Editor’s Note: The depraved behaviour of Israel has been—and continues to be—so revolting, so beyond the pale, that its usual protectors, the corrupt Western political class and their media, have been forced to recognise this fact from time to time, if only to maintain a measure of legitimacy. Biden for example, pretended to intervene to force Israel to act with less brutality; the media, charged after all with reporting on basic reality, faced with such a colossal crime already discussed on the Internet, a crime already recognised by even the international tribunals, have also begun to present portions of the truth, obviously much too late and with great reluctance, while cushioning their narrative with all possible qualifiers (“Hamas brutal attack…yada yada, etc.).
AMARYNTH—There is very little new here. The RoW faces a repeat of the previous Trump administration, because Trump is not able to understand that many of the ‘international crises’ were of his doing. I don’t see, intuit or sense a change. I don’t find an understanding that the problems are US Policy and not so much what he did, or what Biden or anyone else did. It is systemic and long term.
MAIN EDITORS—Phil Andrew, a former FBI agent and head of the Pax Group security consulting firm, said protection at such events are made up of “three rings of security,” with the first being the Secret Service agents who can physically shield an individual, a second team working the perimeters of an event, and a third focused on the exterior areas.
While the first two rings are pretty much entirely Secret Service responsibility, local law enforcement can be used for the third, as it was with the building the shooter climbed.
by Bruce Lerro35 minutes readBRUCE LERRO—Using loaded language in politics supports narrowing the thinking process to heroes and villains, gods and devils, dictators or democrats. Working-class people do not initiate what these words mean, or in what contexts they are used. However, working class people circulate these words unconsciously when they talk about politics to others. Working-class people also internalize these words and this narrows the span of how they think about political processes. The purpose of this article and the next one is to challenge you to try purging from your vocabulary the words totalitarian dictatorship or democracy. Chances are very good that the Yankee anti-communist campaign is playing you.
MAIN DESK—BIDEN’S BIG BOY SUMMIT—The roundtable discusses Biden’s carefully scripted but underwhelming “Big Boy” press conference, which, to no one’s surprise, turned out much more an electoral campaign speech—often mumbled—than a presidential presser, the whole concoction punctuated by hilarious gaffes that Biden’s mental deterioration now make almost inevitable (like confusing Zelensky with Putin—of all people). In addition, guest Jeff Brown paints a comprehensive picture of the global strategic situation, with a focus on Asia, where America’s futile attempts to surround China with military bases and alliances in order to stop its rise to global prominence, (already a fait accompli), is opening yet another front for a major kinetic war threatening humanity with nuclear Armageddon. A SECOND VIDEO-THE WEAPONISATION OF IGNORANCE—is also part of this outstanding package.