HISTORY THEY HIDE FROM US: Jewish Scholar Ilan Pappe Reveals The Truth Of Modern Israel’s Origin — The 1948 Nakba Massacres

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HISTORY THEY HIDE FROM US: Jewish Scholar Ilan Pappe Reveals The Truth Of Modern Israel's Origin -- The 1948 Nakba Massacres

The horrors of the US/Israel genocide in Gaza — and now unfolding in the West Bank — are blowing the bloody mosaic of lies to pieces.

As I often note in these post, the depth of lies, myth and outright deception Americans have been subjected to about the origins and reality of the Israeli Zionist fascist state is one of the biggest PsyOps of all time. The horrors of the US/Israel genocide in Gaza — and now unfolding in the West Bank — are blowing the bloody mosaic of lies to pieces.

One of the first things for we in the United States and throughout the corporate empire of the West to do is educate ourselves about what really has happened to the Palestinians. To explore and come to grips with the extent and depth of control the fascist regime and the Zionist lobby has on our Congress — as we saw recently on cringey display with Netanyahu’s recent ‘State of the Union Address’.

We need to learn the truth and much of that truth comes from Jewish journalists, commentators and scholars like Norman Finkelstein and Ilan Pappe, who grew up in Israel.

Pappe has published several books on Israel and the fascist nature of Zionism. “Lobbying For Zionism” is his latest.

On 1948 | Ilan Pappe | Part I | 2018 interview

In the fascinating interview below, Pappe brings historical reality, context and perspective to the current crime of the US/Israel genocide in Gaza. The interview is from early March, so some of the facts of the genocide have changed, but his overall observations are not only valid, they are being proven out in real time.

We need to learn
We need to act.
We need to resist.

“I saw evidence that really challenged everything that I knew”

UNAPOLOGETIC / Middle East Eye (3/15/24)

Ilan Pappe shares how he came across historical documents back in 1978 that debunked Zionist myths and set him off on his journey to becoming an Israeli dissident, why what is going on in Gaza is a ‘genocide’ that is much worse than the Nakba of 1948, and why he thinks Zionism is near its end.

50-minute video

Episode Outline:
00:00 Introduction
00:30 What was the Nakba?
04:23 Zionist fabrications around the Nakba
09:15 Gaza compared to 1948 Nakba
12:12 Why did you decide to study the Nakba
14:34 Meeting Palestinian academics
17:00 False assumptions I took for granted
19:07 How did you approach the documents
21:10 how I became secure in my work and my findings
21:45 being forced out of Haifa University
24:40 life in Israel as a dissident
27:30 Getting sh*t parcels in the mail
29:30 Observations on Israeli society becoming racist
32:30 The Israeli education system indoctrinating a new society
36:25 Israel's ruthlessness in Gaza now
38:30 Gaza a strategic challenge to Zionist project
40:15 What happens in Gaza now
43:30 What Israel is doing now will lead to a strategic loss for Israel
45:00 Reasons why Zionism will come to an end

Israeli Filmmaker Eric Goldman's Documentary "Tantura" Puts The Cruelty Of The 1948 Nakba In Human Terms

(Editor’s Note: Back in early July I did a post on the documentary film “Tantura” by Israeli filmmaker Alon Schwarz. The film documents the horrors and crimes of the Israeli military and settlers in the Palestinian village of Tantura, during the 1948 Nakba. You can link to the post with more information on the film here. Unfortunately, the link to the full film apparently no longer works. Track it down, watch it and learn what the United States is helping to perpetuate. — Mark Taylor)

JBS (12/6/22)

Director Alon Schwarz discusses “Tantura,” his documentary as it investigates controversial events at the Palestinian village of Tantura in 1948, where survivors claimed to witness a massacre of civilians by Israeli troops.

34-minute video

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Hard Dispatches from Garland Nixon: Pay Heed

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Garland Nixon

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Paul Edwards

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'Gaza and Ukraine: These repugnant bloodlettings share one great similarity: both are funded by The Empire. Americans pay for the Zionist genocide, and the proxy “war” in Ukraine, and seem glad to do it. They feel justified, sure that these shows of organized mass murder deserve their support...'

Bloodletting at the barber-surgeon's salon in the mid-17th century. The occasion was often accompanied by drinking and merrymaking.

I’ll bet you thought this was going to be about Gaza and Ukraine, right?  Well, it is.  Those two hideous, psychopathic exercises in mass murder can’t be avoided in any discourse now.  Even in essays about gender dysphoria or oyster farming, those ghastly, nouminous horrors hang behind them, loom over them.

Bloodlettings are what these horrors are.  We know what we mean by that.  We mean wholesale slaughter of human beings.

The term originally described removing blood from a patient to cure a condition, a foolish, and frequently fatal, piece of medical hocus pocus, solemnly practiced in its benighted era.  Only recently has it come to refer to organized military murder.

The abattoir of The Somme in WWI, in which thousands of men were fed into an imbecilic mass death machine popularized it.  Since then it has been applied to any grand disaster in war.  Of course, Gaza is not a “war”at all, nor is Ukraine a real one.

The Empire calls them “wars”, because that designation makes them acceptable to our morally zombie public, apathetic to the point of catatonia.  “Wars”, it tells its vacuous masses, are waged to defend The Empire, and since people have to die in them, it’s better it’s someone else instead of you.  All you slugs need to do is to support our killing.

Gaza, as all the cowardly world knows, is a simple massacre.  It is the indiscriminate murder of civilian people because of their race.  Nazi Zionist Israel—the 4th Reich, the avatar of Hitler’s Germany—is murdering Gaza’s people, and those in the West Bank, because they are Palestinians from whom they stole the land their sick, vicious, illegal state is built on.

Israel did an extensive, but not sufficiently thorough, job of exterminating Palestinians in establishing their Ganif state in 1948.  They left many of them alive and have lived to regret it.

Six-year-old Palestinian girl Hind Rajab was cold-bloodedly murdered along with five relatives and two medics sent to rescue her during an Israeli tank attack in Gaza City on January 29, 2024. Besides being shelled routinely to smithereens, or buried under rubble, numerous Palestinian children are shot deliberately in the head by IDF snipers, a depraved practice the world continues to ignore. 
(Photo: family photo)

Palestinians—those left—were not reconciled to being raped of their land.  They clung to life and organized efforts to regain it.  They have failed repeatedly, but never given up, regardless of the immense suffering inflicted on them by sick, subhuman Nazi Israel, which is now attempting to eradicate them altogether.

"Seldom does an entire country merit dissolution, but the rabid fanaticism of the vast majority of Israelis demands it.  With few dissenters, its evil racist mentality is ubiquitous and ineradicable..."

For more than 80 years Palestinians have been forced to live like perennial migrants in their own homeland, while being deprived of the most elementary human rights.

It will fail, and destroy itself in the effort, which will be justice.  Seldom does an entire country merit dissolution, but the rabid fanaticism of the vast majority of Israelis demands it.  With few dissenters, its evil racist mentality is ubiquitous and ineradicable.

Barring a war it is insanely seeking, that will leave it a pulverized inferno, its end will come from its own raging poison, as when a wasp or scorpion, believing itself attacked, stings itself to death.

Ukraine’s story, very different, is comparably ugly. Precipitated, by The Empire’s anxiety over its displacement as world hegemon, it aimed to defeat Russia by driving supine NATO’s expansion to its borders, using Ukraine as its latest pawn of choice.  If this is not clear to you by now, it’s because you refuse to know it.

They share one great similarity: both are funded by The Empire.  Americans pay for the Zionist genocide, and the proxy “war” in Ukraine, and seem glad to do it.  They feel justified, sure that these shows of organized mass murder deserve their support.

Both our Presidential candidates support the genocide.  One is running a campaign of “joy'”, the result of her endorsement of it, perhaps.  The other agrees, but won’t pay for Ukraine’s suicide.  Americans will be shocked when both horrors end badly for The Empire, after having invested in them so much idiot emotion.

The process of maintaining one’s ignorance is difficult when it means flatly ignoring facts.  That it is also contemptible, only becomes clear when events make it impossible to pretend.  Then, one has to admit to being the egregious ass one is.

This is what awaits most vacant, oblivious Americans.  In the best case, we will be seen as the most despicable herd of moral defectives since Germany under the Nazis.  Far greater danger exists in the potential each horror presents for world war.  If it comes, Americans will find their own suffering much harder to take than that of the people of Gaza and Ukraine they funded.

Bloodletting as a treatment, though useless, fooled all Europe in its time.  The same can be said about The Empire’s propaganda.  For decades the stream of exceptionalist bullshit has inundated Americans, reinforcing their stupidity, and compounding their ignorance.  Like bloodletting, though pernicious, it has continued for generations, doing immense harm to the body politic.

It is now, at last, being exposed, by the principled and heroic, for what it is: a hollow, dangerous, debilitating sham.  There is a great race now underway between the awakening of a morally torpid people, and the destruction and dissolution of their sick and evil state.  How ironic to awaken to the sound of your own explosive demise.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Putin’s Interview with the Mongolian Newspaper “Onodor” & Onset of Talks

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Ed Curtin

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I am sitting on the beach at the National Seashore, a forty-mile long stretch of the Atlantic Ocean seashore on Outer Cape Cod, established in 1961 by President Kennedy.  The wind is whipping hard and the waves are running wildly high against the shore, and, to paraphrase Thoreau – the sand is rapidly drinking up the last wave that wets it.  I am looking far out to the horizon where the sun shimmers on what seems to be the world’s watery edge, creating a strange mirage that I wonder at but find hard to describe.  Earlier, I was rereading Thoreau’s Cape Cod in which he mentioned this phenomenon 150 years ago, not just the mirages across the water but those here along the great stretches of sand.  Now I am confused and my mind wanders to other mirages that make me shake my head in wonderment.  It is hard to grasp what one is seeing these days.


When Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a presidential aspirant, folded his cards and conceded the current pot to Donald Trump – what he euphemistically called suspending his campaign for the presidency – he let his justifiable hatred of the Democratic Party, their undermining of his campaign, and their pro-war and genocidal agenda get the best of him.  His trust in Trump is naïve in the extreme.  With the issue that Kennedy has made central to his work in recent years – Covid and the “vaccines” – Trump is in the opposite camp.

The investigative journalist Whitney Webb has said:  “The inevitable embrace of the Trump campaign by RFK Jr. will see one of the Covid-era’s most prominent (+ promoted) skeptics embrace the man whose administration established the early Covid policies and Military-run Op Warp Speed. What a world and what a disappointment.”

Furthermore, Trump’s campaign is backed by a host of people – Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Joe Lonsdale, and Trump’s vice-president sidekick, JD Vance, among others – who are big promoters and investors in mRNA and DNA vaccine technology.  Thiel and Lonsdale are cofounders of Palantir, a company that collects American’s health data while it also works with the CIA.


And the independent journalist Vaness Beeley, while being equally scathing of the Democratic Party’s masters of war, has said the following of this odd coupling:

With Trump and Kennedy you have a combination that is 100 times more likely to lead us to Armageddon and idiots are saying Trump supplied less weapons to Israel. Of course he did because he was destroying Syria through unilateral collective punishment economic sanctions, assassinating Resistance leadership and paving the way for greater Israel, Clean Break through Abraham Accords and Jerusalem, giving Golan to Zionist occupation. He didn’t NEED to start wars, he certainly didn’t end them, he increased the hybrid war strategy to pave the way for the final solution and Kennedy is fully on board, whatever his title. It’s astonishing to watch people whitewash the Trump role in the empowerment of the Zionist entity which has led to the genocide we are witnessing. There is no one or the other (Trump or Harris) they work as a tag team, oligarchs and deep dark state create the road map. We are already in WW3 and Trump will go to war with Iran, effectively with Russia and China. Why continue supporting a putrid corpse of a US political system? And, by the way, Kennedy support base is not anti-Zionist. They are generally apathetic and prepared to excuse Kennedy’s criminal genocide denial and defence of Zionist apartheid and ethnosupremacism because “America first”. Genocide is the Red line that Trump and Kennedy will erase and normalisation of genocide is a clandestine policy of this partnership. We are already in WW3. Trump will not end any wars, he never has. Iran and China are in his crosshair.

This too is true, and it runs counter to RFK, Jr.’s pledge to end all foreign wars.  One may have noticed that in his speech suspending his campaign Kennedy said that he disagreed with Trump on certain matters, but he did not conveniently mention that they were in accord with each other and the Democrats in supporting the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians and its push for war with Iran and therefore Iran’s ally Russia.  That sounds like one big foreign war to this observer.

While the mainstream media relish ripping Kennedy, they rarely if ever mention his unequivocal support for Israel, for to do so would bind them to him (and Biden/ Harris, and Trump/Vance) in being full-fledged supporters of Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians.  Indeed, there is one taboo that the mainstream corporate media, mouthpieces for the warfare state, assiduously maintain: it is to never report the truth about the power Israel maintains over U.S. Mideast policy through its Israel lobby, and their own complicity in Israel propaganda.  Politicians of both parties are venal reprobates who parade with American flags on their chests as they betray their country.  They can only be described as traitors, as the current Biden/Harris administration’s full-fledged proud military backing for Israel’s ongoing slaughter of the Palestinians substantiates.  The recent Democratic Convention was a Hollywood spectacle directed by an American version of Nazi Germany’s Leni Riefenstahl, replete with shouts for the destruction of Russia as well as the Palestinians.  (The Biden-Harris administration has just approved its 100th arms shipment to Israel since October 7, 2023.)  That they are pushing the world toward nuclear war didn’t disturb them in the least, as they sang and laughed and acted out for a fan base deluded by mirages and auditory delusions produced Tinseltown style.

So American voters are offered a choice of a political alliance of an odd couple in Kennedy and Trump, along with Vance, and a conventional one in Harris and Walz, based on the fallacious assumption that a choice is being offered between the war parties whose raisons d’être are to wage foreign wars for the teetering American empire.  Hovering over and behind this pathetic travesty lies the controlling power of the national security state and its corporate media propaganda for these endless wars and corrupt politicians.  Only a skeptically acute mental knife, constantly sharpened, can cut through the propaganda campaign aimed, not at a foreign audience, but at the American people by its own government.  Mind control is the name of its game.


What would Thoreau, a man who didn’t vote and refused to his pay poll tax to support war and slavery, think of these strange alliances hiding behind glittering mirages?  Though written more than 150 years ago, his words are more than apropos today:

He made it very clear that one should not lend oneself to the wrongs which one condemns, such as the Israeli genocide of Palestinians or the US/NATO war against Russia through Ukraine that is leading toward nuclear war.  By voting for the so-called “lesser of two evils,” one is voting for evil and lending oneself to the wrongs one condemns.  It is blatant hypocrisy and a vote for the warfare state.


As synchronicity would have it, down the winding road a short walk from where we are staying, sits tiny Rock Harbor in Orleans where a fleet of fishing boats are docked on Cape Cod Bay.  Directly across the road rises a massive tower and huge stone basilica that is part of the compound for The Church of the Transfiguration.  It describes itself simply as the Community of Jesus and across its front is a long large sign in red, white, and blue emblazoned with a star and the word JOY.

Sinister Forces, this church was a front for U.S. intelligence agencies in the Cold War with the U.S.S.R.  He says,

As it turns out, the AOCC was a front for American intelligence, specifically anti-communist activities in the United States and abroad. It was created by a Ukrainian Orthodox priest with impeccable credentials who ran anti-communist crusades in the States in the 1940s-1960s. Suspected Kennedy assassination conspirators David Ferrie and Jack Martin were members.

It was not until earlier this year when I was contemplating and mourning the self-immolation of Adam Bushnell, the US airman who burnt himself to death outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. protesting the Israeli genocide in Gaza, that I thought again of The Church of the Transfiguration.  Bushnell, who was once a member of this church, left these words:

Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.

His powerful words and tragic death moved me deeply.  I thought of Roger LaPorte, a former seminarian and a Catholic Worker who in 1965 immolated himself in front of the United Nations building in New York City protesting the U.S. war against Vietnam, while the Catholic Church, led by Cardinal Spellman of New York supported the war with the vigor of John Wayne in The Green Berets.  Ruthless jingoism then and now, the lust for killing “others,” such as Vietnamese and Palestinians over the decades.  Worthless people to the War Party.  And two young men whose consciences drove them to extreme acts of protest.

Yesterday I remembered what I read in The New York Post and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation investigation in February about Adam Bushnell and The Church of the Transfiguration.  These reports assert that the church is a cult and that Bushnell grew up here in the Rock Harbor community where his parents still live. The reports claim that members are mind-controlled and abused, and they are raised to strictly obey and follow some secret agenda.  The church says it stands with Israel, which is what Bushnell emphatically came to reject, for he stood with the Palestinians, even literally standing as he courageously took his life in flames.  Like all cults, money doesn’t seem a problem for this strange community.  One thinks also of Jim Jones and the People’s Temple and its strange intelligence connections.  As John Judge has documented in “The Black Hole of Guyana”:

The connection of intelligence agencies to cults is nothing new. A simple but revealing example is the Unification Church, tied to both the Korean CIA (i.e., American CIA in Korea), and the international fascist network known as the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). The Moonies hosted WACL’s first international conference.[217] What distinguished Jonestown was both the level of control and the openly sinister involvement. It was imperative that they cover their tracks.[218]


The sky and ocean here on Cape Cod are very restless and constantly changing, even as people come here to rest, to be still for a while.  The movement of the waves and clouds, the shore birds flitting and floating before and above one, the constant breaking of the waves on the shore, and the long looks far out to where the ocean seems to disappear, create dreamy minds, if one allows it.  I am no exception, and this place no doubt increases my tendency to mental vagabonding.  Yet I am one with Thoreau when he says, “I fear chiefly lest my expression may not be extra-vagant enough.”  For I began with mirages and will drift back to them.  They come in many forms, but all contain the sense of being deluded.  This is the lesson of Plato’s Cave and Eastern philosophy’s idea of maya, among many ancient warnings. “Shams and delusions are esteemed for soundest truths, while reality is fabulous,” Thoreau said truly.  Yet when we turn to the realm of politics in our times, as we must when vacations cease, we are forced back to contemplate the insidious nature of the scoundrel politicians and leaders of all sorts who capture so many minds with lies and mirages of false hope on the horizon.

Most people don’t like to see the summer end, but another Fall is approaching.  A different reality beckons.

2 thoughts on “Mirages”

To his credit, the last 20 minutes of RFK Jr’s concession speech, in which he outlined in detail the enormous harm done to the public by the medical/agricultural industrial complex over the past several decades, was the one of the most honest and refreshing things heard from a politician in a very long time. The spread of chronic illness among Americans, and especially the younger cohort, is epic and unprecedented, promising repercussions almost hard to imagine. But his strangely naive faith in Trump is certainly puzzling, and his alignment with the openly murderous campaign against Palestine by Israel is deeply disturbing. We seem to be faced with another Hobbesian choice. Whether one takes the red pill, the blue pill, or no pill at all, the foreseeable future appears to be grim. But it is what it is, and likely part of a larger cycle that cannot be avoided.
As that great Confucius of the Infield quipped, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it”. Or not.

Borbas says:
Magnificent. Made me rethink some things I had regarded as immutable in my head. 
Thank you for running this. 


Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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