Peter Joseph is the founder of the Zeitgeist Movement, a grassroots, worldwide organization that advocates an alternative economic system based on sustainability, cooperation and human need. His most recent book, ‘The New Human Rights Movement,’ delivers a startling exposé about the violent oppression that defines our economic order, while issuing an urgent call for global activism to unite to replace it. Abby Martin sits down with Joseph to talk about the contradictions and crises of capitalism and what he advocates to save the future of the planet from catastrophe.
Moses Farrow had the courage to defend Woody Allen at the peak of the #metoo witchhunt
38 minutes readMOSES FARROW—It was important to my mother to project to the world a picture of a happy blended household of both biological and adopted children, but this was far from the truth. I’m sure my mother had good intentions in adopting children with disabilities from the direst of circumstances, but the reality inside our walls was very different. It pains me to recall instances in which I witnessed siblings, some blind or physically disabled, dragged down a flight of stairs to be thrown into a bedroom or a closet, then having the door locked from the outside. She even shut my brother Thaddeus, paraplegic from polio, in an outdoor shed overnight as punishment for a minor transgression.
LEE CAMP SPECIAL~227~ Russiagate False Flag Exposed, Town Bans Politicians, Mumia Shocker
0 minutes readIn this episode, Lee Camp makes (plenty) of fun of the final Senate report on Russiagate, an example of grand self-serving chicanery, which came p with nothing but is being hailed as “proof” that the Russians are everywhere.
The Joke’s on You—(Don’t ever say Steve Almond didn’t warn you).
37 minutes readSTEVE ALMOND—In a 1906 address at Carnegie Hall entitled “Taxes and Morals,” Mark Twain lambasted plutocrats who advertised their piety while lying about their incomes. “I know all those people,” Twain noted. “I have friendly, social, and criminal relations with the whole lot of them.” He said that word—criminal—knowing that many of these folks were seated in the gallery before him. Twain had this to say about the patriotism of his day: “The Patriot did not know just how or when or where he got his opinions, neither did he care, so long as he was with what seemed the majority—which was the main thing, the safe thing, the comfortable thing.”
The author of the video below argues that, overwhelmingly, the Gilets are NOT violent, and that much of the violence is done by the police, cases of blatant provocation, false flags, etc. Their instinctive strategy seems to be to paralyse the nation, and —says the videographer—this may work.