Monde, Macron said of his snap election call: “I’ve been preparing this for weeks, and I’m thrilled. I threw my unpinned grenade at their legs. Now we’ll see how they manage.” Looks like they’re managing just fine, actually. Macron’s party? Not so much.



(Russian Emergencies Ministry)

Ukraine attacks inside Russia. It is not clear what weapons were used but this gives you an idea of how the newly granted US permission to attack deep in the Russian rear might escalate things. No matter, Russia will retaliate, either symmetrically or not.


Here is your air strike update for June 18, 2024

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]


18 June 2024, 14:29

The Russian Armed Forces destroyed a warehouse of Western equipment received by Kiev

Photo by the Russian Ministry of Defense

Russian troops destroyed a Ukrainian strike drone assembly workshop and a Ukrainian Armed Forces warehouse, from where weapons transferred from the West were distributed. During the day, the enemy lost more than 1,800 militants and seven armored vehicles in the Northern Military District zone, according to data from the Russian Ministry of Defense. [Daily losses of the Ukraine forces invariably hover around 2000 killed and wounded, and there are precious few men left to recruit from. BTW, “recruiting” nowadays means kidnapping hapless men off the streets. Normal people are in an anti-government mood these days and many support Russia but not because they are necessarily sympathetic to Russia. They just mainly hate dictator Zelensky]

Aviation, drones, missilemen and artillery of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a radar station and two launchers of the S-300 air defense system, destroyed a workshop for the production of attack UAVs and a warehouse of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, from where weapons and military equipment transferred by Western countries were distributed. During the day, air defense systems shot down 24 drones and one Neptune-MD long-range guided missile.

The North [Sever] group of troops successfully repulsed two counterattacks of enemy assault groups and eliminated up to 130 militants, two armored combat vehicles, including a US-made Stryker armored personnel carrier, near Volchansk, Volokhovsky, Sinelnikovo and Liptsy in the Kharkov region.

The “West” [Zapad] group occupied more advantageous positions and repelled four counterattacks of enemy assault groups in the area of ​​Novovodyanoy in the LPR, Peschany in the Kharkov region and Torskoye in the DPR. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 455 military personnel.

The “southern” [Yug] group of the Russian Armed Forces improved the situation along the front line and destroyed up to 665 Ukrainian militants, two armored fighting vehicles, including the US-made M113 armored personnel carrier, and a field ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​Grigorovka, Katerynivka, Predtechino and Serebryanka in the DPR.

The “Center” group of troops also improved its tactical position and successfully repulsed four counterattacks of enemy assault groups near Vozdvizhenka, Kamyshevka, Novgorod and Toretsk in the DPR. Enemy losses amounted to 355 military personnel, two US-made MaxxPro armored fighting vehicles.

The Vostok [East] group occupied more advantageous positions and eliminated up to 155 Ukrainian military personnel, an armored combat vehicle, and an electronic warfare station "Enklav-N" in the Zaliznichny area of ​​the Zaporozhye region, Dobrovolya, Neskuchny and Oktyabr in the DPR.

The Dnepr group of troops destroyed up to 80 Ukrainian Armed Forces military personnel near Daryevka, Osokorovka in the Kherson region and Nesteryanka in the Zaporozhye region.

Moscow, Natalya Ryazanova


أمريكا وإسرائيل تدفعان نحو إشعال المنطقة!! (alkhanadeq.org.lb)

Saturday, June 15, 2024 01:07

America and Israel are pushing to ignite the region!!

Netanyahu and Blinken

It seems that the United States of America and the interim entity [Israel] continuing their aggression against the Gaza Strip will lead to igniting the region, intentionally or unintentionally, and this is confirmed by much of the data and statements that occurred during the past days.

Netanyahu and his government, on the one hand, insist on rejecting any cessation of the war, because this would constitute a clear admission of defeat. As for the American administration, which really wants - for electoral interests only - to stop the war, it does not want this to lead to Israel’s defeat to the axis of resistance. In the face of this American-Israeli stagnation, the resistance axis found that escalating the pace of the war of attrition might force the opposing camp to submit, or at least fortify the negotiating position of the Palestinian resistance. In the face of this decision of the Axis of Resistance, Israel has no choice but to also escalate its attacks, and this is what may push matters further, towards slipping into what Tel Aviv and Washington fear, that is, the ignition of the entire region starting from southern Lebanon.

Bagheri warns

In this context, it was noteworthy that the Acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic [of Iran], Ali Bagheri Kani, recently warned during a press conference with his Iraqi counterpart, Fuad Hussein, in Baghdad, when he said that the Zionist entity, due to its failure in Gaza, may seek to make other mistakes and even expand the scope of its aggression. Stressing that "the genocide in Gaza must stop unconditionally," he called on the Americans to stop supporting Israel with weapons, and that they cannot "support Israel with weapons, pretend to be for peace, and launch initiatives." [This is a clue as to what is wrong with US politics. The government must push one narrative for its public but roughly the opposite one for its allies, ie, the true bosses that drive its true policies, eg, via AIPAC. The net result is a weak government that does nothing for America and that Americans don’t trust]

Minister Bagheri pointed out that Operation True Promise [the Iranian campaign cooperating with the various resistance fronts around the ME] confirmed that “the Islamic Republic will use all its capabilities to achieve stability, peace and security in the region and will not allow anyone, especially the aggressor Zionist entity, to undermine the stability and security of the region.” Therefore, this is a hint that Iran will not stand idly by in the face of any Israeli foolishness, such as waging war on Lebanon or escalating its attacks in other arenas. [Iran can send almost any kind of defensive or offensive weapon to Hezbollah for the defense of Lebanon]

The US administration's efforts are a path to deadly escalation [This analysis gives us a little peep behind the scenes showing why the US Israel-loyal foreign-controlled government is forced to keep the war machine running full tilt. We the voters have zero control over this, but the outcome is determined by the opponents, which are generally stronger than the West and more democratic in that they are in sync with the people. They use force, the only language of the elites]

On the other hand, many analysts and political experts believe that the US administration’s efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza are a path to a deadly escalation in the West Asia region. And despite its public calls for an end to the war, all Washington is actually doing is encouraging a bigger conflagration, because it is causing more violence in Gaza and threatening to turn it into a war with Lebanon, thus pushing the entire region into the abyss in order to avoid giving up its “unreserved support” for Israel.

Here it must be recalled that the Hamas movement’s response to the speech delivered by Joe Biden on May 31, in which he presented an “Israeli proposal” [it was not an Israeli proposal at all. This was a lie aimed at placating the masses, making them think Israel was for peace when it never was] for a ceasefire, was to view it “positively,” while insisting that it requires an Israeli withdrawal from war-torn Gaza and a ceasefire. Full of war, in order to agree to any proposal. On the other hand, Benjamin Netanyahu remained committed to his previous speeches about the need to “destroy Hamas,” [read: continue the genocide in a transparent pretense of fighting Hamas] while indicating that he would not agree to a ceasefire. Rather, he went further when he confirmed that Biden’s description of the Israeli ceasefire proposal “is not accurate.” This brings back memories of the atmosphere that prevailed before the occupation army began its operation in Rafah.

Will the American administration accept the failure of its efforts for the second time instead of forcing Israel to cease fire, or is the expansion of the war inevitable?!

 Related tags

The American-Israeli aggression, the war on Gaza, the axis of resistance, Operation True Promise, the trenches, Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu


Our thanks to CA for this tip – an excerpt from a book by Chris Hedges. BTW, the philosophical evolution described below matches my own.


Most of my life was spent living a lie, and I lived my life for that lie. A lie that I bought into, lock, stock and barrel, during the 80's and 90's, when I was working 70 hours a week (which I did for at least 20 years).

I graduated from university in 1982, the Reagan years, and I was a true believer in "Reaganomics," and the "trickle-down" theory, in which wealth is diverted to the already wealthy who will use it to create new production facilities, creating new jobs. They would "invest" that windfall income, alright ... just not in the U.S. of A. That's supply-side economics and, in theory, I believe, it works well ... the notion that all of us, collectively, each of us acting solely in our own self-interest, create a "rising tide that lifts all boats." I was almost religious in that belief during the Eighties and Nineties. Greed is good. I, like so many other Americans during those years, abandoned the notion that "we are all in this together" and adopted the "every man for himself, and you are on your own" way of thinking: "You have not, because you strive not."

And young people (not just in America) are beginning to get a sense of the reality: they are being ruthlessly exploited in an ever-increasingly socially stratified (feudalistic) society.

Our financial system was taken hostage and looted by bankers, brokers, and speculators who told us that the old means of making capital by producing and manufacturing were outdated. They assured us money could be made out of money. They insisted that financial markets could be self-regulating. Like all financial markets throughout history that have thrown off oversight and regulation, ours has collapsed. Speculators in the seventeenth century were hanged. Today they receive billions in taxpayer dollars and huge bonuses.

Excerpt from: Chris Hedges, Empire of Illusion (Pub. 2010)

America's wealth is systematically being transferred from the lower and middle classes into the pockets of the rich. And that is not by accident.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Hedges' critique stops short of actually denouncing capitalism as a system that, in any incarnation—industrial (manufacturing) or financial speculative—remains inherently exploitative, crisis-prone, deeply inegalitarian, incurably hierarchic, undemocratic and ultimately organically unstable and fascistic (due to its incurable "overproduction" disease.



Photo: Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine Facebook page

The U.S. power structure is blindly dedicated to Israel

When the board of the Columbia Law Review clumsily censored a pro-Palestinian article it revealed the degree to which pro-Israel ideology is enmeshed in the U.S. power structure. Luckily, a generational shift is changing this before our eyes.

BY PHILIP WEISS  JUNE 17, 2024  15



We used to call people like this the ruling class. These high appointees understand what American values are, and today American values are standing by Israel even as it massacres thousands of children. These values surely have to do with the importance of Zionist donors to Joe Biden and universities, but they go beyond that to the makeup of the U.S. establishment. Pro-Israel voices — including Jewish Zionists — are a significant element of corporate culture. They are a generational force. Young progressives and young Jews are rejecting Israel. But they aren’t in the power structure.

[Unfortunately, the author ignores the elephant in the room, ie, the hordes of “Christian” Zionist church leaders who do the heavy lifting propaganda work that underpins the machinations of the ruling class. Thus, one of the most dangerous men in America is the fundamentalist fanatic Gordon Robertson]

One of the most telling stories about the establishment came and went last November. Two dozen leading law firms sent a letter to the leading law schools, including Harvard and Columbia, saying that they would not hire students from law schools that failed to crack down on antisemitism. And one of those firms, Davis Polk, rescinded job offers to three students who had taken part in pro-Palestinian protests. The letter said:

“We look to you to ensure your students who hope to join our firms after graduation are prepared to be an active part of workplace communities that have zero tolerance policies for any form of discrimination or harassment, much less the kind that has been taking place on some law school campuses.”



Our thanks to Regis Tremblay for this:

On June 11th, 2024, we attended an amazing concert by the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named after N.P. Osipov.

We attended this concert along with a packed audience in the Chekhov Theater here in Yalta. The Moscow based group comes to Yalta once a year and we were fortunate to get tickets.

We were spellbound by the two-hour concert that featured operatas, soloist musicians, and a dramatic reading of Alexander Pushkin’s short story, The Blizzard.



Regis’s Substack
National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia
On June 11th, 2024, we attended an amazing concert by the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named after N.P. Osipov. We attended this concert along with a packed audience in the Chekhov Theater here in Yalta. The Moscow based group comes to Yalta once a year and we were fortunate to get tickets…

Listen now

I could not believe the incredible sound that was produced by a stringed orchestra accompanied by a few wind and percussion instruments.

Rumble      https://rumble.com/v529aw8-national-academic-orchestra-of-folk-instruments-of-russia.html

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embedJS/u4"+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");


Rumble("play", {"video":"v4zx20w","div":"rumble_v4zx20w"});

Enjoy and please share. I continue my efforts to show The Russian Soul to Americans and others, by producing content that gives insight to this great country, it's amazing and friendly people, and the rich history and culture.

Thanks for following me.



It is interesting that this theater is dedicated to Russian playwright Anton Chekhov. The writer spent a few years living at his dacha in Yalta. One of his best known short stories is Dama s sobachkoy, the Lady with a dog, which is set in Yalta and whose characters all have Russian names and are mostly tourists from Russia. When I visited Yalta in the early 70s, I must confess I did not know I was in Ukraine, Everyone there spoke Russian, It is now impossible for me to think of Crimea as anything but Russian, and I personally think it would be a crime to try and separate the peninsula from the Motherland. Yalta is as Russian as Chekhov and it is a crime for the ignorant, uncultured Neocons in Washington to insist that it must revert back to Ukraine where it never belonged. Just my two cents.

More https://vk.com/wall-76456136_279665?lang=en


Don’s Substack

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Modern American Imperialism Part 2: Building Eager Armies Helping Colonize their own Nations

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Brian Berletic


Seducing young minds by stroking their egos, making them feel special and superior to their compatriots

Modern American Imperialism Part 2: Building Eager Armies Helping Colonize their own Nations

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Things to keep in mind...

NeoNazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

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