Rand Paul Trashes “Disinformation” Chief To His Face

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Jimmy Dore Show

Rand Paul Trashes “Disinformation” Chief To His Face

May 10, 2022
It's symptomatic of the degeneration of the so-called left in the US that it is libertarians like Rand Paul who are getting the credit for opposing the US government blatant effort to completely control political speech.


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Praising Warmonger Albright Reveals Brain-Dead Western Media

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Guest Editorial

Finian Cunningham

The death of former US diplomat Madeleine Albright this week was met with predictably fawning Western media tributes. Not one word referred to her actual tarnished record of promoting American imperialism and criminal wars.

Now, of course, the Western media would never tend towards such truthful reporting and analysis. Its sanitizing role is constant and standard fare. That is why the Western public is caught up today in this insane moral panic and hypocrisy over the war in Ukraine where Russia is vilified as an unprovoked aggressor and the Kiev Nazi regime (with its Jewish puppet president) is lionized as some kind of innocent victim.

The widespread Western public ignorance over what is happening in Ukraine – the violent background to the present conflict, the CIA coup in 2014, the Nazi paramilitaries attacking Russian-speaking people in the Donbass, the relentless NATO weaponizing of the Russophobic regime, training of its Nazi paramilitaries by NATO troops and so on – is largely due to the Western media’s systematic lying, omission, and distortion.

However, the brain-dead function of the Western media is especially highlighted this week by the death of Madeleine Albright and the total silence about how her career is tightly entwined with today’s conflict. The war in Ukraine is but the front line of a wider proxy war between the United States, NATO and Russia.

The former US Secretary of State was one of the main pushers in the American foreign policy establishment of NATO’s eastward expansion. Several eminent US thinkers such as Jack Matlock, the former ambassador to the Soviet Union, and Professor John Mearsheimer, have deplored that expansion as a treacherous, fateful act leading to today’s conflict between the West and Russia.

When Albright was Secretary of State in the second Bill Clinton administration (1997-2001), she ushered in the eastward advance of NATO in spite of earlier American assurances to the contrary to Russian leaders.

Her most salient “achievement” was to launch the US and NATO war on former Yugoslavia. That war was supposedly in defense of Kosovo-Albanians. But it was really an overture for US imperialism to bomb European countries into the geopolitical shape it desired.

Albright died on March 23 at the age of 84 from cancer. The next day, March 24, marked the 23rd anniversary of the beginning of the US-led NATO blitzkrieg on Serbia and its capital Belgrade.

Twitter Reacts to Madeleine Albright’s Passing With Sorrow And Joy

Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is arguably founded on the principle of self-defense given the NATO-backed Kiev regime’s eight years of aggression. That military incursion has been going on for four weeks as of March 24. There have been reportedly 1,400 Russian aerial strike sorties in Ukraine. Despite Western media hysterical reporting about alleged indiscriminate Russian bombing against civilian centers, the Pentagon has quietly admitted and corroborated what Moscow has said, that the Russian campaign has been restrained in order to avoid civilian casualties, as reported by Joe Lauria for Consortium News.

Contrast that with the US-led NATO attack on the former Yugoslavia. That war lasted for 78 days during which 10,500 strike sorties were carried out. Some 2,000 civilians are estimated to have been killed. Civilian infrastructure destroyed included 25,000 homes, 20 hospitals, 70 schools, 38 bridges, over 1,000 kilometers of road and railway, 14 airports, as well as water, sewage and power plants.

Western media decry Russia’s intervention in Ukraine as the “worst” act of barbarity in Europe since World War Two. Clearly, that is a gross distortion. The barbarism of the US and NATO in Yugoslavia has been consigned to a memory hole, as far as Western media is concerned.

Madeleine Albright paved the way for the 1999 criminal US war in Europe. The NATO operation did not have any authorization from the UN Security Council even for its pretense of “defending human rights”. The war against the former Yugoslavia was a naked act of aggression. Albright was the architect of that war. At another time she declared the US had the right to use violence unilaterally because it was “an indispensable nation”.

The path to today’s dangerous proxy conflict between the US-led NATO alliance and Russia can be traced back to the policy formulated by Madeleine Albright and like-minded imperialists in Washington. The destruction of Yugoslavia 23 years ago under her watch has culminated in the present near-war situation between the US and Russia due to relentless and reckless NATO expansionism all the way to Russia’s borders, including the weaponization of a Nazi regime in Ukraine.

It should be seen as incredible that her nefarious, paramount relevance for today’s crisis should be so blatantly omitted in Western media. All we can read about her this week were eulogies to Albright’s “brilliant” diplomacy and being an icon for female achievement.

That such a glaring omission can be made at this critically important time just shows the noxious propaganda function of Western media. Totally brain-dead. Meanwhile, alternative critical media have been blacked out as “Russian propaganda”.

The brain-dead function of Western media is what makes the danger of war even greater.


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Financial Censorship Is Becoming Pervasive

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Anthony Pompliano

Pomp's article below is illuminating on the sneaky ways the US government is suffocating free speech, by using its enormous power over the financial ecosystem of "the West" (read: Washington's abjectly dominated bloc of nations). The videos we include, by Caleb Maupin and about the rebel Canadian truckers, are eloquent. Caleb is a longtime activist for social change, peace, and justice, and a widely respected political analyst. In the video Caleb details how PayPal has already jumped on the financial censorship bandwagon by suddenly shutting down his account for no valid reason, thereby crippling his political work. As usual, the move was put into effect with no appeal.  (We first heard about such underhanded and illegitimate things when the US went after Wikileaks in 2012, and more recently when Trudeau froze access to the truckers' own bank accounts). Incidentally, what the US is now doing with Afghanistan it already practiced for years against North Korea, Russia and, of course, Venezuela and Cuba, among others. The US toolkit of "sanctions" is extensive and liberally used. For their part and eternal shame, vassal states and prominent accomplices like the UK and France have also played this game, in the case of the UK outright confiscating the Venezuelan gold entrusted to its financial institutions.
—The Editor
—The Editor

It was reported late last week that the United States would be confiscating billions of dollars from the central bank reserves of Afghanistan. This seemed a little weird at first, but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions since governments are always doing counter-intuitive or seemingly insane things.

After digging into the story, it appears that this is a highly unusual decision that could have significant impact on finance, geopolitics, and technology moving forward. Here is what is happening:

  1. Afghanistan’s central bank reserves have been kept in various US-based financial institutions.

  2. There is approximately $7 billion of total assets that belong to the Afghan central bank, but are held in the US.

  3. President Biden signed an Executive Order compelling all US financial institutions to “transfer this property into a consolidated account held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.”

  4. Approximately $3.5 billion of the $7 billion in assets will be routed back to Afghanistan with the hopes of helping the Afghan citizens.

  5. The remaining roughly $3.5 billion assets will be held by the US government and earmarked for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Now it is important to call out that this is a highly complex situation. But it is also a highly irregular situation as well. The central bank of Afghanistan was holding billions of dollars in US-based financial institutions and had no sovereignty over those funds. This wouldn’t seem overly weird for a central bank except the US had invaded the country and was actively occupying it for the better part of 20 years.

Second, the use of an Executive Order to compel US-based financial institutions to turn over client assets to the Federal Reserve is as outrageous as it sounds. The Federal Reserve is allegedly an independent, private organization so it is noteworthy that the President and his administration is forcing one private organization to allow another private organization to confiscate client assets.

Third, the $7 billion of Afghan central bank assets are the property of Afghanistan. Any attempt by the United States, the President, or the Federal Reserve to prevent the country of Afghanistan, and it’s citizens, from accessing or retrieving their property is equivalent to theft. Regardless of the reasoning or the moral appeal, the United States is confiscating billions of dollars of assets from a country that we are no longer at war with, and a country that we are reportedly trying to help become independent.

Fourth, the United States is conducting this highly suspicious activity at the same time that it is becoming clear that the Afghan people are suffering immensely. In the White House press release related to the Executive Order, these are the facts outlined to highlight the dire situation on the ground:

  • Even prior to the events of last August, Afghanistan’s economy was on the brink. Afghanistan faced poverty rates above 50 percent. International donor grants financed about 75 percent of public expenditures and 50 percent of the government’s budget. A two-year long drought had reduced many crops to 40 percent of their usual yields, and Afghanistan had one of the least developed financial systems in the world—with just 10-20% of adults holding bank accounts. Rampant corruption crippled sectors that should have been profitable.

  • The Taliban’s forced takeover made the already frail economic situation worse. The IMF estimates that Afghanistan faces an economic contraction of 30%, and many of the senior officials and technical experts needed to provide sound economic management have fled the country as a result of the Taliban’s actions.

  • These problems reflect longstanding, structural issues that predated the events of August 2021 and have worsened due to uncertainty and perceived risk surrounding the Taliban’s capacity to run the economy. This includes its ability to implement anti-money laundering measures and measures to counter the financing of terrorism.

So we know the citizens of Afghanistan are struggling and the current administration has still decided to withhold potential aid, and the property of those citizens, because of political motivations. It is really crazy to think about the nuances of this entire situation.

So why am I writing about this?

The idea of financial censorship is becoming more pervasive. We have the US confiscating Afghan central bank assets. We have the US threatening Russia with removal from the SWIFT payment system depending on what actions Russia pursues in Ukraine. We have the Canadian government pressuring technology companies and financial institutions to confiscate any funds that are being sent to the truckers’ Freedom Convoy protest.

It's a shame—but to be expected from fake leftists—that the so-called left media did not touch this issue, except to condemn the truckers, and it was the usually abominable Fox News that actually reported on the issue.

Dateline Feb 21, 2022

The Caleb Maupin case. (Bear with him, you'll learn a lot. He gets unusually personal in this video.)

Dateline: Apr 28, 2022

Each of these situations is different, but they are all a form of financial censorship. The more aggressive that governments become with financial censorship, whether towards each other or towards their own citizens, the more popular that bitcoin becomes in the eyes of those on the internet. Every attempt at financial censorship is a marketing campaign for bitcoin.

Bitcoin is censorship-resistant money. No one can prevent you from sending it to anyone else. No one can confiscate it from you without your permission. No one can debase the currency. 

Bitcoin is freedom technology. It gives a user, from individuals to organizations to nation states, the freedom to choose how to use the digital currency. You can hold it. You can spend it. You can send it to someone. Whatever you want to do, you’re allowed to do it. No government, company, or individual can impose their views or desires on you.

If the Afghan central bank has sovereignty over their assets, the US couldn’t confiscate them easily. If the Freedom Convoy raised money through a censorship-resistant currency, no one could have taken those funds from them.

That is where the world is headed. Sovereignty. Censorship-resistance. Decentralization. Individual rights. Slowly, but surely.

Bitcoin is inevitable. It returns the world back to sound money and to individual sovereignty. Those may seem like crazy ideas on the surface, but we are watching multiple examples play out that prove why it is so important. 

Have a great day today. I’ll talk to everyone tomorrow.


Anthony Pompliano is an entrepreneur and investor who has built and sold numerous companies, run product and growth teams at Facebook and Snapchat, and invested over $100 million in early-stage technology companies. He also produces the crypto newsletter, “Off the Chain.”


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More about BreadTube Serving Imperialism – Caleb Maupin on “Praise of Folly”

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the establishment media is an enabler of endless wars and illegitimate oligarchic power


More about BreadTube Serving Imperialism - Caleb Maupin on "Praise of Folly"

Apr 16, 2022

Caleb discusses the reasons why he is certain Breadtubers like Vaush and Jason Unruhe are doing US imperialism's bidding, while pretending to be on the radical left. 

The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of  The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

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Since the overpaid corporate media whores will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. Put this effort to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material everywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands.
—The Editor, The Greanville Post
—The Editor, The Greanville Post

This post is part of our Orphaned Truths series with leading cultural and political analysts. People you can trust.

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Left-Wing YouTubers Co-opted By Security State

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the establishment media is an enabler of endless wars and illegitimate oligarchic power

Jimmy Dore • Caleb Maupin

Left-Wing YouTubers Co-opted By Security State

Mar 30, 2022
Caleb Maupin is the author of “BreadTube Serves Imperialism: Examining The New Brand of Internet Pseudo-Socialism,” a book describing the ways "left-leaning" YouTubers have been co-opted and manipulated by elite interests to shepherd anti-establishment and revolutionary energy back toward the center and into traditional, corporatist outlets like the Democratic Party. Jimmy talks to Caleb about this phenomenon and how establishment interests seek to contain and control youthful disaffection with the status quo.

The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of  The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

If you find the above useful, pass it on! Become an "influence multiplier"! 

Since the overpaid corporate media whores will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. Put this effort to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material everywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands.
—The Editor, The Greanville Post
—The Editor, The Greanville Post

This post is part of our Orphaned Truths series with leading cultural and political analysts. People you can trust.

Indecent Corporate Journos Won't Do the Job, So Citizen Journalists Must

The Jimmy Dore Show • Fiorella Isabel — Craig Pasta Jardula (The Convo Couch) • Mike Prysner & Abby Martin (The Empire Files) • Lee Camp's Redacted Tonight • Caleb Maupin • Jonathan Cook • Jim Kavanagh • Paul Edwards • David Pear • Steven Gowans • Max Blumenthal • Ben Norton • Aaron Maté • Anya Parampil (The Grayzone) • Caitlin Johnstone • Chris Hedges • Alex Rubinstein • Alex Mercouris • Margaret Kimberley • Danny Haiphong • Bruce Lerro • Israel Shamir • Ron Unz • The Saker • Alan Macleod • Eric Zuesse • Ed Curtin • Gary Olson • Andrei Martyanov • Jeff J Brown • Godfree Roberts • Jacques Pauwels • Max Parry • Matt Orfalea • Glenn Greenwald • Rick Sterling • Jim Miles • Janice Kortkamp • Margaret Flowers

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The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post

VIA A BACK LIVE LINK. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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