Apple CEO defends multi-billion-dollar tax dodge

By Andre Damon,

Apple CEO Tim Cook defends multi-billion-dollar tax dodge, and many in Congress back him up. A fraternity of filth shielded by their media.

Apple CEO Tim Cook defends multi-billion-dollar tax dodge, and many in Congress back him up. A fraternity of filth shielded by their media.


Apple CEO Tim Cook used his appearance Tuesday at a hearing of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations—called to investigate Apple’s evasion of billions of dollars in taxes—to call for a sharp reduction in the corporate tax rate. The senators on the committee, Democratic and Republican alike, agreed with Cook that the appropriate response to the systematic evasion of taxes carried out by Apple and other US corporations was to enact pro-corporate tax “reform.”

Cook’s appearance followed the publication Tuesday of a report by the committee showing that Apple, one of the world’s largest companies by market capitalization, pays almost no taxes on the bulk of its income. The report found that between 2009 and 2011, Apple paid only $21 million in taxes on all of its earnings outside the United States—an effective tax rate of 0.06 percent.

Apple managed to avoid paying taxes on its worldwide profits by funneling them through global subsidiaries, the main ones being based in Ireland, where the company pays a nominal corporate tax rate of 2 percent. The report found that in 2011, Apple posted 64 percent of its global pretax income in Ireland, a country that accounts for less than one percent of its global sales.

Since the United States bases a corporation’s tax nationality on the country where it is incorporated, and Ireland bases it on where a firm is managed, Apple’s subsidiaries were able to sidestep taxation in both countries by being incorporated in Ireland and managed in the US.

According to the Senate committee’s report, Apple used this gimmick to pay little or no taxes on at least $74 billion over the past four years. One of Apple’s Irish-based units, Apple Operations International, has not filed a tax return in any country for the past five years. The report said of this subsidiary: “Despite reporting net income of $30 billion over the four-year period 2009 to 2012… [it] paid no corporate income taxes to any national government during that period.”

By Apple’s own estimate, cited in the Senate report, the company avoided paying $9 billion in taxes in 2012. It paid only $6 billion in US taxes that year after reporting a record $41.7 billion in profit—an effective tax rate of less than 15 percent.

Apple CEO Cook was completely unapologetic at the hearing, saying, “We pay all the taxes we owe… Every single dollar. We not only comply with the laws, but we comply with the spirit of the laws.”

The Senate committee concluded as well that Apple had violated no laws by evading billions of dollars in taxes. To the extent that this is technically true, it only demonstrates the corrupt character of the entire tax structure, which is designed to allow major corporations to avoid paying taxes.

Cook went on to call for “comprehensive tax reform” that would slash the corporate tax rate while supposedly eliminating tax loopholes. He concluded his prepared remarks by saying, “Apple has recommended to the Obama administration and several members of Congress… to pass legislation that dramatically simplifies the US corporate tax system.”

Cook treated the senators with well-deserved contempt, knowing he had nothing to fear from them. They, in turn, treated Cook with cringing deference.

“Apple is a great company,” said the committee chairman, Carl Levin (Democrat of Michigan), at the beginning of his remarks. Other senators followed suit, heaping praise on the company. No one suggested that any sanctions, criminal or financial, be imposed, or that any action be taken to hold Cook and the company accountable for defrauding the American people.

Kentucky Republican Rand Paul openly defended Apple, presenting the firm as the victim of a federal tax structure that penalizes US corporations. “I’m offended by a $4 trillion government bullying, berating and badgering one of America’s greatest success stories,” he declared, and demanded that the committee “tell me what Apple’s done that is illegal.” He continued: “What we need to do is apologize to Apple and compliment them for the job-creation they’re doing.”

While major US corporations routinely move profits offshore to minimize their taxes, investigators told the committee that Apple was the first company they had seen that claimed a substantial portion of its profits was not taxable by any country.

Apple’s evasion of corporate taxes is not the exception for corporate America, it is the rule. In September, the same senate panel investigated tax avoidance by Apple’s competitors, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard, which used similar methods to avoid paying billions of dollars in taxes.

General Electric paid an 11 percent effective tax rate in 2011, according to Citizens for Tax Justice, after paying negative taxes for the previous three years as a result of vast tax breaks given to US manufacturers.

The Senate report noted the correspondence between the expansion of the US federal debt and the decline in the effective corporate tax rate, noting, “At the same time the US federal debt has continued to grow—now surpassing $16 trillion—the US corporate tax base has continued to decline, placing a greater burden on individual taxpayers and future generations.”

The report quoted an earlier document from the Congressional Research Service that noted: “At its post-WWII peak in 1952, the corporate tax generated 32.1 percent of all federal tax revenue. In that same year, the individual tax accounted for 42.2 percent of federal revenue, and the payroll tax accounted for 9.7 percent of revenue. Today, the corporate tax accounts for 8.9 percent of federal tax revenue, whereas the individual and payroll taxes generate 41.5 percent and 40.0 percent, respectively, of federal revenue.”

As a result of this drastic reduction in corporate tax rates, individuals paid $1.1 trillion in federal taxes in 2011, while corporations paid only $181 billion.

The subcommittee report hinted at the vast scale of corporate offshore tax havens, noting that the “foreign profits of controlled foreign corporations (CFCs) of US multinationals significantly outpace the total GDP of some tax havens. For example, profits of CFCs in Bermuda were 645 percent and in the Cayman Islands were 546 percent as a percentage of GDP, respectively.”

According to a report released this month by Audit Analytics, US corporations’ overseas earnings hit a record $1.9 trillion in 2012. The total stockpile of these profits, which are not taxable in the US, has swelled by 70 percent over the last five years. Apple itself is sitting on a vast cash hoard of $145 billion, of which $102 billion is outside of the US and not subject to US corporate taxes.

Under pressure from shareholders demanding higher returns, Apple issued $17 billion in bonds earlier this month to pay dividends to investors rather than repatriate some of its offshore cash hoard, on which it would have had to pay taxes.

The Senate report highlights the role of corporations in driving up the deficit, which is universally presented as the burning issue facing the country. Yet there are no demands from any section of the political or media establishment that corporate profits derived from withholding taxes be seized. Instead, both parties demand the gutting of social programs upon which millions of working people depend, as well as the lowering of wages and slashing of health care and pensions.

This demonstrates the fact that the economic policies of the Obama administration and both parties are determined not by the so-called “national interest,” but by the class interests of the corporate-financial elite.

The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations’ report on Apple is only the latest in a series of reports by the panel documenting rampant corporate fraud and criminality, none of which have led to any serious consequences for the malefactors.

In 2011, the subcommittee issued a voluminous report on the 2008 Wall Street crash that documented fraud and violations of securities laws by Goldman Sachs and Deutsche bank, as well as collusion on the part of the credit ratings firms and government regulators. Earlier this year, the panel issued a report establishing that the top management of JPMorgan Chase, including Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon, concealed from the government and the public billions of dollars in speculative losses.

Thousands of pages of reports notwithstanding, not a single leading banker has been prosecuted for the criminal actions that led to the crash of 2008. On the contrary, this social layer has been rewarded with trillions of dollars in bank bailouts and cash infusions from the Federal Reserve.

Tuesday’s hearing makes clear that there is no way to end this vast looting operation outside of the restructuring of society and transformation of corporations into public enterprises under the democratic control of the working population.

Liberal Apologetics for Obama’s Criminality

Drones and Guantanamo


As we know, Candidate Obama in ’08 pledged to close Guantanamo; President Obama, now in his Second Term, as we also know, lied so egregiously, on a matter of extreme importance to the every meaning of the rule of law (because puking on Magna Charta and centuries of jurisprudential wisdom and morality by sanctioning and adopting the practice of indefinite detention—and all that follows, from denial of habeas corpus to affording the accused the right of counsel), that anything he says must be viewed with skepticism, if not worse. 

We have lived through some pretty horrible presidencies as measured by the standards of democratic government, liberal as well as conservative, which provides irrefutable proof of bipartisan injustice in American life, but Obama is something special, a summation of the worst of each, primarily because he has operated on such a fundamental level—from abrogation of civil liberties to global paramilitary operations—that so far has slid under the radar screen, largely through the silence of liberals and progressives.  Republican obstructionism is welcome, because it allows him to pursue, through seemingly standing still, the reactionary alternatives to all policy issues (such as health care, social safety net reductions, favorable tax structures for the very wealthy, oil drilling as per usual, etc.) under the pretext that nothing can be done.  Welcome, too, because the resulting paralysis in government ideally prevents genuine social welfare measures and democratization of class, income, and power in America.

There are no late or early, partial or full, affronts to democracy under his leadership, but rather the seamless web of continuity, a unified policy-context of Reaction, which, gaining personal confidence, especially by means of working closely with and gaining the soldierly regard and respect of, the whole national-security establishment (particularly the intelligence and Special Ops communities), Obama is actually growing steadily worse, more aggressive, more arrogant, more hubristic, with no end in sight.  This sustained course, elements of which could be seen from the moment of taking office, as in faking health reform (to the delight of health insurers and Big Pharma), installing weak cabinet agency heads, compliant with and often championing the interests of those ostensibly to be regulated (Geithner and Salazar, Treasury and Interior, to say the obvious) and, of moment here, a combination of DOJ-NSC leadership, Holder and Brennan, useful in neutralizing the law itself in ensuring the militarization, done with impunity, of public policy at large, the armed drone transgressive of all legal restraints the perfect symbol of prevailing despoticpractices.  Whether Guantanamo, covert operations, assassination, wiretaps, surveillance, none stands alone, as the US embarks on a phase of counterrevolution made more urgent, and conducted more deftly—the liberalization of attempted hegemonic retention—than perhaps ever before, because of the changing nature of the world system.

America is no longer the center of the universe, and the more it tries to be such the greater its ultimate isolation and retrogression via the political-ideological-structural process of blowback.  Obama is sitting on a powder keg of America’s own making.  Willful blindness to the social misery and destruction caused others only hastens the decline in international power and stature.  For now, the eyes of the world have focused on Guantanamo and drones as integrated aspects of andintegral to the US framework of policy and power, while Americans persist in viewing them as discrete and of secondary importance (for some, of course, rather, both as being wisely pragmatic and highly satisfying, testifying to the nation’s courage and superiority).  Increasingly, however, not only the victims of US policy, but major nations classified as  “friends and allies,” are having sobering thoughts, on moral grounds and for fear of the precedents now created for rendering the world order a playground of destructive impulses.

Enter Harold Koh, Yale Law and former State Department councillor, whom the New York Times (May  8) reported now criticizes the Obama Administration for the drone-warfare program, which at State he had favored—and even to this day (hardly earning the Times’s encomiums) finds fault not with the program, including assassination, but with the lack of publicity and candor concerning its legal (?) rationale.  Thus spake the modern liberal—substance is irrelevant, just gussy up the appearance.  Here follows my Times Comment (May 9):

Harold Koh in his Oxford speech cannot undo the harm he has previously done by giving his name and reputation in support of the drone program. I should like to see F. Scott Fitzgerald’s statement inscribed on his Yale School office door: There are no second chances. This is particularly true here, an equivocation, straddle, call it what one likes, which merely continues the practice of drones AND indefinite detention, the torture and denial of habeas corpus rights to detainees, that is Guantanamo, both inseparable–a permanent blight on America’s civil-liberties record.

Koh wants clarification, not abolition, so that illegal practices can be dressed up as legitimate. Rather than outright condemnation of the Obama administration (which necessarily follows from the contempt it demonstrates for the rule of law), he wants to sprinkle flowers on the graves of the victims. Not good enough, by the standards of moral decency and first principles of jurisprudence. A Roberts Court may look on indulgently, but not, I think, the Warren Court and, in particular, Mr. Justice Brennan.

Guantanamo and drones are the forward edge to America’s slide into authoritarianism under Obama (I try to speak in moderation and will avoid the f-word–fascism–for the present), because of the amoral barbarism which has brought them into existence, and because the American people sit passively by, if not in an attitude of complicity and/or condonation, at their very existence and continuation.

Norman Pollack is the author of “The Populist Response to Industrial America” (Harvard) and “The Just Polity” (Illinois), Guggenheim Fellow, and professor of history emeritus, Michigan State University.

Ideologues Don’t Make Corrections

By Joe Giambrone

REAGAN: Some presidents lie much more than others but they all lie. Reagan was an asset because of his ability to "amiably" avoid the truth. Obama is his equal or his better.

REAGAN: Some presidents lie much more than others but they all lie. Reagan was a prized  asset to the ruling circles because of his ability to “amiably” disinform. Obama is his equal or his better.

Ideology is the modern plague, because ideologues have all the answers already.  Every event, every situation fits the mold of their beliefs, and contrary evidence is discarded in the service of bolstering said ideology.  This is easily seen in the people one disagrees with on a regular basis, but nearly never acknowledged in one’s own determinations.

I have been wrong (as has the NY Times), and have occasionally written based on assumptions rather than on cold hard analysis.  That is the obvious danger of having partial information.  I’ve also corrected these assertions and moved on.  I have no problem being mistaken if I am proved wrong – the key word being proved.

Many people simply do not understand the concept of unproved or unknown issues.  This occurs when several competing explanations can hold true, but the actual truth is unknown, as in the case of classified state secrets, or hidden criminal conspiracies (often the same thing).  The public simply cannot know based on available information.  In that case multiple explanations may exist, but it is impossible to determine which – if any – is the correct one.  What we have are ever growing bodies of evidence to analyze.

These are Donald Rumsfeld’s “known unknowns.”  It is a perfectly valid analysis and probably more fitting much of the time than many of the snap rushed judgments of ideologues on the left, right and particularly the centrists, who are a breed unto themselves.  Unknowns are unthinkable to the ideologue, quite literally; these cannot be thought of in that manner.  Ideologues know, just like Tom Cruise “knows.”  They know.  Their leaders know, and usually the factions fall in line without a second thought.  A different reality would crush them, or would force them to think, rather than to place events into easily managed ideological boxes.

– John Lennon , Give Peace a Chance

This psychological reality motivates those with the power to classify events as secret.  Withholding information from citizens is a very useful strategy indeed.  If the truth cannot be determined, then the people will continue to scramble to make sense of the events, usually by contorting the few known facts into an acceptable ideological narrative.  Secrecy prompts the common people to stay busy.  By following false leads and misinformation people waste valuable time and resources attempting to comprehend the secret event and resolve the conflicting evidence.  Even insider whistleblowers with partial knowledge of the actual event are sidelined, as they usually cannot explain the full extent of the hidden state secret, nor name the names, dates, contacts and all the related evidence required to fully expose the wrongdoing.  This is the “compartmentalization” organizational model, which is the gold standard in covert operations, and is well known and employed by intelligence services.  Whistleblowers are also routinely censored by the mainstream news, and most citizens simply never hear what they have to say.

The next option, if one’s strategy is to distract the population, is disinformation.  Deliberately false information, those “conspiracy theories” we hear so much about in the corporate media, are valuable to those seeking to keep secrets hidden.  As more false leads are provided for people to pursue, less time and effort is spent pursuing the true leads.  The more outlandish the disinformation, the better it can discredit those who choose to investigate it.  By simply discrediting people and discouraging them from investigating secret events, those who create the secrets are empowered and shielded from public accounting.  That is the game.  How have you been playing it?

Needless to say, this has not been an academic discussion.  These observations are the result of firsthand observations over many years.  The events in question are easily named, but this paper concerns the strategies behind the flows of information.  A strategy can apply to many events.  A strategy is employed because it works.  This strategy is proven, and it has a long track record.

Media censorship is a critical factor in keeping the population misinformed and distracted.  This may sound counterintuitive to some, as the media, your TV news, newspapers and magazines, present themselves as the informers of public awareness, the leaders of investigation.  But what aren’t they telling you?  What is not permitted to appear in these sources?

It’s not hard to find that out, actually.  Media censorship is a well-studied phenomenon in the United States.  The Project Censored group is perhaps the best known clearinghouse of censored critical information here.  Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) is also a notable media watchdog, as is PR Watch, Medialens and others.  To understand what is not permissible on public airwaves is to understand the reality of our governing system.  Washington, with its financiers from Wall Street, its Military-Industrial-Complex and its multinational corporate sector, rule through deception and not through honesty and full disclosure.  Deception is the default position, not an anomaly.

Case in point, when the United States military drops bombs in one of its many war theaters, the initial story told by the military is almost always that the enemy was killed; those killed are described as “militants” or “terrorists” or “high value targets” or some other euphemism for bad guys.  When independent sources investigate these incidents later the truth tends to come out.  Children, innocent families, weddings, funerals, first responders, these are the actual victims of many US bombings.  But the US public has already been told that they were “enemy combatants.”  The likelihood that the domestic public will ever hear about the correction from the US wall of media noise is very slim indeed.  Thus a false overall impression of US military operations is maintained and believed by a large percentage of the population.  This is a mechanism for promoting a global empire to the common people.

Occam, The Misunderstood

When someone mentions “Occam’s Razor,” it is usually a telltale sign that they wish to avoid actual investigation and settle for the obvious or simple explanation.  Thus all complicated crimes are rejected outright as many cling to this false faith-based argument instead of investigating the facts fully.  Highly complicated crimes are therefore abandoned to “the experts” perhaps rightly so considering the labor commitment required to understand them.  But one cannot simply trust the experts, particularly when these experts are challenged by factual, evidence-based refutation.

The scientific method relies upon disproving the impossible: if x, then y cannot be true.  As new evidence emerges, old assumptions are tossed out.  Occam’s full meaning aligns with this search for evidence and with the elimination of assumptions.

Whenever anyone makes a claim, be they the President of the United States, the Deputy Director of the CIA, or your mother, but they are unable or unwilling to prove the truth of their claim with evidence, then the choice to believe what they say is clearly an assumption.  Governments rely upon this tendency of the majority to assume that leaders are telling the truth.

Ronald Reagan went on television to tell glaring falsehoods to the nation during the Iran Contra Scandal revelations in the press, but he was soon forced to return to the airwaves and to apologize for it.

“A few months ago I told the American people ‘I did not trade arms for hostages.’  My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.”
–President Ronald Reagan, March 4, 1987

So what is an investigator to do?

Personally, I follow leads and weigh their veracity against known patterns.  It’s a natural process.  Most people lack the time and knowledge to investigate more fully.  Professionals dig far more deeply than I could, leaving me somewhere in the middle.  It’s telling to note which incontrovertible facts are censored by the self-aggrandizing “free press.”  Censorship is like a bright flashing beacon that lures us to pick up the slack.  While it takes no coordination or collusion to investigate an obvious lead, the practice of censoring the truth across a wide swath of the media, numerous entities, numerous newsrooms, numerous channels, must be more deliberate and intentional.  Pay attention to the verboten.  Pay close scrutiny to what those who are handsomely paid to inform the public will never admit to “on the record.”  To manipulate a society as large and as varied as ours is a feat indeed.  But it’s happening, every single day 24/7.  The publicly accepted term for this is “spin.”  Spinning the news works because only 5 or 6 media oligarchies control what the overwhelming majority of the public exposes themselves to daily.  Be aware.

A Central Intelligence Agency honcho named Frank Wisner once bragged that he could play the American media like a “Mighty Wurlitzer,” one of those ghastly carnival organs.  The CIA’s Operation Mockingbird had already infiltrated “friendly” US media sources, the owners and the talking heads entrusted to inform the nation.  An historical track record of what the CIA did exists and reveals what they wanted to accomplish.  Within 6 years of the CIA’s founding, already President Eisenhower was setting up a “Special Group” (5412) to keep the rogue CIA covert operations in check.  How can anyone assume that things have somehow changed in the bowels of secret state power?  If anything it has gotten more sophisticated with the advent of computers and globalization, not less.  The advantage is clearly with those who understand these matters, and not with the primarily ignorant worker class.

Crucial information about the state of the world today flows from top to bottom, and that is by design.  An air of distrust surrounds all grassroots journalism, those “bloggers” and worse whom the public is fearmongered into rejecting.  Without official blessing, be it governmental or corporate, the public mind is by and large not free to think for itself.  As unreliable as both government and corporate media have proven to be, countless times in the past, it is these sources that maintain a strict hold on the public information channels.  If it didn’t happen on shiny corporate TV News then it didn’t happen.

“Information is Power”

So what is the rational response to selective censorship?  Clearly what we have is not total censorship, as some facts slip through from time to time.  Not all newsrooms are so easily intimidated, particularly at the local level.  Foreign desks often report what the entire United States media self-censors across the nation.  Some alternative websites collate these news stories, but their reliability and thoroughness are spotty.  A variety of sources is recommended, a hedging of bets, a diversification of the information portfolio.

Paul Thompson noted this treasure trove of foreign reporting and uncensored local reports, and so he founded the History Commons website to keep track of the many thousands of reports streaming in concerning this alleged “War on Terrorism.”  His approach was to use only actual newspaper reports, dated, verified and summarized for ease of research.  Slogging through the History Commons site is like diving down Alice’s rabbit hole, and can consume a reader for hours.  Topics are searchable by names as well as by specific dates.

And so we research, we learn and we use what we have learned to try and understand the things that the current military empire does not want us to know.  This can be an ideological affair, or it can be evidence-based, but it can’t be both.  The ideologue tosses out all contrary facts, no matter how true they may be, as they are inconvenient to maintaining the integrity of his ideology.  Thus, ideology is the enemy of truth, the enemy of understanding, and the enemy of reality.  That is why I call it a modern plague, for fundamentalist ideology lies at the root of most world problems.  The other major underlying root problem is apathy, mass apathy and ignorance.

Beside the smug ideologist and the somnambulant apathetic couch potato is the realist, the evidence-based thinker.  In my view that is the only tenable position.

Joe Giambrone edits Politcal Film Blog (@polfilmblog), and here’s a Hell of a Deal.

Marx 21 Congress: Anti-Marxists meet in Berlin

Exposing the faux left in Europe

By Johannes Stern,


The “Marx Is Muss” [“Marx is a must”] congress taking place this weekend in Berlin is a shabby operation organised by the Marx 21 group aimed at promoting right-wing and imperialist policy under a pseudo-left garb. Marx 21 is a faction inside the German Left Party, with links to the International Socialist Tendency.

The congress is one of a number of well-organized and well-financed events that enable bourgeois politicians, young careerists and academic cynics to “network” and prepare their next political manoeuvres. These forces have nothing in common with genuine socialist politics and the political and social struggles of the working class.

A central focus of the congress is to mobilize support for the Left Party, and a Social Democratic Party (SPD)-Left Party-Green coalition government following the German parliamentary elections due in September. One discussion at the congress is entitled “Red-Red-Green—A vision for change?”

mim-2013-teaser_590_web_11One of the main speakers at the gathering this weekend is Left Party chairman Bernd Riexinger, who has in advance of the election declared his readiness to back the SDP candidate for chancellor, Peer Steinbrück. Another attendee is Tom Strohschneider, editor of the Left Party’s journal Neues Deutschland, which regularly promotes so-called red-red-green alliances.

That Marx 21 is even prepared to discuss the possibility of a SPD-Left Party-Green government reveals its anti-working class character.

Such a government would not pose a “left” alternative to the current conservative government under Angela Merkel. Rather it would continue and intensify the attacks on the European and German working class.

When the SPD and Greens criticise the Merkel government they do so largely from the right. In regard to foreign policy, these parties criticise Merkel for not taking part in the imperialist war against Libya and complain she has not done enough to support the preparations for war against Syria. At home, they complain that the government demands massive cuts in Europe while not doing enough to impose austerity measures in Germany.

The agenda for the congress makes clear that Marx 21 would actively support a red-red-green government precisely because of its right-wing policies.

The main speaker at a panel dedicated to the “debt ceiling” is Axel Troost, the financial expert of the Left Party. Troost is an outspoken advocate of the debt ceiling, which is one of the primary means of implementing social cuts, layoffs and privatisations in German federal, state and local administrations. Troost has described the recent approval of the debt ceiling by the Left Party in the state of Saxony as a “practical success” and “great progress”.

The conference participants will consider political and economic perspectives aimed at impoverishing the working class in Germany and throughout Europe. One meeting called “Does the left advocate the salvation of Europe?” deals with the dispute currently raging in the Left Party and its European allies as to whether the euro should be preserved or replaced by the old national currencies. From the standpoint of the working class, both variants would have devastating consequences and mean the continuation of austerity, merely through the medium of different currencies.

The overtly right-wing character of the congress is reflected in its support for imperialist intervention in Syria. Marx 21 is one of the most vocal supporters of the aggression organised by the great powers to topple the Assad regime and of preparations for war against Iran.

Coinciding with the Israeli bombing of Syrian territory and the stepping up of preparations by the US and the other powers for military invasion, Marx 21 is intensifying its propaganda for war.

At the Berlin congress this weekend, Marx 21 member Frank Renken is due to discuss the “progressive nature” of the Syrian opposition. By concealing the real character of the Syrian rebels, consisting mainly of Islamist extremist terrorists, Marx 21 is helping to mobilize support for the rape of Syria. The financing and arming of the Syrian rebels by the US and reactionary Gulf monarchies do not go far enough for Renken. In a recent article, he lamented that “the rebels do not have tanks, helicopters or aircraft” and had received “very few portable infrared-guided anti-aircraft missiles”.

The list of international invitees at the congress also provides a glimpse into its class character. Alex Callinicos, professor of European Studies at King’s College London and a leading theorist of the International Socialist Tendency, personifies the transformation of former petty bourgeois radicals into stalwarts of imperialism.

Callinicos and his co-thinkers, in response to the revolutionary mass struggles in Egypt and Tunisia in early 2011, initially gave their support to the Egyptian military and the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, which then suppressed the working class. He is on record attacking opponents of a war against Syria for displaying “reflexive and unthinking anti-imperialism”.

Other speakers come from Greece’s Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA), which plays a key role in the massive social attacks being imposed on the Greek working class. In common with Germany’s Left Party, SYRIZA defends the European Union and the trade unions, which are decisive instruments of social counterrevolution in Europe.

Based on its hypocritical and shallow criticism of austerity measures, SYRIZA has emerged as the party with the second-highest level of electoral support in Greece. The organisation has used its increased influence to suppress any independent movement of the working class and reassure international investors that Greece would repay its sovereign debt.

SYRIZA, Marx 21 and the Left Party speak for affluent and complacent middle class layers who are moving sharply to the right as the crisis of capitalism escalates. Rather than regarding the offensive launched by big finance to wipe out social gains as an opportunity to fight for socialism, these elements regard the crisis of capitalism as an occasion to advance their own careers as bourgeois politicians. They expect to be handsomely rewarded for their increasingly open support for imperialist war and attacks on the working class.

Leading representatives of Marx 21 such as Christine Buchholz and Nicole Gohlke hold seats in the Bundestag [German parliament] for the Left Party and enjoy the high salaries paid to parliamentary deputies. The German bourgeoisie is well aware of and acknowledges the services of such petty bourgeois ex-radicals. Notably, Buchholz is a member of the Bundestag’s Defence Committee. Not only is she well informed about Germany’s military-strategic planning, she has taken an active part in its development since joining the committee in 2007.

The class divide separating the well-heeled middle class from workers is also expressed in a theoretical rejection of Marxism. On its congress web site, Marx 21 contemptuously declares that “Marxism must not just consist of Marx, Engels and Lenin”, but that “revolutionary Marxists can also learn from the ideas of [Jean-Paul] Sartre, [Hannah] Arendt and other radical thinkers”.

Pseudo-left tendencies such as Marx 21 have now moved so far to the right they no longer conceal their hostility to the working class behind empty, pseudo-socialist phrases. They openly embrace philosophies and concepts such as Sartre’s existentialism and Arendt’s theory of totalitarianism, which reject Marxism and the independent and revolutionary role of the working class.

Workers seeking to oppose the relentless attacks on their living standards and the threat of new imperialist war must treat the politics and philosophy of Marx 21 with contempt. The education of a new generation of revolutionary Marxists requires a relentless struggle against the type of politics and philosophy advanced at this weekend’s congress.

The Radical Center and Armed Revolution

A Challenge for the Left

The liberals —especially bourgeois feminists—are already salivating at the prospect of a Hillary presidency. That's the kind of "center" that constitutes the worst obstacle to making progress on the left.

The liberals —especially bourgeois feminists—are already salivating at the prospect of a Hillary presidency. That’s the kind of “center” that constitutes the worst obstacle to making progress on the left.

Following release of the results of a recent Fairleigh Dickinson University poll showing 29% of registered voters in the U.S. believe armed revolution to ‘protect liberties’ may be necessary the self-appointed political ‘center’ went into full conniption in defense of the established order. Visions of shotgun wielding Tea Partiers were trotted out, racists no doubt, storming the Capitol to roll back the radical progress President Barack Obama and a blameless Congress have made to save ‘our fledgling democracy’ from the predations of empire, the corrupting influence of money in politics, the growing and conspicuous divide between haves and have-nots, the murderous militarism of the war industry and the oppressive machinations of a militarized police. Accurate descriptions of official policies to which the citizenry might legitimately object were prominent in their absence.

Framed as reaction to the ascendance of America’s first black President and the ‘liberal agenda’ he studiously paid lip service to while factually acting in the service of his rich campaign contributors and the corporations they own, missing was where this ‘movement’ fits into recent American history. On the political right the ‘Militia’ movement of armed defenders of American ‘liberties’ arose in the mid-1990s. The economic context was a prior decade of de-industrialization of the heartland attributable to Federal Reserve efforts to ‘tame’ inflation (high interest rates raised the value of the U.S. dollar making industrial exports uncompetitive), military cuts following the end of the Cold War that disproportionately affected the rural middle class and the savage, largely gratuitous mass layoffs by corporate America that were the fashion between 1990 – 1995. While poorly understood and often even more poorly articulated at the time, the ‘New World Order’ against which the Militias were preparing to fight was a rough proxy for the factually ascendant plutocracy now patron and sole beneficiary of official Washington policy.

[pullquote]   In a masterful propaganda stroke, the decades-long corporate project of eviscerating the real left in the United States has produced a rump political spectrum in which status quo liberals have been impudently paraded as “left,” thereby damning in the minds of most Americans what the actual left truly represents, and creating a gigantic political opportunity for the ultra Right.  Mind you, there was never anything accidental about the switcheroo.—The Editors [/pullquote]

Unmentioned out of apparent residual embarrassment are left wing revolutionaries, a/k/a ‘terrorists,’ long known to enthusiastically object to economic predation, historical and current police violence against their persons, colleagues, families and communities, wanton militarism in the interests of imperial capital and the class predations of reigning plutocracies—all the policies good liberals support when a credentialed guy in a $3,000 suit explains in liberal-speak the policies of the radical right are ‘liberal.’ To the ongoing humiliation of said professional left, South American Marxists / Leninists and homegrown anarcho-collectivists impede, or at least have in the not so distant past, their corporate fund raising and networking efforts at the annual con-fabs held at five-star hotels in exotic locales where they no doubt enthusiastically discuss the locale and menu of the next year’s con-fab. As anyone receiving a paycheck from the responsible left could tell you, ‘working within the system’ is the only way to ‘get a seat at the table.’

The basis of the current charge these would-be revolutionaries are from the radical right is that over twice as many registered Republicans (44%) as Democrats (18%) claim to be ready to take up arms (27% of Independents join them). Having apparently declined to ask the economic status of the respondents, economic class was pre-determined to be irrelevant to both the poll questions and liberal discussion of them. Beyond this, it seems a reasonable assumption a racist, reactionary right composes some proportion of those ready to take up arms, just as it is represented in the police forces of major U.S. cities, in the military, in senior management positions in large corporations, is regularly welcomed at White House functions and serves on the Boards of Directors of prominent cultural institutions. While the apparent liberal fear is of heavily armed trailer park rednecks swilling beer while trying to reclaim the Ku Klux Klan from the FBI and local police forces, the facts of the existing political economy suggest the revolution of the radical right was won some decades past. So what exactly is it bourgeois commentators are defending?

The ‘centrist’ tale told is of a once dominant culture displaced by history that is now desperate to reclaim its right– the ‘Leave it to Beaver’ world of white privilege being ‘stolen’ by Spanish speaking immigrants, Affirmative Action receiving ‘minorities,’ and feckless academics promoting the interests of ‘others’ over their own heritage and culture. The tale not being told is of a political economy re-dedicated some decades back to capitalist accumulation at any cost that has resulted in wildly skewed income distribution, stagnant incomes for most of the population, regular and large scale unemployment, widespread and increasing economic insecurity, predation by large corporations now exempted from laws and accountability, the diminishment of public institutions and a national state wholly dedicated to serving the tiny elite who now control the country. The liberal tale needn’t be wrong to be irrelevant— while the ‘feelings’ of racist right-wing reactionaries may be strong; there is little possibility they would have actual effect without the wholesale economic dispossession now under way.

One aspect missing in the debate over gun control– the back-story of the Fairleigh Dickinson poll, is gun control advocates only look at the civilian side of the issue. Coincident in recent decades with increasing concentration of political-economic power has been the militarization of the police; the massive build out of incarceration and prisons as capitalist enterprises, the erosion of legal protections from illegitimate state and commercial power, the growth of intrusive surveillance technologies and a shift to formal race and class-based strategies of police repression. On the one hand gun control advocates argue the fear of growing state power is lunatic paranoia while on the other there is no apparent interest on their part in disarming the increasingly militarized state against who the claims of outsized power are being made. This contradiction, combined with the articulated fear of an ideological right accompanied by implicit acceptance of the institutional right, points to the class basis for liberal fears. While ideological right-wing reactionaries are the perceived threat to bourgeois liberals, the facts of daily existence posed by institutional racism, the ‘legal status’ machinations used to exploit the manufactured immigrant underclass, and the rapidly and visibly growing class divide supported by state policies and enforced with state power, affect the lives of more people far more dramatically.

Put another way, it is the reaction of the growing underclass bourgeois liberals fear, not the diminishing material conditions faced by it. But the diminishing conditions are not fact of nature, but of policy. In but one example, Mr. Obama’s assorted efforts to solve the ‘foreclosure crisis’ his administration inherited were unwaveringly designed to screw ordinary citizens, both black and white, for the benefit of outlaw banks. Even so, residual anger over the bank bailouts would have diminished if wages and employment had recovered from depression levels. But wages for most Americans remain well below where they were six years ago and unemployment and underemployment remain at historically high levels. Were this not coincident with the full restoration of the fortunes of the reigning plutocracy at the expense of the broad citizenry these facts could be attributed to ignorance of basic economics on the part of establishment Washington. But this is not the case. The fortunes of the people ‘who matter’ were effectively restored—the economic mechanics for doing so are understood. It is entirely reasonable to conclude Mr. Obama and liberal Democrats (and Republicans) are tools of a predator class not just indifferent to the well being of most Americans, but one that actively benefits at their expense.

Congressional Republicans may more publicly promote economic and political predation under the guise of libertarian ‘freedom,’ but it is Democrats since President Bill Clinton (Jimmy Carter actually) who have more effectively promoted them. And therein lies at least part of the reason for current political angst. Beginning in 2006 when the Democrat majority was returned to Congress to the election of ‘liberal’ Democrat Barack Obama to the Presidency in 2008, the American electorate offered a rebuke of the murderous overreach and increasing plutocratic control of the George W. Bush era. And with it, the opportunity arose, in theory at least, to repudiate those excesses and chart a different course for the nation. Congressional Democrats immediately abdicated leadership under the conspicuous lie they needed a super majority to govern and Barack Obama set about codifying the most far reaching abuses of governmental power established by the Bush administration while demonstrating unwavering fealty to the reigning plutocracy. By describing his own policies as ‘moderate Republican’ Mr. Obama made it clear the electoral choice is between degrees of Republican—in contemporary terms the establishment Party of the radical right. When the possibility of affecting political change through the ballot box is removed, no other choice remains but to use other means to do so.

On a number of specific policy issues the feared non-establishment right may be inarticulate but may still have a point. By putting forward a conspicuously inadequate economic stimulus program when he entered office Mr. Obama ‘proved’ to a citizenry more concerned with just getting by than with the arcana of macroeconomic debates that Keynesian remedies don’t work. (Mr. Obama was loudly and repeatedly warned of this outcome at the time). Mr. Obama’s health care program forces financially strapped citizens to buy expensive private health insurance from for-profit companies with little redress for legitimate claims denied and with unchanged probability of economic ruin from exorbitant health care costs. To the Tea Party point, when associated with the increased militarization of the police, mass incarceration and diminished civil rights, this joining of state and corporate interests satisfies Italian fascist Benito Mussolini’s definition of fascism as the ‘corporate state.’ And in contrast to educated, connected, bourgeois liberals, those on the receiving end of illegitimate searches, arrests and incarceration, illegitimate foreclosures, predatory student loans from scam private educators and various and sundry state and commercial predations, have no other choice but to act collectively outside of ‘official’ channels if recourse is to be had. In other words, the question of whether the existing order is worth maintaining depends very much on where one exists within it.

The remaining charge is the existing political order represents the democratically chosen will of the citizenry and efforts to change it outside of (highly controlled) elections are necessarily to force the wishes of an aggressive minority onto the broader citizenry. But the consistent distance between poll results of Americans asked what policies they favor and official government policies belies this claim. From bank bailouts to environmental policies to government works programs to raising taxes on the wealthy to increased funding for education and social insurance, Americans are consistently far to the left of official Washington policy. And the direction of this distance is important—the conceit that calls for radical change are from a loutish right contradicts the reality the greatest distance between actual and desired policy is from the left.

The tactic of official Washington is to misrepresent policies as being in the broader interest while making largely empty gestures on social issues like gay rights. And even this formulation ignores the highly developed technologies for manufacturing consent by ‘private’ media acting for private interests under the guise of faux ‘adversarial’ politics by the one Party state. Far from repudiating George W. Bush’s extra-legal grab of executive power, Democrat Barack Obama has achieved the most radical extensions of it in American history. And as liberals railed at Mr. Bush’s kowtowing to his wealthy constituents, it is this same constituency that is the sole beneficiary of Mr. Obama’s time in office. These are specifically, visibly and unequivocally the policies of the radical right integrated into Western political institutions by ‘both’ political parties over the last forty years. And from those who bothered to ask, this is not the will of the people that is being represented. So again, what is it that liberals are defending?

It is a virtual certainty professional liberals and progressives were sitting behind their office desks only last year when the NYPD (New York Police Department) and Oakland police were beating the crap out of Occupy, firing projectiles into faces at point blank range and parking their motorcycles on the legs of NLG (National Lawyers Guild) observers for daring to protest the ‘liberal’ state / plutocrat nexus. This was in marked contrast to Federal and local police respect for the ‘rights’ of Tea Partiers to carry loaded weapons at rallies for their political ‘opposition.’ FBI and local police infiltration of Occupy, including illegal ‘pre-emptive’ kidnappings and all manner of dirty tricks, was immediate, intense and had the desired effect of creating paranoia and mistrust. And those efforts tie historically to the COINTELPRO facilitated murders of black leaders and radical disruption of the legal and constitutionally ‘protected’ rights of (real) leftist and anti-war organizations trying to affect substantive political change in the 1960s and early 1970s. But the grassroots Tea Partiers aren’t responsible for the different treatment they received– the institutions of the radical right in Federal and state government working in the interests of their ruling class patrons are.

By framing the Fairleigh Dickinson poll results in Democrat / Republican and left / right terms bourgeois liberals left unstated, purposely or not, the joined class interests that are at a minimum a relevant aspect of widespread political disaffection. Ironically, Wall Street is well ahead of the professional left in understanding this—any regular reader of the financial press would find many titans of finance incredulous at how narrow, and potentially politically destabilizing, the class interest represented by official Washington, and in particular by corporate Democrats, has become. And straightforwardly, domestic victims of Washington’s plutocrat-friendly policies of recent decades, the unemployed, underemployed, fraudulently indebted, illegitimately foreclosed upon, impoverished and fraudulently arrested and incarcerated, weren’t victimized based on major political Party affiliation– they were victimized based on class. Put another way, middle and lower class Tea Partiers may have more interests in common with inner city socialists, communists, anarcho-collectivists and undocumented immigrants than they have with wealthy Republican patrons of the Tea Party. That this possibility hasn’t already been offered to them is a challenge for the left. And likewise, through unwavering support for corporate Democrats, even if from near-total ignorance of their actual policies, liberals and the bourgeois left promote the interests of the very rich against all who aren’t, including in most cases their own.

Rob Urie is an artist and political economist in New York