How The West Double-Crossed — and Aims to Conquer — Russia

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Eric Zuesse

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How The West Double-Crossed — and Aims to Conquer — Russia

Geostrategy in the post-1962-Cuban-Missile-Crisis age focuses on preventing any superpower getting the ability to blitz-annihilate another superpower’s central command (or “Government”) so fast that the attacked nation won’t have sufficient time to verify that that attack was launched and then to press the button to release its own retaliatory weapons in response to that blitz. Basically, it’s about — not arms-control treaties, such as the U.S. had signed with the Soviet Union, because they’re not nearly as important — but instead about sheer geography. It is about preventing any missile from becoming placed closer to a superpower’s capital than a 30-minute flight-time away. It is about preventing a blitz nuclear attack against a country’s central command that would behead the country’s Government and thus prevent its response. And the U.S. has been consistently the aggressor in this, and is now trying to get it down to a mere five minutes flight-time away from Moscow.

viewed as weak and analogized to Neville Chamberlain’s notorious Munich Agreement. But then, Kennedy suddenly changed his mind, used exactly the strategy Stevenson had recommended to him, and so the world wasn’t blown up.  

On 16 October 2022, Peter Kornbluh headlined “How JFK Sacrificed Adlai Stevenson and the Lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis” and wrote:

“It took historians some 27 years to fully uncover the record of the missile swap [between Cuba and Turkey]. … None of the early memoirs by top Kennedy aides, such as Schlesinger and Sorensen, contained the real history. These incomplete accounts became the basis of the foreign-policy models and paradigms in political scientist Graham Allison’s [I’ve written extensively about how untrustworthy he is] highly influential book, Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis. A full generation of scholars, analysts, foreign-policy makers, and even presidents learned the wrong lessons from the most significant superpower conflict in modern history.”

Stevenson was then smeared by Kennedy and his scribes, but was the actual — and lone — source of the idea that saved the world from what would likely have otherwise become a nuclear catastrophe. Stevenson turned out to have been, by far, the best of JFK’s advisors.

“one inch to the east [i.e., toward Russia].” And, so, the entire “The West” lied to Gorbachev — double-crossed Russia — in order to become enabled to get its missiles too close to The Kremlin. The U.S. regime was and is the aggressor in this; Russia is merely defending itself from it. But U.S.-and-‘allied’ propaganda asserts the exact opposite. In fact, the Warsaw Pact (countries that Russian forces liberated from Hitler) were never expanded westward. Nor was any such thing ever intended by Russia’s Government. The aggression (not merely invasions, but also coups, and more) came entirely from America. The propaganda simply lies.

after 1990).

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Biden’s “Big Boy” NATO Summit

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Billy Bob's Blowback Roundtable

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UKRAINE POUNDED - We have an answer to the Odessa beach strike. So now Ukraine needs submarines too.
ORBÁN PEACE MISSION - He can either get some dialogue - he won’t - or he can say he tried. Global South is with him. 
NATO #75 SUMMIT - Overshadowed by turmoil at home, economic woes, military unpreparedness, and Russian strikes.
BIDEN UNDER SIEGE? - Looks like the Dem establishment really wants him out, debate terrified them perhaps?FRANCE UNGOVERNABLE - ‘mosaic’ strategy that failed in Hungary worked. Who will lead any coalition now?
Another day another hug :
Visiting horse stables :
Riding the golf cart :
US booted out of Niger :
Orbán Russia :
Paris chaos :

And much more!

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Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. He hosts the Blowback roundatable.  You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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How can RFK Jr. justify this outrageous statement of his?

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Eric Zuesse

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RFK Jr lost substantial support on account of his stubborn pro-Israel apologetics.

To the question, asked of him on 27 June 2024, “Do you support the creation of an independent Palestinian state?” he replied:

1:04:40: “I think that that has to be decided between Israel and Palestine.”

His answer was duplicitous. At 1:03:52 he had condemned “the neocon ideology, which is bankrupting our country” (which is true), then said, “That money is not being used for self-defense. That money is used for world domination and to make America the policeman of the world. NATO is the instrument of that. I am not going to abolish NATO.” So: he won’t abolish the instrument of America’s being the policeman of the world. Clearly, then, he’s not really against neoconservatism. But he continued there as-if it’s not so: “I’m going to change the function of NATO so that it becomes an instrument of peace.” In other words, the NATO military alliance against Russia, which was set up as such (a U.S. instrument of the Cold War) by the NATO Treaty of 1949, is going to “become an instrument of peace” — which NATO has always pretended to be, even after the Soviet Union ended in 1991. That’s just as duplicitous as his saying, “I think that that has to be decided between Israel and Palestine.” RFK Jr. is utterly ignoring the Nakba, which was the founding of Israel by massive ethnic cleansing to relocate and get rid of the non-Jewish native population (who constituted the vast majority of the residents, and had for thousands of years). Israel was an imperialistic operation supported by the Christian-majority nations after they had slaughtered millions of Jews and wouldn’t allow more than a token amount of the survivors into their own country as immigrants, and so helped to set up Palestine to dump them into as a ‘return home’ to a tribe that hadn’t ruled anywhere there for thousands of years — and who were now ethnically-cleansing out the people who were there for thousands of years. Israel was actually created by Truman (who believed the Bible) despite what had been the intentions of FDR (who did not, and who was very opposed to Zionism as being an imperialist operation in Palestine). RFK Jr. said nothing about Israel’s current ethnic cleansing or genocide against all of the 2.3 million residents in Gaza, which is being carried out now by Israeli troops armed by the United States. Instead, (at 59:57) he called Hamas “a genocidal organization” — though it carries out no genocide though Israel since 1948 has been carrying out ethnic cleansing against Palestinians and now aims to eliminate (by ethnic cleansing if not outright genocide) all Gazans.

How can one interpret RFK Jr.?

On 17 November 2023, I had headlined “RFK Jr. Is a Neocon, After All. (How he justifies Biden’s Israel-policy:)”, and reported:

[VIDEO without any title]

10 November 2023 [not only poorly publicized by RT, but kept secret by the U.S. regime, and even blocked from any Web-finds, and even rejected — not copyable — at and and — and thus almost totally secret: even to historians who have to rely heavily upon the web-archives: it’s gone down the memory-hole:]

And he did actually say it. Further researching the present article, I found this, which includesthat, and also much more, aligning the U.S. Government entirely with Israel against the Palestinians:

42:25-44:17 the rabidly imperialistic excerpts that are shown in this very good 5-minute Russian video clip

36:47-38:24 Kennedy’s rabidly anti-Muslim statements to the effect that the U.S. Government has a right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries — countries with values and internal priorities that are supposedly less democratic than in America (which is, in fact, a scientifically proven dictatorship by-and-for our billionaires) — so that he is (though he doesn’t view himself as being) an American international supremacist — a neocon, a U.S. imperialist — in his thinking. He might be a brilliant, phenomenally gifted, and even well-intentioned person, who isn’t really aware of his own prejudices (in this case pro-Christian, pro-Jew, anti-Muslim — especially anti-Shiite), and this prejudice, which he accepts unquestioningly, causes him to favor Israel against Iran and against the Gazans. It doesn’t bode well for what type of U.S. President he’d make.

He constantly refers to that apartheid nation (which he denies it is) as being “the only democracy in the Middle East” — as-if international relations ought not to be based on ONLYinternational and never intranational matters (such as whether a given foreign Government is or isn’t ‘democratic’ — however one defines that). He says he’s against Hamas because it’s a dictatorship. Maybe he doesn’t know that, even in the West Bank, Hamas after the October 7th attack is vastly preferred to the U.S.-backed so-called Palestinian Authority:

57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated. A large majority believed Hamas’ claims that it acted to defend a major Islamic shrine in Jerusalem against Jewish extremists and win the release of Palestinian prisoners. Only 10% said they believed Hamas has committed war crimes. …

88% want Abbas to resign, up by 10 percentage points from three months ago. In the West Bank, 92% called for the resignation of the octogenarian. … nearly 60% now saying it [the Palestinian Authority] should be dissolved. In the West Bank, [the U.S.-Government-backed] Abbas’ continued security coordination with Israel’s military against Hamas, his bitter political rival, is widely unpopular [amongst Palestinians even in the West Bank].

So, Hamas now does truly represent the vast majority of Palestinians, not merely in Gaza, but in the West Bank. 

Similarly, the organizers of the 19 April 1943 to 16 May 1943 (29 days long) Warsaw Ghetto uprising had massive public support among the Jews there who righteously wanted as many Nazis (Germany’s type of nazis, not Israel’s, which are instead Zionists) killed as possible. Is RFK Jr. against the organizers of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising? Why not — if he supports Israel against Palestinians?

By this time, Biden’s, and anyone else’s, claimed support for “the two-state solution” is and can only be, pure propaganda, a lie, because now it’s strongly opposed by BOTH sides to the conflict. For example, see the very latest poll of Palestinians about this, “Public Opinion Poll No (92)”, which was published on July 10th, which had sampled 750 West-Bankers and 750 Gazans, both groups of Palestinians strongly support Hamas and oppose Fateh (the U.S.-and-U.N.-supported faction) and both support the October 7th attack by Hamas. How can this be understood? Only by the history of how this war started:

On 4 December 1948, a letter to the New York Times by Albert Einstein and other anti-Zionist Jews, was published calling Menachem Begin — Netanyahu’s hero — calling him the leader of a “Nazi and Fascist” Party, and warned that “Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin’s behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement.” They wrote that “A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base.” The massacre of all residents was described. The letter then continued: “The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a ‘Leader State’ is the goal.” It didn’t mention Yitzak Shamir, the founder of Netanyahu’s Likud Party, who had joined Begin’s Freedom Party in August 1948, and who, like Begin, led massacres and then became elected as Israel’s Prime Minister. This is the nation to which Harry Truman gave birth.

Let’s remember that — at the end — in the Warsaw Ghetto, Jews, knowing that the Nazis were going to kill all of them, decided to kill all of the Nazis they could, rather than to capitulate peacefully. RFK Jr.’s statements disallow the Gazans to do the same thing that those desperate Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto did against their rabid, racist, oppressors.

But, regardless, the Zionist (Jewish-nazi) trick of equating the Gazans’ October 7th attack, which killed 1,200 Israelis, as being comparable to the ongoing ethnic cleansing if not ultimately extermination now of all 2.3 million Gazans, by Israeli troops and U.S. donated ammunition, tanks, planes, and bombs, plus Israel’s now strangulating blockade of Gaza in order also to starve all Gazans to death, is being accepted by RFK Jr. as-if it weren’t obviously like comparing a mere bullet with an atomic bomb.

What started the war in Gaza isn’t the October 7th attack in 2023, but the Nakba in 1948. That’s just a historical fact. Israel’s Government, America’s Government, and RFK Jr., can’t accept this reality — so, they simply deny it.

For anyone who might possibly be interested in how I personally resolve this conundrum, just click here, and get to know something about my choice for U.S. President: Col. Douglas Macgregor. In a situation like this, I believe that voters should forget about electability, and vote only their conscience, so as not to share in the guilt of other people’s bad choices, which will result solely from a spending contest between contending teams of billionaires, and from the hired lies by their hired liars.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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The (Un-Democratic) Mess in France

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Bruce Lerro

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Le Pen during a tendentious interview by CNN's C. Amanpour.


If any of you think that some hodgepodge of long discredited socialist party, communist party and raging anarchists are going to help move France forward, we don't agree.

Had Le Pen's party won there probably would have been no more arms to Ukraine, and a death knell for the EU and another nail in the coffin of NATO. They also would have reversed Macron's austerity measures. Russia would have been invited into Europe to provide cheap gas.

The treacherous maneuvers of the fake left guarantee years of non-stop chaos and horse-trading

Contrary to the usual left formula, Le Pen is not a fascist. There is a fascist party in France who are against Muslims but they are small and isolated. My prediction is that this "popular front" will do none of these things listed above. In fact they will look like the SPD and the German Greens in six months. Europe will be an even greater vassalage than it is now. When a CIA rag like the New York Times roots for this "left" there is something that smells rotten in Denmark.

I will wager anyone about my prediction. This is a defeat for the multipolar world. The French people have not yet learned to think like internationalists. This is not 1968 anymore. Although they claim to hate Americans they don't hate them enough to realize that Mordor is ultimately the cause of their misery.
(Nor do most of the rest of Europe, at least not yet.)


Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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The Structure of America’s Aristocratic Class

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Eric Zuesse

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Oracle's owner multibillionaire Larry Ellison: Prominent zionist with deep links to the "national security" machine.  Many other Silicon Valley potentates sport similar profiles.

The four centers of America’s ruling class are the Democratic Party’s super-rich in California, which is the high-tech-and-Hollywood, or Silicon Valley (venture capital) and propaganda, center; versus the Republican Party’s super-rich in Texas, which remains the fossil-fuels center; plus both Parties’ super-rich in Virginia near DC, which is themilitary-industrial-governmental complex, or basically the weapons-producing and lobbying center; plus the greater NYC metropolitan area including Greenwich Connecticut, all of it comprising the megabanks and private investment funds for billionaires and centi-millionaires, which is the center for finance, opposite to the venture capital network around Stanford University in California — the old money versus the new money. (However, actually, much of the billion-dollar-plus personal individual wealth even on the West Coast is second-generation or older inherited fortunes; and, so, the only differences between America’s and Europe’s aristocracies are nominal ones, such as America’s using no official titles such as “Duke,” “Earl,” “Lord,” or “Sir.” It is just as much an aristocracy, or “ruling class,” though having no need of a monarch.)

When the U.S. Government acts internationally, such as diplomatically or militarily, these people, America’s super-rich, are the individuals whom it is representing, and to whom their subjects contribute taxes so as to fund those operations on behalf of their aristocracy in order to earn the public honor of serving in and for this neoliberal-neoconservative Government.

“dispensable”; only the imperial nation is not — and, of course, any nation that is outside the empire is a target of the empire to be brought into the empire by means of subterfuge, subversion, sanctions, coups, and — where necessary — invasions; so, they are even worse off than the colonies are.)

much greater specificity than theyhave yet done. Nonetheless, even with FDR, it was still a work-in-progress, right up till the time of his death. But, regardless, I believe that China and Russia will be more successful in The West at promoting their shared vision for the future international order if they will present it as being more in accord with what the inventor of the U.N. (FDR) had planned (and you can see additional details on that here), than is the weakened version of it (the U.N. as a powerless talking-forum), which was instituted under his successor, President Truman’s, leadership. In the BRICS, SCO, and EEU, as they move forward, they will need to either press to reform the U.N. into what had been FDR’s intention for it, or else to replace it by creating that outside of and in competition against the U.N. but taking more seriously than the U.N. does, the text, meaning, and definitions, in its international laws, so that those can become suitable for the type of U.N. (the global democratic federal republic of sovereign nations — the full-fledged international government of all nations) that FDR had been aiming to create in order to outlaw and replace all empires, so as to prevent any future World War.

There will be no way to reform the existing and highly institutionalized imperialistic international world order except by either reforming or replacing the existing U.N. If the detailed legacy of FDR on this is not to be cited as the historical foundation for this, then what would be? Whatever it is, must be stated, no longer ignored, because otherwise it will have no historical foundation and will therefore fail.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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