The Myopia of Anglo-American Rulers: How They Can’t Face Their Loss to the “Eurasian Miracle”

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Bruce Lerro

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The Myopia of Anglo-American Rulers: How They Can’t Face Their Loss to the “Eurasian Miracle”

In 1981, Eric Jones wrote a very powerful book called The European Miracle: Environments, Economies and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia. He was not alone in claiming there was something unique about Europe compared to the rest of the world. Though I doubt it was his intention, his work perhaps unintentionally supported a Eurocentric, paternalistic, racist orientation of a Wren theory which claimed to explain world politics. This is called International Relations Theory which claimed to be positivist, objective and value free. International relations theory is so deeply embedded in Western triumphalism that it has failed to notice that the West has been losing to China, Russia and Iran for the last 20 to 30 years. International  relations theory barely understands that this has happened and it has no theory to explain it. What we are witnessing today is a “Eurasian Miracle.”

The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics, I point out a good reason for this is because of the Eurocentric nature of Neocon Realists, Neoliberal Globalists and Liberal Institutionalists theory. However, Hobson’s criticism of Eurocentrism does not stop there. He argues that even left-wing theories like constructionism and world-systems theory are guilty of Eurocentrism. Eurocentrism, not only because it takes different forms, but that some of these are even anti-imperialist. The conventional contrast of a Eurocentric or racist conception of imperialism from a constructivist and Marxist point of view is too simple and Eurocentrism is too deep.

What is Eurocentrism?
Hobson’s claim that there two steps in Eurocentric big-bang theory of world politics:

  • Europeans single-handedly created a European capitalist international state system through their pioneering and exceptional institutional genius.
  • They export their civilization to remake the world in their own image through globalization, imperialism or hegemony.
    To add to this, Eurocentrism claims the Eastern and Southern part of the world had no independent status. There was no East or South big bang. In the West the various movements of the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation the scientific revolution, capitalism, the Enlightenment, the industrial revolution or socialism were purely Western. The East and South either helped out or they were left behind. With rare exceptions. Eastern and Southern parts of the world system never led Western development.

What is paternalism?
Historians of the modern West sought to explain social evolution. In doing so, they divided societies into three stages:

  • barbarism (horticultural and agricultural states) and
  • civilization—industrial capitalist societies

Supposedly Europeans hoped that all societies would want to become civilized. But when societies of the East and South did not aspire to this, they were labelled either savages or barbarians. However, some historians and anthropologist thought it was their duty (white man’s burden) for the savages and barbarians to see the light. This led to paternalism.

An example of well-intentioned paternalist Eurocentrism: Rawls
John Rawls believed that his liberal vision had genuinely universalist criteria and it did not offend cultural sensibilities of non-Western people. He was interested in culturally converting Eastern people rather than containing them as in Western liberal realism.

Yet there are five key Eurocentric dimensions of his theory:

  • All well-ordered hierarchical societies must exhibit a separation of church and state (this will not work for Muslims).
  • Imposition of free trade (free trade can only work with wealthy societies).
  • Governed by a liberal law of peoples (teaching Eastern women to have less babies won’t work if they are being blocked by the IMF and the World bank from industrializing.
  • Eastern states receive only conditional sovereignty because they are classified as despotic states and “failed” states are deemed uncivilized.
  • Developed societies have a duty to assist burdened societies (paternalism).

Hobson’s claims

Hobson’s explicit claims are first that International Relations Theory contains six myths:

  • the theoretical great traditions myth.

Hobson’s 2nd claim is there are six types of imperialism which are laid out over 250 years. His third claim is that Western racism was not always triumphant but was based on fear of what would become of Europe if Easterners and Southerners of the world  got the upper hand. Lastly, I close out with theories that are exceptions to the rule and are not Eurocentric or paternalistic and with a minimum of racism.

Hobson’s implicit claim is that without “the rest” there might be no West. The West was not an early, but a late development. This topic will be covered in my future article based on another of Hobson’s books, The Eastern Origins of Western Civilization.

Six Eurocentric Myths of International Relations Theory
Hobson tells us the conscious or unconscious moral purpose of IR is to be a defender and promoter of Western Civilization. The key of disciplinary assumptions that are presently revered as self-evident truths really are largely Eurocentric myths. As stated above, these include the above myths.

The noble identity foundation myth: Whig and progress theory of history
International Relations Theory has embedded in a Whig an interpretation of its intellectual history. Whiggish means that the past is reorganized to make it seem that the present was the only possible passage that could have led to contemporary life. The Whig theory of history has the theory of progress embedded in it. The theory of progress claims that the later in time we go in social evolution the better societies get in material wealth, less labor, higher morality and happiness.

It is a now conventional assumption that the discipline of International Relations was born in 1919. Supposedly, it had a moral purpose to finding ways to solve the universal problem of war. This now conventional view was originally constructed by E.H. Carr in his classical text The Twenty Year’s Crisis(1946).

Contrary to this convention, IR theory did not appear all of a sudden after WW I out of the head of Zeus. It continued from its pre-1914 roots which were neither positive, objective nor value free. Rather they were paternalist, Eurocentric and intentionally or unintentionally racist. There are deep continuities that the 1919-1945 period of international theory has with the pre-1914 period of international theory. The Eurocentric racism and paternalism that underpinned it had been forged in the previous century. In addition, there is a continuum of imperialism that goes all the way back to the middle of the 18th century. Thirdly, there was an explosion of anti-colonial resistance. What were colonists resisting – those noble Western powers that colonialized them. In this larger scheme of things, the end of World War I was not the only game in town. As positivists, what Neocon realists and liberal globalists ignore is that the noble identity myth can also be a ideological justification for Eurocentrism, capitalism, racism and imperialism. The four stages are of Hobsons history if International relations include:

  • 1760-1914 Manifest Eurocentrism and scientific racism
  • 1914-1945 Manifest Eurocentrism and scientific racism
  • 1945-1989 Subliminal Eurocentrism
  • 1989-2010 Manifest Eurocentrism

The positive myth of IR of theory of liberalism as emerging between the wars

This myth was that the between the wars IR theory was dominated by liberal globalists who searched for a new cooperative global order as a reaction to the Neocon realism of World War I. It was characterized as a harmonious and optimistic theory because it stands for peace. But as Hobson points out, interwar international theory was not monopolized by idealism or liberalism because it also exhibited a vibrant racism realist stream that emerged after 1889, especially in the world of geopolitical theorists, Ratzel, Mackinder, Mahan and others.

IR claims to be positivist with a value free epistemological base. This has been challenged by African-American Marxists Ralph Bunche, WEB Dubois and CLR James. They say that when viewed through a non-European lens, the vast majority of international theory produces a parochial or provincialanalysis of the West that can masquerade as if it were universal. Further, the imperialist aspect of interwar idealist theory has not been widely noticed among modern IR scholars. Realist and so-called Liberal Idealists were united by the concern to restore the mandate of Western civilizational hegemony in one guise of another.

The great debate myth and reconceptualizing the idea of the clash of IR theories

These debates include the controversy between realism and idealism in the interwar period between history and scientism in the 1960s and between positivists and post-positivists in the 1990s. The first two appear as if these were great qualitative struggles, but like with Republicans and Democrats in Mordor, all parties have far more in common than they have in differences. The struggle between positivists and post-positivists are real but it are presented in too stark a manner. There were post-positivists as far back as the 1960s and those political scientists who were more statistical and quantitative also go back to the 50s and 60s. In other words that debate did not begin in the 1990s as IR theorists claim but thirty years earlier. In spite of these differences, there is consensus of virtually all parties concerning the politics of defending and celebrating Western civilization in world politics. These theories supported the Western powers. Their differences were small compared to the paternalism, racism and imperialism that they all shared.

Sovereignty vs anarchy myth
The sovereignty vs anarchy myth claims that in International Relations Theory all states are sovereign. But because there is no world-state the relations between nation-states are characterized as anarchistic. In the first place, IR theory limits which nation-states are considered sovereign to European countries. Eastern and Southern states are not considered sovereign because they lack the proper Western European credentials such as voting systems, more than one party, and capitalism. The school of Realism operates with universalist analytical principles that supposedly apply to all states regardless of how 2nd class some states are treated in practice. The problem for IR theorists is that the post the 1648 era there had been a proliferation of international imperial hierarchies, which were comprised of a series of single sovereign colonial powers, many of which were not nation-states. Its supposedly universal and ideologically unbiased principles of state-centrism sovereignty directly contradict its practice. For example, in 1878 the conference in Berlin divided Africa between European imperial powers. These sovereign states had colonies.

Furthermore if by anarchy they mean disorder, the relationship between sovereign states without a world state is by no means disorderly. There are shifting alliances between states rather than a Hobbesian war of all single states against each other. Secondly, to characterize this disorder as “anarchy” reveals either complete political bias or ignorance of anarchism as a respectable political tendency on the socialist left. Anarchism has involved thousands of people in many countries around the world since the late 1840s. It has had some success in the Paris Commune, the Russian and especially the Spanish revolutions. To characterize this as disorderly is an unforgivable omission from theorists who claim to be political scientists.

The globalization myth
The myth is that globalization has only recently (the last century) become an issue for international theorists. But to Hobson’s own surprise in his initial research, in many areas including some though not all realists, international theorists since 1760 have placed considerable emphasis on globalization. In his book The Eastern Origins of Western Civilization, Hobson points out that there were globalizing trade networks of, Africa, West Asia, India and China as far back as 500 CE.

The theoretical great traditions myth
IR theorists are no different than those who initiate artistic or spiritual movements in their search for origins. All political, artistic or spiritual movements seek to find their origins in the deep past rather than the recent past. In the IR traditional textbooks realism is claimed to go back to Thucydides in the ancient world and then forward to Hobbes and Machiavelli to culminate in Waltz, Gilpin and Mearsheimer via Carr and Morgenthau. But each of these theories are not air-tight. In fact IR theories mix with other theories within a given moment in time and each theory changes internally due to  changes in history.

Defining Imperialism and Anti-imperialism International Theory
Hobson claims that the vast literature on imperialism and anti-imperialism generally lacks conceptual precision. Here Hobson confront two broad definitional approaches:

  • Narrow Eurocentric
  • Expansive postcolonial

Most of modern Eurocentric international theory embraces a narrow definition and allows for considerable wiggle room when confronted with a charge of imperialism. It sees Eurocentrism and imperialism as distinct. You can be Eurocentric and not imperialist and conversely imperialist without being Eurocentric. At the other extreme, by contrast, post-colonial theorists seek to completely shut down this wiggle room by assuming that being Eurocentric is inherently imperialist and imperialism is always Eurocentric.

In table 1 I have a divided a spectrum of imperialism throughout history into 6 types. The three types on the left accept that they are imperialists and don’t apologize for it. The theories on the right deny they are imperialists. The theories on the left are formal empires, while the theories on the right are informal liberal empires. The people in the last cell are the theorists of various types of imperialism. The cell above it include the nature and justification of their mission. The names of the theorists are not important for now, but some of the more famous ones might be familiar to you. The importance of this table are not the theorists but rather the systems of justification, none of which are value free, universal and objective.

Table 1 The Definitional Continuum of Imperialism, Past and Present

Definitional Consensus
Most coercive definition
Accept they are imperialists
Definitional Controversy
Least coercive definition
Deny they are imperialists
Formal Empire Informal liberal empire
Tributary relations, political containment conquest of barbarism National civilizing mission/cultural
Civilizing mission, via international government
Anglo-Saxon hegemony To protect, duty to prevent, duty to assist concept of democracies Universalization


of Western civilization and global empire of liberal democratic peace

Gumplowicz, Ward, Mahan
K. Pearson, Hitler, Von Treitschke, Kidd, Spykman
Cobden, Bright, Angell, Mill, Marx, Reinsch,
Hobson, Buell, Woolf
Krasner, Fukuyama
Kindleberger Kagan, Brzezinski,
Cooper, Ignatieff
Slaughter, Ikenberry, Wheeler, Risse, Finnermore Rawls, Held
Friedman, Wolf, Russet, Owen

Eurocentric Imperialism: Liberal and Marxism

In Table 2 below, one interesting but expected difference between liberalism and Marxism is that liberals see imperialism as benign. J. A. Hobson and John Stuart Mill see imperialism is benign at an international level, but Cobden, Bright and Angell see imperialism as benign at a national level. The fact that Marxists thinks imperialism as coerced rather than benign should not come as a surprise to anyone. Traditional International Relations Theory sees liberal internationalism and classical Marxism as the antithesis of imperialism. However, John Hobson’s main point is what Marxism and liberals have in common. They all agree that:

  • The East can be characterized as “barbaric oriental despotism”
  • The capitalist peripheral countries (Third world) are savage, anarchistic societies residing in a domestic state of nature
  • Western agency is always pioneering, learning nothing from the rest of the world
  • Eastern agency even at its best is conditional, always learning from the West

It is these four points that show how deep Eurocentrism of all Western theories, even Marxism. These are the type of deep assumptions, hundreds of years old the keep Western theorists of world politics that the BRICS world of the East is bypassing them.

Table 2Paternalistic, Eurocentric. Institutional Imperial Concepts of World Politics

Marxism Left Liberal Liberal
Marx Mill and Hobson Cobden, Bright, Angell
Coercednational civilizing mission Benigninternational mission Benign national mission
East as barbaric Oriental Despotism East as barbaric Oriental Despotism East as barbaric Oriental Despotism
South as savage—3rd world anarchistic societies residing in a domestic state of nature South as savage—3rd world anarchistic societies residing in a domestic state of nature South as savage—3rd world anarchistic societies residing in a domestic state of nature
Pioneering Western agency Pioneering Western agency Pioneering Western agency
Conditional Eastern agency Conditional Eastern agency Conditional Eastern agency

Here are some further examples of Eurocentrism. In the 19th century, even when IR theory was sensitive to interdependence, it wasn’t world interdependence. Rather it was interdependence among the civilized states of Europe. Outside of Europe there was no recognition of interdependence. Eastern societies only got recognition once they became colonies or only if these countries were at war with Europe. It is something like calling the ultimate baseball playoffs “the World Series” even when it only includes the United States.

At the same time, the Eurocentrists had no problem imagining war with the East if it was profitable. But when it came to the civilized states of Europe, war was seen as unprofitable. Also, as we shall see later, racist theories bemoaned Europeans fighting because this would result in the depletion of the white race. Colonial annexation was entirely appropriate when it came to Europe’s relation with the East. The East has  conditional agency, such as Japan during World War II. However, the East cannot take the lead in historical development without being predator (as in the Yellow Peril).

As for the Global South, (Africa) for it  to be a respectable civilized state, Western core countries took a page out of Calvinism and insisted that these “savage societies” have a duty to develop their land productivity (meaning agriculturally) and abandon their primitivism (hunting and gathering). Non-Western politics, whether they be monarchies without constitutions or the egalitarian political consensus societies of hunting and gathering, are not recognized as sovereign. It was representative bourgeois state politics that was the “civilized” norm. As late as 1993 Paul Johnson said most African states are not fit to govern themselves. Their continued existence and the violence of human degradation they bring are a threat to the stability and peace as well as an affront to our moral sense. As of today Zionist Israel has massacred over 200,000 Palestinians. Yet there is no call from the United Nations (controlled by the West) to intervene in this “failed state”.

European imperialists hide their protectionist policies. As Friedrich List remarked, once imperialists have attained their summit of greatness, they kick away the ladder by which they climbed up in order to deprive others of the means of climbing up afterwards behind them.

Both the US and Britain industrialized on the back of extremely protectionist regimes and only turned to free trade once they arrived at the top of the global economic hierarchy. Thus, the imposition of free trade on developing countries by Britain after 1846 and the US after 1945 prevents Third World states from using tariffs to protect the infant industries. The projection of “free trade” by Americans…constitute an economic containment strategy to keep the Third World down.

A Century of Marxist Eurocentrism
Karl Marx’s paternal Eurocentrism and the political necessity of the Western civilizing mission
Marx appears to have had little appreciation for the complexity of ancient Chinese and Indian civilizations. For him China and India were the home of “Oriental Despotism”. The East could only be emancipated from its backwardness by the British colonialists. India stands outside world history and China was understood as a rotting semi-civilization. Believe it or not, for Marx, opium wars were emancipatory for China. Without British intervention there would be no future emancipatory socialist revolution. Imperialism was an instrument for both political progress and a requirement of global primitive accumulation. Was the result of British colonization Chinese emancipation? No, it was a century of Chinese humiliation (1839-1949). The imperialist engagement with China did not lead to order but to massive social-dislocation. The various Chinese revolutions were in part stimulated by a reaction against the encounter with the West.

For Marx and Engels, the East could belatedly jump aboard the Western developmental plane as Hobson says as “The Oriental Express”. It could participate in the construction of world history. But they could never lead the train in a progressive direction. They only had conditional agency. The Western states on the other hand had hyper-sovereignty. Sadly, Hobson says there hasn’t been much effort to reconstruct Marx’s theory along non-Eurocentric lines in traditional Marxism.

Lenin has no theory of Eastern emancipation
According to Hobson, Lenin says the East is inherently incapable of self-development. Lenin discusses how the period of free competition within Europe was succeeded after 1873 with the rise of cartels which intensified after 1903 into full-fledged monopoly capital and finance capital. But the causes of the crisis lay in the West whether underconsumption (Hobson) or the tendency of the rate of profit to fall (Marx and Engels). There was no mention of resistance in the colonies. Lenin discussed the right of self-determination of nations, but those nations would never influence the West or provide leadership.

World-systems theory
Immanuel Wallerstein was heavily criticized by Robert Brenner and other classical Marxists for overstating the interdependence of trade and hierarchy between societies and understating the class struggle within societies. But he maintains his traditional Marxian orientation in emphasizing the dynamics for the evolution of the world-system clearly in the Western part of the world. The West represents the civilized world, the core countries. The second division in the world is occupied by the regressive redistributive world empires in Asia. Division three of the world system is occupied by primitive reciprocal mini-systems found in North America, parts of Africa and Australasia (savage societies in the 19th century parlance).

World-empires mainly in Asia saw their state structures weakened while their boundaries underwent a forced contraction and the surviving mini-systems of North American, Caribbean and Australia underwent wholesale destruction.

Arrighi and Chase-Dunn

Other world-systems theorists like Giovanni Arrighi and Christopher Chase Dunn suggested that the world-system didn’t consist of just a core and a periphery but consisted of a semi-periphery which may or may not be Western. They argued that when core Western countries experienced crisis and decline, it was the semi-periphery countries that provided a new resource which allowed them to become a new core.

Exceptions to the rule Gunder Frank, Abu-Lughod

To be fair, both a sympathizer and an arch-critic of World-Systems theory, Andre Gunder Frank accused Wallerstein of Eurocentrism in his writings culminating in hisbook Re-Orient: Global Economy in the Asian Age. The work of Janet Anu-Lughod Before European Hegemony was so very powerful in showing the advanced state of non-Western trade networks  between 1250 and 1350 CE.

Exceptions to the Rule Outside of Marxism: James Watson

The Evolution of International Societymoves from the Italian city-state system and then proceeds with the emergence of sovereignly at the Westphalia conference by way of the Renaissance and the Reformation to arrive at the balance of power in 1713 at Utrecht. Yet he does talk about Eastern developments as reacting back on Europe as in a dialectical way. What the East contributed from the West included:

  • Industrialization, centerpiece of “British genius” was significantly enabled by Chinese innovations that stem back several millenniums.

Further, Watson analyzes in considerable detail many non-Western political formations prior to 1648.

Western Fear of Eastern and Southern Power

Most interesting is that many anti-imperialist racists argue against imperialism because it brings the white race in racially fatal conflict with the contaminating influences of non-white races. The impossibility of Eastern progressive development renders the Western civilizing mission all but futile.

Charles Henry Pearson: the decline of white supremacy and the barbaric rise of the yellow peril
National Life and Character, a Forecast.  He argued that white racial supremacy was being superseded by very high levels of predatory Eastern agency. But in Pearson’s racist imagination it is the white West that has been fated to remain within its stationary limits while the yellow races are destined to expand and triumph over the higher whites. The barbaric threat also came from within as a result of the socialist states’ preference to prop up the unfit white working classes and from without via the Yellow Peril were all leading to deterioration.

James Blair and David Jordan

Jordan’s defensive social Darwinist racism was a pacifist’s eugenics. It had three components:

  • The white race cannot survive in the tropics.

It serves to affect a degeneration of the physical and intellectual energy of the Europeans. He gives an example of that as the Philippines lie in the heat of the torrid zone which he called natures asylum for degeneration. Benjamin Kidd argued though we in Europe have the greatest food-producing regions of the earth, we want to administer the tropic from a distance. The white races needed to wake up because the tropics will lure them to their death. Kidd wanted to absolve the West of its home-grown liberal imperial guilt syndrome. His key concern about colonizing the tropics was the degenerative impact that the climate would have on white imperialists.

  • The second anti-imperialist argument concerned the perils of immigration.

The Oriental is of the past. They have not progressed for centuries. The Easterner hates progress. He contends that the constitution of China is said to not have been changed for thousands of years. On the other hand, the West is progressive, energetic and intolerant of the very thing which is the East’s most marked characteristic, indolence. The two races should never amalgamate.

  • Anti-war because the fittest white people would get killed

Jordan argues that warfare selects the best or fittest elements of the civilized white race to go out and fight, but in so doing leads to a reduction in the numbers of the fittest element as they lose their lives in futile colonial wars. Meanwhile the infirm and cowardly and feckless stay home, away from the battlefield. Some defensive racists were against the war between white countries so they could preserve white unity.

To summarize the threat from the East:

  • Domestic white barbaric threat – unfit working class
  • Racist interbreeding threat – contamination
  • Tropical climatic threat
  • Threat of European wars depleting the white race

The crisis of Western self-doubting and deep anxiety was reflected in a host of books which included:

  • Spengler’s Decline of the West (European Institutionalist) (1919,1932)
  • Madison Grant’s the Passing of the White Race (1918)
  • Lothrop Stoddard The Rising Tide of Color Against White Supremacy (1920)
  • Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents (1930)


Eurocentrism and racism do not always deny non-white race’s agency. The climax of eugenics reflected not the moment of supreme white confidence but an acute  sense of anxiety regardless of the future hegemony of the white race. For Stoddard, globalization is a real threat. The greatest threat to white racial existence lies

  • in colored immigration problem
  • a demographic explosion

The white races are under siege and disunited within their inner sanctum excavated by the Trojan horse of Western liberalism. Stoddard takes the notion of predatory Eastern agency beyond Mahan and Mackinder. He wants to call out the hubris of the white race. He is nervous and panicked about the Japanese victory over the white Russians in 1905. Further, rise of communism dealt a cruel blow to white racial unity. He is afraid of the white wars in which the best white stock would be lost on the battlefields. The white need to retreat from their imperial bases in Asia and leave the land to yellow and brown rule.

Madison Grant

Racialist Madison Grant

Grant claimed colonialism weakens the white races. The Nordic race is unable to survive south of the line of latitude on white Virginia because of the detrimental impact of the hot climate. Nordics must keep away from the native population for fear of racial contamination from the sun’s actinic rays. Grant says the rapid decline in the birthrate of native white Americans is gradually withdrawing from the scene, abandoning to these aliens the land which they once conquered and developed. The man of the old stock is being crowded out.

Patrick Moynihan
In Patrick Moynihan book Pandemonium, he explores a  Malthusian logic in predicting the demographic doomsday scenario at the hands of the Eastern Hordes as does Paul Kennedy in his book Preparing for the 21st Century. For them, the greatest challenge to world order in the coming century is the rising relative demographic gap between West and East. Western civilizations will have stable or declining populations and would be swamped by the East and the South. While Malthus in his day did not prevent a rising demographic to Europe from the East, by the late 19th and early 20thcenturies these became a staple of much of racist Western thought.

Huntington and Lind on demographics
In the work of Huntington and Lind a close parallel can be drawn between their work and the racist imperialist thinker Mahan. But an even closer link can be found with CH Pearson’s National Life and Character, a Forecast; Stoddard’s The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy(1920);  Clashing Tides of Color (1935).  In Huntington’s book The Clash of Civilizations (1996). The roots of the barbaric threat that the Chinese and Muslims pose for the Western Civilization are located within a neo-Malthusian framework. It begins with the Eastern population explosion. This surplus population is problematic because it will seek to flood into the heartlands of the West.

For Huntington and Lind, non-Western societies were increasingly becoming the movers and shakers of their own history and of Western history. This meant in their ability to economically develop as well as resist imperialism. Lind writes that with the break-up of the Soviet “empire” the West’s great right flank will almost certainly be endangered as the Islamic republics will seek to join their Muslim brothers. Islam will be at the gates of Vienna as either immigrants or terrorists. Domestically multiculturalism in the West today is a “political virus” for it serves to boost the vitality of foreign cultures within the West.

The purpose of this article is to expose the theoretical blockages to the West’s understanding that they are being left beyond by the multipolar world of BRICS.

First, their Western International Relations Theory history has hardly been a positivist value free theory. It oozes Eurocentrism, paternalism, racism and imperialism. Secondly International Relations Theory only dimly perceives that these theories are not 100 years deep, starting after World War I, but have a 250 year history as Table 3 below shows. Thirdly, table 3 shows over 50 theorists over that 250 years, thus cementing a deep ideological commitment to “the rise of the West”. Those international theorists who have really understood that the East and the South are not merely passive recipients of the wisdom of the West but are themselves innovators. These theorists are isolated and could be counted on two hands.

Table 3 Eurocentrism, Paternalism and Racism  in International Theory 1760-2010

Manifest Eurocentrism
Cobden/ Bright, Angell, Hobson, Mill, Marx
Smith, Kant
Scientific racism Offensive racism
Ward, Reinsch, Kidd, Mahan, Mackinder and von Treitschke
Defensive Racism Spencer, Sumner, Blair, Jordan, CH Pearson, Ripley, Brinton
Manifest Eurocentrism
Wolff, Zimmern, Murray, Angell
Subliminal Eurocentrism
Laski/ Brailsford, Lenin, Bukharin
Scientific racism Offensive Racism Defensive racism
Wilson, Buell, Kjellen, Spykman, Haushofer, Hitler Stoddard, Grant,
E. Huntington
Subliminal Eurocentrism
Gilpin, Keohane

Walz, Bull, Watson
Carr, Morgenthau
Manifest Eurocentrism
Rawls, Held, Nussbaum, Fukuyama
World-system theory, Cox
Offensive Eurocentrism
Kagan, Cooper, Ferguson
Defensive Eurocentrism
SP Huntington, Lind

Below is the Conventional linear narrative of Liberal great tradition:

  • From 1760 to 1816 there is classical liberal internationalism of Smith, Kant and Ricardo.
  • From 1830 to 1913 classical liberal internationalism continues in the work of Cobden, Bright, JS Mill and Angell.
  • Between 1900 to 1945 the emphasis switches to interdependence theory of liberal institutionalism of Hobson, Wilson, Zimmerman and Murray.
  • Between 1989 and 2010 liberal cosmopolitanism is embodied in the theories of Fukuyama, Held and Rawls.

The Table 4 below shows Hobson’s very different breakdown of liberalism, calling it “paternalistic imperial liberalism”.

Table 4 Hobson’s history in international Liberalism

1830-1919 1860-1919 1900-1939 1914-1939 1960-1989 1989-2010 1989-2010
Liberal imperialism Liberal
Statist liberals Liberal cosmopolitan Realist liberals
Cobden, Bright
Mill, Angell,
Dike, Seeley
Ireland, Bagehot
Wilson, Buell
Zimmerman Angell
Bull, Watson,
Rawls, Fukuyama, Held
Ikenberry Slaughter




Offensive Racism Oppressive











Manifest Paternalist



Manifest Paternalist



Table 5 shows that history of realism has also been filled with political activity about as far from positivism as one can imagine.

Table 5  Hobson’s history of international realism

Racist realism Racist cultural realism Classical realism Neorealism Western realism Western liberal realism



von Treitischke
CH Pearson











Explicit Imperialism Anti-imperialism Anti-imperialism Implicit
Offensive racism Defensive


Part offensive

1889-1945 1889-1945 Post 1945 Post 1973. Post 1989 Post 1989 Post 1989

Lastly Hobson charts the history of Marxism from 1840 to post 1989.

  • With classical Marxism of Marx and Engels between 1840-1895. Hobson calls it explicit imperialism which is paternalist Eurocentrism.
  • Between 1910 and the 1920s classical Marxism continues with the work of Lenin, Luxemburg, Hilferding and Bukharin which Hobson characterizes as anti-imperialist, but a subliminal anti-paternalist Eurocentrism.
  • Between 1967 and 1989 although World-Systems Theory differs from classical Marxism with its emphasis on conflicts between states more than class struggles within states, it shares the same combination of anti-imperialist, subliminal, anti-paternalist Eurocentrism of the Marxists of 1910-1920. The same is true for Robert Cox’s Gramscian hegemony theory.
  • In the post 1989 period we find in the work of Giovanni Arrighi and Christopher Chase-Dunn a continuation of anti-imperialist, anti-paternalist emphasis on Europe, but both are more willing to grant autonomy to non-Western countries. If Eastern or Southern countries  occupy what both call the capitalist  semi-periphery of the world system. Arrighi’s last book was called Adam Smith in Beijing, showing his interest in China as the new global hegemon
  • In the same period It is in the work of Andre Gunder Frank and Janet Abu-Lughod that we finally theories that challenge any Eurocentrism or paternalism. Gunder Frank has always contended that World Systems Theory is Eurocentric and claims, as Hobson argues in another book that Europe only surpassed China after 1800. His book Re-Orient claims, correctly I think that the new Asian Age is on the horizon.

Recommended related post

The decline of the West, the rise of the East and the South, and the internal dynamics of Western collapse discussed in this extraordinary video with Garland Nixon and Joti Brar.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Perfidy In Tehran – OpEd

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Alastair Crooke

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Iran's Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei with Masoud Pezeshkian. Photo Credit: Tasnim News Agency

John Kerry, just last week at the World Economic Forum, so clearly blurting out the truth: “Our First Amendment stands as a major block to our ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence”.

Translated: Governing is all about narrative control. Kerry articulates the ‘International Order’s’ solution to the unwelcome phenomenon of an uncontrolled populism and of a potential leader who speaks for the people: Simply, ‘freedom to speak’ is unacceptable to the prescriptions agreed by the ‘inter-agency’ – the institutionalised distillation of the ‘International Order’.

Today’s reality unhinged narration is that Iran’s launch on Tuesday of 200 ballistic missiles – of which 181 reached Israel – were overwhelmingly intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome and Arrow missile defence systems. and with no deaths to show for the assault. It was “defeated and ineffective”, Biden pronounced.

Will Schryver however, a technical engineer and security commentator, writes: “I don’t understand how anyone who has seen the many video clips of the Iranian missile strikes on Israel cannot recognize and acknowledge that it was a stunning demonstration of Iranian capabilities. Iran’s ballistic missiles smashed through U.S./Israeli air defences and delivered several large-warhead strikes to Israeli military targets”.

The effect and the substance then lies in ‘proven capacity’ – the capacity to select other targets, the capacity to do more. It was in fact a restrained demonstrative exercise, not a full attack.

But the message has been erased from sight.

How is it that the U.S. Administration refuses to look truth in the eye and acknowledge what occurred, and prefers instead to ask the entire world, who saw the videos of missiles impacting in Israel, to ‘move along’ – as the authorities advise, pretending that there was ‘nothing substantive to see here’. Was ‘the affair’ just a nuisance to system governance and ‘consensus’, as Kerry so branded free speech? It seems so.

The structural problem, essayist Aurelien writes is not simply that the western professional class holds to an ideology – one that is the opposite to how ordinary people experience the world. That certainly is one aspect. But the bigger problem lies rather, with a technocratic conception of politics that is not ‘about’ anything. It is not really politics at all (as Tony Blair once said), but is nihilistic and absent of moral considerations.

Having no real culture of its own, the western professional class views religion as outdated and sees history as dangerous since it contains components that can be misused by ‘extremists’. It prefers therefore not to know history.

This produces the mixture of the conviction of superiority, yet deep insecurity, which typifies western leadership. The ignorance and fear of events and ideas that fall outside the confines of their rigid zeitgeist, they perceive, almost invariably, as innately inimical to their interests. And rather than seek to discuss and understand, that which is outside their capabilities, they use disparagement and character assassination instead to remove the nuisance.

Does this matter?

Yes, it matters, because it makes Iran’s ability to communicate effectively with the International Order’s ideological alignment highly problematic.

The West sought and pressured for a mitigated response from Iran – firstly after Israel’s April assassination of an Iranian General and his colleagues at the Iranian Consulate in Damascus.

Iran obliged. It launched drones and missiles towards Israel on 13 April in such a manner that sent a short (pre-warned) concerted message of capability, yet did not invite all-out war (as requested by the West).

Subsequent to the Israeli assassination of Ismail Haniyeh (a guest of Tehran participating in the inauguration of the new Iranian President), western states once again pleaded with Iran that it should again refrain from any military retaliation against Israel.

The new President has said publicly, that European and American officials offered Iran the removal of substantive sanctions on the Iranian Republic and a guaranteed ceasefire in Gaza in line with Hamas’ terms – if Israel was not attacked.

Iran held fire, accepting to appear weak to the outside world (for which it was harshly criticised). Yet western action shocked the inexperienced new President, Pezeshkian:

“They (the western states) lied”, he said. None of the promises were kept.

Then followed the ‘pager assault’ and assassinations of the Hizbullah leadership, including the iconic figure of its leader, Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, amidst huge civilian collateral deaths. The U.S. Administration (President Biden) said simply that this was ‘justice’ being done.

And once again, the West importuned, and threatened Iran against any retaliation towards Israel. But on this occasion, Iran launched a more effective ballistic missile attack, though one which deliberately omitted targeting Israel’s economic and industrial infrastructure, or the Israeli people, focusing instead on key military and intelligence sites. It was, in short, a demonstrative signal – albeit one with an effective component of inflicting damage on air bases and military and intelligence sites. It was yet again, a limited response.

And for what?

Open sneering from the West that Iran was deterred/ too frightened/ too divided to fully respond. In fact, the U.S. – knowing well that Netanyahu is looking for the pretext for war with Iran – offered Israel full support of the U.S. for a major retribution against Iran: “There will be severe consequences for this attack and we will work with Israel to make that the case”, Jake Sullivan said. “Make no mistake, the United States is fully, fully, fully supportive of Israel”, Biden said.

The ‘professional permanent class’ (the western deep state) eschews any moral underpinning. It makes a virtue of its nihilism. Perhaps the last leader capable of real diplomacy that springs to mind was JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis and in his subsequent dealings with the Soviet leaders. And what happened? … He was killed by the system.

Of course, many are angry in Iran. They ask whether Iran projected weakness too readily, and question whether that manifestation in some way contributed to Israel’s readiness to strike Lebanon so ruthlessly and without limitations, as in the Gaza model. Later reports suggest that the U.S. has new technological intel (not available to Israel) that pinpointed Sayyed Nasrallah’s whereabouts, and was supplied to Israel, which led to his assassination.

If the West insists to so demean Iranian restraint – wrongly attributing restraint to impotence – is the European and U.S. world order ‘uni-party’ ever capable of cold realism? Can they make a sound assessment of the consequences should Israel launch war on Iran? Netanyahu has made it clear that this is the Israeli government’s aim – war with Iran.

Hubristic misperception of an adversary, and the misperception of his hidden strengths, is so often the precursor to wider war (WW1). And Israel is awash with fervour for war to establish its ‘New Order’ for the Middle East.

The Biden Administration is ‘more than willing’ – laying the ‘revolver on the table’ – for Netanyahu to pick it up and discharge it, whilst Washington pretends to stand aloof from the act. Washington’s ultimate target is of course Russia.

That in diplomacy the West is not to be trusted is understood. The story’s moral, however, has wider implications. How exactly, in such circumstances, can Russia bring an end to the Ukraine conflict? It would appear that many more will needlessly die, simply because of the uni-party’s rigidity and its incapacity to ‘do’ diplomacy.

Just as many more Ukrainians have perished since the Istanbul II process was trashed.

The West is in the throes of at least one, potentially two, crushing defeats at the moment – and so the question arises: Will lessons be learned? Can the right lessons be learned? Does the professional world order class even accept that there are lessons to be learned?

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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How America Rules the World – The Secrets of Neo-Colonialism

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S.L. Kanthan

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How America Rules the World – The Secrets of Neo-Colonialism

The lack of understanding of the true nature of the American Empire is a testimony to the extraordinary sophistication of the empire’s operations and propaganda. Unlike the European empires of the past, the US does not directly rule countries around the world. Instead, the neo-colonialist tentacles take the form of finance, media, technology and so on; and when everything fails, the imperialist military comes knocking on the doors to spread “freedom and democracy.” Let’s take a deep dive into the secrets of the full-spectrum dominance of the largest and smartest empire in human history.

Evolution of Colonialism

When people think of colonialism, they think of one country invading and defeating another country, deposing the leader, installing a leader from the invading nation, and ruthlessly exploiting the new colony. The old form of colonialism was blatant and visible. However, it was also limited in its efficiency, since it required immense resources. For example, to colonize what’s now the Americas, more than 60 million Europeans had to relocate between 1492 to 1930.

Such a brute form of colonialism was not sustainable, so smarter techniques were invented. In India, for example, it took only 100,000 British to rule the colony. By the time the Europeans got to China, they had run out of manpower, and thus had to devise a new strategy of a European coalition controlling just a handful of cities, but ensuring that the Chinese emperor stayed subservient and the entire country could be exploited.

Since the end of WW2, the American Empire has taken over the role of the European empires, and has further transformed the practice of neo-colonialism into a fine art and science. While the foundation of American primacy consists mainly of banking and military, there are many more critical pillars to support this imperial edifice.

Attack on Pearl Harbor

In this Dec. 7, 1941 file photo, smoke rises from the battleship USS Arizona as it sinks during a Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii


Big Picture – The Tools of Modern Imperialism

Here are the eight crucial tools of American imperialism:

    Money (dollar’s privileged status, central banks, sanctions, Wall Street)


    Corporations (to control the economy)


    Technology (lifeblood of modern nations)


    Media (includes internet, social media, education, think tanks, entertainment etc.)


    Military (wars, proxy wars, selling weapons)


    Intelligence (spying)


    Geopolitics (various strategies including elite capture and divide-and-rule)


    Subversions (coups, color revolutions, assassinations etc.)

The US empire offers carrots and sticks. If a country follows all the commands of the US and Western institutions, the country will usually do okay and will be left alone. Of course, at times, it may be called upon to sacrifice itself on behalf of the American empire – for example, Ukrainians are forced to fight Russia.



Let’s start with Money or King Dollar. The fact that the dollar is the dominant global currency – in trade as well as foreign exchange reserves – gives the US enormous power and exorbitant privilege.  All the commodities in the world markets are denominated in USD, which means countries need the dollar to trade with one another – this is slowly changing due to dedollarization efforts.

So, how do these countries get hold of US dollars? By selling goods and services to the US. This arrangement gives the US overwhelming advantage in negotiations. For example, India cannot grow without importing oil, gas and many other goods. However, other countries will not usually accept Indian rupees as payment. Thus, India needs to go to the US – figuratively speaking – for billions of dollars every year. Then, the US will say, “Do tech support and write software for American corporations for low wages.”
You can see how this situation can be extrapolated around the world.
People in developing nations must sell natural resources, goods, labor and other services at low costs. This exploitation is very similar to European colonialism, except that Americans do not directly rule any country.
And when a country runs out of US dollars, the IMF – which is based out of Washington DC – will come as a savior and lend money. However, the IMF will demand a pound of flesh in the form of privatization “reforms,” which is a euphemism for letting Western corporations buy everything for pennies on the dollar. This shock doctrine has been applied to developing nations all over the world.

Dollars & Euros

Dollars & Euros (TGP screenshot)

The common person around the world accepts this rigged system and assumes that there must be something special about America and its currency.


In some sense, much of the world has “corporatocracy” – rule by corporations. The market capitalization of the top 5 American corporations is $12 trillion. One corporation, BlackRock manages $10 trillion of assets. These are stunning numbers, considering that the GDP of India, Japan and Germany are each less than $4.5 trillion.

The world is corporatized – banks, food supply chain, healthcare, education, utilities such as water and electricity, infrastructure technology, media etc. are all run by giant corporations. (China is an exception where many critical industries are run by state-owned enterprises. Russia also has a similar structure for oil and gas companies. This is one reason why the US hates China and Russia so much). More importantly, all these corporations are deeply interlinked in terms of the largest shareholders and boards of directors. Thus, there is a “swarm effect” and they all work in tandem, similar to how birds of a large flock fly in unison.

Consider the Indian tech startup companies, most of whom have American investors. This is colonialism from afar. Not only does the US get to reap profits from the Indian market and innovators, but is also able to control the future of the Indian economy. How about Indian banks? Looking at HDFC, the largest private bank in India, the two largest shareholders are… Morgan Stanley and Fidelity, both American! But how many Indians know this fact?
Similarly, giant corporations around the world are controlled by American investors. Take Samsung, the giant conglomerate of South Korea. It is controlled by major American shareholders and also infiltrated by US deep state – and this is why the US does not mind that Samsung smartphones are #1 in the world, while the US tried very hard to kill Chinese Huawei.


Without better technology – guns, ships, steel, industrial revolution etc. – Europeans would have never been able to colonize much of the world. The strategic importance of technology remains true today. Better technology means bigger market share, larger economy, better productivity, and more influence around the world.

Since WW2, the US has dominated technology, mainly because of stolen patents from Germany after the war, and the influx of the smartest minds from a war-devastated Europe. Later, when Japan became too successful, the US waged a geopolitical and economic war, forcing the Japanese to hand over their precious semiconductor technologies to the US.

Since the Great Financial Crisis that was orchestrated by Wall Street, Europe’s economy has stagnated. Taking advantage of this, the US has bought hundreds of extremely successful European startups. Note also how Europe has been left behind in the dust in the digital/internet revolution. There are no European counterparts for Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft etc. Europe has fallen behind in critical technologies such as cloud computing, e-commerce and AI. Of course, Germans are as smart as the Americans, but the US empire cleverly suffocated European tech sovereignty.
The US also greatly influences and controls the science behind modern medicine, which was really distorted and corrupted by the world’s first billionaire – John D. Rockefeller.

Thus, the broad strategy of the US is to never let anyone else have independent or better technology. Again, China is starting to beat the US in technology, patents, scientific papers, and innovation. Hence all the American sanctions and economic/tech wars to contain China.

Media (Mind Control)

By media, I am referring to all the tools involved in shaping people’s opinions – i.e., brainwashing. Yes, the biggest propagandist in the world is the USA. I wrote an entire article on it: Propaganda and Censorship: How America Dominates the Information War.

Edward Bernays is considered the father of modern mass propaganda. He was the nephew of Freud, who developed some quirky theories about individual psychology. Bernays, however, developed accurate theories and practices, which are still used effectively all over the world. Regarding how propaganda works, Bernays wrote:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”
The US holds enormous control over information all over the world through mainstream media, social media, internet search engines, fake neutral sites like Wikipedia, apps for mobile phones, [global news agencies such as AP, Reuters], etc. Even education in schools and universities as well as think tanks around the world are [often set up], monitored and controlled by the US.

Of course, the US soft power ["weaponised culture"] is enormous, thanks to Hollywood, the music industry etc.

This is the main reason why billions of people around the world are clueless about how the American Empire works.


The US empire used to work in traditional ways – waging wars of conquest. That’s how the modern USA was born and then expanded. In the beginning of the 20th century, the US even colonized the Philippines, claiming that the Filipinos were savages, and it was the “white man’s burden” to civilize them.
After WW2, the US was dealt two embarrassing defeats in Korea and Vietnam. After that, the US has resorted to only proxy wars – such as using Afghanistan against the USSR and Ukraine/Europe against Russiaor wars against truly weak countries such as Panama, Libya, and Iraq, which was weakened by a decade of severe sanctions. Using Islamist extremists and terrorists for proxy wars has been a go-to strategy for the US since the 1950s.

However, the US still has 800 military bases and “lily pads” in 140 countries, including all the strategic regions. While the US military is now unable to defeat even the Houthis, the US military played a significant role in its imperialist power for eight decades since WW2.
More consequential are the weapons sales, through which the US gains the trust and alliance of countries around the world. This also creates dependency, since the countries cannot even operate most American weapons - even during a crisis - without the approval of the Pentagon.

USS Ronald Reagan Sailors prepare jet for takeoff in the Arabian Gulf. Fitting that an attack ship used to bully weaker powers should be named after Reagan, a notorious imperialist.

Intelligence (Spying)

Spying is probably the most underestimated geopolitical tool. If you can listen in on all the phone calls and read all the emails of leaders around the world, you can control the world, since you know all their secrets, skeletons, and plans. Blackmailing is a powerful weapon.

This is why all the US software giants and hardware vendors work closely with the CIA and NSA. Edward Snowden revealed many shocking details, but countries are still putting up with the US empire, since there is no strong alternative yet.


There are many geopolitical theories and strategies that are employed by the US empire.

First, the classic divide and rule. We can see that in numerous US-engineered conflicts: Europe v. Russia, Iran v. Iraq (1980s), Sunni v. Shiites, India v. Pakistan, and the attempts to turn many Asian countries against China.

The second major strategy involves creating geographical blocks that would impede a country’s trade and military. Examples include the attempt to block Russia’s access to the Black Sea, destabilizing Afghanistan to block China-Iran link, trying regime changes in Iraq and Syria to disrupt the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon crescent etc.

Subversion and Sabotage

This is another long topic that needs an entire article. The US engages in constant subversion and sabotage in all its rivals and some of its allies, if the latter is becoming too independent or prosperous.

SIDEBAR: Murdering a Democracy: the Case of Chile

The US staged a by now famous bloody coup against Chile's president Salvador Allende in 1973, the first (real) socialist (not a social democrat), with the assistance of the treacherous native comprador bourgeoisie. After the coup, the US and its local allies, supported by the "Western media", installed Gen. Augusto Pinochet in power. His 18-year rule, characterized by massive impoverishment for the working class, brutal torture and "disappearances" of thousands of dissidents, was aimed at destroying the economic and political sovereignty gains of the Allende government, and the establishment of a savage form of free market capitalism. Leading Chilean film-maker Patricio Guzman filmed these events as they developed, and eventually put together a 3-part documentary that is not just a moving and eloquent record of Chile's suffering under the Pinochet dictatorship, but a peerless anatomy lesson about the planning and execution of a coup d'etat against a popular anti-imperialist government. If you can, download this video(s) from YouTube before they too are "disappeared".

The arrows in this imperialist quiver include coups, assassinations, election interference, false flag attacks, color revolutions, fueling civil wars, and much more.
Later, the US shifted to using sleeper cell NGOs to create useful idiots in strategic countries. These NGOs can start massive protests against any leader who is not a puppet of the American empire. Of course, the foolish members of these NGOs believe that they are fighting for “freedom and democracy.”
What the US has been doing to destabilize China for decades is astonishing – for example, supporting separatists in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, and Xinjiang. In South Asia, the US has supported Sikh separatists in India, staged a successful color revolution in Sri Lanka in 2022, and the current protests in Bangladesh [which culminated in a successful coup.—Ed]. In Pakistan, the US simply instructed the military and the parliament to stage a soft coup against Prime Minister Imran Khan, when he displayed too much independence.
In countries all around the world, the US has managed to fund opposition parties if a leader refuses to kowtow to American diktats.


It is a vital imperative for every person to understand how the American empire works not only in his/her country or the region but worldwide. The US empire deploys many of the same playbooks like a scripted Hollywood movie over and over in different countries. However, since people do not follow events around the world, they fall for the same tricks and harm their own countries.

ATTACKING LIBYA: Italy, which functions as practically a huge aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean for the Pentagon, facilitated NATO air bombing missions, too. In the Pentagonese lingo:
AVIANO AIR FORCE BASE, Italy (March 20, 2011) U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons return to Aviano Air Base after supporting Operation Odyssey Dawn. (sic) Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Tierney P. Wilson/Released)

The good news is that the US empire’s tactics are starting to fail. People and nations are waking up and starting to rebel against the empire. This is the story of the emerging multipolar world and multilateral organizations like BRICS. There is hope in the air.

NOTE: This is an enhanced, expanded version of SL Kanthan's essay, whose original you can find here.


The Battle of Chile, Part 5
Mar 21, 2024

This video is an extension of Patricio Guzmán’s four-part series The Battle of Chile (1974-96). This addition includes information from CIA documents and Washington DC statements declassified on September 10, 2021. This project is intended as educational material and it is both a new cut and a continuation of the original Battle of Chile. The declassified documents reveal that the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) cooperated with the CIA to overthrow Allende, and the film focuses on the ASIS’s presence in Chile from 1971-1973 when the agency conducted covert operations from a station in Santiago. From the station’s establishment until the coup, the ASIS acted as a liaison between Pinochet and CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. The video begins in 1970 at the meeting of Richard Helms (director of CIA) with Nixon, Kissinger and the US Attorney General, John Mitchell. Here, Nixon orders a coup. Later scenes of the truck strikes will have the added context of Nixon’s heavy hand and Australia’s on-the-ground oversight, and the new chapter focuses on the role of the Chilean copper industry. Because of limited access to materials (footage and information) at the time of this video's conception, this fifth part is also an invitation for viewers to update and revise the presented narrative to better suit information released after 2021. As of now, the State Department still holds the majority of the material requested by the Church Committee.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Mao: Tyrant or Great Leader?

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S.L. Kanthan

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Mao: Tyrant or Great Leader? • Debunking American lies about the Great Leap Forward and the "Great Famine"
Mao Tse‐tung, who began as an obscure peasant, died one of history's great revolutionary figures. In Chinese terms, he ranked with the first Emperor who unified China in 200 B.C.

A Chinese patriot, a combative revolutionary, a fervent evangelist, a Marxist theorist, a soldier, a statesman and poet, above all Mao was a moralist who deeply believed, as have Chinese since Confucius, that man's goodness must come ahead of his mere economic progress.

China achieved enormous economic progress under Mao. He transformed China into a modern, industrialized socialist state."

Unlike many great leaders, Mao never exercised, or sought, absolute control over day‐to‐day affairs.”

Who would write such blatant communist propaganda?

It was the New York Times in 1976!


This year is the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. After winning the long Chinese civil war, Mao Zedong spoke before a large crowd in Beijing in 1949 and proclaimed, “The Chinese people have stood up.” Thus, was born the PRC.

Mao inaugurating the Chinese Communist Republic

Beijing, 1949: “The Chinese people have stood up.” Thus, was born the PRC.

Chairman Mao laid the foundation from which contemporary China took off like a rocket over the last 40 years, especially in the last 20 years.

And the Chinese are still standing up against imperialism, which is desperately trying to contain the Middle Kingdom through trade wars, tech wars, geopolitical wars and propaganda wars.

The quote you heard in the beginning of this podcast about Mao sounds shocking, only because the US and the UK have engaged in profound revisionism of history since the 1990s. It all started when the CIA’s color revolution in China failed in 1989 – yeah, we are talking about the Tiananmen Square protests. The globalists really wanted to end communism all over the world when the USSR collapsed.

Chinese students and workers protesting in 1989, the Tienanmen Square crisis, a color revolution instigated by the US.

However, when China continued to cling on to its core ideology, Americans decided to rewrite history and demonize Mao as an incompetent or evil tyrant who killed tens of millions of people. But you can go back and look at US media and even the CIA reports for four decades, from 1950 until 1989, and you will mostly find neutral or positive reports. You will not find a single report on the Great Famine or millions of people dying. I will share a lot of stunning statistics and some CIA reports later in this article.

This is not to say that Mao was flawless. Obviously, nobody is perfect. Even the Chinese Communist Party acknowledges that Mao made mistakes, especially during the cultural revolution. But I will show you what Mao accomplished and what the Western lies are about his record.

Let’s start with the big picture. Mao was greatly admired by the regular Chinese people when he was alive. In fact, a CIA report in 1971 described as a semi-god!

Mao liberated China from the imperialists and their puppet, Chiang Kai-shek. And it was an improbable military achievement – Mao and his poorly armed peasants defeated the opponents who were heavily funded and armed by the US. Mao’s legendary Long March involved trekking for 6000 miles. This inspires the Chinese people even today while dealing with any extraordinary challenges as a nation.

The Long March was a heroic turning point in the Chinese—and human—revolution to rid themselves of imperialism.

China's high-tech infrastructure sets standards for the rest of the world, including the "developed West". 

Mao also liberated all the farmers from feudalism, for which the farmers were eternally grateful. Mao was also a feminist – he proclaimed that women hold up half the sky and established equal rights for women. This is why the poor people of China never once rose up against Mao even when the times were difficult. Even today, many villagers in China have Mao’s picture in their homes and public places. And, of course, Mao’s image is on all the denominations of Yuan, the currency. His photo will also stay in the Tiananmen Square forever. Yes, that’s me in the picture:

Mao is everywhere in China, and deservedly so. In the hearts of countless grateful compatriots.

More importantly, Mao turned China into an industrial powerhouse. This was beyond anyone’s expectations after the Soviet Union withdrew all its technical advisors and aid in 1960. But merely four years later, China exploded its first nuclear weapon.

China had such holistic success in so many areas that the US decided to befriend Mao. This is why Nixon flew to Beijing and spent a week with Mao, forging a new alliance.

Nixon in China—1972. China's "opening" to America served to create a fracture in the world socialist bloc, and deepen the ideological rift between China and the USSR.

China in 1949

What a lot of people don’t understand when criticizing Mao is the formidable challenge he faced when he came to power. In 1949, China was extremely poor and faced a myriad of serious problems after suffering through colonialism and the Century of Humiliation.

1.       There were only 10 countries in the world with GDP-per-capita smaller than that of China!

2.       More than 4 out 5 Chinese people could not read or write.

3.       More than 20 million Chinese were addicted to opium

4.       China was a primitive agricultural country with no industrial capacity. People outside the big cities did not even have electricity.

5.       Life expectancy was only 35 and healthcare was nonexistent in much of the country.

6.       Worse, the US was meddling in China’s internal affairs by establishing Taiwan and preposterously claiming it to be the real China. Consider that 0.2% of Chinese were in Taiwan and 99.8% lived in mainland China. That’s democracy with American characteristics.

Given all these, what Mao accomplished was quite astounding. Let’s take a quick look at the stats between 1949 and 1976, when Mao passed away:


First, life expectancy under Mao grew from merely 35 years to 64 years. In 1949, Chinese people lived 9 years less than the world average. By 1976, they lived three years longer than the world average.

Under Mao, infant mortality fell by a whopping 75%.

And China’s population grew by 400 million during the Mao era – from 540 million to 940 million. That’s a stunning number!

The Communist party of China also reduced youth illiteracy from close to 90% to 20% under Mao. The UN called it the “single greatest educational accomplishment in human history.” To be deemed literate, a person in rural China had to master 1500 Chinese characters!

Next: Under Mao, 1.4 million barefoot doctors became famous worldwide by delivering free basic medical services, prevention, and education on hygiene and nutrition to hundreds of millions of people.

The "barefot doctor" model could be adopted by many countries, including "developed nations" like the US or the UK ravaged by deep class divisions and oligarchic regimes.

The barefoot doctors integrated Chinese and Western medicine. Thanks to the Patriotic Health Campaigns and barefoot doctors, China eradicated or significantly controlled many diseases such as smallpox, plague, malaria, cholera, tuberculosis, parasitic infections etc. This revolutionary program was so successful that the UN’s World Health Organization and UNICEF considered recommending it for all developing nations.

Mao was also a feminist who emancipated Chinese women from many societal injustices. He famously said that “women hold up half the sky.” Mao got rid of child marriage, arranged marriage, prostitution, and concubines, while ensuring that girls had equal access to education and women had not only the right to work but with equal pay. By the time Mao died, the female labor force participation rate in China was 80%.


So, 75% growth in population, 85% growth in life expectancy, 75% reduction in infant mortality, massive improvement in healthcare, and emancipation of women, but Western media have the chutzpah to lie about Mao being a mass murderer. That’s deranged propaganda. [Unfortunately, a huge number of people in the West, especially the USA, the most brainwashed nation in history, believe such malicious idiocies and stubbornly repeat them. Rightwingers in the US swallow these myths about China and much more, calling even dedicated servants of the oligarchy such as Kamala Harris or Barack Obama a "Marxist" or "communists". This is part because the mass media has never made any effort to correct such disinformation, and in fact, as China grew in world power, it has spread more lies about China in the last 25 years. —Ed]

Okay, now let’s take a look at the industrial and technological capabilities that improved under Mao. From the beginning, he understood the importance of transforming the nation into an industrial giant. For example, steel production from 1949 to 1976 grew a staggering 120-fold.

Of course, you cannot grow a country without plentiful of electricity and energy. Thus, in coal production, China became #3 in the world by 1976, only next to the US and the USSR. In terms of electricity, China’s production increased 50-fold, from 4GWh to 200 GWh.

Although China does not have a lot of oil, the production grew 400-fold under Mao from 0.2 million tonnes to 80 million tonnes.

In the late 1950s, China even started manufacturing its own cars and tractors. The first Chinese car Hongqi was Mao’s favorite and it’s still a luxury car, especially for diplomats.

China today is a scientific powerhouse, leading the world in numerous categories.  

Given all these accomplishments, let’s quickly debunk the Western lies about the Great Leap Forward – from 1958 to 1962 -- when there was supposedly a Great Famine that killed 30-60 million people, and that was all due to Mao.

First, there was no mention of such a famine in the Western media for 40 years since it allegedly happened! The US had spies all over China from the moment PRC was born. Plus, the US had spy balloons and spy planes – such as Lockheed U2 – flying over China. Thus, the CIA knew exactly what was happening within China during the Great Leap Forward.

Thus, let’s see what the CIA reports from 1960, 1961 and 1962 say:

The "Great Famine", and Mao's hand in it were complete fabrications.

·         There was NO widespread famine.

·         The failures of Chinese agriculture have been “principally due to adverse weather conditions.”

·         Also, the Sino-Soviet split in 1960 certainly exacerbated the problems, as all Russian technical experts left China that year. The US sanctions on China also made it difficult for China to buy farm equipment, fertilizer etc.

·         The food grain production in 1960 – the worst year – was 180 million tons, which was the same three years earlier. So, not bad at all.

And during the five years of Great Leap Forward, Chinese people had 85 million children! Even during the worst year in this period, 12 million Chinese kids were born. Think about that for a minute.

85 million newborn children during the “Great Famine.” Hmm... sounds like the Great American Stupid Propaganda.

Also, ask yourself, why there have been no famines or severe droughts in China since 1960? After all, China has had periodic droughts and famines for centuries.

The answer is that Mao put an end to droughts and famines! That’s right, Mao should be associated with ENDING droughts and famines, and not causing one.

You see, the first thing to realize about China is that much of the agriculture happens in the North which has great soil, but does not get much rain and there are not enough rivers.

The Russo-Chinese alliance also assures robust and assured food inputs for China, as Russia's huge territory becomes warmer due to climate change.

In the South, the problem is reversed! The terrain is not so great, but it gets a lot of rain and there are many rivers. Actually, the South has a problem with too much water and flooding.

To address this issue, Mao built projects for water conservancy – in fact he built a staggering 90,000 hydro-power dams and reservoirs all across China. Most of them were small and medium, but there were some massive ones – like Xinfengjiang and Xinanjiang -  which still serve as the primary source of water for capitalist regions like Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

China now has more dams than the US.

China now has more than half of all the dams in the world.

Mao also dreamed of the Three Gorges Dam and a North-South water diversion projects, which were eventually accomplished by his successors.

So, you can see what rubbish the West has been spreading about Mao. The biggest source of the atrocity propaganda came from the crazy Dutch historian Frank Dikotter, who is no doubt funded by the US deep state. In one of his books, he claimed that China’s prohibition of opium caused greater harm than the drug itself. This is, of course, to condone the opium trafficking by the British into China.

His book “Mao’s Great Famine” – written in 2010 – is the go-to source for all the anti-China loonies.

From the start of the communist era, the capitalists have been telling massive lies about the socialist system and its accomplishments. To defame capitalism/imperialism, all you have to do is just describe them truthfully.

When the book came out first, he could not find a single photo of a malnourished Chinese person from that era (1958-1962). So, Frank Dikotter used a photo of a child beggar from the 1930s, when China was plundered by the Europeans and Americans.

Later, when his literary deception was revealed, he simply re-published the book without the book on the cover. He won several awards for his silly book, because Western propaganda is rewarded with fame and money.

As for the tens of millions of people dying, consider that China’s population was 650 million in 1960. How many people die in a normal situation? Let’s use the mortality rate of 1.7% from the US in 1940. That translates to 11 million people dying in China. Multiply that by 5, you get 55 million. That’s normal.

To summarize, Frank Dikotter lied in four ways:

·         The severe drought lasted for one year and not for five

·         It had nothing to do with Mao or the Great Leap Forward, but was mainly due to nature and China’s unfortunate climate and geographic conditions. And Mao put an end to the droughts.

·         The number of deaths look sensational only because of China’s large population.

·         Also, by CIA’s own reports, China’s population kept GROWING during the Great Leap Forward years. And the GDP growths were also impressive: 18% in 1958, 12% in 1959 and 8% in 1960. These numbers are the opposite of “catastrophic times.”

The facts speak for themselves.


OK, hope you found this informative. As Mao liked to say, “Seek truths from facts.” But it takes a lot of time to explain facts, while fake news and lies are much easier and more seductive.

Mao was a great and visionary leader, who did what might have seemed impossible in those days. He laid the foundation, from which China went on to achieve greater things over the last 40 years. He was a man of the people, and was especially loved by the farmers, workers and women of China.

The end.

S.L. Kanthan

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  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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