Netflix Carries Fake Documentary on Ukraine Nazi Fighters

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Alex Rubinstein • Kit Klarenberg

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Jul 4, 2024
Netflix is now carrying a mockumentary purporting to showcase the heroism of Ukraine's 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, which is led by the infamous neo-Nazi Andriy Biletsky. The film's director has said the fake documentary will be privately screened for the Pentagon and US Senate.

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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“Don’t talk to me about October 7. Don’t talk to me about hostages…”

Be sure to distribute this article as widely as possible. Pushing back against the Big Lie is really up to you.

Caitlin Johnstone

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I must admit Caitlin Johnstone has a lot more patience and perseverance than I when dealing with idiots, and that's what you are likely to find in droves when you present sane and truthful viewpoints on social media, starting with Twitter... Especially when the subject is Israel. Besides the standing legion of brainwashed and misguided, they probably have an army of bots. The below in connection with the cloud of morons and people operating in bad faith who insist on thinking, or pretending to think, that all history about Zionists and Palestinians began on Oct. 7...

Don't talk to me about October 7. Don't talk to me about hostages. I don't care. I haven't cared for months. Many, many times more Gazans are dying and suffering than the number of Israelis who died and are suffering. That means the death and suffering of Palestinians is much more urgent and matters much more than the death and suffering of Israelis. The only way to disagree with this is to believe Israeli lives are worth much, much more than Palestinian lives. The longer the mass atrocity in Gaza goes on for the less tragic and worthy of sympathy October 7 becomes. It's already been diminished to a fraction of the significance it once had, and it's getting smaller and smaller as this nightmare stretches on. This is not the fault of people like me, it is the fault of the people conducting this genocide. You don't get to murder tens of thousands of people and then demand everyone weep over you losing a thousand. That's not a thing.
The longer the mass atrocity in Gaza goes on for the less tragic and worthy of sympathy October 7 becomes. It's already been diminished to a fraction of the significance it once had...

A lucky Palestinian child

It's SO fucking obnoxious how Israel supporters keep acting like actions a tiny fraction as impactful as what's been happening in Gaza are where all our sympathy and attention should still be going, nearly four months after the fact. Fuck all the way off with that idiotic bullshit. All of Israel's actions since October 7 have revealed why Hamas did what it did on October 7. This is the kind of murderousness and depravity Palestinians have been living under from the Nakba on. Israel is so murderous and depraved that one of the most common talking points of its apologists when responding to opposition to the atrocities in Gaza has been "Yeah, what did Hamas expect would happen? Fuck around and find out!"
That's not a sane or acceptable way for human beings to talk about acts of genocide and the butchery of thousands of children, but Israel apologists think it's normal. Because that's what Israel is. In the eyes of the world, Israel has retroactively legitimized the acts of violence the Palestinian resistance has been inflicting upon it. It has legitimized those acts by showing the world its true face.

Our “representatives” are mulling a series of anti-Palestinian proposals that would eliminate any appearance of balance in the US’s approach to Israel’s war on Gaza.

News 12131
  • and Hamas is the only party rejecting it reminds me of that time they kept insisting that the real president of Venezuela was some random guy—Juan Guaido—they chose for the position.
  • They’re just trying to impose a narrative which has no factual basis whatsoever by rote repetition and sheer media power.—Caitlin Johnstone.

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This is a dispatch from our ongoing series by Caitlin Johnstone

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Photo Credit: GDA via AP

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US/ISRAEL SLAUGHTER OF CHILDREN: Over 20,000 Children Missing In Gaza, With ‘Unknown Number’ In Mass Graves: Report

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

By Mark Taylor

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US/ISRAEL SLAUGHTER OF CHILDREN: Over 20,000 Children Missing In Gaza, With 'Unknown Number' In Mass Graves: Report

Powerful documentary "The Night Won't End" reveals the brutally perverse, grotesque reality of US/Israel campaign of genocidal terror and war crimes. (6/25/24)

To be honest, this is one of the toughest posts I have put up to SubStack. Every child killed, every toddler with a limb ripped off, every grade schooler buried beneath the ruins and every orphaned child in Gaza and the West Bank is a direct victim of the ZioNazi Israeli government and its funder and timid little cuck: The United States.

Our tax dollars fund it, thus…

WE are killing these children.

Our grotesque corporate war industry, venal uniparty government and the criminals in the White House, Congress, State and War departments and the corporate press have made — and continue to make — it all possible. As citizens, we have a duty to witness what is happening and to speak out and resist our psychopathic criminal government in whatever way we can and — at some point — hold them accountable.

While Israel and the United States ZioNazi governments are acting as World War II Germany, we cannot play the enabling role the majority of German citizens played then. To do so is cowardly and condemns our souls.

"No parent should have to dig through rubble or mass graves to try and find their child's body. No child should be alone, unprotected in a war zone. No child should be detained or held hostage.”

By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams (6/24/24)

The humanitarian group Save the Children estimated Monday that around 21,000 kids are missing in the Gaza Strip as Israel's military continues its assault on the enclave, reducing much of the Palestinian territory to rubble.

Roughly 4,000 kids are likely buried under that debris, according to Save the Children, while at least 17,000 are unaccompanied, an "unknown number" are in mass graves, and others have been "detained and forcibly transferred out of Gaza, their whereabouts unknown to their families amidst reports of ill-treatment and torture."

A child protection specialist with Save the Children said that the group finds more unaccompanied children every day in Gaza, where parents and entire families have been wiped out by Israel's relentless bombing campaign and ground invasion.

"We work through partners to identify separated and unaccompanied children and trace their families, but there are no safe facilities for them—there is no safe place in Gaza," said the Save the Children specialist. "Besides, reuniting them with family members is difficult when ongoing hostilities restrict our access to communities, and constantly force families to move."

"Neighbors and extended family members who have taken in lone children are struggling to meet their basic needs, such as shelter, food, and water," they added. "Many are with strangers—or completely alone—increasing the risk of violence, abuse exploitation, and neglect."

"We desperately need a cease-fire to find and support the missing children who have survived, and to prevent more families from being destroyed."

More than 14,000 children have been killed by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip since October 7, and many others have experienced devastating psychological and physical trauma, including the loss of limbs. Dozens of children have also been starved to deathin recent months as Israel's blockade hinders the flow of lifesaving humanitarian assistance.

Conditions for children have further deteriorated since Israel's invasion of Rafah, which has forced roughly a million people to flee the city. Last month, Israeli forces used U.S.-made bombs in an attack on a Rafah camp sheltering displaced people, killing dozens—including women and children. The United Nations Human Rights Office said that infants were "torn apart" in the attack and people were "trapped inside burning plastic tents, leading to a horrific casualty toll."

Vast graveyard for children

Save the Children stressed Monday that its count of Gaza's missing kids is far from conclusive, given the difficulty of collecting accurate information in areas under near-constant attack. The group noted that "confirming identification of a body by the next of kin is almost impossible when whole families have been wiped out and entry restrictions mean the equipment and experts needed cannot get in."

Jeremy Stoner, Save the Children's regional director for the Middle East, said that "families are tortured by the uncertainty of the whereabouts of their loved ones."

"No parent should have to dig through rubble or mass graves to try and find their child's body. No child should be alone, unprotected in a war zone. No child should be detained or held hostage," said Stoner. "Children who are missing but living are vulnerable, face grave protection risks, and must be found. They must be protected and reunited with their families. For the children who have been killed, their deaths must be formally marked, their families informed, burial rites respected, and accountability sought."

"As many have pointed out, Gaza has become a graveyard for children, with thousands of others missing, their fates unknown," he added. "There must be an independent investigation and those responsible must be held accountable. We desperately need a cease-fire to find and support the missing children who have survived, and to prevent more families from being destroyed."

Link to story

"Neighbors and extended family members who have taken in lone children are struggling to meet their basic needs, such as shelter, food, and water. Many are with strangers—or completely alone—increasing the risk of violence, abuse exploitation, and neglect."


Al Jazeera Documentary "The Night Won't End" Investigates Civilian Deaths In Gaza & U.S. Complicity

“There’s no question that U.S. weapons have killed civilians in Gaza. This violates both international humanitarian law and domestic law.”


Democracy Now! (6/23/24)

"The Night Won’t End," a new documentary from Al Jazeera English, takes an in-depth look at attacks on civilians by the Israeli military in Gaza and the United States’ role in the war. The film follows three Palestinian families as they recount the horrific experiences they have endured under relentless Israeli assault, including the family of 6-year-old Hind Rajab, the young Palestinian girl who made headlines when it emerged in January that she had been trapped in a car with family members killed by Israeli ground troops, and the Salem family, who first lost dozens of family members in an Israeli airstrike and then additional family members who were executed by Israeli soldiers.

We play clips from the documentary and speak to journalists Kavitha Chekuru and Sharif Abdel Kouddous, the director and correspondent on "The Night Won’t End," respectively. We also discuss the plight of journalists in Gaza and U.S. complicity in Israel’s war.

“There’s no question that U.S. weapons have killed civilians in Gaza,” says Kouddous. “This violates both international humanitarian law and domestic law.”

Link to 30-minute video

LINK TO “The Night Won’t End” AT BOTTOM OF POST.


The Murder Of Hind Rajab: Analysis Finds Israeli Tank Fired 335 Bullets Into Car At Close Range


"It's not plausible that the shooter could not have seen that the car was occupied by civilians, including children," an investigation of the five-year-old Palestinian girl's death found.


By Edward Carver
Common Dream (6/22/24)

An Israeli tank or tanks likely fired the bullets that killed five-year-old Palestinian Hind Rajab and six relatives as they sat in a car in northern Gaza in January, according to an analysis released Friday that adds to evidence of the Israeli military's role in an indiscriminate killing which galvanized anti-war protests around the world earlier this year.

A tank had to have been positioned between 13 and 23 meters from the family car when it fired the shots that killed Layan Hamada, Hind Rajab's 15-year-old cousin, and it's "not plausible that the shooter could not have seen that the car was occupied by civilians, including children," wrote the authors of the analysis, which was completed by U.K. research agency Forensic Architecture, based at Goldsmiths, University of London, with Earshot, an NGO, and Al Jazeera journalists.

The investigators found 335 bullet holes on the body of the Kia Picanto the family was using.

An Israeli tank also likely killed the two Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) paramedics who came to the scene, the analysis found. The new analysis refutes Israel's contention that its forces were not responsible for the killings, which caused an international outcry.

On January 29, seven extended family members including the young Rajab tried to flee Gaza City by car. Rajab remained alive for at least three hours after the other six had been killed, and was on the phone with the PRCS, pleading for help. "I'm so scared, please come," she said, according toThe Guardian.

Hamada, the 15 year old, had herself been on the phone with the PRCS when she was killed. A released audio recording of her final moments, in which she explains that a tank is next to the car and shooting at them, went viral.

The bodies of the seven family members and two paramedics, whose vehicle was attacked nearby, were found 12 days later, on February 10.

Clearly sociopaths


The new analysis broadly fits with findings of an in-depth investigation of the family's killing conducted by The Washington Post in April, adding new details and strengthening the case that Israeli forces were culpable. Following the new release, Medhi Hasan, editor-in-chief of Zeteo News, argued that those who continue to support the killing of Palestinian children are sociopaths.

Columbia student protesters honored Rajab by naming an occupied academic building "Hind's Hall" in late April. Rajab was generally reported as having been six years old at the time of her death, but The Guardian issued a correction in May stating that she had been just five years old.

US & Israel Deliberately Hunt Down & Kill Children — Hind Rajab's Murder Exposed As DELIBERATE

Owen Jones (6/24/24)

10-minute video

“Anne Frank and Hind Rajab. Different context, but the same racist contempt for the life of human beings.” — @GianfreeZ

DOCUMENTARY: ‘The Night Won’t End’

Al Jazeera (6/21/24)

As Israel’s bombing campaign continues in Gaza and the humanitarian crisis deepens to catastrophic levels, the Biden administration has not wavered in its support for Israel. United States weapons transfers - from 2,000-pound bombs to artillery shells and tanks - have been a crucial part of the Israeli military campaign. Fault Lines worked with journalists in Gaza to profile three families as they try to survive the war. Together with Airwars, Fault Lines also investigated an air strike on December 11 in north Gaza in which more than 100 people from the same family were killed. Numerous attacks on civilians - including that on Hind Rajab and her relatives in late January - have raised international concern and questions over continuing US support.

Fault Lines partnered with Forensic Architecture and Earshot to investigate that attack. From air strikes to field executions, Fault Lines investigates the killings of civilians by the Israeli military in Gaza and the role of the United States in the war.

Al Jazeera English 1-hour, 18-minute video

ABOVE The oligarchic scum that runs YouTube (Google) does its best to reduce and block the circulation of anti-imperialist materials. The "age-restricted" window (above) is a cynical crock calculated to make people desist by forcing them to leave the site and go to YouTube, where the video remains visible at their whim. We had to waste 2 hours to capture the code and display it on our site. It is now also (we hope) permanently on

The Night Won't End: Biden’s War on Gaza

A Fault Lines Documentary

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v51u566","div":"rumble_v51u566"});

As Israel’s bombing campaign continues in Gaza and the humanitarian crisis deepens to catastrophic levels, the Biden administration has not wavered in its support for Israel. United States weapons transfers - from 2,000-pound bombs to artillery shells and tanks - have been a crucial part of the Israeli military campaign. Fault Lines worked with journalists in Gaza to profile three families as they try to survive the war. Together with Airwars, Fault Lines also investigated an air strike on December 11 in north Gaza in which more than 100 people from the same family were killed. Numerous attacks on civilians - including that on Hind Rajab and her relatives in late January - have raised international concern and questions over continuing US support. Fault Lines partnered with Forensic Architecture and Earshot to investigate that attack. From air strikes to field executions, Fault Lines investigates the killings of civilians by the Israeli military in Gaza and the role of the United States in the war.

A Poem: ‘RUBBLE’

-Why was I born in the rubble,

Did I do something wrong, get into trouble?
Will I end my life under the rubble’s weight,
Living in this hazy, suffocating state?
Please don't silence my voice or condemn my plea,
For talking of rubble and seeking your empathy.

— Hadi Hasib


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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License • 

Max Blumenthal : US sailors Defending Israeli Genocide

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Judge Napolitano

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Max Blumenthal : US sailors Defending Israeli Genocide

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License • 

Bombshell Drops: Israel Was In On It! w/ Ben Swann

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Jimmy Dore

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Swann and Jimmy may tilt a bit too much toward "both-sidism" here, denouncing Netanyahu and demonising Hamas, but overall this is an explosive revelation because of its obvious plausibility.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License •