The New McCarthyism: Congress Grills Columbia Univ. President Amid Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Protesters

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In a non-existent democracy, cowardly, careerist university administrators are bullied by scumbag politicians shamelessly running interference for the Zionist lobby. It doesn't get more despicable than this, but that is the will of the billionaires in the oligarchic US empire.

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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality.

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What Is Fascism?

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Roger Boyd

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What Is Fascism?

How Fascism Serves Capitalism And How It Permeates The West Today

There have been many academics, journalists and others who have tried to define what Fascism is but the vast majority have made the intellectually fatal mistake of describing the surface phenomena produced by Fascism in cultural terms rather than starting with its underlying political-economic drivers. Fascism can be quite fluid with respect to its surface phenomena, creating a slippery creature that evades easy or even stable definition; its surfacing in such places as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, Argentina and many other Latin American nations, as well as the deeply memory-holed US example under President Wilson during the period 1917-1920, produced quite heterogeneous examples.

When we move beyond the surface criteria so loved and thrashed nearly to death by the careerist and co-opted Western”critical” theorists and ruling class organic intellectuals, to eye the political economy of Fascism, its definition becomes much easier. As Gramsci noted, the capitalist ruling class much prefer to dominate society through a “democracy” under which they control the state and the consent of the people is manufactured through a cultural hegemony that both legitimizes their rule while obfuscating the nature of that rule. The tools of coercion (e.g. the need for people to work to support their families) and outright violence (e.g. incarceration) are always there to lend support to the cultural hegemony. Bourgeois democracy is an efficient way to manage a modern industrialized capitalist economy, given the required literacy and geographical mobility of the population.

To describe the main functions of the fascist state the following will use the 2023 twenty-second printing of the English version of Guerin’s book, as it provides one of the most direct and forthright descriptions of Fascism. As Guerin notes, “the state has always been the instrument by which one social class rules over the other social classes” (p. 25). When a crisis threatens profitability the state must be changed in character:

the bourgeoisie can only see one way to restore its profits: it empties the pockets of the people down to the last centime … brutal slashing of wages and social expenditures, raising of tariff duties at the expense of the consumer etc. The state, furthermore, rescues business enterprises on the brink of bankruptcy, forcing the masses to foot the bill. Such enterprises are kept alive with subsidies , tax exemptions, orders for public works and armaments. (pp. 27-28).

Does that sound a lot like the period from the mid-1970s to the present? Are we currently living under a form of Fascism which is skillfully hidden behind propaganda? Guerin identifies the importance of freedom of the press, universal suffrage, and an organized working class as restricting such actions under bourgeois “fake” democracy, but have those been nullified within the present? Are we living in an Inverted Totalitarianism as Wolin put it? I will return to that topic later.

Guerin notes that the capitalist ruling class is not homogeneous, and it is the capital investment intensive industries such as iron and steel and mining (also the large agricultural landowners), together with their bankers, which are most exposed to falling profitability. Guerin could not have imagined the peace-time scale of the US Military Industrial Complex, nor the rise of transnational corporations that rely upon the ability to manage global supply chains, having their much-expanded intellectual property rights respected abroad and the ability to ward off challengers. In addition to an incredibly concentrated and leveraged financial sector. Creating a much larger group supportive of foreign wars and a disciplining of the population both at home and abroad, while being resistant to tariffs that threaten their extensive global supply chains. Light industry, that relies much more on mass consumption is dependent upon the masses to consume their products and therefore too tough a level of austerity for the masses threatens their profitability. It is exactly this group that was central to the class compromise of the New Deal, but increasing foreign competition in the US domestic market, and the ability to offshore, from the 1970s onwards has altered the calculus for such light industry in the present.

With respect to the youth, Guerin makes a statement about the inter-war years that could have been written about the present:

the lot of the young bourgeois (or petty bourgeois) and young proletarian was almost identical: all young people, without distinction, were victimized by the crisis … As a result of the economic crisis, the position of the intellectual and student youth became more precarious. Their particular ‘aspirations’ were thereby intensified. (p. 78)

And sadly also:

But the socialist movement did not show itself revolutionary and ceased to be a pole of attraction. It was fascism, playing skillfully on the youth mystique, which won over not only the intellectual youth, but also - what was far more serious - many declassed unemployed youth. (p. 79)

Guerin also notes that “fascism recruits a certain number of outcasts from the working class … the lumpenproletariat”. With the destruction of the trade unions outside of the state in many Western nations, and the precarious individualized nature of so many jobs that lack any form of group solidarity, this breeding ground for Fascism is very significant in the present day. The middle class, the youth and the lumpenproletariat are prevalent within both the Brazilian right-wing parties and the Milei base.

To hold together such a diverse coalition of forces, Fascism relies on a vague mysticism to arouse faith rather than intelligence.

A party supported by the subsidies of the propertied classes, with the secret aim of defending the privileges of property owners, is not interested in appealing to the intelligence of its recruits; or rather, it considers it prudent not to appeal to their understanding until they have been thoroughly bewitched. The moment the faithful believe, nothing is easier than to play with truth and logic … Thus fascism presents itself, above all, and even before trying to define itself, as a religion. (p. 86)

This use of propaganda was nothing new, as the British and Americans greatly developed this during WW1 - with the power of images over words, feelings over thoughts.

The post-WW2 alignment of the US right wing with religious figures who were against the Social Gospel that supported the New Deal, to create a new Prosperity Gospelthat turned support for capitalism into a matter of faith comes to mind. Also, the manipulation of the Scofield Bible to increasingly support the state of Israel. In the present, the average citizen is surrounded by propaganda throughout the day at a level far above that of the inter-wars years as they are connected to media delivery devices continuously. With increasing attempts to shut down those individuals, and those platforms, that do not follow the required messaging.

Within this mysticism is The Man of Destiny, created by the propagandists funded with ruling class money. His image will never be allowed to be tarnished by the actual policies and real personal history. Does not the cult of Obama fit with the Man of Destiny? A man whose path in life was carefully groomed and lubricated, with a meteoric political rise, who perfectly served the ruling elite instead of the people throughout his two terms? The man who told the bankers that he was there to protect them against the avenging people, who ramped up covert operations and the surveillance state, who prosecuted whistleblowers but not war criminals and torturers, destroyed Libya and Syria, remained in Afghanistan and Iraq, and turned the hope of real healthcare reform into a new massive capitalist subsidy program? Of course Trump is attempting to also fill that role, but his Man of Destiny project is spoiled by the resistance of the Mainstream Media. In the same way that TikTok has undermined the Israeli Nation of Destiny project.

The fascist party must also exude a fake anti-capitalist message, so that it can claim to provide answers to their material interests. It is a “demagogic anti-capitalism … a utopian and harmless anti-capitalism” (pp. 105-106) that helps turn the population away from genuine socialism.

Fascism’s game is to call itself anti-capitalist without seriously attacking capitalism. It first endeavours to transmute anti-capitalism of the masses into nationalism … In all periods as we have seen, the hostility of the middle classes towards big capital is accompanied by tenacious attachment to the idea of the nation … Hence fascism has no difficulty in shielding its financial backers from popular anger by diverting the anti-capitalism of the masses to the “international plutocracy.” (p. 106)

Is this not exactly what Trump does with his spurious Make America Great Again which much more blames the Chinese for America’s ills than the actions of the US ruling class and its corporate underlings to outsource, offshore, and close down so much of America’s productive capabilities while crushing the unions? The very notion of being unAmerican reeks of such fascist ideology.

There may be much rhetoric about disciplining business, or even breaking up or nationalizing businesses, but once in power such promises are quickly forgotten as they would displease the backers of the fascists. After gaining power both Mussolini and Hitler went through a process of cleansing their parties of the most radical elements that threatened the ruling class interests as well as disarming party members by replacing their security functions with the police and the military. In Germany this included the Night of the Long Knives of 1934 where the leadership of the Nazi brownshirts (the SA) were executed. Instead of disciplining business, the fascists disciplined the workers and the state to serve the interests of their business backers as well as their own ends. Only when those ends become problematic for the business backers, as with military expansion far beyond that envisaged by business leaders, did the business backers understand that they had lost control of the state. The profits kept rolling in though, and the vast majority of those business leaders were allowed to keep their wealth in the post-WW2 years while not being prosecuted for their crimes.

In the past 2-3 years heavily under-reported levels of inflation have in fact allowed business profits to be substantially increased in North America at the expense of the living standards of the many, while public protest has been muted. In the European nations, where unions are much stronger but truly socialist parties have very much disappeared, pressure from the populace has been very much met by the power of the state. As with the heavily militarized reaction to protests within France, who needs brownshirts when you have a police force like the French one?

German AfD, with its core in East Germany, espouses an anti-capitalist nationalism and opposition to climate change policies and Muslim immigration, but does not possess a mass brownshirt style movement, as with the French RN. Both could be utilized by the capitalist elite if needed, perhaps in the very much tamed version of of the Italian Meloni and her Brothers of Italy, the organizational descendant of Mussolini’s fascist party. The European capitalist ruling classes may have worked out how to have all the benefits of Fascism without the need for a mass fascist party that takes control of the state from them.

With the continuing deindustrialization of Latin America in the past few decades, and the immiseration of its working classes, we may once again see classic Fascism in Latin America. Bolsonaro may have been replaced with Lula, but that is a Lula reminded of what happens if he strays from ruling class interests and who has to work with a predominantly right-wing legislative assembly. Any economic crisis in the West would be rapidly felt in Brazil and the other Latin American nations through falling commodity prices, pushing the capitalist elite toward a more fascist stance in order to further crush the welfare state and general living standards.

a popular uprising is most definitely a possibility.

We see very much the same across the other Western nations, as discussions of the banning of opposition parties are openly carried out (e.g. the AfD in Germany) and those opposing government policies are branded as traitors to the nation and its “shared values” (“Putin lovers”, “terrorist supporters”, “anti-semites”). These states may not fit the 1930s style Fascism, but they are very much, and increasingly, fascist in nature. As with the British Home Secretary calling pro-Palestinian marchers a “hate mob”.

She later had to resign, but the anti-democratic nature of the British government (and the Zionist Conservative leader of the opposition Labour Party), with online speech and political demonstrations being increasingly controlled and criminalized, has remained unchanged. A trend seen across the Western nations. In 2022 in the UK about 3,500 people were prosecuted for online speech, and many, many more visited by the police.

Then of course, we have the ongoing jailing and persecution of the journalist Julian Assange, together with the long prison terms doled out to anyone else attempting to expose state crimes. Together with the disappearing of old uncomfortable facts that parallels the fictional work of Winston Smith. Inverted Totalitarianism serves to depoliticize the masses in the face of attacks against their living standards and civil rights, quite the opposite Fascism. While this can be maintained, and insurrectionary forces shut down by the state and controlled media before they can blossom, a fascist party and its thugs are not necessary.

Recommend Geopolitics And Climate Change to the readers of Patrice’s Newsletter

Geopolitics And Climate Change: A Holistic And Joined Up View

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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The Peacock Joins The Smear Campaign

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Matt Taibbi

The Peacock Joins The Smear Campaign

If “misinformation” reporter Brandy Zadrozny is the best hit artist NBC News has left on its roster, it might be time to shutter the network


NBC’s Brandy Zadrozny wrote:

After over a year, the House committee investigating researchers and their work on disinformation… has yet to produce tangible results. Public hearings have not yielded actionable evidence that the federal government has been weaponized… There have been no legal wins and no legislation has been passed.

Zadrozny in the same article said that “until recently,” people like Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Elon Musk and I have been “extraordinarily successful” in fighting what we call the “censorship machine,” adding, “in the past two years, government efforts to respond to disinformation have been shuttered.” Yet the same efforts, in the same time period, yielded “no tangible results.” This is NBC News. Who edits these people?

Regarding “no legal wins and no legislation”: as Jordan’s Committee noted Monday, the House passed “The Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act” last year, and the Censorship Accountability Act recently passed in Committee. If you want to argue a bill not yet signed into law doesn’t count as “passed” legislation, fine, but “no legal wins”? The Murthy v. Missouri censorship lawsuit before the Supreme Court is there because four federal judges already ruled government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are likely in violation of the First Amendment.

Does NBC mean “no legal wins,” except the ones that sent the issue to the Supreme Court?

Those cases came in addition to a long list of developments, like the NIHfreezing a $150 million content-flagging program, the shutdown of “Singing Censor” Nina Jankowicz’s infamous Disinformation Governance Board idea, even cuts to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) budget, all of which are at the center of innumerable mawkish media freakouts over the recent slowing of state censorship programs. Such pieces often feature a photo of a “disinformation researcher” looking sad (theWashington Post has done at least three). Even Zadrozny’s new effort is headlined “The disinformation war has taken a toll, but researchers feel a shift.” But apparently not a tangible toll.

The New York Times, 60 Minutes, and NBC now have all rushed out hit jobs against “Republicans and their allies” who’ve exposed government censorship programs, denouncing “right-wing efforts” by “conservative activists” to halt “critical investigative work.” Apparently, I’m part of those efforts. I’ve never voted Republican or donated to conservative causes, and hold no “right wing” views. Why not just add a half-line like “as well as traditional free speech liberals,” to be more accurate? No good: this would threaten the central thesis of all these pieces, that only conspiracy-mongering “Republican allies” could oppose these beneficent moderation programs.

As with the absurd Times piece, similarly intended to influence the Supreme Court and help re-ignite state censorship programs during an election year, Zadrozny tried to re-frame the Twitter Files reports as a conspiracy tale spun by former Trump official Mike Benz:

a former alt-right vlogger, who turned a two-month stint in the State Department in 2020 into a claimed expertise in cybersecurity.

Zadrozny wrote to me before publication, but I didn’t see the query. Noting NBC extended a post-publication correction to fellow dingbat censorship advocate Kate Starbird, I told her I’d begun publishing my thesis months before meeting Benz, that it was false to suggest any of my ideas were his, and NBC should include my denial. Among other things, why not? Who would it hurt, to be more accurate? Her response: “We feel confident in the… reporting.” In other words, fuck you.

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The Empire Doesn’t Hide Its Worst Deeds, It Just Manipulates How People Think About Them

Be sure to distribute this article as widely as possible. Pushing back against the Big Lie is really up to you.

Caitlin Johnstone

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The worst actions of your government happen not in secrecy, but right out in the open under the narrative cover of mass media propaganda. The western empire doesn’t hide its worst deeds, it just manipulates the way people think about them.

Tomorrow we could unearth rock-solid proof that the US government knowingly orchestrated 9/11, and that crime in and of itself still wouldn’t be as bad as what the US government is facilitating in Gaza right now, in plain view of the entire world. And even if such a revelation did occur, the imperial media would probably either ignore it or spin it so that its impact is dulled into impotence.

The empire’s worst atrocities happen in the open because the empire’s worst atrocities involve butchering and starving huge numbers of people, which is impossible to do in secret. They can assassinate a government official here and sign a malignant secret agreement there without needing to do it openly, but murder at mass scale isn’t something you can conceal in the information age.

The US-centralized globe-spanning power structure therefore relies heavily on its historically unprecedented ability to psychologically manipulate global populations when carrying out such atrocities. The empire has invested more heavily in soft power than any empire or government in human history, and the science of modern propaganda has been advancing under this investment at least as rapidly as military technology has been.

That’s why you can have the most damning information imaginable about the people who rule over us sitting right out in the open, and you won’t see anywhere remotely close to the public outrage and backlash you ought to see. The US government can literally back a genocide without hiding any part of it, and the political-media class will simply manipulate public psychology into getting lost in a bunch of hogwash about self-defense and human shields and difficulties delivering food and medical supplies and hey Biden is working hard to do the right thing here and it’s all very complicated and everything bad that happens in Gaza can be blamed on Hamas anyway.

It’s a truly astonishing power that would inspire awe if it wasn’t so evil. Power is controlling what happens, but real power is controlling what people think about what happens.

Whistleblowers and investigative journalists provide an invaluable service to humanity for which we should all be grateful, but what this civilization needs more than anything right now is not so much new information about what the powerful are doing, but rather the ability to lucidly perceive the information that’s already been made public. We need people clearly seeing what’s already right in front of them, without the lens of distortion and obfuscation that the powerful have placed over their eyes.

Until we find a way to snap a critical mass of people out of the propaganda-induced coma the empire has placed them in, they’ll be able to get away with any evil they need to commit in order to secure their interests and advance their agendas. We can work on this front by doing everything we can to get people looking at the reality of what our rulers are doing at every opportunity, in as creative and interesting a way as we can come up with. The more eyes open to the truth, the more lucid perceivers there will be to help open the eyes of others.

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This is a dispatch from our ongoing series by Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 


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America’s Super-Elite Disconnect

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Editor's Note
For the most part, the "Super Elites" analysed in this article are the "visible ruling class" to the majority of ordinary Americans, as well as most foreigners. Although often very rich, In practice, they are merely members of a new "Mandarin class" sometimes initiating and almost always executing the wishes of the actual ruling class, a far more concentrated and remote —"exclusive"—group of individuals and clans who far outweigh these Mandarins in wealth, power connections, and depth of state penetration. That said, the picture gets blurry quick because many in the Mandarin class inhabit a continuum with their "betters". Indeed they share much of the social acculturation process, values and outlook, of the richer ruling types. And besides intermarriage and a measure of permitted fluidity between different strata also tend to hide the more salient differences between the huge and the merely big, at least in the eyes of the untrained observer. 

America's Super-Elite Disconnect

Last month came a fascinating new report from the institute of Scott Rasmussen, founder of the famed Rasmussen Reports polling center. Its aim was to, for the first time, quantitatively define the true ‘elite’ of society, which control most of our social narratives, politics, and general ‘orthodoxy’.

The first-ever survey research defining the characteristics and beliefs of an Elite 1% who are the root cause of political dysfunction in America today.

It has been picked up by a variety of publications, from NYPost:

To Boston Globe, and others:

The full report centered on a members-only webinar presentation by Rasmussen, but the provided PDF file summarizes the most salient survey graphics and point breakdowns.

For those interested, Rasmussen appeared on Newt Gingrich’s podcast to discuss the results, where he eloquently summarized his chief findings, as well as how he first stumbled on them.

The NYPost article summarized the dataset best:

The United States has a wealthy, partisan elite class that’s not only immune from and numb to the problems of their countrymen, but enormously confident in and willing to impose unpopular policies on them.

This is a recipe for disaster.

And this supplemental Newt Gingrich writeup describes just how Rasmussen first got wind of it all:

While doing their two weekly national surveys, Rasmussen and his team noticed an anomaly. Out of every 1,000 or so respondents, there would always be three or four who were far more radical than everyone else. After several months of finding these unusual responses, Rasmussen realized they all shared three characteristics.

The radical responses came from people who had graduate degrees (not just graduate studies), family incomes above $150,000 a year, and lived in large cities (more than 10,000 people per zip code).

What’s more, is that amongst this 1% ‘elite’, there is an even more radicalized subset Rasmussen calls the ‘super-elite’, which are characterized by primarily attending one of twelve identified elite schools:

Gingrich adds:

Charles Murray in his classic work, “Coming Apart,” analyzed zip codes and proved that graduates from “dirty dozen” universities that Rasmussen described, live, work and play in the same zip codes. They are an isolated set and create a “power aristocracy” that has no knowledge of the rest of us – and contempt for most of us. This perfectly explains Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” line.

But more on those later.

First, who are these garden variety 1% elites in question? Rasmussen breaks them down into three prerequisites:

  • Postgraduate degree

  • Make more than $150k per year

  • Live in a densely populated urban area

Their other basics come down as follows, which reveals they are ‘surprisingly young’:

Granted, much of this may come as fairly self-evident to most of us. But the data has rarely been collated in so intuitive and presentable a fashion.

Let’s first look at the actual disparities between the normal population and the elites at the heart of the analysis, before extrapolating that outward.

The first revolves around perceptions of individual freedoms:

Nearly 60% of regular voters believe there is not enough freedom, while only 21% of the elites do so. A shocking nearly 50% of elites believe there is too much freedom, while only 16% of voters think so.

In the Gingrich interview, Rasmussen elaborates on this tack, explaining that many of these haut monde strongly resent how the bellyaching hoi polloi acted during the Covid ‘pandemic’ era, in particular—not only their refusal to mask, but the subsequent consolidation of their anti-vax stance. This deepened the rift between the two sides, with the ‘elites’ further consigning their estranged underclass to the ash pile of entitlement. As always, there is nothing more effective than fear of bodily harm in forging visceral resentment between people.

But the mechanism most strongly behind this fault-line has the following wellspring: 70% of elites trust the government, while only a miniscule less than ~20% of the public does:

Even more staggering is the vast gulf between each side’s trust in the ‘professional class’:


77% of the elite would impose restrictions on gas, food rationing, etc., due to “climate change”, while 63% of regular voters oppose such measures. In fact, the elite in general roundly support bans of gas-powered vehicles, wood stoves, SUVs, non-essential air travel, and even air conditioning while the vast majority of voters are totally against.

Here’s one of the twelve mentioned universities from which the majority of 1%-ers sprout:

On the topic of institutions, it’s no surprise that the twelve keystone mostly Ivy League schools form a sort of conduit which filters the elite into pedestals of power in society. It’s a well-established pipeline that feeds a narrow, pre-selected segment of society increasingly higher through an ideological purification strainer meant to weed out any pesky nonconforming slip-throughs.

Anyone who’s studied the history of the 20th century’s rise of transnationalist institutions will know that from the early 1900s, cohorts like that of Milner and Rhodes established various programs and fellowships like the ‘Rhodes Scholarship’ precisely for this purpose. Such ‘pipelines’ have pullulated throughout the Western world, and include the modern day grooming lab known as the ‘Young Global Leaders’, of Klaus Schwab’s extraction.

"The CFR article is a burlesque travesty of hypocrisy: it belabors the point about Russia and China’s putative ‘aggression’ and ‘illiberal’ policies—like the Ukraine ‘invasion’—while cretinously ignoring U.S.’ own far more numerous transgressions, invasions, and occupations of various sovereign states, not to mention the current facilitation of full-blown unmitigated genocide in Gaza, for which the U.S. just delivered another huge batch of bombs to Israel as of this writing..."

These institutional programs serve as a winnowing mechanism for the global financial elite to distinguish the candidates with the right genteel pedigrees, sociopathic leanings, philistine and transnationalist compositions in order to find groom-able candidates for future leadership appointments. Take a look at the bonafides of any top globalist leader or policymaker—whether they’re from financial institutions like the ECB, IMF, Federal Reserve, or security organizations like NATO—and you will invariably find longstanding membership or distinctions from the handful of established ‘Old Order’ programs. The unelected cronies, which are in fact hand-selected and appointed by the nameless nomenklatura above, almost always originate from the same small clique.

It’s well known that the top economists, hedge fund directors—for firms like Goldman Sachs, for instance—constitutional lawyers, etc., all originate from this exiguous collective of schools, like Harvard. This is designed to allow the elites to precisely control the small pool of vetted loyalists before inducting them into their rarefied and closely-guarded ranks. It’s a closed loop system, and is central to the regulation of the upper strata which serves as the fabric of the elite’s control mechanism.

When it comes to Rasmussen’s report, it’s clear that the ‘super elite’ serve to become pillars of influence-making in society, acting as the enforcement guardrails to further manage and regulate the interests of the most exclusive managerial class, tied to the old banking families. In short: it’s a well-oiled, highly-selective pipeline which continually funnels the “right people”—ambitious, but malleable and servile to globalist interests—to the top.

Rasmussen’s survey reveals just how out of touch they are with regular society. Given that their milieu remains their own closeted cohort, these people never truly intermingle nor experience the cares or frustrations of the average worker in the street. They exist solely in a parallel simulated reality, which is reinforced for them on a daily basis through the confirmation bias generating engines of leftist social media, and liberal-controlled-and-dominated big tech corporations, which filter society for them like a pair of AR glasses.

The extremes of their out-of-touch stations are witnessed daily, e.g.:

The one seeming contradiction is that these elites predominantly “live in zipcodes exceeding a population density of 10,000 people per square mile.” This misleading implies they live in large cities like New York, where they would in fact be forced to endure daily commingling with the peasantry. In reality, we know they sit entrenched in highly sequestered aristocrats’ quarters within these cities—like the Upper East Side in Manhattan, or Kalorama in D.C. Being shuttled in swank car service to and fro, they rarely deign to cross paths with the commoners for whom they have nothing but contempt, apart from some token quick-grab at the corner coffee-and-bun kiosk to reassure themselves that they’re ‘in touch’ with the slipstream of society.

No better representation of this class has been put to film in recent times than the DeLillo-adapted, Cronenberg-directed Cosmopolis.

In many respects, this is an age-old problem: elites have always existed in parallel societies. However, the advent of digital and social media technologies have allowed them to encase themselves in an ever-impermeable confirmation bias bubble like never before. Listen to interviews with top Washington policymakers, corporate bigwigs, etc., and note how they exclusively mainline the most mainstream corporate publications like WaPo, NYTimes, etc. It becomes its own hermetic self-referencing feedback loop increasingly shut-off from the real outside world of human experience.

As the earlier NYPost article described:

If America is to avoid a tailspin into this toxic feedback loop, its elites will need to step outside their bubble, stop conforming in an effort to blend in with their myopic peers and start addressing the legitimate grievances of their fellow Americans.

This explains such things as the elites’ obsession with climate change, as that is one issue that exists solely ‘on paper’—as an abstraction—and is not realistically felt in the common quarters. The aristos who repeatedly reflect their own shrill echochamber alarmism on this issue get increasingly radicalized, particularly given that—as reported earlier—they put far more store in institutions of authority than the average prole. This results in the calcification of their blind belief in specters like climate change, despite their paying only lip service to it, and not acting accordingly in light of such an existential ‘threat’.

The problem is exacerbated by social ills which create divisions along gender lines, disproportionately giving weight to female-centric concerns, as per the Longhouse theory:

The Longhouse refers to the remarkable overcorrection of the last two generations toward social norms centering feminine needs and feminine methods for controlling, directing, and modeling behavior.

Women are naturally wired to be more sympathetic—and thus suggestible—to the social engineering imperatives co-opting the current narrative. Men are being increasingly pushed out from higher education, which means that even among the elites funnelled upward, the stances skew increasingly to the ‘Longhouse’:



This feminization of the managerial class can be seen from a variety of vantage points:

As everyone is now aware, unmarried women by far make the most disproportionate jump into Democrat Land, as well as increasingly radicalized hyperliberal policies—which reflects in other interesting ways:

As an aside, one X user had a topically cogent comment about the screenshot below:


Most of the bluecheck unpacking of the collapsing male college enrollment story focuses on how worrisome it is that these men won't espouse elite political opinions

But one of the most revealing disparities in the Rasmussen survey showed just how out of touch the elites are specifically to economic issues which affect the plebs most—as opposed to the airy abstractions of fringe intellectual culture war issues:

Here you can see that a whopping 82% of elites believe Biden is succeeding on jobs—which by extension means approval of the economy. Only 41% of voters think so.

This is particularly revealing because jobs and the economy are the one lifeblood issue directly felt by regular voters first hand. The elites have little connection to it, as no matter how big or small the unemployment numbers get, they remain secure in their entrenched upper-strata affluent lives.

The last area which Rasmussen says shocked even him, was the question surrounding the elites’ amorality. He found that nearly 70% of the super-elites would be fine with their candidate cheating rather than losing an election. Only a tiny 7% of regular voters harbored such amoral predilections:

Rasmussen said that this project has revealed the scariest single polling number he has seen in nearly 35 years of studying popular opinion. According to his data, 35 percent of the elite 1 percent (and 69 percent of the politically obsessed elite 1 percent) said they would rather cheat than lose a close election. Among average Americans, 93 percent reject cheating and accept defeat in an honest election. Only 7 percent reported they would cheat. -source

This is most stunning if only for the reason that it presents by far the widest margin of difference of any of the other questions. It alone explains many of society’s ills, including how readily the influence-wielding elite were already proven to use their considerable wealth and reach to put a ‘thumb on the scales’ of the 2020 election.

It’s not surprising, then, that this pervasive culture of amorality reflects in all the current narratives leading to the 2024 election:

The above article from Foreign Affairs—the official journal of the Council on Foreign Relations—is particularly emblematic in this regard, specifically because the CFR in many respects represents the 1% super-elite totem pole under discussion. The conclave is made out of not just one particular class—like world leaders—but seeks to network and uniformize the entire fabric of the upper echelon, from business elite, bureaucratic royalty, and even top pop culture influencers like Angelina Jolie, who’s held membership for years.

The article is a testament to exactly the types of hypocrisies inherent to much of the ruling class. They speak of ‘worthy goals’ being pursued via ‘unworthy means’ for the sake of ‘liberal’ and democratic objectives, but the problem is: who decides on these ‘worthy goals’? According to their estimate, toppling a variety of unsavory, or simply ‘incompatible’, leaders around the world was a ‘worthy goal’. But inherent to ‘democracy’ and the very liberal ideals they claim to champion is the citizenry’s democratic approval of such policymaking directions.

In the ‘liberal’ West this tiny consort of elites pass off their own self-serving agendas with phony euphemisms couched as ‘democratic ideals’, when in reality the people have no say in any of it. That’s why this version of ‘liberal democracy’ is nothing more than a counterfeit guise to carry out geopolitical objectives necessary for the continued dominance of the world banking and financial elite.


The article is a burlesque travesty of hypocrisy: it belabors the point about Russia and China’s putative ‘aggression’ and ‘illiberal’ policies—like the Ukraine ‘invasion’—while cretinously ignoring U.S.’ own far more numerous transgressions, invasions, and occupations of various sovereign states, not to mention the current facilitation of full-blown unmitigated genocide in Gaza, for which the U.S. just delivered another huge batch of bombs to Israel as of this writing. China and Russia’s elections too have proven far more democratic and ‘liberal’ than that of the phony U.S. electoral ‘production’, which saw an obvious stolen ‘victory’ for a reviled candidate in 2020, or even that of today’s charade of the coordinated invasion of millions of illegals for the purpose of upending another “democratic” election in 2024. The breathless jeremiads of establishment footsoldiers are nothing more than desperate backstops meant to levee and dike the crumbling edifice of their superannuated Old Order.

Just behold the ideals of ‘liberal democracy’ the elites so steadfastly preen about:


Who knew Democracy was so complicated?

And ‘liberal’ ideals, which were supposed to stand for personal freedom, are all the rage these days:

In reality, all of these terms and concepts are merely the artifacts of the shibbolethic facade erected to serve the elites’ control paradigm. It all ties back to the subject at hand: the 1% class from Rasmussen’s poll have created a suprapositioned tier of institutions which serve as the The System’s dominance preservation gearwork. The self-referential design is a purposeful ideological enforcement mechanism meant to flue the ‘correct people’ to the top of the pyramid structure, while gate-keeping undesirables not blue-blooded enough for the exclusive soiree.

Ultimately, the author of the Foreign Affairs piece on amorality above, Hal Brands, is a fitting example of this very pipeline. A glimpse of his wiki shows he not only bears the ‘distinguishing’ mark of some Henry A. Kissinger plaudit—precisely the type of Rhodes Scholar pipeline-for-the-elites I spoke of—but that he even attended not one, but two of the 12 ‘chosen’ institutions singled out by Rasmussen:

That makes Mr. Brands the poster child of this insulated elite class. Sitting on their endless plush NGO stipends and sinecures, figures like Brands hack away their lives penning screed after dishonest screed pushing the most radical of globalist agendas for their Olympian coevals, all distantly detached from the lowly concerns of commoners beneath the clouds.

For another exemplary showcase of the disconnect, look no further than this new MSNBC clip about the upcoming barn burner titled White Rural Rage:

For another exemplary showcase of the disconnect, look no further than this new MSNBC clip about the upcoming barn burner titled White Rural Rage:

Naturally, the authors are representative of Rasmussen’s intellectual and affluent beau monde—one of them a political science professor at University of Maryland, the other a WaPo writer and fellow at some beltway NGO-linked ‘foundation’ which incubates precisely the type of establishment flacks in question.

Unfortunately, there is no solution for the societal split. Institutions receiving corporate funding of any kind can be deemed captured, as there are always strings attached. This leaves the only way forward as to shun, desecrate, and vilify any and all institutions so that the break can eventually resolve into a total decoupling from original and authentic society. Once a parallel system is developed, the empty ‘institutions’ of former consequence should desiccate and shrivel into flaky carapaces, to be trampled underfoot like locust crusts.

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