Taboo Subject in NATO Media: Refugees, America’s Gift to Europe



In the latest episode in the never-ending series of indignities, calamities, and disasters to be visited upon the heads of the world’s millions of suffering and desperate refugees, they are now being stabbed in the back by the one leader of an affluent NATO country who had risked any political capital to help a substantial number of them, German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

(Image by Syrian artist Abdallah Al Omari (1), )

At the height of the refugee wave from NATO war zones into Turkey and Europe a couple of years ago, Merkel opened the borders and allowed nearly a million refugees into Germany. Although she is a conservative woman and an obedient servant of the neoliberal economic order and American hegemony, with whom I have always disagreed about almost everything, I was proud of her for a while for taking this courageous stand against much of Europe, including at least half of her own party, the tragically misnamed Christian Democratic Union.

The political center in Germany is somewhat to the left of America’s center (which has raced to the Right chasing the Republicans since 1981), and in her cautious and plodding way the Chancellor has brought her right-wing German party several steps leftward and closer to that center in her 15 years as the CDU’s leader. While Merkel is the daughter of an East German Protestant Minister from the days of the Iron Curtain, the CDU has close ties to the Catholic Church and to industry. Under Merkel it has loosened up a bit about gay rights, followed her late reversal to renounce nuclear power and embrace the move toward renewable energy following the wake-up call of the Fukushima Disaster, and has experienced a rising female membership in what is still a party dominated by white males. But it remains a deeply conservative organization, and the first real threat to Merkel’s power base there came as a panicky, xenophobic reaction by the party’s right wing to her decision to help a large number of refugees in a quickly improvised response to the growing refugee crisis. That improvisation involved housing the many arriving foreigners in hastily arranged shelters all around the country, some in small towns like the one where I live, where 350 young men were brought in almost overnight to be domiciled in a large space in an industrial park, adjacent to one of the town’s busiest ALDI supermarkets. I met many of them and worked with some of them, and found them to be fine people who were deeply grateful for the help they were receiving. But shortly after these tumultuous events, a town hall meeting had to be hastily organized to explain things to the locals. I was there, the place was jam-packed, and there were many very worried faces, many of them more or less in shock. A couple of days before that meeting, my partner had been accosted by aggressive, xenophobic Germans as she went to the shelter to help, having erroneously parked her car next to one of their businesses in an unmarked space which turned out to be private. She was surrounded by insulting and hostile machos who labeled her a “Gutmensch” (“do-gooder”) and shouted at her that “no one wants these refugees here.”

Merkel: Sailed head on into extremely turbulent waters.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]t the town hall meeting, the mayor and some of his staff reported on the measures that were being taken in coordination with the federal government. Their attitude was fairly positive and reassuring as they explained the situation, but they repeatedly cited “the pain threshold” in regard to the situation – that would be the pain of the local citizens expected to put up with refugees, not the pain of those fleeing war and destruction – which finally prompted me to speak up. A bit heatedly, I introduced myself in German as an American refugee who loves living in their beautiful region. This was met by a good bit of laughter, and I immediately said that it was not meant as a joke, which produced sudden silence. I then proceeded to point out that these persons were fleeing from the horrors of war zones in conflicts that the German government supports, and that I was offended by the term “pain threshold” as applied to ourselves: rather, it is the refugees’ pain about which we should be concerned, and it is a wonderful thing to be in a position to help such desperate people. For it is a fact that the largest groups in that refugee wave into Germany came from Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq. I then spoke about the despicable treatment to which my partner had been subjected as someone helping the refugees. Later one of the businessmen involved, also present, spoke in embarrassment to explain his actions.

Barack Obama joins Angela Merkel in Berlin: Spreading the snake oil again across the Atlantic. (May 25, 2017)

"Many refugees...are fleeing from ISIS, which would not exist if George W. Bush had not invaded Iraq with calamitous results which continue to unfold. Many, many other refugees come from Syria, victims of a proxy war which is kept going by the US government via CIA arms and funding to islamist-jihadi groups attempting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad..."

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ver the following two years, tempers cooled as most Germans came to realize that refugees were no threat to their way of life. However: at the same time, racist and xenophobic political movements developed such as PEGIDA (“Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the Occident”) in East Germany and the national political party Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD) which is now represented in almost all state legislatures and on track to enter Germany’s Parliament, the Bundestag, in the coming election. Much of their support apparently came from anti-immigrant CDU voters who were deserting the party based on the refugee issue, as polls showed that many of Merkel’s longtime voters were now thoroughly disillusioned with her.

Frauke Petry, co-chair of the budding right-wing Alternativ fur Deutschland party. The celebrations proved a bit premature.

At first, she defended her actions vociferously and calmly, as right-wing attacks from within and outside of her own party grew ever more heated. But slowly, gradually, she began to capitulate.

Her governing coalition, which includes the very compromised and unsocial Social Democratic Party (SPD), pushed through changes in Germany’s once-noble asylum policies which make it more difficult for refugees to receive permanent asylum. Other weakening of the refugee-friendly policies followed. Not long ago, her government announced its intention to deport Afghan refugees who are denied asylum back to Afghanistan, even as the war there heats up yet again and terrorist attacks increase in spite of the 16-year NATO presence (which includes German troops). The government insists that there are parts of Afghanistan that are safe and that the deported refugees are not being placed in danger. The facts, especially in recent weeks, render this excuse transparently ridiculous and reveal it as another sell-out for votes.

A few weeks ago, Merkel’s Minister of the Interior, Thomas de Maiziere, wrote an article for the vulgar right-wing boulevard newspaper BILD outlining his concept of the German “Leitkultur”, which means something like “leading or dominant culture” and is understood by right-wingers here as a blueprint for assimilation of foreigners who are expected to behave in certain ways if they expect to be permanently welcome. It was the starting gun in the national election and a blatant appeal to the racist and xenophobic voters who had been deserting the party to return to Mutti (“Mommy”, as she is only half-jokingly known here in casual conversation). The article was met with a good amount of widespread scorn and strong criticism, but along with the other measures, it is having the desired effect. The CDU is winning state elections again and the number of people voting for the AfD has fallen substantially. This subtly racist electioneering is in the best tradition of former CDU Chairman and Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Merkel’s political godfather, who always made sure to deliver a few choice, mildly anti-immigrant remarks in the run-up to every election, unspectacular but also unmistakable.

Obama has truly become a Trojan Horse for all Seasons, helping to bolster the fortunes of the globalists wherever empty symbolism and empty rhetoric may be needed.

Over the last two days Merkel appeared with Barack Obama before a very large convention of Protestant young people in Berlin (see video above), and continued to twist the knife of betrayal she has plunged in the back of the helpless refugee population she once protected. In answer to skeptical questioning from young Christians – some of whom, obviously, actually take the religion’s precepts seriously -- regarding her deportations into a war zone, she defended the policy and chose to focus on the need to keep things functioning smoothly in a “nation of laws”.

Then it was time for Obama to speak his piece in support of a right-wing party running a racist campaign. There was a time when his relations with Merkel took a nose-dive, following the Snowden affair and the revelation that the NSA had been listening in on Merkel’s cellphone. Germans were angry and even outraged, but although Obama never really apologized or agreed to any of the substantial changes in the NSA’s worldwide mass surveillance requested by the EU, the scandal died down quickly. Merkel’s pretended pouting about how “such things are not done among friends” turned out to be nothing but an act, when it was later revealed that at the very same time, the German BND had been helping the NSA tap phones in Paris and Brussels in the same manner, with her knowledge. Last year she welcomed Obama back to Berlin as he campaigned for Hillary Clinton, and they appeared together to denounce “Fake News” (see my article “Hope Is Our Enemy” about Obama’s role in initiating this campaign against free speech and independent journalism, and my piece “Europe Drinks the Kool-Aid” regarding European cowardly complicity in the mendacious campaign of imperial propaganda against Russia after the US and the EU provoked the Ukraine crisis).

The EU member nations are already fighting bitterly among themselves, with many of them accepting only small numbers of refugees and others such as Poland, Hungary and Slovakia refusing to accept any at all. No, Erdogan may be a brutal tyrant but after all, Turkey IS a NATO member and we need him, they insist. Payments continue. This is the modern European Union, definitely not a profile in courage.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] won’t go into Obama’s facile and embarrassing remarks about his alleged Christian faith, which have always been of a strategic political nature considered obligatory for anyone hoping to be President of the United States. However, he was questioned directly from the audience about the Christianity of his drone attacks – partly controlled from Ramstein Air Force base here in Germany -- which the questioner said have killed “hundreds” (the real toll is much, much higher of course) of civilians. He responded that it was his responsibility to do so, to protect people from attacks like the one in Manchester – unbelievable brazen ironic gall in light of the fact that the Manchester killer appears to have been trained by ISIS in Libya, where they developed a presence after Obama, Hillary Clinton, former UK Prime Minister David Cameron and former French President Nicholas Sarkozy took it upon themselves to destroy the Libyan state, which had renounced terror much earlier after years of Western pressure. Today, refugees are sold openly as slaves in Libya and drown by the thousand, as a direct result of Obama’s actions. Glibly, and with remarkably distasteful false piety delivered in a cheerful tone, he addressed the issue of refugees fleeing from his own war zones by saying that “while people on both sides of the borders are god’s children, our national governments have limited capacities to help”. Merkel, who at least had the temporary political courage to accept a million refugees while Obama considered accepting 10,000 a great humanitarian gesture, did not show it if she was struck by the deadly hypocrisy of this statement. But after all, she has now reversed course to move in the same cowardly direction.

EU distaste for refugees, the world’s Untouchable Caste, was enshrined in an obscene agreement between partner whores when the Union agreed to pay Turkey three billion euros to keep as many refugees as possible in Turkey to prevent them from reaching the EU. In Turkey and on Greek islands, vast numbers of refugees inhabit filthy and reprehensible tent cities and prison-like facilities where they often suffer extreme cold in the winter and enjoy only token support from United Nations teams. Meanwhile Turkey is rapidly going fascist following its failed coup in the summer of 2016, as President Erdogan rounds up tens of thousands of teachers, journalists and intellectuals accused of “terrorist sympathies” and throws them in other nasty Turkish prisons. Europe is afraid to be too critical; what if Erdogan lets those deeply unpleasant refugees into Europe again? The EU member nations are already fighting bitterly among themselves, with many of them accepting only small numbers of refugees and others such as Poland, Hungary and Slovakia refusing to accept any at all. No, Erdogan may be a brutal tyrant but after all, Turkey IS a NATO member and we need him, they insist. Payments continue. This is the modern European Union, definitely not a profile in courage. The refugee issue continues to be a key driving force in the growth of anti-EU right-wing parties, and while the establishment breathed a huge sigh of relief after the outcomes of the elections in The Netherlands and France, they know well that they are not out of the woods.

Almost no one gives a damn about refugees, the most desperate and powerless people on Earth, whose numbers are growing rapidly.

And how did they become refugees?

Although it is treated as a taboo subject in Europe’s mainstream media, the fact is that the vast majority of the refugees reaching the EU in the major wave a couple of years ago were fleeing from American and NATO war zones. The same NATO ally which the others consider indispensable for their protection, giving rise currently to major panic here because of Trump’s NATO-skepticism and unpredictability, is responsible in large measure for much of the refugee explosion. Many are fleeing from ISIS, which would not exist if George W. Bush had not invaded Iraq with calamitous results which continue to unfold. Many, many other refugees come from Syria, victims of a proxy war which is kept going by the US government via CIA arms and funding to islamist-jihadi groups attempting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. More funding for this widely diverse array of fighters comes from the evil Saudi Arabians, whom Germany too supports with arms sales and military training, in spite of their head-chopping, their support for terrorism, and their genocidal war against the Shiite Houthis in Yemen, in which the US and the UK are also deeply involved. Trump, of course, blames much of the terrorism on Iran as he plays ventriloquist’s dummy to the blood-soaked Saudi royal family. But most people everywhere recognize this brazen lie, also a big favorite in Israel, as such. And even if it were true: there would be no Islamic Republic in Iran if America’s CIA had not overthrown the country’s democratically elected leader Mossadegh in 1953 at the behest of President Eisenhower, and put Shah Reza Pahlavi on the throne to subsequently murder and torture his way into the history books via his dreaded secret police SAVAK. Later, the CIA supported Osama bin Laden and other jihadis in Afghanistan against Russia in a stunningly brilliant strategy by Carter’s National Security Adviser, Russian-hating Pole Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, which regrettably evolved into Al-Qaeda after the US installed military bases in Saudi Arabia and upset the pious Osama. “Zbig” died this week and if he ever delivered a mea culpa, I was not informed.

But as I have said before, we don’t talk much here in Europe about Big Brother’s nasty habits. It’s embarrassing, since we continue to be involved as well. But after all, he’s family, we must support him.

Even though those nasty habits are tearing the EU apart? Might this not be the time to grow a backbone and put some distance between Europe and the crumbling, but still deadly and dangerous, empire in which it plays such an ignoble, subservient role?

A brief footnote: I have defended Merkel in political debate (on the refugee issue alone) against others on the Left who assert that she never had a compassionate bone in her body, as evidenced by her terrible neoliberal austerity policies directed against Greece and others, and that the motive for admitting the refugees was to provide cheap labor for German industry. While I agree that those policies have brought great suffering to Greece and are despicable, and while it seems very inconsistent that she should make such distinctions among desperate people, I am very familiar with her personality after years of living here and I consider that theory preposterous. German industry is not desperate for unskilled labor in any case and the facts do not add up. It may have been an brief attack of weak sentimentality, but she did feel compassion for the refugees and took major risks to help them. But that was then. This is now.

America’s brutal contempt for its domestic homeless population, who are driven around like herds of animals to keep them out of the sight of “respectable” people, is reflected on the world stage in its refusal to help refugees who have lost everything because of our own wars of greed and conquest. HELP them? We rarely even deign to speak of them. They are the West’s untouchable caste, Made in America, and as usual, Europe is deeply complicit.


About the Author
 Gregory Barrett, originally from Tennessee, worked for 40 years as a professional pianist, singer, songwriter, and touring and recording musician in the USA and Europe, both in the spotlight and as an accompanist for major stars and others. His activist career includes stints in the 1980s with Amnesty International USA at the national level and the ACLU of Tennessee. Since 2012 he has worked primarily as a translator. He has lived in Germany for a total of 18 years and has a diverse, multicultural family. His commentary and essays are published in The Greanville Post, Counterpunch, the Anglo-Indian magazine Socialist Factor, and other publications. 

GREGORY BARRETT—“Many refugees…are fleeing from ISIS, which would not exist if George W. Bush had not invaded Iraq with calamitous results which continue to unfold. Many, many other refugees come from Syria, victims of a proxy war which is kept going by the US government via CIA arms and funding to islamist-jihadi groups attempting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad…”


Freedom Rider: Endless Propaganda

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by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Big Lie works. The Democrat/War Party concocts several howling lies per week, amplifies them endlessly in the corporate media, and then repeats the process the next week with a new batch of lies against targeted states and Donald Trump’s associates. Meanwhile, the Democrats offer absolutely nothing of substance. They want “to get back into power without presenting any policies that the people want to see enacted.”

 “The lying has gone into overdrive.”

The cover of the latest issue of TIME magazine has an image almost identical to one that appeared in the satirical MAD magazine. The juxtaposition of comedy with alleged seriousness shows the intensity of propaganda emanating from corporate media and others among the ruling classes.

The object of the inadvertent mimicry is, of course, Russia. No stone is unturned in the attempt to connect the Trump administration with the government of that country. The endless efforts are meant to manipulate millions of people already inundated with levels of Russophobia exceeding that of the Cold War era.

Russia is not the only target of attempts to manufacture consent. In a matter of a few days the corporate media told tall tales that are easily disproven. First, president Trump was accused of giving classified information to the Russian foreign minister. That story was quickly followed by an attempt to blame North Korea for a worldwide computer hack and ransomware attack. Not to be outdone, the media began a new tack of libels against Syrian president Bashir al-Assad. He now stands accused of burning bodies in a facility that is ominously referred to as a crematorium. There is no better way to demonize than to evoke comparisons with Adolph Hitler.

“The war party is out to get Trump and they obviously have people in place to assist with the take down.”

The lying has gone into overdrive. The stories always make the case for two things, support for United States imperialism and the ouster of Donald Trump from office.

It is nonsense to claim that Trump’s discussion of possible ISIS threats was in any way improper or illegal. Of course heads of state and high level officials share classified information all the time. The war party is out to get Trump and they obviously have people in place to assist with the take down.

The Syrian government remains in a never-win situation vis a vis the United States. Every success in defeating the terrorists backed by the United States and its partners in crime is met by a new propaganda initiative. If president Assad isn’t falsely accused of using chemical weapons he is accused of mass murder and burning bodies. The so-called proof consists of satellite photos showing that one portion of Saydnaya prison is warmer than the rest. As peace talks move forward there will always be an anti-Syria story used to make the case for regime change.

North Korea becomes a target just because it continues to exist. It insists upon acting as the sovereign nation that it is and it has as much right to test and produce weapons as the United States does. Unlike the United States, North Korea hasn’t invaded another country, or meddled in others’ affairs. Yet its very existence is presented as a threat.

“As peace talks move forward there will always be an anti-Syria story used to make the case for regime change.”

The Democrats, eager members of the war party, are constantly ratcheting up propaganda of their own. Some members of the Congressional Black Caucus have eagerly played their part. Representative Al Green of Texas was the first to make a call for impeachment from the floor of the House of Representatives. If Green can call for Trump’s impeachment he ought to lead the fight against Republican voter suppression. That tactic has deprived thousands of black Americans of the franchise and probably led to Hillary Clinton’s loss in key states. Green and his CBC colleagues don’t think that particular aspect of the Trump victory is worthy of discussion. They have been reduced to party hacks who take direction from their corrupt superiors. They are equally complicit in the Democratic Party’s subterfuge and make a mockery of black voters’ near unanimous support.

In any case, the cry for impeachment is a bait and switch for the Democrats. They would prefer to have Trump to kick around and run against in 2018 and 2020. A hamstrung president is far more useful to them than an establishment figure like Mike Pence. Pence would deflate the shallow so-called resistance movement largely because he isn’t Donald Trump. Democratic wannabe revolutionaries would then go back to sleep without a bogeyman to keep them frightened. Using Trump as a punching bag is the only option that allows them to end their string of electoral failures.

“Now that Trump and his team have been stymied and the masses have been distracted the status quo reigns supreme.”

The Democrats desire to damage Trump does not come from any desire to bring about true change for the millions of people who vote for them. It is a ruse used to do several things all at once. They make the case for American hegemony, distract their voters by making themselves appear to fight for them and throw a wrench into Trump’s stated desire to change some of the foreign policy narrative. Now that Trump and his team have been stymied and the masses have been distracted the status quo reigns supreme.

The would-be resisters are playing a dangerous game. The war party wants to keep Trump from deviating from their script of endless conflict. The Democrats want to get back into power without presenting any policies that the people want to see enacted. The kabuki theater of an uninformed, ill prepared, bigoted president versus people who want to get rid of him, but not for the right reasons, is fascinating drama. But none of the parties involved want to bring justice and peace. That is left for the masses of people, a true resistance which must oppose them all.

About the Author
 Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well as at Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at) 

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uza2-zombienationThe would-be resisters are playing a dangerous game. The war party wants to keep Trump from deviating from their script of endless conflict. The Democrats want to get back into power without presenting any policies that the people want to see enacted. The kabuki theater of an uninformed, ill prepared, bigoted president versus people who want to get rid of him, but not for the right reasons, is fascinating drama. But none of the parties involved want to bring justice and peace. That is left for the masses of people, a true resistance which must oppose them all.


Manchester Bombings – Are We Seeing A Pattern Here?

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Caleb Maupin  reporting

About the Author
Caleb Maupin is an independent progressive journalist and social activist based in new York.

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uza2-zombienationThe Manchester bombing has all the features of a state-sponsored false flag operation. The corporate media, of course, will trumpet the notion that this was another instance of ISIS terrorism.


Gregory Barrett—Can Democracy Save Us?



As a columnist for the Anglo-Indian magazine Socialist Factor, I find it inspiring and gratifying to see fellow socialists in India fighting to elect Socialist candidates, and working to make their country better through a democratic system.

Iceland's Pirate Party rally: Little question the masses thirst for authentic democracy—but it's not likely to happen via the traditional channels.

I was also inspired and motivated by the success of Iceland’s Pirate Party in bringing fundamental change to their country, and throwing banksters and conservatives out of office following the financial crisis.

From time to time such democratically achieved successes give one hope that real change is in fact possible through the ballot box. But in most countries on this planet, and in most international organizations as well, I see no real hope that the frightening challenges facing our world can conceivably be addressed effectively, much less overcome, through democratic means. I find myself increasingly at a loss for words when I read appeals from friends on the Left around the world which are framed as calls for more democracy, or building movements to achieve democratic majorities which can bring about major structural change.

Anyone who has read carefully about the current environmental dangers threatening life on Earth, anyone who understands the basics of the science involved and the widespread agreement among scientists about what is now possible and growing more likely every day, will know what I mean when I say: There is not a snowball’s chance in hell, as we say in Tennessee, that any international consensus about how to prevent disaster will emerge soon enough to save our asses if these scientific projections are accurate. The only thing that could even conceivably replace our filthy, poisonous industrial economy fast enough to make a difference in the horrors which are developing would be complete, perfectly coordinated international cooperation to make that fundamental transformation: eliminating the use of most fossil fuels, banning the production of most plastics, placing strict mandatory controls on the use of water and the production of meat, and much, much more.

From time to time such democratically achieved successes [as we saw in Iceland] give one hope that real change is in fact possible through the ballot box. But in most countries on this planet, and in most international organizations as well, I see no real hope that the frightening challenges facing our world can conceivably be addressed effectively, much less overcome, through democratic means.

Does anyone really believe we are even crawling in the direction of real international cooperation with the democratic, pseudo-democratic, fake-democratic and fraudulent sham-democratic jockeying for power kicking up so much dust in the media and the world’s political capitals? Can anyone deny to me with a straight face that, every day, we race farther in exactly the opposite direction, with new disputes and proxy wars and subversion between world powers being the order of the day?

The United Nations, for all the well-meaning, idealistic and motivated people who work there and do its work around the world, has become a pathetic joke in terms of ever being capable of challenging the massive entrenched power of those who fund it and dominate the Security Council. Far too often, the UN is a political tool of the United States of America, which manipulates and instrumentalizes it in ways that even many NATO partners find frustrating and distasteful, although when it gets down to the wire and it’s time to vote, they usually suppress their grumbling and vote the way their allied colossus wants them to vote.

PETA activists demonstrate before Branderburg Gate in Berlin. Idealists are tolerated and humored by the larger society but conversion is too slow to effect the necessary changes. Meat production alone matches the environmental damage done by all forms of hydrocarbon use.

The very idea that the UN is capable of preventing environmental disaster is laughable. I do not mean to denigrate the hard work of those who organized and supported the Paris Climate Summit and the Paris Accords, and I am gratified that there are so many people who are passionate about saving the planet. But we have no more time to indulge in wishful thinking about the Paris process simply because the alternatives are too scary and intimidating. The levels of emissions reduction in the Paris Accords are not remotely capable of slowing global warming and they fail to even directly address the acidification and plastic poisoning of the oceans and the food chain. Without an emergency, mandatory plan to meet these objectives rapidly, it will be too late to save the food chain and the environment, if it is not already too late. Can anyone reading this seriously imagine such cooperation between – just to name one example – America, the EU, China and Russia? Setting aside for a moment the fact that the 1% and their deadly industrial minions will never make such sacrifices voluntarily (in America they refuse to even admit that we are standing precariously on the edge of the abyss … New pipelines! New nuclear plants, even after Fukushima persuaded some European countries to abandon nuclear energy! Here in Germany, a new highway tax to pay for more work on the country’s overloaded highway system: slow progress on electric cars against resistance from Germany’s huge and powerful auto manufacturers): even in countries such as China and India, the desire for industrial equality and consumer goods which are killing Mother Earth is strong. Would these countries behave in any more of an enlightened manner, were we to have an emergency meeting of the United Nations to negotiate an immediate plan to save the environment? How do we imagine such consensus could come about?

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] am convinced that it will never come about through the auspices of the fraudulent democracy which is the order of the day in so many countries. Even if there were to be a real hope of building a movement which could persuade a world majority of the necessity for such change, most life on Earth would be long gone before it could come to fruition.

Here in Germany there is a term for the (inadequate) proposals of the Green Party to change popular thinking about environmental issues: the Greens’ suggestion in the last national election that it would be a good thing for everyone to refrain from eating meat for one day every week was scorned as attempted “Öko-Diktatur” (Eco-Dictatorship). The Greens were lampooned mercilessly in the press for wanting to control the behavior of Germany’s allegedly politically conscious citizens, and sustained losses in the election as a result. That is the mentality faced by anyone who seriously believes democracy or dialogue can save the environment.

And the environment is only one issue, even if it is the most pressing.

On issues of nuclear weapons, the worldwide police-surveillance state created by the United States and others, the use of the mainstream media to control public opinion, and the rapidly growing digital addiction which is cutting off our brains from our physical surroundings — and making us ever more susceptible to spying, thought control and thralldom to huge corporations with a technical grip on the world’s computer-run infrastructure – it is almost impossible to imagine any democratically-based consensus developing which could slow or prevent the approaching crises.

Of course, I am aware that this sounds like a plea for authoritarianism, and I suppose that it is, although I am fully aware that it will not win me many political allies. But I believe that a deluded optimism is far more dangerous than a clear view of a frightening future. In spite of my anarchist heart, I want life on this planet – not only human life, but especially plant and animal life, which it appears ever more likely we would destroy along with ourselves – to survive. And that means, as I see it, in fact, some kind of Eco-Dictatorship. My vision of a revolution that could save the planet would produce something like worldwide socialism with adequate Basic Guaranteed Incomes and a mandatory emergency plan to save the environment. We will not even begin to go in that direction any time soon, much less make substantial progress, via the ballot box.

Consensus is dead. 

About the Author
 Gregory Barrett is a translator and musician living in Germany. He is also a featured columnist in the Anglo-Indian magazine Socialist Factor. 

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uza2-zombienationDoes anyone really believe we are even crawling in the direction of real international cooperation with the democratic, pseudo-democratic, fake-democratic and fraudulent sham-democratic jockeying for power kicking up so much dust in the media and the world’s political capitals? Can anyone deny to me with a straight face that, every day, we race farther in exactly the opposite direction, with new disputes and proxy wars and subversion between world powers being the order of the day?


The Deep State Has Digested Both Trump And Sanders. Fight The Deep State.

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Editor's Note: Caitlin is correct in unmasking Sanders, noting his craven and unprincipled apostasies. But we thought he was a phony from the word go, a sheepdog, and a corporatist Democrat ready and willing to do the system's bidding in all areas of policy as he has been doing for his entire career. His foreign policy pronouncements are simply abominable for a man regarded by many clueless people as some sort of brave anti-plutocracy champion. Just do a simple search on this site and more than a few articles will immediately pop up analysing his treacherous trajectory in American politics. Start with this one, for example: Bernie Sanders: Loyal Democrat, Stalwart for Empire. Not convinced? Try this one: Bernie Sanders, the Company Man. —PG

Whenever someone tries to tell you that there is no deep state in America, it is simply their way of informing you that they are too cowardly and compartmentalized to do 45 minutes of intellectually honest research into the matter.

In reality, the term “deep state” does not refer to a conspiracy theory about a shadowy cabal of baby-sacrificing Illuminati, but to a concept in political analysis which accounts for the self-evident fact that there are unelected power structures in America which tend to collaborate with one another. It is not up for debate whether or not groups like the billionaire class, multinational corporations and banks, the intelligence community, the military-industrial complex, and the corporate media exist. They do. They exist, they have power, they are unelected, they remain amid the comings and goings of the elected government, and they are known to collaborate in various ways toward their own agendas. This is an undeniable fact; you cannot debate the existence of the American deep state, but only how and to what extent it operates.

The last two days have shown more signs than ever that Trump is now fully controlled by America’s unelected power establishment. Last week I said that former FBI Director James Comey will not be replaced with a Kremlin stooge as the Russiagate airheads were claiming, nor will he be replaced with a clear-eyed nationalist rebel who’d lock up Hillary and blow the lid of pedogate as the Trumpsters were hoping, but will in fact be replaced with a nice Pompeo-like establishment loyalist. Now we have learned that the frontrunner for Comey’s replacement is none other than Joseph Lieberman, who could only be more of an establishment loyalist if his face were surgically affixed to Evelyn de Rothschild’s scrotum.

Internet censorship has found purchase under Trump’s watch as well (which I’m sure his anons over at 4chan will love) as FCC commissioners voted 2–1to begin dismantling net neutrality yesterday. This was made possible because FCC chairman/former Verizon lawyer/skinsuit tentacle beast Ajit Pai was nominated by Trump to inflict five years of neoliberal deregulatory madness upon American internet policy.

This is disturbing because in a corporatist system of government, corporate censorship is the same as government censorship. Since democracy is functionally nonexistent in America and leadership, legislation and policy are dictated by corporate lobbying and large campaign donations rather than by the will of the people, America most certainly has a corporatist system of government. By deregulating the ability of internet service providers to favor some forms of media over others, these massive corporate conglomerates will be able to disrupt access to media that is generally critical of the corporatist status quo they thrive in. Given how much power large corporations wield in America, this is not different from state censorship. Given the suppression of alternative media that we’re already seeing from corporations like Google and Facebook, there is no reason to believe that this will not happen with ISPs as well.

Worst of all, recent hours have seen US armed forces attack the Syrian military for the second time in two months, reportedly killing civilians. This action has been generously labeled “government terrorism” by Damascus and charitably called “an unacceptable breach of Syrian sovereignty” by Moscow. What would America call it, I wonder, if China suddenly began amassing troops in California and periodically launching attacks upon US military forces? No other nation in the world can successfully get away with repeatedly launching military strikes against the government of a sovereign nation without it being labeled war by everyone else on planet Earth.

Whether it calls it that or not, America has been waging war upon the Syrian government, slowly cranking up the heat in more and more overt ways until Damascus has no choice but to start defending itself from hostile, aggressive invaders. The American deep state has been trying to sink its bloody fingers into Syria for a long, long time, and has been brazenly lying to the American people in order to manufacture consent for this evil regime change invasion. And mainstream America is lapping it right up, just 14 years after it lapped up the Iraq lies.

On the left, we have been watching the same exact thing happen with our beloved Bernie Sanders. It’s been excruciating to watch the man we progressive rebels lifted up last year praise the White Helmets, advance establishment lies about Russia and Syria, and spit on the Palestinian people with greater and greater intensity since that gut-wrenching day he endorsed bloodthirsty oligarch Hillary Clinton for Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military force in the history of civilization.

In a recent video which I openly admit to not being emotionally capable of finishing, Sanders monologued bald-faced lies straight into the camera, calling Assad a dictator who has “murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people,” saying that there is “no longer a debate” as to whether Russia manipulated the 2016 election “in a heavy duty way,” and that “no one now denies” such a thing happened and may continue to happen in America’s 2018 elections. We need to be perfectly clear: these are lies. Sanders knows that they are lies. There is no basis whatsoever for the assertion that Assad has “murdered” the hundreds of thousands of people who have perished in the war between the Syrian government and CIA-backed radical jihadists and terrorist factions that has ravaged his country. There is no basis whatsoever for saying that there is “no debate” that Russia interfered in the US elections in a significant way when we have to this day not be shown one single shred of proof that Russians hacked Democratic party emails and shared them with WikiLeaks.

Sanders is stating these things as though they are facts, and they are not. He is lying. He knows that he is lying. His lies have potentially world-ending consequences as they are used to manufacture consent for dangerous escalations with a nuclear superpower. Yesterday Sanders posted another video asking his followers, “Need a break from Russia? Join me for a conversation with comedian Larry Wilmore.” Yes, Bernie, I do fucking need a break from fucking Russia. No I will not be watching anything with Larry fucking Wilmore.

Try watching this without puking. If that doesn't do it, go to any "Sandernista" site (try YouTube) and watch the support this treacherous demagog enjoys among the well-meaning legion of clueless Americans seeking a solution to the capitalist crisis. —PG

I do not believe that Sanders was bribed with a new $600,000 summer home as people who can’t be bothered to do ninety seconds of googling sometimes assert. I do not believe that Sanders “sold us out”; he would have to have owned us to sell us. What I absolutely do believe, with an extremely high degree of confidence, is that if Bernie had won, he’d be advancing the exact same deep state agendas that Trump is now. It wouldn’t look the same, it would have a much more lefty-looking spin on it, but America would be amassing troops in Syria and escalating tensions with Russia, just as it is right now. I don’t know how they got to him, but they got to him. And if they got to him now, they would have gotten to him if he’d won.

“You’re wrong about Trump/Sanders!” my readers may be tempted to say, depending on where their ideological loyalties lie. “He’s smarter than all of us! He’s working the system! He’s playing 3-D chess!”

3-D chess, huh? Watch this clip from the beginning of the Obama administration:

The deep state wants to smack down the Putin administration and ideally replace it with a more Yeltsin-like puppet government which won’t take bold actions like annexing the strategically important Crimean peninsula, collaborating with Russia’s longtime ally Syria to crush the terrorist factions who are attempting to overthrow it, and working with China to undermine the dominance of the US dollar in that region. It wants to control Syria because of its strategically crucial role in the fossil fuel battles, because of Assad’s Five Seas Vision which would drastically shift world geopolitical power, and because of its dispute with Israel over the oil and water-richGolan Heights. It wants them so badly that in order to manufacture consent for this regime change invasion it’s willing to parade a seven year-old girl who can’t speak English in front of CNN cameras and have her sound out scripted war propaganda syllable-by-syllable in a fake, staged interview that CNN knowingly participated in scripting.

In last month’s interview with Democracy NOW, Julian Assange made the keen observation that by watching the Trump administration gradually fall into line on globalist foreign policy, we now know how long it takes the military-industrial complex to “digest a president”. Trump has been made to backtrack on issues from Russia to Syria to WikiLeaks to China to NATO and more, and the same would most assuredly have happened to Sanders. I still smile politely when my friends tell me things would be so much better if Bernie would’ve won, but I don’t believe it. The deep state would have won either way. They would get their wars, and the people would be kept powerless so that the oligarchs can remain powerful. This could not be more obvious than it is right now.

So what does this mean for us clear-eyed rebels? What does it mean when both populist candidates from both the anti-establishment right and the anti-establishment left can be made to fall into line in the exact same way with the exact same deep state warmongering and Cold War escalations? What does it mean for us when no matter who you elect, the deep state wins? It means we have to start targeting the deep state directly.

This can be done by disrupting establishment propaganda narratives. The entire deep state control apparatus is held together through mass media propaganda and domestic psy-ops, and our newfound widespread internet access has given us the ability to network and share information in a way that the old systems of manipulation and control simply do not know how to keep up with; the invention of the internet took the deep state completely by surprise and it’s still scrambling to figure out exactly what is going on here.

But we need to act fast — the possible dissolution of net neutrality means that the plutocrats may begin disrupting alternative media before long, which has surely been the plan all along. If they succeed in doing this we’ll still be able to fight the media war — we’ll just have to get more agile and creative online, — but now is definitely the best time to strike. More people than ever are aware of the deep state’s existence and the toxic effect that it has on their lives, and we’ve got the ability to greatly disrupt their manipulations with our relatively uninhibited internet situation right now. If we can cause mainstream America’s belief in the official narratives to fall away, the deep state will lose all power, because that’s the only source of its control. The only reason that power exists where it exists is because people agree that it exists there; if they don’t believe the talking heads on their screens telling them to trust Big Brother, they can shrug off the oppression machine like a heavy coat on a warm day.

I have outlined some strategies and tools for winning this media war in this link, this link, and this link. I welcome your ideas as well. Let’s take these motherfuckers down.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, please consider helping me out by sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following me on Twitter, or even tossing me some money on Patreon so I can keep this gig up. 

About the Author
Caitlin Johnstone
is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 

horiz-long grey

