We Watched Them Murder Many Thousands of Captive Children in Their Concentration Camp! Woe Unto Us         

Jay Janson

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Many thousands of civilian victims are still buried (and uncounted) under the rubble throughout Gaza, a tiny sliver of land pounded sadistically by 1-ton bombs supplied by America.      

It’s now June of 2024. Nearly 40,000 human beings, mostly women and children are dead, maybe 90,000 injured, many with limbs amputated, and another 10,000 lie buried beneath the ruble of the approximately 80% of the destroyed homes and other buildings of what were the cities of Gaza,

Let’s go back eight months to the beginning of this extraordinary and heartless slaughter happening openly for all the world to see via videos and photographs.

On Oct. 7, 2023 Palestinian Freedom Fighters Broke Out of Israel’s Murderous Illegal Concentration Camp

“The fifteen hundred young men who bursted the gates of Gaza on October 7, 2023 were born into an Israeli concentration camp. They lived for two decades or more in a concentration camp. They had no past. They had no present. They had no future. 70% had no jobs. Half of them according to humanitarian organisations suffered from what is called  severe food insecurity. My Holocaust surviving parents would have cheered their break out.” [The above is quoted from Norman Finkelstein, Ph.D. in political science from Princeton University, a well-known political scientist and author who specialises in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Holocaust studies, whose father and mother were survivors of the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Majdanek. The rest of Finkelstein’s entire family on both sides was murdered during the Holocaust.]
On Oct. 7, the militant Palestinian organisation Hamas based in Gaza led a brutal invasion of Israel. Israel accuses Hamas of killing 1,200  people, mainly civilians, however the major Hebrew newspapers have carried Israeli military admissions that firing from Israeli Apache Helicopters and tanks accounted for many of the Israeli civilian deaths.

By October 17, ten days later, the Israeli armed forces had bombed to death more than 5,000 Palestinians in Gaza, mostly women and children, at times dropping 2,000 pound bombs on apartment buildings, and had cut off all water, food and fuel to Gaza.

On that same 17th day of October 2023, Dr. Norman Finkelstein gave a talk at the University of Massachusetts labeled, “The Struggle for Justice in Palestine: Past, Present, and Future.”

When asked if he condones or condemns the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, Finkelstein invoked the memory of the Nat Turner slave rebellion, the deadliest slave revolt in American history, where 55 white men, women and children were killed. Finkelstein prefaced this by expressing that the people of Gaza,

“have been trapped in a concentration camp for twenty years” as “the international community had abandoned them, and whatever tactic they attempted, including nonviolent resistance, had no impact on freeing them from that concentration camp.”
With these conditions in mind, he went on to reference William Lloyd Garrison, editor of the abolitionist newspaper “The Liberator.” Following Nat Turner’s 1831 revolt, Garrison wrote a column in The Liberator about the uprising. Finkelstein said that while Garrison admitted that the rebellion was shocking and could not be justified, “never once, never once… did [Garrison] condemn the slave rebellion.”

Talking about the Hamas attack Finkelstein said, “It was shocking, “yes.” Can it be justified? “No.” Should it be condemned? William Lloyd Garrison clearly said, “No.” “Neither condemn nor condone it.” Then Finkelstein added,

“I once asked Mom if she was sorry for the Germans in the cities being terror bombed by the U.S. Airforce and the R.A.F..
I wish it were otherwise, but to the last day of my parents life it was unthinkable that they would of had a kind word to say about Germans.”

A Plea for Compassion:

Those Murdered Thousands of Precious Children Are Free From Suffering!  – Think of Them As Angels!  Pity The Insanity of Their Executioners

Post Script:

The Israel Police recently recommended shelving the case against Rabbi Eliyahu Mali of the Shirat Moshe Yeshiva in Jaffa for remarks made in March in which he said Jewish law requires killing Gaza’s entire population, including babies and the elderly.
A rabbi whose yeshivah is being funded by the government shamelessly calling for the murder of an entire population. Wiping them all out. This happened. And nothing is being done to stop him or silence him or even defund this guy yet to this historian’s knowledge.
News Articles and Reports:

  • Haaretz: “Controversy Over Sephardi Chief Rabbi’s Comments on Gaza” (March 15, 2024). This article provides details on Rabbi Yosef’s remarks and the initial reactions.
  • The Times of Israel: “Police Recommend Closing Case Against Chief Rabbi Over Controversial Gaza Remarks” (April 2024). This article discusses the police recommendation to close the case and the ensuing criticism.
  • Al Jazeera: “Israeli Chief Rabbi Under Fire for Calling for Gaza Genocide” (March 19, 2024). This report covers the international backlash and responses from human rights organizations.
To see original offending video click below:

On the other hand, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of rabbis all around the world that accuse Israelis of blasphemy and apostasy in their attempt to co opt the Jewish religion into an Israeli state religion. Click on the eloquent and kindly examples below: Important rabbi says Jews cannot accept Zionism.

Orthodox Neturei Karta anti-Zionist Crusading World-wide sect.

New York Times article re rabbis arrested by Israeli police.
https://www.nytimes.com › rabbis-erez-crossing-protest
Police Arrest Group of Rabbis and Activists Near Gaza

Rabbi Weiss denounces Zionist atrocities in Gaza; cites history of Jews and Arabs living together for thousands of years.

Woe Be Unto Us!

We Continue to Watch The Murder of Ever More Captive Children in Their Israeli Concentration Camp, and Currently, We Idly Witness the Israeli Government’s Intended Starving to Death of Tens of Thousands of the Murdered Children’s Brothers and Sisters!

 Israeli Defense Minister Seemed to Play God Already on October 10, 2023
“There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals.” said Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.


Seemingly to justify the indiscriminate bombing of Gazan cities, the compliant Western media was fed stories of beheaded babies, and other unbelievable statements were made by U.S. President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken but carried on the front pages of European media.

No limit to filth:

From the beginning the Western media has been 100% at the service of the Israeli narrative—no matter how blatantly false. The British press even outdid the Americans.

“I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children,” Biden said in broader remarks, NBC News, 9/11/2023

A Broad General Advisory: Recognize the deadly deception endangering many aspects of life on Earth emanating from Western corporate entertainment/news conglomerates overseen by the CIA for the powerful war investors controlling the American government and the governments of U.S. satellites.

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No Hope for Shitlibs: Tony Awards Audience GUSHES Over Hillary’s SURPRISE Appearance

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Keaton Weiss • Russell Dobular

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Jun 19, 2024
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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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My Nuseirat

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Haidar Eid

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Most Palestinians are born amid horrendous destruction. The Zionist assault to "ethnically cleanse" Palestine has been literally going on since 1948.

I am sharing this powerful article written by Haider Eid for Mondoweiss. Haider was someone I met when in Gaza 2012/13.

I was born in the Nuseirat refugee camp and it made me who I am. The Nuseirat massacre will not be the last in Gaza, but like all massacres committed by colonialists, it will be a signpost in our long walk to freedom that will not be forgotten.

"I was born in the Nuseirat refugee camp and it made me who I am. The Nuseirat massacre will not be the last in Gaza, but like all massacres committed by colonialists, it will be a signpost in our long walk to freedom that will not be forgotten..."

Nuseirat, one of Gaza’s eight refugee camps, has become a major component of my national and class consciousness, a place of both destitution and revolution. In the early 1970s, I was a small child when I heard of the clashes between the fida’iyyin, our supermen, and the Zionist “villains.” Stories of heroism and martyrdom in defense of the camp and a lost country called Falasteen were discussed by family, relatives, neighbors, and friends — all refugees from the south of the “Land of Sad Oranges,” as referred to by our intellectual giant, Ghassan Kanafani.

I am writing this piece hours after genocidal Israel killed 274 and injured more than 400 beautiful Nuseiraties, many of whom are my relatives, friends, and students — only to rescue four of its captives. 64 of the victims were children, and 57 were women. Those who were brutally murdered were either going to or coming back from Camp Souk, having their breakfast, playing in the street, going to the Al Awda hospital, cooking food, and visiting relatives and friends, i.e., the timing was chosen carefully in order to kill as many people as possible. 

When will genocidal Biden be satisfied? How many more children have to lose limbs, or be killed? How many mothers have to be murdered or lose their little ones in order to convince the colonial West, led by the United States, that it is time to have a ceasefire? Obviously, the 36,800 killed, including 15,000 children and 11,000 women, with more than 11,000 under the rubble, are not enough. How about the destruction of 70 percent of the entire Gaza Strip? The killing of hundreds of its academics, doctors, and journalists? The erasure of whole families from the civil registry? The closure of its 7 gates? The starving to death of those who refuse to leave or die? 

No, not enough.

Gaza is being annihilated in real-time in front of the eyes of the world. In fact, Gaza has ushered in the beginning of the end of “human rights” as defined and monopolized by the colonial West. Neither the International Court of Justice nor the International Criminal Court or the United Nations General Assembly and its Security Council have been able to stop the genocide and protect my Nuseirat.

And why?

Only because some brown native Palestinians managed to break out of Gaza after over a decade and a half of living under a total land, air, and sea blockade in the largest open-air prison on earth! How dare they shatter Israel and the colonial West’s image of military invincibility

Nuseirat is a microcosm of the genocide. The lives of four white Ashkenazi Israelis are equivalent to the lives of 274 native mothers, doctors, and children. The white world is celebrating this “victory” regardless of the “collateral damage,” as long as the victims are not like “us,” the white gods of this unjust world.

The Nuseirat massacre is not a moment of victory after which Benjamin Netanyahu and his gang of fascist thugs can call it a day. There will be more massacres committed by the same bloodthirsty colonizers.

But Nuseirat, like all massacres committed by colonialists, whether in Algeria, South Africa, Ireland, or other settler colonies, will be a signpost in our long walk to freedom. Only those who stand on the right side of history can read the signs.


About the Author(s)
Haidar Eid is Associate Professor of Postcolonial and Postmodern Literature at Gaza’s al-Aqsa University. He has written widely on the Arab-Israeli conflict, including articles published at Znet, Electronic Intifada, Palestine Chronicle, and Open Democracy. He has published papers on cultural Studies and literature in a number of journals, including Nebula, Journal of American Studies in Turkey, Cultural Logic, and the Journal of Comparative Literature.

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Election Season in the U.S. Means Its Witch Hunt Season

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Five months remain before the elections in November, and no election in modern America is complete without a witch hunt for “Russian spies and agents of influence”. If you believe the White House, these extraordinary super-agents can dupe millions of Americans into voting for ‘right-wing’ candidates just by posting videos on websites that few people have seen, as well as humorous memes on social media.

In their effort to root out ‘Russian influence’ the White House has a number of tools at its disposal — from the muscle of FBI goons and criminal cases that bankrupt the accused, to the defamatory pen of New York Times propagandists. On the hit list over the past month have been two independent American journalists and one activist in New York whose only ‘crime’ is being interested in Russian history.

1) In early May, the FBI stepped up its investigation into the organizers of the New York chapter of the Russian historical movement, The Immortal Regiment. 2) In early June, Biden’s goons went after Scott Ritter, a critic of U.S. militarism and proponent of friendly relations with Russia. 3) The New York Times did a hit piece on John Mark Dougan, another critic of U.S. militarism who fled to Russia in 2016 after facing persecution for his investigation into local corruption in his home state of Florida.

These certainly won’t be the last victims caught up in the White House’s anti-Russian witch hunt before the November elections. Let’s take a closer look at the three cases.

Founded in Russia in 2012, The Immortal Regiment is an annual non-political event that is now global. Participants meet once a year — on May 9 — to commemorate their ancestors who served in the Soviet army that defeated European Nazism. It’s a beautiful and inspiring event. (Unless, of course, you are a Nazi sympathizer).

"The main front of World War 3 is on the field of information and psychological warfare. Each of us is on the front lines. There’s a battle raging for your mind and soul..."

Since the White House avidly supports the regime in Kiev, which openly glorifies Nazi butchers, it’s not surprising that the U.S. government harasses and threatens members of The Immortal Regiment. Because of their hatred for Russians, even Nazis are now heroes for western liberal elites. (Remember how last autumn Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s government publicly honored a Ukrainian Nazi).

Igor Kochan, a long-time New York resident and Russian citizen, was one of the organizers of the recent (and last) Immortal Regiment march in New York City, on May 9. He had long faced FBI harassment, but this spring the threats reached a boiling point when they confiscated his cell phone — an act indicating that a criminal case is being fabricated. In mid May, Mr Kochan fled the U.S. for the safety of Russia where he now has the freedom to speak out.

For years, Mr Kochan had faced FBI harassment and was even fired from his job due to his Russian ethnicity, a severe violation of U.S. federal law. But in the U.S., Russians have no rights, are widely viewed as “the enemy” and therefore stripped of any legal protections. “Russians are persecuted in the U.S.,” Mr Kochan recently said in a TV interview in Moscow.

The FBI’s harassment of other organizers and participants in The Immortal Regiment in New York continues, and concocted charges against some of them are highly likely as November approaches. The FBI has to justify its vast budget fighting “Russian election interference”.

The next incident came on June 3 when military analyst Scott Ritter was prevented from boarding a plane in New York to travel to Russia to attend the St Petersburg Economic Forum. Several men claiming to be police officers demanded his passport and still haven’t returned it — an ominous sign.

I’ve never heard of the U.S. confiscating someone’s passport,* and I wonder if it means the White House is fabricating a criminal case against Mr Ritter. He is certainly a huge thorn in Biden’s side.

A statement from Mr Ritter’s podcast producer, Jeff Norman, said: “Just prior to boarding the plane, he was prevented from doing so by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents, who confiscated his passport. They told him they were acting on orders from the U.S. State Department. He was given no other explanation, and wasn't given a receipt for his passport. Scott has sent a letter to the State Department seeking an explanation and the return of his passport.”

Later, on his podcast, Mr Ritter said that the White House wants “to send a signal to anyone who wants to travel to Russia. They were afraid about what I was going to say and where I was going to say it”. The St Petersburg Economic forum is a “giant megaphone to the whole world”.

Mr Ritter is already on “Mirotvorets” the hit list run by Ukrainian nationalists and that receives support from the U.S. government. Mirotvorets labels Mr Ritter an “information terrorist”, which is an open call to have him killed. (Assassination of journalists supported by our tax dollars. Where are you George Clooney?!).

Despite the threats, Mr Ritter said on his recent podcast: “We’re not giving up. I’ve been at war with the U.S. government 24/7, for 30 years. It wears you down, but the cause — to stop a nuclear war and promoting peace — is very important.”

The second thing that surprised me is the article’s length — over 2,600 words (about five A4 pages) and an audio version that runs almost 21 minutes. Articles of this size are usually reserved only for very important public figures and events.

With all due respect to Mr Dougan, who I do not know and have never met, the fact is that he’s an unknown and minor figure. Devoting so much space and time to a man whose life and actions have little impact on the world is quite bizarre. But Meyers has to justify his high salary — he has to produce ‘evidence’ that supports the White House’s fake narrative of ‘Russian interference’ in our elections.

Meyers writes: “Mr. Dougan, 51, who received political asylum in Moscow, is now a key player in Russia’s disinformation operations against the West. …Working from an apartment crowded with servers and other computer equipment, Mr. Dougan has built an ever-growing network of more than 160 fake websites that mimic news outlets in the U.S., Britain and France. …With the help of commercially available artificial intelligence tools, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT and DALL-E 3, he has filled the sites with tens of thousands of articles, many based on actual news events.”

Intriguing. But is it true? Is there any evidence? Look closely at the article. In fact, there’s none. Nothing. We’re supposed to blindly trust Meyers and the NYT. The article’s main premise revolves around the dubious testimony of two characters who provide no evidence.

POST SCRIPTUM: I take no pleasure in writing these articles, exposing American corruption, mass murder, and the rise of a totalitarian state in Washington DC. Like many of you, I was raised to love my country and take pride in it. Today, however, there’s little to love and take pride in. Everywhere I look I only see reason for eternal shame. And don’t think for a moment that we’ll escape the Almighty’s judgement.

I’ve decided to make deconstructing and exposing western media lies a main focus of my labors. Today I’m launching my Telegram channel (link here). It’s in Russian only, precisely because it’s meant to be a tool to help Russian parents and teachers help their children/ students who might be susceptible to western disinformation. The main front of World War 3 is on the field of information and psychological warfare. Each of us is on the front lines. There’s a battle raging for your mind and soul.


* A case also worth remembering is that of Paul Robeson.
Here's a rather fair account (excerpted) of Robeson's trials with the US Government, of all places in Politico,  a liberal interventionist publication, via WWW.HISTORY.COM

Before World War II, Paul Robeson, an African-American advocate for civil rights and an entertainer renowned for his work on Broadway and in films, became so dismayed over racism that he left the country and lived in Europe until 1939.

During his 11 years abroad, Robeson became enamored by the Soviet Union, focusing on its disavowals of racial bias. During the war, while the United States was allied with Soviets against Nazi Germany, Robeson often performed before U.S. troops around the world. With the advent of the Cold War, the political climate changed; Robeson’s public statements in support of the Soviet Union began to draw pushback from official Washington.

Before and after his performances, Robeson gave numerous interviews condemning segregation and discrimination. Some U.S. policymakers, including John Foster Dulles, the secretary of state, viewed America’s race relations as the nation’s “Achilles’ heel” in the propaganda war with the Soviet Union. Witnessing a well-known, globally popular African-American denounce segregation while praising the Russians was deemed unacceptable.

In 1950, Robeson attempted to renew his passport so that he could travel abroad to fulfill his performance contracts. State Department officials insisted that before a renewal occurred Robeson sign an affidavit declaring that he was not a member of the Communist Party and that he was loyal to the United States. Robeson refused to do so and filed suit in federal court.

On this day in 1955, a federal judge ruled that the State Department was within its legal rights to deny Robeson a passport. After the decision, Robeson declared that it was “rather absurd” that he was not “allowed to travel because of my friendship — open, spoken friendship — for the Soviet people and the peoples of all the world.”

At a 1956 hearing before the House Un-American Activities Committee, Robeson said: “Whether I am or not a Communist is irrelevant. The question is whether American citizens, regardless of their political beliefs or sympathies, may enjoy their constitutional rights.”

In 1958, the U.S. Supreme Court in Kent v. Dulles affirmed painter Rockwell Kent’s right to travel, declaring the denial of a passport a violation of his civil rights. The majority opinion, written by Justice William O. Douglas, found that “the right to travel is a part of the ‘liberty’ of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment.” Six years later, in Aptheker v. Secretary of State, the court found that a law that barred communists from traveling abroad violated First Amendment principles, while leaving unsettled the extent to which this “liberty” can in any circumstances be curtailed.

The 5-4 decision in 1958 also led to the restoration of Robeson’s passport. The damage to Robeson’s professional career, however, was done. He performed for a few more years before retiring in the 1960s, although the FBI continued to investigate him until his death in 1976 at age 77.

Leading civil libertarian and geopolitical analyst Garland Nixon sounds the tocsin about our vanishing constitutional rights—every American should listen
Here's Garland Nixon's trenchant analysis of the ruling elites' intensifying harassment of dissidents, as typified by their attacks on geopolitical analyst Scott Ritter, and the slandering and framing of independent websites opposing imperialist war and the rapid unraveling of Constitutional rights in the US, such as The Grayzone and The Greanville Post, both mentioned in this video commentary. 

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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The Unique American Empire

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“Let me tell you about American exceptionalism.” (Still from American Psycho)

The White Empire under America is historically unique. Many empires have conquered earth, a few have conquered sea, but only one has dominated air so completely. America is the final and most fearsome avatar of White Empire, which had all the elements under its command. Earth, water, and air all bowed to its superior firepower. But that's all ending now. The White Empire is already history. It just takes a while for the bloody pages of history to dry.

Terms (White Empire)

The greatest whiteness of the White Empire is that it just blends into the background, like the white space on this page. I made up the name White Empire cause I got tired of repeating America+Europe+UK+Canada+Australia+Occupied Japan+Occupied Korea, etc. The greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world He didn't exist. White Empire is like this, and this is an American innovation. The British Empire was proudly Rule Britannia but American Empire is the amorphous Rules-Based Order. Whose rules? Their rules. But they don't come out and say it. They are the hypocritical hegemon, and this has been remarkably effective. They just blend into the background and all the blood seems to come out of nowhere, from these random 'conflicts'. What's America doing in the middle of all of them? “Helping”. Total bullshit. They are the nameless evil, which is why I come out and name them. Call it White Empire, American Empire, America, it is what it is.

Names, names, the devil has so many names. They're all irrelevant when we don't even see the planes bombing us, or the bureaucrats taking our food away. It's all one continuous White Empire to those on the bottom, in what they call the Global South. For the people under unrelenting centuries of colonial power, White people just take turns beating us with different excuses. First it was because we didn't believe in their God, now it's because we do. Today all of the colonial countries ruled by America and they lecture us with secular values instead of religious ones, none of which they practice or believe. Same shit, different day, as my historical thesis leads.

"The greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world He didn't exist. White Empire is like this, and this is an American innovation. The British Empire was proudly Rule Britannia but American Empire is the amorphous Rules-Based Order. Whose rules? Their rules. But they don't come out and say it..."

The nature of Whiteness is that it just blends into the background, like the whited-out apartment of the titular serial killer in American Psycho. That singular psycho kept his furniture covered and newspaper on the floor, as a more convenient background for ax murdering. The collective psychosis of White Empire does the same thing. They use 'international' institutions to cover up their war and siege machinery, and spread newspapers to sop up the bleeding. This unnamed, untamed empire is the backdrop of centuries of war and violence, culminating in the wild fury of genocide we're witnessing in Gaza. A new world struggles to be born and, as Gramsci sorta said, this is the time of monsters.

For a certain generation, asking them about White Empire is like asking a fish about water. “What the fuck is water?”  We swim in this world of endless bloodshed like fish swim in a world of endless water. The constant violence of the Empire is just the constant background, not foreground. We can't even perceive it, at least I couldn't for many years. The White Empire is clear, it's invisible, it's default. As the martyr soldier Aaron Bushnell said, “this is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.” Indeed, we take so much for granted that is outright abominable.

Until recently, America felt free to kill anybody, anywhere, anytime. To coup any nation, anywhere anytime, and then sanction their grandchildren's children if they defied. Aggression was just their sovereign right, and they were quite sanctimonious about it. America can point nukes at everyone, and has used them on innocent civilians. But if anyone even thinks about nuclear power that's a crime that their children must be traumatized for. America got the British government to arrest an Australian citizen (Assange) on American charges, like those countries don't exist at all. Because they don't. It's all one White Empire. In the same way, America got Canada to arrest a Chinese national for violating US sanctions, because Canada doesn't exist either. It's just America's chapeau. Can you see the contours of the White Empire now, as the background becomes foreground when you focus?

The White Empire is just a neocolonial mob family, with 'made' nations that can do whatever they want, and unmade (undeveloped) nations that get preyed on. If anyone tries to investigate a 'made' country like 'Israel', the mob boss will actually threaten the judges families. The G in G7 stands for Gangster, or Genocide if you're on the wrong side of it. This highly abnormal and amoral state of affairs is ‘what our ruling class has decided will be normal’. But none of this is normal. It's all evil.

America is the White Empire is the Evil Empire. What Americans fantasize about fighting in the dark of their movie theaters is what they actually walk into, as they step out. It's all one military-industrial multiplex, with politics as the real entertainment division. Totalitarianism, authoritarianism, fascism, every accusation is a confession. America is the most evil incarnation of empire ever known (selling your own rape-borne children into slavery? dropping nukes on civilian populations?) and, to invert Fidel Castro, history will not absolve them.


let me spit. As the final avatar of White Empire, America commands all four elements, earth, water, air, and fire. Or at least it did command them, now it's all going to shit. Let's go through how we got here.


America actually lost its ability to field land armies in Afghanistan. They haven't been able to take the field since, despite yelling at lots of people and throwing proxies in front of them. They're actually covering their retreat. The mad kingdom without a king went to the graveyard of empires and actually died there, the signal just hasn't reached their zombified brains yet. America simply can't raise the men (who are either too overweight, insane, or unwilling) or the matériel (it's all depreciating rapidly) to wage a land war in Asia, let alone three, like they're trying to. Their budget is just a measure of corruption, not power. Their bellicosity is bluster. America can't project land power at all anymore. The earth element is lost.


I'll dwell more on water because water is is what made colonial empires different. Genghis the Khan and Alexander the Great went as far as a horse could go but could conquer no further (the Khans did try to sail, but unsuccessfully). The vast majority of ancient Empires were land predators, certainly not global naval powers. Even though China could make treasure ships the size of the Niña, Pinta, and the Santa Maria combined, they didn't want to. They came to places like Sri Lanka, gave gifts, and never came back. They were rich already. They didn't need anything.

The warring tribes of Europe, however, were a different story. They were needy. These savages lived in the most solar poor peninsula of Asia and had evolved to be especially violent and greedy. The Mediterranean Sea gave them lots of naval training, and they later used it to sail across the larger seas. Their ships were far inferior to the Chinese but, unlike the Chinese, they needed them. Necessity was the true mother of colonization, not innovation or exploration. Europe was poor and they attacked the places that had resources and wealth. They incarnated their greed as corporations and, once they did, baby gotta eat.

The reason for colonialism is not actually that complicated, and it explains why colonialism, racism, and climate change are, in fact, one phenomenon. Note that I said Europe was solar-poor. Solar energy (which also drives the winds) was really the only potential energy back then, with animal (including human) labor to make it kinetic. Even biomass (burning wood) requires sun to grow it, solar energy is what the burning releases. Even wind is ultimately driven by temperature differentials created by the sun.

Colonialism is described as a scramble for wealth, but what is wealth really measuring? All currency is just a call on future energy, the ability to make a stripper dance on a pole or the world to spin around a unipole. As Vaclav Smil said, energy is the universal currency. And that's what the mad colonial scramble was for. The rest of the world had the sun and the population to grow things. The sun is also why people down here are darker. Our pigment is a visible measure of solar energy. It's like we're charged up and White people are visibly depleted. Racism is just an excuse for energy vampirism, if you think about it.

Physics abhors an energy imbalance, and it is this force that colonialism uncorked. There was vastly more energy in the south than the north, and the colonizers made it into a circuit, using water as a conductor. This had been done at small scales before. Ancient empires (like the Egyptians or the Indus Valley) were usually connected along a river, because it's hard to move things or people without the magic of water. Land-based empires are of course possible, but very difficult to maintain without the pre-modern version of the Internet, the conductive power of water.

Water was what made colonialism possible, and it was initially a 'renewable' enterprise, adding just wind power, labor, and biomass. Sailing ships could take massive weights across massive distances and suddenly all of that potential solar energy of the south began flowing north (and back around) via the kinetic energy of oppressed people and slaves. Racism was the human processing of a physical fact, that the sun-poor were robbing the sun-rich, and wanted to justify it. Climate change is just the consequences of these acts, because moving energy around has consequences.

Moving matter and energy does 'work', and work creates heat, as per the first law of thermodynamics. We ignore this at our peril, hence the peril today. Water made this all possible. It was the original conductor which enabled the first global empires, what I call one White Empire, because what's the difference between the Dutch, Portuguese, and British to people like me? Just different ships over the horizon, come to take our stuff and sap our energy. Water is what lubricated this lunacy. The original White Empire was a water nation, but air is what made it into an apex predator indeed.


Water empires were good enough for scoring filthy lucre. The stock market actually peaked in the South Sea Bubble and hasn't recovered since.

GFD: Stocks for the Very Long Run: The UK-100 and 327 Years of British Equity History

But enough is never enough when you've incarnated your greed as corporations, and given them the world to feed on. The discovery of fossil fuels meant even more (stored) solar energy to turn into 'work' leading, of course, to greater heat and entropy. Thermodynamic laws are real, unlike the vulgar laws of economics. While economics happily books profits every quarter, physics marks its ledger by centuries, and then rips up the economic ledger entirely. Thus it goes with what we so proudly call progress and history.

The immense potential energy and density of fossil fuels (especially oil) enabled airships, which was a world-warping change. Whereas World War I was fought with, mostly horses, World War II was fought with mechanized vehicles and planes (and lots of horses as well). Whereas WWI was the water-based colonial powers fighting amongst themselves, WWII was the water-phobic Hitler trying to leapfrog them all through fossil-fuelled land and air warfare. World War II was really the inter-imperial battle for a new type of empire, one that marshalled all the elements using the effective magic of fossil fuels. Millions of undead solar slaves that you could pipe through a tube. But Hitler didn't win that war. The racist totalitarian state that inspired him did. America. After World War II finally ended in 1991, they became the fire nation that ruled. And they ruled the air above all.

To this day, most commercial airplanes are made by the USA (Boeing) or their backyard bitch France (Airbus). Not that other countries didn't or couldn't make planes, it's just that the White Empire dominated. America inherited sea lanes and naval bases from the British, but its real contribution to White Empire was aviation. The most terrifying power of the US military is its ability to deploy a fully functional Burger King anywhere in the world overnight, followed by its ability to deliver nuclear weapons through the same mechanism.

America of course still relies on naval and land power. Like the many horses used (and abused) in World War II, old forms of energy use don't entirely go away, new consumption just stacks on top of them. America, however, is distinct from other empires because it commands both air and space power at a frankly godlike level. They can rain down death from above wherever they want, and frequently do. But they're not actual gods, because they can't control the weather, and the actual gods are teaching them as we speak. That's what climate change is. The revenge of the weather gods, largely unworshiped and besmirched for centuries now. This is their aeon.

The fact is that all this power, all the energy that colonialism unleashed (and capitalism capitalized on), has thermodynamic consequences. The first law of thermodynamics says that perpetual motion machines are impossible (ie an economy that grows forever) but White Empire has based its entire existence around that impossibility. Infinite growth forever on a finite planet.

Another implication of the first law is that work makes heat, and when you apply this to an economy that's supposed to double every generation (what you get at roughly 3% annual growth), things get crazy real quick. If we keep doubling the work we do every generation (a 2.3% growth rate), the waste heat alone boils the oceans in 400 years. Conventional economics obviously kills us over just a few centuries, but it makes a killing next quarter, so who gives a shit. As Keynes said, in the long run we're all dead, speaking for all dead economists.

The second law of thermodynamics is basically that tea gets cold, energy differentials settle and you end up with unpalatable muck. AKA entropy. The frenzied movement of energy around the world—first by land, then water, then firepowered air—has left only a massive mount of garbage and waste heat in the long term. All of our vaunted progress, it's just a fart in the wind, geologically speaking. Everything we measure as GDP is garbage, most of it within a year, all of it within geological timescales. Meanwhile the waste heat and radiation lasts much longer and is our only real legacy to future scientists, should they dare play with these dark arts ever again.

This process started when we first captured the elements via agriculture, increased when we moved them along water in river valleys, accelerated when we moved them across the waters of the ocean, then we really started cooking with gas with aviation. But all of these processes have a logical, mathematical end according to the most basic laws of physics. What goes up must come down. Disorder is easier than order. Fuck around and find out. The fall of America is really a part of the much greater fall of White Empire, and the even greater fall of the containing ecosystem. It's wheels within wheels, and the wheels are all coming off this century.


I've digressed but I hope it's digestible.

America is a historically unique Empire because it marshalled all the elements, but we are nearing the logical conclusion to this deep delusion. It is a blasphemous idea that the elements were ours to marshal in the first place and the gods are slapping us back into place. As they have done to every empire, ever, though it always seems surprising. Every empire that tried to conquer the earth has turned to dust, every empire that used water (via rivers) has seen it dry up, every empire that sailed the seas has gone under. Air is a seemingly supreme power but we still can't control the weather and—on a long enough timescale—the weather still controls us. The one aspect about American Empire that's not unique is that all empires must fall. Dumbasses to ashes, dust to dust.

Please scroll down to read about the author's background.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
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