Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama & Neo-Liberalism are the Daleys' Gifts to Chicago and the Nation. Thanks.


C H I C A G O ‘S  

Last month, at the installation of the new White House chief of staff Bill Daley, President Obama declared the man had “public service in his DNA.” What Obama actually meant was that Daley, a lobbyist and JP Morgan Chase [7] exec who helped write NAFTA [8], hailed from the predatory family of wolves that have ruled Chicago for two generations and who helped launch his own career.

Corporate school reform: Made in Chicago

profitable private charter schools [11] and their contractors.

War on Public Workers? Made in Chicago

Chicago, where Democrats have been in power forever, has seen its brand of corporate neoliberalism toward workers in the public sector become bipartisan national policy. Outgoing mayor Richard Daley last year suggested that cities and counties should simply default on their pension obligations [13], to see what happens, and “renegotiate,” while President Obama has also declared war on the wages and benefits of public workers [14].

Rearranging the political landscape

residents can be more easily overridden by the power of big money. Candidates in Chicago used to need valid voter signatures on nominating petitions circulated by enighborhood residents. Laws were changed to let big money candidates import mercenary petition circulators from anywhere, again amplifying the power of big money over local grassroots organizing. And a quarter of the city’s African American population was driven from the city in two decades by the demolition of public housing and the fact that practically nobody built any affordable rental units.

Impotence, Irrelevance of Chicago Black Leadership

In fact, the Daley regime spent two decades feeding and unleashing its own brown Machine, the HDO, or Hispanic Democratic Organization. Mayoral candidate Gerry Chico, who finished second to Rahm Emanuel with a quarter of the vote, is a product of HDO.

The genuine progressive candidate in the mayoral race was former state senator Miguel del Valle, who finished with just under 10% of votes cast [16] in a lackluster 40% turnout. Del Valle was overwhelmed by the power of big money, which monopolized access to media, and the fragmentation of black and Latino Chicago, the destruction of most grassroots organized infrastructure, and the sheer weight of what Chicagoans call “the Machine.”

BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon is a native Chicagoan who now lives in exile near Atlanta GA. He is on the state committee of the Georgia Green Party, and can be reached at bruce.dixon@blackagendareport.com.

public education Black Misleadership Class Chicago Democrats privatization

Source URL: http://blackagendareport.com/content/rahm-emanuel-barack-obama-neo-liberalism-are-daleys-gifts-chicago-and-nation-thanks

[1] http://blackagendareport.com/category/education-public-education/public-education
[2] http://blackagendareport.com/category/african-america/black-misleadership-class
[3] http://blackagendareport.com/category/life-america/chicago
[4] http://blackagendareport.com/category/us-politics/democrats
[5] http://blackagendareport.com/category/political-economy/privatization
[6] http://blackagendareport.com/sites/www.blackagendareport.com/files/rahm_obama_daley_machine.jpg
[7] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/10/william-daley-jp-morgan-stock_n_807161.html
[8] http://www.counterpunch.org/clinton03082008.html
[9] http://www.substancenews.net/articles.php?page=914
[10] http://www.substancenews.net/articles.php?page=362
[11] http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=219×22966
[12] http://www.blackagendareport.com/category/us-politics/arne-duncan
[13] http://dailycensored.com/2010/12/15/chicago’s-mayor-daley-says-let-pension-funds-go-bankrupt-communities-are-failing-across-america/
[14] http://www.blackagendareport.com/content/clinton-obama-and-collapse-black-economic-stability
[15] http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/22/AR2011022207620.html
[16] http://www.chicagoelections.com/dm/general/SummaryReport.pdf
[17] http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fblackagendareport.com%2Fcontent%2Frahm-emanuel-barack-obama-neo-liberalism-are-daleys-gifts-chicago-and-nation-thanks&linkname=Rahm%20Emanuel%2C%20Barack%20Obama%20%26%20Neo-Liberalism%20are%20the%20Daleys%27%20Gifts%20to%20Chicago%20and%20the%20Nation.%20%20Thanks.

Wisconsin: Ground Zero to Save Public Worker Rights

The treason of the media has been evident for generations…but what else could we expect from such vital resources being owned by the plutocracy, the chief originators of society’s problems? And media maggots like Joe Klein and Tom Friedman are always in plentiful supply. 

• Disregarding all important stories, or upend their meaning (present people or institutions that fight for the public interests as villains or pariahs pursuing antisocial ends. This naturally includes unions.)

Wisconsin: Ground Zero to Save Public Worker Rights

By Stephen Lendman

His type governance, that is, and from administrations that followed, Democrats as ruthless as Republicans.

For decades, bipartisan consensus [has] governed lawlessly, waging imperial wars, trashing human rights and civil liberty protections, unabashedly backing monied interests, letting them loot the federal treasury, fleecing working Americans, and targeting organized labor for destruction.

• forfeited security through lost benefits and pensions, including for retirees, besides everything lost in 2007 under Bush.

It also would have strengthened Wagner Act provisions to unionize, bargain collectively through chosen representatives, and provide other worker protections. It would have leveled the playing field to empower them more than since Taft-Hartley weakened them significantly. 

Big Media Bashes Labor

CNN is just as bad, competing with Fox for bottom-of-the-barrel honors, but nothing on corporate TV or radio has merit. Nor in print; to wit, Time magazine’s Joe Klein (left) in his February 18 article headlined, “Wisconsin: The Hemlock Revolution,” saying:

No wonder observers call WJS opinion writers the print version of Fox News, both Murdoch owned, his editorial policy rigorously enforced.

Foreign Affairs; An American in Paris,” saying:

“The most important thing (Ronald) Reagan did was break the 1981 air traffic controllers’ strike, which helped break the hold of organized labor over the US economy.” Crushing workers gave US corporations greater flexibility to invest in new labor-saving equipment, technology and methods to cut staff, pay less, and achieve great cost savings, said Friedman. He practically gloated about the collapse of labor rights, weaker now after a decade under Bush and Obama.

Obama backs the same policies, enforcing them since taking office.

A Final Comment

Senior Contributing Editor Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


Fighting the 5 fascisms in Wisconsin & Ohio

By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

3) The crisis crippling states everywhere is directly related to the massive destruction of social resources by war. Since the end of the New Deal and World War II, the American elite have engineered the biggest dump of material wealth by military means in human history. 

The anti-union governor of Ohio is strongly focused on killing not only train service but all incentives for renewable energy. His energy plan is for extreme right-wing nuke-based monopolies like FirstEnergy to run the show. Atomic power is the ultimate weapon against community control. 

www.harveywasserman.com, along with SOLARTOPIA! OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH. Originally published by http://freepress.org


The Republican Strategy

THE REPUBLICAN STRATEGY is to split the vast middle and working class – pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don’t believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish.

Republicans would rather no one notice their campaign to shrink the pie even further with additional tax cuts for the rich – making the Bush tax cuts permanent, further reducing the estate tax, and allowing the wealthy to shift ever more of their income into capital gains taxed at 15 percent.

The strategy has three parts.

The battle over the federal budget.

The first is being played out in the budget battle in Washington. As they raise the alarm over deficit spending and simultaneously squeeze popular middle-class programs, Republicans want the majority of the American public to view it all as a giant zero-sum game among average Americans that some will have to lose.

The President has already fallen into the trap by calling for budget cuts in programs the poor and working class depend on – assistance with home heating, community services, college loans, and the like.

In the coming showdown over Medicare and Social Security, House budget chair Paul Ryan will push a voucher system for Medicare and a partly-privatized plan for Social Security – both designed to attract younger middle-class voters.

The assault on public employees

The second part of the Republican strategy is being played out on the state level where public employees are being blamed for state budget crises. Unions didn’t cause these budget crises — state revenues dropped because of the Great Recession — but Republicans view them as opportunities to gut public employee unions, starting with teachers.

Wisconsin’s Republican governor Scott Walker and his GOP legislature are seeking to end almost all union rights for teachers. Ohio’s Republican governor John Kasich is pushing a similar plan in Ohio through a Republican-dominated legislature. New Jersey’s Republican governor Chris Christie is attempting the same, telling a conservative conference Wednesday, “I’m attacking the leadership of the union because they’re greedy, and they’re selfish and they’re self-interested.”

The demonizing of public employees is not only based on the lie that they’ve caused these budget crises, but it’s also premised on a second lie: that public employees earn more than private-sector workers. They don’t, when you take account of their education. In fact over the last fifteen years the pay of public-sector workers, including teachers, has dropped relative to private-sector employees with the same level of education – even including health and retirement benefits. Moreover, most public employees don’t have generous pensions. After a career with annual pay averaging less than $45,000, the typical newly-retired public employee receives a pension of $19,000 a year.

Bargaining rights for public employees haven’t caused state deficits to explode. Some states that deny their employees bargaining rights, such as Nevada, North Carolina, and Arizona, are running big deficits of over 30 percent of spending. Many states that give employees bargaining rights — Massachusetts, New Mexico, and Montana — have small deficits of less than 10 percent.

Republicans would rather go after teachers and other public employees than have us look at the pay of Wall Street traders, private-equity managers, and heads of hedge funds – many of whom wouldn’t have their jobs today were it not for the giant taxpayer-supported bailout, and most of whose lending and investing practices were the proximate cause of the Great Depression to begin with.

Last year, America’s top thirteen hedge-fund managers earned an average of $1 billion each. One of them took home $5 billion. Much of their income is taxed as capital gains – at 15 percent – due to a tax loophole that Republican members of Congress have steadfastly guarded.

If the earnings of those thirteen hedge-fund managers were taxed as ordinary income, the revenues generated would pay the salaries and benefits of 300,000 teachers. Who is more valuable to our society – thirteen hedge-fund managers or 300,000 teachers? Let’s make the question even simpler. Who is more valuable: One hedge fund manager or one teacher?

The Distortion of the Constitution

The third part of the Republican strategy is being played out in the Supreme Court. It has politicized the Court more than at any time in recent memory.

Last year a majority of the justices determined that corporations have a right under the First Amendment to provide unlimited amounts of money to political candidates. Citizens United vs. the Federal Election Commission is among the most patently political and legally grotesque decisions of our highest court – ranking right up there with Bush vs. Gore and Dred Scott.

A month ago, for example, Antonin Scalia met in a closed-door session with Michele Bachman’s Tea Party caucus – something no justice concerned about maintaining the appearance of impartiality would ever have done.

Both Thomas and Scalia have participated in political retreats organized and hosted by multi-billionaire financier Charles Koch, a major contributor to the Tea Party and other conservative organizations, and a crusader for ending all limits on money in politics. (Not incidentally, Thomas’s wife is the founder of Liberty Central, a Tea Party organization that has been receiving unlimited corporate contributions due to the Citizens United decision. On his obligatory financial disclosure filings, Thomas has repeatedly failed to list her sources of income over the last twenty years, nor even to include his own four-day retreats courtesy of Charles Koch.)

Some time this year or next, the Supreme Court will be asked to consider whether the nation’s new healthcare law is constitutional. Watch your wallets.

The strategy as a whole

What is the Democratic strategy to counter this and reclaim America for the rest of us?

Amnesty International sides with Wisconsin workers

Posted by: The Editors, February 19, 2011

Amnesty International USA is deeply concerned by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s proposal to limit collective bargaining for most public employees to wages. If enacted, the Governor’s proposal would undermine the ability of unions in the public sector to protect workers, including by limiting workers’ ability to object to work conditions.

Under international law, all workers have a human right to organize and to bargain collectively. These rights are an essential foundation to the realization of other rights, and are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, as well as conventions adopted by the International Labor Organization.

Amnesty stands in solidarity with those seeking to defend collective bargaining rights anywhere these rights are threatened, and we urge Governor Walker and Wisconsin legislators to protect workers’ rights by rejecting any attempt to limit collective bargaining. We further call on the Governor to respect the right to peaceful protest and ensure that protesters are not intimidated or subjected to unnecessary or excessive force.