Dave Smith CRUSHES Vaush In Debate

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Sabby Sabs

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Who is the AGGRESSOR in this conflict? In the Israel/Palestinian conflict, the aggressor has been Israel, from the very beginning. This is not opinion. This is fact. The same for the Ukraine War. The US and its puppet NATO alliance literally provoked this conflict. The US and "the West" have been provoking Russia at least since the US "Orange Color Revolution" of 2004, which failed, and later, under Obama, the CIA coup in 2014, which put fierce anti-Russians in power to this day. But the plot against Russia goes back far longer, perhaps (at least) to the close of WW2, when the US CIA began to cultivate fanatical anti-Russian nationalists and Nazis in Western Ukraine to work as underground anti-communist terrorist cells. By 1980s as the USSR was unfurling its perestroika and glasnost reforms, the West promised the Russians that NATO would not move an inch East beyond Germany's borders if Moscow allowed the reunification of Germany. This promise was not kept, of course. In the two decades that followed, NATO systematically expanded toward Russia's "existential borders" by subverting (regime-changing or corrupting existing governments) and taking over many of the former Soviet-sphere states. Again, this is not opinion.  This is fact.

Why would anyone want to debate Vaush, a certifiable pro-Imperialist narcissistic bread tuber who specialises in pedantic, oft abstruse manure throwing, is certainly beyond me, but, as this encounter demonstrates, despite Vaush's dishonest rhetorical tricks and posturings, a solid debater like Dave Smith can easily clean the floor with this pretend intellectual. In fact, Vaush reminds us a lot of supreme poseur Bernard-Henri Lévy, and that's obviously no compliment. 

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Debate Forces Corporate Media to Admit Biden’s Impairment After Months of Lies

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Glenn Greenwald

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BELOW, Glenn's FULL version of the episode feartured above. 

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Debate Forces Corporate Media to Admit Biden Impairment After Months of Lies; SCOTUS, Including Justice Jackson, Overturns Excessive Jan. 6 Prosecutions | SYSTEM UPDATE #291

News 12131
  • and Hamas is the only party rejecting it reminds me of that time they kept insisting that the real president of Venezuela was some random guy—Juan Guaido—they chose for the position.
  • They’re just trying to impose a narrative which has no factual basis whatsoever by rote repetition and sheer media power.—Caitlin Johnstone.

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The Power of Propaganda

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Eric Zuesse

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Ukrainian propaganda about Russian strikes intentionally targetting civilians

The propaganda about propaganda is that it’s only direct deceit against the public by the Government (like America’s Founders thought to be the case when they wrote the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution); but, in an aristocracy — which is a Government by only the super-rich, who control the ‘news’-media by owning it and by funding it with their corporations’ advertisements — propaganda is actually instead by and represents the people who, behind the scenes, control the Government, because the real Government is the one behind the facade (the facade being the elected political leaders), and these actually controlling individuals are the aristocrats, the billionaires, the super-rich, who are the megadonors to political campaigns, the few individuals who donate more than half of all the money that is being spent in political campaigns, to fool the public to vote for one group of billionaires’ nominees, against another group of billionaires’ nominees.

In a modern fascist country, the aristocracy control by pretending to be instead a democracy (by means of these s‘elections’), so that its subjects (‘citizens’) are controlled by lies instead of by violence — this method is far more efficient than the old method, which was much more fractious. The public then willingly serve the aristocracy, by being deceived that they don’t but instead serve themselves or ‘the country’, in ‘a democracy’ (because of those s‘elections’).

Throughout the collective West — the U.S. empire — this has been the model ever since U.S. President Harry Truman, on 25 July 1945, accepted the advice from both General Dwight Eisenhower and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which told him that unless the U.S. Government would ultimately take over the entire world, the Soviet Union would, and so Truman established America’s military-industrial complex, including its subversion-agency the CIA, for that purpose: all-inclusive global empire. From that moment on, America has been controlled by the controlling owners of its armaments manufacturers and their sub-contractors. This way, those firms would control their chief market, which is the American Government and its colonies (‘allies’).

It functions not only in the United States but in all of its colonies. For example: France.

In France, the public have been overwhelmingly deceived to believe that when Ukraine’s Government radically changed in February 2014, that had been a democratic revolution, by and for the people of Ukraine, instead of an American coup, by the U.S. Government, on behalf of America’s billionaires.

Here is some of the irrefutable evidence that it was instead an American coup. (Just click on it to see that evidence, if you don’t already know it to be the case.)

However, the French media have hidden that evidence from the French public. They think that Vladimir Putin started the war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, and are ignorant that Obama started it in his February 2014 coup and had been planning that coup ever since at least June 2011.

Here is what has resulted from this hiding of truth and spreading of lies about Ukraine:


“Armée : Ces trois chiffres qui illustrent un « regain de patriotisme » des jeunes Français”

Armée : Ces trois chiffres qui illustrent un « regain de patriotisme » des jeunes Français

ALLONS ENFANTSLes jeunes Français semblent partants pour faire la guerre en cas de nécessité

Des militaires français lors de l'exercice Dragon-24 de l'OTAN.

Des militaires français lors de l'exercice Dragon-24 de l'OTAN. - SOPA Images/SIPA / SIPA

Publié le 12/04/2024 à 21h08 • Mis à jour le 12/04/2024 à 21h13

Les Journée défense et citoyenneté (autrefois JAPD) et les spots publicitaires des armées semblent enfin faire effet sur les nouvelles générations. Ou serait-ce plutôt le contexte actuel qui encourage les jeunes Français à participer à l’effort militaire ?


“Army: These three figures which illustrate a “renewed patriotism” among young French people: LET’S GO CHILDREN• Young French people seem ready to go to war if necessary”

2 April 2024

Defense and Citizenship Day (formerly JAPD) and army advertising spots finally seem to have an effect on new generations. Or would it rather be the current context which encourages young French people to participate in the military effort? In any case, there is a “renewed patriotism” among 18-25 year olds, according to an unprecedented study on young people and war, carried out in 2023 and published Friday [March 29th] by organizations of the Ministry of the Armed Forces. Strong trends emerge in the perception of military issues.

“There is a revival of patriotism which responds to a need for meaning, commitment, to feel useful,” explained to AFP the author of the study, Anne Muxel, research director at the CNRS and director delegate of the CEVIPOF political research center.

More than one in two ready to enlist in the event of war

Among the striking figures from this sociological study, the first on the subject since the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine on February 24, 2022. To the question: “if the protection of France required that the country engage in war in Ukraine, would you be ready to commit to defending your country?”, 51% of those questioned answered “yes”, including 17% “yes absolutely” and 34 “yes perhaps”. Nearly a quarter of boys (24%) answered “yes absolutely”, compared to 12% of girls.

Even more striking: without mentioning a particular country, 57% of the young people questioned declared themselves ready to enlist under the flags “in the event of war”.

A third of young people in favor of a French presence in Ukraine

Furthermore, almost a third of young French people (31%) declared themselves in favor of a deployment of French troops in Ukraine (compared to 17% of those aged 50 and over), even before the option was mentioned by Emmanuel Macron. on February 26 .

A majority for compulsory military service

A large majority of respondents (62%) consider that “it would be a good thing to once again establish compulsory military service”, abolished in 1997 and partially reintroduced by several European countries such as Sweden.

Furthermore, more than half of them are “possibly considering a career in the armed forces”, good news for an institution which in 2023 experienced a deficit between departures and recruits of some 3,000 personnel.

Here is some additional information about the deceit against the French public by French and American billionaires, regarding Ukraine and Russia.

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We Watched Them Murder Many Thousands of Captive Children in Their Concentration Camp! Woe Unto Us         

Jay Janson

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Many thousands of civilian victims are still buried (and uncounted) under the rubble throughout Gaza, a tiny sliver of land pounded sadistically by 1-ton bombs supplied by America.      

It’s now June of 2024. Nearly 40,000 human beings, mostly women and children are dead, maybe 90,000 injured, many with limbs amputated, and another 10,000 lie buried beneath the ruble of the approximately 80% of the destroyed homes and other buildings of what were the cities of Gaza,

Let’s go back eight months to the beginning of this extraordinary and heartless slaughter happening openly for all the world to see via videos and photographs.

On Oct. 7, 2023 Palestinian Freedom Fighters Broke Out of Israel’s Murderous Illegal Concentration Camp

“The fifteen hundred young men who bursted the gates of Gaza on October 7, 2023 were born into an Israeli concentration camp. They lived for two decades or more in a concentration camp. They had no past. They had no present. They had no future. 70% had no jobs. Half of them according to humanitarian organisations suffered from what is called  severe food insecurity. My Holocaust surviving parents would have cheered their break out.” [The above is quoted from Norman Finkelstein, Ph.D. in political science from Princeton University, a well-known political scientist and author who specialises in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Holocaust studies, whose father and mother were survivors of the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Majdanek. The rest of Finkelstein’s entire family on both sides was murdered during the Holocaust.]
On Oct. 7, the militant Palestinian organisation Hamas based in Gaza led a brutal invasion of Israel. Israel accuses Hamas of killing 1,200  people, mainly civilians, however the major Hebrew newspapers have carried Israeli military admissions that firing from Israeli Apache Helicopters and tanks accounted for many of the Israeli civilian deaths.

By October 17, ten days later, the Israeli armed forces had bombed to death more than 5,000 Palestinians in Gaza, mostly women and children, at times dropping 2,000 pound bombs on apartment buildings, and had cut off all water, food and fuel to Gaza.

On that same 17th day of October 2023, Dr. Norman Finkelstein gave a talk at the University of Massachusetts labeled, “The Struggle for Justice in Palestine: Past, Present, and Future.”

When asked if he condones or condemns the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, Finkelstein invoked the memory of the Nat Turner slave rebellion, the deadliest slave revolt in American history, where 55 white men, women and children were killed. Finkelstein prefaced this by expressing that the people of Gaza,

“have been trapped in a concentration camp for twenty years” as “the international community had abandoned them, and whatever tactic they attempted, including nonviolent resistance, had no impact on freeing them from that concentration camp.”
With these conditions in mind, he went on to reference William Lloyd Garrison, editor of the abolitionist newspaper “The Liberator.” Following Nat Turner’s 1831 revolt, Garrison wrote a column in The Liberator about the uprising. Finkelstein said that while Garrison admitted that the rebellion was shocking and could not be justified, “never once, never once… did [Garrison] condemn the slave rebellion.”

Talking about the Hamas attack Finkelstein said, “It was shocking, “yes.” Can it be justified? “No.” Should it be condemned? William Lloyd Garrison clearly said, “No.” “Neither condemn nor condone it.” Then Finkelstein added,

“I once asked Mom if she was sorry for the Germans in the cities being terror bombed by the U.S. Airforce and the R.A.F..
I wish it were otherwise, but to the last day of my parents life it was unthinkable that they would of had a kind word to say about Germans.”

A Plea for Compassion:

Those Murdered Thousands of Precious Children Are Free From Suffering!  – Think of Them As Angels!  Pity The Insanity of Their Executioners

Post Script:

The Israel Police recently recommended shelving the case against Rabbi Eliyahu Mali of the Shirat Moshe Yeshiva in Jaffa for remarks made in March in which he said Jewish law requires killing Gaza’s entire population, including babies and the elderly.
A rabbi whose yeshivah is being funded by the government shamelessly calling for the murder of an entire population. Wiping them all out. This happened. And nothing is being done to stop him or silence him or even defund this guy yet to this historian’s knowledge.
News Articles and Reports:

  • Haaretz: “Controversy Over Sephardi Chief Rabbi’s Comments on Gaza” (March 15, 2024). This article provides details on Rabbi Yosef’s remarks and the initial reactions.
  • The Times of Israel: “Police Recommend Closing Case Against Chief Rabbi Over Controversial Gaza Remarks” (April 2024). This article discusses the police recommendation to close the case and the ensuing criticism.
  • Al Jazeera: “Israeli Chief Rabbi Under Fire for Calling for Gaza Genocide” (March 19, 2024). This report covers the international backlash and responses from human rights organizations.
To see original offending video click below:

On the other hand, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of rabbis all around the world that accuse Israelis of blasphemy and apostasy in their attempt to co opt the Jewish religion into an Israeli state religion. Click on the eloquent and kindly examples below: Important rabbi says Jews cannot accept Zionism.

Orthodox Neturei Karta anti-Zionist Crusading World-wide sect.

New York Times article re rabbis arrested by Israeli police.
https://www.nytimes.com › rabbis-erez-crossing-protest
Police Arrest Group of Rabbis and Activists Near Gaza

Rabbi Weiss denounces Zionist atrocities in Gaza; cites history of Jews and Arabs living together for thousands of years.

Woe Be Unto Us!

We Continue to Watch The Murder of Ever More Captive Children in Their Israeli Concentration Camp, and Currently, We Idly Witness the Israeli Government’s Intended Starving to Death of Tens of Thousands of the Murdered Children’s Brothers and Sisters!

 Israeli Defense Minister Seemed to Play God Already on October 10, 2023
“There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals.” said Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.


Seemingly to justify the indiscriminate bombing of Gazan cities, the compliant Western media was fed stories of beheaded babies, and other unbelievable statements were made by U.S. President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken but carried on the front pages of European media.

No limit to filth:

From the beginning the Western media has been 100% at the service of the Israeli narrative—no matter how blatantly false. The British press even outdid the Americans.

“I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children,” Biden said in broader remarks, NBC News, 9/11/2023

A Broad General Advisory: Recognize the deadly deception endangering many aspects of life on Earth emanating from Western corporate entertainment/news conglomerates overseen by the CIA for the powerful war investors controlling the American government and the governments of U.S. satellites.

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No Hope for Shitlibs: Tony Awards Audience GUSHES Over Hillary’s SURPRISE Appearance

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Keaton Weiss • Russell Dobular

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Jun 19, 2024
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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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