‘Resistance’ Media Side With Trump to Promote Coup in Venezuela

Actually there is no need to imagine. It's happening already.


Proves once again that Democrats and Republicans are not really ideological opponents, merely faux contenders while defending the same system.

Guaido proclaiming himself interim president—with the Godfather's blessing, of course.

quarter-million digital subscribers in a matter of weeks. “Democracy,” after all, “Dies in Darkness,” as the Washington Post tells us on every webpage.

Yet on Trump’s support for regime change in Venezuela, the “resistance” media are lining up shoulder to shoulder with the president.

After winning re-election in 2018, President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela was recently sworn in for a second term. However, Trump has taken the extraordinary step of declaring the elections void, condemning the “illegitimate Maduro regime.” He also arranged to have National Assembly head Juan Guaidó—someone who has never even run for president, whom even the New York Times(1/22/19) describes as “virtually unheard-of”—name himself the country’s new leader. This has spurred the Venezuelan right wing onto the streets to try to force Maduro out of office, leading to the deaths of 14 people in the first two nights of clashes between large pro- and anti-government demonstrations.

Last year, the Trump administration preemptively declared as fraudulent the elections they had previously been demanding, instructing the opposition (whom the US has been funding for two decades) to boycott the process. It even tried to “persuade” (i.e., intimidate) opposition presidential candidate Henri Falcón not to run.

With complete unanimity of outlook, the supposedly oppositional US media served to delegitimize the elections as well (FAIR.org, 5/23/18), with the New York Times (5/20/18) describing them as “heavily rigged” and the Miami Herald (5/2/18) christening them “fraudulent,” a “sham,” a “charade” and a “joke” in one column alone. Yet this perception of events can only be sustained through the careful curation of information: informing readers of certain facts, while ignoring strong evidence to the contrary.

The Careful Curation of Information

PBS NewsHour: Joshua Goodman, Associated Press Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Maduro favored as Venezuelans vote amid crisis

Maduro’s re-election was widely anticipated in US media (e.g., PBS NewsHour, 5/20/18), though his victory now is generally dismissed as fraud.


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he idea that the 2018 elections were, at best, highly questionable is taken as a fact across the media. For instance, CNBC (1/23/19) stated that Maduro’s re-election “was widely viewed as a sham due to widespread election irregularities”; Reuters (1/23/19) said the vote was “widely viewed as fraudulent.”

In reality, Venezuela has one of the most intensely monitored election systems in the world, and the government called on the United Nations to send observation teams. This was blocked by the US on the grounds that the UN would “validate” the elections. Despite this, numerous international election monitoring organizations attended and attested to the vote’s quality. For example, the report of the African Nations’ delegation stated:

The Venezuelan people who chose to participate in the electoral process of May 20 were not subject to any external pressures, and carried out their right to vote in a peaceful and civil manner which we commend. As such, we implore the international community to abide by international law and the principles of self-determination and recognize what we consider to be a free, fair, fully transparent and sovereign election.

Maduro’s re-election was widely anticipated in establishment media, with campaign polls indicating that many opposition voters planned to sit out the election. “Maduro Favored as Venezuelans Vote Amid Crisis” was the headline of a PBS NewsHour story (5/20/18), which went on to explain:

While polls show Venezuelans overwhelmingly blame Maduro for their mounting troubles, he’s still heavily favored to win thanks to a boycott of the election by his main rivals.

The current protests are almost universally framed in corporate media as a democratic people’s uprising, akin to the Arab Spring, rather than a contested civil conflict, or even as a US-supported coup attempt, as alternative media are presenting it (Democracy Now!, 1/18/19; Real News,1/23/19; The Canary, 1/23/19). “Coup” is a word avoided by corporate media when not quoted from Maduro or his supporters; as Reed Richardson noted, an AP profile (1/24/19) of Guaido referred to his naming himself president as a “standoff,” a “challenge,” an “uprising,” a “frontal assault on Maduro’s authority” and a “restoration of Venezuela’s democracy”—but never a “coup.”

The New York Times (1/23/19) noted that Guaidó was “cheered on by thousands of supporters in the streets and a growing number of governments, including the United States.” CNN (1/23/19) reported a vast, energetic movement around him, as “Venezuelans took to the streets in nationwide protests,” while CNBC (1/23/19) claimed there were “hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans” out on the streets, chanting together and waving national flags, demanding an end to Maduro’s “socialist government.” Bloomberg (1/23/19) worried that the leftist government would “crush” the protests. Yet there was very little mention, let alone coverage, of counter-protests across the country that complicate the picture.

Ignoring the US Role

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Times article also provides the context of the dire economic circumstances the country finds itself in, suggesting that this was the reason people are in the streets, and not in response to Trump’s call: “Citizens of what was once one of the region’s wealthiest nations, endowed with plentiful oil, have starved to death and died from preventable diseases,” the piece claimed. It fails to acknowledge the substantial US role in Venezuela’s economic and political crisis.

Trump ramped up the Obama administration’s sanctions, an action that caused Venezuelan oil production to plummet (FAIR.org, 12/17/18) and the economy to nosedive. Furthermore, US economic warfare against the country has cut Venezuela off from global capital markets—with the Trump administration threatening bankers with 30 years in prison if they negotiate with Caracas a standard restructuring of its debt (AlterNet, 11/13/17). The UN Human Rights Council formally condemned the US, noting that the sanctions target “the poor and most vulnerable classes,” called on all member states to break them, and even began discussing reparations the US should pay to Venezuela.

The US has long supported regime change in Venezuela, going back at least to the abortive coup against President Hugo Chavez in 2002. It has also spent a fortune through the National Endowment for Democracy and USAID to prop up opposition groups inside the country. Trump recently appointed neocon Iraq War architect John Bolton as national security advisor, who wasted little time in declaring Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua a “troika of tyranny,” echoing the infamous “axis of evil” moniker he employed during the Iraq War. Yet this crucial context in understanding the situation is missing from news accounts.

A Lapse of Factchecking

Mike Pence lies about Nicolas Maduro.

Corporate media passed on the chance to factcheck Trump administration claims about Venezuela.


[dropcap]R[/dropcap]esistance media have made it a point of pride to vigorously factcheck and scrutinize every one of the administration’s statements; the Washington Post (12/30/18) recently calculated that Trump makes an average of 15 false claims per day. And yet, when it comes to Venezuela, the administration’s dubious claims are taken at face value.

For example, in a recorded message, VP Mike Pence stated:

Nicolas Maduro is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power. He has never won the presidency in a free and fair election, and has maintained his grip of power by imprisoning anyone who dares to oppose him.

This announcement was picked up across the media, including by Reuters (1/22/19), ABC News(1/23/19), Newsweek (1/22/19), the Los Angeles Times (1/22/19) and MSN (1/23/19). Yet none of these organizations factchecked this claim, allowing it to stand unchallenged as the basis of a story, further bolstering the dominant narrative.

This was not a difficult claim to debunk. Maduro won his first election in 2013, recognized by every country in the world except the US, and which even the Washington-funded organization the Carter Center declared free and fair. Indeed, former President Jimmy Carter in 2012 stated the Venezuelan election system to be the “best in the world.”

It was considered a shameful anti-democratic misstep when the New York Times’ editorial board (4/13/02) endorsed the 2002 coup. Yet for more than a year, US media have been openly calling for another one (FAIR.org, 5/16/18). The Washington Post (11/15/17) ran with the headline, “The Odds of a Military Coup in Venezuela Are Going Up. But Sometimes Coups Can Lead to Democracy.” For a media so focused on allegations of foreign interference in US politics, it is remarkable how accepting they are of Trump becoming personal moral arbiter of Venezuela.

It is revealing how the supposedly anti-Trump media have closed ranks and are marching in lockstep with the administration when it comes to overthrowing Washington’s official enemies. The media are not opposing Trump or tyranny; they are enabling it.

Research assistance: Teddy Ostrow

About the Author
Alan MacLeodAlan MacLeod @AlanRMacLeod is a member of the Glasgow University Media Group. His latest book, Bad News From Venezuela: 20 Years of Fake News and Misreporting, was published by Routledge in April.

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US Orchestrating a coup in Venezuela—as boldfaced and outrageous as it comes


Criminality, hypocrisy and cowardice all On display at once.


A takeover by Washington's designated shills, with assistance from the Venezuelan Fifth Columnists, and prominent Latin American traitor regimes in Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia, while Chile and Ecuador play fiddle. The Venezuelan coup is a test of liberals' pretensions to human rights and the rule of law, not to mention their professed hatred for Trump.  Washigton's move also a test of the European Union's own claims to respect for the rule of international law. With imperialism on a rampage in its own backyard, this is an hour of extreme danger for Cuba, too. 

The Real News Network

Streamed live 4 hours ago

Lucas Koerner in Venezuela analyzes the current developments withTRNN's Sharmini Peries and Greg Wilpert


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Revolutionary wisdom

Words from an Irish patriot—


Elite Closing Down Truth Tellers – Paul Craig Roberts


One is as vile as the other.

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com 

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]conomic expert and journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the ideas of the elite are awful, and they want to suppress free speech to get their policies instituted. Dr. Roberts explains, “The agendas of the elite are hidden. They are not something the American people would support. The elite are fearful that their cover stories are so thin that if truth can be shown on their agendas, they will be discredited. They will lose their abilities to impose their agendas. So, they are closing down truth tellers in order to maintain control over explanations. Alex Jones is a threat to the elites’ control over the explanations. . . . They are sending the message that says get onboard with the official explanations or we terminate you.”

Dr. Roberts goes on to ask, “Why is this possible? It is possible because the antitrust laws of the United States have not been enforced. These are all monopolies. Monopoly is against the law. It’s against the Sherman Antitrust Act, but they don’t enforce it because they’re so powerful. They just prevent the law being enforced. Plus, they have the neo-liberal economists saying that today you have to be a monopoly to compete globally. . . . It’s a lie, but it’s a cover for having just a few people controlling information.”

Dr. Roberts says big tech companies are too big to function fairly. Dr. Roberts explains, “They should be broken up, or they should be nationalized or actually they should be arrested. . . . They are part of a plot. They are engaged in high treason against the government of the United States. If I was the Attorney General, I would have all of them arrested and put in solitary confinement awaiting trial. That’s where they belong. That’s where Google belongs along with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Spotify, The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and NPR. They are all involved in a plot to overthrow the President. So, they would all be arrested and put in jail. . . . Why aren’t they? Well, Trump just doesn’t have the power. They are stronger than he is. . . . There is not an ounce of integrity in the media.”

Why is the mainstream media (MSM) and the Deep State fighting so hard against Trump? Dr. Roberts contends, “All this started during the Presidential campaign when Trump started normalizing relations with Russia. It would be good for both of us, both countries. That’s when they cooked this up (Russian collusion with Trump campaign). They said, oh my gosh, we can’t have that. All the money we wallow in, the excuse for it, will be gone. That’s the main factor here, and it’s a huge sum of money. So, they are going to fight to the death over it.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former Assistant Treasury Secretary and Wall Street Journal editor, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

(This post talks about the attempt to remove Donald Trump from office, the corrupt MSM, and the huge money behind the treason.)

(To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click Here)

After the Interview: 

Dr. Roberts is a prolific writer on his website PaulCraigRoberts.org. It’s totally free, but you can help support Dr. Roberts by clicking here. If you want to buy one of his 13 books, click here. His latest book and the one he mentioned “The Neoconservative Threat to World Order” click here.

PCR with feline children.

About the Author
  Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts’ How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format. His latest book is The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.




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The Russian Peace Threat examines Russophobia, American Exceptionalism and other urgent topics

Under massive pressure, Trump backpedals on Russia “meddling”


By Andre Damon, wsws.org

Trump is engaged in a complicated (and dangerous game) of dare and placate with the russophobic wing of the US Deep State.

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]peaking at the White House Tuesday, US President Donald Trump attempted to walk back statements he made just 24 hours earlier at his summit in Helsinki, Finland with Russian President Vladimir Putin in which he questioned claims by US intelligence agencies that the Russian government “meddled” in the 2016 election.

Trump’s about-face followed a full-court press campaign by all US media outlets, the US intelligence agencies, the Democrats, and leading figures in the Republican Party, who demanded that he reaffirm the US government’s confrontational stance toward the world’s second most powerful nuclear power.

In the weeks leading up to Trump’s meeting with Putin, the Democrats treated him like an invincible colossus. It was impossible, they said, to seriously oppose his reactionary Supreme Court nominee, and nothing could be done to hold him to account for his criminal policy of breaking up refugee families, which was called child torture by the United Nations.

In fact, the Senate had just voted with overwhelming bipartisan support to approve his massive Pentagon budget increase, which included provisions for keeping open the Guantanamo Bay prison camp and allowing the fascistic demagogue to proceed with his unprecedented military parade in Washington.

But the moment Trump did something that cut across a central pillar of American foreign policy, the Democrats and the media ferociously sprang into action.

Trump’s questioning of the unproven narrative of the intelligence agencies was met with absolute hysteria and the implication that anyone failing to hold their unsubstantiated allegations as incontestable is nothing but a Russian agent.

In the post-World War II period, even within the tradition of American cold war liberalism, the activities of the FBI and CIA were always treated with extreme skepticism: as enormous and real threats to the survival of American democracy.

For nearly half a century, it was noted, J. Edgar Hoover ran a police state-within-a-state through the FBI. The FBI and CIA, functioning as a law unto themselves, spied on and blackmailed American political figures, carried out coups around the world and were widely believed to have been involved in the assassination of an American president.

The Watergate scandal, the Church Commission of the 1970s and the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s, not to mention the intelligence agencies’ role in fabricating the “evidence” of weapons of mass destruction ahead of the invasion of Iraq, their criminal mass domestic surveillance and their role in drone murder, made clear that these are criminal organizations, willing to use any means to expand their own power at the expense of democracy.

But now, these organizations have been elevated by the media into America’s quintessential guardians, and their word declared to be the gospel truth. Any discussion of their role in torture, domestic spying and drone assassinations has been shelved.

Trump was denounced as a traitor, in language that seemed to invite a military coup. His conduct was squarely declared “unacceptable” and he was, so to speak “shown the instruments.” The warning last year by Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, “You take on the intelligence community—they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” was demonstrated in practice.

Faced with implacable and universal pressure from within the political and media establishment, as well as the military and intelligence apparatus, Trump was forced to beat a retreat.

This entire sordid episode expresses the degree to which there is overwhelming institutional commitment within the US ruling elite for conflict with Russia, if necessary to the point of nuclear war. This war drive, which aims at the transformation of Russia into what would be for all intents and purposes a colony of American imperialism, has become an unchallengeable pillar of American foreign policy. Trump can commit any violation of human rights, can traduce constitutional norms at will, but he may not question this axial precept of American politics.

The universality with which this argument is accepted within the US political establishment makes clear, as the World Socialist Web Site has long insisted, that there exists no constituency for democracy within the American ruling elite.

It likewise vindicates the assessment by the WSWS that the fundamental dispute between Trump and the Democrats centers on foreign policy. What cannot be allowed is any divergence from what are seen as the key strategic interests of US imperialism.

In other words, the Democrats’ opposition to Trump is entirely from the right. On domestic issues, the Democrats are effectively in alliance with Trump. They support his tax cuts, his attacks on social spending, and, with minor caveats, his reactionary social and immigration policies. They distinguish themselves from Trump only in that they identify unconditionally with the US intelligence apparatus, and are more directly ruthless in the pursuit of US geopolitical interests, as opposed to Trump’s more transactional focus on economics.

The various factions of the ruling elite, in other words, are fighting out their differences through the method of the palace coup, of reactionary intrigue within the state. But one voice has not been heard in this ferocious, right-wing faction fight: that of the working class.

In addressing the crisis that has erupted within the state as the result of the coming to power of Donald Trump, the working class must bring its own methods to bear: those of the class struggle, animated by a socialist perspective... Only through these means can the ruling class’s drive to war and dictatorship be averted.

The author is a senior editorial member of the wsws.org publishing collective of the SEP (Social Equality Party). 

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All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 


Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

The Thailand cave rescue and the humanitarian hypocrisy of imperialism


By Bill Van Auken, wsws.org

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]illions of people across the globe have been riveted to the live media coverage of the efforts to rescue 12 members of a boys’ football team and their coach from a flooded cave complex in northern Thailand.

The discovery of the lost team members, nine days after they disappeared into the Tham Luang complex on June 23, seemed little short of miraculous. No less remarkable have been the grueling—and thus far successful—efforts to bring them out alive.

The boys, ages 11 through 17, and their coach, 25-year-old Ekaphol Chantawong, appear to have maintained their spirits and cohesiveness under the frightening conditions of being trapped underground in the darkness, without food and surrounded by rising water.

Four of the boys were brought out of the cave on Sunday, and four more on Monday. The last four and their coach were expected to be rescued today.

The divers who carried out the rescues were compelled to make an 11-hour round trip, leading the boys, some of whom couldn’t swim, through submerged passages so narrow that they must remove their air tanks to pass.

The dangers involved in the operation were underscored by the death on Friday of a former Thai Navy SEAL who was returning from a mission to deliver oxygen tanks to the cave. Rescuers concluded that they had no choice but to proceed nonetheless, given the threat of monsoon weather raising the water level in the caves, even as oxygen has diminished to dangerously low levels.

The entire rescue effort has been characterized by an outpouring of human solidarity and concern for the fate of the young people trapped beneath the earth, together with international collaboration and the deployment of immense resources to achieve the aim of bringing them out alive.

Of the 90 expert divers participating in the dangerous rescue, over half were volunteers who rushed to Thailand from abroad. Chinese cave rescue experts have worked alongside US personnel, while a team of drainage specialists from the Netherlands arrived on the scene to help with pumping the water out of the cave.

While the self-sacrifice and immense skill of the rescuers, along with the international cooperation and seemingly unlimited resources that have been mobilized behind the effort, are inspiring, they inevitably raise the question of why similar qualities cannot be brought to bear upon the far larger daily tragedies and catastrophes confronting millions of working people and youth around the globe.

The answer lies in the global domination of capitalism. The profit system not only subordinates the social good to the accumulation of wealth by a wealthy elite, it prevents the mobilization of international resources in a rational manner by upholding the division of an increasingly economically integrated world into rival nation-states. Beset by intractable economic, social and geopolitical crises, world capitalism, with the US in the lead, produces only increasing financial parasitism, staggering levels of social inequality and a drive toward world war. 

Today, the stark contrast between the feigned concern and sympathy of Trump and other “beasts in Samaritan’s clothing” for the young people trapped in the cave in Thailand and their brutality toward the working class and oppressed people around the globe is emblematic of a society dominated by inequality, violence and oppression, and ripe for socialist revolution.
 There are millions of young people trapped beneath the US-supplied bombs and missiles raining down upon Yemen in a brutal Saudi-led war backed by Washington that has brought 8 million people to the brink of starvation. Last year alone, 50,000 Yemeni children starved to death, while thousands more lost their lives to bombings and a rapidly spreading cholera epidemic. There is no international rescue effort on their behalf, not to mention any media attention to their plight—only increased support from the US government for those who are killing them.

US wars and imperialist economic depredation have forced 68.5 million refugees from their homes, sending this vast population, many of them children, to the borders of Europe and the US. Far from rescuing them, the governments of Europe and America treat them as criminals bent on “infesting” their countries. In Europe, concentration camps for refugees are being erected in Germany and throughout the continent.

In the US, the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy has meant the arrest and imprisonment of every refugee attempting to cross the border.

While much of the drama in Thailand has centered on the parents of the trapped youth keeping vigil outside the cave entrance waiting to be reunited with their children, in the US, thousands of young children have been ripped from the arms of their immigrant parents as a means of punishing and deterring refugees.

The hypocrisy of capitalist governments in the face of the ongoing cave rescue knows no bounds. Among those offering to send aid to Thailand is the extreme right-wing government of Hungary, which recently made it a criminal offense for any of its citizens to provide assistance to refugee children.

And Trump tweeted on Sunday: “The U.S. is working very closely with the Government of Thailand to help get all of the children out of the cave and to safety. Very brave and talented people!”

His administration proved wholly unable and unwilling to mobilize such bravery and talent, not to mention resources, when Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria, killing at least 5,000 people and leaving the island devastated to this day.

In the first decade of the last century, during the heyday of imperialism, the German revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg called attention to the hypocrisy of the humanitarian pretensions of the imperialist powers in the face of natural disasters, given their murderous brutality in suppressing any opposition to their domination.

The disaster then was the eruption of Mt. Pelee on the island of Martinique, which killed some 40,000 people.

Citing the massacre of Africans by the British, Filipinos by the Americans, and colonial peoples in other lands by all the major powers, Luxemburg wrote:

“And now they have all turned to Martinique, all one heart and one mind again; they help, rescue, dry the tears and curse the havoc-wreaking volcano. Mt. Pelee, great-hearted giant, you can laugh; you can look down in loathing at these benevolent murderers, at these weeping carnivores, at these beasts in Samaritan’s clothing. But a day will come when another volcano lifts its voice of thunder: a volcano that is seething and boiling, whether you heed it or not, and will sweep the whole sanctimonious, blood-splattered culture from the face of the earth.”

Today, the stark contrast between the feigned concern and sympathy of Trump and other “beasts in Samaritan’s clothing” for the young people trapped in the cave in Thailand and their brutality toward the working class and oppressed people around the globe is emblematic of a society dominated by inequality, violence and oppression, and ripe for socialist revolution.

Bill Van Auken is a senior editor with wsws.org.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 


Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report