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Billy Bob's Blowback Roundtable

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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.
Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. He hosts the Blowback roundatable.  You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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George Galloway interviews Anya Parampil: Who runs the American state?

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George Galloway

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INTERVIEW: It’s all pants

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Youhoo! Tucker! Here is why Putin calls for denazification (which you called “the dumbest thing I ever heard of”).

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Don Hank Dispatches

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Tucker quote (reacting to Putin’s stated goal of denazifying Ukraine): "I thought it was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. I didn’t understand what it meant. Denazification?

Despite the heroic Russian effort, which has eliminated a significant number of fascists, Ukraine is still crawling with native Nazis, but to many American ears the assertion sounds outlandish. Apparently that includes Tucker, who (don't laugh) is among the best still visible US journalists. (The rest on the mainstream TV and legacy media are chiefly disinformers).  The author of this column, Don Hank, covers these topics —and much more— excellently. 
I’m merely saying there isn’t a Nazi movement in 2024. It’s a way of calling people evil. Calling them [Ukrainians] Nazis, I thought it was childish."- he said, as quoted by Pravda!

I guess if Tucker heard a Chinese person speaking his native language, he’d say “I didn’t understand a thing he said. It sounded really dumb to me.”

[(Here’s the link to yesterday’s newsletter: (sorry, I had forgotten to add it to the email)]

We Americans are taught to think this way. If you don’t understand something foreign, then it’s stupid, right?  We’re the smart ones, the intellectual leaders of the planet.

We didn’t understand socialism, so we sent bombers to Korea and then to Vietnam to kill these people we couldn’t understand, killing millions of them. And we wonder why North Korea doesn’t like us sweet god-fearing Israel-loving Americans.

So who’s dumb? Oh, not the Americans, right, Tucker? If we can’t understand some people we send the Marines to kill them all. Good idea, eh, Tucker? Cause that’s the smart American thing to do!

Tucker’s superficial way of thinking is why many Americans unquestioningly buy into the Neocon message that Russians are evil and want to take over the world. After all, if we can’t understand them, they MUST be up to something evil. [The ruling class and its think tank mercenaries is not that dumb. THEY know that socialism works much better than capitalism, and that socialist countries—given half a cance to compete fairly—would soon bury capitalist powers. —Ed]

I had commented previously on Tucker’s weird response to Putin’s reference to denazification, which he admitted he didn’t understand. I reminded readers that, according to Newsweek (not a known conspiracy theorist tabloid), the Ukrainian regime officially celebrates the birthday of known Hitler collaborator Stepan Bandera on January 1 of every year.

Now, for a person with normal intellect, any country’s officially celebrating the birthday of a Nazi would be a big red flag. It would be a sign that the ruling class there warms up to goose steppers. Further, the fact that the US regime supports these Nazis would reflect on us as well. However, if you saw Tucker’s Putin interview, you noticed that he sat through Putin’s initial history lesson with a furrowed brow, looking uncomfortable. Tucker obviously hates non-PC history and other intellectual pursuits and this first part of the interview really soured him against Putin, who was saying things that, in George Soros’ America, we just aren’t supposed to talk about.

Because America not only ignores and rejects intellectual subjects, it has imposed a tacit ban on them – in fact, in US satrapy Europe, Russian news publications Sputnik and RT are outright banned. Be sure to read the next article pertaining to dumbed-down US academe.

(Today’s air strike update is the last article of this newsletter)

En Ucrania renombran una calle en honor de un colaborador nazi - 05.03.2024, Sputnik Mundo (

Translation from Spanish with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

In Ukraine a street is renamed in honor of a Nazi collaborator

05.03.2024, Sputnik Mundo (

In Ukraine they rename a street in honor of a Nazi collaborator

Pyotr Diachenko,. The Americans happily gave him refuge, and he died in 1965 in New Jersey.

Pavlográdskaya Street in the Ukrainian city of Nikopol was renamed in honor of the Nazi collaborator, fanatical anti-communist, and accomplice of the Holocaust Pyotr Diachenko, awarded by Hitler for his services to Nazi Germany, as reported by the Ukrainian Jewish Committee. From Russia they declare that nowhere in the world is Nazism promoted at the state level like in Kiev.

[This renaming was certainly not well received by the local residents because Nikopol is located in Zaporozhye, a Russian speaking oblast with strong sympathies for Russia]

"The City Council of the Ukrainian city of Nikopol renamed Pavlográdskaya Street in honor of the Nazi war criminal, accomplice of the Holocaust, executor of punitive actions against civilians, officer of the Galizien Division of the SS, commander of the 31st Schutzmannschaft SD battalion, and head of collaborationist units Piotr Diachenko", indicates the director of the organization Eduard Dolinski on his social networks.

He stressed that Diachenko was awarded the Iron Cross for crimes committed in particular against Jews. [And this occurred under the watchless gaze of a Jewish Kiev regime. I can’t begin to tell you how this is possible. Only Zelensky knows]

The SS Galizien Division was a military unit within Nazi Germany's elite corps, the Waffen-SS, led by Heinrich Himmler. Created on April 28, 1943, after the occupation of Ukraine, it was made up of more than 80,000 Nazi collaborators, mostly from the Ukrainian oblast of Galicia. During the Second World War, the ranks of the division carried out police force tasks, combating partisans and intimidating the population, committing numerous atrocities against civilians on the territory of the Soviet Union and Poland.

Young Ukrainian soldiers performing a Nazi salute - Sputnik World, 1920, 02/22/2024

Neo-Nazism in Ukraine

"There are no Nazis in Ukraine": Internet users react to young Ukrainians giving the Nazi salute

Photo link:


February 22, 18:02 GMT

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova wrote in February on her Telegram channel that kyiv (or Kiev) could soon begin "canonizing collaborators of the Ukrainian ultranationalist Stepan Bandera." [News flash for Maria Zakharova: The Kiev regime already canonizes Bandera. On Jan 1 of every year, Ukraine officially celebrates this Nazi’s birthday.]

From Russia they have declared on several occasions that neo-Nazi crimes against civilians in Ukraine are ethnic cleansing, punishment actions. By supporting Kiev, Western countries are normalizing Nazism, they added. The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, pointed out that nowhere in the world is Nazism promoted at the state level like in Kiev.

Translation from Spanish with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

"There are no Nazis in Ukraine": Internet users react to young Ukrainians giving the Nazi salute

18:02 GMT 02/22/2024

Although the Kiev authorities assure that "there is no Nazism" in Ukraine, videos that appear periodically show the opposite [but Tucker Carlson doesn’t read these reports because he thinks they are “dumb” and that is Putin’s fault] Recently, Internet users were outraged by a video in which underage Ukrainian fighters sing a song glorifying Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera and give Nazi salutes.

Video link:

"A group of 17-year-olds are taught Nazi songs in preparation for death," comments one user, while another warns: "The poor kids don't even know what meat grinder is already waiting for them."

"That's why Zelensky has taken control of the state media, probably he has told [the young people] that they are winning," he speculates.

"Does this sound familiar to you?" asks the next one, referring to a photo of Hitler with members of the Hitler Youth during the Battle of Berlin in 1945, "Does anyone really want to experience something like that again?"

"Degeneration in its purest form" and "Indoctrination, 101", the others add.

"How much truth there is in the words 'Whoever forgets their history is condemned to repeat it,'" emphasized one Internet user.

"There are no Nazis in Ukraine, Zelensky said," the other ironically concluded.

Even the recently sacked Gen. Zalushny is proud to show his Neonazi loyalties. Former Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valeri Zaluzhny with Commander of the Ukrainian 67th Mechanized Brigade Andriy Stempitski pose in front of a portrait of Stepan Bandera - Sputnik World, 1920, 02/11/2024


Photo link:

Zaluzhni's photo with neo-Nazi elements "threatens" Zelensky

February 11, 17:52 GMT

Although this video was filmed some time ago, it demonstrates how the practice of educating children in a nationalist way has spread in Ukraine, through camps and children's organizations dedicated to this.

Stepan Bandera was a Ukrainian ultranationalist who served as leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (banned in Russia) in the first half of the 20th century. His anti-Jewish, anti-Russian and anti-Polish ideas brought him closer to Nazi Germany before and during its invasion of the USSR.

The OUN perpetrated countless crimes, the most notable of which is considered the massacre of the Polish civilian population in Volhynia (western Ukraine) in 1943, as well as thousands of Ukrainians for refusing to collaborate with ultranationalists.

Today the Ukrainian authorities place monuments to [Nazi] Bandera, promote songs about him and educate new generations with his ideology.


Russophobia in the Ivy League

I had my first personal exposure to Russophobia in the 70s.

I took a few undergrad courses in Russian (not my major) and when I felt I was fluent enough to go to a higher level, I decided to take a Master’s degree in Russian language, with the sole purpose not of enhancing my earning power but simply to build up my fluency and learn as much as I could about an admirable people and their beautiful language and culture.

Along my journey I enrolled in a Russian study tour in Leningrad with the CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange), where I had another strange brush with Russophobia in academe.

I was sitting in a break room at the student dorm with a group including 2 tour guides from Inturist and a young American gentleman, whom I had taken for a student. We were speaking Russian as usual. Somehow the conversation drifted toward academe and it came out that the young man was one of the chaperones and had a doctorate in Russian (whatever that means in America). At this point, since I was vaguely interested in perhaps pursuing a doctorate as well, I said “you have a doctorate in Russian?”

I guess I must have sounded surprised that the guy would have such a high degree in Russian, but that was not my intent at all. He scowled and snapped defensively something like “yes, I do for your information!”

I had not paid any attention to the quality of his Russian but I guess he may have been full of complexes due to a sense of linguistic inadequacy. But was that my fault?

I had once heard that some American profs who teach Russian are not that good. As for those who are native Russians, they are kept from revealing their inadequacy by the American majority on staff. Which would have been an easy task for the Americans because a certain percentage of these native-Russian profs were escapees from the Soviet Union and were already intimidated by the general Russophobia endemic to America.

Later, it eventually dawned on me that this Russophobia to which I was exposed – and didn’t know its name yet – was only part of a bigger phenomenon that I call Westernness, which is in fact an infectious psycho-social disease, ie, primarily a way of thinking and functioning, one of whose symptoms is a general recalcitrant mediocrity and incompetence that in America has spread throughout academe, the professions, politics (in particular), the military, the think tanks, intelligence agencies, the media, Big Religion and the general populace. But it is also a sociopathy, making it invisible to the wide public. This stands in contrast to what I call Easternness, a way of thinking that not only is not a psychosocial disease but is in fact the remedy for the infectious epidemic of Westernness. Easternness is prevalent in Russia, China and countries allied with them. It is responsible for the economic prosperity of China and the military and diplomatic superiority of Russia – which in turn have given rise to enormous (but ineffectual) blowback from the incompetent Western political class.

I believe that once the West begins to understand Easternness, or Eastern thought, it will realize that it is beginning to heal. I suppose that if I could bottle it, I could become a millionaire. I could of course also wind up in jail, sharing a cell with Julian Assange.


America’s Super-Elite Disconnect

Later, I started looking for a university to further my knowledge of Russian. I didn’t realize it yet, but academe was exactly the wrong place to look for knowledge in the West.

Around that time a friend of mine who had a Bachelor’s degree in Russian from Franklin and Marshall in Lancaster, PA, and was fluent in Russian, was accepted to Yale to work on his Master’s in Russian. After he returned on a break from his first semester, he told me that the profs in all his classes taught only in English. He lamented that, as a graduate student of Russian, he was forgetting his Russian.

Now let me back up and reassure you that the undergraduate courses in colleges that offer Russian are taught in Russian and the profs I knew of then were first rate. It was on the graduate level where it all fell apart.

My friend’s story did not surprise me. While I was studying Russian at a summer school in Colby College in Maine, one of my profs, Dr. Yury Grinberg, told me that my Russian was better than that of the head of the Russian Department of Harvard.

At first I refused to believe it, but he pressed me until I realized he was telling the truth. And to be sure, I did spend a lot of my free time reading Russian short stories and I imagined I was not half bad.

My Lancaster friend confirmed what Yury Grinberg had told me, namely, that none of the US big name universities, including Ivy League ones, taught the Master’s level Russian courses in Russian.

Dr. Grinberg also told me that in his Midwestern home, people had looked at him with suspicion when he received packages, mostly books, from the Soviet Union. Even the postman treated him like a leper. I didn’t know the word “Russophobia” then but I could feel its icy grip.

During my search for a suitable Master’s course, just as an experiment, I called Harvard and spoke with the head of the Russian Department. I told him I might be interested in doing my Master’s course work there and acted a little hesitant to make him think I was afraid I would not know enough Russian. He told me not to worry, that all the course work was done with English translations of Russian literature.

So this was how it was then.

I had explored the Master’s level course offerings of various colleges in other languages like German, French and Spanish and learned that these were taught in the languages in question. The students read works of literature in the languages in question, wrote papers in the language, heard lectures in the language, etc. These were real language courses.

Only the Russian course was taught in English.

I was getting apprehensive. Was this a conspiracy?

During my search for a college, a friend of a friend told me that she was taking a Master’s level course in Russian at Bryn Mawr on a scholarship and the head of the Russian department was desperate to find more students, offering scholarships to warm bodies. Apparently there was not much demand for Russian courses. I drove down there for an interview.

Knowing what I had learned about big name colleges teaching Russian Master’s level courses only in English, I approached her with feigned apprehension, asking if there was a chance I would not understand her lectures or the course work.

“Oh, there’s nothing to worry about,” she reassured me smiling. “It’s all in English!”

“What about the reading material?”

“It’s all English translations of Russian literature.” Still smiling.

“Why do you call it a Russian course if we aren’t able to hear and read the language?”

With her Smile wiped off, she stammered out: “Some of the students wouldn’t understand if it were in Russian. I’m very jealous of my degrees.”

“So you’re afraid you might accidentally confer a Master’s degree in Russian on someone who knows Russian,” I thought, but didn’t say it.

Needless to say I gave that course a miss.

At any rate, I placed a few more calls and located a no-name college, Kutztown State, where I came across an eccentric prof by the name of Dr. Richard Fortune, who became my Russian prof for the next 3 years or so. He was a lovely person but a stickler for the Russian language, never once lapsing into English in class.

Dr. Fortune had taken his doctorate at Columbia University — where his “Russian” profs also only taught in English in our Kafkaesque America where mediocrity is not only tolerated but is enforced with rigid rules to prevent students from getting too familiar with the language of a hated enemy of the state. Apparently there was a real fear that Russian students might start thinking like Russians and start joining terrorist gangs or sympathizing with communism.

On one occasion, Dr. Fortune was not available for a course for a semester, and I was obliged to take another prof. This prof was a Russian native. I only went to one class because this man turned out to be a fanatical anti-Soviet with a chip on his shoulder. He spent the whole class hour talking about the evils of the Soviet Union. In English. I dropped the class.

I often think about Franz Kafka and try to imagine his life as a youngster and what it must have been like.

I passed his family home the one time I visited Prague. It was closed to tourists that day but as I contemplated the exterior I imagined Franz sitting at his typewriter in a dingy attic room batting out those strange dreamlike stories of his, and I wondered what his life must have been like.

Surreal I supposed, something like life in Amerika.


The Houthis have targeted 2 genocide-supporting US warships in the Red Sea.

A suspected attack by Yemen's Houthi rebels damages a ship in the Gulf of Aden

Story by JON GAMBRELL, Associated Press


If you are pro-Palestine, Biden – as bad as he’s been – is probably the best choice!

Genocide Joe or Baby Slayer Trump. Which do you prefer?

Trump’s Gaza comments highlight tough choice for peace-supporting US voters

Former president’s rhetoric shows voters seeking to punish Joe Biden for backing Israel face dilemma in upcoming election.


Here’s your daily air strike update for Mar 6, 2024 (plus some battlefield reports)

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

Refer to this map to locate the oblasts mentioned in the following texts (many of them are western)

The Russian Armed Forces have delivered missile strikes and continue to destroy the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

On March 6, 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special operation in Ukraine to protect Donbass, as well as the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. On March 6, 2024, the Russian Armed Forces launched massive powerful missile strikes with Kh-101 ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles against military-industrial complex and infrastructure facilities in Ukraine. [The Kh-101 is a subsonic missile. It is long-range and highly precise]

On the morning of March 6, 2024, a strike was carried out with long-range precision weapons. Air raid alert in Sumy, Poltava, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and Nikolaevoblasts, as well as in parts of the Zaporozhye and Kherson oblasts controlled by Kiev. At 4 a.m. Moscow time, an air raid alert covered almost the entire territory of Ukraine. Explosions were heard in the Kiev oblast, Chuguev, and the Kharkov and Sumy oblasts. The airfield of the Ukrainian Air Force in Starokonstantinov has been disabled. [This airfield gets hit regularly]

Over the past 24 hours, on March 5, 2024, fighter aircraft and air defense of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down four Su-27 and one MiG-29 in the Zhitomirarea, one Su-27 and one Su-25 in the Radomyshl area, one Su-25 in the Nizhyn area, one MiG-29 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Nikolaev oblast, one Mi-8 in the Kiev area, six unmanned aerial vehicles, including the Bayraktar TB-2.

Bomber and attack aircraft hit 3 Buk M1 anti-aircraft missile systems and 3 Ukrainian Armed Forces radar stations. The missile forces destroyed an S-300 anti-aircraft missile system.

The bases of the personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces in the Chuguev village area and in Martovo, Kharkov oblast, were hit.

In Ternopil, an explosion occurred on the territory of a railway repair and mechanical plant. NATO equipment damaged on the battlefield is being restored there.

In the Khmelnitsky oblast, Geran drones burned down the airfield, which was used by Su-24s, to launch Western missiles at Crimea. Two weeks ago, after the last strike, the airfield received serious damage. Now there is also little left of it.

As a result of a missile strike on Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities in the Dnepropetrovsk oblast, an equipment assembly shop for armored vehicles and a warehouse with parts were hit.

The Russian Armed Forces hit Odessa and Ilyichevsk with Gerans in the dark. Izmail{Odessa oblast] is burning, while in Odessa there are significant problems with power supply. Last night, Russian troops hit targets in Odessa City and the Odessa oblast.

Swarms of Geran 2 drones are attacking Ukraine, causing panic in enemy territory. Powerful explosions are heard in Odessa and throughout Ukraine. Strikes were recorded in the Kiev oblast, Kharkov, Vinnitsa, Ternopil, Sumy oblasts and Chernihiv oblast. The bases of Ukrainian armed forces personnel in the Chuguev area of the Kharkov oblast were hit.

Over the past 24 hours, Russian troops have hit positions of manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army in 20 settlements of the Kharkov oblast with high-precision strikes.

On March 6, 2024, the Russian Armed Forces destroyed 1,215 militants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

In the Kupyansk area [Kharkov oblast], on March 6, 2024, artillerymen of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the Western Group of Forces, using the Akatsiya self-propelled gun, destroyed a tank of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the Kupyansk area. The Russian Aerospace Forces are striking at pontoon bridges across the Oskol River and hitting concentrations and headquarters in the Kupyansk district. The Russian army advances towards Ternov and Yampolovka. The Russian Armed Forces were able to gain a foothold in Ternov, the Russian group is pushing back the militants from the eastern flank. In the Kupyansk area, motorized rifle units, in cooperation with artillery and aviation, improved the tactical situation and hit several concentrations of militants and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The group’s artillery units hit 63 targets, including temporary deployment points, platoon strongholds, artillery positions, concentrations of manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. During the counter-battery fight, the group’s artillery destroyed a mortar crew and an ammunition supply point in the Sverdlovka area.

Over 160 Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, a 152-mm Msta-B gun, a mortar crew and three vehicles were destroyed.

In the Donetsk area, on March 6, 2024, in the Avdeevka sector, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to lose armored vehicles, trying to hold positions in the area of Berdychi, Orlovka and Tonenkoye. Our troops are advancing to the center of Pervomaisky, Krasnogorovka and Novomikhailovka. In the Donetsk area, there is also progress on several sectors of the front at once. Here the Russian Armed Forces are advancing in three directions at once from Marinka. The Northern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are putting pressure on Georgievka, where Russian troops managed to advance along the railway track, occupy the warehouse, and also started fighting in the area of Vatutina Street and are moving towards an abandoned car repair plant. On the western flank, in Georgievka, the Russian Armed Forces advanced along Tsentralnaya Street to the intersection with Molodezhnaya Street and thus managed to clear the southern part in Stavki, which cuts Georgievka into two parts. In the Donetsk area, units of the Southern Group of Forces, conducting active combat operations, occupied more advantageous positions along the front line, defeated formations of the 5th, 92nd assault, 22nd, 28th and 54th mechanized, as well as 56th th motorized infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Bogdanovka, Kleshcheevka, Andreevka, Zakotnoye and Pershe Travnya of the Donetsk People's Republic

Over 260 Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, two tanks, two armored personnel carriers, two armored fighting vehicles, 14 vehicles, an Msta-B howitzer and two Gvozdika self-propelled artillery units were destroyed, and three Ukrainian Armed Forces ammunition depots were destroyed

In the Krasnoarmeysky (Avdeevsky area is now called Krasnoarmeysky) area on March 6, 2024, Russian troops the day before destroyed another sixth Abrams tank. The crew of the T-72B3 destroyed the Abrams in the Avdeevsk area with the first shot. Currently, 4 US tanks are rusting on the battlefield (the fourth was destroyed yesterday), as well as 2 more Abrams-based mine clearance vehicles. They will become Russian trophies. Moscow is waiting for a captured Abrams tank. The Ukrainian Armed Forces militants will not be able to pick up their crippled vehicles because the front is shifting to the west. Russian assault forces penetrated the southern part of the settlement Krasnoye and the northern part of the Berdychi village. The Russian Armed Forces are gradually moving west of Avdeevka. Artillery fire destroyed 11 support forces of Ukrainian militants, and Aerospace Forces aviation is working in places where enemy manpower and armored vehicles are concentrated. Units of the “Center” group of troops, as a result of coordinated actions, occupied more-advantageous lines and positions in the Avdeevka area, and also inflicted fire on the forces and equipment of seven brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the areas of the settlements of Novopokrovskoye, Ocheretino, Novoselovka Pervaya and Toretsk of the Donetsk People’s Republic Republic (DPR).

In addition, Russian military personnel repelled three attacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army in the areas of the settlements of Leninskoye and Novgorodskoye, as well as nine counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of Berdychi, Tonenkoye, Pervomaiskoye, Orlovka and Vodyanoye of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

Up to 460 militants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed, two tanks, one of them Abrams made in the USA was destroyed by the crew of the T-72B3 tank from the first shot, a self-propelled firing installation of the Buk anti-aircraft missile system, four infantry fighting vehicles, two armored combat vehicles and five cars"

In the South Donetsk area, on March 6, 2024, the Russian Armed Forces trample militants into the ground of Novomikhailovka in the South Donetsk area, capturing more and more strong points. In the South Donetsk area, in addition to the successes at Pobeda, the Russian Armed Forces advanced from the south of Novomikhailovka. Russian units from the 68th Army Corps managed to completely clear the farm southwest of the Church of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael. Russian attack aircraft from the 20th Motorized Rifle Division continue to move forward. In the South Donetsk area, units of the Vostok group of forces, as a result of active actions, improved the tactical situation and inflicted fire damage on enemy personnel and equipment in the areas of the settlements of Mirnoye and Ugledar of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Up to 210 Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, two tanks, three cars, a launcher for the Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system, as well as an ammunition depot were destroyed.

In the Kherson area, on March 6, 2024, Russian aviation launched strikes against Ukrainian militants on the left and right banks of the Dnieper. 36 temporary deployment points were struck. During the day, the enemy lost 95 Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters, two armored combat vehicles, eight guns and mortars, three cars and one boat. In addition, 49 Ukrainian drones were shot down and suppressed. Attacks were carried out on four formations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces - the 117th Infantry Brigade, the 38th Marine Brigade, the 121st Terrorist Defense Brigade and the 15th National Guard Brigade. On the Zaporozhye Front, the Russian Army concentrated its main efforts in the Rabotino area. Assault groups of our troops are operating in the area of the village center near the school. In the Kherson area, units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the 118th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the 126th technical defense brigade and the 23rd brigade of the National Guard in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Verbovoye of the Zaporozhye oblast, Tokarevka, Sadovoye of the Kherson oblast and Vysshetarasovka Dnepropetrovsk oblast.

Up to 125 Ukrainian Armed Forces militants and two vehicles were destroyed.

With operational-tactical and army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Russian Aerospace Forces hit: aviation equipment, aviation ammunition and fuel depots at the Lozovatka airfields in the Dnepropetrovsk oblast and Starokonstantinov in the Khmelnytsky oblast, an ammunition depot operational-tactical group "Donetsk", manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 113 oblasts.

[Russian] Air defense systems shot down, intercepted and destroyed: nine US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system rockets were shot down, as well as a French-made AASM “Hammer” guided aerial bomb. 135 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed, including in the areas of the settlements Sladkoe, Pavlovka, Signalnoe, Verkhnetoretskoe, Orlinskoe of the Donetsk People's Republic, Golikovo, Chervonopopovka, Novodruzhesk of the Lugansk People's Republic, Mirnoe, Magedovo, Shevchenkovo and Novoe of the Zaporozhye oblast.

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NATO headed for Nuclear war with Russia? Scott Ritter, Steve Starr, and Jose Vega with Diane Sare

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Diane Sare

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Diane Sare is trying to unseat Chuck Schumer, "the Senator from Israel", in power for decades and who, like many Senators, does not represent the interests or values of ordinary Americans. (Although he's very good at pretending that he does.)

Senate Warmongers Strike Again!

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Patrick Lawrence

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Germany’s Defense Minister Boris Pistorius on their way to Air Base Jagel in northern Germany, June 2023. (NATO, Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

By Patrick Lawrence
Special to Consortium News 

Let’s listen for a moment to Boris Pistorius, the German defense minister, in a mid–January interview he gave to Der Tagesspiegel, a small Berlin daily whose history dates to 1945, when the Allies set about democratizing the Nazi-era press in the capital’s western sector.  

“We hear threats from the Kremlin almost every day, so we have to take into account that Vladimir Putin might even attack a NATO country one day,” Pistorius asserted with a display of confidence. “Our experts expect a period of five-to-eight years in which this could be possible.”

Where to begin with this liar. 

No, neither the Germans nor anyone else in the West hears threats from “Vladimir Putin’s Russia,” as we must call the Russian Federation, either daily, weekly, monthly or in any other time frame you may choose. If you can manage to listen to the Russian president over the din of flabby-minded bureaucrats such as Pistorius, you hear quite the opposite. 

To take a ready-to-hand case, here is Putin during that much-remarked interviewhe gave Tucker Carlson Feb. 6:

“… We have no interest in Poland, Latvia, or anywhere else. Why would we do that? We simply don’t have any interest. It’s just threat-mongering.”

Threat-mongering: good phrase. That is precisely and all Pistorius was trading in when he spoke to Der Tagesspiegel.   

Pistorius’ apparent purpose was to raise the curtain on this year’s Munich Security Conference, held in the Bavarian capital last week. It was predictably all about the imaginary danger that Russians intend to proceed westward into Europe as soon as they finish in Ukraine, and Europe had better spend countless billions of additional euros on weaponry and make sure its unnatural alienation from Russia remains more or less permanent.

Jens Stoltenberg, Washington’s water-carrier as secretary-general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, now predicts that the crisis in East–West relations is likely to endure for decades. He actually improved on Pistorius’ “five-to-eight years.”  In Munich, Stoltenburg got Putin’s threat to invade Western Europe down to three-to-five. He must consult different “experts.” 

Get this, from a report published in the Sunday editions of The New York Times:

“As the leaders of the West gathered in Munich over the past three days, President Vladimir V. Putin had a message for them: Nothing they’ve done so far — sanctions, condemnation, attempted containment — would alter his intentions to disrupt the current world order.”

Say whaaa? What we see out our windows is a “world order?” Putin and the rest of the Moscow leadership have made their intentions clear too many times to count: It is to restore order to a world the Western alliance has led to the brink of an out-of- control chaos that has many non–Western nations, Russia high among them, near to quaking. 

Let us draw the larger lesson here and then apply it elsewhere. 

Detached From Reality

Stoltenberg addressing 60th Munich Security Conference on Feb. 17. (Michaela Stache/MSC via Stenbocki maja, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0)

Those purporting to lead the collective West are now executing a set of aggressive foreign and military policies that are not short of dangerous for their distance from the true circumstances of our time. These policies are costly — in themselves and as measured in lost opportunity — economically and socially distorting, and, straight to the point, unmoored from reality. 

There is no need to wonder what causes this departure from observable facts, diabolically purposeful as it often is, and what comes of it. This may seem an unprecedented moment in human history, but there are, indeed, many precedents. 

Barbara Tuchman told us all about them in The March of Folly (Knopf, 1984): These grand lapses reflect an absence of intellect, vision, and principle at leadership level and lead ineluctably to failure and one or another kind of mess.

The Ukraine case, the preoccupation in Munich last week, could not possibly make this clearer.

Even The New York Times, in the same edition it repeated the Russian-threat-to-Europe bit, now reports — albeit elliptically, text and subtext — that Ukraine has either lost the war with Russia already or is in the process of doing so. Among the only people still unwilling to acknowledge this are those intent on shaking loose more money and matériel to send to the corrupt regime in Kiev — those in power in the West, this is to say. 

[See: Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine?]

Kiev is losing the war, but there cannot be any negotiations with “Putin’s Russia” because the Russian president — another incontrovertible lie — insists any settlement must be on his terms. So: more money, arms, and therefore lives, all wasted on a lost cause, but the door to talks that could end the conflict, suffering, and wastage must remain closed.  

Carlson Putin Kremlin CC

Carlson interviewing Putin in Moscow on Feb. 6. (Kremlin)

This is how the West’s purported leaders insist on shaping the world we live in — a world based on deceptions and self-deceptions. This is what Tuchman meant by folly. 

As Israel’s atrocities in Gaza continue daily, the delusions among the policy cliques in Washington and the European capitals are yet more grotesque. 

In my previous column, I considered the post–Gaza planning the policy cliques in Washington are currently running up the flagpole. Its three “tracks,” briefly enumerated, are the good old two-state solution providing for a separate Palestinian nation, formalized relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia — this the steel I–beam supporting Israel’s place in the region — and a renovated Palestinian Authority that will govern Gaza after Hamas is removed. 

None of these propositions bears the slightest relationship with reality. Not one. They are all, please forgive me, masturbatory fantasies. But never mind: They are in the works as a new U.S. policy in West Asia. 

Antony Blinken emerged from one of his multiple rounds of talks in Riyadh in mid–January to declare the Saudis had responded positively to his proposal for normalized relations with Israel. The Saudis wasted no time pushing a custard pie in Blinken’s face, making public a statement saying there is no chance of ties with Israel without just settlement of the Palestinian question. 

Let’s call this the march of folly in real time.

I thought further about those policy proposals after filing the above-linked commentary and recognized in them a subtext we must not miss: It is the working assumption that when Israel is done with its grotesqueries in Gaza the dust will settle, the region will come to forget, and all will return to some kind of normal.

This, it seems to me, is the greatest of all the delusions the Atlantic world’s policy circles now entertain and act upon. 

There is no chance — does this go without saying? — that Israel, the Palestinians, or West Asia will return to any kind of status quo ante once Israel disperses those Palestinians in Gaza it has not murdered.

Israel is already down as a pariah state. If it were South Africa I would say it is the early 1980s on history’s clock, 15 years or so before the apartheid regime gave up the ghost. 

As is well-known, loyalty to the Palestinian cause had faded among Arab nations and further abroad prior to the events of Oct. 7. Now the world is again paying attention, as South Africa and the International Court of Justice announced last month. As the Saudis just signaled, the fate of Palestinians — and of Israel, and of the U.S position in the Middle East — are bound together now.  

The Biden regime, epicenter of the West’s delusional foreign policies, especially those concerning the non–West, has permanently altered its position in West Asia. Overexposed on the ground, it is likely to find itself more vulnerable than it has been for the past eight decades and more suspect on the diplomatic side even among those nations it has traditionally counted friends.   

Policy unrooted in reality cannot address the challenges or crises of its time. Those who shape it, having no capacity to address such pressing circumstances, are on their march to folly.   

via Amazon.  Other books include Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century. His Twitter account, @thefloutist, has been permanently censored. 

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