HAMAS-ISRAEL WAR: Fiorella Isabel joins the Revolutionary Blackout Network

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RBN & Fiorella Isabel

Fiorella Isabel Joins | Israel Announces War Crimes in Gaza | Unhinged: Nikki Haley & Hillary Clinton

DISGRACEFUL. America is still trapped in mass imbecility.

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J. Matson Heininger

Neocon vermin doesn't come much worse than Lindsey Graham, South Carolina's toxic gift to the world.


Living in a nation of warmonger sociopaths: Democratic support has remained steady at 77%, down just two points from July 2022. Overall, 63% of Americans still support aid to Ukraine down from 72% in July 2022.

Clearly, American citizens today would have no trouble mimicking their forbears... exterminating the native Americans as their Nation expanded forever West, distributing pox-laden blankets, shouting the glory of God and The White Man's burden while slaughtering the buffalo (a people's food supply and so much more, tents, needles rope etc., sinew...) What a country!

Americans deserve the misery that's coming for them! (In 1971 it was possible to escape America by moving to certain enclaves in the country, I did this then. Today, the only escape is to leave the country. And today, I am too old for that. If I were young I would be getting out of here and heading to China or maybe Russia for its glorious architecture and past culture, the places the United States seeks to be at war with as it slips into chaos, despair, and for most Americans, a future of immense economic hardship).

Thanks to primarily its warmongering and belligerence, its lack of producing anything of value and its fealty to the rich...the American people became vassals because of their own stupidity)

"in its war against the Russian invasion, while 53% overall say it’s been “worth the cost.” Some 45% say it has not been worth the cost. [Here Americans are regurgitating the same memes they have been fed by vermin like Lindsay Graham et al.—Ed]

The new numbers represent a slight dip — 65% supported aid in November last year (down from 72% in July 2022"

What did they say at the end of the Looney Tunes Cartoon..."That's All Folks!"


Poll: Americans split by party on whether Ukraine weapons aid ‘worth it’

Overall, the majority still support arms "to oust Russia"


A new Chicago Council on Global Affairs poll finds that 63% of Americans support continued aid to Ukraine in its war against the Russian invasion, while 53% overall say it’s been “worth the cost.” Some 45% say it has not been worth the cost.

The new numbers represent a slight dip — 65% supported aid in November last year (down from 72% in July 2022). The biggest decline is coming from Republicans — no surprise there. According to the poll, 50% of Americans who identify as Republican support continued arms aid to Ukraine, a drop of 18 points since July last year, and a full 30 points from the beginning of the war in February 2022.

Meanwhile, Democratic support has remained steady at 77%, down just two points from July 2022.

On the issue of whether the support is “worth the cost,” the numbers are partisan mirror opposites. For Republicans, 38% say U.S. weapons support has been worth it, while 61% say no. For Democrats, 69% say yes, 29% say no.

As an alliance, by the way, NATO still enjoys a healthy support from both parties, with 77% saying the U.S. should maintain its support and commitment, only down from 81% last July.

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How People Who Support Today’s American Government Against Today’s Russian Government Think

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Sunak and Biden: Leaders only fit for thoroughly brainwashed populations.

How People Who Support Today’s American Government Against Today’s Russian Government Think

People who support America’s Government against Russia’s Government think on the basis of the propaganda that they’ve been exposed to — as will here be documented:

Today’s American Government is the post-9/11 U.S. Government, from George W. Bush on through to Joe Biden. Today’s Russian Government is the Russian Government since Vladimir Putin became Russia’s leader. During the Twentieth Century’s final day, 31 December 1999, Russia’s President Boris Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned and, according to the Constitution of Russia, Putin became Acting President of the Russian Federation.

The neocon (i.e., advocate for expanding the U.S. empire — NATO, etc.) Karen Dawisha, in her 2015 book Putin’s Kleptocracy(which has been widely praised by other neocon media), dropped her first hint that she had actually no evidence of it (no evidence of his being a kleptocrat), on the book’s page 125, in its chapter “Putin in St. Petersburg, 1990-1996,” where she referred to the constantly failing efforts of Putin’s many enemies to find proof that he is corrupt: “Despite what must have been a huge effort to find concrete evidence of Putin’s own bribe taking, there is none. Any cuts Putin took, any favors he received in return for favors he gave, were not documented, did not occur in Russia, or were ‘commissions’ for the Mayor’s Contingency Fund. If he is the owner or partial owner of any of these companies, they must be registered abroad, not in Russia. This Teflon ability to deflect criticism and to not give his critics an easy win with evidence of bribe-taking would stand him in good stead throughout his career.” Considering what is already publicly known about bribe-taking and “favors … received in return for favors he gave,” regarding Joe Biden, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and other American high public officials, this admission, by her, absolutely decimated her book’s very title (demonstrates that title to be fraudulent).

However, this same Karen Dawisha was the prime ‘expert’ whom America’s Propaganda Broadcasting Service (PBS) relied upon in their 1 March 2015 Frontline Series documentary, “Putin’s Way” (also known as “Vladimir Putin’s Rise To Power”). Like skillful propaganda usually is, many of its alleged facts are real, but the context in which they occurred is false.

ABOVE: There was a time when Frontline acquired journalistic prestige by tackling important topics with honesty and professionalism. But, almost a generation ago, the program was hijacked by the Deep State and turned into a shameless imperialist propaganda platform. Now, to any intelligent person, Frontline is an insult. 

For example, the entire documentary ignores the crucial fact — and any detail regarding — that the U.S. Government, under Bill Clinton, sent into Russia, when Gorbachev ended the communist system there, the Harvard Economics Department, under the guidance of Larry Summers, which taught Yeltsin’s new Russian Government how to distribute state assets to favored individuals in such a way as to enable selected corrupt Americans to get their claws into the country’s economy, in the new, capitalistic, Russia. This created the enormous corruption that dogged the new capitalistic Russia. None of this crucial context is mentioned in that brainwashing documentary, which is designed instead so as to help to restore that secret U.S.-and-allied economic control over the new Russia which existed until Putin came into power there. One of the first things that Putin did when he took the reins of power on the first day of the new Millennium was to force the U.S.-made Russian billionaires to subordinate themselves to the new Russian Government or else become prosecuted by it — and he demanded that all of their absconded wealth, and their evaded taxes, be paid to Russia’s Government, or else they would be prosecuted. Furthermore, at 47:00- near the documentary’s end, it lies, in the standard U.S.-and-allied way, about the shoot-down on 17 July 2014 of the Malaysian MH17 passenger plane over the war-zone in the rebeling far eastern Ukraine — a shoot-down by Ukraine’s government, NOT by Russia’s (such as the Western lie alleges totally without — and entirely ignoring — the black-box and other solid evidence). Furthermore, the documentary falsely alleges that the main reason why Russia objected to what Ukraine’s government was doing was the recently U.S.-coup-installed Ukrainian government’s persecution of Russian-speakers in Ukraine, when the ACTUAL main reason was that Russia refused to allow U.S. nuclear missiles to become posted on the nearest foreign border to The Kremlin, just 300 miles away from blitz-nuking Russia’s central command. (In the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK wouldn’t allow Soviet missiles to be located 1,131miles away from Washington DC.) So: that documentary was, in effect, a total lie, to boost the neocon agenda against Russia. And whereas America on 20 March 2003 invaded Iraq totally on the basis of lies, Russia on 24 February 2022 invaded Ukraine totally on the basis of truths.

Furthermore: trust in the Government is only 33% in America, whereas it is 44% in Russia. (In China — the highest — it is 84%, and that’s another country the U.S. regime wants to conquer.) And whereas the approval-rating for Joe Biden by Americans is 42%, the approval-rating for Vladimir Putin in Russia is 80%. (The March 2016 journal Post-Soviet Affairs had an article “Is Putin’s popularity real?” and reluctantly concluded that “our results suggest that the main obstacle at present to the emergence of a widespread opposition movement to Putin is not that Russians are afraid to voice their disapproval of Putin, but that Putin is in fact quite popular.” There is constant U.S.-and-‘allied’ propaganda against this reality, such as the Washington Post article that was published contemporaneously with that academic one and which headlined “How to understand Putin’s jaw-droppingly high approval ratings”. It closed by saying, “‘Switch off the television, and this popularity would go away in two months,’ said Mikhail Kasyanov, a former prime minister who is now a leading opposition politician.”)

So: people who support America’s Government against Russia’s Government think on the basis of the propaganda that they’ve been exposed to. The facts don’t support — but clearly contradict — the propaganda, on this matter.

PERSONAL NOTE: I write this not as an American, which I am and have always been, and not as a Russian, which I never have been, but as a scientist — and science is supposed to be the same throughout the world.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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Canada, Ukraine, and Nazis

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Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist

 27 Sep 2023

The Canadian government turned what should have been an ordinary photo opportunity with Ukraine's president into a political debacle when a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator was honored in parliament. Now Canada's history of admitting Ukrainian SS volunteers is facing new scrutiny as Russia gains the upper hand in the proxy war with the West. 

There is something especially satisfying when one’s opponents help make a case for something they have denied. Recently the Canadian government did just that. Their effort to prop up the failing Ukraine proxy war instead exposed that country’s Nazi past and present.

Ukraine has been a divided nation ever since its founding as a state after World War I. Its population is divided by language with Ukrainian and Russian speakers, with some favoring its status as a Soviet republic while others were vehemently opposed. So strong was that faction that there were many Ukrainians who actively collaborated with German occupation forces during World War II.

Yaroslav Hunka, center front row, with his Waffen SS unit. ABOVE: Volodomyr Zelensky and Justin Trudeau applaud him heartily in Canada's parliament.

That history is well documented and is only denied by rank political cynicism which seeks to justify a proxy war that is trending in Russia’s favor.  Unfortunately, the U.S. and its happy vassal allies, like Canada, are trying to keep up the charade as long as possible, no matter the cost to the people they claim to be helping.

Ukrainian president Volodomyr Zelensky’s recent visits to the U.S. and Canada were replete with calls to never give up and to defeat Vladimir Putin and to give Ukraine an endless supply of weapons and money. The Canadians were so eager to impress that they revealed a truth they had been denying.

It should have been enough to have Zelensky address their parliament, but they couldn’t leave well enough alone. They somehow felt compelled to add a special guest, 98-year old Yaroslav Hunka, who was introduced as “...a Ukrainian Canadian war veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians…”

An important part of the war propaganda surrounding Ukraine has been to deny that people such as Hunka even exist or that they fought alongside the Germans we are otherwise told to revile. For Canada that also means denying that they brought those forces to emigrate after the war.

Instead of just introducing Zelensky and swearing to defend him no matter what, the Canadian parliament gave Hunka two standing ovations. It was later reported that Hunka served with the  First Ukrainian Division, also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, or the SS 14th Waffen Division, a voluntary unit that was under German command. We are told that these units embody the worst evils committed in modern history. Of course, Germany didn’t have a monopoly on evil or genocide but the narrative of a uniquely evil nation is deeply embedded in western consciousness and the fallout from the incident was both funny and sad.

After Hunka’s history was revealed the amateurish nature of Canadian and all western foreign policy couldn’t be hidden either. The Speaker of the parliament apologized profusely and then resigned. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted to being embarrassed although he felt compelled to add nonsensical warnings against Russian propaganda when his government’s farce was one of its own doing.

Canada is happy to be a U.S. partner in crime. If they’re told to recognize a fake president of Venezuela they do it. If they’re told to arrest the Chief Financial Officer of Huawei and create an international incident they will do that too. If the U.S. decides on another occupation of Haiti then Canada is on board with that too.

mining and undermine left wing union activity. Canada’s Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, is the grand-daughter of Ukrainian collaborator and propagandist Michael Chomiak.

Of course Canada shares the US history of being a white supremacist colonial state. So much so that they sometimes slip up and ruin their fine tuned image as a nicer version of the U.S. and end up showing their true colors.

The entire incident is an indication that the war they pledge to win isn’t going their way. The U.S., Canada and the rest of the collective west are now caught in a trap of their own making. They have stuffed blue and yellow flags down our throats, taken billions of dollars and euros and pounds that their people need, censored countless individuals and platforms, and even blown up the Nordstream pipeline. But now the game is up and they don’t know how to face their defeat. Instead they found an old Nazi and gave him applause, a sure sign of panic.

But they have done something even worse. Some Ukrainians, like Zelensky’s grandfather, defended the USSR and fought with the Red Army. Any Ukrainian on the other side was a German collaborator. Canada forgot that millions of people haven’t been fooled by heavy handed propaganda that seeks to change historical memory. The Soviet Union played the biggest role in Germany’s defeat, a simple fact which is ignored or disappeared or in the case of the proxy war turned into a perverse retelling of history which requires a willingness to take part in a shameful lie.

The backpedaling and apologizing is undeniably enjoyable to watch. Yet Canada revealed another frightening truth. The collective west is desperate and may do more than sabotage a pipeline. Russia is in no mood to back down after having been lied to about the Minsk Accords and a tentative peace plan early in this conflict. A public relations debacle is not the worst thing they can do. Canada and the U.S. and their friends may convince themselves that escalation is their way out. Foreign policy amateurism may lead to something far worse for humanity.

Margaret Kimberley is the author of Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents. You can support her work on Patreon  and also find it on the Twitter  and Telegram platforms. She can be reached via email at margaret.kimberley(at)blackagendareport.com..

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Nazigate – The Grayzone

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The Grayzone

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