Syria: America’s “Inherent Resolve” to Destroy Another Sovereign Nation.

Felicity Arbuthnot 

US military bringing democracy to the vietnamese.

US military bringing democracy to the Vietnamese. They’ve been busy doing the same all over the Middle East now for several decades.  An infernal hypocrisy.

[box type=”download”] “We should expect conflicts in which adversaries, because of cultural affinities different from our own, will resort to forms and levels of violence shocking to our sensibilities.” (Department of Defense, 1999, with thanks to William Blum.)[/box]

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne quote has reverberated throughout the United States decades of decimations of the lands of others. Journalist Peter Arnett, reporting from Vietnam, in a piece published on 7th July 1968, quoted an American officer saying of the provincial capital Bến Tre: “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.” He was referring to the decision to bomb and shell the town no matter what the cost of civilian lives, in order to rout the Vietcong. (1)

Vietnamese resisters now properly schooled in democracy.

Vietnamese resisters now properly schooled up in democracy.

The US led “coalitions” of recent years have, it seems, moved on from destroying towns, now entire sovereign nations are laid to waste to [supposedly] free, liberate, and democratize them. The cemeteries and ruins of much of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya are recent silent witness to this munificence, with Syria set to be the latest eye of the storm.

ISIS/ISIL/IS has replaced the Vietcong and the “town” is where ever the liberating bombs, missiles, drone strikes blast homes and humanity across the entire country and of course in neighbouring Iraq, bombed in the name of protection and salvation for 24 years – approaching a quarter of a century.

In context, prior to the illegal invasion of 2003, from 1993 onwards, wrote John Pilger (7th August 2000):

 “ The Royal Air Force, together with the US, bombs Iraq almost every day. Since December 1998, the Ministry of Defence has admitted dropping 780 tonnes of bombs on a country with which Britain is not at war. During the same period, the United States has conducted 24,000 combat missions over southern Iraq alone, mostly in populated areas. In one five-month period, forty one per cent of casualties were civilians: farmers, fishermen, shepherds, their children and their sheep – the circumstances of their killing were documented by the United Nations Security Sector”, it was: “the longest such campaign since the Second World War.”

The Foreign Office Minister Peter Hain in a breath taking lie, even by UK Minister’s standards told Parliament on 2nd May 2000:As I have told the House on many occasions, we are not conducting a bombing campaign against Iraq . . .”

On 6th July 2000, commentator Jonathan Power pointed out that: “the Pentagon says more than 280,000 sorties have been flown in the near decade since no-flight zones were imposed on Saddam in the north and south of the country.”

“L’Angleterre, ah, la perfide Angleterre” (“England, oh treacherous England”) admonished the 17th century French Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet (1627-1704) in a sermon. The intervening centuries have wrought little change.

Turkey has now given permission for the US to use the country’s Incirlik air base “after months of negotiations”, according to the BBC. Since the US also used the base during the 1991 Iraq war and in 2001 at the start of the attack on Afghanistan, it has to be wondered what further horror is planned for Syria.

In the last forty eight hours Turkey has enjoined in bombing Syria and has also bombed northern Iraq. There are unconfirmed reports of Turkish troops in Aleppo.

In spite of the UK Parliament voting not to become militarily involved in Syria, it transpired this week that British Air Force pilots have anyway been bombarding Syria in defiance of Parliament. They simply swopped their uniforms and fighter jets for those of countries who were involved in the attacks.


Although the US has been (officially) terrorizing Iraq and Syria since 8th August 2014, they took until 15th of October to dream up another silly name for another mass slaughter and announced that “Operation Inherent Resolve” was: “officially designated as the name given to US military operations against ISIL in Iraq and Syria.” The name is intended: “to reflect the unwavering resolve and deep commitment of the US and partner nations … to eliminate ISIL …” Heaven help the people of Syria and Iraq.

The US military is clearly not a superstitious body. 15th of October was not an auspicious day for Empire. On that day in 1793, Queen Marie Antoinette of France was condemned to death and executed the following day; Napoleon 1st began his exile on St Helena.

In 1863, following his defeat at the Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War, General Robert E Lee proffered his resignation to Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

President Assad.

President Assad.

The population of Syria is just 22.85 million, it is being assaulted by the US, population 318.9 million, Turkey population 74.93 million, the UK with a population of 64.1 million, plus a few other less visible and enthusiastic members of the “coalition” -Jordan, Canada, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, though the UAE stopped flying in December reportedly after a dispute over the US not providing sufficient combat air rescue. By 6th February the US had mounted nine hundred and forty six air strikes in Syria, with Jordan, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia completing just seventy nine. (News, websites.)

The number of weapons rained down on Syria between August 2014 and June 30th 2015 is staggering. According to the US Department of Defence (2):


August: 211

September: 760

October: 1,641

November: 1,407

December: Unaccounted for

Total: 5,886


January: 2,308

February: 1,756

March: 1.600

April: 1,685

May: 2,010

June: 1,686

Total: 11,045

The Average cost, August 8th 2014 to June 18th 2015 is $9.2 million a day for the 315 killing days (3.) To 22nd June this year “Targets Damaged or Destroyed” in Syria and Iraq include 98 tanks, 325 trucks, 472 staging areas (these are illustrated with a tent, so presumably could be displaced families mistaken for “terrorists”) 2,045 buildings, 1,859 “fighting positions” (again, as Iraq, how many people gathered for a wedding, funeral, waiting for transport were designated “fighters” from the safety of 35,000 ft?) 154 oil infrastructures and “other targets” 2,702. Total 7,655.

The carnage is ongoing. The most recent are the 21st July with ten airstrikes on Syria and fifteen on Iraq, on 24th July eight on Syria and nineteen in Iraq and 25th July, nine air strikes on Syria and twenty two on Iraq with drones also being used (4.) The “assessments” of that destroyed is tragic and sometimes farcical. In Iraq “an ISIS excavator” for example, could it not just be some soul mending a road? Two “ISIS bridges” near mortally damaged Fallujah – Iraq is divided by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers – the great soaring engineering triumphs that are the country’s bridges are the arteries of the nation’s body. Now they are designated “ISIS bridges” and destroyed – again.

As Syria’s President Assad  said today (26th July) in an address to the nation: “The West calls it ‘terrorism’ when it hits them, and ‘revolution, freedom, democracy and human rights’ when it hits us.’ “

FELICITY ARBUTHNOT is a veteran observer of Middle East affairs and a dedicated critic of imperial hypocrisy in London, Washington, and Paris.  

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SJ TGP Short Shot* No. 1: Lessons in Greek — for Leftists

Steven Jonas, MD, MPH, Senior Editor

Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Greek radical left Syriza party and a candidate for the European Union presidency with the "European Left" movement, speaks during a campaign rally in Thessaloniki on May 21, 2014. Greeks go to polls on May 25 for the European elections and the second round of the local elections. AFP PHOTO / SAKIS MITROLIDIS        (Photo credit should read SAKIS MITROLIDIS/AFP/Getty Images)

Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Greek Syriza party, addressing the masses, when the rose had yet not lost its bloom.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s I said in the column which inaugurated my “Duopoly Watch” series for The Greanville Post, one of the most important books by the great leader on the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, was “The State and Revolution.”  Among other things, I noted:

“it deals with the nature of the state apparatus under capitalism. It is important to understand that the state apparatus never exists independently of the economic system of the country within which it stands. (Italics ours) Rather it is there to make sure that it, the economic system, stays firmly in place.  The disagreements between political parties in the capitalist nations come over how best to go about maintaining the ruling class’s control, the ruling class being those individuals, corporations, organizations, and interests that have their hands on the levers of economic [and consequently political] power in the nation. In other words, the direct and principal beneficiaries of the rule of capital. 

“Concerning the nature of ‘constitutional democracy’ under capitalism, Ulyanov himself put it this way:

‘To decide once every few years which member of the ruling class is to repress and crush the people through parliament – this is the real essence of bourgeois parliamentarism, not only in parliamentary-constitutional monarchies, but also in the most democratic republics’.

“[The role of] constitutional democracy’ under capitalism, is…‘to decide once every few years which member of the ruling class is to repress and crush the people through parliament – this is the real essence of bourgeois parliamentarism…”

Now, every once in a while comes along a leftist party, although pledged to operate within the confines of capitalist “constitutional democracy,” that truly believes that it can get elected (a), and (b), that it can really change ruling class control, through the parliamentary system. 

Well, Greek lesson 1: what has happened to Syriza and Tsipras shows, once again that that is not possible.  The ruling class is the ruling class, and short of revolution, as Lenin so rightly noted, it will always rule, one way or another.

Greek lesson 2:  The Greek ruling class seems to be coming out of the mess in very good shape.  They managed to make sure that the worst of the “austerity” measures, imposed by their brethren in the European Union, were carried out under the nominal governmental control of a “leftist” government rather than its “center-right” predecessor.  Of course it was the latter that was largely responsible for presiding over the making of the mess to begin with, e.g. (a VERY important article): “How Goldman Sachs Profited From the Greek Debt Crisis: The investment bank made millions by helping to hide the true extent of the debt, and in the process almost doubled it,” by Robert B. Reich (who, by the way, is no socialist). 

Please note also, that the tax increases demanded by the European Union do not seem to be falling on the Greek ruling class (although I may have missed something there), nor do the demanded “reforms” (read further punishment for the Greek working class to pay for the ruling class’ mistakes/greed) seem to include forcing the Greek billionaires to pay the taxes that they have avoided for years by shipping their profits overseas.

Greek lesson 3: The international capitalist ruling class (of which the Greek ruling class is of course a part) is absolutely intent on showing the people of Italy and Spain what would await them if they were to elect a left-wing government that would attempt something along the lines of what Syriza originally intended to door seemed to, if we are to take their rhetoric as a true reflection of intent (at bottom, force a significant amount of loan forgiveness upon the most irresponsible of the original lenders).  In my view, it is the teaching of this political lesson, even more rather than the “regardless of who was responsible for incurring them, good people pay off their debts, donchaknow” lesson, that Angela Merkel and the joint ruling classes of the EU nations, want to accomplish through the “negotiations.”

There are more lessons for the left in parliamentary so-called democracies, of course, but to my mind, thanks to Vladimir Ilyich, these are the most important ones.


July 22, 2015

This is the first in a series of (relatively) short columns that I will be writing for The Greanville Post over the next several months while I devote more of my weekly writing time to finishing a book that will be published next spring by The Greanville Post’s relative, Punto Press (which just happens to be the same company that published the 2013 version of my book The 15% Solution, referenced just below).



P78, and available on Amazon.

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Gaither Stewart, Senior Editor

Wolgang Schaeuble: making a virtue of inflexibility.

Wolgang Schaeuble: making a virtue of inflexibility.

(Rome) Though continental populist movements like the Northern League and Five Stars in Italy or Podemos in Spain have planted in the minds of many Europeans the idea of the vulnerability and fragility of both the European idea as expressed in the very term, European Union (EU or simply Europe), and its universal currency, the once powerful EURO, the irresponsible handling of the Greek crisis by Germany and its closest allies, The Netherlands and Finland, et al, have brought to the surface the EU’s wobbly legs and made audible for all to hear the creaking and squeaking arising from its very foundations. Who will be next to fall under German fire and ire emergent political leaders, economists and journalists are wondering. Portugal, Spain, France or Italy?

Germany’s admitted cruelty and intransigence toward Greece lead me to conclude that the real tragedy of Europe as a whole, as a viable social idea—if not ideology—is Germany itself. Germany, in whose vision the next crisis is just around the corner, which in turn will require another turn of the screw of austerity. Austerity and more austerity, at all costs.

Germany, severe and sensitive to criticism. Germany, always right. Germany, both amnesiac of and obsessed by its own past that most of Europe has not yet forgotten either. Germany, possessed by its unrelenting need for order, control … and austerity. Germany, ready to abandon the idea of a social Europe and accept a role of subservience to the USA. Germany, in the grips of an enduring unilateral vision of reality. Germany, culturally and ideologically isolated; perhaps expressed by its tortured past and by its language on the one hand, and obsessed by its nature of order and austerity on the other.

It must also be said that, by negotiating on its knees, like a supplicant, the Greek government has only succeeded in arousing the domineering instinct in the German establishment. ———eds.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Greek crisis will not simply go away. It will remain like a landmark, a marker of the distance from the original European social idea, which Germany, and Germany practically alone, has now devastated in order to crush Greece and put it up for sale. Occupy it in the 1940s and buy it in 2015! Many Germans must be experiencing their Dr. Strangelove-like economic king, [Wolfgang] Schäuble’s assumed role of the mean Master Sergeant with both awe and fear and trembling, while other Europeans as a consequence are concluding that they do not want to cede their fiscal and economic sovereignty to a German-speaking, German-controlled EU in Brussels. Italians do not want to see the Coliseum used someday as a warranty for repayment of its great national debt,

It has been said that Schäuble and Merkel and their political allies could not behave otherwise, themselves victims of the false vision of reality the German establishment and its media have projected on the continent for decades: that is, that the German taxpayer has been financing Greece for years. A completely untrue claim. Despite corruption and tax evasion Italians taxpayers pay as much … or more. The German public does not know the truth. The political parties and the media have maintained silence on the reality of the German role in Europe. For example, in Europe in general, but allegedly also in Germany, the public is not even aware of the widely hated and feared International Monetary Fund’s unexpected appeal to reduce the Greek debt.

Germany today seems torn between the idea of being the leader of an expanded Europe or opting for the tempting vision of a major role in alliance with Russia and the Heartland reaching to and including China. As leader of tiny Europe— historically called “the continent of Europe”, but in reality just a peninsula attached to the Eurasian Heartland—Germany is the big fish in a little pond, a role it has long played, too long in its estimation. For beckoning in the distance is Russia, the object of eternal attraction of ambitious, imperial-minded Germany.

The question in any case remains still unanswered today, 70 years after its defeat in World War II: Is Germany—like Japan— a sovereign nation or a pledged vassal of the USA?



Time of Exile, the third and concluding volume of his renowned Europe Trilogy. (Punto Press). 




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US Warmongering: Will Germans Again Claim ‘They Didn’t Know’?

Finian Cunningham } Strategic Culture Foundation

Incredibly, even at this point in history, there is no dearth of useful idiots in Germany—and Europe at large—to serve as convenient backdrop for the propaganda set pieces disseminated by Washington. 

Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 8.12.05 AM

Obama, with Merkel’s help, pressing flesh in Bavaria, bringing the usual dog-and-pony show to the mesmerized Europeans who remain fascinated by this black president. The pomp, obsequiousness and sycophancy that surrounds such official visits  is all the more repulsive considering that these leaders represent the vilest capitalist/imperialist forces at large in the world.


[dropcap]A[/dropcap]mid knee-slapping and beer-drinking, Germans greeted US President Obama with rapturous applause as he opened the G7 summit in Bavaria at the weekend.

Obama was addressing the crowds in a public square in the historic town of Krün on a sunny morning; with the Bavarian mountains serving a splendid backdrop. Alongside him was his «great friend Angela».

Merkel, the German chancellor, was beaming smiles at every jocular quip from the American president, as if the American NSA spying on her personal communications never happened.

Obama was on a charm offensive, talking of the «shared history between Germany and the US», and lauding the past «great contributions» from German immigrants in the nation-building of America.

He did briefly mention «the war» – but only fleetingly and in the context of postwar German national progress and the formation of the «successful NATO military alliance». Obama interspersed his lines with folksy references to quaffing a few beers and jokingly expressed his preference for holding the G7 leaders’ meetings over the next two days in the outdoors of a beer-garden to enjoy the sunshine.

Obama’s charm offensive towards Germany is understandable. He needs the country’s backing to extend the economic sanctions against Russia that Washington has corralled the European Union into adopting. The sanctions were applied back in March last year following the reunification of Crimea with Russia, or as the West contends, after Moscow «annexed» Ukrainian territory. The harmful repercussions from this trade war has left a growing number of EU states increasingly wary of the US-led policy. No more so than among German manufacturers, farmers and other businesses who have seen incomes plummet due to the block on trade with Russia.

Once more, Obama, a sanctimonious demagog, used the official occasion to slander Russia as a lawless state bent on terrorism and international aggression. The rhetoric is particularly repellent since the Empire and its allies are heavily involved in war crimes of the gravest sort across the planet.

Without German support for the Washington-led policy of sanctioning Russia, the US-EU «united front» is in danger of collapsing. The same goes for the US-led NATO military alliance. That’s why Obama was so keen to ingratiate himself and his country with the German public at the weekend, portraying the pairing as a postcard-picture of «friendship».

As the pretty Fraüleins, with their plaited hair, together with their strapping menfolk, wearing feathered caps and lederhosen, applauded Obama’s rhetoric the scene conjured memories of a previous era when Germans were similarly captivated under the spell of another demagogic leader. This was Bavaria, the homeland of Adolf Hitler, whose rhetoric and nostrums were likewise apt to make the crowds swoon.

Fair enough, Obama hasn’t the overt neuroticism of Hitler, nor the fiery ideological extremism. But there is, nevertheless, an unerring consistency in how a German public can seem so gullible and pliable to rhetoric that is fundamentally, dangerously, misleading.

Obama in his bonhomie, avuncular style slipped in an outrageous Big Lie into his public address in Bavaria at the weekend. He cited three challenges facing the leaders of the G7 – the world’s nominally most powerful economies. Obama said the challenges comprised «Russian aggression in Ukraine», the terror threat of Islamic extremism, and global climate change.

This is not the first time that Obama has offended common intelligence and truth with the audacious comparison of Russia with international terrorism. He did so before the UN General Assembly and also the G22 summit in Australia last year. What is audacious about Obama’s assertion of Russian aggression in Ukraine is that there is absolutely no proof to support that claim. (Not to mention the easily demonstrable fact that the Ukrainian mess and civic implosion was literally engineered by the US and its NATO vassals.—Eds.) Yet, this baseless accusation has formed the basis of Washington-led sanctions on Russia – sanctions that are impacting woefully on Europe’s economy – and it has been invoked to justify reckless NATO militarisation on Russia’s borders. Just this weekend, yet another US-led war games drill was being carried out in the Baltic Sea, involving dozens of warships, fighter jets and over 5,600 NATO troops

Moreover, the aggression in Ukraine that threatens to blow apart the tenuous Minks ceasefire is all down to the violations by the Neo-Nazi Kiev regime that Washington levered into power through an illegal coup d’état last February. Over the weekend, more civilians were killed in the shelling of Donetsk city and surrounding towns in eastern Ukraine. These violations are US-backed war crimes, yet Obama holds forth on non-existent «Russian aggression».

Elsewhere in the world, as Obama was addressing his captive German audience, American-complicit war crimes were being perpetrated with a sinister normalcy.

The American-backed Israeli regime reportedly launched air strikes on the de facto open-air concentration camp of Gaza, with the usual diplomatic collusion of Washington and military support from US warplanes and bombs.

In Yemen, the US-backed Saudi bombing of that country continued apace, adding dozens more civilian victims to the death toll of thousands since the blitzkrieg began on March 26. The United Nations estimates that 80 per cent of the Yemeni population – some 20 million people – are now facing desperate shortages of food, water and medical aid from the US, Saudi-imposed naval blockade of that Arab country.

In Afghanistan, the Washington campaign of assassination by aerial drones claimed another 15 victims at the weekend with a strike on the eastern province of Khost. In Iraq, several Iraqi soldiers and Shia militia were killed in a US air strike near Fallujah in what was reported as «friendly-fire». The American bombing of Iraq and Syria is supposedly aimed at the ISIS terror group of Islamic extremists whom the US, Saudi Arabia and NATO member Turkey have covertly «incubated» and fuelled, according to the Guardian’s Seumas Milne, in their machinations of illegal regime-change operations across the Middle East.

If there is one country that poses an existential threat to world peace from stoking state and non-state terrorism and outright geopolitical tensions with Russia and China it is the regime in Washington, whose figurehead Barack Obama swans around the globe spouting asinine rhetoric.

All people of the world must recognise the Big Lie that is continually pumped out by Washington and its European puppets. This audacious falsification of reality – blaming others for the litany of crimes that Washington itself is responsible for – is endangering the world by precipitating even more conflict and possibly an all-out global war between nuclear powers.

After the Second World War, the German nation professed that they did not know about the massive crimes that were being carried out by Hitler’s Third Reich. While they were applauding his speeches, dressed in lederhosen, plaited hair and quaffing beers in public squares, they would later lament: «We did not know that millions were being exterminated».

This weekend, the German public were similarly applauding Obama as he foisted a pile of ludicrous lies and propaganda in their midst. And yet, all the while, American war crimes and crimes against humanity were being committed unabated all around the world. Germany has an onerous responsibility in Europe to call a halt to Washington’s war machine. Are Germans once again going to tell us someday in the future: «We did not know»?



[box] Finian Cunningham has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. Many of his recent articles appear on the renowned Canadian-based news website Globalresearch

He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in journalism. He specializes in Middle East and East Africa issues and has also given several American radio interviews as well as TV interviews on Press TV and Russia Today. 

His interests include capitalism, imperialism and war, socialism, justice and peace, agriculture and trade policy, ecological impact, science and technology, and human rights. He is also a musician and songwriter. Previously, he was based in Bahrain and witnessed the political upheavals in the Persian Gulf kingdom during 2011 as well as the subsequent Saudi-led brutal crackdown against pro-democracy protests. 

The author and media commentator was expelled from Bahrain in June 2011 for his critical journalism in which he highlighted many human rights violations by the Western-backed regime. 

For many years, he worked as an editor and writer in the mainstream media, including ,The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent. Originally from Belfast, Ireland, he is now based in East Africa where he is writing a book on Bahrain and the Arab Spring. [/box]



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Stories from Oles Buzina: SS Galicia Division against Ukraine


Foreword to the Translation

[one_half][dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith the onset of the Ukrainian crisis, I realized that I often looked forward to the work of certain journalists, who were both eloquent and informative. Oles Buzina was one of them. In addition to reading his columns, I, like millions of other Russians, watched his frequent appearances on political talk shows. I often found myself in disagreement, but had to admit that his points were well-argued and factually justified—a true sign of a charismatic erudite.[/one_half]

Thus, the news of his brazen murder on April 16 of this year, in broad daylight and outside his home, was particularly distressing. Later, I found out that Oles—a well-known author and historian, in addition to his journalistic career—had been receiving threats for quite some time. Yet he consistently turned down offers to relocate to Russia. Like a true patriot of a country in peril, he continued to love Ukraine. But Ukraine—today’s Ukraine—did not return that sentiment.

Belated homage to a brave man. Practically unknown in the West thanks to the moral bankruptcy of the Western media. 

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ike clock-work, Western mainstream media called Buzina “pro-Russian” in a political climate where this term has become a slur, in order to reduce the significance of his violent death.

Unlike the recent murder of 1990s politician Boris Nemtsov at the Kremlin walls, no Western embassies solemnly changed their Twitter cover images to his portrait, and no emotional condemnations came from the highest levels of foreign governments within hours of the news. Considering the official West’s backing of the current state of Ukraine, I suppose we should be glad that there was any coverage at all, double standards notwithstanding.

To add insult to injury, since his murder, some bookstores in Kiev even stopped carrying Buzina’s work. At the same time, however, there seems to be greater interest in them online. But posthumous recognition and growing book sales are of little consolation to the women he left behind: his mother, wife, and daughter.

Some of his friends and fellow journalists described Buzina as an “imperial Maloros.” (“Maloros” is a historic term for the residents of central Ukraine within the Russian Empire—ed.) He believed in a cultural and historic unity of Russians, Ukrainians, and Belorussians. And, if this unity were to materialize as it once had, the capital should be in Kiev—which is often called the Mother of Russian Cities—not Moscow.

In particular, it was the Kiev of Mikhail Bulgakov that Buzina loved. And for me, not a single trip home goes without a solitary walk through Bulgakov’s Moscow. We are not so different after all. Indeed, his focus on historic figures like the author of the timeless Master and Margarita—who was, arguably, one of Kiev’s most famous residents—emphasizes his thinking in civilizational categories, rather than those of petty nationalism professed by a vocal minority and the negative identity of today’s official Ukraine, 24 years in the making. And it was this real challenge—one embodied in the following article from 2009—that his ideological approach continued to create for post-Maidan Ukraine that led to his murder, regardless of who was behind it, specifically.





(“Stories from Oles Buzina” was a regular column for the Segodnya newspaper, covering historic subjects. In the Russian language, “story” and “history” (istoriia) are the same word, which plays an important role in this context.)

[box] The inglorious path of this SS Division is the biography of one bitter Galician illusion that some are trying to revive even today. Not Ukrainian, but specifically Galician. [/box]

Translated from the Russian and Ukrainian languages by Nina Kouprianova.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he inglorious path of this SS Division is a biography of one particular Galician illusion. Not Ukrainian, but specifically Galician. Starting from the 12th century, this Slavic tribe had its own small history—at first, it was separate from Rus, then—from Ukraine. Having broken away from the princely Kiev early on, Galicia did not gain freedom, but slavery, initially ending up under Polish rule, and then— under Austria. Not only did Galicians fail to support the Bohdan Khmelnytsky uprising, but they actually opposed it, being on the side of the Poles. Lvov was the only major city before the Carpathian Mountains that showed armed resistance to the Cossacks and received certain privileges from King John II Casimir for loyalty to Warsaw. In the 17th century, Galicia was still called Red (Chervnonnaia) Rus (Russia Rubra in Latin), but there was little Russian spirit left there, especially after Joseph Szumlanski, a Polish cavalryman, having become a bishop, converted the Galician diocese from Orthodoxy to the Uniate Church that suited Poland.


German occupation forces greet Waffen-SS Galicia Division volunteers. Lvov, 1943.

Prior to the beginning of the 20th century, no one referred to Galicia as “Western Ukraine.” Officially, it was known as the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria and belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Austrians continued to customarily refer to its local rural population (cities were dominated by Poles and Jews), as Ruthenians (or Rusyns—ed.), but did not fully understand what to do with them. Vienna either supported the Poles against the Galicians, or the Galicians against the Poles, using their tribal contradictions to its benefit. But since Galicia had no other defender than the Viennese court, thus the legend about the “kind Kaiser” was born. In 1914, yet another one of these “kind men,” Franz Joseph, incited Austria-Hungary to participate in World War I, after which his empire collapsed, and Galicia became part of the newly independent Poland.

Otto Wächter

Otto Wächter

Prior to the start of the Second World War, this region remained a tangled ball of ethnic contradictions. Many Galicians, like before, saw themselves as Ruthenians, others—as Ukrainians, based on the fact that their dialect was close to the language of the so-called Great Ukraine— the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic within the USSR. Galicia remained one of the most backward regions of Europe. Characteristically, the majority of the population in Lvov, a local capital (!) were still Poles, whereas the largest industrial enterprise was … a brewery.

Governor of Galicia, Otto Wächter, showing off at a rally in front of the newly recruited SS Galicia Division.

Wächter, as Governor of Galicia, showing off at a rally in front of the newly recruited SS Galicia Division.

Then came the Germans that had beaten Poland in a month. The Red Army replaced the Germans. In 1941, the same Germans and many Galicians—that were not of Jewish or Polish descent—already kicked it out of Lvov, deciding that the new “kind Kaiser” was Adolf Hitler. Banderite and Melnykite factions—from the broken Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), a small, but extremely malevolent terrorist organization that lived before the war thanks to German intelligence—both raced to serve him.

But Hitler quickly dispelled Bandera’s illusions that he would conquer Kiev for him and give him power over all of Ukraine. He imprisoned foolish Bandera, and made Galicia into the fifth District (oblast) of the General Government—an occupation zone that was put together mainly from the former Poland. German was declared the official language, the head of the region was now the governor, whereas the raions were named in a true European fashion—“Kreishauptmannschaft.”

Hitler would hear nothing of independent Ukraine. He considered the Ukrainians, in general, and Galicians, specifically, to be Untermensch—subhuman. In the future, Galicia was subject to Aryanization, i.e., complete Germanization. In the meantime, Galicians were taken only into the police force and used in the dirtiest line of work, up to burning villages and executing prisoners of war, as was the case with the so-called Bukovinian Battalion (Bukovina Kuren—ed.) that burned down the entire Khatyn village with all its residents.

However, a crushing defeat at Stalingrad and Kursk at the hands of the Red Army, in which one in four soldiers was Ukrainian, forced the Führer to make certain amendments to his racial theory. Since those that the Nazis called “subhumans” with contempt ended up largely beating the true Aryans, then it was decided to use the other “subhumans” in the occupied territories to form individual units to fight the Red Army.

Thus, one by one, the Germans got 36 SS divisions formed mainly not out of native Germans, but out of those that were “sympathetic” to them—Wiking (out of Norway and Denmark natives), Charlemagne (out of the French), Wallonien (out of the Belgians), Nederland (this one is obvious), 15th (Latvian), 20th (Estonian), Handschar (Croatian), etc. Galizien was the 14th of these based on numeric chronology and the time of establishment.

The motivation for its creation came from below. Lvov professor of geography Vladimir Kubiiovich (or Wolodomyr Kubiyowich—ed.), member of OUN (M), was particularly interested in this idea. He approached Dr. Wächter, the Governor of Galicia and an Austrian by descent, who was well acquainted with local specifics. As Kubiiovich later recalled in emigration, “capable and ambitious” Wächter, who had some influence on Reichsführer-SS Himmler, believed that “Galicia was a country that must renew the German (Austrian) influence that was happening since the second half of the 18th century.”

Rather quickly, he convinced Himmler to establish this unit. The latter agreed, but pointed out that it should consist only of Galician residents, since this region was part of the Austrian Reich in 1772-1918 and was thus more credible than the other parts of Ukraine. On April 28, 1943 Lvov newspapers officially publicized this decision.


March on an anniversary of the 14th SS Galicia Division, Lvov, April 2014. Source: RIA.

However, as the Reichsführer-SS insisted, the Division was not to be Ukrainian, but rather Galician. The Germans still did not recognize the existence of any Ukraine and, in the future, were going to return to their plan of Aryanizing the East. The newly formed unit was officially called the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician). (The word “Waffen” meant “weapon” and was added to those units of the SS that were formed from foreigners, not true Aryans.) This was one of the traits of its inferiority. Even the trident that the Germans allowed Ukrainian Polizei to wear was prohibited as the emblem of SS Galicia Division. According to contemporary Lvov historian Andrei Bolianovskii, in the book Ukrainian Military Units in the Armed Forces of Germany (1939-1945) (Ukraiinski viiskovi formuvannia v zbroinykh silakh Nimechchiny), Himmler allowed

“regional distinction only in their national colors. This was the emblem that was supposed to symbolize the local identity of this area and, at the same time, its association with the West (the combination on a blue background of ZUNR [West Ukrainian People’s Republic, 1918-1919—ed.] coat of arms of a yellow Galician lion, with three golden crowns that appear on it, was given to Galicia by the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa). The latter was instituted for the Galician Division, and the soldiers were to be called ‘Galicians’.”

Why Lvov nationalists hoped for a change in Hitler’s political course with this turn of events—we should ask them. Perhaps, for the same reason that their spiritual heirs are currently naively hoping to join the European Union.

Pro-Bandera March, Kiev, January 2015. Source: AFP.

Pro-Bandera March, Kiev, January 2015. Source: AFP.


“Treasure of the German Nation”

One of the neo-Nazi parties that currently preaches the tradition of SS Galicia Division in Ukraine calls it the “treasure of the nation.” Which nation, I wonder. Like the Austrians during the Habsburg days, Germans did not place much value in the Galicians as war material. If in the Russian army, the natives of Ukraine became generals and field marshals, then in the Austrian one, they became junior officers, at best. An Austrian, Hungarian, or a Croatian native could have a brilliant military career in the Habsburg Empire, but not Galicians. Certain reasons for this did exist.

For instance, during the famous 1916 Brusilov offensive, Russian troops broke through the Austrian front specifically in those areas, where they faced units with a high percentage of Galicians. It was they that ran off first. Hitler’s military men noted that experience.

Not only the commanders of Galicia Division were German, but also the entire headquarters and the vast majority of officers all the way to the company members. Brigadeführer Fritz Freitag led the Division. Major Wolf-Dietrich Heike ran the operations department. Intelligence was under Hauptsturmführer Fritz Niermann. Supply department—under Hauptsturmführer Herbert Schaaf. Sturmbannführer Erich Finder was the Commander’s aide. Friedrich Lenhardt and Herbert Hähnel were assignments officers. Karl Wildner, Hans Otto Forstreuter, Paul Herms, Karl Bristot, and Friedrich Beyersdorff commanded the regiments. Even the pharmacist was German—Hauptsturmführer Werner Benecke (not to be confused with any Beniuk [a Ukrainian name—ed.] by any means!). According to Andrei Bolianovskii, the Division “got a German command spine.”

Then what was left for the Galicians—those that wore their golden lion granted by Maria Theresa, giving it more attention than it deserved? The honorable mission of serving as cannon fodder for the Third Reich! Pedantic Germans took special care of this product. According to various sources, there were between 70 and 80 thousand volunteers that ran to sign up for this SS Division. They rushed to do so the same way they do toward ‘guest work’ in Europe today!

But the vast majority of them was turned away. Only 14 thousand were accepted into the Galicia Division. The rest did not pass the medical examination, largely because of height that had to be no less than 165 cm (5 feet 4 inches—ed.). Vain Himmler could not allow shorties to serve in the SS troops. The man of the SS must have a frightening appearance! Thus, the tallest human material was picked for Galicia, so there is no need to be surprised that nowadays this area doesn’t produce basketball players.

Adventures of Švejk of the SS

Let us not overestimate these volunteers’ enthusiasm. On the website for SS Galicia, you can find a humorous book that was published by one of its former soldiers, Yurii Tis-Krokhmaliuk, during emigration to Argentina, where he fled after his “feats.” It is called The Diary of a National Hero Selepko Lavochka (Shchodennik natsionalnogo geroia Selepka Lavochki). A certain emulation of The Good Soldier Švejk:

“July 2, 1943. Rode the tram carrying saccharin. German Schutzmannswere rounding people up. They caught me, too. They found my goods and confiscated them, of course, whereas I was taken to Gorodetske. There, they took my documents and put me behind the wired camp fence. I had to go work in Germany. They asked: What kind of work do you know? I said: all kinds. I can be an engineer, director, magister. They appointed me to look after pigs in a certain Prussian village.

July 3, 1943. Slept well and calmly all through the night. In the morning I stated that I’d like to volunteer for the Ukrainian Division. They released me immediately.”

In this text, if anything is untrue, then it is the name of the Division. In 1954, when it was published, it was uncomfortable to admit that you served in an SS division even in Buenos Aires. Thus, the author timidly renamed it to “Ukrainian.”

Even the order on establishing the Division clearly states: “Command language—Galician; order language—German.”

Crushing Defeat at Brody

[dropcap]R[/dropcap]ecruits underwent a standard training course, and, in the summer of 1944, they ended up near the town of Brody outside of Lvov. In an eloquent coincidence, they resisted the troops of the First Ukrainian Front. On July 13, the latter made a brilliant breakthrough, and SS Galicia immediately found itself surrounded. A week later, the Galicia Division took off running, trying to escape in small groups. Two thousand soldiers ended up as Soviet POWs. The rest were either killed or fled.

According to military historians, this Division had virtually ceased to exist by July 22. Only three thousand people escaped from being surrounded. Incidentally, one of the first members to flee was the Commander of this Division, Brigadeführer Freitag.

Recruiting posters from 1943. Even they make it obvious that this Division was called Galician, not Ukrainian.

Recruiting posters from 1943. Even they make it obvious that this Division was called Galician, not Ukrainian.


The Germans filled Galicia with new soldiers from among those volunteers that they initially rejected, no longer embarrassed of their height, but ones who were almost never used in open battles against the regular units of the Red Army. The main task for these “divisioners” was fighting Slovak and Yugoslav guerrillas. Once Galicians even had a skirmish with Ukrainian partisans under Kovpak, who carried out a sabotage raid into Slovakia.

German command valued the military qualities of SS Galicia very little. For example, only one of its members was awarded the Iron Cross—Commander Freitag himself—whereas these awards were not uncommon in other Waffen-SS divisions.

Saved Their Own Skin…Pretending to be Poles

The following question arises: why was the majority of those survivors, who fought for SS Galicia, able to avoid being handed over to the USSR, as per agreement between Stalin and the Western Allies? The “Polish card” saved them! Since Galicia was part of Poland before 1939, and only former Soviet citizens were subject to being extradited, Western lawyers decided that their Polish citizenship had precedence over the short-lived Soviet period of 1939-1941. This is what the author of The SS: Hitler’s Instrument of Terror, Gordon Williamson, wrote on this subject:

“The bulk of this division was able to withdraw westwards in the closing days of the war and surrender to Anglo-American forces. Allied confusion over the status of personnel labelled as Galicians led to many being able to avoid forced repatriation to the Soviet Union. Despite their having served in the Waffen-SS, Polish General Anders took the pragmatic view that their past could be forgiven in consideration of their potential future usefulness as dedicated anti-Communists, and he supported their claim to be Polish…”

Soviet Marshal Semion Timoshenko, July 27, 1942. Source:

Soviet Marshal Semion Timoshenko, July 27, 1942. Source:

They were the “cream of the crop” of this nation all along, apparently! And where did real Ukrainians serve at that time? In the Red Army—the four Ukrainian fronts! That same one, in which General Rybalko commanded the tank army, Malinovskii, Cherniakhovskii, and Kirponos—the fronts, where Marshal Timoshenko was a Commissar (i.e., Minister) of Defense, and Kozhedub was the most famous flying ace in the anti-Hitler coalition. Can some pathetic, demolished SS Galicia Division outweigh ALL THIS?

Ivan Kozhedub, a Soviet military aviator, a three-time Hero of the Soviet Union, and one of the best-known aces of WWII.

Ivan Kozhedub, a Soviet military aviator, a three-time Hero of the Soviet Union, and one of the best-known aces of WWII.

P.S. The brain behind the establishment of SS Galicia, professor Kubiiovich, did not participate in any battles and died as an emigre in Paris in 1985 at the age of 85. Most of those who believed him died in their twenties.




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